What you need to do before the new year. Family, children, personal relationships

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Many agree that New Year- most main holiday. That is why they begin to think about how to meet him in advance. How to prepare for the New Year 2017, given that it will pass under the sign of the Red Rooster?


The experience of celebrating the New Year suggests that first of all it is worth resolving the issue of gifts. The pre-holiday days are usually full of worries and turmoil, so there simply won’t be time to find, purchase or make it yourself. What to consider when looking for gifts for 2017?


When preparing for the New Year 2017, one should not forget about decorating the apartment. Of course, first of all you should take care of purchasing a Christmas tree. We must remember that the Rooster prefers only natural materials, so an artificial New Year tree is out of the question. The ideal option is a Christmas tree in a pot, which will remain after the holidays and will be useful in another year. How to decorate it and the whole house as a whole?

Those who have the time and desire can be advised to bake an edible decoration - cookies. As a rule, it is made in the form of horseshoes, bells and stars, hung on a Christmas tree (or made into a garland), and at the end of the holiday it is distributed to children.

The symbol of 2017 will love everything bright. But don't go overboard with the decor. Decorated Christmas tree, in doorway, wreath on the door and beautiful table setting festive table- this is quite enough.


When choosing an outfit for the New Year 2017, you need to take into account not only its color, but also the material from which it is made.

  1. As for the palette, it’s worth taking a closer look at red, ruby, burgundy, scarlet, red, gold, yellow and orange. But this does not mean that you should dress in one color from head to toe. These shades must be diluted with white, black or pearlescent.
  2. As for materials and fabrics, it is better to give preference to something natural. Let it be an outfit made of fine wool, silk, linen, cotton, etc.
  3. Both men and women are not recommended to wear anything tight. The roomy shirt and flowing silhouette of the dress are just the thing.

For women, of course, preparing for the arrival of 2017 is unthinkable without selecting accessories to complement their outfits. Large earrings, pendants, and necklaces are not only the trend of the season, but also suitable jewelry for the Year of the Rooster. They can be shiny or simply bright (for example, scarlet, fuchsia, etc.).

Festive table

Both the holiday menu itself and the serving should correspond to the symbol of the coming year. Therefore, you need to take care of such things in advance.

Let's forget for a moment about the standard, tedious, half-baked promises you make to yourself year after year. Instead, here's John Lefebvre's list of practical, realistic goals for 2017 that will change your life for the better.

1. Write down your goals. Less than 10% of people keep their New Year's resolutions, but those who write them down have a higher chance of success. Go even further and make a list of what you want to achieve in a specific day, week, month. And don't use apps, write it down the old fashioned way on paper.

2. Don't watch TV series all night long. Just rest.

3. Get a full physical exam. If possible, choose a good doctor.

4. Read more. The idea can hardly be called original, but this promise is rarely fulfilled. To get started, make a list of 10–15 books—a healthy mix of fiction, non-fiction and classics that you should have read in school.

5. Skip the soda. And from packaged juices too. Instead, brew yourself green tea with ginger and honey.

6. Stay home on Friday night. Your weekend will be much more enjoyable, and it will also be better for your wallet. It's time to grow up - have a drink on Sunday lunchtime.

7. Communicate more with older people. Talk to old people over a cup of tea from time to time.

8. Plan fake business trips. Escape your everyday life for a few days to relax alone. This will help you become a better partner and parent.

9. Update your wardrobe. Once you've done this, donate your old items to charity.

10. Take lessons. Getting a friend to join you will make learning more fun, and it will also help you avoid giving up halfway through. Lessons can be anything - photography, cooking, programming...

11. Forget unrealistic health promises. You don't need any crazy diet or detox. In fact, they won't make you live any longer. It only seems so. Just eat wisely, drink moderately, exercise. This isn't rocket science.

12. Laugh more. Communicate. Have a drink. Go to parties. Have fun all night long. If necessary, make new friends. Live life to the fullest.

13. Say no to fitness clubs. You don't need them to climb stairs or avoid fast food. And don't prepay for 30 personal training sessions. Instead, choose a competitive sport. Remember how, as a child, you found yourself on the field and didn’t think about anything else? So try playing, for example, tennis. Get ready and take part in the competition.

14. Avoid excessive savings. Refusing to drink a cup of coffee? Do you take lunch with you to work? This will make you an outcast in the office. Keep it simple. Don't give up socializing to save money and don't go crazy with unrealistic goals. Spend less than usual and save up for big-ticket items until you can afford them.

15. Declare your bedroom a gadget- and technology-free zone. Does this point need clarification? The bedroom should be a place for reading, sex and sleep. And buy a new mattress. After all, we are talking about a third of your life now.

New Year's holidays and feasts are behind us, and now the first working day of 2017 is coming to an end. Have you already made your plan for 2017? A list of things that definitely need to be done, dreams that are waiting to be fulfilled, goals that you will definitely achieve in the coming 2017...

If you haven’t made such a list yet, I suggest you think about it. There are so many interesting activities and events ahead that you shouldn’t miss.

What to do in 2017: to-do list

I will try to offer the most interesting things to do for the list for 2017, which can be done on vacation or weekends, and maybe highlight the evening of the working day and not only. So, my TOP 10 important things to do for the year.

1. Go to the cinema.

This year promises to be an interesting year for film premieres. Fans of cartoons will be able to go see “Despicable Me 3”, families will enjoy the beautiful musical for children and adults “Beauty and the Beast”, for fans of science fiction there will be “ Great Wall", "Sword of King Arthur" and "Resident Evil: Final chapter“, for those who like to laugh, the comedy “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales” will be released in May 2017, or you can go and get scared at the horror films “Split” and “The Dark Tower”.

2. Make time for sports.

If you are a sports fan, then this will be especially interesting for you, if not, then try watching broadcasts of the largest competitions or go to one of them, for example, a championship in figure skating or sports ballroom dancing, I’m sure you will have a lot of positive emotions.

3. Have fun celebrating the New Year.

Although new year holidays just ended, that doesn’t stop you from making plans for the future. Think about where you would most like to celebrate New Year and Christmas? Maybe in graceful St. Petersburg, visit Santa or celebrate Christmas on the beach in sunny Thailand or the Dominican Republic? I enjoyed celebrating the New Year in the tropics.

4. Go to a concert of your favorite band.

For example, Aerosmith fans will have the opportunity to see the band's last concert in full force. Maybe it will be a Vanessa May concert in Moscow or classical music. I'm definitely going to go to an organ concert and attend the rock musical TODD.

5. Travel.

As you know, there can never be too much. Where would you like to go? Travel around America or stroll through the streets of Europe, climb through excavations Ancient Greece or ride jeeps across the Sahara. Choose, set goals and go towards them.

6. Read interesting books.

Many people make a list of books they would like to read. It’s difficult for me to do this, since I often read new items that accidentally fell into my hands or liked the cover. I made a more extensive plan for myself - thematic. For example, I plan to try to read 1 book a week this year. In this case, these will be historical books, novels and professional literature.

7. Visit new cities.

In 2017, “ Golden ring Russia", he turns 50 years old. Or maybe you have other cities in mind that you haven’t visited yet? Paris, Amsterdam, London, Kazan, Barcelona - the list can be very long.

8. Make time for hobbies.

I think this is the most difficult thing, we constantly put off our favorite things until tomorrow, promising ourselves that tomorrow I will definitely sit down to knit, go for a bike ride, start doing yoga again, and so on. Put aside excuses and plan your time so that you have enough time for your favorite activities.

9. Do something that you have been putting off for a long time.

For example, learn to dance, swim or take English courses. Or maybe it will be a gym membership or something else. What have you been wanting to do for a long time, but haven’t been able to?

10. Make your dream come true.

I sincerely wish you that the coming 2017 will bring you the realization of your cherished dream. It can be anything: to become a mother for those who have long dreamed of it; skydive for those who dream of extreme sports; find new job for the indecisive; meet your soulmate for singles; buy new phone, vacuum cleaner, refrigerator. You never know what our girls dream about.

This is only an approximate list, each item may have its own clarifications. Just imagine how pleasant it will be to fulfill them throughout the year and cross them off from the general list, leaving less and less of what was planned. And when the chimes strike in a year, come up with new goals, dreams and wishes, and, of course, fulfill and receive everything you have planned. Let your wish lists and plans for 2017 be interesting and definitely come true.

The birth of a child brings with it not only joys, but also troubles. Registration of documents for a newborn is often considered by young parents to be one of the most terrible bureaucratic tortures. Fortunately, in 2018, with the advent of multifunctional centers, almost all documents can be completed in one place and on one day. We hope that our simple step by step instructions will help you get documents for your baby quickly and painlessly.

What documents does a newborn need? Full list 2017-2018.

This article is a set brief instructions about how to quickly get the entire list of documents for a newborn. For each document we collected minimum required information: what documents are needed to obtain and where to go to fill out a specific paper. If you are interested in the intricacies of drawing up certain documents, you can click on the “more details” link after each item and read about how certain documents are drawn up in non-standard situations.
All documents for a newborn from this list can be done at the MFC. If for some reason you are not comfortable using the MFC, you will need to visit a number of more traditional establishments, for example the registry office. All papers are issued free of charge, without duties.
Let's look at the baby's basic documents in order of importance:

1. Registration of a birth certificate for a newborn

The list of documents for a newborn begins with a birth certificate.
The birth certificate is the main document of the baby. Its presence is mandatory in almost every legal procedure, so you need to get it in mandatory. The law requires parents to obtain the certificate within the first 30 days of the baby's life. True, there are no sanctions for missed deadlines: the only problem you may encounter is difficulties in obtaining other documents.

What documents are needed to obtain a birth certificate?

  1. Certificate of birth of a child from the maternity hospital.
  2. Parental passports
  3. In the presence of - Marriage certificate/ or 350 rubles state fee for filing paternity statements(if the parents are not officially married). The application is submitted simultaneously with the issuance of the certificate.

Where is a birth certificate issued?

  1. MARRIAGE REGISTRY(any nearest, does not depend on the place of registration of the parents/child)
  2. MFC(similarly, you can choose any convenient MFC)

How long does it take to issue a birth certificate?

It is issued immediately, on the day of application.

You can read about the intricacies of obtaining a birth certificate (for example, if a child was born outside the maternity hospital and there is no certificate) in a detailed article:

2. Citizenship

If both parents are citizens of the Russian Federation and the child was born in Russia, this item can be skipped.
In most cases, no physical movements are needed to officially register a child’s citizenship. If both parents are citizens of the Russian Federation and the child was born on the territory of Russia, then he is automatically considered a citizen of Russia (this is confirmed by information about the citizenship of the parents recorded in his birth certificate). However, in some cases (the parents have different citizenships, the child was born outside the territory of the Russian Federation), he will still have to put a stamp on his citizenship on the birth certificate.
Citizenship is needed to travel abroad and to obtain maternity capital.

What documents are needed to officially obtain citizenship for a child?

  1. Baby's birth certificate
  2. Parents' passports.

Where is the citizenship stamp placed?

  1. Federal Migration Service(Passport Office)
  2. Russian Consulate(if the case takes place in another country)

Where will information about the child’s citizenship be entered?

The child will be stamped with Russian citizenship on the back of the birth certificate.

How long does it take to obtain citizenship?

On the same day.

You can read about the intricacies of obtaining citizenship for a child in the article:

3. Registration of a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn

Like any resident of Russia, the baby will need a policy in order to gain access to free medicine. Without a policy, a baby will be admitted to clinics only for 60 days from the date of birth (30 days from the date of birth are allocated for obtaining a birth certificate (which is necessary to obtain the policy), and another 30 days for the child to issue the compulsory medical insurance policy itself).

What documents does a newborn need to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy?

  1. Birth certificate
  2. Passport of one of the parents

Where does a child get a compulsory medical insurance policy?

  1. MFC(any one closest to you)
  2. Any Insurance Company, accredited to issue compulsory medical insurance policies. (for example, Rosgosstrakh, AlfaStrakhovanie and the like).

How long will it take to make the policy?

The policy takes two to three weeks to complete. When submitting your application, you will be told when to come for ready-made document. During the registration of a permanent policy, the child will be issued a temporary one.

You can read life hacks on how to get a policy faster and easier in the material:

4. Registration of SNILS (pension certificate) for a newborn

SNILS is not one of the strictly obligatory documents for a baby, but its production will help you gain access to many preferential and social programs. It will also be useful for using the government services portal (if you pay for classes and sections through it). Mandatory for disabled children.

What documents does a newborn need to apply for SNILS?

  1. Birth certificate
  2. Passport person applying for receiving SNILS (parent)

Where is SNILS issued for a child?

  1. Pension Fund at the place of registration
  2. MFC(any)

How long will it take to make SNILS?

2-3 weeks. When submitting your application, you will be informed of the date when the document will be ready.

For details on why a child needs SNILS and how to get it quickly and without problems, read the article:

5. Registration of the child. How to register a newborn?

You can only register a child in a place where one of the parents is already registered (legislation prohibits a child under 16 from living separately from their parents). Although, according to the law, every person on the territory of Russia must have registration, all other documents can be obtained without it. But sometimes it can come in handy: for example, it makes it easier to get on the waiting list for kindergarten and school. Registration can also provide access to some social benefits and benefits - for example, benefits for those who have unfavorable living conditions (too many people live in one apartment).

Where does the child register?

  1. Federal Migration Service(Passport Office)

What documents does a newborn need for registration?

  1. His birth certificate
  2. Parents' passports
  3. Marriage certificate/certificate of paternity
  4. If the parents are registered in different places, then it is additionally written a statement from one of the parents that he is not against registering the child with the second.

How long will it take for a child to register?

About a week. Attention! During the registration process, the parent with whom the child is registered will have their passport taken away. Instead, a special certificate must be issued.

In what document is the child's registration recorded?

The registration of the child at the place of residence will be recorded on a special form (registration certificate), which is considered an attachment to the birth certificate.
Read about registration details in a separate article:

6. Stamps in the parents’ passports about the child

At the moment (2018) they are no longer strictly mandatory. It will help in any case when you need to prove the parentage of a certain child (for example, if he is lost in mall, because rarely does anyone carry a birth certificate with them), and also, for example, to obtain a passport with information about children.

What documents are needed to include a child in a passport?

  1. Passport in which the child’s name will be stamped ( father's/mother's passports)
  2. Child's birth certificate

Where do they put a stamp in the parents' passport about the child?

  1. Federal Migration Service(passport office) regardless of place of registration

How long will it take to process?

The stamp and signature of the authorized person will be affixed immediately, on the day of application.


That's the entire main list of documents for a newborn. Also, you may have to issue an INN for your child (if he owns some property, for example, an apartment will be bought in his name) or a foreign passport.
The above list of documents will be enough for a child to be at least 14 years old. And many of the documents on the list are completed only once in a lifetime, so by providing your newborn with all the documents necessary for a Russian citizen, you will forever save yourself and your offspring from further hassle of obtaining paperwork.

The desire plan is a popular technique that many people use. Its essence is to make a list of things that you would like to do, but something has always stopped you: not enough time or motivation. One of the points must be completed per month. With each new task, your motivation will grow, and life around you will change for the better.

A few days before January 1 - perfect time to sum up the results of the past year and create a new life guide. Let's look together at a few basic points from this list, as well as things that will help you achieve success faster.

List item: eat right

Helpers: juicer, multicooker, steamer, yogurt maker
Here are some general tips for healthy eating:
  1. Eat fruits, vegetables and drink more often
  2. Reduce fast food consumption, bakery products and similar products. Try to cook
  3. For breakfast there is porridge, homemade
  4. Have dinner at least three hours before bedtime. Is this possible with the modern rhythm of life? Certainly! will ensure you have a healthy dinner thanks to the built-in timer: after work you will not waste time on cooking, which means there will be more hours left before bed.

List item: smile every new day

Helpers: electric toothbrush

“A smile costs nothing, but it gives a lot. It enriches those who receive it without impoverishing those who give it. It lasts a moment, but sometimes remains in the memory forever. No one is rich enough to do without it, and there is no such poor person who would not become richer from it. It creates happiness in the home, creates an atmosphere of goodwill and serves as a password for friends.” So says writer and psychologist Dale Carnegie in his book “How to Win Friends and Influence People.”

Your smile will be irresistible if you take care of yourself with an electric toothbrush. It makes a significantly larger number of revolutions than its conventional counterparts.

Be confident in your dazzlingness and show emotions more often!

Item from the list: pay more attention to appearance, change your image

Helpers: trimmer, hair clipper, manicure set, hair dryer
Grooming is not given from birth, but is achieved by repeating regular procedures.
  • - ideal remedy for precise and gentle removal of unwanted hair. This device will help you always look neat.
  • will allow you to forget about going to the hairdresser! It makes it easy to create your own hairstyle.
  • will help you do a real salon styling right at home. A neat hairstyle is one of the key details of a stylish look.
  • Thanks to this, your nails will look great, as if you just visited a professional!

List item: remove unnecessary things from your life to make room for new interesting experiments.

Assistants: washing vacuum cleaner, windshield wiper, Dishwasher, washing machine
Order in the house means order in the head and in life, and therefore all corners of your home should be cleaned, and unnecessary things either thrown away or given to those who need them more. You should only keep in your apartment those items that fill your heart with joy. If you don’t like something, get rid of it, because any detail takes energy. You will immediately feel the changes as soon as you start following this simple principle.

List item: Waking up easily

Helpers: light alarm clock, light shower head, lighted kettle, radio
Starting your day well means taking care of in a great mood and charge yourself with positive emotions, because how the morning goes depends on how the day goes!
  • Step one -


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