What does circumstance mean in Russian? Addition, definition and circumstance in Russian: use and isolation

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The adverbial circumstance plays an important role in the Russian language, as it is connecting and complementary. The adverbial circumstances “possess” wide possibilities and can clarify and supplement different actions or signs.

Circumstance: Russian language and foreign languages.

So, what place do circumstances occupy in a sentence? Everyone knows that these are minor members. Their task is to clarify something, give a characteristic, or simply connect some parts. Circumstance in English language plays exactly the same role, only it has one difference: if in Russian these members of a sentence can be located either at the beginning or in any other part of the sentence, then in English only after the subject and predicate. This strict form of phrase construction sometimes makes translation difficult. The circumstance in the Russian language has its own structure, knowing which you can not only easily recognize the category, but also determine the type. So, information on each category will be presented below.

The circumstance in Russian has 8 categories. All these categories must be known by heart. The first category is the circumstances of the place: they answer questions that indicate the area or the location of something (where?, from where?, where?). For example, the wind was blowing from the south (“from the south” is a circumstance), it is dark here in the morning (“here” is a circumstance). The second category is “temporal”: such circumstances explain and clarify the temporal space (when?/how long?). For example, yesterday it rained (when? - “yesterday”), he worked from dawn to dawn (he worked for how long? - from dawn to dawn). The third category is the circumstances of the cause: most often, these secondary actions answer the question why? For example, it was wet because of the morning dew (it was wet why? - because of the morning dew). The fourth category of adverbial secondary members of a sentence is the manner of action/degree. Here the words will answer the questions how?/to what extent/extent? For example, we became a little sad (to what extent did we become sad? - a little), time passed too quickly (time passed how? - too quickly).

The fifth category is comparative circumstances. As you might guess, all the questions here will be aimed at comparison - how? For example, he was handsome, as if he had stepped off the cover of a magazine. The sixth category is the circumstances of the assignment. This type is usually caused by big problems among schoolchildren, but there is nothing scary about it. Concession is a matter of “no matter what?” For example, it was very warm outside, despite yesterday's snowstorm (it was warm outside despite what? - yesterday's snowstorm). The seventh category is the goal. Circumstances in the Russian language that have questions of purpose are one of the most difficult to recognize categories. For example, I went down to the first floor to find out the schedule (I went down, why? - to find out the schedule). The last category is a condition. Questions: under what conditions? For example, it is clean outside if there is no rain (it is clean outside under what condition? - in the absence of rain).

Circumstances in Russian help make our speech more vivid and rich. Therefore, you need to be able to correctly coordinate words in a sentence. This is why you should know the categories of circumstances.

Russian language is a difficult subject. After all, it contains not only parts of speech with their own principles of writing, but also members of sentences. If the main members - the subject and the predicate - are easy for children, then many problems arise with the secondary ones. This is especially true for circumstances that are often confused with additions. Let's try to sort this issue out.

General information

Circumstances in a sentence are an important member that allows us to preserve the flavor of our speech and enriches it. Try removing it from any sentence and see for yourself. For example:

  1. He hit the table with his fist. 2. He hit the table with his fist as hard as he could.

There is not enough expression in the first sentence; we cannot understand how the person acted. The second sentence, thanks to the introduced phrase “with all our might,” already shows the state actor.

Let's find out now what is a circumstance in Russian. Let's start our reasoning with rules.

So, circumstance by definition in Russian it is customary to call the secondary members of a sentence that are associated with the predicate and indicate a sign of action. They answer next questions: Where? Where? where? How? For what? and why? The circumstances are emphasized with a dotted line.

Students also need to know how the circumstance is expressed. Acquaintance with this member begins in the 4th grade in any program, but students receive general information. Starting from grade 5, the information will expand after learning new parts of speech and becoming familiar with common phrases.

Children must understand that circumstances can be expressed:

Types of circumstances

Children are often given the task of characterizing types of circumstances. This is not an entirely easy question because you need to have a lot of knowledge. Help in completing the task is provided tables available in every textbook Russian language. You just need to use them skillfully.

So, let's look at the types of adverbial circumstances in the Russian language. There are eight of them in total.

Place and time

This category of circumstances indicates the place where the action takes place. Most often the questions asked to the secondary member are: where? Where? where? They are expressed by adverbs or nouns with or without prepositions. For example. (Where) All around, wherever you look, the sea turned blue.

Often the circumstance indicates the time of action. By the way, you can ask questions:

  • When?
  • how long?
  • since when?
  • for how long? and so on.

In this case, the members of the sentence are expressed by an adverb, noun or gerund:

  1. Grandmother (when?) was busy around the house from sunrise to sunset.
  2. New school in the village of Aleksandrovka they were commissioned (when?) at the beginning of 2017.
  3. The sun (at what time), going beyond the horizon, painted the sky crimson.

Mode of action, measure and degree

This is another representative category of circumstances. Their task is to express a sign of action in a certain way or to some extent. Questions:

  • how?
  • how many times?
  • in what degree?

They can express yourself adverbs, nouns in indirect form with or without prepositions, gerunds and participial phrases. They most often depend on the verb, but sometimes they are controlled by adverbs, adjectives indicating the degree of quality:

Reason and purpose

Member of the sentence, in this case may designate the reason why the action occurs. He answers the questions:

  • Why?
  • from what?
  • for what reason?

Offer options:

  1. (For what reason) Due to an accident on the stretch, the train was stuck in a field for ten hours.
  2. (Why?) By the grace of her grandmother, Dashutka made new friends.
  3. It was stuffy in the garden (Why?) from the aroma of flowers.
  4. We left home early (why?) to make it before the heat.

The presence of such a minor member of the sentence indicates the purpose of the action. Expressed by the initial form of a verb, a noun in the indirect case or an adverb. Questions asked: why? for what purpose?

If a member of a sentence is expressed in the initial form of a verb, then the conjunction “to” can be placed in front of it. For example: Margarita went to the store to buy bread. I came in (for what purpose?) - to buy bread. Let's rephrase the sentence: I went to the store to buy bread.


It is often necessary to compare some objects and name the main characteristics more accurately. This is where the circumstances of comparison come to the rescue. They answer noun questions. There is only one question - how? The adverbs are often preceded by the words “as if”, “as if”.

For example:

  1. The girlfriend’s green eyes shone (how?) like emeralds.
  2. The ripples on the river shimmered in the rays of the setting sun, (what?) like foil.

Conditions and concessions

Expressed as a noun with or without a preposition, as well as an adverbial phrase. This type of circumstances is rarely used in speech, since these are book turns. Denotes the conditions under which actions can be performed, answers the question: under what conditions? For example: The police are called (under what conditions) in case of danger to life.

These minor members, expressing a concession, appear in sentences if it is necessary to designate phenomena that interfere with or do not correspond to an action or state, but still occur as if in spite of what is happening.

Such members of the sentence are asked questions: despite what? in spite of what? Can be expressed as nouns. Required condition- the presence of helping words: although, in spite of everything, in spite of everything.


  1. Despite the bad weather forecast, we still went fishing.
  2. Although my mother scolded me, I still wasn’t angry with her.
  3. Despite the unbearable conditions of detention, the Decembrists always remained real people.

There is no need to specifically memorize the table. You just need to understand the essence of the minor members, their meaning, then there will be no difficulties in determining the species.

Circumstance- this is a minor member of a sentence that denotes place, time, purpose, method, measure, degree of action (attribute) and answers the questions where? When? For what? Why? How? etc. For example: The days of late autumn are usually scolded(A. Pushkin). Circumstances more often relate to the predicate, less often to other members of the sentence. Ways to express circumstances:

1. adverb:

You look around - and your soul is light, And thoughts ripen so freely, widely, And a sweet song is sung in honor of the Motherland.(I. Nikitin)

2. noun in the indirect case with and without a preposition:

Fog fell over the river at night(K. Paustovsky);

3. infinitive (with the meaning of purpose):

The travelers settled down by the stream to rest and feed the horses.(A. Chekhov);

4. comparative turnover:

Well so your name ringing like the August chill?(S. Yesenin);

5. participle ( participial turnover):

The stream, bubbling, runs to the stream(A. Fet);

6. whole phrase:

Seven times measure cut once(Proverb);

7. phraseological turn:

...I’m rushing to you at breakneck speed(A. Griboyedov).

Main types of circumstances

According to their significance, circumstances are divided into the following groups:

1. Circumstances of the place. Designate a place, route of movement, etc. Answer questions Where? Where? where? and etc.

Examples: The grass was green everywhere(I. Turgenev); Day and night across the snowy desert I rush to you...(A. Griboyedov).

2. Circumstances of the time. Indicate the duration of action. Answer questions When? since when? How long? and etc.

Examples: In the morning the Larins' house is full of guests(A. Pushkin).

3. Circumstances of the manner of action and degree. They denote the quality or method of performing an action, the measure, the degree of action (attribute). Answer questions How? how? how? to what extent? how much? at what price? and etc.

Examples: The willow tree bends sadly at the mass soldiers’ graves (M. Dudin). Once Seryozha fell in the yard, his knees bled, and he came home crying.(V. Panova). It was about a mile to the station(M. Lermontov). Each piece weighs hundreds of pounds(V. Garshin). He was impudent to the point of extravagance(I. Turgenev).

4. Circumstances of the reason. They indicate the reason for an action or the occurrence of a symptom. Answer questions Why? from what? because of which? for what reason? and etc.

Examples: Why is the sea wave so dear to me?(A. Zharov); Unmown grasses are so fragrant that, out of habit, your head becomes foggy and heavy.(K. Paustovsky); He felt ashamed because of his doubts(I. Turgenev).

5. Circumstances of the condition. They indicate a condition under which an action can occur. Answer questions under what condition? in which case?

Examples: What would happen to her if I got sick?(A. Chekhov); Don't wait for the harvest without sowing(Proverb); If you don't see the bitter, you won't know the sweet.(Proverb).

6. Circumstances of assignment. Indicate that an action is performed despite obstacles. Answer questions no matter what? in spite of what?

Examples: Against my wishes they met(V. Garshin); Nezhdanov recognized himself as lonely, despite the devotion of his friends(I. Turgenev); Work, despite the early hour, was already in full swing(V. Nabokov).

7. Circumstances of the target. Indicate the purpose of the action. Answer questions For what? For what? for what purpose?

Examples: Maria Trofimovna does everything in her power to decorate and enrich the land(K. Paustovsky); Everything was given for his salvation: happiness, love, life was given(K. Paustovsky).

8. Circumstances of comparison. Indicate comparison. Answer the question like what?

Examples: Like an enchanted village, the village sleeps on a hill(N. Gogol); The snow lay in waves and glittered like sugar(L. Tolstoy); My companion purrs like a cat, some kind of song(M. Gorky); I am like Sunbeam, was alive and now had to sit motionless, like a stone(M. Gorky).

A circumstance in a sentence is indicated by a dotted line with a dot. To easily remember questions of circumstances, you can learn a little rhyme: where? Where? When? where? Why? For what? And How?

Let's analyze the proposals:

1. In the evening, frogs croaked loudly by the lake.

(Who?) frogs are the subjects.

(What did they do?) croaking is a predicate.

They croaked (where?) by the lake - this is a circumstance of the place.

They croaked (how?) loudly - this is a circumstance of the manner of action.

They croaked (when?) in the evening - this is a circumstance of the time.

2.An owl flies out to hunt at night.

(Who?) owl is the subject.

The owl (what is it doing?) flies out - this is a predicate.

He flies out (where?) to hunt - this is a circumstance of the place.

It takes off (when?) at night - this is a circumstance of the times.

3. A woodpecker drums loudly in the silence of the forest.

(Who?) Woodpecker is the subject.

The woodpecker (what is he doing?) is drumming - this is a predicate.

Drumming (how?) loudly is a circumstance of the manner of action.

Drumming (where?) in silence is a circumstance of the place.

In the silence (what?) of the forest - this is the definition.

They were heard (where?) across the river - these are the circumstances of the place.

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See also:

Preparation for Russian language exams:

A circumstance is a minor member of a sentence that explains words with the meaning of an action or sign and denotes a place, time, method of action or measure, the degree of manifestation of the action and sign, etc. (Was he bored where? at school). The circumstances of place, time, reasons, conditions, concessions, mode of action, measures and degrees of quality are highlighted.

As a rule, a sentence contains main and secondary members. The main members of a sentence, the subject and the predicate, form its grammatical basis. There may be other members in the sentence:

  • definition;
  • addition;
  • circumstance.

The listed members of the proposal are secondary. If a sentence has at least one minor member, such a sentence is called widespread.

Circumstances most often explain the predicate (When did he come? yesterday) or main member one-component impersonal, definitely-personal, indefinite-personal and generalized-personal sentences (Where was he bored? at school). In addition, they can spread definitions (To what extent? delicious cheese).

Circumstances can be expressed:

  • nouns(You need to go to the village where? through the forest. When did the snow melt? in April);
  • pronouns(We approached the church. Where behind it? The forest was visible);
  • adverbs(The sister did this for what purpose? out of spite. What happened when? in the evening); indefinite form of verbs (He came for what purpose? to study);
  • participles(Worried, why? Maya did not answer well);
  • comparative turnovers with unions as, as if, exactly, as if, as if (It became dark, to what extent? as if at night).

In addition, circumstances can be expressed by syntactically related phrases, for example, participial phrases (Not knowing the language, despite what? The young people understood each other well) and phraseologically related phrases (He rushed away like? Headlong).

Circumstances can be isolated in a letter (Katya passed her stop in thought).

What does the circumstance express?

As can be seen from the above examples, the circumstance describes

  • Where And When an action is performed;
  • How And Why it is accomplished;
  • for what purpose And under what condition;
  • in spite of everything And like what.

A circumstance may indicate the intensity or degree of a sign of action: to what extent or extent an action is performed or a sign or state of an object is manifested.

What words does the circumstance depend on?

In a sentence, this minor member explains words with the meaning of action, state, attribute and denotes various conditions(time, place, reason, purpose, etc.) at which this action is performed or the sign exists.

The circumstance depends, first of all, on the verb, as well as on the adjective or adverb, denoting the intensity of the attribute.

Syntactic parsing of circumstance

Analysis plan

  1. minor member - circumstance;
  2. type of circumstance by meaning;
  3. determine which part of speech and in what form it is expressed.

Example of analysis of a circumstance

And on autumn days they bring apples into the house from the local orchards (S. Geichenko)

In this proposal we will indicate several circumstances:

  • bring When? on autumn days (= autumn);
  • bring Where? to the house;
  • bring where? from the gardens.
  1. On autumn days - circumstance of time; expressed by a noun phrase in the form accusative case with preposition and adjective.
  2. To the house - circumstance of place; expressed by a noun in the accusative case with a preposition.
  3. From the gardens - circumstances of a place expressed by a noun in the form plural genitive case with preposition.

The group of minor members consists of a large number of subspecies is considered the most voluminous. This diversity is explained important role, assigned to them by grammatical and stylistic norms of linguistics. An important circumstance is occupied by: connects parts of the text

In contact with

What does it mean

Where? (Place),

Where? (Direction),

When? (Time),

Where? (Direction),

Why? (Cause),

For what? (Target),

And How? (Way).

main questions

  • : thinks (how?) correctly;
  • : beautiful (how?) very;
  • : much (how?) too much.

Attention! Examples O

There are 8 types


Sometimes you can put it right away several types of questions

  • When?
  • in what setting?

What part of speech does it belong to?

such parts of speech:

  1. : Went (where?) there, came (from where?) from there, was found (where?) there.

Most difficult to understand is the first option.

Another difficulty lies in the fact that the study of cases and parts of sentences in some programs occurs almost simultaneously.

Children do not have time to master case questions and begin to confuse an object with a circumstance. How the error occurs:

purpose of its use:

  • to determine case;

Isolation in writing

All adverbial phrases

form several words


D means it has the form of time.

The group of minor members has a large number of subspecies and is considered the most voluminous. This diversity is explained by the important role assigned to them by the grammatical and stylistic norms of linguistics. An important place in the sentence is occupied by the following circumstance: connects parts of the text, complements and characterizes all members except the subject.

What does it mean

Has the largest number of meanings compared to other minor groups of words. The circumstance in a sentence answers certain questions that are easily remembered using poetic form:

Where? (Place),

Where? (Direction),

When? (Time),

Where? (Direction),

Why? (Cause),

For what? (Target),

And How? (Way).

Not all are listed here, but only main questions, but they help to understand what a circumstance is, which parts of speech it reveals and explains:

  • verb: thinks (how?) correctly;
  • adjective: beautiful (how?) very;
  • adverb: much (how?) too much.

Attention! Examples O It is not difficult to find adverbs in Russian. Any common combination of words can contain several such constructions.

Classification - division into subgroups - is carried out according to meaning. Total There are 8 types, each of them answers a specific question and differs in meaning:

  1. Where, where, where? – specify the location or direction.
  2. When, since when, for how long? – clarifies time parameters.
  3. Why, why, for what reason? – explains the reason causing the event, indicates the reason.
  4. Why, for what purpose, for what? – what purpose does a particular action serve?
  5. One group combines three characteristics: image, measure and degree. The meaning of the group is quality and method. How, in what way, in what way? – what is required to accomplish, the course of action. To what extent, how much? In what degree? – scope of action, its degree.
  6. How, like whom (what)? – comparison is used.
  7. Under what conditions? – explanation of conditions.
  8. In spite of what, in spite of what? - despite the problems, everything happened - a concession

Important! Knowledge of the features of meaning is necessary for the correct construction of speech patterns.

Sometimes you can put it right away several types of questions(place, time, mode of action). This is more often observed in texts about nature. They are classified as separate type- situational or settings: in the sun (diminutive form - in the sun), in silence (truncated form - in silence), in the dark, in the wind, in the fog, in the veil. List of questions that can be asked:

  • When?
  • in what setting?

What part of speech does it belong to?

Circumstances can play a role such parts of speech:

  1. A noun is used in speech in the form of an indirect case; a preposition is often required, but you can do without it. Example: He spoke (how?) with humor, walked (where?) through the forest.
  2. Adverb. Most often used to express the circumstance of a course of action. Answers a similar question: how? He sang (how?) loudly, moved (how?) slowly.
  3. Pronoun: Went (where?) there, came (from where?) from there, was found (where?) there.
  4. Participle: Lying (how? doing what?) thinking, moving (how? doing what?) jumping.
  5. Infinitive form of the verb: Went (for what purpose?) for a walk.

Most difficult to understand is the first option.

WITH primary classes teachers explain to children that questions should be asked from an independent part of speech, and not from a preposition, but mistakes still occur.

Another difficulty lies in the fact that the study of cases and parts of sentences in some programs occurs almost simultaneously. Children do not have time to master case questions and begin to confuse an object with a circumstance. How the error occurs:

  • walked along (what?) the road. Indirect date. case – addition (incorrect decision).
  • walked (where?) along the road. Circumstance with the meaning of place.

Case questions can be put to any noun, but you need to learn how to determine purpose of its use:

  • to determine case;
  • to clarify the role of the word in the structure of the sentence.

There are other errors as well. For example, it is necessary to indicate in which sentence the adverb is expressed. Difficulty arises when an adverb is formed from a noun. Example: It became scary and cold at night. A correctly posed question will prompt the answer: When? At night. If you ask a question in the instrumental case, there may be a mistake. What should you do in this case? Semantic meaning.

Isolation in writing

High school students study syntactic constructions, which require knowledge of the rules for placing commas. Thus, participial phrases or single participles are necessarily distinguished on both sides by punctuation marks. That is why it is called an isolated circumstance, that is, highlighted by signs. All adverbial phrases is one member - circumstance: Relatives gathered for dinner, having prepared delicious dishes in advance.

An exception that complicates the study is the rule of isolating phraseological units. They are considered integral expressions, one minor member, but are not separated by commas: He ran headlong. He worked carelessly.

Common circumstance form several words, united by one semantic meaning: A girl, lost in the taiga, was very scared.

If it consists of one word, then it is not common: The girl, getting lost, began to call and scream for help. Both cases require marking on both sides, since the construction contains a gerund. In this case, it will be possible to ask questions: how, how? and doing what? what did you do?

Important! Thanks to the presence of circumstances, speech becomes brighter and more expressive; you should not be afraid to use different groups and correctly coordinate all parts of the text.

How to correctly characterize a circumstance in a sentence? Firstly, you need to pose the question correctly, and secondly, analyze the entire proposal by member. You should start by defining the category, and then the part of speech.

Examples of tasks and work order

Task 1. Describe the types of circumstances in a sentence: A few months ago we learned about special cases writing words.

We found out (when?) a few months ago. Indicates a specific period d, means it has the form of time.

We determine what part of speech each word is: “several” is an indefinite pronoun, “months” is a gender form. pad. noun, “back” – adverb.

Task 2. Describe the types of circumstances: Despite the fatigue, the travelers decided to move on.

“We decided to go” (despite what?) despite fatigue - an isolated circumstance, expressed by a noun with a preposition (derivative). Type - concessions. The role in the text is an additional clarification of the nature of the action.

Circumstances in Russian, examples

Circumstance in Russian


During the school course, knowledge gradually expands; students increasingly use adverbial constructions in their essays and speeches, as this helps make their speech bright, expressive and rich. Offers with using figurative expressions demonstrate erudition and understanding of the peculiarities of the Russian language.


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