What will the year of the dog bring to the city? What to expect in the year of the Dog for different zodiac signs? Dog - Leo

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It’s probably no secret to anyone that the coming year 2018 is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. The dog legally comes into its own on February 16, 2018 and will retain its influence on people until February 4, 2019. You will read about all this in this material about what characteristics the Year of the Dog has, what qualities people born at this time are endowed with, as well as what years correspond to this animal.

Honesty is the main character trait that is inherent in a dog. People born in the year of the Dog are distinguished by their nobility, remain faithful to principles, people and deeds, and are also very loyal to the negative character traits of other individuals.

It is common for such people to experience betrayal at least once in their lives, although the Dog is able to independently solve any problems. She is attracted by affection and attention, she is very sensitive and caring, strives to protect the weaker, and acts as a defender of her family and friends.

In addition, the dog is distinguished by its reliability, generosity, independence, and aggressiveness - in the case when it is attacked, voicing claims and reproaches. Such a person is a serious competitor, a very attractive partner and a rational businessman.

The dog does not like public demonstration of his sensual sphere and experiences, but at the same time he turns into a very passionate and ardent nature, remaining alone with his loved one. In some cases he may be harsh in communication, but tries to avoid conflict situations whenever possible. In a dispute he always shows his nobility.

Positive qualities of the Dog sign

The Dog’s demonstration of ambition and nobility adds a unique advantage to it in partnerships. People born in the year of the Dog always choose a fair battle rather than behind-the-scenes intrigue. They are distinguished by straightforwardness in the sensual sphere of life, fidelity in love relationships, but at the same time they systematically suffer from frequent mood changes.

Due to uncertainty or temporary bad luck, the Dog is able to disconnect from the sensory sphere of life. In those cases when everything is fine with her, it is difficult to find a more positive being in the sphere of love relationships.

A dog is a sign of perfectionists; it is seduced by harmony and tranquility in the home, it strives for a reliable family rear and manages to earn money. At the same time, such a person will never go over his head to achieve success.

Negative qualities of the sign

Due to its coldness, laziness and pessimism, the Dog risks encountering difficulties in realizing its wonderful career opportunities. In some cases, the Dog does not accept wise advice from others, shows excessive self-sufficiency and ends up losing when it relies solely on itself.

In addition, representatives of this sign often suffer from completely causeless anxiety. It is important for a dog to control its health; be sure to practice some kind of physical activity to control the level of its internal aggressiveness.

In the Year of the Dog, you may meet both noble personalities and very negative ones on your way, from whom you will have to protect your home or partnerships.

High probability of meeting your ideal life partner or finding a suitable activity.

The Year of the Dog promises to pass best for those people who are: Dogs, Rats, Dragons and Pigs. It will become quite difficult for people-Oxen, Sheep and Roosters. And positive - for Tigers, Monkeys, Rabbits and Horses.

What are people born in the year of the Dog like?

It is typical for people born in the year of the Dog to be constantly busy with some kind of activity. They cannot be seen in a state of idleness, since they are always on alert.

A dog, like an animal, performs the function of protecting its home and its family. She is not very willing to show off her feelings with emotions. Only in particularly extreme cases can a dog demonstrate his feelings to others and even cry.

People born in the year of the Dog are very stubborn in achieving their goals. Moreover, this stubbornness can sometimes reach extremes.

The Dog is also somewhat cynical, which often causes discontent among others. She loves to make various comments, teach, and instruct others on the “true path.” Moreover, she can go very far in her desire to criticize, whether there is a reason or not - she will always find fault with something. The Dog is also pessimistic; it is not used to expecting anything positive either from people or from life in general.

What irritates her most is injustice. She acts as a skeptic, but with a wonderful sense of humor, a sharp mind and a broad soul. The dog is used to fighting and knows how to rein in its petty nature, although this does not happen in all situations.
Dog people do not really like mass gatherings; they are not very hospitable, preferring silence and loneliness to noise.

This is a very noble animal with developed maternal feelings, as well as an excellent sense of duty. She is distinguished by loyalty and devotion; it is easy to rely on her in difficult life situations. Another plus is that the Dog keeps other people’s secrets well, although it itself is reluctant to tell its own secrets due to its natural modesty.

Dogs often suffer from expressing their thoughts; she is far from the most eloquent person. But at the same time she is a wonderful listener. The dog wants to be trusted, it readily helps others, listening and supporting them. And her devotion often reaches the point of self-sacrifice - thanks to all these qualities, the animal is loved by others.

Regardless of whether a dog lives poor or rich, it is distinguished by its generosity and selflessness. This, of course, does not mean at all that finances do not matter to her, but the dog knows the value of money very well, however, she spends it without regret. If necessary, she is able to live in a not very comfortable environment, the main thing for her is that her mental activity develops.

In the love sphere of life, he is distinguished by sincerity and honesty. She is not capable of deceiving and betraying her loved one. Choosing a life partner for a dog is always very reasonable and responsible. But she often faces disappointments along the way, because her hobbies are very fickle, which adds to her dissatisfaction with life and anxiety in love.

Characteristics of a Dog Man

Such a representative of the stronger sex can do everything possible for his beloved girlfriend, children and close circle. He often has a gloomy appearance, has a slightly sarcastic and melancholic demeanor, and may suffer from low self-esteem, which is why he makes little effort to create a career.

Uncertainty and doubts often prevent such a man from realizing the full extent of his natural abilities and talents. To reach his full potential, he vitally needs support from other people, as well as encouragement in his aspirations. Such men are characterized by pessimism; they easily fall into depression, especially if their beloved leaves them.

The loyalty of such a man is in reality simple affection for his “mistress”. It is very easy for him to have affairs on the side; he often leaves his numerous mistresses in order to save his family.

Having decided to marry such a man, a woman with a very high probability will have to endure his infidelities, since it is unlikely that she will be able to change him. It’s easy to both get along and diverge with a Dog man. But in the end, the woman will have the feeling that nothing is lost.

Description of the Dog Woman

The appearance of such a lady, as well as her manner of behavior, often demonstrates to those around her a strong character, although in fact this is not entirely true. The Dog Girl is distinguished by uncompromisingness, healthy ambition, generosity, and always tends to bring what she starts to its logical conclusion, plus she has a large reserve of patience.

These ladies are characterized by the presence of a logical, masculine mindset, a strong character, as well as sufficient perseverance to achieve their goals. The Dog woman is also distinguished by her intelligence, intelligence, romance, although with some passivity and lack of faith in her own strength.

She often analyzes herself for a long time, so even without looking at her natural abilities, some life events seem to pass her by, and she simply watches them detachedly.

In the field of work, such representatives of the fair sex are distinguished by discipline; they fulfill their professional obligations with great responsibility. They are able to use intimacy when they want to achieve some goal.

In company, the Dog exhibits a modest and reserved demeanor. The dog is sincerely devoted to the home and its offspring, but it is not the most faithful wife in the world. When choosing a sexual partner for herself, the Dog Girl does not show pickiness, which can someday play a cruel joke on her.

Before deciding to start a family with someone, the Dog will spend a long time searching for his ideal. She needs a firm and strong personality nearby who can provide her with help and support.

Which years belong to the Year of the Dog?

Let's consider the order of the years of the Dog according to different elements

  • In 1911, it was the year of the Metal Dog.
  • In 1922 - Water Dog.
  • In 1934 - Wooden Dog.
  • In 1947 - Fire Dog.
  • In 1958 - Earth Dog.
  • In 1970 - Metal Dog.
  • In 1982 - Water Dog.
  • In 1994 - Wooden Dog.
  • In 2006 - Fire Dog.
  • In 2018, the Year of the Earth Dog has arrived.
  • And in 2042 there will be a year of the Metal Dog.

Year of birth: 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

White, greenish-yellow, emerald.

BULL: Ox horoscope for 2018

Year of birth: 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

In any confusing situations, try not to act alone, use the help of loved ones to achieve your goals. Make decisions based on logic, not emotions. Avoid conflicts, especially legal ones. Don't expect to improve relationships with toxic people: if you feel like you're wasting your time and energy, it's best to stop communicating completely.

Your mascot colors for this year: green apple, red tile.

TIGER: Tiger horoscope for 2018

Year of birth: 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

In general, luck is on your side. You are ready to change internally and externally - and the Universe appreciates your efforts. The main thing that awaits the Tiger in the Year of the Dog 2018 is the opportunity to build relationships with a loved one in a new way. Positive changes will occur in your personal life if you trust your partner more. Try to remember this in May when you need to cope with uncertainty. The year is very favorable for Tigers looking for a mate.

Your mascot colors for this year: white, light gray, turquoise.

RABBIT or CAT: Rabbit horoscope for 2018 / Cat horoscope for 2018

Year of birth: 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

In your personal calendar, the next stage in the development of the emotional cycle is coming to an end: feelings become more mature, bright, and intense. It will be easier for you to identify people with whom you are no longer satisfied with communication: feel free to make adjustments to your environment, declare your rights and needs. Self-analysis will also give strength for external changes: the best period is from May to July. Try to invest the money you receive in the future - for example, in studies. You need to work on your relationship as a couple, and by the end of the year you will be absolutely satisfied with it.

Your mascot colors for this year: turquoise, red burgundy.

DRAGON: Dragon horoscope for 2018

Year of birth: 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

Busy periods of business activity may be followed by moments of calm - try to take it calmly, use pauses to recuperate. Many useful decisions will be prompted by intuition, but do not neglect the opinion of experts or the help of older, experienced colleagues. Avoid manipulators: in the summer there is a risk of making a mistake by succumbing to too strong emotions. Spring and summer are the optimal time to start a new romance. A business relationship can easily turn into a romantic one: this person will stay with you for a long time.

Your mascot colors for this year: white, gold.

SNAKE: Snake horoscope for 2018

Year of birth: 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

In business, hobbies and personal projects you get almost complete freedom of action: the year will bring new acquaintances, plans, ideas, a lot of work and communication. In order not to lose strength and health, try to clearly define your priorities and be sure to take a break in the summer: physical and emotional fatigue can cause financial losses. But the main thing that awaits the Snake in the Year of the Dog 2018 is the opportunity to move to a new stage in the relationship with the closest person. If you are ready for the wedding, put aside all other matters and discuss it with your loved one.

Your mascot colors for this year: turquoise, aquamarine.

HORSE: Horse horoscope for 2018

Year of birth: 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

The events of the new year will require you to use your strengths - optimism, self-confidence, the ability to combine risk and logic. An ability that still needs to be worked on: learn to tolerate failures more calmly and not be so irritated if you don’t immediately get what you want. Project implementation will often require good management rather than creativity. If you are looking for a couple or a new romantic relationship, first try to deal with the old ones and end them. And then take a vacation somewhere you've never been before.

Your mascot colors for this year: white, blue, green olive fruits.

GOAT: Goat horoscope for 2018

Year of birth: 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

To create a financial “safety cushion” and improve family relationships - these are the main goals of the coming twelve months. The most favorable time for important decisions is the beginning of the year until May inclusive. In summer, a break is necessary: ​​try not to accumulate too many tasks and obligations at the same time, there is a risk of emotional overload. October and November can be the busiest months, while June and December can be the moneyiest. Almost the entire year will be successful for creating new romantic relationships - from February to November, harmony and mutual understanding reign in your couple.

Your mascot colors for this year: white, indigo.

MONKEY: Monkey horoscope for 2018

Year of birth: 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

Up until May inclusive, you are full of optimism. With such a positive attitude, you can safely start new projects in the summer; they will bring money and success. Interesting foreign business trips are possible in June, and it is better to devote September to rest and recuperation. Don’t neglect your own health: overwork can lead to loss of concentration, and inattention in business can result in legal problems. But the main thing that awaits the Monkey in the Year of the Dog 2018 is a new romantic interest. Don't refuse invitations to holidays and parties: friendships this year can easily turn into something more.

Your mascot colors for this year: orange-red, khaki

ROOSTER: Rooster horoscope for 2018

Year of birth: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

The Yellow Dog is replacing the Fire Rooster - and it’s time for you to “ground yourself” a little, reconsider and redistribute your priorities. Rely more often on common sense, give preference to logic rather than emotional assessments. Not everything that others ask you for can benefit you: do not rush to answer “yes”, try to avoid impulsive reactions and rash actions. Spring is the best period for strengthening an existing couple, and the last three months of the year are the best time for new acquaintances.

Inspiration and a positive attitude are replacing the stress of recent months. The Year of the Dog is your year, and it has a lot of interesting things in store for you. You will be able to realize the most ambitious ambitions, including financial ones, if you use your winning qualities - courage and perseverance in achieving your goals. In April and June, you need to wisely manage the money you receive: you can spend money on small pleasures at another time, but for now you need to create a foundation for the future. Romantic relationships can begin in the most unexpected places or long trips. In the summer, do not refuse any invitation to a holiday, concert or party.

Your mascot colors for this year: red, apple green, azure blue.

PIG: Pig horoscope for 2018

Year of birth: 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

The Yellow Dog really likes your qualities such as independence and independence, energetic optimism and calm self-confidence. You are open to communication, understand well and know how to convince others - and they will always be ready to support you. In work and life situations, the help of influential or simply older people will play an important role. The only warning: in July you may be made an unfair offer. Carefully assess the situation and do not rush to agree without having 100% of the information on hand. May is the best month for new romantic acquaintances, and in the summer you can start an affair with a foreigner.

Your mascot color for this year: green.

New Year's predictions exist in two calendars - the astrological Western and the “animal” Eastern. What if you combine them? ELLE's large horoscope by sign will tell you what awaits all the signs of the Zodiac in the year of the Dog.

2018 Year of the Dog: what awaits representatives of the Zodiac signs:

ARIES: what awaits Aries in the year of the Dog

Aries and Dog are united by such traits as honesty and idealism. The positive character of Aries helps him cope with the anxiety that is characteristic of the sensitive Dog, so the general mood of the year promises to be joyful and energetic. The dog, in turn, will share a sense of common sense and a conscientious, thorough attitude to business: there is some rather difficult work to be done, which will bring excellent results and material rewards. You will have to make decisions and act quickly, but carefully. A relationship with a partner will cause a lot of emotions: try to understand his actions, even if at times they may disappoint. Everyone has flaws, but as a result, you will remain faithful to each other.

TAURUS: what awaits Taurus in the year of the Dog

An open, straightforward Taurus easily gets along with a realistic Dog: the events of the year will develop dynamically and constructively. There are things to be done that have great practical meaning; Your projects may require the participation of lawyers. You can deal with any difficulties if you remove from your social circle people who are prone to aggressive criticism. There is no need to completely break ties - just don’t react and keep them at a healthy distance. But the main thing that awaits Taurus in the year of the Dog 2018 is a bright romance, where generous, selfless feelings will appear on both sides. Love makes Taurus hypersensitive: you really need tenderness, another partner simply will not suit you.

GEMINI: what awaits Gemini in the year of the Dog

It can be difficult for Geminis, with their lively temperament, to get along with a Dog, who does not always have enough self-confidence. The nature of this year is changeable: periods full of energy and enthusiasm may give way to moments when you just want to sit in silence and be sad. In business, situations are possible when you begin to look not for effective solutions, but for the formal approval of others, or you rush to help someone, forgetting about your own interests. But still, the main thing that awaits Gemini in the Year of the Dog 2018 is a relationship with a loved one. Life alone is not suitable for you - and you both understand this very well.

CANCER: what awaits Cancers in the year of the Dog

A gentle, warm-hearted Cancer and a sensitive Dog are one of the most harmonious combinations. The New Year will be filled with communication with other people: you are patient, attentive, you are excellent at understanding others, but sometimes you will have to hide your own feelings. New acquaintances will help you advance in your career and rise to a new professional level. But the main thing that awaits Cancer in the Year of the Dog 2018 is a meeting with a person who can safely be called a “soul mate.” If you can get past the initial doubts and be a little less skeptical, this relationship could have a very interesting future.

LEO: what awaits Lviv in the year of the Dog

The dog is ready to become a faithful companion and assistant to Leo - strong, generous, magnanimous. In the coming year, you will meet important people whose business advice is worth listening to carefully. Several difficult situations may arise at work; the main thing in them is to show absolute honesty and not let down the partners who trust you, even if this means sacrificing your interests a little. There is no need to compromise on everything else: the year promises to be successful, calm and fruitful - both professionally and personally.

VIRGO: what awaits Virgo in the year of the Dog

In the coming year, Virgos should focus on matters that seem to be too actively invading their personal space. To restore optimal work-life balance, you will have to defend your boundaries, overcome prejudices, openly discuss difficult issues, and show more firmness and self-confidence. Perhaps there are people in your environment who are not guided by common interests, but solely by their own selfish interests. Virgo should also reconsider something in her relationship with her partner: he will show more responsibility and care if he feels that you trust him and are not trying to control his every move.

LIBRA: what awaits Libra in the year of the Dog

People around you like you; they appreciate your courtesy, honesty, and pleasant character. However, in the coming year, be more attentive to conflict situations: perhaps someone will try to manipulate you, knowing full well that you cannot stand quarrels and are usually ready to do anything to avoid them. Your diplomatic nature allows you to find a way out of the most complicated situations, but try not to sacrifice yourself in order to earn the approval of your colleagues and superiors. The main thing that awaits Libra in the Year of the Dog 2018 is a meeting with an equally generous, understanding, faithful partner. So far in your personal life, you seem to be giving more than you receive.

SCORPIO: what awaits Scorpios in the year of the Dog

The energetic Scorpio has well-developed intuition, and this year from the Dog he receives as a gift such qualities as determination and hard work. All this together will increase your overall mood and motivation, add courage, and allow you to act decisively in achieving your goals. There may be situations at work when you have to defend your rights. This year will force you to pay more attention to your friendships: try not to miss a single invitation to a birthday, theater premiere, exhibition or social party. On the personal front, positive changes are possible if you learn to talk more openly about your feelings.

SAGITTARIUS: what awaits Sagittarius in the year of the Dog

A fair, conscientious, faithful to his ideals Sagittarius and a brave, devoted Dog - together these two are able to save the world! However, in the coming year, try not to overestimate your strength and not lose inspiration. Learn to be more gentle with compromises: many disappointments can be avoided if you can be less categorical. The work will require special attention to detail; Don’t let important things happen to chance. On the contrary, in matters of love you can allow yourself more frivolity: not all novels or passionate confessions must be taken seriously.

CAPRICORN: what awaits Capricorns in the year of the Dog

Capricorn knows how to be generous and open with others, but the Dog will teach him to defend his interests more firmly. In general, this year will benefit you, adding prudence to your thoughts and efficiency to your actions. In your work, you are driven more by a sense of duty than by material interest, but this time your efforts will be rewarded financially. Try not to get into arguments over minor issues; The greatest satisfaction will come not from business projects, but from the opportunity to communicate with loved ones, to cheer up a friend or to console a friend. It seems that in love you are a little afraid of being in a vulnerable position and sometimes hide your feelings behind a mask of irony or indifference. There is no reason for such fears: your loved one knows and appreciates your heart of gold.

AQUARIUS: what awaits Aquarius in the year of the Dog

It seems that in the coming year you will more than once have to act in unforeseen circumstances and quickly adapt to a changing situation. There may be some bureaucratic problem to unravel. A philosophical attitude towards the unexpected, a professional approach to new information and a bit of humor will help you cope. You know how to make friends with people, and in return you can count on support and help. But the main thing that awaits Aquarius in the year of the Dog 2018 is a new quality of relationship with the closest person. You need stability: perhaps it's time to take a step and officially confirm your feelings.

PISCES: what awaits Pisces in the year of the Dog

It seems that your thoughts are busy with a romance that unexpectedly began in the past year. Falling in love is always pleasant, but the first strong feelings can be replaced by questions, doubts, pangs of jealousy... All this uncomfortable “baggage” is carried with her by the patroness of the New Year, the Dog, who is devoted and generous with her feelings, but not always self-confident. Her strong quality is practicality, which can also be useful in love affairs. Take care of the current concerns of your life, start new projects, do not give in to laziness or pessimism and, most importantly, try not to make assumptions about how this relationship will develop. If possible, enjoy communicating with your loved one here and now, and leave everything else to be decided by the wise Universe.

Years of birth of representatives of the Dog sign: 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

Dog: briefly about the sign

The Dog is the 11th sign of the eastern horoscope. Cute and intelligent representatives of the Dog sign have a dual approach to life and relationships with others. If you accept the friendship or love of a person born in the year of the Dog, he will never disappoint you.

Preferring the countryside to the city, the Dog is not a big fan of traveling like the Horse and prefers to take care of his home first. An honest, loyal and jealous Dog becomes hot-tempered and aggressive when it allows someone to offend or upset it, or falls under the power of suffering and pessimism. The Dog, which does not like loneliness and strives for security, is the keeper of traditional values ​​and the greatest conservative among all the signs of the eastern horoscope. People born in the year of the Dog are suitable for the professions of lawyer, judge, policeman, teacher, priest, doctor, opposition politician, secret service agent, philosopher, critic or writer.

Eastern horoscope for the Dog for 2018: the main thing

2018 is an opportunity for the Dog to take stock of his achievements and renew his motivation. In 2018, happiness is right on the Dog’s doorstep; all that remains is to open the door and reach out to it.

2018 Score for Dog: 8/10

Motto for Dogs for 2018:"A new beginning"

Predictions for the Dog for 2018

Chinese New Year on February 16, 2018 marks the beginning of a renewal of the astrological cycle of the Dog sign. In recent years, many people born in the year of the Dog have had to face various obstacles and find it difficult to overcome them. Problems at work or in personal life, and sometimes painful situations, strengthened the Dog’s character, so many of the representatives of the sign were forced to become more selfish in order to survive. Unfortunately, for the Dog, giving up altruism can lead to loneliness or the loss of critical components of his daily life.

Representatives of the Dog sign have finally waited for their year, which promises to be truly favorable for them. In 2018, all past disappointments and misfortunes will disappear over time, representatives of the Dog sign will be under the protection and beneficial influence of the symbol of the year. In the coming year, the Dog will be able to discover within himself the need to fulfill his most intimate desires, without experiencing any shame. The dog will also be able to cope with many anxieties and doubts that tormented him for many years and were a source of constant problems in his life. In 2018, representatives of the Dog sign will be able to grow up morally and become more mature, which will have a positive impact on their relationships with family and loved ones. People born in the year of the Dog will begin to listen more carefully to others, and give objective advice and provide effective support to those in need.

Family and love relationships

It's high time for a single dog to update his wardrobe, because in 2018 you will find many interesting dates. However, the Dog needs to avoid too hasty altruistic actions and manifestations of natural kindness. A dog who chooses a partner born in the year of the Tiger, Horse or Rabbit will most likely put an engagement ring on his finger before the end of 2018. The year of the yellow earthen dog is indeed very favorable for proposing to a loved one and starting a family.

The situation for Dogs in a couple is somewhat different. Indeed, since this is the beginning of a new astrological cycle for Dogs, couples may be weakened by quarrels. If everything in your couple has not been as smooth as we would like for a long time, mistakes of the past have manifested themselves and misunderstandings often arise, then most likely this is the end. If your other half is ready to discuss pressing problems, knows how to forgive mistakes, and harmony and calm reign in the family, then over time such relationships will begin to flourish and become even stronger.

It is better to plan the birth of a child in the second half of the year or in 2019. You should also pay attention to the compatibility of the Dog’s partner with the sign of the Pig (2019 is the year of the earth pig). For example, if the Dog’s partner was born in the year of the Snake, then you need to wait until 2020, or better yet until 2021, the symbol of which will be the Metal Buffalo.

Work and social life

In 2018, things will go uphill for the Dog; representatives of the symbol of the year will expect a winning business, victory in a competition, or success in an exam, preparation for which took a long time. The dog must show its maximum capabilities throughout 2018, and be able to calmly and confidently take its place in society during this period. However, caution should be exercised: the Dog in 2018 is not recommended to enter into new dubious projects or engage in activities that go far beyond its competence. People born in the year of the Dog are better off choosing professions where their experience and skill are of paramount importance or be content with “harvesting” their past investments. The Dog should also be careful in carrying out his professional activities and save all business correspondence, especially by email, to protect himself from any future difficulties.

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You need to start taking active action right with the onset of the 2018 new year - at this time it will be easiest for Dogs to find a path that will lead to their goal. Don't let yourself go with the flow and don't miss the chances that fate will give you. By being active in the first half of the year, you can lay an excellent foundation for future achievements. The year can be called decisive, fateful, because right now you are revealing your capabilities and realizing your true goals. Don’t be afraid of anything, even if you have to say goodbye to something familiar: say goodbye with gratitude and let go.

Years of birth of the Dog Please note!

Horoscope for 2018 for Fire Dogs

Years of birth: 1946 and 2006

Fire Dogs are known for their genius, and the mistress of 2018 will inspire you to new achievements. Don’t forget to study (this is useful at any age), and expand your social circle - a respectable friend here, an influential partner there, you see, by the end of the year you will have acquired such connections that your competitors will howl in fear. Invite your rivals to your place, just immediately discuss all the subtleties and details of cooperation - no dirty tricks, only frankness and sincerity in the relationship. The stars almost forgot about the creative sphere - this is a real expanse for the Fire Dogs.

On the love front there are miracles and surprises - either a new admirer scratches behind his ear, or an old suitor looks into the booth in the hope of drinking tea. Fire guys need to decide what is more important - strong relationships, or fun, but unreliable romantic connections. You guys are strong, and even Cupid is afraid to make his own adjustments in your life. Household affairs in the year of the Yellow Earth Ruler will delight Fiery creatures. The family constantly comes up with entertainment for the Dogs - today you will have a festive dinner by the fireplace, and tomorrow your relatives will get trips abroad.

Thorough Fire guys always know how to achieve this or that goal. Dogs’ intuition also does not sleep, and will help solve financial problems in a couple of months. Many Dogs will be able to manage their capital in such a way that in 2018 they will live on interest. True, the stars doubt that you will be able to sit without work - but in your Fiery heads there are always some brilliant ideas that must be brought to life. And where there is talent, there is new capital - Dogs have every chance to become famous (finally, you will find out what it’s like to be an oligarch).

Horoscope for 2018 for Water Dogs

Years of birth: 1922 and 1982

The water's backs shine with pleasure, and the water's noses sniff at the new aroma - this is exactly what happiness smells like. Dogs have many hidden talents that you had no idea about, but in 2018 you will have the chance to show your abilities in a completely new activity. The main thing is not to be afraid of competition - it’s difficult to compete with you, and the scammers have scattered to secluded corners and are wondering where to go. There will be difficulties in the year of the Yellow Dog, but Water Dogs will easily overcome all obstacles - you will jump high, swim across the sea, and crawl under barbed wire (the stars hope that it won’t come to that).

A mysterious moon shines on the love horizon - there have never been so many romances and bright meetings in the lives of Water Dogs. It's time to think about a new skin, so that you have something to wear to greet the sunrise after another romantic date. The chosen one in 2018 will be patient, and will even learn to deal with jealousy, but it is not advisable to provoke your loved one - flirt quietly so that only the stars and the night sky know about it. By the way, soon storks will fly over your roof - catch the packages, a new and cheerful life will begin (why don’t you wait, the heirs dream of settling in your house and diversifying their life with songs and hooting).

There is a real panic in the world of finance - all the rich people are lined up and discussing the topic of the day: Water Dogs will soon become oligarchs. Someone will have to make room (be kind and hire former millionaires - they will agree to the position of secretary). The stars do not doubt your prudence, but they remind you that big money has driven many people crazy, and it is almost impossible to resist temptations. Buy a couple of booths on Rublevka, three yachts, and five cars - that’s enough for 2018, and then you’ll act according to the situation.

Horoscope for 2018 for Wood Dogs

Years of birth: 1934 and 1994

Wooden Dogs are known for their courage - you don't hesitate to rush into battle. It is not surprising that you have no competitors, and in 2018 you will completely forget about the existence of any rivals. The Yellow Princess of the Year will help Dogs avoid bureaucratic problems - you can realize any idea. It would seem - live and enjoy life, but the Wooden guys are missing something. Well, of course, creativity - yes, in this area the green light is on around the clock, and you can shine with your talents, and not be afraid of envious people and ill-wishers.

A rich inner world, an attractive appearance - what else is needed to be happy and loved?! The answer is obvious - Wood Dogs need a suitable chosen one, but this problem will be solved by the almighty Cupid (in 2018 he has a lot of powers). There will be many tests - either a duel between admirers, or a meeting of neighbors who are disturbed from sleeping by the serenades of your boyfriends, or a jealous scene from your significant other. Don’t tempt fate and go straight to the registry office - it’s cozy and healthy there now, and the only thing missing is Wooden creatures. There are also storks at the ready - just look at how the birds fly away.

Birds in the Year of the Dogs got busy, and for some reason they put banknotes in the bundles with the babies. Maybe for diapers, or maybe for a new booth with two children's rooms. Figure it out for yourself, especially since Wood Dogs know how to plan a budget. The yellow mistress of 2018 will throw up several interesting part-time jobs - you won’t be bored, just have time to count your money and take it to a reliable bank. And most importantly, when you withdraw funds from a bank card, make sure that no one “copies” the code (there is no danger, but there is no point in taking risks). Buying lottery tickets is also welcome - trust Fortune, she is a kind lady.

Horoscope for 2018 for Earth Dogs

Years of birth: 1958 and 2018

Negotiations and discussions are not for Earth Dogs, but in 2018 it’s a good idea to learn the art of oratory. The Yellow Earth Princess will give the guys in her element a sea of ​​lucrative contracts, but you need to communicate with business partners (and, by the way, in an informal setting too). The intuition of the Earth guys is at its best, the main thing is that the hints from the inner voice do not appear in the form of pictures - it won’t take long to become a sorcerer. Many Earth Dogs will find part-time work at home - the stars do not encourage you to peck at all the advertisements on the Internet, but you will come across a couple of interesting offers.

Earth guys devote themselves to any task passionately and selflessly - Dogs have no time left for their personal lives. But you are in vain, because the stars have prepared so many interesting things that it is a shame to stand on the sidelines and wag your tails. Many Dogs will be drawn to adventure - who said that romances can only be had up to a certain age?! Yes, some people still go on dates at 90 (albeit on crutches). So, update your wardrobe, decorate your Earth Skins and flirt - let the children be jealous and learn at the same time. If your chosen one does not share your desire to flirt left and right, arrange an unplanned honeymoon - the world will tremble and stars will fall from the sky.

By the way, not only stars will fall down, but also money. But for this, the Earth children need to try - where is your vaunted luck and luck? Avoid doubts and hesitations - take out your money talisman and let it stand in a visible place (or lie in your pocket, if it is not a kilogram figurine of a toad). Just in case, you can go to some site where they buy everything in a row - suddenly, in your closet there are exactly those things lying around that collectors are hunting for (they will dump such a bunch of bills that you won’t be able to carry them away).

Horoscope for 2018 for Metal Dogs

Year of birth 1970

The stars are interested in one question: what Metal are the Dogs made of? You are impenetrable guys - you are not afraid of competitors, scammers, skeptics, or envious people. The Earth Dog is not going to test their strength; on the contrary, the Yellow Mistress of 2018 will do everything to ensure that Metal creatures enjoy life without worries and hassle. True, there will be one problem - where to recruit a team of honest, brave and incorruptible individuals? It’s all very simple – search the databases, find people in your year of birth, and any business will come to you in two or three months.

Many Metal guys have already acquired families and heirs (Dog personally found out this information). So, the Yellow Dog is in a hurry to please - in 2018, relationships with household members will be so ideal that you will fire your family psychologist and forget three words: conflict, quarrel and disagreement. But several Metal creatures are single - your time has come, and Cupid is already aiming at the target (in this case, the heart of a charming admirer). You will have a gorgeous wedding, generous guests, and even a witty toastmaster (the host will learn new jokes, without a beard).

Those who are happy in marriage are also successful in finances - tested by the stars. So, throw away your old wallets, worn-out shoes and your favorite suit from the nineties - it's time to live up to millionaire status. Sweet life, fun communication, beautiful surroundings in a new booth - why not throw a ball in your honor? The Metal Dogs deserve a holiday, and the Yellow Hostess of 2018 has already made arrangements with famous chefs and musicians. Important guests will also arrive - well, look, isn’t it the President who has arrived there, and is modestly shifting at the door?

Astrological forecast for 2018 by zodiac: love, health, work

Dog Man

This is the new year of the next 12-year cycle in the life of Dogs, so unexpected fateful changes may occur in their lives, and any seemingly insignificant meetings, fleeting contacts and new romantic and unexpected relationships will play an important role in the future. The first half of the year is especially interesting for women of this sign, since events will affect their personal lives, change and renew their relationship with their loved one.

For Dog men, this year is associated with the implementation of long-term projects and will be filled with creative plans and spiritual quests. Therefore, in the first half of the year they will try to enlist the support of influential people and find competent assistants. In the second half of the year, it will be easier for them to actively promote their ideas, using all the opportunities and projects of the beginning of the year.

Dog Woman

In the new Year of the Dog you will feel quite good. Stable job, reliable companion or life partner, excellent health... If not for constant doubts. Stop suspecting other people of self-interest and don’t strive for perfection. Try to just enjoy life. Many women of this sign may meet karmic partners at the beginning of the year and will be interested in establishing long-term relationships. At work, everyone will give you advice, and you will try to studiously ignore them. Take a chance and listen to a couple of the most original ones: perhaps this is what will help you move to the next level. Do not hesitate to contact your superiors about a salary increase, do not be afraid of losing your place. You are a valuable employee, and everyone understands this very well, so your request may well be granted. He who asks for nothing needs nothing. The beginning of summer is a good time for taking risky career steps.


In the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, most Dogs will work with unrelenting zeal, which can bring dizzying victories in the professional field. In the spring, you will have enough strength to successfully accomplish everything you have planned. You can count on the emergence of interesting ideas that will ensure advancement in your career. Issues of cooperation will come to the fore, and therefore participation in collective projects will be very successful.

July and August will be productive, but difficult months - circumstances will require you to focus all your efforts on solving specific problems. It is better to plan your vacation for the second half of summer. In the fall, you need to act according to circumstances. The stars advise: take on a task only if you are sure that you can handle it.

In December, clarity of thoughts and the absence of force majeure situations will give you the opportunity to concentrate and make the right decisions that can positively affect the future.


In 2018, the most prominent representatives of Dogs may have good prospects that will help improve their financial situation. But you will have to try hard for this. If your income is stable, still do not refuse the opportunity to increase it. Consider all the offers that you will receive in January, the second half of April and May. If you are planning to make a major purchase, for example, buying an apartment, a summer house or a car, do not give in to the temptation to save money. Remember the proverb that the miser pays twice.

In October and November, to keep the family budget from bursting at the seams, you may have to tighten your belt. If it concerns other people's money, cooperation, or transactions, then you need to be especially careful. Ideas for financial enrichment received from some acquaintances can lead to serious losses.

The end of the year will be calm, you will have to finish the things you started. You can finally complete what you never got around to doing before.

Love and family

In all endeavors that are related to amorous affairs, you are guaranteed success in 2018. In order to feel the psychological comfort you need so much, you will be in dire need of mutual understanding with family members. With the support of loved ones, you can feel truly happy. This year is also favorable for conceiving and having children. Formed but not yet married couples may want to consider legalizing their relationship. The best months for these purposes are April and July.

Lonely Dogs can expect many interesting acquaintances, but you may miss your fateful meeting due to being immersed in other matters. Don't miss it! In personal relationships, it is also better to show courage and take the first step. Friendships can develop into something more. But those who, on the contrary, behave too aggressively, should moderate their ardor, otherwise the whole impression can be ruined.

On the hottest days of summer, lonely Dogs are faced with a meeting that will seem fleeting and not worthy of attention, but it is worth agreeing to a second date to change your mind. For family Dogs, everything will be unchanged. True, the other half can make unexpected plans. Take it easy. This is probably just what everyone needs.


Immediately after the New Year holidays in 2018, it is useful to take care of your health. You can significantly improve your physical condition and drive away diseases. Focus on classic ways to strengthen the immune system, do not experiment and avoid new-fangled, dubious methods of healing.

February can be hectic and hectic. More attention will have to be paid to nutrition and recuperation. Remember that violation of the work and rest schedule can lead to nervous disorders and insomnia.

The second half of spring will not bring any unpleasant surprises. During the period from the end of June to September, you may feel some discomfort, so during this time you need to take care of yourself, think about a vacation, and change your environment. November will also be difficult, after which no particular health problems are expected.

Horoscope for Dogs for 2018 by month


In 2018, most Dogs will be full of enthusiasm and optimism. It's time to get rid of what prevents you from moving forward. You can take on complex tasks. When solving business issues, rely on your experience and knowledge. From time to time you may experience anxiety and concerns about your financial well-being. But don't let doubts settle in your heart. Clear financial planning will improve your financial situation and spend money more rationally.


You will feel a taste for life and interest in everything that happens! Good luck will definitely visit you - you can’t even doubt it! Try not to miss a single favorable chance that fate repeatedly sends you. Interesting and pleasant changes are possible in your personal life. Relationships with loved ones will be built on love and mutual respect. There will be no serious disagreements between family members. Even if conflicts sometimes flare up, reconciliation will be easy, and everyone will quickly forget about the bad things.


You have to adapt to circumstances in order to achieve your goals. This is the right time to make useful connections and business acquaintances. If you want to enlist the support of influential people, you need to think through your actions more carefully, not commit rash acts and not be guided by emotions. Towards the end of the month, your energy potential will be low, which can lead to weakened immunity. Therefore, take into account the capabilities of your body, which are not limitless.


You will have to make important decisions, achieve your goals and get meaningful results. Gather all your will into a fist and start acting! Almost all the things you start have a chance of being successfully completed. Expect to expand your influence. Work more in a team and be sure to communicate with colleagues in an informal setting. Another positive topic is related to improving the climate in the family. The support of loved ones will give you strength and increase self-confidence.


For most Dogs, a completely calm and measured year is coming. Not all representatives of the sign will want to show perseverance and hard work in solving professional problems. By the way, you should not rush to implement new plans and ideas; it is better to pay due attention to current affairs. In difficult situations, do not hesitate to ask for advice and help. Friends and family members will help you when you need it. The financial situation will improve significantly, but it cannot be called stable. You need to be wary of any adventures - there is a risk of losing a lot.


You need to remember that water does not flow under a lying stone. Your success is in your hands. Believe in your capabilities, be more enterprising, strive forward, and luck will certainly knock on your door. In the personal life of most representatives of the sign, no significant events should occur. Those who have a significant other will feel completely protected from troubles. After all, it is a loved one who will always lend their shoulder at the right moment. Your health status will not cause any concern.


Circumstances will develop in such a way that you will hardly have to make any effort to succeed in business. The position of the majority of representatives of this sign in the business sphere of life can be called stable. The work will not be boring and monotonous, and, importantly, income will become stable. Don’t miss emerging opportunities, because prospects for business cooperation will open up before you. In addition, your social circle will change noticeably, and new acquaintances will turn out to be not only pleasant, but also useful people.


There is a danger of overestimating your capabilities. Having taken on responsibility and heavy loads, you may not be able to cope with it. You need to take care of yourself and pay attention to even minor deviations in the functioning of the body. At the end of summer, after some stagnation, you will be able to rise to a new level in your career and strengthen your position in the professional and financial spheres. It is important not to stop there, but to build and strengthen business connections.


Refrain from experiments and major changes. Try not to change your plans halfway, otherwise you risk not completing things that are important to you. There is no need to chase quantity, because, ultimately, the quality of the work performed is much more important. Expand your social circle. Some of your new connections may later lead to closer connections. This applies to both personal and business relationships.

In the fall, refrain from physical activity to the limit of your capabilities - this can lead to a deterioration in your health


For most representatives of this sign, a very dynamic year is coming, rich in pleasant surprises. If your soul requires change, do not put things off, feel free to start realizing what you want. Don't settle for little and don't let others limit your aspirations. Throughout the year, you will find many meetings, interesting communication, and promising contacts and connections of both a business and personal nature. Matters of the heart will play a special role. In the love sphere, try to do without claims and showdowns.


When solving important problems, you should rely not only on your logic, but also trust your intuition, since thanks to it you will be able to take advantage of happy accidents that will constantly befall you. Lonely representatives of the sign will have a chance to meet a new promising acquaintance.

The main thing is to act, and any obstacles can be overcome if there is a desire. There will be an opportunity to complete something that you have been working on for quite a long time.


A period of increased activity begins. You will take a serious and responsible approach to solving the issues that are most important to you, sensibly assess your strengths and capabilities, and choose the necessary means and ways to achieve your goals. If you don’t miss your chance, it is possible to rise in business and move up the career ladder. It is possible that your workload will increase, and responsibility will fall on your shoulders as an additional burden. But the support of a loved one, family members or friends will give you confidence and enthusiasm for new achievements.


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