What to make from an old chair. How to make a professional restoration of chairs with your own hands using available materials? It's not difficult at all! Simple DIY bench

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So don't rush to get rid of it. Using your imagination and our tips, you can make a new set from this furniture. In this homemade project we will tell you how to make a original bench. This option is not only convenient, but also very interesting. You can place such a bench in the courtyard of your house or in your country house. The original bench will become an unusual piece of furniture.

To make this homemade product you will need following materials.

Old chairs (4 pcs);
Band saw;
Drill and wood drill bits;
Dowels (wooden);
Varnish and paint remover;
Carpenter's glue;
Putty knife;
Wood varnish;

Step 1.

You must first take two chairs and carefully remove the horizontal posts that are located in front of the seat.

Step 2.

Now we take the remaining chairs. Using a meter and a marker, you need to make a mark where the cutting line will go. This line should be slightly lower than the front seat post. Take a saw and carefully cut the legs along the marked line.

Step 3.

At this stage it is necessary to remove old varnish and paint from the chairs. To do this, apply an even layer special remedy for this work. You are holding required time(it is indicated by the manufacturer of the product). After the required period, carefully remove the old coating. To make work easier, you can use a spatula, as well as sandpaper (fine-grained)

Step 4.

Now you need to drill holes for dowels in the racks with the front and end side. First, you need to make a mark with a marker where these holes will be. Then take a drill and drill the holes.

Step 5.

Take the dowels and insert them into the resulting holes. Before doing this, be sure to lubricate the dowels with glue (wood glue)

Step 6.

After the dowels are firmly glued, it is necessary to assemble the future base of the bench. This must be done as shown in the photo below. All components of the bench are fastened together with self-tapping screws. After this, the entire surface of the bench is sanded again.

Step 7

At this stage we will make the bench seat. For this we need a board. The board should be adjusted to the size of the bench. It is necessary to mark the desired length, and cut off the rest. The height of the backrest is at your discretion.

Step 8

If you decide to make a seat from several boards, then they need to be glued together with wood glue. After this, the entire structure should be clamped with clamps and wait until the entire structure is completely dry.

Step 9

Now you need to glue the seat to the base of the bench. Coat the base and the seat itself with wood glue. Place weights on the board and also clamp it with clamps.

Step 10

Wait until completely dry. After that, take masking tape and cover the surface of the seat with it. The remaining parts of the bench should be painted with special paint for wood.

How to make a bench from old chairs? Let's talk.

In this tutorial we are using four old chairs. We need two of them almost completely; from the remaining two it is convenient to saw off the missing parts to obtain a bench. In general, two chairs are enough, but then you will need additional boards.

If the chairs are very old and have already begun to fall apart a little, then choose the two most durable ones from the four. From the other two we will need front crossbars. The photo shows which ones exactly. They can either be sawed off or untwisted if the structure is prefabricated.

The front legs need to be sawed off from the two main chairs. For convenience, you can mark a line along which you will cut.

Before we start assembling, we need to get rid of old paint. To do this you will need paint thinner. Buy any from a hardware store and follow the instructions on the package. For convenience, lay it as work surface a piece of unnecessary tarpaulin, old newspapers or film. Be sure to wear latex gloves before applying solvent. Don't forget to apply solvent to the boards we prepared to join the chairs into the bench.

Let the solvent sit for the time required according to the instructions. To remove old paint, use a spatula, preferably a metal one.

Let's start assembling. Use furniture dowels to attach boards to chairs. Carefully mark the location of the dowels using a marker and ruler so that all holes are at the same level. Wrap the drill masking tape to track the desired hole depth.

For more secure fastening of dowels in the holes, use wood glue.

To make the structure more durable, add a bench in the middle wooden beam. Measure the distance between the chairs, cut the timber to the required length and secure it with screws. After assembly, you need to start sanding the surfaces. Use sandpaper or a sander.

Now you need to make a seat for the bench. You can either purchase timber in the store or use the remnants of old ones left in the garage from previous work. Lay the timber on edge on the bench to get an idea of ​​how much you need.

We glue the beams together using wood glue. Clamp with clamps and leave for a day.

Now we need to trim the edges of the seat surface to the shape of the chairs. In our case they are rounded. We mark a pencil line and use a jigsaw to saw off the unnecessary part.

Place the seat on the chairs and secure them with screws. You can only use wood glue, then after gluing, place some weight on the seat. But it will be more reliable with screws.

Sand the surface of the seat after finishing the job. Now all that's left to do is paint the bench. For a chair structure, use paint, first covering the seat with film and sealing the sides with masking tape. Paint the seat itself with varnish. If you have different beams, as in our instructions and it looks aesthetically pleasing, you can use clear nail polish. Leave the bench for several days until completely dry.

Bench made from broken chairs

I found it on the website http://www.anoregoncottage.com great way rescue old broken chairs. You can make an absolutely incomparable country bench from them.

I think many people have old chairs that are literally falling apart. Of course, you can throw them away, or you can try to make something very interesting and convenient.

Step one: Find two identical chairs

  • Chairs that have a slight curve in the back are most suitable. These are the backs we need.

Step Two: Creating the Seat

  • Assemble the frame as long as you see your bench and secure each end with two screws (as shown in the picture above). Use durable wood and long screws because our goal is to create a strong and durable structure

Step Three: Creating the Bottom Shelf

  • Even after we've made the seating as secure as possible, the bench may still be too wobbly and unreliable. To solve this problem we create additional element strength - bottom shelf

Step Four: Putty and Paint

  • Fill all the holes in the wood with a special putty, give it time to dry well, and then thoroughly sand all surfaces and paint with any suitable paint.

Step Five: Making a Plywood Seat

  • Cut a piece of thick plywood to the required size
  • We cover the plywood with batting or foam rubber (its size should be slightly larger than that of a plywood sheet) and cover the seat upholstery fabric. At this stage, a furniture staple gun will be indispensable

Now we just have to decide whether to leave everything as is or add a couple of pillows, because our bench is already ready!


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If you find that an old chair is completely worn out, do not rush to throw it away. Often old pieces of furniture are carried with them Nice memories about people and events in the life of your family. And let’s be honest, furniture used to be made to last forever...

Therefore, a restored chair may well serve not only you, but also your children. Just by changing it appearance, you can return the furniture to its former attractiveness and newness. Fortunately, there are many options now. Everything will depend only on your imagination.

How to update an old chair? Pre-cleaning

First, the surface of the chair must be cleaned of the old coating, no matter what it is. If there soft upholstery seats, it must first be removed. You don’t necessarily need “male strength” to do this. Try turning the chair upside down and you will see that the seat is attached with screws that need to be removed. To do this, you need to arm yourself with a hammer (for knocking out the seat) and a screwdriver (straight or Phillips).

Now you can start removing the old coating. To do this, you can use the usual “ sandpaper» different grain sizes or a sanding sponge. It is important to sand the surface of the wood well. This will help you easily apply your chosen further coverage. It is worth saying right away that this work is not easy.

But it is possible to simplify the process a little by periodically moistening the surface to be treated. This way you can get rid of dust. Just don’t be alarmed by the fact that moisture makes the old varnish viscous. This is fine. After the chair has completely dried, you need to sand the entire surface well again with fine sandpaper.

How to update an old chair? Everything is in order

Now it all depends on your imagination. If you decide to varnish the surface of the chair, then you need to use a colorless primer so that through protective layer the texture of the wood was clearly visible. A layer of primer will have to be used in any case. Even if you decide to paint the chair in the future.
The fact is that paint adheres better and lasts longer if the surface is first primed.
The surface must be coated with varnish in two layers. It is important that the first coat is thoroughly dry before applying the second. The varnish can be applied with a brush or by spraying it over the surface.

The chair can be painted any color. Nowadays furniture is considered very fashionable white. And the seat upholstery can be contrasting. Nowadays there are many ways to show originality. For example, use a stencil. Let it be flowers or any other ornament.
Another way to cover the surface of a chair is to use a balm from beeswax. The surface is also pre-sanded and primed with drying oil. Then they cover thin layer balm using a cloth. After twelve hours, the surface is polished with a brush.

Now you can begin restoring the upholstery. The old one needs to be removed. Previously, it was attached to the seat using ordinary nails. You will also have to get rid of the foam rubber. It is necessary to cut a new one according to the old standards. The fabric must be cut with a margin for hemming. The upholstery material can be very different: like a special fabric for upholstered furniture, as well as regular linen or thick cotton. It is better to fasten the fabric with a furniture stapler. But if you don't have one, don't worry. You can use regular nails by hammering them in. It is important to remember that the material must be well stretched on all sides.
Now the seat can be inserted into its original place and fastened with screws.

Upgrade an old chair with a cover

There is another way to update old chair- use a cover. It can be made from any fabric, hiding defects and imperfections without major intervention. The cover can be with a variety of frills, ruffles, bows, tassels... You can make several options. Festive and everyday options. Show your imagination! Don't rush to throw it away old furniture, try to become a designer, we are sure that you will succeed!

1. Materials:
- two old wooden chairs;
- dye;
- water-based varnish;
- solvent for degreasing the surface;
- putty;
- coarse and fine grain sandpaper;
- screws and nails;
- strong threads for the cover;
- furniture foam rubber 40 - 50 mm;
- furniture or any other fabric (can be used).

2. Tools:
- rubber spatula for putty;
- brushes for applying varnish and paint;
- hammer;
- clamps;
- screwdriver;
- a sharp knife for cutting foam rubber, scissors;
- Sander(you can do without it);
- sewing machine.

Step 1: searching for material

So, we need a couple of unnecessary rickety grandma chairs that are probably languishing in your garage or closet. In any case, at the flea market you can find and buy these for pennies.

In addition to the chairs, prepare boards for the frame of the bench and plywood, from which we will make the base for the seat, as well as the shelf under it. The latter can be quite functional.

Step 2: preparing materials

Start by taking the chairs apart. We need to disconnect the back part of the chair on which the backrest is located. These backrests will serve as the sides of a future garden bench.

Next, from the remnants that remained after disassembling the chairs or suitable bars of the required cross-section, we assemble the frame of the product. We followed the principle and used the remains of old chairs, since in general they seemed to us to be pretty good.
The base will be rectangular, of arbitrary length, but choose the optimal dimensions - such that ready product had the strength necessary for intensive use.

Screw a sheet of plywood to the base.

Step 3: Assembling the Bench

We connect the resulting parts, forming a prototype of the future bench for the dacha. For additional strength, we arrange a strapping of slats along the perimeter below - exactly the one on which the shelf we have planned from the remaining plywood will lie.

Step 4: take care of aesthetics

Now you have the most important work ahead of you, on which the final result of all the work done will depend.

Thoroughly clean the bench from dirt and dust. Sand all surfaces and, if necessary, sharp corners and edges, giving them a slightly rounded appearance - first with coarse sandpaper, then with fine-grit sandpaper.

Fill cracks, joints and uneven areas with putty using a rubber spatula. Sand everything well again. The process takes quite a long time and requires patience, but believe me, the end result is worth it. All elements will acquire complete outlines and an aesthetic appearance.

Treat the surface with solvent and start painting. Apply the first coat, let it dry completely, then sand to allow the next coat of paint to penetrate the previous one. Paint all the parts a second time, wait until dry and apply a coat of varnish.

It is better to do the same with varnish as with paint - lightly sand and re-varnish. This way you will get a very resistant external influences coating. And since the bench will presumably be located outside under a canopy, this will come in handy.

Step 5: finishing touch

Sew a cushion for sitting. To do this, cut sharp knife piece furniture foam rubber required size. Having attached to it a piece of furniture fabric, which is usually used for upholstering sofas, decide on the size of the cushion cover, not forgetting to add a little for seam allowances.

Actually buy furniture fabric not necessary. You can use any other durable material, and it doesn’t have to be new.

Sew the cover and sew a zipper into it on the side. This will make it easier for you to care for your pillow in the future. Place the foam in the case and place it on the seat. Pair bright pillows will complement the ensemble.


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