What is amaranth, beneficial properties and uses. Amaranth: medicinal properties, recipes and photos

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Amaranth (schiritsa) is a common annual herbaceous plant, small flowers which are collected in dense inflorescences. In common parlance it received the names “cockscombs”, “velvet plant”, “cat’s tail”, “axamitnik”. The homeland of amaranth is South America, where many of its species are now found. It came to Russia in the second half of the century and almost immediately began to be considered a harmful weed. It was previously banned by Peter I, while in Chinese medicine it was considered an anti-aging remedy. The Aztecs recognized it as their bread, the ancient Greeks - a symbol of immortality (the inflorescences of the plant never fade). The Japanese correlate the nutritional value of ashiritsa greens with squid meat, and its sprouted grains with milk.

Video about the amaranth plant - how it grows:

The word itself "amaranth" literally means "death denier". Today, the UN Food Commission recognizes shiritsa as the best crop of the 21st century.

How to use amaranth: recipes

Shchiritsa is ideal for those people who have contraindications to consuming gluten-containing products. In general, the seeds of this plant have long been used due to their beneficial properties. Thus, in the “pre-wheat” time in Rus', ashiritsa seeds were suitable for making bread. Now amaranth, reminiscent of the taste of nuts, has become popular all over the world, including Russia.


Porridge from amaranth seeds is prepared mainly with pieces of fruit, it tastes better.
To prepare it you need to take a glass of seeds and 3 glasses of water. Bring the water to a boil and add the seeds, they will immediately float to the top - this is normal. Reduce the heat and cook until the grains sink to the bottom. Next, be sure to cover the pan with a lid, as the seeds will begin to burst and shoot upward! Periodically opening the lid to stir the porridge, it is advisable to take wooden spoon with a long handle so as not to burn your hands. Cook for a total of 35–40 minutes. If necessary, you can add boiled water.

The finished amaranth porridge should be tender. Next, if desired, add fruits or dried fruits, nuts. Alternatively, you can eat it with cinnamon or honey, since the taste of the porridge is unique and not everyone likes it. I personally could not eat it, it just tastes disgusting. I barely ate one serving, but it was very filling and high in calories, a lot of protein and fat (including omega-3). The beneficial properties of amaranth are simply enormous, so you need to force this porridge into yourself little by little. This porridge is gluten free - a treasure trove for those with gluten allergies!

Amaranth grain bread

Ingredients: 1 teaspoon baking soda, 1 cup whole wheat flour, 1 egg white, 3/4 cup high-lysine wholemeal flour, 3/4 cup amaranth seeds, 1 tablespoon margarine, melted, 1 cup low-fat cream.

Cooking method: Sift baking soda with flour and mix with other dry ingredients. Beat the egg and add it to the milk and melted margarine. Mix everything well and combine with dry products. Then place the mixture in an oiled pewter pan and bake in a hot oven for about 25 minutes.

Amaranth-oat bread

Ingredients: 2 cups of oatmeal-amaranth flour mixture, 2 cups of boiling water, 2 teaspoons of salt, 1/4 cup of sugar or 1/2 cup of molasses, 1 package of dry yeast, 1/4 cup of lukewarm water, 4 - 4 1/2 cups of full-fledged water wheat flour.

Cooking method: Mix flour and dissolved sugar with 2 cups hot water. Set everything aside until it cools down. Dissolve the yeast in warm water. In a large saucepan, combine the yeast and flour mixture. Gradually add 4 cups of wheat flour. Knead the mixture until a homogeneous dough is obtained on a floured board or in a dough mixer until the dough stops sticking to your hands. Divide and shape 2 loaves and place them on a greased baking sheet. Let them rise to double their size and then lower them. Let rise again until doubled in size. Bake at moderate temperature 200 degrees for 50-60 minutes.

The leaves are used in salads, and amaranth flour makes wonderful baked goods. Plant starch is characterized by increased swelling and viscosity, so it is often used for the production confectionery, fermented milk products and even beer.

If you use this product correctly in cooking (add a little to salads, baked goods, soups, mix with other cereals, etc.), it turns out very tasty. For example, my family really liked pasta with ashiritsa.

As a forage crop, amaranth has great value for agriculture. Many of its species are suitable for grazing, grain, silage and green feeding. After all, grains are useful food for poultry, and silage and greens are well eaten by pigs and cattle. In addition, agaric silage has a pleasant apple smell.

Chiritsa leaves: how to cook?

First, they should be blanched for three minutes or placed in boiling water for five minutes. Then, ready-to-eat leaves can be added to snacks, salads, and side dishes. If desired, they can be flavored with grated cheese, butter, boiled egg and cheese.

The resulting amaranth decoction is suitable for making borscht and soups, and also as a natural food coloring (characteristic of a bright beetroot color).

Composition of shiritsa: calorie content and vitamins

When compared with wheat, ashiritsa protein is 2 times higher than wheat protein! More than 50% of proteins are globulin and albumin, which are characterized by a balanced amino acid composition. Fat is based on linolenic, linoleic and oleic fatty acids.

Shchiritsa is a champion in magnesium content: for example, in 100 g of rice there is only 50 g of this useful microelement, in wheat - 140 mg, while in amaranth - 240 mg!

The stems and leaves, similar to spinach, contain sterols. They contain a lot of vitamins C, E, B1, B2, flavonoids (quercetin, rutin, trefolin), proteins, carbohydrates, and minerals.

(seeds) per 100 g - 374 kcal (1565 kJ):

  • Proteins - 14.5 g
  • Fat - 6.5 g
  • Carbohydrates - 66.7 g

Unique chemical composition Schiritsa largely determined the scope of its application. Thus, the ancient Aztecs fed newborn children with amaranth, and warriors always took grains with them on long campaigns as a source of strength and health.

At the moment, amaranth is officially recognized as a remedy that helps in the treatment of inflammation of the genitourinary system, anemia, atherosclerosis, hemorrhoids, loss of strength, vitamin deficiency, obesity, diabetes, skin diseases, neuroses, burns, periodontal disease, stomatitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Amaranth oil as a source of squalene

The oil is saturated with unique substances, vitamins and microelements, so its health benefits cannot be overestimated. Thus, squalene is a substance that captures oxygen and saturates tissues and organs with it. At the same time, squalene is one of the antitumor agents that prevent the occurrence of cancer. It is also a powerful immunostimulant, which until recently could only be obtained from the liver of a deep-sea shark, which is why it was the most expensive and highly scarce product. The problem was not only the high cost, but also the low content of squalene in the shark’s liver - only 1.5%.

Squalene is necessary for deep-sea sharks solely so that they can survive severe hypoxia on great depth(lack of oxygen). People need it as a fungicidal, antimicrobial and anticarcinogenic agent, since it is known that hypoxia leads to aging of the body and the appearance of malignant tumors. In addition, this substance improves the body’s immune system and thereby ensures its resistance to all diseases.

Amaranth oil contains from 8 to 10% squalene, which is several times higher than the amount in shark liver! This incredible benefits for the body! It promotes better absorption of vitamin A and improved tissue regeneration of internal organs, which significantly speeds up the recovery of patients after radiation therapy.

What are the benefits of amaranth fiber?

In pharmacies and specialized departments of stores you can find fiber from amaranth seeds for sale. It is produced in the form of a powder intended for dietary use. The composition contains 50% fiber, 20% protein, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, iron, chlorine, etc. Fiber is a source of ideal protein, minerals and water-soluble vitamins (PP, C, E, B1, B6, B2, B12 ). It also contains quercetin, anthocyanidins, and resveratrol.

The product helps cleanse the large intestine, normalizes the composition of intestinal microflora and helps improve its function. The product is recommended for use when breastfeeding a child, dystrophy, strong psycho-emotional and physical activity, chronic colitis, dysbacteriosis, diseases prostate gland, as well as when living and working in environmentally hazardous areas. The course of treatment is 30 days. You must first fill it with water (it would be better with kefir or juice) and take 1-2 dessert spoons with meals (three times a day). I sometimes add fiber to porridge or to a bowl of soup, it’s more pleasant and convenient to eat, otherwise adding only plain water will make it very difficult to drink because of the unpleasant taste.

Video about the benefits of shiritsa:

Harm and contraindications of shiritsa

The only contraindication for fiber is individual intolerance to the components of the product. Thus, some people experienced dizziness and mild nausea when using amaranth-based medicines.

Before using the product, patients suffering from pancreatitis, acute cholecystitis, cholelithiasis or urolithiasis should consult a doctor.

Cat's tail, golden grain of the gods, flower of immortality - this is the name given to amaranth, a plant from the amaranth family, one of the varieties of which probably catches your eye in the summer-autumn season. This is amaranth, or amaranth in botany. The beneficial properties of grains, leaves, and flowers have been used in medicine, cooking, and cosmetology since ancient times.

Amaranth - plants from the amaranth family

The ancient Aztecs used amaranth in rituals: from ground grains, honey and human blood they made figurines of people - a kind of voodoo dolls. It was this ritual that led to the fact that in Europe the “devil’s plant,” as the Spaniards called it, was universally prohibited. In the Middle Ages, it was used exclusively by the Indians of the mountainous regions of Central America, where it was extremely difficult for Europeans to reach. But after some time, the passions subsided, the agaric was brought to Europe, where healing properties herbs created a sensation.

Rumors also reached Muscovy, where the plant also became popular. It was used both as a medicine for ailments and for baking bread. If you believe the legends, then in those days of amaranth in Rus', the life expectancy of ordinary peasants increased significantly. History is silent about why, but Peter I issued a decree prohibiting the cultivation of ashiritsa. It was only in the 20th century that the plant began to be used again. They say that the revival of his fame is the merit of American scientists.

Now the use of golden grains of the gods is widespread in cosmetology, medicine, cooking, and animal husbandry. Blue and upturned amaranth are considered weeds, and bright subspecies are cultivated in landscape design. It's a pity, magical properties remained a secret of the Aztecs.

Amaranth: beneficial properties and applications

The first thing you should pay attention to is the healing substances contained in the above-ground parts (stems, flowers, leaves and seeds) of amaranth. Doctors place their main emphasis on protein enriched with lysine, squalene, fiber and organic acids. Other useful components include vitamins B, C, D and E, starch, phosphorus and calcium salts, carotene, fatty oil, betaine, choline, serotonin, pectin, rutin.

IN folk medicine use the following medicinal properties amaranth:

  • antibacterial;
  • bronchodilator;
  • immunotonic;
  • hemostatic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • cleansing.

Products based on the miracle plant are taken orally and used externally. Infusions and decoctions are recommended to be drunk for general strengthening body and increase potency, for problems with the cardiovascular, circulatory and genitourinary systems, diseases of the stomach, liver, against worms. Some even consider them a panacea.

An essential component of a healthy, varied diet. By the way, I recommend checking it out - it does not contain gluten and is suitable for dietary nutrition, because it is quickly digested and easily absorbed.

Amaranth shoots (stems), due to their high content of vitamin A and C, iron, manganese, magnesium, zinc and fiber, are used in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system, for colds and skin problems. Infusions made from them have a beneficial effect on the kidneys, liver, and cure enuresis and any internal inflammation.

Juice from young leaves relieves stomach pain, helps with stomatitis, gastritis and diabetes. It is also credited with antitumor properties, but this nuance is controversial. Dried herbal raw materials are brewed as an antiviral agent.

For diabetes, especially at its initial stage, amaranth tea is useful because it normalizes blood glucose levels. To cleanse the body, it is recommended to buy special organic bread. They are expensive, but very useful.

Amaranth flour is also popular in cooking. It is gluten free and contains 20% protein.

Due to the high content of rutin, acorn leaves are used for vitamin P deficiency, hypertension and radiation injuries. Quantity useful substances, contained in them, is the same as in spinach, but at the same time there is much more protein. Gourmets praise wonderful summer salads with this ingredient.

Animals on farms are fed greens and silage.

Amaranth flowers and seeds

The inflorescences of the amaranth plant are valued mainly by designers. Occasionally they are used as part of medicinal decoctions.

Seeds are used much more widely in alternative medicine. In terms of composition and benefits, they are equivalent to human milk. But it is worth noting that you can eat the leaves of almost all varieties of the plant, and the seeds can be eaten exclusively from vegetable amaranth, which is grown for culinary purposes. Cereals produced from amaranth have light shade.

The grains contain:

  • vitamin A, the amount of which only increases during processing;
  • squalene, which synthesizes vitamin D;
  • fiber, which removes toxic substances from the intestines and improves digestion.

Magnesium, calcium, iron and potassium, which are also present in the seeds, support cardiovascular health.

How the body reacts to and can be read by following the links.

Protein and various nutrients Small portions help you feel full. Regular consumption of healing grains reduces the risk of vision loss and the development of senile dementia, tumors, insomnia, liver and kidney problems.

Doctors recommend eating a teaspoon of sprouted grains before lunch. For prevention, a course lasting 2 months is prescribed, after which a pause is made for six months. For therapeutic purposes, it is necessary to eat grains constantly.

The benefits and harms of amaranth

As already listed above, the properties of shiritsa are varied and amazing. IN Lately Amaranth oil is becoming increasingly popular. And for good reason. It is used for diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, periodontitis and others), skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis), women's issues. Squalene, the content of which reaches 16%, saturates the body with oxygen, increases resistance to viruses and bacteria, accelerates wound healing, and slows down the spread and development of tumors. Vitamin E prevents aging, strengthens the immune system, reduces cholesterol and restores the cardiovascular system. Amaranth oil is also good for the health of eyes, teeth, hair, nails and skin.

You can read and watch in more detail interesting video by following the link.

Restrictions on use: allergies, dysfunction of the duodenum and pancreas.

Before use, you should consult your doctor, even if there are no problems listed in the contraindications.

The use of amaranth in folk medicine

Antiviral tincture
Ingredients: 20 grams of dried acorn leaves and seeds, 200 ml of vodka.
Preparation: the plant material is poured with vodka, infused for a week, and 10 drops are added to tea/coffee/other drink.

Infusion for internal organ health
Pour 15 g of finely chopped above-ground parts of the plant into 700 ml of boiling water, strain after 20 minutes. Drink ¼ cup in a course of 1-2 weeks.

How to eat amaranth

Amaranth stems, leaves and seeds are used in cooking, as well as in medicine.

Amaranth leaves and stems
For example, greens can be added to a salad, they will improve the taste. Regular consumption of this dish prolongs life and strengthens the immune system.

Amaranth grains and flour
Porridge made from amaranth grains helps to quickly restore strength after illness. The grains are also ground into flour, which, when mixed with wheat, prolongs the softness of dough products. Pies, pancakes, cakes and buns are baked from amaranth flour, which are characterized by a pleasant nutty taste and smell.

Raw food diet
Amaranth is also in demand in raw food diets. Lovers of juices, smoothies and salads use sprouted grains. True, there is a lot of fuss with them. First, you need to rinse the seeds, place them in a small dish or tray, pour 1-2 millimeters of purified water, and cover the top. As needed, the grains are washed and liquid is added.

Amaranth recipes

Original dessert
Preparation: pour honey and oil into a frying pan and heat over a low flame, stirring all the time. Add any nuts and agar seeds to taste, mix thoroughly and pour into a mold to harden.

Healing green salad
Ingredients: 200 g of amaranth leaves and the same amount of nettle, 50 g of wild garlic, vegetable oil or sour cream, salt.
Preparation: scald the nettles with boiling water, mix them with the rest of the herbs, add salt to taste, season with sour cream or butter, mix thoroughly.

White dressing sauce
Ingredients: 300 g cream, 200 g amaranth, 100 g soft sheep cheese, pepper.
Preparation: chop the greens, grate the cheese. After this, place the cream in a frying pan, bring to a boil and pour the remaining ingredients into it, pepper. Stirring all the time, keep on fire until the cheese has melted.

Eat healthy food and never get sick! Bon appetit.

grassy annual plant Amaranth, famous since ancient times miraculous power, capable of prolonging life, a storehouse of protein that surpasses all grains, giving satiety and at the same time lightness. "Shchiritsa" or "Cock's Comb", as it is also called in Russia, has and decorative forms, its never-fading inflorescences and brightly colored leaves will decorate any landscape with the poorest soils, without requiring any special treatment.

Amaranth - description of a plant from the amaranth family

The Amaranth plant, translated from Greek as “unfading flower,” whose homeland is South America, is heat-loving. The acorn has strong, developed roots that can penetrate deep into the soil waters, becoming saturated with moisture and nutrients.

Thanks to the root system, a powerful succulent stem grows (depending on the type) up to 2 m, is capable of gaining green mass from 3 to 30 kg, and can be simple or branched.

The rich leaf mass consists of large, juicy ovate, lanceolate, diamond-shaped leaves on long stalks arranged alternately. The color is different, also depending on the type: green, yellow, purple, crimson or tricolor.

The flowers are small, collected in complex spike-shaped inflorescences, straight or drooping. Flowering occurs over 8 weeks.

The amaranth fruit is a capsule with small, like grains of sand, seeds, up to 2000 pieces. The seeds have different colors: edible varieties - light, decorative - dark, remain viable for up to 5 years.

Where does it grow in Russia

Plants from the amaranth family are drought-resistant and can withstand soil salinity. Thanks to this property, wild species are widespread throughout Russia; having come to us back in the 19th century, amaranth was immediately classified as a harmful weed.

In total, about 15 species grow in our country, the most common is Amaranth upturned (common amaranth), which serves as excellent feed for livestock, growing in fields, along roadsides, while at the same time weeding gardens and vegetable gardens.

Despite the difficulties of growing young shoots of cultivated grain varieties, many enthusiastic agronomists take up the cultivation of this crop and achieve success, as evidenced by the emerging flour and grain products.

Grain amaranth is grown on Southern Urals, Middle Volga in southern regions(varieties: Helios, Kharkovsky 1, Voronezhsky, Ultra). Voronezh has the largest amaranth oil production plant in Russia.

In large farms in Tatarstan, high-quality grass flour and granules with a protein content of up to 20% are prepared from green mass for poultry farms (varieties: Gigant, Emperor, Aztec).

On personal plots Gardeners grow ornamental and mixed species, characterized by unpretentious growth and extraordinary aesthetics.

Types and varieties of amaranth plants

The genus Amaranthaceae represents about 60 varieties, differing in purpose and characteristics, including wild ones weeds, distributed throughout the world.

Of particular importance are the ancient grain crops, valued for their healing and nutritional properties and grown as agricultural crops in warm climates, mainly in Mexico, India, and China. Their grains are used for food by both people and animals, for the production of oil, which has unique healing qualities and a cosmetic effect, smoothing scars and protecting the skin from ultraviolet radiation (Amaranthus cruentus, Amaranthus caudatus).

Few people know about the benefits and harms of amaranth. Meanwhile, this plant has unique properties. It was held in high esteem by the ancient Indians, but other peoples also value its nutritional qualities. What are the characteristics of amaranth, or cockscombs, as amaranth is also called, and in what form is the plant eaten?

Composition of amaranth

The composition of amaranth seeds is very rich. It contains a high content of proteins (if you compare, for example, with wheat, there are twice as many of them in ashiritsa) and at the same time a balanced ratio of amino acids. Among them is a particularly valuable component - lysine. It is needed for normal operation cardiovascular system, has a beneficial effect on hormonal levels, promotes the synthesis of enzymes. It is also involved in the production of antibodies, therefore it has an antiviral effect.

Other elements are also important. Methionine has protective properties, it protects the human body from heavy salts. Tryptophan helps put metabolic processes in order.

Amaranth contains another rather rare element - squalene. It is needed to saturate tissues with oxygen. It prevents the formation of cancer cells, so it is necessary for the prevention of tumors. In addition, it is an immunostimulant, thanks to which the body’s protective qualities are significantly increased. Another useful property is increasing the rate of tissue regeneration: with the help of amaranth they fight various skin diseases.

The plant contains a lot of fatty acids. Among them is linoleic acid - it helps normalize blood pressure, promotes stimulation smooth muscles. The product also contains linolenic and oleic acids.

Tocopherol in its composition has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes and lowers the amount of cholesterol in the blood. It binds and removes free radicals.

Amaranth also contains other elements important for the proper functioning of the body. Among them are vitamins A, PP, group B, minerals such as zinc, calcium, magnesium, sodium and others. Phospholipids help cell regeneration, phytosterols and flavonoids have a good effect on the cardiovascular system.


It is worth noting that the plant has minimal contraindications. Like any other product, it can provoke an allergic reaction. Therefore, if after eating amaranth dishes you notice a rash, itching, or redness on the skin, then you should avoid it. It is better to start eating the product with small portions so as not to aggravate the reaction. This is especially true for children whose parents decided to introduce ashiritsa into their diet.

Amaranth leaves can be used as a natural food coloring, they give red color.

The benefits of the plant are enormous, with very few contraindications. It is worth noting that different parts of amaranth are suitable for food: seeds, leaves, stem. From the seeds you can prepare an unusual, but delicious porridge, from leaves - salad. Amaranth oil is found in stores. It has the same unique qualities as seeds and dishes made from them. It is actively used as food additives, for medical purposes and in cosmetology.

Use of amaranth

It is useful to know how to use different parts of the plant for medicinal purposes.

  • For the child's health. One small spoon of amaranth juice daily is enough for the baby to receive the necessary nutrients. Adding honey is allowed. You just need to carefully monitor the condition of the baby so as not to miss allergic reactions if they appear.
  • For women's health. Regular consumption of acorn juice protects against ovarian cancer and relieves pain during menstruation. Amaranth is a source folic acid. It is very necessary for those who are planning a pregnancy or are in its early stages. A sufficient amount of this acid in the body reduces the risk of brain defects in the baby.
  • For respiratory diseases. For this purpose, both adults and children drink amaranth juice. Only the portion differs: an adult needs a tablespoon, while a baby needs a teaspoon.
  • To lower blood cholesterol levels. There are studies that confirm this effect of amaranth.
  • For good health oral cavity. Amaranth juice can be taken orally or used as a mouth rinse to eliminate bleeding gums.
  • For the beauty of the skin. A remedy is prepared from the leaves of the plant that fights various skin problems, such as eczema.
  • For normal brain function. B vitamins and zinc, which are present in amaranth, are needed for the proper functioning of this organ.
  • For the prevention of osteoporosis. Containing significant amounts of magnesium, calcium and phosphorus in the plant helps to avoid this disease.

Amaranth is also used in cosmetology, mainly in the form of seed oil. Thanks to the elements that are present in its composition, you can achieve a positive effect:

  • rejuvenate the skin, make it more elastic;
  • provide protection to sensitive skin;
  • moisturize and nourish the epidermis;
  • cleanse pores;
  • get rid of acne;
  • normalize facial tone;
  • improve the condition of hair and nails.

Using amaranth oil is quite simple: you need to add a few drops to your usual face and hair care products. Can be used in pure form, the oil should be applied to the skin and washed off after half an hour.

You can also make a mask using one of the following recipes.

  • A mixture of amaranth oil, honey (take a tablespoon each) and egg yolk will soften and moisturize dry skin.
  • For problem skin, this mask is suitable: two tablespoons of orange juice and oil and half a small spoon lemon juice. The mixture should be applied to the face using a cotton pad and washed off after half an hour. It is recommended to use freshly squeezed juice rather than store-bought juice.
  • If the skin is peeling, you can mix full-fat sour cream and amaranth oil in a 3:2 ratio. The resulting mass is applied to the affected areas for a quarter of an hour.
  • A mask made from amaranth oil and clay will help cleanse the skin and tighten pores. You need to take twice as much oil as cosmetic clay. The resulting mass is applied to a previously steamed face and washed off after a quarter of an hour with warm water.

Amaranth in cooking

Shchiritsa is also used in cooking. The easiest way to consume amaranth seeds is to make porridge from them. For one serving you need to take a glass of seeds and three times more water. Bring the water to a boil and pour the grains into it. First they will float up - you should, stirring, wait until they sink to the bottom. After this, the pan must be covered, as the seeds will explode. Cook for about 40 minutes, stirring gently occasionally. If the water boils, you can add boiled water.

The porridge should turn out very tender. It has an unusual, nutty taste. Not everyone likes him. To improve it, you can try adding honey. You shouldn’t refuse the dish, because it contains a lot of protein, fats, including omega-3, and others important elements. Amaranth seeds do not contain gluten, so dishes made from them are suitable even for those with intolerance to this protein (celiac disease).

The benefits and harms of amaranth flour raise many questions. Its properties are the same as those of whole grains. It is used for baking. For example, you can use it to make delicious bread. To do this you will need 100 g of ashiritsa flour, 350 g of wheat flour, 50 g of bran, 350 ml of water, 3 tablespoons of dry yeast and vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons sugar, teaspoon salt.

All ingredients must be combined and mixed thoroughly, then put in a warm place for several hours. The dough should rise. Then it is transferred to a mold and placed in the oven. At a temperature of about 200 degrees, the approximate baking time is half an hour.

You can also make pancakes from amaranth flour. You need to take 50 g of it and mix it with twice as much wheat flour, kefir (0.5 l), and egg. Then add soda or baking powder, salt and sugar to taste.

Not only amaranth seeds are suitable for food, but also leaves. They are best suited for salads. It is not recommended to eat them raw; it is better to blanch them a little or boil them in boiling water. But not for too long, as they may contain nitrates, which with prolonged exposure high temperature will turn into harmful nitrites. It is recommended to add ready-made leaves to any side dishes, appetizers, and salads. You can eat them pure or together with grated cheese, egg, vegetable or.

Used in cooking and from this plant. It swells very well and is used for making sweet pastries, beer, and fermented milk dishes.

Since ashiritsa dishes have a unique taste, not all people are ready to eat them with pleasure. Do not completely abandon the product. It is better to add it little by little to side dishes or salads, or mix it with other types of cereals. After all, the benefits of amaranth are difficult to overestimate. You can usually buy high-quality flour or seeds in the diet departments of stores.

Today we will talk about the history of amaranth - it is interesting topic, which contains many secrets and mysteries. In this article we will present the whole truth and debunk a popular myth common among fans of ancient culture. What myth? Read about it below.

In the material we will rely, first of all, on the research of Latin American scientists. After all, it was there that it has long been customary to use amaranth in cooking. And not only!

History of amaranth: roots in antiquity

The modern name of the plant - amaranth - comes from Greek word"immortal" or "unfading". However, this does not mean that it grew specifically in Greece.

In fact, the plant has long been cultivated on the American continent. And it was one of the oldest known food crops here. Gatherers and hunters of the Northern and South America Amaranth was actively grown in many regions. It was used in cooking along with such familiar modern people products like:

  • corn;
  • beans;
  • zucchini etc.

Archaeological samples of amaranth grain found near the Mexican town of Tehuacan, Puebla state, date back to approximately 4000 BC.

Historical evidence shows that amaranth was consumed in grain form by the Aztecs and Mayans. It was the Mayan civilization that was probably one of the first to use amaranth as a high-yield crop, while the Aztecs and Incas who lived in Peru did not immediately recognize the importance of this plant!

Amaranth in religious rites

Anthropological studies prove that amaranth was widely used in various religious rites. Plants were inextricably linked with ancient rituals performed by the Aztecs, Mayans and Incas.

For example, during religious festivals, Aztec women took amaranth seeds, dyed them blood red, mixed them with honey, molasses, or human blood (obtained during sacrifices) and sculpted the mass into statues of their deities and idols.

These statues, after the ceremonies, were broken into many small parts - they were distributed to all members of the tribe and eaten.

It was religion that became the reason why the Spanish conquistadors, led by Cortes, who invaded Latin America (this happened in 1519), began to destroy amaranth crops. The Spaniards wanted to convert the Indians to Catholicism and believed that it was the destruction of the amaranth, from which the sculptures of deities were created, that would encourage the natives to renounce their faith.

Cortez strictly prohibited the cultivation of amaranth and ordered that the crops be burned or destroyed. It was also adopted that a person caught cultivating amaranth had to have his hands cut off.

Growing amaranth before the Spanish invasion

According to the researcher, scientist Vargas Lopez , evidence was found that before the advent of the conquistadors, the Aztecs annually received up to several tens of tons of grain from this plant. In terms of harvest volume, amaranth ranked third after legumes and corn.

More than 5,000 hectares of land were planted by the Aztecs with amaranth. Farmers of that time in 20 provinces annually presented a huge tribute of amaranth grain to their king Moctezuma, in his palace in Tenochtitlan, now Mexico City.

Thus, it is safe to say that amaranth was a truly important plant for the Aztecs and Incas in those days. And not only for religious ceremonies. The plant and the grain obtained from it were actively used to prepare nutritious dishes.

The cultivation of amaranth declined dramatically after 1577 and was virtually forgotten until 1890. However, it was during this period that the plant was introduced to other continents, where it was planted in gardens as ornamental flowers.

In Latin America in last decades Amaranth was also not grown - only in certain mountain settlements did farmers cultivate it for their own purposes.

Amaranth today

Now they remembered the plant again. It is actively planted in many regions and parts of our planet. What is caused incredible properties- it contains a large number of various beneficial substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

In particular, it has been found that it is excellent in treating a number of diseases, including diabetes. Research is being conducted on the use of plant products in treatment and prevention:

Currently, amaranth in Mexico is grown in the states of Guerrero, Mexico City, Morelos, Tlaxcala, Puebla, Michoacan, Oaxaca and some others. It is used in confectionery, Food Industry, in the manufacture of dietary products and has great potential in the production of oils, starches and proteins.

Amaranth remains important in traditional agriculture, but some of its species are endangered due to their limited cultivation - only a few farmers grow them.

The area under amaranth cultivation in Mexico in 2012 was 3,336 hectares with a production of 4,278 tons.

Myths about amaranth and Peter I

And now it’s time to debunk the myth about Peter I, who allegedly banned the cultivation of amaranth. The same myth claims that plants grew on the territory of Rus' (which is both modern Ukraine and Russia) in ancient times.

However, there is no documentary evidence to support these claims. Especially considering the fact that before the conquistadors conquered Latin America, there was no sensible, sane information about amaranth at all.

Therefore, we dare to assume that myths appeared from the pen of “writers” who decided to give the plant a special value. And considering real story plants and its ban by Cortes “projected” real events onto Peter I and Rus'. Just by changing characters- that is, using the terminology of television scriptwriters, they adapted the story to local characteristics.

Supporters of the myth, in turn, claim that their statement is completely justified. Because archaeologists allegedly found amaranth seeds at sites primitive man Late Paleolithic era. These parking lots are located near Voronezh. And their age ranges from 10 to 30 thousand years.

None of the fans of the myth can explain how these sites are connected with Peter I and why there are no official mentions in history about the king’s ban on growing the plant.

Therefore, taking into account the above, it can be assumed that amaranth actually grew in ancient times on the territory of former Rus', but because of this they stopped cultivating it - for what reason is still unknown to science. But it appeared in our area only several thousand years later and was brought from Latin America. Read more about this below!

The real history of amaranth in our area

Now let's touch on the official history. She also refutes the myth about the ban of Peter I. So, officially this plant appeared in our area only... in 1930, after academician N.I. Vavilov visited Mexico, got acquainted with amaranth and decided not only to study its properties, but also to distribute it.

However, it was not possible to achieve any noticeable results. Yes, amaranth was grown in some places, but its active cultivation began only in the 90s of the last century.

Before Vavilov’s Mexican voyage, people in Ukraine and Russia had not heard of amaranth - only amaranth was known. And this is a wild variety of plant. More likely, even a weed that gardeners struggle with.

However, it has long been used to feed livestock. Animals - cattle, pigs - are very fond of ashiritsa. For people, it is of no interest - it is not edible, its value is not nearly comparable to the value of real amaranth.


History is a fascinating subject. It allows you to understand a lot, learn the most interesting information and facts. However, it is important to operate with truly real information, and not rely on myths that do not have official confirmation. For example, as in the case of the mysterious and unfounded story with Peter the Great.

But we can say with confidence that amaranth was indeed very important in the culture of the ancient Indians, who built the civilizations of the Incas, Mayans and Aztecs, amazing even for our time.


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