What is burime and how is this fun game useful? Burime as a new genre of literature.

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- (French bouts rimes - rhymed ends),
poems to given rhymes; a popular form of secular "light poetry" of the 17th and 18th centuries.

Burime - playfully sharpen your mental acuity!

History of the emergence and rules of the game Burime

Burime is one of the most fun literary board games ever invented by man. Intellectual game It’s difficult to call a Burima, but you can’t deny her wit and exercises in mental flexibility.

Many young people are now engaged in self-development and self-improvement. Burima will not only help you pass the evening in a fun and cultural way (in the style of French social parties of the 17th century), but also practice your wit and intelligence.

History of the game Burime.
The game was born in France in the secular society of the 17th century. The author is the French poet Dulot, popular at that time. At 19, the burime was abandoned and forgotten. The second wave of fashion for literary games was raised by Alexandre Dumas, who organized a competition through a literary magazine. Based on the results of the competition, the enterprising Dumas published a book with the works of 350 poets who responded to the competition and sent in their rhymed lines.

Rules of the game.
Burime's game is a rhyming poem. Ideal conditions for the game - from ten people. A presenter is appointed, everyone sits down at the table. The presenter determines and announces to everyone the topic on which the rhyming will be.

Everyone has pens and sheets of paper same size, most often they are A4 type. On command, work begins. Everyone composes and writes the first line of the verse and passes it to the person sitting next to them. He composes and writes the second line under the first and wraps the sheet of paper so that the next participant cannot read the first line.

And he had only one line before his eyes. He, in turn, also comes up with and writes his own line of poetry, rhyming with the previous one. Now he wraps up two lines and passes it to the next player.

Then the presenter, at some stage (when each of the participants has written an equal number of lines), when the last player has reached the first paper, the presenter gives a signal that the rhyming ends and everyone hands him the pieces of paper.

He straightens them and begins reading what happened. Most often these are such ridiculous texts! Everyone is laughing! Everyone is having a lot of fun because the result is very funny.
After the first round, you can make a second one and, thus, people will sharpen their minds and receive a charge of positivity and optimism!
A more lightweight (and common) version of the game is composing to given rhymes. That is, the participant is given sheets of paper with the endings (rhymes) already written down in each line.

IN modern world The lack of live positive communication complicates life and adversely affects mental health. The Burime game is a good fun pastime not only during feasts, but also during simple tea drinking.

Have fun with your Burime friends and train your wits! Very often it is wit that helps to cope with difficulties in life!

Interesting Facts about Burim:
V.L. Pushkin (the uncle of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin), D.D. Minaev, Golenishchev-Kutuzov were famous in Russia for their ability to play burim.
Examples of burime can be found in N.F. Ostolopov’s book “Dictionary of Ancient and New Poetry” (1821).
In 1914, the St. Petersburg magazine “Vesna” held a massive Burime competition.



BURIME (French bouts rimes - rhymed endings) - poems that are written to given rhymes. Classic rules B. the following:
1. rhymes should be as unusual as possible and contain heterogeneous concepts;
2. variation of rhymes is not allowed;
3. The theme of the poem is determined in advance.
The game of B., requiring a certain resourcefulness and versifying wit, was in great fashion in France in the 17th-18th centuries. In the last century, Alexandre Dumas (q.v.) tried to revive this fashion, organizing a biography competition in 1864 and publishing the works of 350 of its participants in the book “Bouts rimes publies par Al. Dumas" (R., 1865). The emergence of B. is associated with the name of the French poet of the 17th century. Dulot, who used pre-composed rhymes in his poetic practice, which first gave rise to the idea of ​​B. as a funny poetic toy.

Literary encyclopedia. - At 11 t.; M.: Publishing House of the Communist Academy, Soviet encyclopedia, Fiction. Edited by V. M. Fritsche, A. V. Lunacharsky. 1929-1939 .


(French bouts rimes - rhymed ends), a gaming genre of literary creativity; composing poems to predetermined rhymes, pairs of which are made up of thematically dissimilar words. The order of given rhymes cannot be changed, but the poet must include them in a meaningful text. The game was popular in France in the 17th and 18th centuries.

Literature and language. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Edited by prof. Gorkina A.P. 2006 .


BURIME(bout - end; rimé - rhymed) - a poem written in pre-given rhymes. In the 17th century, the French poet Mme Deshoulières became famous for her burimes. And to this day, burime exists as a kind of parlor game. Thanks to this, burime, for the most part, is impromptu and has all its artistic features(see the word “impromptu”).

The artistic techniques manifested in the process of creating a burime - in the use of given rhymes - can also be discovered when creating ordinary poems, for in many cases, as Theodore de Banville rightly noted, poetic inspiration comes from the found rhyme, the rhyme predetermines the general artistic meaning the whole. But when perceiving a finished poem, when the process of its creation is hidden from the perceiver, one of the effects is surprise - and, at the same time, naturalness rhymes in relation to the general plan, when perceiving burim, when the rhymes are known in advance, a similar effect is built on surprise - and, at the same time, naturalness plan in relation to the given rhymes.

However, even from the point of view of not only the process of creation, but also the nature of its impact, the features of burime can be detected in ordinary poetic speech. This applies to poems that use banal rhymes. As with the perception of burime, the rhyme in this case is guessed in advance by the perceiving consciousness.

The use of banal rhyme can be successful only when it reveals the features of internal necessity, and not formal compulsion. This is accomplished in the same way as when creating a burime: in surprise and at the same time in the naturalness of the idea in relation to a banal rhyme. An example of a banal rhyme (grief is the sea, sadness is the distance), internally justified by the artist’s entire plan, is found in Valery Bryusov:

When I encountered grief in childhood

Or boundless sadness, -

Everything was calmed by the sea

And the sea is a gentle distance.

We see a brilliant use of a banal rhyme (frost - roses) in A. Pushkin: he deliberately emphasizes its banality and thereby gives it a completely unexpected application - and by the unexpectedness of the application the banality itself is already overcome:

“And now the frosts are cracking

And they shine silver among the fields...

The reader is already waiting for the “rose” rhyme,

Here, take it quickly.”

In another example, A. Pushkin artistically justifies the banal rhyme (youth - joy), establishing between these words, along with a sound connection, also a constant semantic connection:


And there is an eternal rhyme of joy to it.”

Valentina Dynnik. Literary encyclopedia: Dictionary of literary terms: In 2 volumes / Edited by N. Brodsky, A. Lavretsky, E. Lunin, V. Lvov-Rogachevsky, M. Rozanov, V. Cheshikhin-Vetrinsky. - M.; L.: Publishing house L. D. Frenkel, 1925


See what "Burim" is in other dictionaries:

    - (French bouts rimés “rhymed ends”) a literary game that consists of composing poems, often humorous, to given rhymes, sometimes also on a given topic. Sometimes another game is also classified as burima, also called the “game of nonsense” ... Wikipedia

    Burime- BURIME (bout end; rimé rhymed) a poem written in pre-given rhymes. In the 17th century, the French poetess m me Deshoulières became famous for her burimes. And to this day, burime exists as a kind of parlor game. Thanks to… … Dictionary of literary terms

    Burim- uncl., cf. bouts rimes. Poems with given rhymes. BAS 2. They would begin to compose storms in the old way and write satires on bald people, that is, on themselves. 1796. Karamzin. // Pogodin Karamzin 1 253. Detective un joli mot il do burime. Dolgoruky Op. 1,192… Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    - (French bouts rimes, from bout end, and rimer to rhyme). Poems with given rhymes. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. STORM poems to given rhymes. A complete dictionary of foreign words included in... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Unchanged; Wed [French bouts rimés rhymed endings] Poems with given rhymes; a literary game consisting of composing such poems (usually humorous). Write, read b. Play b. * * * burime (French bouts rimés rhymed ends), poems ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    BURIME, uncl., cf. (French bouts rimes, lit. rhymed ends) (lit.). Poems based on given rhymes (literary game). Dictionary Ushakova. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - [me], uncl., cf. 1. A poem written in predetermined rhymes. 2. A game consisting of writing such poems. Play b. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (French bouts rimes rhymed ends), poems based on given rhymes; popular form of secular light poetry of the 17th - 18th centuries ... Modern encyclopedia

    - (French bouts rimes rhymed ends) poems based on given rhymes; popular form of secular light poetry of the 17th - 18th centuries ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (non-cl.) poems to given rhymes, 18th century. (Melnikov 2, 254). From French bouts rimes (plural) rhymed ends... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Vasmer


  • Zendoodle bestiary. Burime book. A universal atlas of animals from life and imagination. You have never seen anything like this before: on the pages of this small book there are more than 9 thousand incredible creatures that will amaze your imagination! How is this possible? A book full of secrets beyond the control of reason...

Let's play in Burim! The player sees a quatrain in front of him. He needs to write a continuation of the verse. To do this, he presses the CONTINUE button and enters his quatrain (attention: exactly quatrain!) into the form on the page. Following the given theme and rhythm! The next player who visits the page with the burime will see only the quatrains of the previous player and add his own four lines to them. This way it will probably turn out to be a poem. After the burime composes several quatrains, the entire verse will be published in its entirety. The best, most dexterous rhyme writers will be rewarded with our immense recognition! :)

We consider unexpected rhymes to be good rhymes: “Aibolit/Oschepit”, and compound rhymes: “Manin/has no brain”, or “Zhannet/or not”. We consider primitive rhymes to be bad rhymes: “love/blood”, “beat/love”, “roses/frost”. Attention: we carefully observe the rhythm of the verse, that is, its size!

What is burime?

Burime (French bouts-rimes - “rhymed ends”) is a literary game that consists of composing poems, often humorous, to given rhymes, sometimes also on a given topic. Burime appeared in the 17th century (the inventor was the little-known French poet Dulot), but the game became especially widespread in the 19th-20th centuries - first only in salons, and then in the widest circles (students, pensioners, etc.). Along with solitaire, lotto and dominoes are a favorite pastime of the masses, competing even with active sports. :) Material taken from Wikipedia.

And below are the already composed BURIME. Read, enjoy... and come up with new ones. But do not forget that only registered users.

Reflections of a pirate

What do pirates talk about on fine evenings, sitting on the deck of their frigate in the light of the moon? What are they thinking about? You will find the answer to these questions in the newest Burim-poem, composed by the inhabitants of our children's site “Treasures of Papcha”! Each quatrain in it is mysterious, or romantic, or decisive - in general, beautiful in its own way.

Meanwhile, we are announcing a new round of competition for the title of the most dexterous and talented poet-buremist! Who will be the winner this time? It's up to you, dear readers! Vote for the best quatrain.

Kvituche summer

And it’s amazing how you can’t love everything all summer long?! The sky is clear, the morning sun, the fragrant flowers on the galyavins... Perhaps, no one cares enough to be like them, let alone our storm poets! And in their new potion, the stench reflected its beauty and splendor. Read everything and enjoy! And let the smiling sun of summer shine before us all...

The birds are chirping in the garden,
And the cherries are already falling.
I can see the goosebumps in the grass,
Little ones, make my little darling happy.

And a lonely cutlet...

And now it has finally happened! And before us is a new wonderful, summer-cutlet storm! Full of autumn laziness, winter melancholy and our dreams (or dreams? or dreams?..) about spring and summer, which seemed unrealistic then, in December...

But summer has come! Hooray! And the lonely cutlets are languishing in the heat. Together with Buremist poets and their cats.

And in the fight for the title of best poet-buremist as a result of the most honest reader vote in the world this time Yadronova Alena defeated! Hooray! And here is her winning quatrain:

And a lonely cutlet
She's lying there, she's hot - why are they dragging?!
How hard it is for a cutlet in the summer,
Until the heat stops...

I sit and play quietly...

This storm seemed endless to us, so it was like the river was shaking, melodiously! As long as it works, it’s good if it ends. The axis of the Ukrainian musical storm has ended - and once again the competition for the shortest verse won the storm Alesya Alfiorova! The axis is variable:

Music rejoices the soul
And gives Mitya happiness.
Hear for eternity,
She will be deprived of her life...

Motorcycle rumble

Details September 17, 2013

And it happened, it happened! As a result of a completely closed and absolutely secret voting in this round, aka a poetic battle, BONES won!

And then, one moment later
The rumble of a motorcycle and again
I'm falling asleep. In this dream
I'll listen to it all night. I will not sleep.

It seems to me that our dialogue...

And so, as sports commentators say, she took the lead by a large margin...

Alisa Dolgushina

Someday the wind will bring it
Take with you the first autumn leaf,
And I'll be a little scared
That summer is over again.

But the passing of minutes is so imperceptible,
Spring will bloom again.
It won't turn back, of course.

Hooray!!! Go-o-ol!!!

Fanfares are thundering, timpani are ringing, drums are beating! Pianos and guitars sound! In a word, the orchestra is a blast!!! Here it is - the best quatrain!

Author Alesya Alferova
How are poems written?
How are pictures drawn?
How to put it on notes
What do snowflakes sing about?
Don't catch up, don't repeat -
Just remember with a smile...
For some reason a verse came out
Instead of violin music.

How to become a black man

Best quatrain

In this round of the competition for the best poetic verse in Burime in Russian, Lyuba Loksh-a won! Here is her winning verse!

When the time comes
It's going to snow!
When the south is far
All the birds will fly away!
And the twilight is green
Cities will be covered
We sing soft songs
Let's blossom the world then!

Summer smells like me

Krasty Chotirivirsh

Vika Stasiv won this round of the competition for the shortest verse in the Ukrainian language! The axis is a moving axis!

Summer smells like me,
With cotton wool,

And new friends.

Autumn - winter

Krasty Chotirivirsh

The awakening of the world will come again,
And the little summer is warmer and now alive,
We bring joy and happiness as a gift,
Heavenly landscapes, like little ones,

Grabbing for the soul, enchanting, sticking together,
That’s why we really want to live like this.
I want to eat, but there is only one school,
Only the one who has all the childhood,
I'm happy and happy with him,
This is our temple and pure mystery.

The goat is crying

Respect! Hooray! The editors of our site are encouraged to declare with all their credibility that they have overcome the final stage of the Ukrainian storm “The Goat is Crying” by becoming Vasil Malishka! With our verse “Happy Victory Day, my friend!”

Writing is not a thing for Burima...

Respect! Hooray! In the final series of our Ukrainian storm win Vasya! In a secret and honest voice, Vasily was recognized as a master storm master! Hai live sing-sprint! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Glory to Vasya!

Penguins in orderly rows

Penguins in orderly rows,
wander feeling their way,
big red mustache
They don’t know where they are going,
When will they come? Some day.

Bjoli and bdzhilki!

Cats in space

Hooray! It has finally happened, or in other words, IT HAPPENED! No, we did not win a million dollars in the lottery, no - GAZPROM did not become our patron of the arts! Even better things have happened - we are summing up the results of the next series of the drill “CATS IN SPACE” and announcing the winner! It became LOVE Loksh-a! Here my humble voice is drowned out by timpani and other tambourines. All the non-winners sprinkle ashes on their heads and sit down to improve their rhymes!

Summer life

This becomes some kind of pattern - Topolyonka wins in the storm. Probably in his previous life Poplar was Petrarch. Why such fast poetic talents? Well, be that as it may, but in this round we are talking about incredible flying cats Mademoiselle Alka Alferova wins Dragon's Teeth

Attention! Something wonderful happened! Wonderful for Topolyonka! Topolyonok won in the next BURIME draw and can revel in his glory as the most beautiful buremist of all times and peoples. May I be forgiven for this slight exaggeration! So, three cheers! hooray! hooray!

Legends of the flying mice

Hooray! The editors of BURIME present to readers and participants of this poetry competition for the best ability to fall into rhythm and rhyme, winner Alka Alferova! Her instructive quatrains, touching and full of sincere sympathy for the disorderly bird, charmed the voters and brought her to first place! Hurray, Alke! Long live Alka! Alkam Alka to everyone!

Burime of a hungry cat

The editors of BURIME bring to the attention of all participants in the first swim based on the poetic stanzas and rhymes of its winner! He became - attention - poet VASILY BABY! Hooray! Let's not skimp on applause! Touche! Colleagues stand up and raise their hats as a sign of respect! Long live the incomparable author of the first stage, Vasily Malyshka!

Bouts rimes translated from French means “rhymed ends.” This is a literary game in which poems are composed, often of a humorous nature, based on given thematically dissimilar, unexpected and unrelated rhymes. Sometimes a theme is given for the burime.

The inventor of the burime is considered to be the eccentric French poet Dulot, who lived in the 17th century, during the reign of Louis XIV. He once told his friends that 300 sonnets had been stolen or lost. Such a huge number of works raised doubts. Then Dulot gave an explanation: in fact, it was not the poems that were stolen, but the rhymes for future poems. The friends laughed at the poet and jokingly decided to write sonnets to the rhymes prepared by Dulot. They liked this fun. From the sonnet burime they then moved on to other types of it. Soon a game quickly began to spread and became fashionable. The poetess Antoinette Ligier (1638-1694) became especially famous at that time for writing sonnets with ready-made rhymes.

Over time, three were born rules Burim:

a) rhymes are chosen from words that are difficult to combine and unexpected;
b) rhymes should be varied;
c) rhymes cannot be changed in time and cases, nor rearranged.

The game in Burim has survived to this day. It is used especially successfully on the stage. This genre was first developed by Georgy Nemchinsky. Each viewer could tell him any word, another viewer immediately selected a rhyme, the artist, based on the proposed set of words, composed a poem, always witty and on the topic of the day.

Nemchinsky’s follower, Yuri Gorny, responded to the newspaper’s “ Soviet Russia» four pairs of rhymes: air - rest, illness - leisure, a game- an ax, land - a ruble, - he immediately quoted:

You can’t build a hut without an axe,
And sometimes work is just rest,
Work is my joy: a fun game,
When it hits your face - good luck, fresh air.
I rejected illnesses, I am unfamiliar with illness.
I don’t spend a single ruble on medicine.
The earth spreads dearly under my feet:
Nature for me is medicine and leisure.

To the same rhymes

- herbs
- pine
- oak groves
- in the spring

Try to compose a poem using the given rhymes. I wonder what you can do? Compare your creation with a stanza of the famous poem by S. Yesenin. What kind of poem is this?

Only in rhyme

First player says any word that comes to his mind, preferably a short one. The second name says a word that rhymes with the first. The third adds another word to the rhyme. And so on. The one who is the first to fail to name the word in rhyme receives a minus. Anyone who receives three minuses leaves games. The winner is the one left “alone”.

Here short example rhyming words:

board lord
court north
port damn
sport variety
cake etching
fort fiord
cord record

Only nouns are used here nominative case singular, and if we agree and take all kinds of words, there will be even more rhymes, and a game more entertaining and useful. The game will be even more intricate if you try to compose a poem based on at least a few of the spoken rhymes.

Reading the classics of poetry, I want to write something similar myself. To do this, you need to be proficient in versification. It seems too complicated for a beginner. IN initial period children are taught basic literacy in game form. Something similar exists in poetry. This game is called burime. What is this?

Rules of the game

The essence of the game is that 3-4 participants are given several completely disparate rhymes, according to which they must alternately come up with a poem that is related in meaning. Usually they take two pairs of rhymes and compose a quatrain. They can follow in order or crosswise, for example: sang/rich/swing/sunset. With these strange combinations, the result should be a complete and coherent burimé, which was invented in France. In translation, "burime" means rhymed line endings.

If it is not possible to gather a suitable company, then the game of Burim is actively played on the Internet. Entire competitions are held for this purpose. You can simply take ready-made poems and offer your own options based on them.

The task may become more difficult. For example, the 3rd participant may only know the previous line and the last word of the first line. He should roughly guess what is being said and continue the lines. The 4th participant must complete the quatrain by reading the last word of the 2nd line and the entire 3rd line. This requires a great deal of ingenuity. Not having complete information, you need to compose quickly. This is the Burime style.

In addition, you should compose a line so that the next player’s imagination runs wild. The whole process must take place dynamically, on which the result largely depends.

Let's look at the basic principles of writing burime using examples.

First line

You started the game in Burim. That this is not so simple becomes clear from the first line. It should be bright and accurate. After reading it, the next player should have a desire to write something similar.



The indestructible power of words...

An acute beginning that has multiple meanings. It's easy to come up with a continuation for this phrase, since it will influence the following lines.

Nothing is clear...

The author carefully begins to reveal the topic, making you think about the continuation. There is no problem yet, but there are no images either. We can say that the introduction is somewhat weak. If the next line does not give the necessary development, then the verse will wither on the vine.

Taking all the details apart...

This is already interesting! It sounds somewhat intriguing, and a start has already been made. There is scope for continuation.

Everything went smoothly at the beginning...

Here the beginning sounds optimistic, but already in the first line there is an assumption that not everything will turn out well. The dynamics remain.

There's fog here...

Also a biting presentation that awaits continuation.

Second line

The next participant, the author of the 2nd line, has a greater responsibility, since he knows all the initial content and rhyme. However, he must give meaning to both lines, linking them into one whole, and determine the main essence of the entire poem. At the same time, there should be chances for the third participant to begin to develop an understanding of this meaning. On the other hand, if you end the first line with a couplet, you can start a new thought with the third line.

The indestructible power of words!

They are calling back from behind the scenes...

You can guess that the artist is called by the audience. There's still more to come here.

Taking all the details apart

Running away from lies...

Here you can add intrigue by suggesting an honest solution to the problem.

Nothing is clear

Even a wise hedgehog...

There is complete confusion here. You can aggravate the situation further by adding a “sage” who also cannot figure it out. Humor is a must in this game.

Everything went smoothly at the beginning,

In a fairy tale with a white veil...

There are fogs here,

I'm floating towards a mirage...

The situation is similar to the previous one, where nothing is still clear.

Third line

The game in Burim is in full swing. With the 3rd line everything is very difficult. There is no information here, and besides, we must already begin preparing the ending for the last participant. You need an analysis of the situation, a rich imagination and the ability to read between the lines.

(Indestructible power) words!

They are calling back from behind the scenes...

The artist came out to the people again...

There is nothing complicated here. If they call you, you have to go out. The ending is left to the last participant.

(Sorting out all the) details,

Running away from lies

We called for quorum...

It is clear here that there is a search for truth. The situation must be resolved somehow, for example, find an arbitrator who can judge.

(not clear) nothing

Even a wise hedgehog.

That's probably all because...

There is complete ambiguity here, if even a wise hedgehog is unable to figure it out. The remaining participants still have a chance to finish the poem and clarify things.

(Everything went smoothly) at the beginning,

In a fairy tale with a white veil,

And now I walk around in sadness...

Obviously, we are talking about a wedding. But something was assumed at the beginning? So there must be an end. You can try to go the opposite way, upsetting the groom in some way.

(The fogs came here)

I'm floating towards a mirage...

Neither sober nor drunk...

There is also complete uncertainty here. But it's time to look for its reasons.

Fourth line

The fourth line should not be a summary of all the previous ones. The player will still not be able to do this, since he does not have all the information. Therefore, he must turn things around in his own way.

The difficulty is that this must be done in an original way. The game in Burim is not so simple. The players did not even imagine that it would be so interesting. The verse is almost ready, and all that remains is to make the last effort.

(The power of words is indestructible!

They are calling back from behind the scenes...

The artist came out to the people again,

Hitting the face in the dirt for an encore.

Traditional bows to the audience will only spoil the verse. Here you need to somehow get out. A one-line poem can be a good help. Here it came in very handy. The poet Vladimir Vishnevsky has many such one-line poems. He also lists them separately.

(Sorting out all the details,

Running away from) lies,

We called for quorum

A third “I” for free.

The referee appears here, but from a somewhat strange angle. Usually they don’t go beyond the 2nd. But the player’s imagination found a third person, who kept three company.

(Nothing is clear

Even a wise hedgehog.

It's probably all because

That I’m sitting on the rack.

It's just a play on words. The ending didn’t add much meaning, but it turned out funny if you imagine a fool sitting on a “nix.”

(Everything went smoothly at the beginning,

In a fairy tale with a white veil,

And now I walk around in sadness:

We didn't match the carvings.

The wedding was upset and you need to refer to the reason for this. “Discrepancy in threads” has already become a common expression, and the fact that the theme of iron appeared first turned out to be simply a coincidence.

(There are fogs here,

I'm floating towards a mirage...

Neither sober nor drunk

- I’m all Googled.

The player found very modern solution. Now many people spend time in company with the Internet, and this situation is quite real.

Let us now give unsuccessful examples that will show how the principles of the game in burim are violated.

On the roof the toad sings like a nightingale,

A dried puddle shakes a fish.

The beginning seems to be starting to develop some kind of event, but everything happens rather sluggishly. Each player tries to turn it out in his own way, but there is no further development. Everyone plays their own game.

The torrential rain falls lazily,

And snow fluff falls on the grass.

Homeless people dig a hole under the moon,

Wearily brushing flies off his mustache.

There is also no dynamics here. The first author starts weakly, and the second one tries to play on the opposite. But the third player nullifies these efforts, and the fourth finishes at the same pace.

The burime genre is very useful not only for beginners, but also for professionals. It is especially popular among entertainers and spoken word artists. Poetic improvisations contribute to the development creativity through Burime. Cinema also touched on this topic. Young directors come up with new plots based on given fragments of the film.


Playing in burim is a rather difficult work of several participants in composing poetry in turn, in which one must maintain dynamics, rhythm and show ingenuity without having complete information.

Each subsequent line should develop imagination and help the next player. The ultimate goal is for the poem to acquire a certain meaning. It will be useful preliminary preparation, based on the study of the basic rules of composing poetry and analysis of previous games.


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