What is ChSV: how does the abbreviation stand for and what does it mean on the Internet. What is chsv in youth slang

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What is ChSV VKontakte?

IN Lately When communicating on the Internet, words and expressions are often used that are quite difficult to understand; one of such expressions is ChSV. What is ChSV in VK? In fact, this concept speaks of a sense of self-importance; unfortunately, an inflated sense of self-importance is actual problem in modern society.

Origin of the expression chsv

First, you need to understand where such a concept as ChSV came from, how it got into the conversations and correspondence of many people. It was introduced by the famous American writer, esoteric scientist Castaneda. And it was from his creations that people first learned about such a concept as ChSV.

But how could so many people know about this concept? Was this scientist really that popular? No, it's not like that. Indeed, not many people read scientific and esoteric works. Our ChSV was popularized thanks to the many Internet resources disseminating information about various memes and Internet phenomena. In particular, all this is thanks to the Russian-language wikiencyclopedia “Lurkomorye”.

HRV value

The abbreviation SSV can be deciphered as: Sense of Self-Importance. Applicable this abbreviation often on various forums or on social networks to show a person that he thinks too much of himself. The problem of high self-esteem and feelings of self-importance is quite common in the modern world.

But why do we meet people with high self-esteem so much more often on the Internet than on real life? The fact is that the Internet gives such people an excellent opportunity to make themselves known as widely as possible. Here they can say and do whatever they want, but no one can stop their antics. This impunity is what attracts people with inflated HR to the Internet.

Examples of using

To better understand the meaning of the expression ChSV, let's look at its application using specific examples.

  • How can you argue with what I say? Everyone knows that this is true! - Yes, your heart rate is too high, bro, if you say so, this does not mean that it really is so.
  • Hey girl, make some room for me! I’m older, I need to sit, but you’re young and stand! - Woman, your heart rate is too high, by the way, I worked all night and I also need to rest.
  • Now I will solve everything! As I say, do it! - Why should we do as you say? Yes, your heart rate is too high, dude!


After reading this article, you should no longer have the question “What is CHSV VKontakte?” We explained that the feeling of self-importance is a sense of self-importance, and also saw examples of how to use the feeling of self-importance in a conversation.

We are more than sure that the majority of people have seen ChSV at least once on the worldwide network or laughed at sometimes hilarious jokes about inflated CHV.

This expression is slang, and is mainly used by young people, but has its place in the vocabulary of people of all ages.

How does ChSV stand for?

Let’s start deciphering this abbreviation so that everyone can understand what specific meaning is hidden in this abbreviation. ChSV is self-importance, the way a person evaluates himself in society and sees himself from the outside.

It is also worth considering that some users interpret this as a sense of their own greatness. This option can also be considered correct - in essence, this is the degree to which a person evaluates himself.

Unfortunately, today a large number of people do not evaluate themselves quite adequately, which is why FWS has become associated with the most real illness. Suffer from it both adults and youth, but most often it occurs among young people.

A young man with an inflated sense of self-importance thinks too much of himself, talking about himself as an outstanding superman, whom everyone should by default love and adore and, naturally, who should be given all the attention of the people around him.

A teenager who has strong feeling own superiority, has an urgent need for huge amount of attention from the outside and simply cannot deal differently with the family and friends around him, except by constantly begging for attention in all ways available to him - from stupid jokes to real hysterics with scandals.

Still, the level of significance and importance for society of such children is greatly embellished. And if someone says about you that you have an overly inflated sense of self-importance, keep in mind that this is far from a compliment and it’s time to think about your behavior in public - most likely it is very ugly.

How is ChSV translated?

A large number of our fellow citizens believe that this common abbreviation has some kind of special meaning and that it came from one of the many foreign idioms.

In fact, the assumptions of these people are fundamentally incorrect - this is nothing more than slang that comes from merging several words in combination “Sense of Self-Importance/Greatness” and has absolutely no specific translation. In other words, this is just an abbreviation that English language doesn't mean anything special at all.

Of course, the British have their own idioms for talking about a sense of self-importance, but, in any case, it would be incorrect to translate the entire abbreviation directly.

Heart rate in adolescents

CSV is remembered with enviable frequency in a youth environment and their slang, but it's not just like that. Adolescence– this is a difficult time when painfully inadequate self-esteem begins to manifest itself in all its glory.

This can easily be explained by the fact that teenagers are very demanding of the approval of the people around them. They make every effort to win the respect and admiration of their peers at almost any cost.

Because desire to be popular and in demand It is most acute at this age; the emergency situation of young people is gaining momentum more and more. Unfortunately, even for the self-employed people themselves, inflated self-esteem is not at all a joy, but becomes another strong disappointment.

A teenager who thinks too much about himself looks like an overly vain person and focused only on himself.

Such a person sees practically no one except himself, because he is the center of the Universe. This characteristic of a person is far from the most attractive for people around him, as well as for making new acquaintances and communication. This behavior is repulsive.

Not only people around and acquaintances do not like this behavior, since friends and parents experience a particular burden in this state of affairs, for this reason various kinds of conflicts and quarrels often arise. The relationship begins to “crack” and as a result, the teenager suffers.

As it may seem at first, talking about someone’s inflated self-importance is nothing more than a funny topic for discussion among friends. But, if you look deeper, it becomes clear that this trait has negative character, requiring the fastest possible disposal of it.

Inflated heart rate: how to identify a person with such a disease

For people who have an increased heart rate, determine won't be difficult. All you need for this is to observe the person’s manner of communication, his behavior with friends, close and dear people; and also, at least once to see this person in conditions and surroundings that are uncomfortable for him. And immediately everything will become clear.

In the digital world, it’s easy to meet overly self-focused people - pay attention to them

I wish I could pick up a shovel and fix the crown for all of them!

Often this desire can arise in relation to people whose selfishness, pride and feigned greatness are so off the charts that it becomes almost impossible to tolerate. To be fair, it should be said that the manifestations SEI (feelings of self-importance) to one degree or another, they are characteristic of every person, but there are individuals in whom egocentrism, the desire to assert themselves at the expense of others and irrepressible self-promotion reach simply clinical proportions.

Signs of a heart attack

The most striking manifestation of emotional distress can be called ordinary boasting, with the help of which a person tries to attract attention to himself, “raise” the price, arouse admiration or envy. This also includes show-offs, whose symptoms are very similar to boasting, but have a stronger “patina” of cheap cool. A person is driven by the desire to show the whole world his status: useful contacts, expensive and stylish things, belonging to some high community or group, etc. The most faithful and the right way to ease the symptoms of “star sickness” - the indifferent reaction of others.

Another sign of inflated PE is self-affirmation at someone else’s expense. This includes arrogance, conceit, envy, arrogance, reproach, unconstructive criticism, arrogance - in general, the whole set of techniques that help in the desire to devalue the qualities and achievements of other people, and therefore look more profitable in one’s own eyes.

Sad consequences

The hypertrophied need for recognition and love from the public forces some people to resort to such methods as labeling, sticking out their real and imaginary positive qualities, ostentatious mercy, etc. At the same time, the poor people spend so much internal energy and strength “maintaining” the image they created that sooner or later this leads to neuroses due to the constant desire not to lose status, not to lose oneself, to conform. And how many such examples of “falls from Olympus”, at the foot of which ridicule, shame and oblivion awaited them?

Also, the problems of overestimated heart rate include ordinary lies. Such people often lie, and they do it more out of inertia, out of habit. They are so accustomed to the fact that they “achieved” certain life privileges by lying that they continue to do it automatically, even when it is not at all required. All this, naturally, cannot but affect the attitude of others.

Society has never welcomed those who reach its attention in this way. Those who “jump out of their pants” today to take a fatter bite from the recognition and love of the public will face disappointment and contempt tomorrow. But sincerity, naturalness, originality will always be held in high esteem by truly thinking and sensible people (I really hope that these are the majority).

How to get rid of emergency situations

The main secret of real inner freedom lies, if not in completely eradicating the sense of self-importance (which not everyone succeeds in), then at least in minimizing its manifestations.

" or the word " ", but also abbreviations. One of these abbreviations is CHSV. In this article we will look at ChSV - what this abbreviation means and its oral use in communication.

Just like “kek,” ChSV is a common Internet meme that people use mainly when communicating on social networks. This abbreviation takes on two very close meanings. These are “Sense of Self-Importance” and “Sense of Self-Greatness”.

“Sense of Self-Importance” and “Sense of Own Greatness” (SSV)

“Sense of Self-Importance” or “Sense of Own Greatness” (SGB) is a feeling of superiority over something or someone, a feeling of increased significance of oneself, one’s actions and deeds, which does not reflect the real picture of what is happening. The concept of CVS was used by Carlos Castaneda in many of his books. Don Juan spent a lot of time and effort on explaining the meaning of the concept of ESV, since it is extremely capacious.

Using all the explanations that don Juan gives us, the CSV has the following description and meaning:
“This feeling is not initially inherent in a person; it is introduced into a person from the outside. By forcing a particular person throughout his life, that is, constantly, to check his own significance and importance, the life values ​​of this person change. The results of such checks put us in first place among all life values person, the values ​​that satisfy his personal feelings. At the same time, values ​​that do not satisfy the self-interest are relegated to the background or are completely discarded.

Unfortunately, as a result, even a person’s life itself falls into the category of concepts that do not satisfy the ESS (unimportant). In order not to lose one’s self-esteem, a person is ready to do any stupidity and even death. At the same time, FSN is destructive and, in addition to the above-mentioned revaluation of itself, does not carry significant changes in human abilities and life. The main premise achieving the feeling of a warrior, as well as taking responsibility for one's actions and erasing personal history, is a loss of sense of self-importance or grandeur. The concept of ChSV is highlighted in many books, especially in the third book, “Journey to Ixtlan.”

Thus, often using the concept of ChSV on the Internet, the very concept of ChSV has become a common Internet meme that characterizes people who excessively demonstrate and exaggerate to others their importance and the significance of their person in the eyes of other people and the community as a whole.

Symptoms and characteristics of CVS

The characteristics and symptoms of PWS are:

  • excessive or exceptional narcissism and selfishness
  • exaggeration of one's talents and one's role
  • demonstrative behavior

Having seen such symptoms, one can confidently diagnose a person with FWS.

Aphorisms and phrases of people with CVS

People with HF often use similar aphorisms and expressions:

  1. I'm D'Artagnan, and you're all cunts
  2. I don’t care about anyone, I do my job and the way I see fit (if pronounced without connection with anything)
  3. I have +100500 edits for each post on the forum, during correspondence
  4. I have a significant contribution to articles, and you are a flooder and a troll
  5. and so on.

How and when is ChSV used?

Most often, ChSV was applied to such figures as Artemy Lebedev, Varrax, Katya Gordon, Yaroslav Zolotarev, Dimitry Podkovyrov, and so on. ChSV is also attributed to Wikipedia activists who often carried out self-promotion on Wikiprojects - Ayuz, Pogrebnoy-Alexandrov and Goldberg.

Among the huge number of memes on the Internet, there is one widespread and incredibly relevant in our time - ChSV, the decoding of which is known to many and, unfortunately, close. It's about a sense of self-importance. Whatever one may say, the overwhelming majority of the population (if not the country, then certainly the Internet) has an excessively high opinion of themselves and their own judgments. Their view of certain things is a priori the most reasonable, correct and not subject to discussion. Such people require special treatment, although their importance is usually exaggerated and questionable. They say about such people: “The emergency rate is off the charts!”

They are also ridiculed with the help of funny aphorisms and thematic pictures on social networks. Where do such individuals come from? Who came up with the idea that became so important? famous people Is it possible to diagnose CVS syndrome? How do you know if you have the prerequisites for its development? Why is it dangerous and how to deal with it? Read about all this below.

How we learned about ChSV

Let's start, perhaps, with where this term came from. It was introduced by the famous esoteric scientist Castaneda. It was from him that we first learned about such a phenomenon as ChSV. Decoding this abbreviation today does not cause any difficulties for any active Internet user. And all thanks to the Russian-language wikiencyclopedia “Lurkomorye” - it was it that popularized the ChSV meme, as well as many other well-known Internet phenomena. Due to the absence of strict formalities (as in Wikipedia itself), this resource covers a larger number of diverse objects modern world and gives a more complete and understandable idea of ​​them.

Who are they - people with high heart rate?

So, we understand, ChSV, the decoding is known, and so is the source that disseminated knowledge about it. But a sense of self-importance could not appear on its own; there must be “carriers” of it. And, of course, they exist. There have always been enough such people, it’s just that the Internet helps them “go out into the world”, to a huge number of people (network users) and, accordingly, demonstrate their brightness. It’s very easy to detect a carrier of the ChSV - you just need to come across his messages a couple of times, comments on posts, and everything will immediately become clear. All his conversations are conducted with one main goal - to attract attention to himself, to declare to the public his own coolness and uniqueness, thereby at the same time fueling his emotional state.

Among the people whose heart rate is inflated and unshakable, there are many famous media personalities. For example, often on social networks this characteristic applied to the Russian designer and blogger Artemy Lebedev, television and radio presenter, as well as the scandalous blogger, Russian publicist, blogger and popularizer of Satanism Varrax. All of them are known for their shocking antics, selfish attitude and expressive expressions in work/creativity. There is always some kind of controversy, noise, discussion and emotions (often negative) around them, however, in most cases this is part of their plans.

ChSV in real life

With regard to celebrities and popular figures in the media, everything seems to be quite logical - they need PR, it is important for them to be talked about. What about ordinary, non-public people, like you and me? Have you ever paid attention to your behavior and how you position yourself when communicating with other people (either on the Internet or in real life)? After all, excessive heart rate can be very, very disturbing.

How can an overestimated heart rate be dangerous?

Firstly, it can negatively affect communication with other people: friends, loved ones, colleagues and those simply around us every day. How does your HRV affect them? The decoding of this concept may sound like this: “I am the navel of the Earth.” Who would like this position? It is unlikely that your colleague, much less your boss, will be happy to work with a person for whom his own interests are above all. What about relatives? Is it easy for them to get along with you and try to please all your whims? Sooner or later, the one who communicates with the carrier of the FSV will run out of patience, and the relationship will crack.

Secondly, an overestimated heart rate harms you most of all. The position “I am the best/ideal/always right” can easily lead to degradation, lack of self-development, deafness and blindness to the opinions and desires of others. As a result, you can withdraw into yourself and lose touch with reality. Of course, this is in especially severe cases, but it all starts small.

How to avoid falling into the trap of emergency situations?

If you notice similar behavior, thoughts, statements, then you should stop and think: “Why am I behaving this way and what could this lead to?” Of course, the heart rate itself should be present in every person, but in a reasonable proportion. is just as dangerous and harmful as overpriced. Try to find a balance. Stick to your views and judgments if they are reasonable, thoughtful and balanced, but respect opposing, different opinions. Be true to yourself, but listen to others - it can be useful. As for social networks, then sometimes it’s better to “pass by” some post than to get involved in empty conversations, it’s better to do something more useful and productive. Good luck!


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