What is a plastic window profile? Types of window profiles and their characteristics

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The formation of polyvinyl chloride windows into a full-fledged segment has long been completed in the domestic market. Technological and functional frames have confidently replaced their wooden counterparts, providing consumers with reliable and ergonomic glazing. However, plastic profiles for PVC windows cause mixed opinions from users, which is due to the variety of models and quality parameters of this product. Often, the manufacturer's brand becomes the decisive selection criterion - certified windows are more likely to be endowed with the qualities and characteristics declared by the company. All that remains is to figure out which brand guarantees the best profile properties.

What is a PVC profile?

A metal-plastic profile is a frame that can include up to eight chambers, but models with two or three compartments are more common. Actually, they generally depend on their parameters. It is logical that options with a larger area are weaker in insulating and soundproofing functions than plastic profiles for small windows. In order to increase thermal insulation, manufacturers use polyurethane foam, which fills the space of the chambers. Fiberglass covering is also common. The list of main distinguishing features of profiles also includes installation width. The rigidity of the structure and, consequently, the reliability of the valves depends on these indicators.

Foreign profile manufacturers

For the most part, imported PVC windows are represented on the market by German products. Technologies of European companies have come far ahead and today dominate this niche. The list of companies numbers in the dozens, and the leading positions in quality and sales are occupied by the brands KBE, Rehau, Veka, Trocal, Deceuninck, etc. It is noteworthy that the windows of most German companies are manufactured in Russia under special licenses. Accordingly, many plastic profiles for PVC windows, the names of which are of German origin, are produced in our country. Domestic manufacturers of brands such as Rehau and KBE strive to provide proper quality, completely recreating the original

Russian profile manufacturers

Despite the wide representation of foreign window products, Russian manufacturing technologies are also being improved. One of the oldest domestic producers of metal-plastic profiles is the company Proplex. Having initially mastered Austrian technologies, the company strives to offer a wide range of glazing products.

The formation of the Montblanc brand was not without help from Austrian specialists. Currently, the company's clients have access to plastic profiles for windows with a maximum width of 120 cm - this is a system that includes five chambers.

The Novotex company, which has production facilities in the Moscow region, can perhaps be unconditionally called Russian. Engineers and technologists are constantly working to improve plastic structures, focusing on local climatic conditions. It is the latter factor, combined with a low price, that allows the Novotex brand to maintain competition.

Class A profiles

Although the quality of profiles is determined by general criteria, there is a division by class, according to which comparison of premium models and representatives of budget series is unjustified. The former obviously win in performance and durability, while the advantage of the latter is the price.

So, luxury plastic profiles for windows are positioned on the market as A-class. Such systems are distinguished by their wall thickness (3 mm), reliability of connections in the corners, and protection from external influences. Technical features A-class profiles are not felt during use, which, however, indicates the reliability of the structures. They are very problematic to dismantle without special tool, an optimal microclimate is created in the room, and aesthetic beauty with the possibility of tinting frames makes premium systems best choice. Representatives of the A-class include profiles KBE, Rehau, Veka, etc.

Class B profiles

You cannot count on impeccable technical and physical parameters in the windows of this group, but due to the relatively low cost, this product also deserves attention.

The thickness of the outer walls in B-class structures is 2.5 mm. For this reason, plastic profiles for PVC windows of class B are less resistant to physical influences. There is also an opinion about the unsatisfactory environmental performance of profiles of this group, but this is not true. Non-toxicity is a general condition for certification of plastic structures.

Category C profiles

In general, modern C-class profiles fully meet consumer needs both in terms of sound and heat insulation, and in decorative properties. Another thing is that premium competitors have raised the level of technical qualities quite high.

Representatives of category C include profiles of such brands as Vektor, LG Hausys, AGF, as well as almost all domestic products, including Novotex. As a rule, they are used to provide non-residential premises, but there are also lines aimed at installation in apartments and private houses.

Rating of the best profiles

Against the backdrop of the development of technological methods for producing profiles and fierce competition, it is not easy to identify. The rating is formed based on a combination of qualities and the introduction of fundamentally new properties. In this regard, the arrangement of leaders can be presented as follows:

This brand has earned its championship by maintaining an unsurpassed level of basic qualities. window profiles. These include 50-year durability, increased heat and noise insulation performance, as well as environmental friendliness due to the addition of zinc and calcium compounds to the PVC formulation.

Constituting serious competition to KBE, the Veka brand takes second place. The list of its advantages includes the technology of manufacturing “light” profiles, which at the same time ensure the preservation of heat and acoustic comfort.


Rehau is rightfully among the top three. The quality of the profiles of this manufacturer is achieved through the introduction of lead compounds. As a result, the structures acquire high strength and stability in operation.

The following positions can be occupied by many plastic profiles for PVC windows. Which one is better among them should be determined by the same parameters. The Salamander and Deceuninck systems should be added to the top three. Although plastic profiles for windows of these brands are not so popular, their physical and technical qualities maintain a high level. They are also distinguished by ergonomics and a thoughtful configuration that facilitates installation and further use window systems.

Reading time: 7 minutes.

The profile is the basis for the manufacture of window frames and sashes. The appearance, durability and reliability of the entire window structure depend on its quality.

Classification by materials

Wood, aluminum, and PVC are used to produce modern window blocks. Each type of material has its own advantages and disadvantages, features and limitations in use.


The best and most expensive types of wood for the production of window profiles are oak and larch; alder and pine are also used. The high cost of wooden structures is associated not only with the use of natural wood, but also with the peculiarities of the technological process. The material for window profiles needs careful processing (drying, impregnation with antiseptics, painting, varnishing), and in the manufacture of the product, high precision and skill play a key role.

Advantages of wooden windows:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • good heat-shielding properties;
  • maintaining natural air exchange between indoors and outdoors;
  • aesthetic natural appearance.


  • the possibility of warping and swelling if the production and installation technology is violated;
  • low fire resistance;
  • high price.


Since metal is not capable of retaining heat, aluminum profiles are mainly used for or utility rooms when there is no possibility or need to install warm glazing.

Exist . A special thermal liner is placed in the profile, which provides high thermal insulation properties of such window structures.

The advantages of aluminum profiles include:

  • strength and durability;
  • ease;
  • resistance to external influences;
  • fire resistance.


  • low heat-protective properties of the “cold” profile;
  • high price of the “warm” option.

Polyvinyl chloride

Reinforcing U-shaped profile for structural rigidity

PVC profiles have become the most widespread for the production of modern windows, due to their low cost compared to wood and aluminum and excellent thermal insulation and performance properties. The main competitive advantages of PVC:

  • high level of thermal insulation;
  • prostate manufacturing and installation finished products;
  • high resistance to the influence of precipitation and chemical reagents;
  • the ability to produce products of various designs and shapes;
  • affordable price.

Main disadvantage– flammability, like all plastics. All other user complaints in most cases are related to the choice of low-quality products or installation errors.

Characteristics of PVC profile

The lion's share of all installed window units is made up of plastic products. The market offers windows from the profiles of dozens of manufacturers, which at first glance look the same. Often, a low level of quality manifests itself only after some time of operation, when it becomes obvious that the profile cannot cope with its functions and does not provide the proper level of thermal protection. When choosing a product, it is useful to know the basic significant characteristics PVC window profile.

Wall thickness

According to this indicator, 3 product groups are distinguished:

  • Class A. This includes products that have an outer wall thickness of 2.8 mm and an inner wall thickness of 2.5 mm. Such indicators are considered optimal to ensure best thermal insulation living space.
  • Class B. Products with an outer wall thickness of 2.5 mm and an inner wall thickness of 2.0 mm. Such products provide less reliable protection against heat loss and are more susceptible to deformation during operation. The main purpose is installation in shops and public institutions.
  • Class C. Products with thinner walls than in previous classes. Windows made from it are intended for glazing non-residential, warehouse, and industrial premises.

Read also: Using tape to insulate windows

Profile width

The indicator determines which double-glazed window can be mounted in a given profile. A double-glazed window consists of several glasses connected by a frame around the perimeter. The spaces formed between the glasses are filled with ordinary air or inert gases (in premium segment products) to improve thermal insulation performance.

A single-chamber package consists of two glasses and one air chamber between them. A two-chamber glass consists of 3 glasses, between which there are, respectively, 2 chambers, etc. The greater the number of glasses, the warmer the finished product.

Also, the width of the profile determines the installation dimensions for installing the window. As the width increases, the overall weight of the structure increases - this must be taken into account, for example, when glazing a balcony with weak base slabs.

Usually standard value amounts to 58-80 mm, some brands offer products up to 120 mm wide to produce products designed for use in harsh climatic conditions and characterized by improved sound and heat insulation characteristics.

Number of profile cameras

Not to be confused with the air chambers of a double-glazed window!

The plastic profile is hollow inside and separated by partitions. The thermal insulation properties of PVC profiles are due to the presence of hollow chambers between the lintels - the more of them, the lower the thermal conductivity of the window frame and sash.

Each cavity performs a specific function (moisture removal, fastening of fittings, ensuring strength), and their number (usually 3-8) and location are determined by technological calculations. The most in demand are 3-5-chamber types of plastic profiles.

Metal reinforcement

The plastic profile is additionally reinforced with a metal frame to impart rigidity to the structure. This significantly reduces the likelihood of deformation and sagging of the window sash due to many opening-closing cycles, temperature changes and other influences during use.

The shape of the frame depends on the size of the window:

  • L-shaped– reinforcement is laid along 2 walls; sufficient for small windows;
  • U-shaped– strengthening of 3 walls of the profile; suitable for window sizes up to 1.9 m in height;
  • closed– the reinforcement is located along 4 planes and ensures the greatest rigidity of the product; For glazing large areas of loggias and panoramic balconies, it is recommended to choose this type of profile.

What to look for when choosing

It is difficult for the buyer to determine the quality of the profile on exhibition samples. In most cases, you have to rely on the integrity of the seller and the manufacturer of window structures. There are some features that will help you avoid buying a low-quality product:

What are the best plastic windows? Advantages, disadvantages, reviews of popular PVC profiles

We are aware that by rating windows, we are thereby invading the territory of professionals who are very skeptical about the ratings of this product. But “Expert Price” would not be himself if he had not tried to rank everyone.

Which profile of plastic windows is better?

To understand the subtle nuances of the assessment, we had to study a considerable amount of informational texts, a huge number of all kinds of amateur and professional reviews, and conduct a small amount of our own research.

The product, about which so many copies have been described, is in fact the most ordinary plastic stick, but, however, with a complex surface and internal structure. To give strength, there is a metal insert made of galvanized steel inside the profile, and internal plastic partitions create air chambers that ensure heat conservation. All. It seems, what is there to argue about? Steel will remain steel no matter what is done to it, and the plastic used by all companies is the same - polyvinyl chloride (PVC). It follows that the window profile of any production must be of the same quality. Is it so? And how do you choose the best from what is identical by definition?

Criteria for choosing a profile

Country of origin of the profile

Any company that recycles a window profile indicates its origin. At the same time, you can very often find the word “German” in the descriptive part. We recommend that you clarify what is meant by this word, because... Sellers like to use it to justify the high price of a finished window. The lion's share of this profile is produced in Russia by German technology. In this case, relatively cheap energy resources and labor are used, therefore, the cost of the product should differ from the profile produced in Germany.

Number of thermal insulation chambers

Undoubtedly, the most important criterion. It is believed that the more chambers, the better the thermal insulation. However, one should not forget that it is unnecessary a large number of chambers can lead to the fact that the thermal conductivity coefficient can, on the contrary, increase due to the plastic partitions, which will act as a cooling radiator. Therefore, we definitely pay attention to next criterion.

Profile width

When choosing a profile for a living room, it is better not to skimp on this parameter. Everything is simple here, the wider, the warmer. It is only worth noting that small-chamber wide profiles can be easily deformed, because have few stiffeners.

Number of double-glazed window chambers

Reinforcing steel insert

It comes with an open or solid contour. If there are no restrictions on strength, then we advise you to choose an open one, it is warmer.

ISO 9001 Certificate

Provides a guarantee of control over the production of window profiles according to the quality management system.

The best PVC window profiles according to the “Price Expert”

Monsters of the industry. Leaders of sells.

Why are these plastic windows in our rating: The most popular

VEKA profile
Naro-Fominsk district, Gubtsevo village

Photo: www.planetasvet.ru

The profile is produced near Moscow by the company “VEKA Rus”. This is the first such enterprise in Russia. In addition, there are branches in Novosibirsk and Khabarovsk. The head office of VEKA AG is located in Germany in Sendenhorst.
The company produces six types of profiles:

  • EUROLINE - three chambers, width 58 mm
  • PROLINE - four chambers, width 70 mm
  • SOFTLINE - five chambers, width 70 mm
  • SWIGLINE - five chambers, width 82 mm
  • SOFTLINE 82 - six to seven chambers, width 70 mm
  • ALPHLINE - six chambers, width 90 mm

The products are certified according to ISO 9001: 2008. The VEKA company profile has been assigned the German RAL quality mark, which means that the control procedure for the raw materials used and finished products complies with control standards.

Moscow region enterprise:

Photo: veka.ua


  • Stable quality
  • Large product line


  • Price

Typical reviews about windowsVEKA:
“The profile itself is good, it performed well in winter, pah-pah, but to be honest, it’s expensive. I’m still inclined to believe that this is an overpayment for the brand...”
“...the company is quite well-known, it seems to me that in our city we have the most advertisements of this particular company. And there are banners along the roads, and the press writes on the main pages, and videos are shown on TV.”

REHAU profile

Photo: dom.vse56.ru

The average price in the Russian Federation for windows measuring 1470x1420 from a profile 70 mm thick: 9,500 rubles

The German company has been producing window profiles in Russia since 2002. Currently, it is the leader in the number of products produced per year among similar companies. Russian enterprises. The plant is equipped with modern equipment and certified according to the quality management system by independent international experts.
The following profile types are offered to clients:

  • GENEO - 6 chambers, width 86 mm
  • INTELIO - 6 cameras, 86 mm
  • BRILLANT-DESIGN – 5 (6) chambers, width 70 (80mm)
  • DELIGHT-DESIGN – 5 chambers, 70 mm
  • SIB-DESIGN – 3 + thermoblock (5) chambers, 70 mm
  • EURO-DESIGN – 3 chambers, 60 mm
  • BLITZ - 3 cameras, 60 mm

Let’s note the company’s slogan: “Avoiding mistakes is more important than eliminating errors” and the production culture (in the photo is a plant near Gzhel).

Photo: www.rehau.com


  • Quality
  • Manufacturer's Warranty
  • Large selection of profile models


  • Price

Typical reviews about REHAU windows:
“...a little expensive compared to others, but it’s worth it”
“The windows are very good, I wanted something cheap, but in the end I chose the most expensive one, the quality is really impressive”

KBE profile (KBE)

Photo: rudupis.ru

The average price in the Russian Federation for windows measuring 1470x1420 from a profile 70 mm thick: 7,700 rubles

KBE is another German company that has built enterprises in Russia, in particular, factories in Voskresensk and Khabarovsk. No special differences between the KBE profile and competitors' products were found. However, the cost of KBE is slightly lower. At the same time, the company’s profile is ISO certified, and the marketing move for issuing partner certificates is respectable. Let me explain: the company issues an “Official Partner Certificate” to the best profile processors and thus can indirectly influence the quality of the finished windows. I must make a reservation - this certificate does not provide any guarantees to the consumer.

So, the list of products:

  • “Etalon” and “Engine” - 3 cameras, width 58 mm
  • “Etalon +” - modification “Etalon” with an additional camera, installation width 127 mm
  • "KBE_SELECT" - 5 cameras, width 70 mm
  • "KBE_Expert" - 5 cameras, width 70 mm
  • “KBE_Expert+” is a modification with a mounting width of 127 mm
  • "KBE_Energia" - 3 chambers, width 70 mm
  • “KBE_88” - 6 cameras, width 88 mm

KBE plant in Voskresensk

Photo: ostekl.ru


  • Price
  • Quality
  • Large selection of models


  • not detected

Typical reviews about KBE windows:

“I'm satisfied with KBE windows. My husband and I chose from many companies and chose PVC windows Rehau and KBE. KBE won for the price"
“For me, kbe windows have become the optimal ratio of price and quality”

Average companies with ambitions

Why in our rating: These PVC windows are constantly popular, often making it into the top ten according to professionals.

Türkheim, Germany

Photo: www.domovladelets.ru

The average price in the Russian Federation for windows measuring 1470x1420 from a profile 76 mm thick: 26,000 rubles

The products of SALAMANDER Industrie-Produkte GmbH are classified by us as “average” only in terms of “sales level in Russia”. Salamander Industrie is a German corporation that has several factories in Europe, including one in Belarus, in Brest. According to the manufacturer, the entire SALAMANDER profile is produced exclusively in Germany, and the BRÜGMANN profile is produced at its other enterprises. The author had the opportunity to personally verify the validity of such a statement when visiting a plant in the Republic of Belarus.

The company produces the following profile systems:

  • Design 2D - 3 (4) cameras, width 60 mm
  • Design 3D - 4 (5) cameras, width 76 mm
  • Streamline - 5 cameras, width 76 mm


  • External surface quality
  • Design
  • You can hope for European quality control
  • Control of dealers by the manufacturer


  • Price

Typical reviews about SALAMANDER windows:
“Salamander profiles are a proven option”
“Salamander is a serious device, no complaints”

Profile of Mont Blanc

Photo: vashiokna-dv.ru

The average price in the Russian Federation for windows measuring 1470x1420 from a profile 70 mm thick: 7800 rubles

The international company STL-Extrusion, which has four factories in the CIS, is engaged in the production of the Mont Blanc profile. Over the thirteen years of production, the MONTBLANC profile has become quite famous brand, and the company acquired an extensive dealer network. There are currently seven product lines available for purchase:

  • TERMO 60 – 5 chambers, width 60 mm
  • QUADRO 70 – 4 chambers, width 70 mm
  • NORD 70 - 5 chambers, width 70 mm
  • LOGIC - 3 cameras, width 58 mm
  • GRAND 80 - 6 chambers, width 80 mm
  • ECO 60 – 3 chambers, width 60 mm
  • CITY 120 – 5 chambers, width 120 mm

The profile produced in Mogilev is ISO certified. There is no information about the certification of products from other enterprises of the company.


  • Quality
  • Large selection of profile options
  • Democratic price


  • Lack of ISO certification at Russian factories

Typical reviews about windowsMont Blanc:
"Good profile on Russian market- Not unusual. But cheap and high quality - that’s a rarity... We are happy with everything.”
“...they keep the heat great”


Photo: www.okna-kaleva.ru

The average price in the Russian Federation for windows measuring 1470x1420 from a profile 70 mm thick: 10,000 rubles

The Kaleva company is engaged in the production of window blocks. The profile is produced independently. Reviews from professionals are more neutral than negative. Users are often captivated by the appearance of the profile - Muscovites did a good job on the design. The company has two classical-style profile systems and three designer ones:

  • Kaleva Standard - 4 chambers, width 70 mm
  • Kaleva Vita - 4 chambers, width 70 mm
  • Kaleva Design - 4 chambers, width 70 mm
  • Kaleva Design+ - 4(5) cameras, width 70 mm
  • Kaleva Deco - 5(6) chambers, width 70 mm


  • Appearance
  • Full production cycle

Typical reviews about Kaleva windows:
"...in general it will do"
“In general, we are very pleased with the windows”

Proplex profile

Photo: odf.ru

The average price in the Russian Federation for windows measuring 1470x1420 from a profile 70 mm thick: 8800 rubles

Proplex is a Russian company that is making significant efforts to modernize production and introduce new window systems. Just a few years ago, it was a small company manufacturing windows from someone else’s profiles, but now the company has created a full production cycle. Innovative window systems were created together with well-known Austrian developers with extensive experience in the design of thermal insulation systems.
Proplex offers the following types of profiles:

PROPLEX-Optima - 3 chambers, width 58 mm
PROPLEX-BALCONY – 3 chambers, width 46 mm
PROPLEX-Comfort - 4 chambers, width 70 mm
PROPLEX-Premium - 5 chambers, width 70 mm
PROPLEX-Lux - 5 chambers, width 127 mm


  • Price


  • Lack of international certification
  • The presence of obsolete systems in the line

Typical reviews about Proplex windows:
“For a window 110mm x 150mm they paid about 7 thousand rubles. Acceptable price"
“I listened to the expert’s opinion and I don’t regret it. Everything is great"

Eurowindow manufacturing companies periodically included in the top 10 ratings

Why in our rating: these plastic windows are worthy of attention.

Deceuninck's profile
Belgium, branch - Protvino

Photo: www.isskur.ru

The average price in the Russian Federation for windows measuring 1470x1420 from a profile 71 mm thick: 10,600 rubles

The Belgian concern The Deceuninck Group (Deceuninck Group) releases its own profile in the Moscow region. The production is not certified, which is strange, because all of the company’s European factories are ISO certified. Whether this is due to unstable quality or whether management simply hasn’t gotten around to it yet is unknown. The profile “collected” the usual ratio of both positive and negative reviews. Product line:

  • Forward - 3 cameras, width 60 mm
  • Bautek - 3 chambers, width 71 mm
  • Favorite - 5 cameras, width 71 mm
  • Favorite Space - 6 cameras, width 76 mm
  • Eforte - 6 chambers, width 84 mm


  • Availability of several highly efficient systems
  • Quality


  • High cost of outdated modifications

Typical reviews about Deceuninck windows:
“Deceuninck profiles are very reliable and retain heat well”
“The windows withstood the winter tests perfectly”

SOK profile

Photo: www.okna-modern.ru

The average price in the Russian Federation for windows measuring 1470x1420 from a profile 72 mm thick: 11,900 rubles

Included in the list as a regular figure in Internet ratings. From the information gleaned from the website of the company SOK (Samara Window Constructions) you can easily find out that the company does not have its own production of window profiles. The “branded” profile is manufactured at the Profine concern plant (see KBE). This means that the profile is produced in accordance with international requirements and is ISO certified, which is not bad. But the question immediately arises about the high cost of windows made from this profile, the price of which is significantly higher than KBE windows. The choice of configurations is very small, only two types:

  • Corporate profile SOK-470 - 4 chambers, width 62 mm
  • Corporate profile SOK-570 - 5 chambers, width 72 mm


  • quality
  • unique camera arrangement


  • inflated cost of finished products
  • small selection

Typical reviews about SOK windows:
“JUICE is a normal profile, no better and no worse than many”
“I liked the profile, simple and strong”

Which plastic windows are still better to install?

And in the end the most important thing is the most best profile a careless window manufacturer or a handless installer can turn it into disgusting trash. Therefore, before ordering windows, consult with neighbors, friends or just acquaintances who have already contacted the company you have chosen. Remember that a profile is just a piece of plastic, which, although it is an important component of a window unit, its choice must still be justified in combination with such factors as reliable fittings, a good double-glazed window and the conscientiousness of the craftsmen.

Plastic windows firmly occupy a leading position. They are distinguished by a high level of heat and sound insulation, and also provide the opportunity to choose fittings, window opening method and profile color. You can also choose a double-glazed window with required quantity cameras But few people think that it is the window profile that ensures the strength and durability of the entire structure. In this article we compare plastic window profiles with different characteristics and manufacturers.

General information about the profile of plastic windows

On average, the profile thickness of plastic windows varies from 58 mm to 86 mm, but some companies produce products up to 127 mm wide.

Its interior is hollow, but is divided by bridges that create several air chambers. A special technical calculation determines their dimensions and location. The wider the profile, the greater the number of chambers in it, increasing the heat-saving properties. Another characteristic profile system- filling width, which determines what type of double-glazed windows can be installed in the profile. They come in single- or double-chamber types, the width of the glass in a standard double-glazed window is 4 mm (grade M1).

Each cavity has its own purpose:

  • for water drainage;
  • fastening accessories;
  • responsible for strength, etc.

The color of the profile can be varied; painting is applied in several ways:

  • coextrusion method - multilayer films create a kind of barrier that allows the product to withstand dynamic loads without damage;

  • lamination - with imitation texture, for example, marble or wood;
  • monochromatic coloring.

Characteristics of PVC profiles for plastic windows


  • This product is made from a type of plastic - white polyvinyl chloride.
  • The material is highly resistant to chemical attack by alkalis, solvents, acids and mineral oils.
  • It is harmless to humans and the environment.

  • Polyvinyl chloride due to its distinctive properties allows you to produce frames for double-glazed windows not only in rectangular or square shapes, but also in the form of arches, triangles, circles, and so on. Thus, giving absolutely any simple or complex configuration to the window, allowing even the most non-standard idea of ​​designers and architects to become a reality.


The inner part of the plastic profile body is divided by longitudinal partitions, in turn they form cavities (air chambers). The minimum number of chambers in a profile is 3, the maximum is 8. The number of chambers determines the degree of thermal insulation and sound absorption of the window; the more air cavities, the higher these indicators. It should be noted right away that 3- and 5-chamber profiles are popular.


To provide rigidity, the profile is additionally reinforced. The metal frame provides the necessary structural strength and reliability during operation of the window. Galvanized steel is used to reinforce the profile, so it does not deform due to temperature changes or other environmental influences.

  • L-shaped type of reinforcement - a metal insert is installed along two walls;
  • U-shaped type of reinforcement, where metal strengthens three walls;
  • Closed type of reinforcement - a metal insert is located along four walls.

For window structures that have double-glazed windows up to 1900 mm in height, a U-shaped reinforced profile is suitable. However, for plastic windows of large dimensions, for example, for a loggia or balcony, a profile with closed reinforcement is required.

Profile class

The thickness of the profile walls determines whether it belongs to a certain class:

  • Class A - the thickness of the profile walls must be at least 3 mm;
  • Class B - profile where the wall thickness is from 2.5 mm;
  • Class C - non-standardized wall thickness.

As a result, the width of the profile of plastic windows directly depends on its class. The higher it is, the correspondingly wider the profile.

Comparison of manufacturers of plastic window profiles

Many people, both domestic and international, present their products on the Russian market. foreign manufacturers. The leading positions in the ranking of profiles for plastic windows are occupied by the following companies:

  • Slovakia - INTERNOVA;
  • Korea - LG CHEM;
  • Belgium - DECEUNINCK;
  • Russia - MONTBLANC and PROPLEX.


  • The profile is produced using German technology in Russia, they always correspond to class A, suitable for all regions, with any climate.

  • BEKA profile systems are presented in 8 types, the installation depth ranges from 58 to 90 mm, and the number of chambers varies from 3 to 6. As a result of all the improvements, this profile is reliable, environmentally friendly and aesthetically pleasing.


  • World famous profile from a German company.
  • She presents these products from economy to elite class, taking into account all weather conditions.
  • Mounting width from 60 to 86 mm, number of chambers - from 3 to 6.

  • Windows with REHAU profiles are distinguished by a high level of sound insulation (class 5), good thermal insulation, and can be equipped with gray seals if desired.
  • Excellent value for money and quality.


This company is equipped with modern equipment, uses quality materials and is staffed by qualified personnel. Thanks to this, it produces a full line of profiles, fittings and seals.

  • Window profile designs are available in widths from 60 to 82 mm, the number of chambers is from 3 to 8.
  • SCHUKO windows are easy to use and have good burglar-resistant properties.


There are 4 manufacturing plants producing profiles in Russia.

  • The Russian-Austrian company is equipped with a production base where the latest technologies are being developed and implemented.

  • The Mont Blanc line contains 6 types of profiles, where the installation width ranges from 58 mm to 120 mm, chambers - from 3 to 6.
  • The durability of the profile system (60 years) is achieved using specially developed performance characteristics for harsh climates.


  • The plant, located in Podolsk, produces profiles using German equipment using Austrian technologies.
  • These products are produced in widths that can range from 58 mm to 127 mm, chambers - from 3 to 6.
  • The original recipe allows us to produce high-quality profiles characterized by impact strength and special whiteness.

You can also compare the characteristics of plastic window profiles using the tables below.

Profiles of the German company KBE

It is believed that German profiles of plastic windows are superior to the products of other manufacturers in terms of quality, whiteness of color, and technical characteristics. They do not lose their properties even over a long service life and can withstand almost any dynamic loads and significant temperature changes (from -50°C to +50°C).

The KBE company produces and supplies 2 types of the most popular profiles: KBE Etalon and KBE Expert.

KBE Etalon - three-chamber profile

  • The installation width is 58 mm;
  • width of front walls - 3 mm;
  • the thickness of the glass unit can be up to 34 mm;
  • 3 chambers in the frame, sashes, impost (horizontal and vertical window bars);
  • can be used in harsh conditions (-60°C);
  • service life - 40 years;


  • with a profile width of 58 mm, it has 3 air chambers, their size and optimal position provide heat transfer resistance. Such windows have a high degree of tightness, which exceeds the existing GOST requirements by 5 (!) times, which guarantees the complete absence of dust and drafts in the room;
  • two sealed sealing gaskets provide excellent sound insulation (up to 46 dB). The profile is additionally equipped with horizontal lintels, thereby increasing the strength of the lock when closing the window;
  • The KBE profile has stiffening ribs that provide additional strength to the window structure. Also, special stops can increase rigidity, with the help of which the precise location of the reinforcing metal insert is achieved.

KBE Expert - five-chamber profile

  • Installation width is 70 mm;
  • width of front walls - 3 mm;
  • glass unit thickness is up to 42 mm;
  • 5 chambers in the frame and sashes, 3 or 4 in the impost (horizontal and vertical window bars);
  • Suitable for use in harsh conditions (-60°C);
  • sealing contours correspond to class A;
  • service life - 40 years;
  • Environmentally friendly materials are used in production and do not contain lead.


  • five-chamber structure allows you to achieve best value thermal insulation, this profile is capable of retaining heat 20% more than typical three-chamber systems. You can achieve excellent sound insulation by installing wide double-glazed windows with a 70 mm profile;
  • The 13 mm groove of the profile allows you to install anti-burglary fittings, thereby ensuring the security of the room;
  • the KBE Expert profile has additional horizontal jumpers, thanks to which the handles and hinges will be securely fastened;
  • during installation installation seam it turns out wider by about 20%, in turn allowing for additional insulation.

Estimated cost of windows from KBE profile

An important factor when choosing a particular double-glazed window is its price. It is often decisive, but high quality German window profiles cannot be cheap. Below is an example market price across Russia.

  • On average, a single-chamber double-hung window with dimensions of 140x130 cm, in which one sash is fixed and the other is tilt-and-turn, will cost:
    • from a 58 mm profile from RUB 7,500,
    • from 70 mm - from 10,000 rub.

  • Price of a two-chamber three-leaf window measuring 140x203 cm, in which the first sash is rotary, the central one is of a blind type, the third is a tilt-and-turn type, and will range from:
    • from 58 mm profile 13,000 rubles;
    • from 70 mm 14500 rub. and higher.

  • When purchasing a balcony block with an opening door measuring 210x67 cm and a blind window - 140x136 cm, you will have to pay at least:
    • from a 58 mm profile 11,000 rubles;
    • from 70 mm from 13,000 rub.

What to look for when choosing a plastic profile with double-glazed windows

In order to determine what profile thickness is needed, you should have basic knowledge about the double-glazed window, because up to 70% of heat losses occur through it.

This transparent element consists of 2 or more glasses that are tightly connected to the frame. A chamber (air gap) is formed between them, filled with rarefied air or an inert gas, such as argon or krypton. This kind of filling is used in the production of energy-saving double-glazed windows.

A single-chamber double-glazed window is a design of 2 glasses of 4 mm each and air gap 16 mm, abbreviated as 4-16-4. Thus, its installation width is 24 mm. The design, equal to 36 mm, is obtained from a two-chamber double-glazed window, which consists of 3 glasses of 4 mm each and 2 layers of 10 mm each - 4-10-4-10-4.

Consequently, an appropriate profile is selected for the required double-glazed window. For example, optimal solution For ordinary apartment or at home, a 5-chamber profile with a 70 mm installation width and a 30 mm double-glazed unit will serve, where a heat-reflecting coating should be applied to one glass.

If the windows face the north side and there is a busy road nearby, then the following option is suitable: a 5-chamber profile with a depth of 86 mm, complemented by a 32 mm double-glazed window with a protective noise-insulating film.

When a balcony (loggia) is combined with an adjacent room or it is planned to make a small office (rest room) out of it, then the profile should be 5-chamber with an installation depth of 86 mm, and the double-glazed window should be energy-saving, two-chamber with a width of no less than 40 mm.

For simple insulation For a balcony, a 60 mm 3-chamber profile and a 30 mm single-chamber double-glazed window are suitable.

But it’s not enough just to choose the optimal PVC profile and double-glazed window. It is equally important to entrust the installation of the finished window to professionals. Otherwise, no matter how expensive the design, poor-quality installation will cancel all its high characteristics.


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