What is a curse? Types of curses and how does a curse work? On whom will the stone fall?

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Curse... Is this reality or just superstition?

Although in the modern progressive world the concept of a curse is a little outdated, it still exists.

Is there a curse

This may seem strange, but even the Bible has a lot to say on this topic. So, a curse is a supernatural force that works to cause us harm and destruction and/or prevent us from receiving a blessing.

Believers believe that the moment Jesus died on the cross, he redeemed humanity from curses and allowed us all to inherit God's blessings. It is believed that this blessing is more powerful than any of the most terrible curses.

What curses exist, and how to deal with them?

What are the curses?

In this article we will talk about the three most common types of curses:

1. Family curse

A family curse is a curse that runs through a family line from one generation to the next.

We receive our spiritual heritage from our parents, and this spiritual heritage includes both blessings and curses.

The Bible says that the curse extends to the third and fourth generations. This means that the sins and destructive acts that parents commit will affect their children and grandchildren.

Therefore, before you do something bad, think about the fact that your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren will pay for it.

Verbal curses

2. Foul language (verbal curses)

Our words have enormous power. What we say can either help us or cause us the greatest harm. The Bible also says this:

"From the same mouth comes both blessing and curse."

Our words have the ability to provide great support and blessing to others, but they can also take the form of a curse.

We can be cursed by the words that other people speak. The most terrible curse is a curse pronounced by loved ones and relatives. First of all, this applies to curses coming from the lips of a mother or father.

Be especially careful in your statements. And even when you are angry, never say terrible things, which you will later bitterly regret, to your family and friends.

Many of us simply need to free ourselves from the power of destructive words in order to move beyond the curses that have been thrown at them.

Terrible curses

3. Occult curses

The last type of curse to be mentioned is one that is intentionally produced by those involved in occult practices.

They come from those who practice witchcraft, are involved in Satanism and other dark deeds. These people often try to curse others through rituals, spells and a variety of demonic activities.

So, your ill-wisher can attack you through occult practices. If you believe that you are under some kind of curse, you can only get rid of it through prayer.

However, each of us must understand that a curse is not something we need to fear. If we do everything right, do not commit bad deeds and live according to the commandments, the curse cannot attach itself to us.

A soul that is at peace with God cannot pronounce a curse, priest Andrei Chizhenko is sure

First of all, we need to understand that cursing is a great sin. After all, in essence, what is a curse? It is pronounced in extreme anger, when one person experiences terrible anger towards another, the degree of which almost reaches physical murder. Of course, the root cause of the curse and its motivation are tricks evil spirit, hating all living things and especially humans. A soul that is at peace with God cannot pronounce a curse. A soul driven by a demon can do this.

We must understand one simple truth, which is very well revealed in the New Testament: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. It was in the beginning with God. Everything came into being through Him, and without Him nothing came into being that came into being. In Him was life, and life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it” (John 1:1-5). Of course, in this Gospel passage, first of all, the Word means our Lord Jesus Christ - the second Person of the Holy Trinity.

But we must also understand that everything begins with a word with a small letter. Not from deeds and not from actions, but from words.

The holy righteous John of Kronstadt in the book “My Life in Christ” wrote: “What is firmer, more unchangeable and more powerful than words? By the word the world was created and stands: bearing all things by the word of His power; and yet we sinners use words so frivolously and carelessly.<…>Christian! Treasure every word, be attentive to every word; be firm in your word; be trusting in the word of God and the word of holy men, as in the word of life. Remember that the word is the beginning of life." And continuing the thought of the great saint, I would like to say that this word is prayer. This is where life begins for a person. And as soon as it stops, the world will collapse. Everything stands on it, and everything begins with it. Therefore, when the priest is asked any question about problems, he often begins his answer with the words: “Pray, and then God will manage everything.” This is true! Prayer is the beginning of all beginnings. Action, deed, sanctified by her, as if mighty oak, growing from a true and deep root in good soil.

The curse itself has a very negative and destructive effect on those people who pronounce it. Because such a person, overwhelmed by malice, voluntarily separates himself from God, Who, as we know, is Love. Therefore, the curse is primarily directed at the curser. It brings anger, irritation, rancor into his heart and, as a result, anxiety, which gives rise to physical (stroke, heart attack) and mental illness. also in socially an angry person dooms himself to total loneliness. We are designed by God in such a way that we must love all people without exception, because we are one whole. And, in fact, brothers and sisters who have the same ancestors - the holy forefathers Adam and Eve. Therefore, anger towards one person often develops into anger towards others (if not all people!). As a result, such a person destroys connections with others and isolates himself from them. We are connected with other people and the Lord by bonds of love. I'm not even talking about the fact that man (any of us!) is the image and likeness of God. And by insulting or cursing him, we thereby offend the Creator. Moreover, Christ commanded us to love everyone, and above all our enemies.

If they send a curse at you, do not panic. What is undeserved will not come true. The Book of Proverbs of Solomon (26:2) says: “As a sparrow flies, as a swallow flies away, so an undeserved curse will not come true.”

Well, if a person has committed a sin, then what difference does it make whether someone curses him or not? After all, the universal mechanism of punishment is already “turned on” anyway. And until a person corrects himself, he will suffer. What is the way out? The answer is very simple - the fruits of repentance: ask for forgiveness, confess your sin, admit your guilt - and the Lord will forgive everything. There will be no sin or curse. That is, a curse is not a self-sufficient fatalistic substance like “I was cursed, which means I will die” or “I was cursed, therefore my life is not working out.” These are false self-hypnosis. Unfortunately, such self-reflections are a breeding ground for various kinds"grandmothers", fortune tellers, psychics, "removing curses, damage, evil eyes, crowns of celibacy" and so on. People with little church go to them, who are accustomed to a convenient formula that is the foundation for their life: “Others are to blame for all my troubles. I'm very good and a kind person" Such people are looking for enemies, and the servants of Satan are happy to provide them with them: in neighbors, mothers-in-law, mothers-in-law, bosses, envious friends, lovers, mistresses, work colleagues - the list is very long.

An Orthodox person understands: my main enemy is myself and Satan with the demons who incite me to do bad things; my main war is with passions; I live badly not because the president is bad or because a neighbor poured cemetery soil under the threshold of my house, but because I sin and thereby destroy my life, I allow evil into myself and voluntarily excommunicate myself from God. Let us remember the words of St. Basil the Great. He said that the end of fulfilling God's commandments is immortal life, and breaking God's commandment is death. In this context, a curse pronounced on a person fairly, according to his deserts, can, of course, entail punishment, but not an ephemeral-fatalistic-hopeless one, but for a specific sin. Therefore, first of all, let us get rid of sins, then no curses will affect us.

Priest Andrey Chizhenko

You will need

  • Bowl or glass of water
  • Thin church candle
  • Matches
  • Egg
  • Wax, preferably beeswax.


Test with a church candle: If everything is falling out of hand and it seems that life is controlled by someone’s hostile will, if a person is doing something unusual for him or something frankly destructive, as if against his will, then before contacting a clairvoyant of all types , it makes sense to follow these steps: Buy a thin wax candle, light it and move it around the body. Carefully watch the behavior of the light. If it suddenly crackles, becomes smoky, wax flows out as if in large drops - “tears” - perhaps there really is, or. It also makes sense to walk with a candle throughout the house, especially if it... Perhaps the fire will indicate that the curse lies specifically on the home, and the person falls under negativity simply because he is in the wrong place.

Swipe pure consecrated gold over your face. If after this a dark stripe appears on the metal, you are most likely... For this purpose, use only pure gold, without additives, the purity of which is not lower than 585.

Place a glass of water on top of your head and break it a raw egg. After this, lower the dish and carefully examine its contents. If the yolk calmly sank to the bottom without staining the water, there is no evil eye. And if there are streaks in the glass or silver balls, someone has disrupted your energy.

Find out about the presence of the evil eye using church candle. Have someone close to you light a candle and slowly move it around you from head to toe. If the candle smokes a lot or cracks at the same time, the evil eye has been cast on you or they have wished evil on you.

At dawn on any day except Friday, take the saucer and wipe thoroughly with a clean white cloth. After that, pour some wheat into it and say the following: “As I am, so is the wheat. Just as they looked at me, the birds look at the wheat. Amen". Then place the saucer outside and cross it three times. When the sun goes down, look at the saucer. If all the wheat is left, someone is waiting for you.

Listen to your feelings. If, after meeting or communicating with a person, you suddenly begin to feel bad, or your mood suddenly changes for no particular reason, most likely he has a negative effect on your energy. It's better to stay away from such people.

Video on the topic

Today, it may seem obscurantist to someone that one person is trying to spoil another. Unfortunately, black magic still exists, moreover, it is a fairly common phenomenon. Is it possible to independently determine that a person has been damaged, and if so, how to do it?

Sometimes it happens that all sorts of misfortunes begin to fall on a person or an entire family. Your health fails, and very seriously, problems begin at work - up to dismissal or the initiation of a criminal case, pipes at home burst, equipment breaks down, and a fire may even break out. Of course, all these phenomena can lead to the onset of the so-called “black streak”, but it is possible that in fact the person was damaged.

How can you find out for yourself whether a person has damage?

Damage is extremely serious negative impact aimed at harm thin bodies person. If no measures are taken in time, then severe damage can literally reduce a person to . Therefore, if there is a suspicion that you have been damaged, you need to diagnose it and remove it as soon as possible, otherwise everything may end badly.

In order to independently determine whether there is damage to you, you can use a church wax candle. You need to light it and baptize yourself with the burning candle from top to bottom. If it crackles, smokes and flares up, scattering sparks around itself, this is a sure sign that negativity has been directed at you. Black streaks on the candle indicate the same thing.

Find out about spoilage - method using eggs

Another very effective method to determine whether damage has been caused to a person - using fresh chicken egg, best of all - straight from the chicken. For this method, take a glass of water and carefully break an egg into it so as not to damage the yolk. A glass with water and an egg is placed on the head of the person being checked for damage, and held there for five minutes. After this, the contents of the glass are carefully examined.

If transparent threads stretch upward from the protein, then damage has been caused to you, but not very serious - to tears, to lack of money. The thicker these threads are, the more serious the damage has been caused. If there are bubbles on the threads, then it was clearly done by a professional. If, in addition to bubbles, there are also black dots, then the damage is done to death and it urgently needs to be removed. If the yolk has completely turned black, then the person is practically dead, and only the urgent intervention of a magician will save him.

What to do if, according to the diagnostic results, a person is damaged?

If you have conducted a self-diagnosis and discovered that you have been damaged, then look for a practicing specialist in the field of magic as soon as possible. It is almost impossible to do on your own, and the damage it can cause is irreparable. There are not many truly powerful magicians, but such people do exist, and their contacts are not difficult to find.


  • How to find out if you have the evil eye or damage

A curse- this is a wish for evil, spoken and captured in verbal form. By combining the energy of wishing evil with words, a person can cause harm to another person and “set” a negative life program. It is especially dangerous if the curse “falls” on prepared soil in the form negative emotions, evil in character, sins in actions. A curse sent from outside gradually forces a person to carry out destructive work in his own life and in the lives of loved ones. The picture is complemented by accidents and fatal circumstances that are built around the life of such damn man. The result of such a process is loneliness, illness, material and moral damage, misfortune and even death. A curse does not bring happiness to anyone, and the sent “black” energy, having done its destructive work, intensifies and returns to the one who sent the curse, like a boomerang. Therefore, wishing misfortune for others, a person falls under his own curse, and retribution occurs - the restoration of justice according to universal law. It is the curse, sent “in the hearts” to the hated person, that, when returned, can provoke a whole chain of misfortunes and cause the curser’s life catastrophe.

Blessing“works” on a similar principle. What is a blessing? This is a wish for good, also spoken, captured in words that can be perceived and understood. The energy of wishing well, combining with words, sets a positive life program. Such a program works fruitfully on “fertile” soil, in the life of a person with positive character traits and creative actions. But the matter does not stop there. A blessing is capable of “correcting” mistakes on a subtle level, in other words, having a beneficial effect on negative processes in the life of a particular person. In other words, make it better, cleaner, kinder. Like a curse, a blessing sooner or later, intensifying, returns to the “author” of the blessing, bringing creative changes and positive events into his life. By sincerely wishing good to others, a person improves his own life.

The relationships in people's lives are complex, sometimes confusing, and always interdependent. Bad wishes come back, just like good wishes. Therefore, following simple logic and common sense, it is worth thinking: to curse or to bless? By wishing good even to the enemy, we are able to make him better and reduce evil. At the same time, desiring evil, we multiply this evil and attract it into our own lives and the lives of our loved ones. This is where wisdom lies - to keep your tongue from making bad wishes towards other people. Bless each other.

Video on the topic

It happens to some that unpredictable misfortunes and troubles constantly revolve around them. These could be daily problems with the person himself or his loved ones. He also takes on some business that he is good at, but ultimately the business falls apart or brings failure. Their children often get sick, and after the wedding, in most cases they get divorced or live in an unhappy marriage, and their grandchildren have an unhappy fate. IN in this case It is generally accepted that there is a curse on the family.

Experienced healers say that the curse is verbally directed negative energy, which was deliberately sent to a specific family or specific people.

Where and how does the curse come from?

For the worst deeds, a family curse can be imposed on the family. For example, this could include killing a person. The sin committed by the murderer reflects not only on him, but can even be imposed on the future generation. Because of a sinner, even close relatives may suffer punishment. It happens that a pregnant woman was abandoned by her husband, who is the father of her child. If a lady falls in love with some man and casts a love spell on him, then a heavy burden is placed on her entire family. Punishment people in the only or plural person, which a certain person driven to suicide or loss of self-control.

A powerful curse is placed on one of the older or adult family members. Using an example, you can see when parents visually curse their child, or grandfathers curse their grandchildren. The most powerful and effective curse that exists only on our planet is the curse of a mother on a child, which lasts up to twelve generations in her family.

Note that a curse can reach someone even because of accidental wrong words spoken during a quarrel. You cannot have black envy - otherwise you can also be cursed. In addition to all of the above, a person, through actions committed by him personally, can impose God’s punishment on the present and future generation, after which it will last for more than one generation.

Consequences of the curse

Basically, a curse in most cases manifests itself through the following actions:

Many folk healers suggest that if you turn to witches, then with the help of a certain ritual they can impose a curse that will be passed on from one generation to another.

How to get rid of the curse?

It is impossible to protect yourself from a generational curse, and it is even impossible. But you can learn to live life according to your conscience, to distinguish between good deeds and good from evil and bad deeds. Treat others with mercy and watch your actions.

Modern man is somehow ashamed to be superstitious and believe in the curse of otherworldly forces, isn’t it? Are there curses? This question worries many, including scientists. There is no clear answer to this. Scientists claim that there are no curses - a person who was allegedly cursed with words simply begins to believe it and looks for coincidences. However, there are a huge number of stories in which curses appear and which inevitably end in a sad ending.

1. Otzi's Curse
In 1991, a group of rock climbers set off to conquer one of the alpine peaks in the Ötztal valley, discovered human remains half frozen in the ice. Deciding that this was one of the victims of avalanches and snow storms, climbers recovered the body. Having examined him, pathologists concluded: the man was a resident of the Bronze Age and had lain in the mountains for at least 5,300 years.

The ice captive was named Ötzi, and scientists came to the conclusion that he died from a blow to the head, which was inflicted on him by unknown pursuers. After some time, people involved in this incident began to die suddenly: Rainer Henn, the forensic expert who examined the body, died in a car accident a year after the events, shortly after this, an avalanche claimed the life of Kurt Fritz, the guide who supervised the transportation of the body. Climber Helmut Simon, who was the first to discover Ötzi, died in 2004 in approximately the same area, falling into the abyss. Almost immediately after this, the head of the rescue team, Dieter Warnecke, died of a heart attack. And in April 2005, Professor of the University of Innsbruck Konrad Spindler, who led a group of scientists who studied Ötzi, died of a stroke. The string of deaths can be considered a coincidence, but in general, given that hundreds of people were involved in this story, there may be nothing supernatural in the deaths of several of them over 20 years.

2. Curse of the Pharaohs
The legendary curses of the Egyptian pharaohs served as the basis for the creation of many books and films - documentaries and films. However, it is still not known for certain whether the tombs of the pharaohs are actually cursed places that can change the fate of a person who invades the forbidden territory.

According to legends, the rich tombs of the ancient rulers of Egypt were protected from the attacks of robbers and curious people with strong curses that killed everyone who dared to disturb the peace of the dead pharaohs. The famous tomb of Tutankhamun, which was discovered at the beginning of the 20th century, is no exception. In February 1923, an ancient burial site was opened in the Valley of the Pharaohs in Luxor, in which the mummified body of the young Pharaoh Tutankhamun and his death mask were discovered. Soon those who visited the tomb began to die one after another. The head of the expedition, Lord Carnarvon, died from a mosquito bite. He developed erysipelas, which affected the site of the bite, then blood poisoning and pneumonia arose, and Lord Carnarvon died in terrible agony. According to eyewitnesses, shortly before the death of the forwarder, his faithful dog began to howl terribly and died for an unknown reason at the same time as his owner. After his death, rumors began to circulate about the curse of Tutankhamun, which fell on the heads of archaeologists.

American financier George Gould, who visited the tomb, caught a fever and died six months after his visit to Tutankhamun. Millionaire Wolf Joel, who came to look at interior decoration tomb of the pharaoh, was killed a few months after the visit. Just a few days after the death of Lord Carnarvon, a member of Carter's archaeological team, Arthur Mace, was poisoned with arsenic. Carter's personal secretary, who was found strangled in his bed in 1929, also did not escape death.

According to the records of archaeologist Howard Carter, there were 25 other Europeans at the excavation site who took part in the expedition, 11 of whom did not go inside. A scientist from the Australian Monash University, Mark Nelson, began researching the lives of these people to find out how a visit to the tomb of Tutankhamun affected their fate. It turned out that the average life expectancy of the “damned” forwarders was somewhat shorter than that of other participants in this significant journey. But nothing supernatural happened to them, and they died for understandable reasons. In this regard, Mark Nelson suggested that no curse of Tutankhamun actually exists. Many of the participants in the Carter expedition and the opening of the tomb lived long and happy lives, and among them possible reasons Scientists attribute the death of the rest to poisonous bacteria and mold that lived in the tomb for thousands of years before archaeologists violated their privacy.

3. Curse of Tamerlane
The legendary Central Asian commander and conqueror Tamerlane (Timur) was the initiator of military campaigns that killed a total of about 17 million people.

In 1941, J.V. Stalin sent a group of archaeologists to Samarkand (Uzbekistan) to open the tomb of Tamerlane, which seriously alarmed local residents and the Muslim clergy. According to unconfirmed information, when Timur’s coffin was opened, an inscription was discovered: “Whoever disturbs my grave will open the way for more terrible invaders than me.” Everyone knows what happened then - on June 22, Adolf Hitler’s army invaded the territory of the USSR.
By the way, when in 1942 Stalin ordered Tamerlane’s ashes to be returned to the tomb and buried with all appropriate rites, German troops surrendered at Stalingrad, which became one of the turning points in the Great Patriotic War.

4. The Curse of the Hope Diamond
According to one legend, French merchant Jean-Baptiste Tavernier stole this 115-carat blue diamond from Indian temple, after which he was hunted to death by dogs. But in fact, the jewel hunter acquired the diamond in the Golconda Sultanate, Central India, secretly smuggled it out of the country, and then delivered the stone to French court, where it was bought by the “Sun King” Louis XIV.

The stone did not make itself felt until it fell into hands Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette, who were beheaded during the Great French Revolution, after which the diamond was stolen and “resurfaced” again only in 1812 from a London merchant with a different cut.
The Hope Diamond got its name from one of the first known owners, British Lord Henry Phillip Hope, who bought the stone at auction in 1830.

Until the end of the 19th century, the Hope family owned the diamond, but at the time financial difficulties it was decided to sell it. The stone passed around for some time, and in 1912 it went to Evelyn Walsh-McLean, the daughter of the owner of the Washington Post newspaper. Soon, her son died in a car accident, her daughter committed suicide, and her husband left Evelyn for another woman (by the way, he died in a mental hospital).
After Walsh-McLean's death, the diamond was given to jeweler Harry Winston to pay off her debts, and in 1958 he donated it to the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, where the Hope Diamond remains to this day. The postman, who was delivering a package with a stone to the museum, was hit by a truck, but survived, but his wife and beloved dog soon died, and the postman’s house burned down.

5. The Curse of Tecumseh (Curse of US Presidents)
The 19th century in American history was marked by numerous conflicts and clashes between government forces and representatives of the indigenous Indian population.

In one of the largest local wars of this kind, the leader of the Shawnee tribe, Tecumseh, died. Dying, the proud son of the Indian people cursed future US presidents who are elected or re-elected in a year divisible by 20. Tecumseh predicted that these rulers of the United States would die or be assassinated before the end of their presidential terms.

There is an opinion that the curse was in effect until the seventh generation. The first victim of the leader's posthumous wishes was President William Henry Harrison, elected in 1840 - he died suddenly of pneumonia a month after the inauguration. It was Harrison, as the first governor of Indiana, who defeated Tecumseh's troops at the Battle of Tippecanoe, which became fatal for the Indians.
The second cursed man was Abraham Lincoln, elected to his first term in 1860, re-elected in 1864, and killed in 1865 by a shot in the head.

James Abram Garfield was destined to become third on the “Tecumseh blacklist”: elected in 1880, after his inauguration in March 1881, he served in office for less than six months, and died as a result of complications after being shot in the back by the psychopath Charles Guiteau.

The fourth was William McKinley, who became president in 1896 and was re-elected in 1900. The cause of McKinley's death on September 14, 1901 was gangrene of internal organs, which developed after gunshot wound in the stomach.

Number five - Warren Harding, who took the presidency in 1920, died in 1923, according to some versions, from a heart attack or from a cerebral hemorrhage.

The sixth was Franklin Roosevelt, who died of a stroke during his fourth term as head of the United States. Of course, among the years of Roosevelt's re-election there was a multiple of 20 - 1940.
The list closes with the well-known John Fitzgerald Kennedy, who led the United States in 1960 and fell victim to the bullets of Lee Harvey Oswald on November 22, 1963.

Ronald Reagan, elected in 1980, broke the pattern by surviving an assassination attempt in 1981 and safely leaving the presidency in 1989.

George W. Bush also turned out to be immune to the curse of the Indian leader: having become president in 2000, he survived several assassination attempts, but did not die, after which it became clear that Tecumseh’s “powers” ​​had expired.

6. A curseTemplars. There is a legend according to which, on March 18, 1314, Jacques de Molay, the twenty-third and last Master of the Templar Order, ascended the fire and was already shrouded in clouds of smoke, promised the king, adviser and pope that they would survive him by no more than a year. No one paid attention to the curse that the templar engulfed in flames threw in the king’s face, but very soon they remembered the last words of the great master. The pontiff died on April 20 of the same year, and on November 29, from paralysis after falling from a horse, he gave up his soul and the king to God. The rest of the participants in the conspiracy against the Templars also suffered an unenviable fate: some were destined for a dagger in the gateway, while others faced the gallows.

There are many legends about the Templars. Some sources claim that even today they are supposedly stored somewhere, and the Order of the Templars operates secretly. It is believed that it was the Great Ones who developed the banking system. Did they have financial geniuses, or they were able to look into the future..., but the Order was a powerful organization and had a huge number of supporters, and its leaders occupied a prominent place in the political, military and economic life France.


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