What is school self-government? Student self-government at school

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An environment should be created in the school in which every student feels involved in solving the main tasks facing teachers and students. In this regard, the participation of children in the real management of their team is called upon to play an important role. The development of self-government helps them to feel the complexity of social relations, to form a social position, to determine their capabilities in the implementation of leadership functions.

A new approach to understanding the essence of the development of self-government involves the creation of conditions for the social development of students. This is ensured by their inclusion in solving complex problems of relationships that develop in the team. Through their participation in the management of affairs, schoolchildren develop in themselves the qualities necessary to overcome the difficulties of social life.

Student self-government- a form of organizing the life of a group of students, ensuring the development of their initiative and independence in making and implementing decisions to achieve socially significant goals. Real self-government assumes that its bodies have specific rights and bear real responsibility for their work.

It is advisable to single out specific self-government functions. These functions include three: self-activation, organizational self-regulation, collective self-control.

Self-activation involves the involvement of as many members of the team as possible in solving the managerial problem, systematic work to involve students in the management of new areas of activity.

Organizational self-government implies flexibility in the implementation of organizational functions by members of student teams, a stable influence of the asset on the team, the ability of the team to independently change its structure in order to more successfully solve organizational problems.

Collective self-control involves constant self-analysis by self-government bodies and individual organizers of their activities and, on the basis of this, the search for more effective ways to solve managerial problems.

The content of the activities of self-government bodies essentially depends on the tasks that the student team determines. Manifestations of self-management can be very diverse, but all of them should be united by one thing: an active approach to the structure of government. First, it is necessary to captivate students with some socially significant matter, and then create an appropriate self-government body to organize it. Thus, a new area of ​​work appears - a new self-government body is formed.

In pedagogy, the experience of school self-government is widely known. In the author's School of Self-Government A.N. Tubelsky (Moscow secondary school No. 734), where much attention is paid to the organization of school life. Teachers, students and parents have developed, adopted and are constantly changing and supplementing the constitution of the school and school laws, the democratically elected school council and the court of honor operate. Such self-government of the school resembles a game in which children live a real life and develop.

Along with permanent self-government bodies (collective council, academic committee), various temporary self-government bodies (council of action, initiative group) are created in student collectives, the role of which increases with the development of independence and initiative of students. When creating temporary self-government bodies, it is advisable to remember the following:

The creation of temporary self-government bodies is determined by the specific task facing the team;

The decision to create these bodies is made by the student body and public organizations;

The composition of temporary self-government bodies can be only those students who participate in the solution of this specific task;

Self-government bodies, regardless of the period for which they were created, must report to the team on their achievements, i.e. on the fulfillment of the assigned tasks;

Having carried out the solution of the organizational task, they cease to exist.

The dynamism and variability of self-government bodies provides that their structure should be mediated by the goals of students' activities; the content of these goals is constantly changing depending on the strategic and tactical tasks facing the student team. This requirement means the need for a systematic search for such an organizational structure that combines permanent self-government bodies, defined by regulations and charters, and temporary self-government bodies created by the team to solve current problems.

The content of self-governing activity can be: the study of their rights and obligations; labor activity in different types: duty in the classroom, school, general cleaning, repair of premises, furniture; work on the school grounds, etc.; preparation of theatrical performances, performances; arrangement of sports grounds and organization of competitions; publication of handwritten magazines, wall newspapers, etc.

One of the essential factors in the development of student self-government is the preparation of students for organizational activities. There are three main structural components in this preparation.

The first component is informational. Students in various forms are provided with a variety of information necessary for their participation in solving organizational problems.

The second component is operating. It includes the formation of students' organizational skills and abilities based on the practical application of managerial knowledge in simulated managerial situations. This is done during various classes that introduce students to methods for solving organizational problems.

The third (practical) component is managerial practice, during which the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities are fixed, management actions are corrected.

Another condition for the development of student self-government is pedagogical stimulation of leadership. That involves the design of situations that contribute to the maximum manifestation of leadership potential in the largest number of pupils.

The listed organizational and pedagogical conditions make it possible to make the process of developing self-government in school teams continuous and significantly influencing the social development of students.

3.4.5. Children's associations and organizations.

The school cannot but take into account the influence of various social institutions on the upbringing of children. Among them, a special place is occupied by various children's associations and organizations.

The purpose of the activity of any association can be considered in two aspects: on the one hand, as a goal set by children, on the other hand, as a purely educational goal set by adults participating in the work of children's associations.

The children's association is an important factor influencing the child, influencing in two ways: on the one hand, it creates conditions for meeting the needs, interests, goals of the child, the formation of new aspirations; on the other hand, there is a selection of the internal capabilities of the individual through self-restraint and collective choice, adjustments in connection with social norms, values, social programs. The children's association also performs protective functions, defending and protecting the interests, rights, dignity, and uniqueness of the child.

Associations differ in the content of activities, in the time of existence, in the form of management. According to the content, socio-political, labor, religious, patriotic, cognitive and other associations of children differ.

Tasks of the organization of labor activity of children. They involve solving the problems of developing the abilities and inclinations of children, the problems of providing them with opportunities for communication, self-expression and self-affirmation. For example, student cooperatives are most often created for the joint labor activity of children to solve personal economic problems.

By the duration of their existence, children's associations can be permanent, which, as a rule, arise on the basis of a school, institutions of additional education, at the place of residence of children (club "Romantic", green patrol). Typical temporary associations of children are children's summer centers, tourist groups of children's associations, created to solve some problem that does not require much time (participants in the action of sponsorship, rally, etc.).

According to the nature of management among children's associations, formal informal associations of children can be distinguished.

Of great importance for the upbringing of children are their associations and organizations that have special educational opportunities: real conditions are created for the child’s dynamic and intensive communication with peers, various options for realizing his creative activity are provided. The intensity of communication and specially assigned activity allow him to enter the context of universal culture, change his ideas, stereotypes, views on himself, peers, adults. In the children's association, adolescents try to independently organize their life activities, while taking a position from a passive observer to an active organizer of the life of the association. If the process of communication and activity in the association takes place in a friendly environment, attention is paid to each child, then this helps him create a positive model of behavior, contributes to emotional and psychological rehabilitation. With organized activities, a temporary children's association has a wealth and variety of social ties, a favorable atmosphere for self-knowledge and self-education of everyone.

Thus, various children's associations expand the zone of formation of a common culture, contribute to the formation of the inner world of children, the formation of new value orientations, and stimulate the social development of the child.

Student self-government at school.

A modern school is a developing educational institution in which many educational programs and projects are being tested and implemented. The educational system of the school, in which special attention is paid to children so that they can gain life experience, has become a certain point of growth for the school, a resource where the opportunities necessary for creativity can be revealed.. FROM 2003 For the past year, the school has been seriously dealing with issues of self-government as a system-forming element of the school educational system, on the one hand, and on the other hand, as the primary result of activity.

At present, the role of state-public management of education is being strengthened, including in a general education institution. To a large extent, this is facilitated by the implementation of the provisions of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education until 2010.

In addition, the State Standard "The minimum volume of social services for education in educational institutions of general education" sets the task for educational institutions to form adolescents "organizational culture, active life position, leadership qualities, organizationalleadership skills, experience in leading a small social group andcooperation with peers and adults, communication skills, self-organization skills, designing one’s own activity” as one of the key competencies of a member of modern society.

« An approach is becoming more widespread, in which the main task of the educational process is the formation of creativity, the ability to work in a team, project thinking and analytical skills, communicative competencies, tolerance and the ability to self-learning, which ensures the success of personal, professional and career growth of young people.”(Project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation “On priority areas for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation”).

Thus, the development of the system of student self-government acquires a high degree of relevance in the current social, cultural, political and economic situation.

We present to your attention THREE-LEVEL the scheme-structure of the studentself-government N.P. Kapustin.

    I level - cool self-management:

Thanks to their professional knowledge, class teachershelp to identify the leadership, organizational skills of children, organizea permanent support system for activistsself-government; counseling teachers and parentson various problems that arise in the process of organizingstudent self-government and class life.

In our school, each class is a model that has the structure of the class team from 2nd to 9th grade and it is different depending on the level of development of the team, the leadership style of the class teacher and the teacher-student relationship. The most widespread in the practice of the school was the structure by type of activity (cognitive, artistic and aesthetic, sports and health, labor, patronage, information, etc.). For each type of activity, self-government bodies are formed so that all students of the class are included in one or another body. The working bodies are called the commissions of discipline and order, the protection of children's rights, educational, leisure, labor, environmental, sports, creative affairs, the press sector and the commander.

The proposed structure in junior classes works in a playful way. In the middle and senior grades, there is a system of temporary self-government bodies of “councils of affairs” that are created for specific affairs and problems of the class.

Each member of the class self-government bodies has its own responsibilities. The chairman is responsible for the work of each of its members, his deputy - for the implementation of the work plan in a specific period of time or in case of illness of the chairman.

The chairmen of the self-government bodies make up the class council. The class council has the following functions: organizing and conducting class meetings and class hours, collective creative activities and other events; activity analysis. The highest self-government body of the first level is the class meeting.

    II level - school student self-government,

In each class there are leaders who are actively involved in school life, they are united in a large student council of high school students.

In the large student council, an annual school-wide conference is held, at which the election of the chairman of the student council and members of the school council is held by open voting. The distribution of members of the Student Council to committees takes place at the first meeting, where a work plan for the academic year is also developed. The chairman of the student council manages the work of high school students, holds meetings that meet once a month. Extraordinary meetings are held as needed.

As in any school, we have problems that arise when building student self-government in any educational system. But we are trying to solve them with the help of an asset of student self-government, both classroom and school-wide. Firstly, we abandoned the practice of holding “voluntary-compulsory” events, which, as a rule, are planned, organized and implemented by teachers for children. The children are deprived of the chance to experience an important experience for them of independent choice of business, develop a dependent position in relation to the organization of their life at school. Starting from last year, the guys gradually come to independent planning of key matters of children's self-government. All things in our school begin with the sentence "And let's ..."

The basis of student self-government is those responsible for 7 departments and the chairman of student self-government. General management is carried out by the organizer of educational work and the deputy director for educational work. The council has certain functions to manage the entire life of both school and classroom departments.

The activity of student self-government is based on :

    Studying the requests of students, bringing to the attention of the administration and organizing specific work to satisfy them.

    Preservation and enhancement of school traditions, implementation of the school development program.

The children themselves will tell you about the forms of work of student self-government.

The role of teachers and parents in self-government.

Teachers and parents support participants in self-government and teach introspection and self-criticism. Teachers and the organizer of VR create an atmosphere for each member of the children's self-government to reveal their abilities, provide methodological assistance to the asset, involve parents and the public in the work of the asset, act as a successor to traditions, take part in the development of asset documents: memos, plans, regulations, programs.

Teachers teach children to analyze their work, make specific decisions and implement them. It brings results. Senior counselor Tsvigun I.N. became the winner of the 1st city competition "Organization of educational systems in educational institutions" in the nomination "Student self-government".

    III level - school government,

The governing council of the school is essentially a co-management.

It is based on the school council (school students - 3 people, teachers - 3 people and parents - 3 people). Its functions: strategic goal setting (prospects for the development of the school and improvement of school life), decision making.

The main functions of student self-government bodies:

General meeting (at least once a year):

considers and approves a long-term plan for the activities of self-government bodies;

resolves issues related to the participation of students in the management of the school;

forms self-government bodies in the school;

develops and forms proposals for the children to improve the work;

considers and approves the Regulations, memos, instructions governing the internal activities of students in the team;

listens to reports and information, evaluates the results of the activities of the governing bodies.

Legal framework for the organization of student self-government

reveals a list of the main documents regulating the functioning of student self-government, which indicates the powers of each body.

The legal basis for the development of student self-government in anyeducational institution are the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" and "Model Regulations on a General Educational Institution" andDECREE PRESIDENT RUSSIAN FEDERATION

« O state support able and talented youth ", and of course

Student Government Program.

In 2006, we created the Student Self-Governance program, which helps us to realize ourselves more fully in the social life of the school, to form a sense of responsibility for our actions and readiness to fulfill future responsibilities to society.

The goal of student self-government is the realization of the interests and needs of students necessary for the formation of a full-fledged personality.The work of student self-government bodies begins with the identification of the actual needs and interests of students, on the basis of which the content, main activities and organizational structure are determined.

Tasks of student self-government:

    identification of personally and socially significant needs, selection of those that are realistically feasible,

    determination of the organizational structure of the student team,

    organizing the activities of student self-government bodies,

    providing pedagogical support and assistance,

    summarizing work,

    analysis of its results.

Activity content :

    cognitive activity;

    labor activity;

    artistic and aesthetic,

    cultural and leisure

    sports and recreation activities;


    artistic and design activities;

    civil-patriotic and search activities,

The development of creative activity of students is beneficially influenced by variousincentive methods:

    gratitude announcement;

    awarding a diploma;

    presentation of a free ticket to the theater; museum, discotheque; sightseeing trips.

The implementation of the main provisions of the concept outlined above will make it possible to build a system of student self-government in the school.

Methods activities student government are: public order, public opinion, positive stimulation, advanced trust, traditions and rituals, personal example, method of persuasion, game, responsible guarantee.

In order for student self-government to develop, it is necessary to manage this process. Student self-government functions according to the theory of social management. Mainfunctions social management -analysis, planning, organization, control, regulation and adjustment and again analysis .

Stages of the program implementation:

1. Preparatory stage.

2. Stage of formation.

3. Stage of stable functioning.

4. Stage of modernization.

As in every program, there must be an IMPLEMENTATION PLAN for the concept of student self-government.

What do we want from the program - Expected results.

Student self-government is the driving force behind the process of school democratization. What does she give?

    create conditions for personal growth and self-development of students,

    will fill with new content the activities of self-government bodies of teachers and parents,

    will create the prerequisites for building an adaptive educational system.

Thus, the full implementation of the program will be an important step towards the establishment of a legal democratic self-governing school.

Graduate model in the context of the program for building and developing student self-government


    Capable of personal self-management.

    Able to independently make responsible decisions in a situation of choice, to predict their possible consequences.

    Able to exercise their rights, protect them and fulfill civic obligations.

    Sets socially useful goals.

    He combines his interests with the affairs of a socially useful orientation.

    Able to cooperate.

    Differs in initiative, mobility, constructiveness.

    Possesses organizational skills.

    Able to socialize in a civil society.

    He has a developed sense of responsibility for the fate of his country.


about student Council high school students MOU OOSH 12 .

Target preparationharmoniouslydevelopedpersonalities, abletoactivevital activityinsociety, productionskillson one's owndochoice, formationorganizationalandmanagerialqualities.

Tasks :

1. Creationsituationssuccessforimplementationpersonalities.

2. Formationinchildren'sschoolenvironmenthumanisticvalues, formationactivevitalpositions.

3. Planningandimplementationactiveformsactivities, upbringinginstudentsleadershipqualities.

4. Formationhighly moralpersonalitiesandcivilself-awareness.

The main points of the Regulations:

1. The procedure for the formation of the council of high school students.

    1. The Council of High School Students consists of representatives of grades 7-9, elected at class meetings for a period of 1 year.

      Pedagogical management of the work of the council of high school students is carried out by the organizer of extracurricular activities.

2. Organization of the work of the council of high school students.

    1. The chairman of the council manages its work, conducts meetings.

      Council decisions made at meetings are communicated to all students in the school.

      In accordance with the main content of the educational work of the school, the committee chose the following areas:

      In accordance with the main content of the educational activities of the school, the committee chose the following areas:

    Educational and disciplinary


    cultural mass


    Press Service

    physical education

    Repair and maintenance

Assistance in the preparation and conduct of class hours.

3. The main criteria for the effective operation of student self-government at school:


5.1. Be a member of the Governing Council of the school.

    FUNCTIONAL DUTIES of each department and direction.

ELECTION REGULATIONS bodies of the student council of high school students

2. The procedure for the formation of the council of high school students.

    1. The Council of High School Students consists of representatives of grades 7-9, elected at class meetings for a period of 1 year, a quota of 2 people per class is established.

      The Council of High School Students elects a chairman and heads of committees from among its members.

      Pedagogical management of the work of the council of high school students is carried out by the organizer of extracurricular activities

    3.Organization of the work of the council of high school students.

      1. The chairman of the council manages the work of the council of high school students, holds meetings.

        The Council of High School Students meets once a month, extraordinary meetings are held as needed.

        Council decisions made at meetings are communicated to all students in the school.

        The Council of High School Students interacts with the teaching staff and parents through the School Council. The chairman (if necessary) may attend the teachers' council, meetings with the director, meetings of the school-wide parent committee.

    4. Main criteria for effective performance

    student self-government at school:

      The involvement of students in the organization of educational activities and management.

      The ability of students to organize the activities of teams.

      Awareness of responsibility for achieving joint goals.

      Ability to analyze and define a program for the future.


    5.1. Be a member of the School Council.

    5.2. Take part in the Prevention Council (hear those who are not doing well in their studies and violators of discipline).

    5.3. Make proposals to the school-wide parent committee and the School Council.

    5.4. Listen to those responsible for referrals and make appropriate decisions.

    Thus, in an effective system of self-governmenteducational institution, one of the tasks of which isactivation of student self-government, almost the entire teaching staff participates to one degree or another. In our school, self-government functions at all four levels: individual, primary team, school team and the schoolwide level.

    6. Council members have the right to:

        1. elect and be elected to the governing bodies of the Council;

          participate in defining the main definitions of the work of the Council, participate in the preparation and implementation of action plans.

          each member of the Council has the right to withdraw from its membership after agreement with the delegating team.

          participate in events, promotions held by the Council.

    7. A member of the Council is obliged:

    1. Contribute to the success of the Council;

    2. Do not violate the norms of the Regulations of the Council, comply with the regulations of the Council, implement the decisions adopted by the Council;

      Inform the team delegating it about the activities of the Council;

      Improve your knowledge and skills in the field of social and political activities, learn the culture of communication, understanding a different point of view, find ways of cooperation.

    8. The powers of the members of the Council are terminated:

      In case of loss of communication with the team;

      By decision of the delegating team;

      Of your own accord

      At the end of school.

    9. Organizational structure:

    1. The Council consists of one chamber (Presidium);

    2. The chairman leads the work of the Council

    3. Structural units are created in the Council that contribute to its effective work.

    10. Termination of the activities of the Council.

    The activities of the Council are terminated by a decision taken by a majority of votes.

    Rights of citizens (students) of School No. 12

    The student has the right to:

    freedom of thought, conscience, religion;

    Development of one's own personality, talent, mental and physical abilities;

    Participation in the management of the Republic of School No. 12 (the right to elect and be elected to the Student Council of the School)

    The student must:

      Respect the rights and freedoms of a person specified in the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

      It is worthy to bear the title of a citizen of the Russian Federation;

      Comply with the Charter of the School;

      study conscientiously;

      On time to come to school (1 shift at 8.00 a.m.);

      Be disciplined in class and during recess;

      Take good care of school property;

      Lead a healthy lifestyle;

      Respect the honor and dignity of other students and school staff;

      Fulfill the requirements of school employees to comply with internal regulations;

      Follow the rules for students;

      Compliance with the requirements for compliance with the appearance of students

    All documents are developed with the active participation of schoolchildren and must be approved at the general school meeting of students and the School Council.

In modern methodological literature, student self-government is understood as a form of organizing the life of a group of students, which ensures the development of their independence in making and implementing decisions to achieve socially significant goals.

Student self-government is an opportunity for students themselves to plan, organize their activities and summarize, participate in solving issues of school life, and hold events that are of interest to them. This is an opportunity to demonstrate the uniqueness of your personality, gain experience in communication, overcome difficulties, experience responsibility for your actions, and master social experience. This experience will be especially meaningful for society if it is in line with principle 10 of the Declaration on the Rights of the Child: “To raise future citizens in the full consciousness that their energy and abilities should be devoted to the service of other people.”

I have been working on the topic of student self-government for several years. This topic is closely related to the methodological theme of the school “Individually oriented education and upbringing as a condition for the formation of a competitive personality of a schoolchild”.

The staff of our school believes that the topic of self-government is very relevant for us, since the school should teach not only the sciences. But it should also teach a person to be independent, to do good deeds, to be responsible for their actions, to make decisions, to protect their rights. Pupils must come to a school that can prepare them for life in a changing environment. And if the school does not have self-government, then it is unlikely that it can keep up with the times.

In our school, there are several forms of involving teachers, students, parents in the organization of training and education, in the formation of priority values ​​of the school team, in a joint understanding of development prospects.

Temporary creative groups. They are created for the period of preparation and conduct of various educational, educational and organizational affairs. They include teachers, children, and sometimes parents.

Monthly meetings of the director and administration with the presidential council. This is one of the important structures of school management and its democratization.

Weekly meetings of ZDVR with class representatives. This is an advisory and information body of children's self-government.

There are the following levels of student self-government:

Individual student. The activity of the individual in conscientious fulfillment of instructions forms conscientiousness to the task assigned. The fulfillment of public assignments, in which the student himself finds and uses some ways of its implementation, forms the skill of self-control and exactingness to himself. The student can choose his own business and determine the ways of its implementation. This characterizes the creative attitude of the individual to a particular case.

Self-management, the purpose of which is the adaptation of the child to life in changing conditions, gives each child the opportunity to express himself, reveal his abilities and learn new things, learn to communicate with peers, with younger and older ones.

In the process of development of student self-government, trends emerged: the more actively a student participates in self-government, the higher is the level of his independence and responsibility as the highest indicators of his personal growth.

The level of the primary team is the class. Self-government bodies in the class are elected for each type of activity so that all students are included in one or another body. Each sector elects a chairman from among its members. The chairpersons make up the class council. All members of the council take turns acting as the headman. Each member of the class self-government bodies has its own responsibilities. The class council prepares information and proposals to the higher self-government bodies - the presidential council and the student assembly.

Class self-government helps to find spheres of personal and socially useful activities of children, determine the scope of their duties, strengthens the sphere of friendly relations, conveys the experience of democratic relations: personal responsibility, desire for consent, freedom of opinion, change of position (leader-executor), helps to take into account opinions each and minority, helps students develop skills for independent work.

The staff level of the educational institution is the presidential council. The most active students of grades 9-11 are elected to the presidential council, who enjoy authority among their comrades and are able to lead. Each high school student has the opportunity to propose his candidacy for the presidential council. The Student Assembly considers candidates and elects.

We consider the development of student self-government as part of the system of civic education, which has become very relevant. The tasks of civic education are to educate a leader, teach democratic communication, the ability to work in a team, and develop creative abilities. We want our children to understand the needs and requirements of society and through student self-government to be able to realize and compare themselves with the requirements that society puts forward.

The concept and development program of our school states that the school is focused on the education, upbringing and development of each child, taking into account his individual characteristics. In the annual plan, one of the most important is the section of educational work.

One of the programs of our “Multidimensional system of personality development” is the “Leader” program. The educational objectives of this program are: to provide conditions for the self-realization of the child's creative abilities and needs; create a developing environment conducive to self-assertion of the individual in various activities; the formation of communication skills, the ability to understand oneself and others. Main content: disclosure and implementation of organizational and creative abilities; the formation of a sense of significance and involvement in solving the problems of the school; the formation of experience in conducting pre-election and election campaigns. All this is carried out through the presidential council, the organization of the KTD, the holding of festive events, the holiday of the school organization "Commonwealth", business and role-playing games, the school of the asset. We also try to involve the “student-teacher-parent” and parents in co-management. Various forms are used for this: parent meetings, organization of circles and sections, creative groups, “Men's Council”.

We set ourselves the task of teaching the child social skills:

  • Make choices within the accepted rules and be successful in the chosen activity;
  • Develop your strengths and abilities;
  • Understand and accept others;
  • Adequately assess their strengths and abilities;
  • Control yourself;
  • adapt to social conditions.

We believe that the bodies of student self-government at school are one of the forms of children's self-development, and, like any development, it requires certain conditions. Conditions known:

  • The presence of personally and socially significant activities. After all, A.S. Makarenko said that activity gives rise to self-government, and not vice versa.
  • Adult presence and support. If the elders leave the children to themselves, leave them without support, any children's independence will fade away: children's independence is one of the forms of dependence of the younger generation on the older one.
  • Socially valuable feelings and experiences that are infinitely significant for children, which, in essence, educate.
  • What ways did we go to create viable self-government bodies:
  • Found areas useful for the school and significant for students school activities
  • Made these areas emotionally rich and interesting
  • Provided educational support and assistance
  • What areas can be given to the guys:
  • Leisure, school evenings, discos, holidays, KTD
  • School press activities
  • Sports and sporting events
  • Timurov work
  • Cleaning the school grounds, self-service in the canteen
  • The real participation of children in teachers' councils, conferences, parent committees (it is necessary that the children believe that their opinion can influence the management decisions of the administration and teachers).

With this approach, self-government in the school is possible, moreover, it is necessary. We will be able to educate the subjects of our own life only if at the very beginning of life the children feel, understand and believe that they can do something, are capable of something. Only in a community of his own kind does a child better know the rules of the hostel, himself, learn to build relationships, arm himself with more diverse ways of self-manifestation.

The effectiveness of educational work is achieved through a combination of traditional and innovative methods. One of the innovative methods of involving students in public life is social design, which is focused on the formation of such qualities as a sense of social responsibility, an indifferent attitude to the fate of the Fatherland, and the ability to adapt to modern economic conditions. This academic year, a group of high school students started working on a socially significant project “I am a citizen of Russia”. Now we are at the stage of collecting information and developing our own solution to the problem.

Another project we are working on is the school newspaper Sodruzhestvo. The purpose of the project: the realization of the intellectual and creative potential of schoolchildren in the creation of a newspaper. Tasks: development of skills for independent, research and creative activities, assistance in career guidance, self-development and self-realization of schoolchildren.

The implementation of these projects contributes to the socialization of students, as conditions are created for them to apply “civil knowledge and skills” in everyday life. Schoolchildren learn to measure this knowledge and skills with their character, behavioral style and relationships with others, evaluate all aspects of life, society, history, politics, culture in accordance with their age capabilities, use various ways to participate in government.

The activities of the structural components of student self-government of secondary school No. 51

Presidential Council

  • Implements student conference decisions
  • Interacts with self-government bodies of teachers and parents
  • Participates in the work of the pedagogical council, meetings with the director
  • Participates in the planning and organization of extracurricular and extracurricular activities of students
  • Approves the plan for conducting school activities
  • Establishes patronage of high school students over younger students
  • Corrects self-service of students, their duty, maintaining discipline and order at school
  • Submits proposals to the school administration on changes to the School Charter
  • Works with students of the "risk" group, "difficult" students
  • Participates in the consideration of issues of encouragement and punishment of school students

Sports Complex

  • Organizes competitions in various sports between classes and schools
  • Participates in the organization and conduct of school-wide sports days, health days
  • Identifies the best athletes and rewards them

cultural center

  • Organizes the participation of classes in school-wide KTD and events
  • Organizes and supervises excursions, visits to exhibitions, theaters
  • Organizes and conducts school-wide discos, lights
  • Participates in weekly Presidential Council meetings

Press center

  • Selects materials for the school-wide newspaper "Sodruzhestvo"
  • Publishes the newspaper "Commonwealth"
  • Organizes decorations for school events
  • Works with class correspondents
  • Evaluates contests for the best newspaper
  • Participates in weekly Presidential Council meetings

labor center

  • Organizes and conducts collections of waste paper
  • Organizes and conducts duties around the school and in the cafeteria
  • Organizes cleaning of the territory, subbotniks
  • Helps ZDVR in the organization of summer labor practice
  • Helps ZDVR in the organization of repair teams
  • Participates in weekly Presidential Council meetings

Training Center

  • Organizes advisory groups to help laggards
  • Checks diaries and textbooks
  • Checks attendance and progress
  • Participates in the preparation of school Olympiads, subject weeks
  • Participates in thematic evenings, competitions in subjects
  • Participates in organizing meetings with interesting people
  • Participates in weekly Presidential Council meetings
  • Distributes class employment according to interests

Music Center

  • Selects video and audio materials for thematic class hours, discos, school-wide events
  • Musically design and sound holidays
  • Participates in weekly Presidential Council meetings

local history center

  • Conducts work on the study of the history of his native land
  • Participates in regional, city and republican events
  • Instills interest in the native land

Center for Patriotic Education

  • Organizes patriotic events
  • Works on the creation of a school museum
  • Carries out the action "Children about grandfathers", the operation "Postcard"
  • Collaborates with the Veterans Council
  • Analyzes and plans work in the civil-patriotic direction

Student self-government at school. Activities of student organizations and associations

    The essence of student self-government.

    Forms of school self-government. Conditions conducive to the development of self-government.

    Children's movement and children's associations as a factor in the development of personality, its socialization.

    Functions of children's associations: The content and methods of activity of children's associations and organizations.

    Informal associations of children and youth.


1. Kabush, V. T. Humanistic educational system: theory and practice / V. T. Kabush. - Minsk: APO, 2003. - 332 p.

2. Malenkova, L. I. Theory and methods of education: textbook. allowance / L. I. Malenkova. - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2002. - S. 209-224.

3. Podlasy, I. P. Pedagogy. New course: textbook. for stud. ped. universities: in 2 books. / I. P. Podlasy. - M.: Humanit. ed. center "VLADOS", 1999. - Book. 2: The process of education. - S. 60-91.

4. Rozhkov, M. I. Organization of the educational process at school: textbook. allowance for students. higher textbook institutions / M I. Rozhkov, L. V. Baibarodova. - M.: Humanit. ed. center "VLADOS", 2001. - S. 96-PO.

5. Slastenin, V. A. Pedagogy / V. A. Slastenin, I. F. Isaev, E, N. Shiyaiov; ed. V. A. Slastenina. - M.: Ed. Center "Academy", 2002. - S. 363-364.

6. Stepanenkov, N. K. Pedagogy of the school: textbook. allowance / N. K. Stepanenkov. - Minsk: Adukatsia i vykhavanne, 2007. - S. 373-^05.

7. Kharlamov, I. F. Pedagogy / I. F. Kharlamov. - Minsk: Universitetskaya, 2000. - S. 349-367.

    The essence of student self-government.

One of the important principles of school management - the principle of democratization - cannot be implemented in the work of the school without such components of this work as proper management, co-management and self-government. Control school - the purposeful activity of management subjects aimed at ensuring the optimal functioning of the school and its development. co-management- participation in the development and decision-making of representatives of all groups of the school community (teachers, students, parents); school government- transfer of a number of management functions to students and teachers, their bodies and organizations. If certain management functions are transferred to students, their bodies or organizations, then we are talking about student (school, class) self-government. The problem of self-government in the children's team was posed by N. K. Krupskaya, developed by S. T. Shatsky, A. S. Makarenko, and later by I. P. Ivanov, V. M. Korotov, V. T. Kabush and other teachers.

Student self-government is an attribute of a team of schoolchildren and an important condition for the formation of collective relations. Student self-government- such an organization of group (collective) activities, which is based on the development of children's independence in making and implementing decisions to achieve significant group (collective) goals. The subjects of self-government are elected persons (a group of persons) to whom the collective delegates (transfers authority) the right to plan joint life activities, distribute assignments, control and evaluate the quality of their implementation.

To school student self-government include school self-government bodies created by students and expressing their interests. The main goals of student self-government are: the democratization of the life of the student team and the formation of students' readiness to participate in society management. The development of self-government helps students to form their social position, determine the possibilities in the implementation of organizational functions, feel the complexity of social relations, live the relationship of responsible dependence, expressing the interdependence and mutual responsibility of the individual and the team. The result of the development of student self-government is the transfer of the class team from a managed system to a self-governing system.

Essence self-government revealed in his functions:

    Mastering the management culture - makes it possible to make an independent choice in decision-making, to realize freedom and responsibility;

    Adaptation - provides the individual with the harmony of relationships in the team;

    Prognostic - helps to determine real prospects on the basis of diagnostics and reflection;

    Self-activation - involving as many students as possible in solving managerial problems and involving students in the management of new areas of activity;

    Collective self-control - constant self-analysis by self-government bodies of their activities and the search on its basis for more effective ways to solve managerial problems;

    Forms of school self-government. Conditions conducive to the development of self-government.

In the theory of education, an important conclusion was made that self-government cannot and should not be created “from above” by the formation of its organs, but should “grow from below” in the process of self-organization of certain types of activity. In this case, self-government in its development goes through the following stages:

    division of a particular case into finished parts and volumes;

    the formation of appropriate microgroups, the choice of those responsible for each area of ​​activity; unification of those responsible into a single self-government body;

    selection of the main responsible person.

This algorithm ensures the formation of self-government bodies depending on specific cases and activities in which schoolchildren are currently involved. .

Forms student self-government varied. School-wide student self-government solves the problems facing the school, and does not regulate the initiative and independence of classroom teams.

The highest body of school student self-government is usually the general meeting of students, where self-government bodies are torn out (the school-wide student committee or council, the school parliament, the school council, the headman, the council of affairs, headquarters, commissions, clubs, sections and others) and determines their powers.

In a student team, the highest self-governing body can be a class meeting, during which a discussion of the life of the team, problems that arise in organizing the activities of students, their participation in school-wide affairs takes place. A class meeting as a form of work of the student team involves the joint activities of students and the class teacher, where they choose the headman (commander, etc.), representatives to the bodies of the student team, hear information about current affairs, reports on the implementation of assignments, approve plans, discuss various memos , provisions (for example, about consultants on the subject). The highest self-government body in the class between student meetings may be the class student council, elected by the class meeting and holding its meetings as necessary, but at least once a month.

In general, the structure of student self-government depends on the age of students, on the level of development of organizational skills, on the traditions of the school and class. It is especially important that the functions and roles of children in the organization of their lives and activities change. Assignments are given both individually and in groups, during which students gain experience in cooperation and co-creation. When receiving some kind of assignment, the child must be well aware of his duties and see the ways to carry out this work.

    Children's movement and children's associations as a factor in the development of personality, its socialization.

Children's, youth associations and organizations are educational systems in society. In the most general way a children's public association or organization can be characterized as a special socio-pedagogical formation of children and adults who unite on a voluntary basis to meet individual and social needs that contribute to the socialization of the child's personality.

Pedagogical essence children's and youth associations and organizations manifest themselves primarily in their goals related to the upbringing and development of the child's personality. In particular, the goals of children's and youth organizations with a humanistic nature of activity are based on universal, national, civic values. So, in the Charter of the "BRSM" (Belarusian Republican Youth Union) it is written that the purpose of this public association is to create conditions for the comprehensive development of young people, to reveal their creative potential, to promote the development of a civil society in the Republic of Belarus based on the patriotic and spiritual and moral values ​​of the Belarusian people.

The history of the children's and youth movement shows that these associations and organizations achieve the most effective results if they provide their members with the opportunity for self-expression, self-realization, self-improvement and self-affirmation. Children's and youth associations and organizations occupy a special place in the social structure of modern Belarus. Their development and support is one of the directions of the state youth policy. Through public organizations, young people realize their economic, cultural, educational, information needs, develop their organizational skills, learn to plan their free time. A distinctive feature of the children's movement is its variability. In 2003, the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus registered more than 130 youth and children's organizations with republican and international status, in 2006 already 183 organizations worked with children and youth.

Along with the largest public organization - the Belarusian Republican Youth Union (established in 2002) - in the Republic of Belarus there are: the Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization (BRPO), the Belarusian Republican Scout Organization (BRSO), the Association of Belarusian Guides (DOO "ABG"), the League of Voluntary Labor of Youth , organization "Youth Against Crime" and other children's and youth associations.

For example, the public association "Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization" (BRPO) arose in the conditions of the rise of the children's movement in the late 80s and early 90s of the last century. The process of renewal of the pioneer organization has begun in the Republic of Belarus. On September 13, 1990, the regular IX rally of the pioneers of Belarus took place, at which the amateur non-political nature of the organization was announced and the first Charter of the Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization was adopted.

According to the Charter Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization- is a voluntary public association of children, adolescents and adults, focused on universal values, representing and protecting the interests and rights of its members. The purpose of this organization is to help every pioneer to become a citizen, to benefit himself and his Motherland by his actions, that is, to promote the socialization of the child's personality. In accordance with the purpose of the BRPO, it solves the following tasks: formation of motives for social (socially significant) activities; formation of social skills; creation of conditions for meeting the interests of children, personal development, disclosure of its creative potential; stimulation of self-knowledge and self-education of members of the organization.

It is also important to note that the BRPO meets all the characteristics of a children's public association. Thus, more than 70% of the organization are teenagers. The Pioneer Organization was created on the initiative and on the basis of the free will of children and adults and is not a structural subdivision of state institutions. In addition, BRPO carries out social and creative activities and does not aim to make a profit and distribute it among the members of the organization.

    Functions of children's associations: The content and methods of activity of children's associations and organizations.

Functions children's, youth organizations and associations:

Educational- ensures the civil, moral formation of the child's personality, the development of his social creativity, the ability to interact with people, to put forward and achieve goals that are significant for everyone.

Orientation- providing conditions for the orientation of children in the system of social, moral, cultural values, adaptation to the conditions of modern life.

Compensatory- creation of conditions for the realization of needs, interests, actualization of the child's capabilities, not in demand in other communities of which he is a member, to eliminate the lack of communication and complicity

The renewed pioneer organization seeks, on the one hand, to preserve the positive traditions that have historically developed in the children's pioneer movement, and on the other hand, to take into account the requirements of the time and modern trends in the development of children's and youth associations. The activities of the BRPO are based on the following principles:

□ the principle of socially significant activity through the realization of the child's abilities for the benefit of himself, his family, and other people;

□ the principle of voluntariness when joining, choosing the type of activity, leaving the organization;

n the principle of collectivism, understood as interaction, cooperation in the organization of children, adolescents and adults.

These principles are framed in the form of laws for children and adolescents, prescribing to protect their good name and the dignity of the organization; take care of those who need help; respect work; be true to friendship; respect the opinion of their comrades; keep your word; be the master of your organization.

    Informal associations of children and youth.

In pedagogy, both organized formal (study group, circle, sports section, temporary children's groups, etc.) and spontaneously formed informal groups-collectives are studied. Informal group or association- a group of people who voluntarily united on the basis of common interests, personal sympathies, mutual benefit. This group does not have a legally fixed status. Often the influence of informal associations, as a rule, professing the values ​​of the youth subculture, turns out to be decisive for adolescents and young men from the point of view of their socialization. It is the informal group that is the main regulator of the adolescent's behavior. For most adolescents, leaving for informal associations is one of the forms of protest against the usual way of life, established rules, guardianship and control by elders.

The desire of adolescents to be members of an informal group is explained by their need, firstly, for information (especially on problems that they cannot solve at school or family), secondly, for communication and emotional contact, and thirdly, for the realization of individual claims (for leadership, for self-realization in certain types of activity, etc.). Often, the motive for the participation of a teenager in an informal association is the state of anxiety that he experiences at school or at home. An informal group accepts a teenager as he is, and also gives him the opportunity to “be like everyone else” in clothes, behavior, language, values, preferences, etc.

Most teenage and youth groups are characterized by the stability of the composition, cohesion, functional orientation, the presence of their own symbols and paraphernalia. These and other factors determine the structure of informal associations.

The degree of influence of an informal group on the behavior of a teenager is determined by his individual psychological characteristics, the structure and social orientation of the group. Some adolescents perceive the "laws" and norms of the group consciously, others - due to the conformity expressed at this age (subordination of the personality to the group, acceptance of the opinion of the majority, lack of their own position). Belonging to antisocial or asocial informal groups increases the risk of developing deviant behavior.

There are different classifications of informal youth or adolescent groups. For example, by social orientation they are divided into:

    pro-social, democratic in structure, socially active; their activities are aimed at socially useful causes;

    asocial, stand aside from serious social problems and are formed on the basis of joint entertainment;

    antisocial, most often autocratic in structure, aimed at disrupting public order, creating tense situations, often such groups are led by adult offenders.

In order to avoid confrontation with such students, it is important for teachers to understand the essence of the youth subculture, informal associations. L. I. Malenkova proposed the rules for communication with representatives of informal associations:

    accept a teenager or high school student for who he is;

    use the skills and abilities acquired by the student in an informal group, including him in a variety of activities of the class group;

    depending on the social orientation of the informal group, gradually form positive or negative attitudes towards the values ​​that are accepted in this group, while building communication with a teenager in the logic of a “dialogue of cultures”;

    actively support the socially valuable initiatives of the informal group by involving students in the class or school.

The social teacher, class teacher and other teachers strive to direct the energy of adolescent and youth groups to socially valuable causes, to promote the self-affirmation of adolescents and high school students in socially useful organizations, institutions of out-of-school education, from which students "bring" to informal associations the beginning of a positive attitude towards the world around them .

The problem of children's and youth public associations; - organizations so-called school student) self-government and free time students; ... education students rural schools- their participation in the work of bodies student self-government, ...


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