Courses on creating paper sculpture for adults. Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V. I. Surikov at the Russian Academy of Arts

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Total sculpture tutors in Moscow: 32

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Private tutor in sculpture in Moscow.
Sculpture, modeling, ceramics. Preschoolers, schoolchildren, adults.
Sculpture and ceramics classes according to an individual program.
Sunday classes are held in the children's group: modeling 11.00-12.30, drawing and painting 12.30-14.00.

After all, this work is very meticulous and requires a lot of attention and manual skill. As already stated, a sculpture course is not offered by many higher education institutions. educational institutions countries. However, it is important that the student confirms that the college is recognized by the Ministry of Education because only then will the course be valid and the student will receive a diploma upon graduation.

Each course lasts one week and includes 4 hours of classes per day for 6 days with the constant presence of a teacher. Unless otherwise specified, the program with teacher lessons will be organized in the morning. The afternoon included in the training package allows you to stay in the laboratory to study independently of its production.

  • Lesson cost: 1500 rub. / 60 min
  • Items: Sculpture, Other items
  • City: Moscow
  • Nearest metro stations: Trade Union, University
  • Home visit: No
  • Status: Professor
  • Education: M.T.I. 1980, decorative artist - applied arts, member of the Moscow Union of Artists, sculpture section.

Experienced sculpting tutor.
Individual lessons, as well as lessons in a group of 5 people (600 rubles per hour). Main subjects: painting, drawing, sculpture. Classes are held for adults 15-60 years old. Preparation for art universities. Teaching art to children school age from 10 years old.
Participant of numerous Russian and international exhibitions.
Member of the Moscow Union of Artists. My works are in museums and private collections in Russia, Europe and America, and also decorate the interiors and exteriors of buildings in Moscow. Current teaching activities: Theater and Art College No. 60, Moscow, Fine...

Beginners or sculptors through improvement. Since childhood, born in Talamone in "Enchantment" with the help of "art, especially sculpture", after studying in the field of human sciences, he began to work in sculpture workshops in Carrara. Working independently, without any interference, raw marble to carve the characters of his imagination. His early works were exhibited in Milan. Soon after, he began collaborating with numerous architectural firms specializing in planning cities of great sculptures.

His works are in public and private collections, and monumental sculptures are found both in Italy and abroad, and in particular a large stone sculpture is located in the private gardens of the Pope in the Vatican. Lives and works between Sondrio and Carrara.

  • Lesson cost: 1000 rub. / 60 min
  • Items: Drawing, Sculpture
  • City: Moscow
  • Nearest metro station: Tsaritsyno
  • Home visit: available
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Faculty: sculpture. Specialty: artist-sculptor. Year of graduation: 2008.

Sculpture tutor services.
I conduct classes in fine art (drawing, painting, composition, modeling) with children from 5.5 and adults. I will teach you how to draw from scratch or hone your existing skills, and prepare you for entering an art school or university. Individual approach, creative atmosphere, training in various techniques.
Creative, sociable and cheerful tutor. I will teach you how to draw and write in different techniques!

Visual Art Courses - Bordeaux

Astel offers you a space of creation where everyone discovers, initiates and improves various painting techniques in a friendly atmosphere. Painting, drawing Atelier Joel Tenzin Bordeaux. Drawing and painting courses of all methods for adults. The atmosphere is studious and relaxed.

Painting, graphics of Bordeaux. Teaching for everyone In these courses, all methods are addressed. In a friendly atmosphere, learn how to create and bring life to a character: face, body and pose. Theoretical opening of the world of comics and reusable creative workshops the next day with their public.

Individual sculpting tutor.
Opportunity to teach painting, airbrushing, painting, sculpture, decorative types arts (modeling, applique, etc.). Job various materials in various techniques.
Classes for children (from 5 years old) and adults.

  • Lesson cost: 700 rub. / 60 min
  • Items:
  • City: Moscow
  • Nearest metro stations: Orekhovo, Domodedovo
  • Home visit: available
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: MGGU im. Sholokhov HGF

Private sculpture teacher.
Drawing and sculpture classes for children from 14 to 15 years old, students, adults: for the soul, for general development, to improve your level, to prepare for exams in these subjects and to enter universities.
The workshop is equipped with everything necessary for their implementation (easels, machines, clay, plaster, dummies and much more), as well as round table with a lace tablecloth, behind which an equally exciting part of the classes takes place - tea drinking with buns during breaks.
Working with students different ages and degree of preparation for many years, I prefer individual lessons that allow me to devote...

Contact her to determine your art projects: painting on canvas, wood, paper. Personalized courses, the study of classical painting, as well as so-called “modern” methods. seminars on various subjects, offered throughout the year. The workshop is open from Tuesday to Saturday.

Study body proportions and artistic anatomy in modeling and straight size. The ability to balance muscle mass, translate body expression, will also allow you to know how to make a movement, and give life to inert matter.

  • Courses are personalized.
  • They take place in small groups of students.
  • Registration takes place throughout the year.
Price: 240 euros per month. Material is provided on loan for modeling and straight cutting. Before registering, you can participate in a test simulation course.

  • Lesson cost: 1500 rub. / 60 min
  • Items: Drawing, Sculpture
  • City: Moscow
  • Nearest metro stations: Chistye Prudy, Lubyanka
  • Home visit: available
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: MGHPA named after. S. G. Stroganova Monumental and decorative art, architectural - decorative plastic 2005. Member of the Moscow Union of Artists since 2007, member of the Union of Artists of Russia since 2008.

  I give the first lesson for free (free lessons are only possible in my territory).
Modeling tutor services in Moscow.
I will teach various techniques of painting and drawing: oil painting, gouache, tempera, acrylic, charcoal, pastel, ink, pencil. It is possible to conduct classes in batik, pyrography (burning), stained glass painting, and clay sculpture. I will help you master such genres as portrait, landscape, still life. In warm weather - plein air trips. I work with children and adults. I have experience working with students of different levels. Individual program and approach to each student depending on knowledge, interests and goals. I will help you implement specific creative ideas. For children, development exercises are included...

2 hours after exemplary life, 2 hours in anatomical exercises called "after Bosse". Sculpture course after a live model. Screenwriting classes can be grouped into one day. They are carried out at the following moments. You can also start exercising during exercise schedules according to your lifestyle.

Like all students, you will begin to learn modeling. You will then discover the straight size of the stone, then you will alternate between modeling and straight size on the stone depending on the difficulty of the pose and your evolution. The Sculpture Academy is also open during school holidays.

  • Lesson cost: 600 rub. / 60 min
  • Items: Recorder, Drawing, Sculpture
  • City: Moscow
  • Nearest metro stations: Preobrazhenskaya Square, Cherkizovskaya
  • Home visit: No
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: SGASU, architect-restorer, specialist, 2015

Experienced sculpture teacher.
Painting, composition, decor, design, modeling. Pupils: preschoolers from 5 years old, 1st grade schoolchildren, applicants, adults with zero level preparation. Art. Drawing, painting, composition, modeling, decor, design.
Using different artistic means. Development of artistic knowledge and skills, imagination, as well as abstract thinking and aesthetic taste. Instilling in the student a sense of beauty in an inextricable connection visual arts with such types of art as architecture, sculpture, literature, theater, cinema, etc. The use of non-standard drawing methods...

When a good model sculptor of human bodies, he represents not only the muscles, but also the life that warms them. These drawing classes are open to anyone who wants to learn anatomy and body proportions when drawing. Each session lasts 2 hours following a live model. Each student draws, studying the body and proportions of the arp, a long pose. Courses are organized in small groups of students and are personalized.

The materials are responsible for the students. Formula per month: 4 hours per week using a live model - Price: 230 euros per month. Drawing classes are held at the following times. Wednesday: 10am to 12pm Saturday: 10am to 12pm - 2pm to 4pm Sunday: 10am to 12pm - 2pm to 4pm Individual or group art lessons can be arranged upon request.

  • Cost of classes: For a student - from 1500 rubles for 60 minutes.
    For a teacher - from 1000 rubles for 60 minutes, from 2000 rubles for 120 minutes.
    Classes are conducted individually and in groups (2 - 3 people).
  • Items: Drawing, Sculpture
  • Cities: Moscow, Solnechnogorsk, Zelenograd
  • Nearest metro stations: Pyatnitskoe highway, Mitino
  • Home visit: available
  • Status: School teacher
  • Education: MGUKI, faculty - folk art culture and museum studies, specialization - arts and crafts, specialty - artistic director of the center for arts and crafts...

Private tutor in sculpture.
Academic techniques of drawing, painting, composition, sculpture, layout. Learning the basics of design. Development of creativity skills. Studying art history. Assistance in preparing for admission to art universities. From 5 years
I have the practice of teaching children and adults academic drawing, painting, composition, sculpture, the basics of design, and the study of art history. Experience working in a nursery art school No. 15, private tutor, in a private sand painting school. Working artist-designer. I teach various techniques of fine art.

Nude and Human Body Studies classes are held Monday through Friday from 9 am to 12 pm and from 2 pm to 6 pm. During these 7 hours of daily classes there are. Drawing courses are organized upon request: to receive additional information. During this sculpture course, you will learn how to analyze the volumes and proportions of the human body, whether from living models or anatomical exercises. An initiation into direct stone cutting is planned at the end of the course for students who wish to do so.

Duration of the sculpture course: 5 days, from Monday to Friday, at a rate of 6 hours of lessons per day, including 2 hours after live models. Price: 600 euros per week. Each stage began in full. They came from the Netherlands for an internship. creates a nude after a live model.

  • Lesson cost: 900 rub. / 60 min
  • Items: Drawing, Art History, Sculpture
  • City: Moscow
  • Nearest metro stations: Borisovo, Tsaritsino
  • Home visit: available
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: Organizational and Technological College, interior design, 2010; Kaluga College of Culture and Art, 2009, easel oil painter - teacher; Moscow Humanitarian Economic...

Qualified sculpture tutor.
I conduct art classes with children from three years old, preschoolers, schoolchildren and adults.
In classes with children 3-4 years old, activities alternate (drawing with colored pencils, pastels, paints, appliqué, dough modeling), which allows children to develop their creative and motor skills. Children get acquainted with various art materials and master them in a playful way.
Children 5 - 7 years old draw with different materials (gouache, watercolor, soft materials, ink, pencils and other materials), sculpt, craft, perform thematic tasks, learn to work in different techniques.
I'm looking for a sculpture tutor, can anyone recommend me?

Each sculpture course only has a limited number of participants: be sure to reserve your place in advance! Perhaps, at the same speed, organize internships “on demand”: internships are created according to the dates desired by future interns.

Other sculpture courses are then scheduled on the following dates. My students study proportions. depending live model. To reserve your place, it's easy: just call or send an email. This weekend is open to beginners and advanced. During this sculpture course you will learn to analyze and have the right gesture.

You can look at reviews of tutors and choose suitable specialist. It is also worth paying attention to the education and work experience of the teacher indicated in the application form.

If you need a marketing tutor in Moscow, then leave a request in the "Find a tutor" section.

#Sculpture #Drawing (graphics)
Modeling is one of the favorite activities of children. Besides the obvious creative...
Reception: in progress 314 years
Moscow, Maryinsky Park st., 17 building 2
Art workshop "GINDA" and ANO D "KOLIBRI"

500 rub.
1 lesson

The price includes sessions with live models, earth and stone, loan of tools. Sculptor Petrus is a professional sculptor and he also has a trainer number. These weekends can also be arranged upon request. Next training dates. Clarice Garnier at the professional stage of sculpture.

The professional sculpture course exists in two formulas. A 5-day professional course focusing exclusively on straight stone cutting. 6 month training course for studying artistic anatomy, modeling, plaster and direct size. Every professional trainee must be very rigorous, motivated and willing to learn: the transfer of knowledge and sculpture technique is a mutual exchange.

During the classes, the guys will work with a new material for modeling - marshmallows...
Reception: in progress
612 years
Moscow, Tverskoy, Novoslobodskaya st., 38, building 1
State budgetary general educational institution city ​​of Moscow "Gymnasium No. 1540"

2286 rub.

Mailis, at the beginning of her internship, is working on a bust of a child. These professional educations in sculpture can be arranged upon request, but subject to certain conditions. One to two probationers per sculpture training course, the modeling training course had to be done in advance, because the implementation of figurative sculpture in direct size requires some mastery of the basics in anatomy, the implementation of training in modeling does not open the rights Sculptor Petrus reserves the right reject any trainee who is not of sufficient level. All sculpture classes are grouped into this category.

During the classes, students get acquainted with the art of sculpture, its various...
Reception: in progress
814 years
Moscow, Biryulyovo Vostochnoe, Elevatornaya st., 19
State budgetary professional educational institution of Moscow "College of Decorative and Applied Arts named after Carl Faberge"

3500 rub.

Watch the video for the tour. Presentation of an online course on sculpture. Each of his talents: the artist uses his brush to concretize his thoughts, the writer plays with words to express his feelings, and the sculptor works his hands to create fascinating objects that are almost alive and real. That's the idea behind this online course: to sculpt new students in the art of sculpture. Are you eager to become a real professional? This site is the key to strengthening your assets. Among the many options, we have chosen for you a sculpture with earthen fireclay.

basics of sculpture art
Reception: in progress
613 years
Moscow, Ramenki, Michurinsky Prospekt, 5, bldg. 1
State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow "Shuvalovsky gymnasium No. 1448"

for free

Modeling and sculpture training
Reception: in progress
1118 years
Moscow, Kuzminki, st. Shumilova, 9
State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow "School with in-depth study in English No. 1208 named after Hero Soviet Union M.S. Shumilov"

for free

Very practical, it is ideal for beginners. The goal is to allow your imagination to escape from the world of the chimera. Good to know about sculpture. This is an art that has been around for many years. In the past, well-carved figurines were used by man as an idol representing God. Churches and temples are the main places where sculpture is most exhibited. All over the world, according to age and civilization, sculptural works can represent a country. For example, through sculpture you can recognize the Italy of India.

The age of sculpture has allowed some artists to move from using stone to using wood, not to mention what sculpture does with fruits and vegetables. At the moment, amidst these developments, fireclay earth is widely used in this area due to the benefits it offers.

Modeling is one of the types of fine art, the creation of sculpture...
Reception: does not work
712 years
Moscow, Savelki, Zelenograd, bldg. 314
State budgetary educational institution of Moscow "School No. 609"

for free

Basically, the procedure consists of cutting, removing pieces, assembling parts and modeling in the case of carving on earth or clay. To obtain an object identical to what was created by the imagination, it is necessary to subtract surpluses, add deficiencies, etc. thus, the details of the object are completely accurate. Obviously, it is highly recommended to have certain tools. This does not exclude the fact that skilled hands and a creative spirit remain the most indispensable tools for such art.

Why sculpt fireclay earth? . This activity is to obtain clearly certain forms from a monoblock. This implies the need for adequate and easy-to-handle materials. With a solid compact, incompressible, it is difficult to correct mistakes, and rollback is almost impossible. For this purpose, fireclay earth, easily modeled, seems ideal to learn and begin in the art of carving.

The "Fundamentals of Design" program is designed to teach children aged 12 - 16 years...
Reception: in progress
57 years
Moscow, Yuzhnoportovy, st. Trofimova, 15a
State budgetary educational institution additional education Moscow "Palace of Children and Youth Creativity named after A.P. Gaidar"

2500 rub.

It has a finer structure. Fireclay makes the structure of the earth thicker. It is actually a form of clay that is crushed after cooking. A sculpture made with a low sloping base is more stable and dries quickly without damaging the structure of the material during drying or during cooking.

Contents of our online sculpture courses. After registering for this online course, you will get the best methodologies in learning the art of sculpture. We have developed accessible tools for you to awaken your talent, even if you are a beginner. To obtain a satisfactory result you must have certain materials and follow our advice. To illustrate this course, we have recorded two videos for you: “Modeling a Teddy Bear” and “Modeling a Mouse.”

Fundamentals of painting, graphics, sculpture and architecture.
Reception: in progress
818 years
Moscow, Sokolniki, 2nd Sokolnicheskaya st., 3
State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow "Gymnasium No. 1530 "Lomonosov School"
Any Male Female

How young sculptors learn to create three-dimensional images

The sculptor’s task is to create a three-dimensional image from solid or plastic materials (from metal to wax). Sculpture occupies a prominent place in the history of culture: almost all ancient peoples left behind works of this type of art. As a rule, sculptors created sculptures of gods and goddesses - religious beliefs played a huge role in the lives of the ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Romans, Chinese, Indians and other peoples.

Over the course of centuries and years, sculpture, of course, ceased to play a purely religious significance. Their own national schools appeared, and performance techniques became more complex. Many sculptors have left their bright mark on world art. In the 20th century in Russia, sculpture, as a rule, was dependent on the general direction in culture, and the term socialist realism, in addition to architecture, cinema, literature, also related to the activities of sculptors.

Nowadays, not only adults are interested in sculpture, but also children, who can learn skills from masters who have extensive experience in this activity. For example, children can make their own solution, pour it into molds, and at the end they will receive a figurine. Of course, in childhood It is assumed to work with soft, pliable materials - wax and clay. By doing sculpting, children develop their creative imagination, motor skills, creative thinking, for some this is an excellent basis for entering universities.

How to prepare clay for sculpture

Before you begin, you will need to prepare the clay. Do this with a reserve: it is better to take more of this material than to experience a lack of it. It is prepared quite simply: dry raw materials need to be poured into some container (pan, box, etc.) and filled with water so that tubercles protrude from it. After 3-4 days the clay will be ready for modeling. When you begin to remove the material, make sure that the relief remains uneven and that some of the depressions are “flooded” with water. This is necessary so that the clay has a different consistency - this may well be required by your work.


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