Orchid flowers made of beads. Beaded Phalaenopsis orchid Master class

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Orchid made of beads, our master class will include step-by-step photos for beginners, you will learn how to create this craft in the easiest and most beautiful way. You will be presented with a weaving pattern and a detailed description of this creation.

To make an orchid from beads you will need the following materials and tools:

– green beads – 100 g (Preciosa Ornela, No. 50060/1, No. 50060, No. 50120);
– white beads – 50 g (Preciosa Ornela, No. 03050);
– yellow beads – 10 g (Gamma, No. C128);
– red beads – 20 g (Preciosa Ornela, No. 93170, No. 90070, No. 90090, No. 98190);
– pink beads – 30 g (Preciosa Ornela, No. 16998, No. 57573);
— pearl-like beads with a diameter of 6 mm – 10 pieces;
- beads with a diameter of 10 mm - 3 pieces;
— threads “Muline” — 2 pcs (“PNK IM KIROVA”, No. 3807);
- multi-colored wire with a diameter of 0.3-0.4 mm (green, red, golden, silver);
- wire with a diameter of 1 mm (for the axes of the leaves);
- wire with a diameter of 1.5 mm (for flower stems);
- ruler;
- wire cutters, round nose pliers;
- plaster;
— glue “Moment”;
- pot;
- decorative elements.

A beaded orchid consists of the following individual elements: leaves, buds (large and small), flowers. Let's look at the manufacture of each element in turn. Almost all elements are made using the “French weaving” technique (or “arc weaving”).


In total, our flower has 10 leaves: 3 large (on an axis of 9 cm - 7 rows), 3 medium (axis 9 cm - 6 rows) and 4 small (axis 7 cm - 6 rows).
We cut 20 cm pieces from wire with a diameter of 1 mm - these will be the axes of future leaves. At the end of each wire we make a ring with round pliers so that the beads collected on the axis do not “run away”.

We collect green beads on the axis. Accordingly, you need to dial 4 axes of 7 cm and 6 axes of 9 cm.

After the beads are collected, we make a ring at the other end of the wire. The axles (leaf blanks) are ready.

We collect the remaining green beads onto a working wire with a diameter of 0.3 mm. You can do it all at once, or you can do it a little at a time, for each leaf separately. In order to save wire, it is better to collect more beads than are needed for each individual leaf - I will show why later. For a small sheet you need to collect about 1.5 m of beads on the working wire, for a large one - about 2 m.
We make a small leaf: take a thin green wire and cut off 2 pieces of 12 cm each. The leaves will be long and quite wide, so they will need to be “stitched”. We also take one of the prepared axes with collected beads (7 cm).

We wind the working wire to the axis: we place it on top of the axis at a right angle and make a small twist, about 1.5-2 cm. Next, we move the beads along the working wire to a distance equal to the axis of the sheet and make 1 turn around the axis. Please note that the wire should lie on top of the axle. Again we move the beads along the working wire, make 1 more revolution around the axis and complete the first row.

Now we take thin wires and mark the place where we will stitch the leaf. It is better to do this in 2-3 places on the sheet, depending on the width and length of the sheet. We have enough firmware in 2 places, so we visually divide the axis into 3 parts. The middle one can be made a little larger than the outer ones, since the sheet will “grow” along the edges.

We bend the wires in half, fasten each of them in its place, wrapping it around the axis once. Please note that the firmware wires are also placed on top of the sheet. After they are fixed along the axis, we move each of the arcs close to the axis and make 1 more revolution around the first row. In the photo, 3 wires are fully secured, and the fourth is half-fastened, so that it can be seen that the wire turns from top to bottom. This is necessary so that the sheet with stitching has a front and back side. From the front side, the firmware wire is practically invisible.

From the reverse side the sheet looks like this.

It will be easier to lay the remaining rows: we move the beads along the working wire to the previous row, align them and immediately make “creases” between the beads in the place where the stitching will be.

This way the leaf will always be straight.

Back side.

After the third row, the sheet is already quite wide and it is faster and more convenient to make “creases” in four places at once, along the entire arc.

After securing the working wire to the axis in places where there are creases, we make firmware. So we continue to weave up to the fifth (penultimate) row inclusive.

On the last row, the firmware wires will need to be hidden. We proceed as follows: we move the beads along the working wire to a length of about 2/3 of the sheet, and make a “crease” at the site of the first stitching.

We move the beads that remain loose and turn the stitching wire around the working wire.

Next, we fold them in parallel and collect beads on both wires at once. If the firmware wire is longer than the distance to the next place of firmware, cut it 1-2 mm shorter so that at the place of the next firmware you don’t end up with 3 wires at once. Next, we proceed in the same way: we make a crease with the second wire, wrap the firmware wire around the working wire, and collect beads. The second wire should be shorter than the distance to the axle. If necessary, trim it.

We fix the working wire on the axis and repeat the same for the second side of the sheet.

Next, slightly loosen the ring from the top of the leaf and move the weaving so that the thick axis wire is hidden under the bead weaving. After this, we close the ring again on the back side of the sheet. At the bottom of the sheet we make a few more turns with the working wire and cut it off. This is what the finished small sheet looks like from the back (wrong) side.

Securing the stitching wire in this way creates a slightly more rigid edge row (which will come in handy later when we shape the sheet) and allows the stitching wire to be securely fixed. When fastening the working wire at the end of the weaving, it is better to fix it tightly, closer to the sheet. Firstly, this will save wire, and secondly, it will allow you to get more beautiful leaf stems when winding with thread. Although the wire is thin, it is still visible when winding.
The first leaf is ready. We make the remaining sheets in a similar way. You can make them of different lengths, widths, and slightly different shades to give a natural look. For the master class, 4 small sheets of matte dark green beads (No. 50060/1), 2 medium and 1 large sheet of the same beads, and 1 medium and 2 large sheets of a mix of transparent dark green beads (No. 50060 and No. 50120).

The next step will be making the buds.


For buds, a thick axle is not needed. We make it from working wire - twist the loop, leaving both ends approximately 5-7 cm long. We collect 3 green beads on the axis.

We make 2 pairs of arcs, fasten them, cut the working wire. We don’t cut the axle! For one small bud, you need to make 2 of these leaf blanks.

When they are ready, we put a bead on both single axles (preferably matching the color of the bud, for beauty).

We place the leaves themselves with the wrong side inward, give them a slightly convex shape, twist the axes, bend them, hide the bead between the leaves and twist all the axes together. The finished small bud looks like this.


Large buds differ not only in size, but also in color. For each large bud, you need to make 3 leaves: 5 beads on the axis, 3 pairs of arcs. We choose the color as desired. The more green the color is at the base, the more “unripe” the bud will look in the finished composition. These are better placed higher. The more color there is in a bud, the faster it will “bloom”; it is better to place them lower. We make leaf blanks for three large buds.

We straighten the leaves with the wrong side inward - too much wire is visible at the base.

We take pliers, pinch the leaves with the fingers of our left hand, and with our right hand we tighten the twist to the very base of the petals.

We give the leaves a convex shape and put a large bead on the twisted axis.

We twist all the axes together at a distance of about 5 cm. At the base of the bud, we twist it with pliers so that all the petals are pressed tightly against each other.

This is what the bud looks like from above. There should be no gap between unopened petals.

In total we will need to make 3 large and 3 small buds.


Orchids consist of several elements each: 2 round petals (petals), 3 sharp (sepalia) petals, a “tongue” (lip, lower petal), 2 “ears” and a pistil (column). We make the upper petal round, because Ours is plain and the size is more similar to the side ones than the bottom ones.
Let's start with the round petals. When making a flower, you don’t need thick axles; we make them from working wire: the length of the axle on the side of the loop is about 7-9 cm, the twist is about 2 cm. We collect 6 beads of white (main, background) color on the axle.

We repeat the procedure - the first row is ready.

So we make five rows (arcs). After all the arcs are made, we secure the working wire with a small twist at the base of the petal.

Now you need to hide the free part of the axle. We bend it to the wrong side and go through the beads placed on the axis in the opposite direction.

Pull the wire tightly with round pliers and cut off the excess.

We make 3 round petals for 7 flowers - 21 pieces.

Now we make sharp leaves - sepals. For them, we take pink and red beads of several shades and mix them. We recruit in random order. We make an axis from working wire, put 8 beads on the axis - the base of a sharp leaf.

Next, you can make arcs by wrapping the wire around the axis at an angle of 45 degrees. But we will look at a simple option on how to make a sharp leaf: we make the first row as usual. Before making the second row, we put an additional bead on the axis.

We make the second row, add one more additional bead (due to them, the leaf forms a sharp edge at one end).

In total you need to make 4 rows, adding 1 bead between each. When the weaving is finished, we twist it at the base, securing the working wire.

Cut off the excess wire. Now you need to hide the axis, but you have to reach far to the central beads, and when you try to hide it in the beads of the outermost row, the leaf sometimes becomes deformed.

We hide the axis in the last 1 or 2 additional beads - this is quite enough for reliable fixation. We tighten the wire and cut off the remains. The spicy leaf is ready.

You need 2 sharp leaves for each of the seven flowers - 14 in total.

Let's do a little twist. We have the left flower element ready.

For the right element, repeat the last action in a mirror manner. The round leaf is located on top of the sharp one.

We put both elements together and roughly imagine what the finished flower will look like. We understand that the flower lacks the main decorative part - the middle. We put aside the petal blanks and continue to work...

For the stamen we put 26 yellow beads and 1 bead (6 mm) onto the wire. You can collect a lot of yellow beads at once, and then move the required amount as needed - this makes it faster and more convenient.

We retreat approximately 6 cm from the edge of the wire and bend the wire on both sides of the bead at an angle, as in the photo.

We make 1-2 turns to fix the bead in this position.

Place the short end of the wire parallel to the working wire and move 5 beads to the bead. The central element is ready.

Without cutting the wire, we immediately create a column hanging over the pearl. We move 21 beads close to the previous element, fold the wire with beads in half.

We make 1-2 turns around its axis to fix it.

We twist both wires together and cut off the long part. The core of the flower, the column, is ready.

We make one for each flower - 7 pieces.

Next, we make small “ears” that will frame the column on the sides. To do this, we continue to use the yellow beads collected earlier. Leave a free end of about 6 cm, move 4 beads and make 1-2 turns. We get a loop.

We move the beads and make 1 turn around the loop with the wire with beads. Move away the excess beads, secure the wire with 1-2 turns at a right angle.

For each flower you need 2 of these, 14 in total.

Now you need to make the “tongue” - the brightest and most contrasting element of the flower, which attracts the most attention. We take bright red beads. Mix 2 shades: one is transparent, the other is not. Opaque – adds color, transparent – ​​looks beautiful in the sun. We collect 3 beads on the axis. Do row 1 as usual.

We make a second row on the bent axles, laying it higher and slightly wider than the previous one.

Side view.

Then we make the third row.

And the fourth.

We cut the working wire. We hide the axis wire like a round leaf, in the central beads. Pull it up, cut it. The “tongue” is ready.

We make 7 pieces at once.

Now that all the elements are ready, let's start assembling the flower. First we take one column and one “tongue”.

We twist them so that the pearl is in the middle.

We make a very small twist, about 1 cm. Next we take 2 “ears”.

We put the “ears” into the tongue, wrong side out. We twist both “ears” and the core together. We bend the “ears” to the side. The result was a pearl, framed on all sides. Please note that all elements are turned to the front side towards the pearl.

Side view.

Now we take one round leaf from the remaining ones and screw it on top of the core.

It's time to combine the resulting element with the previously prepared flower halves.

We twist it so that the round petals of the side elements overlap the central round petal in front. After the flower is assembled, we align all the elements again: we give all the round petals a slightly concave shape inward, we slightly bend the sharp petals at the ends, and straighten the core.

The assembled flower should look like this.

Now you need to prepare all the finished parts of the composition for assembly. To do this, we wrap them with green floss threads.

The leaves of an orchid are located very close to the stem and soil, so we wrap it only 1-1.5 cm, this will be quite enough. Take the thread and press it tightly to the rod, apply a drop of glue at the base.

We begin to wrap the stem with threads, making a couple of turns at the base to secure the thread.

During the winding process, it is necessary to ensure that the thread does not twist and is laid flat. We make a winding of the required length, apply a drop of glue again, fasten the thread, and trim off the excess. The leaf is ready.

Similarly, we prepare for assembly all the leaves, flowers, large buds and 1 small one. We will wrap the other two small buds (bottom left) immediately, winding them to the stem, without cutting the winding thread.

Now it’s time for the most creative moment: we imagine what the finished composition will look like, roughly arranging all the elements.

When everything is ready, take the upper small bud and wrap it a little with thread.

We wind the remaining ends of the thin wire to the thick copper wire-stem.

We coat the structure with glue and wrap it with threads until the next bud.

We also wrap the free ends of the wires of the next bud first to the stem, and then coat them with glue and wrap them.

We repeat the same procedure with the third bud.

Since the flowers turn out to be quite heavy for the copper wire-stem, at this stage it is better to add another rod to the stem - a steel one. This will significantly strengthen the overall structure, and it will not bend under its own weight. It is better to wind the second rod from the wrong side.

As we work, we immediately bend the trunk in different directions to better imagine the general appearance of the finished plant. Adding flowers...

After all the elements of one branch are fixed in place, we wrap the stem about another 10-15 cm (depending on how high the finished branch will be located in the flower pot).

... and then add medium and large ones.

Using the same principle, we collect the second branch. We wrap the ends of the assembly tightly with thread.

We bend the “roots” of both branches in different directions so that the finished flower is firmly attached to the pot.

Let's proceed directly to planting. To do this, you will need a container for diluting the gypsum solution, plaster, water, and a spoon. Proportion for preparing gypsum solution: 0.6-0.7 liters of water per 1 kg of gypsum. For the plaster, take a 250-gram jar of baby food and half a bottle of 0.33 water. Please note that the colder the water, the faster the solution hardens.

We dilute the gypsum solution in a separate container, gradually pouring the gypsum into the water (not vice versa!). The solution must be stirred constantly, otherwise lumps will form.

Immediately after mixing, the consistency of the solution will be liquid - this is normal.

According to the instructions, leave the mixture to stand for 1-2 minutes, no more. When the consistency resembles thick sour cream, carefully transfer the solution into the pot to about 2/3 of its height (for convenience, you can put a mark on the inside of the pot) and place the flowers next.

Since the pot is quite large, we leave the solution to harden for about a day. When everything is ready, coat the top layer of plaster with glue and place decorative primer.

The beaded orchid is complete. We admire the finished work.

Today we will show you how to weave an orchid from beads with your own hands. In the material you will find three different versions of this flower. They contain step-by-step master classes with photos, videos and weaving patterns.

Tools and materials Time: 2 hours Difficulty: 2/10

For the first version of a beaded orchid

white beads - 30g;
pink beads - 30 g;
purple beads - 40 g;
yellow beads - 10 g;
wire 0.5 mm;
thick wire - 40 cm;
green ribbon or thick yarn;
pot, vase or other container.

For the second version of beaded orchids

  • beads (you can decide on the color by looking at live orchids);
  • strong thread (for example, synthetic fiber).

For the third option of beaded orchids

  • beads for flowers of the main color (white)
  • beads for central petals (orange)
  • beads for the center of the flower
  • beads for leaves and buds (green)
  • beads for decorating a pot
  • copper wire
  • thick wire for peduncle
  • piece of wire or cable stem
  • pot
  • floral ribbon or thread
  • gypsum mixture

Orchids are extraordinary flowers. They are unique in nature. Today we, too, will become like the creator and try to reproduce this unique flower, together. Read our step-by-step master - class “Do-it-yourself beaded orchid”.

Step-by-step master - class #1.

You will need:

Step 1: weaving the petals of the first row.

In order to start fulfilling your plans, you need to prepare the material for work. Pour white, pink and purple beads into a convenient container. We prepare the first piece of wire for weaving, 50 cm long.

Note! Beads for the first row of petals must be collected in a certain sequence: we collect white beads to the free edge, white + pink in the middle, pink and purple closer to the stem. This is what a real flower looks like and this is what your unique beaded orchid should look like. Master class and photos will make this task easier for you.

Let's get started:

We take a piece of wire in our hands and twist a loop of 8 cm. The remaining short end should have 7-9 cm, and the opposite end should have the entire remaining length of the material.

We collect 13 beads on a short part of the wire - this will be the middle of the petal. We tuck the tip so that our beads do not run away while we collect the second side.

We collect the first row, 14 beads on the long end, we wrap around the short end, and again we collect 14 beads.

We wrap around the lower branch. We do the rest of the rows in the same way, only changing the number of beads to 2 or 3 pieces.

We try to ensure that the element has an oval shape and the beads are pressed tightly against each other. We perform 4 more rows. And we have: 1 middle row and 5 main rows.

We perform 9 more, according to the same scheme. For two large blooming buds.

Step 2: weaving the remaining elements.

We perform the elements of the second row in the same way. We don't change the process.
These petals should be dark in color, in our case purple. Have a round shape. We need six of them.

Then we take yellow beads and make an oval center of the bud. Bend it evenly. We weave 1 more such petal.

We make three unopened buds, each of which should be 3 to 4 beads in a row smaller than the previous one. In each of them we perform only three elements.

We take three large beads and two smaller ones. We thread a wire into each of them and fix the element well.
Here are all the elements of a beaded orchid in size for large buds:

Step 3: collecting buds

To make a beaded orchid for beginners neat and very beautiful, you need to do all the weaving and twisting in a certain order.

First we collect the large buds: three large petals together, then the remaining two.

Then the bead and the middle element.

We twist one purple petal with the previous element.

Then we wrap two more round ones.

Here's what comes out:

Here is the whole flower:

Step 4: fasten everything to the rod.

We take a copper rod or a copper tube (as in our MK). We insert the smallest flower into the hole and tie it to it.

We fasten everything else. If necessary, use additional wire.

Step 5: Wrap the tube with tape.

And now let’s proceed to the simplest and final stage of creating an orchid with beads. This step does not require a weaving pattern, because you just need to carefully wrap our branch with ribbon.

What extraordinary beauty it turned out to be! We hope our master class has fully described all aspects of the question “how to make an orchid from beads.”

Create the incredible, strive for improvement and be sure to try to weave others. Good luck!

Beaded orchid. Option for beginners.

Do you want beautiful delicate flowers to delight you with their beauty all year round? Then read our second master - a beaded orchid class for beginners with photos.

An orchid is such an erotic and passionate flower that you will never forget if you give it to your beloved woman. But you can also give flowers made of beads, which not only will not be forgotten, but also will not wither. A beaded orchid is an excellent specimen for such needlework, because the range of colors simply amazes the average person.

Below you will find two detailed patterns for weaving an orchid from beads. Master class for beginners, we will consider it open)

Step 1: weave the petals

For our flower we need to make only six petals: three wide and three narrow. According to scheme 1, we will weave 3 narrow elements (the first row consists of 10 beads).

Click to enlarge

Step 2: collect the flower

Then, according to diagram 2, we will connect the halves to give the petal greater relief. Let's go through the center in the opposite direction and tighten the thread. Let's sew all three parts together, making a connection using the mosaic weaving technique.

Using the same patterns, we will make 3 more wide petals (the first row consists of 14 beads). Then, according to scheme 3, we will braid the edges.

Click to enlarge

We roll one wide petal into a cone and sew it at the edges. Inside we insert pestles made of beads and larger beads.

Click to enlarge

We sew wide blanks on top of narrow ones. This beauty can be used as a brooch, hair clip, decorative trim for a bag, etc.

Pattern for weaving an orchid from beads (2nd option)

Such plants, as indoor plants and living decor, are now at the peak of popularity. After all, they fit well into any interior, adding a touch of style, elegance, and modernity. However, requiring special care and blooming once or twice a year, not every amateur can grow them. Therefore, we will create our own beauty. We will do all the work using the French weaving technique. Let's look at how a beaded orchid is woven. Step-by-step photos will help us in difficult places.

Weaving the main parts

It is necessary to make petals:

  • 3 pointed white;
  • 2 large round white ones;
  • 2 pointed orange;
  • 1 triangular orange with antennae.

Step 1: Weaving Pointed Elements

Let's cut a piece of wire about 50 cm long. At one end we make a large loop (at least 4 cm long), which will later be used for attaching to the flower. We put 8 beads on the remaining tip and close them with a small loop. Here's what happens:

Then we make 6 similar rows. The amount of beads is adjustable to form a flat petal.

We twist the base loop with the working end of the wire.

Now let's start making rounded side petals for the orchid from beads. We do not change the weaving patterns. We put 3 axial beads on the wire and go through 10 arcs (5 on each side). We weave the top edge round, like the bottom, bending the wire to the side.

The main part is ready, let's move on to the small central part. We collect 4 orange beads and again weave 6 arcs, sharpening the petal - we get small side petals.

We make a central triangular petal with antennae: we collect 3 orange beads and weave 6 arcs (3 on each side). After each arc, add 1 bead to the axis, thereby lengthening it and giving the petal a triangular shape. We insert a piece of wire into the top bead along the axis, string 12 orange beads on each side. We fasten and hide the ends of the wire. We bend the resulting antennae, giving them a natural shape.

Step 2: flower assembly

When the components of the beaded orchid are ready, let's start assembling. It is important to securely fasten all parts immediately.
First, we will connect the identical side ones and attach a petal with antennae to them from below.
Add a bead to the center, putting it on a piece of wire and fastening it securely.

Now we will attach 2 rounded large white petals to the central part.
And add pointed white ones as the upper central petal and the lower side petals.

Congratulations! We have an orchid flower, the most difficult part of the work is over.
Let's make 3 flowers for our phalaenopsis in a similar way.

Step 3: making buds

In addition, we will need buds of different diameters and colors. We will perform them in the same way. The larger bud will be white, like a flower, and it is about to bloom. To do this, we collect 4 white beads on the axis and gradually increase their number on the arcs. This must be done very slowly so that the bud “twists” into a ball and is not a flat circle. We got 16 arcs, 8 on each side. We securely fasten and cut off the excess wire.
After this, we weave two different buds with a smaller diameter - they will be green.

Step 4: Assembling the peduncle

We connect the resulting parts - flowers and buds - on a peduncle. First, we attach the flowers alternately on one side of the peduncle, then on the other. Then we attach the buds - the closer to the free end of the peduncle, the smaller they are. We decorate the peduncle with green floral ribbon or thread. It is worth noting that it is important at this stage to ensure the strength of the entire structure, otherwise it will be almost impossible to redo anything later.

Step 5: Leaf Weaving

All that remains is to make the leaves. Usually on the stem of a beaded orchid there are 3-5 of them, quite large in size. We will weave 3 sheets using the same French technique. Each sheet will be 1 centimeter different from the previous one. A piece of wire for one sheet will need about 150 cm long. We collect green beads (you can take a mixture of different shades of green to give a mosaic structure) onto an axis 7 cm long, weave 3 perpendicular pieces of wire to reliably connect the arcs to each other and give the sheet the desired shape.

The leaf can be made simple oval, or one end can be made more pointed, or the leaf can be given a triangular shape by adding beads to the axis. We weave oval leaves, making 4-5 arcs on each side of the axis. Don’t forget to fasten each arc with additional wires. We cut and carefully hide the ends of the wire.

Step 6: Final Assembly

The last task is to connect the flower stalk and leaves on the stem. The peduncle should not be attached to the top of the stem, but to its lower part, under the leaf. You can use a piece of electrical cable as a stem (and it is very short and thick in orchids).
We place our beaded orchid in a pre-prepared pot, fill it with gypsum mixture, and decorate the “ground” with brown beads. Carefully straighten the leaves, flowers, buds.

So the orchid with beads is ready! Master class with step-by-step photos, we hope it was useful to you.
Experiment with the color of the flower, the pattern on the leaves, the size of the plant as a whole, and you will certainly get a unique specimen for your collection!

To make the task of weaving an orchid from beads easier, watch the video tutorials:

Beaded orchid master class video:

Weaving orchids with beads video:

Dear friends, we hope today you are convinced that it is a very exciting activity. So don’t stop there, continue to develop and hone your skills! We will be glad to see you again on our website! See you!

Similar materials

I love orchids very much, this is one of the most important reasons why I decided to have this cute flower in my home.

First you had to choose a color, type and variety from hundreds of varieties. And finally I decided, I really liked the branch of a pink orchid with round petals, but I didn’t have such beads, but there were a lot of soft orange ones and then I had to combine a pink and orange orchid to weave something alternative.

Detailed and clear job description

Necessary materials:

— Orange beads No. 10
- brown beads No. 10
- yellow beads No. 10
- yellow beads No. 6
- copper wire 0.3 mm

Materials provided by handmademart.net store

Let's start weaving petal using the flower technique. Cut a wire about 50 cm long. Make a small loop on one edge, pick up 4 beads and twist a large loop on the other side as shown in the photo.

Weaving a petal, collect so many beads so that they fit tightly to the first row and do not create extra space. Make three arcs on each side. Taking into account the central row, you should end up with 7 arcs. See the photo below, you can clearly see how many rows there are on the petal and it’s easy to count.

When the petal is ready, wrap the end of the wire around the loop several times.
It's time to seal the wire. First, unwind the small loop, straighten the wire (see photo below). Twist the bottom large loop to get a leg. Turn the petal to the wrong side, bend the top wire and straighten it into the central row of the petal, and cut the end. This is how you get a neat petal!

For one flower you need to weave 5 identical petals, 1 stamen with a large yellow bead, a stamen with two small yellow beads and central small petals made of brown beads. Two side panels consist of two arcs and a central row of 8 beads, and the central petal consists of four arcs (2 on both sides), and the central row of 6 beads.

To assemble a flower, first twist the middle of the flower together, then twist the five petals together and insert the middle into the center and tightly wrap these parts with additional wire, forming one flower stem. Weave just 5 orchid flowers to create a composition.

2. Orchid flower bud

For this bud you will need:

- orange beads No. 10
- round bead 6 mm yellow or to match the color of the beads
- copper wire 0.3 mm

We weave the bud using the same French weave as the petals earlier, but with a little trick! We twist the wire, collect 3 beads, make one arc on each side.

Now comes the most important part! In order for you to get a cup and not a flat petal, you need to make the subsequent arcs shorter by the bead and tighten it tightly. The beads will have nowhere to go and will bend, creating the necessary convex shape.

One half of the bud consists of 6 arcs and 1 central row. Weave a second one of the same kind, twist their legs together, insert a bead and sew the bud with wire. I needed 4 of these buds.

To weave a leaf you need to take:

- green beads No. 10 or No. 8
- wire 0.5 mm or 0.6 mm
- green wire 0.3 mm

To weave long and rather large orchid leaves, I used much thicker wire so that it could hold the shape of the leaf under the weight of the beads. I needed a piece of wire that was quite long, at least a meter!!! I wove three sheets 11cm, 13cm and 15cm long. My central row was 9cm for the first, 11cm for the second and 13cm for the third. Each sheet consists of 6 arcs, 3 on each side and plus a central row.

To prevent the sheet from falling apart, it must be stitched. In the photo above you can see that the seam goes in two places, it is almost invisible because I used green wire. I hid the ends in nearby beads and cut off the excess.

4. Assembling and planting an orchid

Necessary materials:

- wire 1mm in diameter
- brown thread
- plaster
- water
- pot
- newspaper
- watercolor paints
- some land

We take a thick wire and wrap orchid buds and flowers to it with additional wire. To hide the wire, wrap the trunk with brown floss, and do the same with the second orchid branch.

Now line the sides of the pot with crumpled newspaper to avoid cracks. Dilute the plaster with water, achieve the consistency of sour cream and pour it into the pot. While the plaster is still wet, stick the flower and leaves in and hold them for a while until the plaster hardens. If you did everything correctly, then in about 15 minutes you will be able to decorate the surface of the plaster. I took dark brown watercolor paints and painted white plaster. Sprinkled a little earth on top.

Since orchid flowers are quite heavy, you can support them with a stick or make a support from thick wire.

Finally everything! Your orchid is ready to decorate your home and delight the eyes of everyone around you. I wish you pleasant crafting and your own ideas!

Good afternoon

Today I want to show how you can weave an orchid from beads. It is not difficult to make such an orchid, and the cost of its production is minimal. And as a gift or home interior decoration, it is simply excellent.

By the way, in the last master class, I already showed how you can weave wisteria from beads. You can watch this MK

Since there are a lot of photographs, I divided the master class into two parts. The second part can be viewed here.

Beaded orchid

For work we will need:

In order to make this delicate orchid from beads you need:

  • beads (light and dark green, white, yellow);
  • white beads;
  • wire (diameter depends on the size of the beads);
  • green threads;
  • fishing line;
  • salted play dough;
  • gypsum;
  • cotton wool;
  • pliers.


To create an orchid from beads, the French weaving technique was used. The step-by-step photos of the master class clearly show what it is.

Weavingextreme pointed petals

To weave the outermost pointed petals of an orchid from beads, two pieces of wire of different lengths are connected to each other at one end. The wire should be of such a diameter that beads can be easily strung on it. The shorter segment is the axis around which the bead rows are woven.

Colored beads alternate in the following sequence, as shown in the photo. The number of beads depends on the size of the orchid flower and its color. If the beads are not perfectly even, then the number of beads of different colors is determined as the weaving progresses.

The twist angle must be sharp - the final shape of the petals depends on this. The number of rows around the axis is 2. The wire is wound over the axis. It is necessary to ensure that the axle wire is as least visible from the front side. One orchid requires 3 pointed petals.

Weavingrounded petals

Round beaded orchid petals are woven similarly to pointed ones, the only difference is that the twist angle is 90 degrees. One flower requires 2 similar petals.

Weavingpetal core

The core petal is also woven using the French weaving technique, but the third and fourth rows are woven to the middle of the second row from the axis. The wire at the base of the axle is brought out between the rows. The fifth and sixth rows are woven to the top point of the previous rows, closer to the twisting point in the middle of the second row. The twist angle is 90 degrees. One petal core is required for one flower.

Weavingorchid leaves

For orchid leaves, the number of beads on the axis is 1.5-2 times greater than for petals. Its length depends on the number of beads on the axis of the sheet. The twist angle is 90 degrees. You need to make 2 long leaves and two short ones. Select the length of the leaves based on the size of the flower.

Weavingorchid buds

Orchid buds are woven from one round petal, which is folded in half twice. You need to make 2 buds.

Assemblyorchid flower

We got these blanks for an orchid.

Before assembling the flower, all petals must be bent, giving them their natural shape.

After this, you need to weave a core of beads. You will need a thin fishing line and 2 beads of different diameters. The red arrows in the photo show the direction of the wire during the weaving process.

The core is fixed at the base of the petal junction. The wire is inserted from top to bottom, after which it is brought out from the inside between large beads and wound back, pressing the line with beads to the petal of the core.

The ends of the fishing line are tied in a knot on the wrong side. After this, pointed petals are attached to the flower. And the wire on the reverse side is covered with a clerical touch - this way the flowers will look more neat.

Orchid flowers are fixed on a wire of larger diameter. The base of the orchid is curled into a ring.

Beaded orchid - weaving pattern

We wove the orchid itself from beads. All that remains is to make a stand for our flower and “plant” it there. And how to make a stand, see.

Friends, if you found my master class useful, share it with your friends!

Here you can find a detailed description of all stages of the work.

To weave such a beauty you will need: Czech beads No. 10 white (50g), Czech beads No. 10 crimson (20g), beads (3 pcs) and copper wire (0.3 mm in diameter).

These are the parts of a real orchid flower that we will try to reproduce from beads.

It turns out that we will need to weave the following details:

Three petals with a sharp end (central axis – 8 beads, 8 arcs in total);
- two large semicircular petals (central axis – 3 beads, 12 arcs in total);
- central tongue – two small petals (central axis – 4 beads, 4 arcs in total);
- a petal with triangular antennae (central axis – 3 beads, 8 arcs in total).

Now let's look at the process of weaving all these parts step by step. Let's first consider what an axis and arcs represent. To do this, you need to take a 50 cm long wire and make a loop, as shown in the photo.

The axis that is marked will be the center of the petal, which determines the size of the petal depending on the number of beads strung on it. Let's start with a petal with a central axis of 8 beads, string them and twist the loop.

The other part of the wire is the arc on which the rest of the beads are strung.

To secure the arc, you need to make a loop around the axis.

If a pointed petal is needed, as in this case, then the arc is bent almost vertically.

Thus, we weave four arcs on each side, for a total of eight arcs.

While working, make sure that the petal is level all the time.

That part of the axle that we no longer need can be secured and cut off.

This is what the petal looks like from the reverse side.

Now you know how to weave two pointed petals of crimson color, which have 4 beads on the central axis, and a total of 4 arcs.

From all the details, it remains to make a central triangular petal, which has 3 beads and 8 arcs in the center.
In order to give the petal a triangular shape, it is necessary to string one bead on the axis after each fastening.

So, we already have three arcs on each side, now it’s time to give the petal a triangular shape. We take 9 beads and string them on a wire, after which we push the wire through the eighth bead.

The same must be done with the opposite arc.

After this stage, you need to make antennae, for which we attach a piece of wire bent in half to the top of the axis from the wrong side.

We string 16 beads onto each antennae.

Now the antennae can be twirled.

All that remains is to collect all the parts of the flower together. We take two raspberry petals and attach them to the central triangular part.


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