Flower Garden - Expedition - Klondike: The Lost Expedition. Scenario of the quest game “I know the seven colors of the rainbow, or Flower quest: Building flower beds on location

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Key building: Manor

No need to build.

Can be produced:


1. Cut out flowers at the location (opens immediately)
2. Create 1 flowerbed in the Estate on the location (opens immediately)
3. Plant seeds in the flowerbed (opens after completing the 2nd micro-goal)
4. Plant seeds in 10 flower beds (opens after completing the 3rd micro-goal)
5. Plant seeds in 15 flower beds (opens after completing the 4th micro-goal)
6. Plant seeds in 25 flower beds (opens after completing the 5th micro-goal)
7. Collect a bouquet from a flowerbed (opens after completing the 3rd micro-goal)
Prizes for micro-goals go to the warehouse of the home location.

flower bed

We create it in the Manor at the location, then put it out from the location's warehouse, plant it with seeds (35 seeds are needed for the Flowerbed with daisies and violets, 20 seeds are needed for the Flowerbed with roses) and water it with water: 1 water. After 12 hours, the flowerbed blooms and when collecting flowers we receive from each flowerbed: 1 bouquet Bright summer, 1 Fragrant bouquet or 1 Color, 3 small energy drinks, experience, coins, collection items. After collection, water again. Each flowerbed produces 3 flower harvests. After which it turns into decor, which remains at the location (it is impossible to take it home).


To get seeds, you need to cut down flowers in the location. The seeds end up in the location's warehouse.

Treasure Box

Treasure boxes are scattered around the location - they contain building materials for flower beds. Opened by clicking, the treasures go to the location warehouse.


Collected from the Flower Bed. There are three types.

Fragrant bouquet:

Color bouquet:

Can be given to all your friends. When a friend accepts your bouquet, he will receive a gift with useful things. You will receive the same gift.

Bright summer:

Can only be given to Ghosts - players who have not logged into the game for 14 days or more. When a friend accepts your bouquet, he will receive a gift with useful things. You will receive the same gift.

Opening the flower girl's gift:

Opening treasures at the location:

We build flower beds at the location:

Microgoal “plant seeds in 10 flower beds”:

Microgoal “plant seeds in 15 flower beds”:

Microgoal “plant seeds in 25 flower beds”:

Prize for clearing the location:

Lyubov Fedotova

Good afternoon, dear guests of my page!

A teacher is a creative profession. He is both a director, a producer, and an organizer of interesting scenarios and games, especially in the summer. Summer is the time of peak creativity for educators in organizing and conducting playful leisure and entertainment. And leisure and entertainment for children is not only positive emotions and pleasure, but also a means of development and education, consolidation of existing knowledge and skills, formation of such qualities as responsibility, the ability to work in a team; This includes the development of friendly and trusting relationships between children, the development of interest in the world around them. The most emotional are leisure and entertainment, in which children take an active part. In summer, the best leisure and entertainment for children are sporting events (relay races, sports games, adventure games); geoquest – games and themed quests held outdoors. Quest is a team game that in a short time helps to involve children in various types of children's activities and is built in the form of one big game with a variety of tasks. The idea of ​​the game is simple - a team or teams, performing various tasks (of an intellectual, sports nature), move from one place to another, and at the end of the game they receive an answer to the main riddle. But the highlight of this organization of gaming activity is that, having completed one task , children receive a hint to do the following, which is an effective means of increasing motor activity and motivational readiness for cognition and exploration.

I present to your attention quest-game scenario “I know the seven colors of the rainbow or flower quest.”

This game is the final event of the thematic week “Flowers of our kindergarten” and observing the rainbow. Most of the poems, riddles and fairy tales are my author’s version or adaptations of ready-made riddles and poems about flowers. The children played as one team.

Goals and objectives of the game: development of cognitive activity; develop children’s communication skills, unite the children’s team, and develop the ability to work in a team; fixing the names of garden flowers; fostering respect for nature; develop observation, attention, logical thinking.

Progress of the game:

Previously, an envelope with a letter - a fairy tale - was placed in the house on the walking site. At the beginning of the walk, the children found an envelope with a fairy tale and brought it to the teacher, which they immediately opened and read, and from that moment the game began.

Fairy tale.

In one village there lived a girl. Very kind, caring, loved to dream. As soon as she thought about something, it all came true. And since she was kind, she thought only about the good and the good. The villagers noticed this gift and called her Fairy. They turned to her for help, and she helped everyone. The Fairy loved to walk through the meadow and admire the flowers. Only red poppies, blue cornflowers and white daisies grew in the meadow. Our Fairy thought that the meadow would be even more beautiful if flowers of all the colors of the rainbow grew on it. And it happened exactly as the girl dreamed - the meadow was full of all the colors of the rainbow! The evil witch found out about our Fairy’s gift and decided to kill her, because she didn’t like bright colors, she loved dark and gloomy tones. She turned into a white dove and landed in the courtyard of our Fairy. In the morning the girl went out onto the porch and saw a white dove with a broken wing in the yard and immediately decided to help the bird. But as soon as she picked up the dove, she immediately turned into an ordinary girl, and all the flowers in the meadow and gardens disappeared. The people in the village were upset when they learned about this. They began to think and wonder how they could help the Fairy. Having come up with nothing, they began to ask the Sun to return the gift to the girl. To which the Sun replied that if you collect all the colors of the rainbow in one place, the gift will return to the girl. But how to do this if there is not a single flower. Then they shouted throughout the country that whoever helped them would be generously rewarded. And they sent their story to all cities.

Educator: Well, what are we going to do, guys?

Children: To help!

Educator: How will we help?

Children: Let's look for all the colors of the rainbow.

Educator: Who remembers how a rainbow is formed?

Children: After the rain, when the sun appears from behind the clouds, and some droplets have not yet managed to reach the ground. The rays of the sun fall on the raindrops and, reflected from them, as if from a mirror, become multi-colored.

Educator: Please listen to the poem "Seven Colors of the Rainbow"(Fyodor Kostyuk)

Summer rain slowly

Washed the village, forest and meadow,

Bright, clean and beautiful

Everything was getting worse.

And when from the gray clouds

The rain stopped pouring -

A ray of sunshine appeared

I took out paints and brushes.

And painted it quickly and brightly

Blue skies -

The miracle arch shone,

Seven-colored beauty!

Mixed in this rainbow

Seven colors in order -

Those who met

In plants and flowers.

Educator: Let's remember what colors a rainbow consists of.

Children remember a phrase to remember the colors of the rainbow “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits”

Educator: So how will we search for, as you said, “all the colors of the rainbow”?

Children: Let's find all the flowers that are colored in the colors of the rainbow.

Educator: Well, let's begin.

Here's your first hint to find the first color:

I'm beautiful and arrogant

I challenge all colors.

Excellent smell

I attract bees.

I can bet with a rose

And my name is... (lily)

Children in the area find red lily flowers and a clue under it - a rebus:

If you guess the rebus,

You will instantly recognize that flower.

Having solved the puzzle, the children find the orange color - daylily.

Below is a hint - a flower planting scheme and

Work hard, work hard

Be patient

Enjoy the beauty

Help the plant.

Children find a place with pre-dug holes for planting flower seedlings, a spatula, a watering can with water and a tray with marigold seedlings.

Planted out

and at the bottom of the tray with seedlings they find a note with a riddle:

Flowers collected together

Colors of sunny beauty

And tall as a daylily,

And the flowers' names are... (loosestrife)

This is the third color of the rainbow - yellow. They find a riddle under the flowers:

These bushes are flowers

Vertically challenged

Sheets are collected in a header

And it’s simply called... (host)

Look under it

And find a clue.

We found a green color - hosta, and under it - a puzzle clue. We completed the puzzle and received a bell.

If you haven’t guessed or don’t remember the name, you can ask a riddle:

The blue bell is hanging,

It never rings. (Bell)

Found a bell

and under it there is a hint “Find and color.”

If you haven’t guessed, it’s a leading question or a riddle.

Leading question: What color flowers (after blue) should we find?

Children: Blue.


I am a herbaceous plant

With blue flowers.

But change the emphasis

And I turn into candy. (Iris)

Hint: "The Fourth Wheel"

Hint - riddle:

Our park has lawns,

They blossomed there. gramophones!

Purple, white, cherry.

But you can't hear the music. (Petunia)

Leading question: What color petunia do we need?

Children: Purple.

Children find a purple petunia and the task:

Collect a rainbow

And then take the crossword puzzle.

If you guess the word -

You definitely get the prize.

Children use flowers of different colors to assemble a rainbow.

After this, solve the crossword puzzle.

We received the phrase: “Candy for the kids.” And they get a map - a diagram,

where is the prize hidden?

How will you go on the map?

You'll get to the prize right away.

Special moments: On the territory of the kindergarten, identical flowers grow in several flower beds. And the daylily generally forms the boundary between areas of different groups. Therefore, the children had to run around, looking under the flowers. Having found red lilies, but without a hint, at first they were confused “what next”, I had to suggest that these are not the only lilies of this color, because there must be something that will help find the next color. Later, after looking through all the red lilies and finding the first clue on their own, it was not difficult for the children to find other clues by examining plants of the same species. Interestingly, they themselves divided into groups in search of clues under the flowers, believing that it would be faster this way. Having found a clue, they called other children. At each stage, the children received a bag of flowers. What is noteworthy is that not all schoolchildren have left kindergarten yet, but some children from the middle group have been transferred to the vacant places in the group. They are less active, therefore they are considered weaker players, so the older children handed them bags of flowers, and then they were offered to collect the rainbow, helping them do it faster. I really liked that the children did not quarrel with each other during the game, but, on the contrary, supported each other, it felt like they were working as a team.

Difficulties for me: sometimes I didn’t have time to photograph the children near the flowers, as they ran towards me.

Thank you for your attention.

»> What's new at the Miracle Fair?
- New toys, new tasks. Four new objects.

»> How many stages do objects have?
Magic attraction - 5 stages of construction
Wheel of Fortune - 5 stages of construction
Mystical gift - 5 stages of construction
Snow Maiden - 8 stages of training

»> What resources are needed to build objects?
Magic attraction - Maps
Wheel of Fortune - Clover

Mystical Gift - Hat
Snow Maiden - Gloves
Firecrackers are a shared resource

»>What is left in common with the spring meadow? - Shared chests, sticks in friends’ clearings, expeditions and ratings. New achievements have appeared.

»>How to transfer toys from spring to YaCh?
-Toys can be transferred from clearing to clearing through inventory.

»>Where can I get tickets?
- With a magical gift and completing tasks!

Wheel of Fortune (WF)!

»>How does CF work?
- The player spins the wheel and receives a reward.

»> How many tickets do I need for CF?
-For the first wheel - 1 ticket, for the second - 5 tickets, and for the third - 10 tickets

»> How does each wheel work?
- All rings rotate alternately. Once you play the first, you can play the second. You can only play the third if you have a prize in the first two. The third wheel multiplies the winnings by the first two.

»> Sector X at KF?
- Sector X is bankrupt. If it lands on the first wheel, the player receives nothing. If on the second, then the player can claim the prize for the first wheel, but cannot play on the third wheel. If it lands on the third wheel, then the player can simply collect the reward from the first two wheels.

»> In the CF tooltip it is written about wheel improvements, what do they give?
- At the second stage of the object, the first wheel is improved, at the fourth stage the second wheel. Improvement is an increase in rewards in wheel sectors.

Magic Attraction (VA)!

»> How does VA work?
- The player starts the game, a mini-game starts and the player must look for identical pictures.

»> How many tickets do I need to play?
- 1 ticket for the first game, 2 tickets for the second, 3 tickets for the third.

»> The VA tooltip says about wheel upgrades, what do they give?
- Look at the hint below.

Magical gift!

Rewards at each level:
1st object level - 15 leaves, 3 magic wands and 1 ticket
Object level 2 - 20 leaves, 5 magic wands and 1 ticket
Object level 3 - 25 leaves, 7 magic wands and 1 ticket
Object level 4 - 30 leaves, 9 magic wands and 1 ticket
Object level 5 - 35 leaves, 10 magic wands and 1 ticket

There is a chance to get keys and rubies.

Time to receive a gift at each level:
1st level of object - 6 hours
Object level 2 - 5.5 hours
Object level 3 - 5 hours
Object level 4 - 4.5 hours
Object level 5 - 4 hours

Recruitment by moderator!

Dear players, recruitment of moderators for the “Yolochka 2016” community is open!

Before sending your application, think carefully: are you ready to become the face of the group, keep order, help other players and spend part of your free time on this?

You are required to:

- Excellent knowledge of your favorite game.
- Willingness to always come to the aid of other players.
- Good knowledge of the Russian language.
- Good PC knowledge.
- Stress resistance.

In order to apply to join the ranks of moderators, you must fill out the following form:

1. Your age. (from 21+)
2. Playing experience (level in the game).
3. Time that you can devote to our group.
4. Briefly describe how you imagine the work of a moderator and why you want to do it.

All requests must be left in the comments to this topic. Friends, this is a working topic, so any messages that do not contain a completed questionnaire will be deleted.

Payment every two weeks, amount approximately.... (we will announce if you are suitable for us).

Unfortunately, we are not able to respond to every application. If you suit us, we will contact you.
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