Unpretentious, shade-loving indoor flowers. Unpretentious shade-loving indoor plants: names and photos

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Even the most meticulous homebody has had to deal with the problem of caring for plants while he is away. Business trips, vacations, interesting travels seem incompatible with the desire to have a collection of indoor plants. Many people, precisely because of the inability to provide constant care for indoor plants, completely abandon landscaping their rooms. And in vain! We’ll tell you in this article how to take care of indoor plants when going on vacation.

Classic hummus is a basic spread made from chickpea puree, common in the Middle East. Hummus is served as an independent cold appetizer or as a sauce with pita bread, pita bread or bread. Hummus prepared according to this recipe will be thick and very tasty. However, you can diversify its taste and add fried tomatoes or fried bell peppers, stewed spinach, or pumpkin puree. The dish contains a lot of dietary fiber and vegetable protein.

June is the beginning of the long-awaited summer. At every step you can find an abundance of flowering plants. This month, most of the work on planting seedlings and seedlings of fruit and ornamental crops has been completed. There is still a long way to go before harvesting and processing a bountiful harvest. Gardeners have time to calmly stroll through the garden and enjoy the beauty of ornamental perennial plants. It is almost impossible to describe in one article all the plants that bloom in June.

The end of spring and the beginning of summer have one important feature for gardeners - during this period, plants grow intensively and build up the ovary, the future harvest, while they consume huge amounts of water and nutrients. Therefore - what? That's right, they need help! Especially in regions with poor and sandy soils, which have little nutritional value, and water runs away like sand through your fingers. Plants during this period require regular watering and fertilizing.

Delicious oriental puff pastry pie with meat, vegetables, dates and boiled eggs. This dish can be prepared from leftovers from last night's stew, boiled meat or leftover baked chicken. I advise you to chop boiled meat and baked chicken and season well - pour melted butter, sprinkle with ground cumin, aromatic paprika and chili. The rest of the cooking process is simple - roll out the dough, lay the filling in layers and place in a preheated oven for half an hour.

Among fruit-bearing plants that can also be grown indoors, Cyphomandra has become a real hit in recent years. Having moved from greenhouses and botanical gardens into rooms, the legendary (and luxurious) tomato tree further enhanced the decorative nature of the greenery, but did not lose its ability to bear fruit. Getting a harvest of aromatic, sweet and exotic fruits for the table and at the same time becoming the owner of a real tub of exotic fruit is a temptation for many.

Falafel - vegetarian chickpea cutlets. This healthy and tasty dish is suitable for a Lenten menu and for vegetarians, since there are no animal products among the ingredients. Ready falafel can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 days. Before cooking, chickpeas are washed and soaked in 2 liters of cold spring or filtered water. Change the water 2-3 times. Usually the beans are soaked for 8 to 24 hours, during the process they swell and change color from faded yellow to warm golden.

Among green vegetables, spinach occupies one of the first places in terms of its beneficial and nutritional properties. For a long time it was believed that this herbaceous plant native to Asia contains a large amount of iron - as much as 35 mg per 100 g of product. And although the real figures are 10 times lower, the myth did its job and gave spinach world fame. For its beneficial and even medicinal properties, it is used as an ingredient for salads and various first and second courses.

It is called creeping hop, beer hop, climbing hop, bitter hop... This powerful and beautiful vine has everything to be useful to humans. Hops is revered by many peoples of the world; it is a symbol of fertility, strong economy, prowess, happiness and longevity; it is depicted on coats of arms and coins. But many summer residents are not at all happy with him. Hops tend to grow rapidly, suppressing the growth of cultivated plants around them. But is it really necessary to fight it?

A prolonged spring, cool weather, temperature changes and frequent precipitation have already created a stressful situation and provoked the emergence of various diseases on perennial and annual crops. Scab and monilial burn are already detected on fruit leaves. On vegetables - late blight and peronosporosis. Pests also make themselves felt. The Colorado potato beetle has begun to activate and mate. Aphids, mites, leaf rollers, and various leafminers are observed everywhere.

Two years ago, at the beginning of summer, while walking through a local park, I saw an interesting plant. I was lucky, it was just blooming, and I immediately realized that I needed this in my garden. And although at that moment I didn’t know what it was or what it was called, I stocked up on cuttings. Then plant lovers I already knew suggested: I became the owner of Buddleia ternifolia, a rare shrub in our parks and gardens. It's a pity! It has several advantages that make it worth growing.

Pork with eggplant - a delicious stew with vegetables and spicy rice, easy and simple to prepare for dinner or lunch. It will take about half an hour to prepare, so this recipe can be classified as “if you need dinner quickly.” The dish turns out nourishing, aromatic, piquant. Turmeric gives the ingredients a beautiful golden-yellow color, while cloves, cardamom, garlic and chili add a piquant touch to the dish. For this recipe, choose lean meat.

The Colorado potato beetle is such a common pest of our gardens that not only summer residents and country residents, but also people far from agriculture know about it. This representative of the leaf beetle family came to us from warm Mexico. But it very quickly adapted to the harsh local conditions and lives and reproduces safely. The Colorado potato beetle does not disdain the tops of tomatoes. We will tell you how to get rid of the Colorado potato beetle in this article.

Seed propagation in the garden strawberries we are used to, unfortunately, leads to the appearance of less productive plants and weaker bushes. But another type of these sweet berries, alpine strawberries, can be successfully grown from seeds. Let's learn about the main advantages and disadvantages of this crop, consider the main varieties and features of agricultural technology. The information presented in this article will help you decide whether it is worth allocating a place for it in the berry garden.

Despite the confusion with the name “Christmas cactus” that has accumulated over the past decades, one of the most recognizable and colorful forest cacti, epiphyllums, remains everyone’s favorites. Leafless, with flattened stems, flowering amazingly profusely, hybrid epiphyllums with their hanging shoots and delicate flowers do not require particularly complex care from their owners. They can become the most striking flowering succulent plant in any collection.

Light is an important factor in the development of indoor plants; only with its help does the process of photosynthesis necessary for growth occur in plants. All plants have different sensitivity to light, they can be divided into light-loving, shade-tolerant and shade-loving.

If you want to green a room with north-facing windows, shaded by trees, buildings, or create a green corner in a hallway where there are no windows and light enters only through neighboring rooms, then you must carefully select plants with the ability to tolerate a lack of sunlight. Indoor plants that are not adapted to low light will soon lose their decorative appearance, their shoots will grow weak, elongated, with small pale leaves, the lower leaves will begin to turn yellow and fall off.

The brightest lighting houseplants get on a window facing south, no shading. However, not all plants can tolerate long-term intense rays of the sun, only mainly those that grow in nature under the bright hot sun, for example, cacti and succulent plants, abutilon, bougainvillea, geranium, hibiscus.

Many light-loving flowers cannot grow in a brightly lit place; hot sun rays may cause burns on their leaves in the form of light or brown spots, and they often wither at midday. Therefore, the bulk indoor plants prefer bright windows, into which the sun occasionally peeks - these are windows with west or east direction, which receive only the evening or morning rays of the sun. This type of lighting is best suited for indoor flowering plants that develop flower buds well when exposed to sunlight, or for decorative foliage plants that need sufficient lighting to preserve leaf color, which includes most variegated plants. This group includes: beloperone, zebrina, tradescantia, capsicum, codiaum, cordyline, balsam, nertera, poinsettia, Usambara violet (Saintpaulia), nightshade, variegated ficus, chlorophytum, hoya and chrysanthemum.

Without compromising flowering and development, the following light-loving indoor plants can be placed next to light windows in a bright place where the sun's rays do not reach: azalea, anthurium, begonia, plants from the bromeliad family, dieffenbachia, monstera, ivy, pereromia, spathiphyllum, scindapsus, philodendron , fuchsia, cyclamen, sheflera.

Shade-tolerant plants suitable for rooms with windows facing north, where the sun's rays do not reach at all, but there is enough diffused light. These plants tolerate partial shade well and withstand lack of lighting without losing their decorative appearance. However, if they remain in the shade for a long time, these plants may lag in growth, so for some time after one or two months they need to be moved to a bright place, without direct sunlight.

Shade-tolerant plants can be placed on windows with a northern orientation, or away from sunny windows, these include: aglaonema, asparagus, dracaena, white-veined arrowroot, most ferns, common ivy, sansevieria, scindapsus, fastheader, fatsia, creeping ficus, climbing philodendron, fittonia.

Shade-loving plants They differ from shade-tolerant ones in that they can constantly be in partial shade and do not tolerate light places with even a small amount of sunlight, in which their leaves become light and faded, during the day they can wither, and burn spots quickly appear on the surface of the leaves. In nature, such plants live in forests in the shade under the canopies of tall trees, so they are adapted to grow in low light. For the development of shade-loving plants, the room must have natural light during the day in which you can read. You can place plants away from windows or opposite. Shade-loving plants include aspidistra, asplenium, sansevieria, selanginella, scindapsus non-variegated.

Shade-tolerant and shade-loving plants will perfectly decorate a room away from the window; they can be placed on bookshelves, special stands, and large plants can be placed on the floor. Green compositions can be made by combining shade-loving and shade-tolerant plants together.

Changes with the seasons solar intensity. in winter the sun's rays are weak and daylight hours are short, therefore, at this time of year, it is better to move even shade-loving plants closer to bright windows.

in spring The sun's rays are especially dangerous for indoor plants, since the plants have not yet adapted to bright light, and the rays increase their intensity due to reflection from the snow, there is a danger that even light-loving plants can get leaf burns. Therefore, in spring it is better to move indoor plants a little further from the glass or shade them during the midday hours of sunny days.

In summer on southern windows, under the influence of sunlight, the temperature rises greatly and the air dries out; in such an atmosphere, even persistent light-loving plants can wither, so on summer days the plants need to be shaded from the hot rays of the sun.

in autumn the sun's rays lose their strength and plants can be moved closer to the glass. It should be remembered that plants that have been in shade or partial shade for a long time cannot be immediately placed in a brightly lit place, since burns can quickly appear on leaves that are not adapted to bright light. The lighting intensity for the plant should be changed gradually, after a few days moving the plant first to a place with diffused lighting, then to bright lighting with a small amount of sunlight.

List of the most shade-loving unpretentious plants. These include:

  1. Spathiphyllum is loved among florists because of its beautiful flower, which looks like a small cob wrapped in a white petal. He is unpretentious. Of all the conditions, the most important is air humidity. Feels good in a shaded place, but to maintain flowering, diffuse color conditions must be applied to it.
  2. Zamioculcas is an unassuming exotic guest from the tropics with dark glossy leaves. In indoor conditions, flowering is very difficult to achieve. To maintain the shape of the leaves, it should be periodically turned in different directions towards the light source. Loves partial shade. Can get burned in the sun.
  3. Sansevieria came to indoor culture from Africa. Very resistant to indoor conditions. You can place it anywhere: on windows, shelves, tables, on the floor. Its leaves are very decorative. Cut and immersed in water, they are preserved for a long time and take root. The culture looks beautiful against the background of stone walls and straw mats. Sword-shaped, erect leaves with transverse stripes may lose color if over-fertilized.
  4. Crassula is popularly called the “money tree”. It can be shaped like a bush or tree. Particularly attractive are the small trees that can be obtained by removing the side shoots of the plant. The bushy form is obtained by pinching the tops of new shoots.
  5. Adiantum is a type of curly fern. Among the indoor crops, the two most common are “Venus hair” and “beautiful”. Indoors, dimly lit places are chosen for them. In nature, these plants prefer to settle in gorges and thickets near water bodies.
  6. Nephrolepis is one of the favorite ferns among gardeners. In addition to its elegant shape, it is attractive because it cleans the air well of substances harmful to humans. There are no problems when breeding it. He is unpretentious and quickly adapts to a new place.
  7. Roicissus occurs in nature as a vine or bush. A completely undemanding plant. It tolerates travel well and develops normally under almost any conditions. They also love it because it reproduces easily and grows quickly.
  8. Selaginella (Plaunok) is a relative of moss, a perennial evergreen grass. Reproduces by spores. Grows in any warm and humid place. Among indoor crops, Selaginella Martens has become widespread. It looks like a bush. Selaginella hookata is also suitable for home breeding, characterized by a bluish tint that appears in shaded conditions and disappears in bright light.

Climbing shade-loving plants

Climbing and hanging plants are very popular for home gardening. Admirers of these forms show great imagination when creating a green area at home. They can be placed high above the floor, making flexible supports to direct the growth of stems in any direction.

More details:

  1. Ivy is an evergreen shrub with climbing shoots. With its help, you can create a living green wall, and by designing an intricate support, you can give the bush the most bizarre shape.
  2. Tradescantia is a perennial plant with succulent stems and green or variegated leaves. Tolerates shade at any room temperature. The only prerequisite is watering. As it ages, its stems become bare. Restoration is carried out by trimming old stems. New shoots grow quickly, reaching more than a meter in length. You can simply stick the cut shoot into the soil; it will soon take root and give rise to a new development cycle. Tradescantia can form entire thickets without any soil and is a good hydroponic crop.
  3. Philodendron is a tropical forest shrub that grows well in both light and shady conditions. Aerial roots develop from each node of the winding stem. The trunk is covered with dark green leaves. Propagates well by cuttings in any substrate. Can grow for many years without replanting.
  4. Chlorophytum crested has long linear leaves collected in bunches at the roots. Propagated by rosettes with aerial roots. Up to 20 such sockets can be formed. The result is beautiful multi-tiered plants.

Palms and large trees

Large sizes add special luxury to the interior. Spreading tall indoor plants fall into this category. They decorate halls and galleries. Mature specimens are real trees and shrubs. It is not easy to find a sufficiently lit place for them in a living room. You can’t put such a giant on the windowsill.

When arranging large-sized animals around the apartment, you should take into account that they do not like frequent rearrangements. Therefore, when decorating a room with them, you should take into account not only the style features of the room, but also the optimal conditions for the development of the plant. The most popular among this variety of crops are .

One of the most unpretentious representatives of the palm family is Hamedorea graceful, native to Mexico. Despite the fact that the natural growing conditions are wet thickets, it tolerates drought normally. Low lighting also does not depress this plant.

To decorate the interior, the following types of indoor plants are often chosen from among other families:

  1. Monstera is a liana with large leaves from the araceae genus. When growing, a reliable support is installed for it. It is undemanding to light and can grow away from windows even in winter.
  2. Ficus - a numerous genus of the mulberry family, some species of which are completely different from each other. The large-leaved species are better known. However, there are ficuses with beautiful small leaves. Among them there are ampelous species, specimens with climbing stems.
  3. Dracaenas from the asparagus family have many species, differing in color and leaf size. Most of them require diffuse lighting, but are afraid of direct sunlight. Some types of dracaenas are shade-loving plants. Externally, they can be distinguished by the color of the leaves. Those that are darker are undemanding to light.

Caring for shade-loving plants

The name of the plants, united under the name “shade-loving”, suggests that these are representatives of the flora that cannot tolerate bright light or direct rays of the sun. This does not mean that their normal development is possible in the complete absence of such conditions. As a rule, this is partial shade, diffused light.

Such crops are placed no closer than 3 meters from windows in the eastern and southern directions. On the north side it could also be a window sill. Under other circumstances, the plants will be depressed and weak. Prolonged exposure to uncomfortable conditions can even lead to their death.

Shade-loving indoor plants are watered regularly. However, this should be done carefully, avoiding waterlogging of the soil, which can lead to rotting of the roots.

Access to fresh air in the absence of drafts is required. It is periodically necessary to loosen the soil, which also needs oxygen. The selection of substrate is individual for each species, as well as agricultural techniques for them. Unassuming pets in flower pots have been accompanying people for a long time, pleasing the eye and creating a favorable climate.

Light is one of the vital factors that determines the development of green plants.

In our apartments and houses it is not always possible that we can offer a sunny window or balcony for our green pets. It also happens that we encounter a similar problem outdoors - we want to create a flower bed in the shade of trees, but what plants should we choose?

When purchasing plants for your home, it is very important to study the characteristics and preferences of these plants.

Shade-loving and shade-tolerant indoor flowers are plants that feel good in artificial light, grow well in the shade and (or) do not tolerate direct sunlight. Shade-loving plants are usually grown in apartments on windows, balconies and places where the sun rarely reaches or does not exist at all, for example, northern windows. Let's look at examples of such plants and flowers.

Begonia Lucerne(also called “luminous”, “coral”).

The most favorable temperature is 13-22 °C. Humidity is approximately 60%, but at high humidity its tubers can rot. At high air temperatures, spraying is necessary. In summer, moderate watering is usually appropriate, but in winter you can water little by little. For amateurs and beginners, it is better to buy a mixture for planting begonias - it contains all the necessary elements for the proper growth of the plant.

Poinsettia(or as they also call it - the most beautiful Euphorbia - an inspiring name, isn’t it?). It is also called the Christmas star - it most often blooms closer to Catholic Christmas.

Caring for such a flower is a pleasure. Firstly, the beauty of the blossoming buds justifies all the efforts spent over the year. Although there are some poinsettias that bloom more often. Secondly, caring for a flower is, in general, not difficult - poisettia is quite unpretentious. Grows in almost any place protected from drafts. It prefers diffused light, without bright rays; in summer it can be placed on a loggia or balcony. Prolonged lighting can delay the appearance of buds - so the best place for this beautiful flower is a north window or balcony. Feed your beauty regularly - from the beginning of spring until autumn every two weeks. If the leaves fall off, don’t worry, it’s just going through a pronounced dormant period. From the end of September, the plant needs to be covered with a dark bag at night, and removed only in the morning, so that the poisettia spends about 14 hours in complete darkness. This should be done for approximately 8 weeks. This way, you will make the flower bloom just in time for the New Year. You only need to water it when you notice that the surface of the soil is almost dry. During flowering, the temperature should be slightly below normal, then the flowers will last from two to six months.

Ruellia– a very beautiful, but not common name. And it is this flower that we see so often on the windowsills at home and in the country. Many species of this flower prefer shade, but all are heat-loving, because... their homeland is tropical America, Africa, North America. Ruellia has many species and subspecies and differently colored flowers, which provides us with a large selection for every color and taste.

The main thing for this plant is very abundant watering, especially during growth and flowering, but after flowering it can be reduced. In summer it requires feeding. Ruellia usually blooms profusely from February to late autumn.

Arrowroot tricolor– the main advantage of this plant is its unusually beautiful colors, original and varied leaves, which can delight almost any gardener. Arrowroot can create a unique decorative effect in your home. In England, it is called the “manifesting arrowroot” - the plant received this name because it rolls up and raises its leaves at night.

Loves abundant watering and high humidity. In winter, watering can be reduced, but in summer the top soil ball should always be moistened, and especially during plant growth. There is an interesting fact - arrowroot leaves are in an upright position before a thunderstorm. For planting, take a plastic pot; it retains moisture better. You can replant once every two years, and take a pot larger in diameter than the previous one.

Saintpaulia violetflower- a rare plant, but popular and beloved among gardeners. It is also sometimes called Uzumbara violet.

For lush flowering of Saintpaulia, it is enough to adhere to several rules: even temperature, high air humidity, regular feeding.

If you are just starting to work with flowers, then I can give one important piece of advice about this flower - you need to make sure that the leaves do not touch the window glass if it grows on your windowsill. Do not let water get on the leaves. In winter, Saintpaulia requires a temperature of at least 18°C. In summer, it is advisable to keep the flower indoors, but if the leaves are infected with pests, you need to completely remove the leaf along with the cuttings. And most importantly - diffused light or partial shade; It is important to keep Saintpaulia out of direct sunlight.

Cycad reflexum (cycas reflexum)- quite a rare sight in houses.

In summer it is best to keep it out of the sun, although it can tolerate some indirect light. During flowering, the cycad loves moderate watering, but in general you need to be sensitive to watering and do it carefully. It is advisable to take measures to increase air humidity; spraying is one of the necessary maintenance conditions. In its appearance, the cycas is very similar to a palm tree and therefore occupies one of the first places among similar plants. At one time, the Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus was misled by the appearance of the cicada and even gave it the name “palm tree”. Usually the cicas grows up to 1.8-2 m, but it can be larger or smaller. Beginning flower growers are not recommended to start this plant, because... it is characterized by capriciousness.

Philodendron climbing- a creeping vine with woody branches, sometimes half herbaceous, has long aerial roots, but not always.

Philodendron is one of the most shade-tolerant vines and is very suitable for growing in hanging pots and baskets. In principle, it is an unpretentious plant, but it does have some problems. The place of origin is the tropics of America. Temperature suitable for this vine: 25-28 in summer, 15-18 degrees in winter. Watering should be such that the soil is always moist, but in winter you need to slightly reduce watering. When overmoistened, the lower leaves turn yellow, and when the soil dries out, the tips of the leaves dry out. When feeding philodendron, it is very important not to oversaturate the soil. But it also happens that it suffers from a lack of fertilizer, when it is not replanted and people forget to feed it. You also need to be able to understand his illnesses, so study and listen to your silent green pet. Philodendron does not tolerate cold drafts. And it is mandatory for him to spray at any time of the year.

Monstera- one of the beautiful vines that grow indoors. In favorable conditions it can reach 3-5 m in height. The word "monstera" comes from Latin, which means amazing, bizarre. Sometimes she is called a "crybaby". Its interesting feature is that in cloudy weather droplets appear at the tips of the leaves. Thus, it is even possible to predict the weather a day in advance - if droplets appear, expect rain.

Monstera prefers moderate temperatures, in winter from 10 to 14 degrees, and at higher temperatures it tends to grow. Monstera loves regular spraying, and if necessary, its leaves can be wiped with a damp cloth or a special brush so that dust does not clog the pores on the leaves.

Common myrtle– an evergreen shrub (can grow in the form of a small tree), the leaves of which are arranged oppositely. In the light you can see small droplets in the leaf - essential oils, thanks to which myrtle produces a pleasant aroma. From ancient Greek the name translates as “balm” - in Ancient Greece and Rome, myrtle was a symbol of youthful beauty.

Moisture-loving. Don't let the soil dry out! In summer, along with watering, the tree needs abundant spraying, which in winter can be stopped or done much less frequently. Also reduce watering a little, but most importantly not by much. Myrtle needs fresh air, so in warm weather it is recommended to take the tree out onto the balcony or into the garden, but strictly monitor its health so that it does not collect pests, from which it is then difficult to escape. Temperatures in winter can be as low as 8-10 degrees. Replanting is usually done every 2-3 years, but very carefully so as not to damage the trunk. But myrtle tolerates pruning easily. Myrtle blooms very beautifully - small, mostly white flowers, reminiscent of a dandelion at the core. The flowers look very elegant and airy compared to the leaves of the bush.

Common boxwood– you can place it both in the sun and in the shade; it tolerates shaded areas well.

They always try to keep the soil moist – boxwood loves moisture. But it also tolerates short-term drought quite well. The second half of July is a favorable time for pruning. Bushes with an already formed crown are pruned as many times as desired. The shapes of boxwood haircuts are also very diverse. Since it is widely used as a hedge, shaping it is a must. Boxwood can even winter outside, as long as the plant is not exposed to direct sunlight. Plants need to be fed only when they are well rooted.

Selaginella martensa. This beautiful drought-resistant plant does not bloom, is low-growing, and in appearance is somewhat reminiscent of mosses.

When growing such a plant, it is necessary to avoid direct sunlight - selaginella prefers semi-shaded places. Watering is done with soft water and should be plentiful, especially in summer. It needs high air humidity - about 60%. A very heat-loving plant - in summer it grows at a temperature of at least 20°C, and in winter it prefers 12°C and above. If you want to grow selaginella outdoors, you need to prevent damage to it by snails - they are its most important pests. Fertilizing is best done during the growing season. After your bush grows, it will begin to develop aerial roots, but this happens with age when the branches begin to lie close to the ground. Selaginella will grow well in artificial light, but does not like full shade at all. It is best to replant in the spring, a couple of years after the first planting.

Examples of shade-tolerant indoor plants can be continued. These are:

· Epiphyllum;

· Zygocactus;

· Hibiscus;

· Zucharis;

· Clivia;

· Cypress;

· Pittosporum;

· Ophiopogon;

· Aucuba japonica;

· Fatsia japonica;

· Curculigo;

· Asparagus;

· Green-leaved cordolina;


and other indoor plants.

Among the shade-tolerant plants there are also those that reach considerable sizes, and some have quite large leaves:

· Dieffenbachia;

· Monstera;

· Hibiscus;

· Aucuba;

· Aspidistra and others.

Flowers are a wonderful decoration for any interior. But what if there is not enough light in your apartment for their full growth? The answer is simple: you need to plant unpretentious indoor plants. These are mainly plants that naturally grow in shady or shaded areas. We offer you the names, brief descriptions and photos of the most popular indoor shade-loving plants.


Among the shade-loving plants there are many beautiful flowering ones. So you have the opportunity to decorate both northern and foliage-shaded windows with luxurious flowers. It is only necessary to create optimal conditions for plants for lush flowering and active growth.


Spathiphyllum is a beautiful, shade-tolerant indoor flower loved by many gardeners. It feels great on a north-facing window, where its leaves acquire a rich green hue and an elongated shape. Likes frequent spraying and a shower once a month.


Gardenia is a real find for lovers of flowering indoor plants. With good humidity and comfortable temperature (from +16 to 24ºC), this beauty will delight you with its luxurious flowers. Just don’t forget to remove wilted buds in a timely manner.


Saintpaulia (Usambara violet) is one of the most common flowering indoor herbaceous plants. It develops well and blooms beautifully in partial shade, with sufficient humidity and comfortable temperatures (from +20 to +24°C).


Vriesia is an unusually beautiful indoor flower, memorable for its bright arrow. However, when growing it, you need to monitor the air temperature (not lower than +18 and not higher than +27 ° C) and the presence of water in its outlet.


Anthurium is a rather capricious, but very beautiful flower, many types of which are intended only for heated greenhouses. When working with the plant, you need to be as careful as possible, as it contains substances that irritate the mucous membrane.


Begonia is one of the most beautiful shade-loving plants, whose beautiful large bright flowers decorate any interior in summer and winter. There are about 2000 species of decorative deciduous and decorative flowering begonias. And they all prefer partial shade and moderate watering.


Shade-loving clivia pleases gardeners with unusual umbrella-shaped inflorescences located on high peduncles. However, for abundant flowering it needs good watering, light partial shade and fertile soil.

Calathea Crocata

This representative of the arrowroot family is grown for its beautiful leaves of unusual colors: speckled, dashed, dark and light green. Calathea Crocata does not tolerate temperature fluctuations and dry air. Grows well in a closed flower window.


For its lovely flowers, wide open and pansy-like, the miltonia orchid is called “pansy”. Loves partial shade and good humidity. Afraid of drafts. A sign of the correct location of the plant is the pinkish tint of its leaves.


Streptocarpus, with its delicate, bell-like flowers, is a real boon for gardeners. It is unpretentious in care, tolerates partial shade, blooms magnificently and for a long time (up to six months) and is easily propagated by any of its parts.


Azalea (rhododendron) is rightfully recognized as one of the most beautiful and vibrant flowering indoor plants. In conditions of high air humidity, with regular spraying and observing the temperature regime (from +12 to +20 °C), it will delight you with a luxurious cap of amazing flowers in the winter cold.


Angrecum, like all orchids, is a very delicate and whimsical tropical flower. But it grows well with plenty of moisture and regular spraying with soft, warm water in light partial shade or with sufficient artificial light.


Ampelous indoor shade-loving plants are an excellent room decor, especially if you need to decorate the walls. They are grown in hanging pots, pots, flowerpots and baskets.


Ivy is one of the popular hanging plants. It absolutely cannot tolerate direct sunlight, changes in the light source and does not like temperature changes. Shade-tolerant, but loves soft diffused light.

Green-leaved syngonium

Green-leaved syngonium is a very beautiful, distinctive vine with succulent leaves on long petioles. The leaf blades of the plant, closing together, form a continuous green cascade that will decorate any interior. The main thing is to avoid excessive dryness of the air.

Roicissus rhombicus

Roicissus rhombicus is perfect for vertical gardening in large spaces. But remember that this decorative deciduous vine from the grape family requires regular pruning and systematic spraying.


Epipremnum is an unpretentious, very easy to grow tropical vine. It grows very quickly (more than a meter in a year) and climbs beautifully along a decorative moss-covered special support. Blooms only in natural conditions.


Peperomia is a perennial tropical evergreen herbaceous plant from the southern regions of India and America. In nature it grows on tree trunks, and indoors it grows well in light partial shade. True, in winter, in order not to lose color, it requires brighter lighting.


A native of North and South America, today Tradescantia is undeservedly forgotten, although not so long ago it could be seen in any public place. The advantages of this perennial indoor herbaceous plant are its absolute unpretentiousness. Grows well in the shade. The main thing is a sufficient amount of moisture.

Creeping callisia grows quickly and creates a beautiful green carpet that is pleasing to the eye. You just need to make sure that the soil in which callisia grows does not dry out, and that there is enough space and air around the plant. Loves “walks” on the balcony or terrace.


Scindapsus is an unpretentious tropical liana with original leaves painted in yellow and white stains. This fast-growing plant looks great against the backdrop of greenery of other flowers; it loves high humidity, partial shade, and from spring to autumn, abundant watering.

Palm and large-sized

Shade-loving palm plants and large trees are widely used in decorative floriculture. They look great alone and are best suited to decorate large spacious rooms, adding a touch of exoticism to them.


Ficuses are popular tree-like, fast-growing, beautiful shade-loving plants. They look good in residential and office spaces, and in winter gardens. Ficuses love partial shade and plenty of moisture.


Hamedorea is a slow-growing, shade-tolerant palm. Its other name is bamboo palm. It is important to frequently spray the leaves of this beauty, wipe them from dust with a soft damp cloth, protect them from direct sunlight, and wash them once every two weeks under a warm shower.


Rapis is a slow-growing ornamental palm tree that not only decorates the interior, but also cleanses the air well of pollutants. Rapis loves soft, diffused light, abundant watering in summer (once every 3 days), and moderate (once every 10 days) watering in winter, walks and regular wiping of the leaves. It is also important to promptly prune dried parts of the plant.


Dracaena is a tree-like ornamental indoor plant, very similar in appearance to a palm tree. Its other name is “dragon tree,” which dracaena acquired thanks to its unusual red sap. Loves moisture, moderate temperatures and partial shade.


Cordyline is a tree-like, shade-loving plant of the Dracaena family. For good growth and beautiful appearance, cordyline needs regular watering with soft, settled water, diffused light, and in winter, additional lighting.


Monstera is one of the most beautiful indoor vines. This tropical large plant is very popular in homes and institutions with limited light. Under favorable conditions - moderate temperatures, regular spraying, protection from direct sunlight, it can grow up to 3-4 m in height.


Decorative deciduous shade-loving indoor plants are natives of the subtropics and tropics. They are grown for their showy leaves. These non-flowering plants are not picky about light and can decorate the interior of rooms with windows facing north.


Flower growers breed Fittonia for its beautiful leaves. However, in order for their color not to fade, the plant needs partial shade, since Fittonia cannot withstand either bright sun or full shade. But in winter it needs additional lighting.


Nephrolepis is a striking representative of ferns with tufted stems and small green leaves. It grows well in partial shade, but does not like too dark places and direct sunlight on the leaves. Needs constant spraying with soft warm water.

Fatshedera Lisa

Fatshedera lise is an original hybrid of ivy and Japanese fatsia. This deciduous, shade-tolerant houseplant is perfect for a hallway. It can be planted near the front door and north window. The main thing is not to fill it up and take it out into the fresh air in the summer.

Fatsia japonica

Thanks to its beautiful crown, Fatsia japonica is widely used for interior decoration. It is not very capricious, grows quickly and tolerates partial shade, but prefers coolness and fresh air. Also, for comfortable development, she needs a lot of free space.


Adiantum is the most sophisticated and delicate representative of ferns. Its beautiful leaves are widely used to decorate bouquets and will decorate any interior. However, they require protection from bright sun. Therefore, partial shade and northern windows are ideal for adiantum.


Philodendrons are a beautiful creeping vine with semi-herbaceous woody branches and long aerial roots. This is one of the most shade-tolerant and unpretentious vines suitable for growing in hanging pots. Does not tolerate drafts, temperature changes, dry soil and air.


Calathea is a wonderful representative of the arrowroot family, whose main decoration is large leaves of original colors that fold at night. Calathea is quite capricious to care for. It grows best 2 m from a western window, on a tray of wet pebbles, in conditions without drafts and temperature changes.


Arrowroot, with its original oval leaves, creates a unique decorative effect, which attracts many gardeners. True, they have to try to make the arrowroot feel comfortable and its leaves look attractive - water it often (every 3-4 days) and spray it with settled water every day, protect it from temperature changes, strong shade and bright light.


An inhabitant of subtropical forests, aucuba is a tree-like, shade-loving plant. She is very shade-tolerant and is more afraid of excess light than lack of it. Moderate air temperature (not higher than +20 °C) is also important for akuba. You need to work with it carefully, because it is poisonous.


Codium (croton) is a beautiful indoor plant of the Euphorbiaceae family, valuable for its luxurious leaf color. Needs very good watering, drainage and constant spraying. It is important to spray the plant in the shade, since in the sun after this procedure burns may appear on the leaves.


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