Garden flowers with large bulbs. Types and names of perennial bulbous flowers for the garden

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Bulbous flowers will be a real surprise for you. Before flowering, they look unattractive, but if you work hard, you will have the opportunity to grow a “colorful miracle.”

Planting occurs in the autumn, starting in September. The first buds will appear only in the spring. Flowers are demanding of care, so you should not let their development take its course. Thus, they do not tolerate poor and heavy soils, prefer illuminated areas, and do not tolerate dampness.

Features of bulbous

Bulbous flowers are varied. Some bloom already at the end of winter, others only in summer. A number of plants bloom in autumn. There are also flowers that produce leaves in the spring, then disappear in the summer, and bloom again in the fall - these are colchicums.

Almost all bulbous flowers are perennials. Nutrients accumulate in their bulbs. New bulbs are planted after the leaves and flowers die.

You should not cut off the leaves immediately after flowering; you need to give them time to wither.

Popular types

Bulbous indoor and garden flowers can be of various types. You've probably heard many of the names mentioned in the article. All plants shown in the photo are found in the regions of our country:

Everyone has seen elegant white bells with an amazing aroma. In order for lily of the valley to delight you with flowering during the Christmas holidays, it is recommended to purchase its rhizomes and plant them in mid-November.

Photo gallery

There are several popular types:

  • Sardskaya - blue flowers
  • Giant - flowers up to 4 cm in diameter, planting occurs in September
  • Lucilias are blue, star-shaped flowers with a white center. They bloom in late winter.

Spring Tubergen has flowers with a diameter of 5 cm. Winter has yellow flowers with a “collar” of leaves.

The plant has an impressive size. The bulbs are planted in the fall, and in the summer, bells form on the peduncles - 20 or more.

In everyday life, other names for flowers of this type are often used, for example, crocus. Planted in the fall to produce plants in the spring.

As a rule, the color of the petals is yellow, but pink and pale blue shades can also be found. Flowering occurs from January to February. The most popular varieties are Pickwick (lilac with purple stripes), Vanguard (silver-pink).

Growing bulbous flowers (video)

Landing rules

Before planting, the soil should be thoroughly dug up and organic or mineral fertilizer applied. The composition of the soil should also be taken into account; if it is too acidic, liming is performed. Sand is then added and the soil is allowed to settle for a couple of days.

It is important to respect the planting deadlines! Spring garden flowers are planted from September to early October, summer flowers - in the spring.

The hole should be 2-3 times larger than the onion. The bottom is covered with river sand.

Rules for choosing plants

  • Noble tulip varieties will be an excellent option for regular-style gardens. Garden varieties of daffodil, hazel grouse, hyacinth, and lily look great in flower beds and rural gardens. They require nutritious soil and sufficient sun.
  • In small gardens and alpine hills, miniature forms of flowers should be planted. You can give preference to wild daffodils and tulips. They look no less attractive than their garden counterparts. A number of varieties grow without care and run wild near bushes and trees.
  • Those dreaming of a lawn where bulbs will bloom in the spring should know that mowing the grass will only be possible from the beginning of June. Daffodils, photos of which you can see in detail, cannot be mowed within 8 weeks after flowering, otherwise they will not be able to bloom next year.
  • Crocuses, which, like snowdrops, are primroses, fade most quickly.
  • The first spring bloom looks most impressive in a shady garden. Anemones, chionidoxas, corydalis, and spring flowers are blooming. It is noteworthy that the presented species do not require care. After the flowers die, plant life continues in the bulb. Next spring, beautiful buds will appear again.

Use in landscape design

Garden bulbous plants will decorate any garden.

Amazing lawns

A perfectly trimmed lawn is the pride of any summer resident. But if you have seen natural meadows, it is enough to plant bulbous plants on the plot, and you will get a whole sea of ​​flowers. To help you achieve what you want:

  • crocuses;
  • scylla;
  • daffodils;
  • Chionodoxa.

In autumn, planting is done in a chaotic manner. In spring, a whole sea of ​​flowers appears in blue, blue, pink and other shades.

Gorgeous borders

  • One of the most popular design techniques is borders. So, you can use bulbous bulbs to dilute a pachysandra carpet or plant hosta bushes.
  • Lilac crocus flowers will look great in the autumn garden.
  • Low trees, perennials and annuals, and shrubs will be excellent neighbors for bulbous plants.

Game of colors

The selection of colors depends on the appearance of the house.

Colors come in warm and cool colors. To obtain contrasting combinations, you should combine cold and warm shades. To achieve harmony, colors that are similar in tone are used. Almost every garden uses white colors.

You should use the same color scheme in every corner of the garden to avoid oversaturation.

The basic rule is to use no more than 3 shades. There is one more nuance - harmony is achieved with a color ratio of 70:15:15.

Combination with ground covers

For those who don't have time to garden, ground covers are a great option. However, on their own they look a little boring. However, apical pachysandra, creeping willow and purple willow will be ideal neighbors for bulbs in the form of daffodils, lilies or hyacinths.

Planting in containers

Bulbous plants can make even a small garden look luxurious. They can be planted in containers and placed near trees, on a balcony, loggia, or terrace.

The container must be large - at least 25 centimeters deep and of a similar diameter. The pot must have a hole for water drainage. When using spring-blooming flowers, choose a frost-resistant container.

Bulbs are buried in the same way as in the ground. The distance between flowers should be decent so that the plants do not interfere with each other. Requires periodic watering.

Bulbous plants will become a real decoration of the garden plot. They don't require much time or attention. Even with inconsistent care, you can enjoy delicate blooms in spring, summer and fall.

Bulbous flowers: site favorites (video)

Reviews and comments

Olga 09/16/2012

Another advantage of bulbous garden flowers is that they will grow even in winter. To do this, flower bulbs are planted in pots and placed in a cold cellar. Approximately 3-4 weeks before the expected flowering, you need to place these flower pots in the light in a warm room.

Karry 03/31/2013

From the article I understood that crocuses are primroses, which means they should bloom in early spring. The question arises: when should crocuses be planted? In the fall? Elena 04/14/2016

There is no point in planting bulbs in pots in the winter; they usually just rot in the pots. Each mature bulb has spare buds that wake up and fully bloom the following summer. If the onion is too small, then just a sprout will come out and you will be pleased with it only a year later. The same story with the bulbs in the flower pots happened last year with my lilies, now I won’t make such mistakes again

Inna 05/19/2016

Of the bulbous plants, I mainly plant daffodils, gladioli and lilies both in spring and summer. I never noticed any particular difference in height. Moreover, they always came to me heavily sprouted both in spring and summer, and it’s not worth planting bulbs in pots in the winter, they usually just rot in this pot.

Tamara 12/05/2016

I personally don’t understand any kind of “decoration” for a dacha at all. Your sunflowers will already have a “pale appearance” after the first rain, but I won’t say anything about plastic bottles; crafts made from them remind me of a bunch of garbage. Isn’t it better to plant decorative bushes, give them an interesting shape, if you love decor so much, after all, there are different flowers - it’s a dacha, after all!

Elvira 07/25/2017

I bought large (as big as a fist) bulbs at the market, they said camellias, but I couldn’t find anything similar on the Internet, I’m waiting for it to come out, I planted it in the garden in July for 500 rubles, I don’t know what will come out, we’re so undereducated

Natalya 09/28/2019

Elvira, so what is this? This year I was also given the same tuber. Now I’ve been searching the internet for two hours to find out what it could be, and most importantly, how to plant it and deepen it or not. There are sprouts on it, but no roots. Write, if it’s not difficult, about your result

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  • Among the variety of garden perennials, a special group is distinguished - bulbous flowers. They are so named because their aerial parts grow from a bulb - a kind of storage of nutrients. After flowering ends, the grown leaves die. This is not scary, because the onion remains alive. When the leaves dry out, it begins a dormant period, which continues until the next flowering.

    Bulbous flowers are the first to bloom in the garden in spring.

    Bulbous perennials are often used in the design of flower beds, mixborders, and alpine slides. And all thanks to the variety of colors, shapes and special versatility of character: there are species that bloom in early spring almost from under the snow, and some paint the pre-winter garden with bright colors. In addition, the growing season of bulbous plants always occurs at an accelerated pace. They do not need to grow a bush and gain a certain green mass for flowering. As soon as favorable conditions arise for the bulb, the plant begins to grow. Usually the leaves appear first, and then the beautiful flowers (sometimes the flower arrows are thrown out a little before the leaves, for example, this can be observed in crocuses).

    The flowering period is the first thing you should pay attention to when choosing bulbs in order to correctly plan your landscape composition.

    Spring bloom

    Bulbous, low-growing primroses are especially popular. They bloom on completely bare spring soil as soon as positive temperatures set in. Just think about it! Most other garden plants are just beginning to grow, but bulbous plants are already blooming. Among the early flowering bulbs, it is worth highlighting snowdrops, crocuses (golden and spring), scillas, muscari, and chionodox. In April-May, the baton of spring bulbous flowers is picked up by tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, and bulbous irises (Dutch and dwarf species).

    Scillas (scillas) are frost-resistant and unpretentious primroses, often called blue snowdrops

    Summer blossom

    For summer flower beds you can choose bright bulbous ones, which for the most part have larger and more fragrant flowers than spring primroses. One of the most spectacular representatives of this group are lilies. Magnificent flowers of white, yellow, orange, pink, crimson, with a stunning aroma, are often present on the plots of amateur gardeners. The closest relatives of lilies with smaller flowers are daylilies. These bulbous plants are characterized by very abundant flowering, which continues throughout the summer. In addition to them, gladioli, dahlias, cannas, callas, hybrid anemones, tigridia, tuberoses will delight you in the summer.

    Callas are heat-loving plants, so in the fall their bulbs are dug up and sent for winter storage.

    Autumn colors of bulbs

    In autumn you can also enjoy the beauty of bulbous plants. At this time, crocuses, autumn crocuses, and garden cyclamen bloom.

    Autumn colchicum is very similar to crocus, but differs from it in its color - soft pink

    Winter hardiness: dig it up or not?

    Not all bulbous plants overwinter freely in open ground. There are species, and there are many of them, that need to be dug out of the ground every autumn, before frost sets in. This is the only way to protect them from inevitable frostbite and death. Store heat-loving bulbs in cool conditions, such as in the refrigerator or basement. Such measures are taken in relation to the bulbs of gladioli, calla lilies, cannas, and dahlias. It is also advisable to dig up elite tulips of parrot and double varieties in order to be sure to preserve them in winter.

    Winter-hardy species that can be planted before winter without worrying about their safety include crocuses, most tulips, daffodils, lilies, daylilies, and hazel grouse. All these plants winter well in the middle zone. In particularly harsh, snowless winters, it is advisable to mulch the plantings with wood chips or sawdust, but this is more of a reinsurance than a real necessity.

    For winter storage, bulbs are usually placed in the refrigerator or cool pantry. To ensure dry conditions, they are sprinkled with sawdust or wrapped in newspaper.

    Optimal landing time

    Winter-hardy bulbs that bloom in spring and summer are planted in September-October. The most important thing is to do this 6 weeks before the onset of frost, so that the bulb has time to form a root system. Planting of fall flowering bulbs is usually postponed until late spring or early summer. However, it is permissible to plant them in the fall, but then the bulbs will bloom only after a year.

    Heat-loving bulbous flowers for the garden, which require a warm winter, are planted in the spring, after eliminating the possibility of return frosts. Planting is allowed when the soil warms up to 10-13°C.

    Pre-landing activities

    Before planting flower bulbs, you need to carefully inspect them. Even one bulb affected by rot, fungal disease or insects can cause damage to all plantings and the death of still healthy plants. Therefore, throw away suspicious onions with flaws without regret; there is nothing you can do to help them.

    All other healthy-looking specimens should be disinfected in order to be sure to get rid of possible germs of disease. This is done by soaking the bulbs in a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate or any modern antifungal drug (Maxim, Fundazol, etc.).

    How to plant bulbs correctly?

    1. Prepare the soil

    Bulbous plants do not like dense, impenetrable soils, so it is advisable to dig up the selected planting area, breaking up clods and removing stones. If this is not possible, for example, with chaotic planting of bulbs on the lawn, then to improve the soil structure, add a handful of sand to each planting hole. However, such measures are used to a greater extent for elite, capricious varieties of bulbs: parrot tulips, calla lilies, freesias, etc. Crocuses, muscari, lilies of the valley, botanical tulips, daffodils and most other bulbs are completely unpretentious and grow well in untreated garden soil.

    When digging, you can add compost to the soil to increase its fertility.

    2. Dig planting holes

    Use a long narrow scoop to make holes in the ground for planting. The depth of excavation should be 2-3 times greater than the height of the bulb itself. Crocuses, muscari, scylla are planted to a depth of 7-10 cm; tulips, gladioli - 12-15 cm; hyacinths, daffodils - 20 cm.

    Bulbous plants look better in mass, dense plantings. To achieve this, keep 5-7 cm between small bulbs of crocuses, hazel grouse, anemones, and 10-12 cm between tulips.

    The planting depth of the bulb depends on its size. The larger the bulb, the deeper it is placed in the ground

    3. Plant the bulbs

    The onion is placed in the recess with the bottom down, then sprinkled with earth and compacted slightly on top. Plantings are immediately shed with water to moisten the bulbs completely, to the bottom.

    It is advisable to cover newly planted bulbs for the winter with a layer of fallen leaves, peat humus or sawdust

    Where to plant and in what compositions to use?

    Most bulbous plants for the garden are unpretentious; they tolerate infertile soils, lack of fertilizing, and insufficient lighting. Compositional solutions using them are amazing.

    Solution #1. Planting on the lawn

    In order to diversify the emerald colors of the lawn, small bulbous plants - muscari, crocuses, scillas - are planted against its background. Massive plantings are especially effective when the bulbs are planted densely and in large quantities. Sometimes, to naturalize the landscape, they are planted individually or in small groups. However, this solution is only suitable for a lawn that does not require regular maintenance, in particular, mowing until the bulbous leaves die.

    Islands of blooming crocuses on a green lawn

    Solution #2. Rock garden with bulbous plants

    To create “alpine” compositions, low-growing, unpretentious bulbous plants are selected that do not require annual digging. These can be crocuses, snowdrops, scillas, muscari, bulbous irises, hyacinths. In rock gardens they are planted in small groups, creating bright flowering spots.

    Botanical daffodils create an “alpine” composition in combination with stones and low ground covers

    Solution #3. Perennials and bulbous plants in mixborders

    The foreground can be decorated with low-growing bulbous plants, forming dense curtains. Another option: plant them between perennials with decorative large leaves. Then, when the bulbous leaves dry out, the perennials growing nearby will cover the resulting voids.

    After the tulips fade, their drying leaves will mask the growing cushions of flowering perennials

    Solution #4. Flowerbeds with annuals

    It is especially successful to use spring bulbs in such flowerbeds, which can be dug up after flowering and stored at home in the summer. For example, tulips or hyacinths. It is convenient to plant them in separate containers that are easy to install and remove from the flowerbed. At the beginning of summer, annual seedlings can be planted in the vacant spaces. If you initially surround the bulbous plants with fast-growing flowers, for example, nasturtium or petunia, then there will be no need for additional planting. After removing the containers, the summer stems will cover the voids in a short time.

    When the tulips fade, their bulbs are dug up and flowering seedlings of annual plants are planted in their place.

    Solution #5. Containers with bulbs

    Almost all bulbous plants can be successfully grown indoors, that is, in containers, ceramic and plastic pots, flowerpots, and plant pots. Dense plantings create luxurious bouquets, especially attractive in the spring.

    Hyacinths in pots create a spring composition of extraordinary beauty and aroma

    Flowering bulbs can become the brightest “residents” of your flower garden. Their natural beauty, unpretentiousness, and flowering times atypical for other perennials can transform the image of any garden, filling it with rich colors.

    Bulbous plants are found in almost every summer cottage - these are lilies, daffodils, hyacinths, and, of course, tulips. They gained popularity due to their ease of care and beautiful bright inflorescences. If you are interested in such plants and want to have them on your site, our article will help you learn about their characteristics, care, planting and decorative properties.

    Bulbous flowers for a summer cottage

    Let's look at the main features:

    Landing Plants need to be planted in spring or autumn, so they are usually divided into two groups, depending on flowering. If for those that bloom in summer, planting should be organized in the spring, for those that bloom in spring - in autumn.
    Wintering Tulips, daffodils, crocuses and lilies tolerate winter well, but, for example, gladioli require shelter or need to be stored in a cool room. In addition, a lot depends on the growing region. In the southern part of the country, garden bulbous plants are not dug up for wintering, because frost there is rarely below −10 °C.
    Landing location In this case, gardeners do not need to choose a specific area. In fact, anywhere such plants will please the eye; nature itself has taken care of them, concentrating a sufficient supply of nutrients in the bulb. However, if no problems arise with the plants in the first year, the quality of the second year will depend on proper care for them.
    Seating Often the crops grow, causing a dense clump of bulbs to form. In this case, we recommend planting them:
    • dig up a clump of bulbs with your own hands after flowering has finished;
    • carefully separate the bulbs from each other;
    • plant in a new place or leave for storage until autumn.

    An important point - do not tear off or trim fading leaves from bulbous plants. To hide unsightly dying lower leaves, they should be planted among ground covers.


    Bulbous plants are usually the first to bloom in the spring. After the snow cover melts and the first greenery appears, tulips and daffodils bloom. Therefore, we recommend choosing the most visible place for them, preferably near the house.

    Tip: for bulbous flowers, you should choose well-drained soils that are moistened in autumn and spring.

    Well-lit and sunny areas are suitable for tulips, but daffodils love shade and partial shade. We recommend planting hyacinths in daytime rest areas, which will fill the atmosphere with a delicate, sophisticated aroma.

    Another important point is related to the method of planting bulbs.

    It could be:

    • a group that over time will turn into a flourishing island;
    • one flower;
    • in a row;
    • bouquet is the most popular option. In this case, planting is done in small groups of bulbs of the same variety (8-10 pieces) at a distance of 100 mm from each other.

    Allary - decorative bows in garden design


    Below we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most common bulbous plants for the garden:

    1. Narcissus is an unpretentious crop that can grow both in the shade and in the sun. The flower is not demanding of moisture, but cannot tolerate its excess. Bulbs should be planted in late summer - early autumn. Most varieties do not require shelter for the winter.

    1. Tulip - blooms after the daffodil; there are many species, differing in their color. Prefers well-lit areas, light, sandy loam soil with good drainage. It can grow in the shade, but immediately loses its decorative effect, and also does not like stagnant water in the soil.
      Landing in the middle zone usually occurs after September 15th. In this case, the soil should have a temperature no higher than +7 °C, preferably 5-7 degrees; in warm soil, the root system forms slowly, which is why there is a risk of it being affected by diseases. The price of the bulbs depends on their size.

    1. Crocosmia is an elegant plant with a thin stem and flowers arranged on it like ears of wheat. Flowering time is July-August. The flowers are red, yellow and orange.
      It can grow in lighted places, in partial shade and shade, it grows strongly, so take this into account when planting, leaving extra space for it. The flower is planted in April-May, covered with fallen leaves or branches for wintering in the southern regions, and dug up in the northern regions. Plant them in small groups of 3-5 bulbs each.

    1. Lilies are beautiful plants with a strong, pleasant aroma. Well-drained, fertile soil should be prepared for them, but they grow worse on very sandy and loamy soils.
      The optimal site should be located in partial shade, where sunlight occurs only in the first half of the day. They like sufficiently moist soil.
      After 3-5 years of growing in one place, the flower needs to be replanted, and it is best to do this in the fall. When digging up the plant, be careful not to snag the roots of the bulbs.


    The work requires patience and accuracy; if problems arise when growing bulbous plants, it means that you did something wrong at this stage.

    Planting time is determined by the growing region:

    • northern region – October;
    • southern – November;
    • Siberia - end of August or September.

    Planting depth

    There is the following rule - the depth should be equal to the height of 3 bulbs. Place small bulbs of small height closer to the surface of the earth, because of this we recommend planting one-dimensional planting material.

    Optimal distance for:

    • daffodils – 150 mm;
    • crocuses - approximately 80-100 mm.

    The process instructions are as follows:

    • make a hole or furrow;
    • add complex fertilizer to it (you don’t have to) and lightly sprinkle it with soil;
    • plant the bulb, making sure that it does not touch the fertilizer;
    • Water the planting site generously. Usually, newbie gardeners ignore this point, preferring simple watering. But the bulb is planted deep and water will not be able to get through to it, which is why the root system will not have time to form before frost.

    Top dressing

    1. Sprinkle nitrogen-containing fertilizer on the area of ​​early flowering bulbous plants before the snow melts. Ammonium nitrate (15 g/1m2) and urea are well suited.
    2. The second time you need to feed it during budding. Use complex fertilizers - 15 g/1m2.

    Advice: do not use manure as fertilizer, it can become a catalyst for the development of fungal diseases.

    1. Do not forget to water the plants generously in dry weather in the spring, soaking the soil to a depth of 250 mm.
    2. If you find underdeveloped or diseased plants, as well as those that did not survive the winter well, dig them up with a clod of earth and burn them.

    Spring-flowering varieties

    After the snow melts, primroses bloom in containers and on the lawn - snowdrops, white leaves, crocuses. With their help, the garden comes to life, waking up from winter hibernation. We already know that bulbs planted in the fall have a sufficient supply of nutrients and therefore require almost no care.

    Their compact groups will decorate empty lawns, rock gardens and places under large ones. After flowering ends, you will need to cut off their upper, withered part. Mixborders made of primroses will look especially beautiful against the backdrop of awakening bushes. Then they will camouflage the blooming perennials with their yellowed leaves.

    The first to wake up in spring are:

    • snowdrops;
    • daffodils;
    • crocuses;
    • tulips;
    • hyacinths;
    • irises;
    • amaryllis;
    • muscari;
    • anemones;
    • hazel grouse.

    Summer-blooming varieties

    Such plants will look good in flower beds, as well as in mixed borders among shorter garden flowers. We recommend placing them in the center of the composition, where the exquisite shape of the flowers is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent.

    After flowering, dried foliage can be successfully camouflaged with other plants.

    • begonias;
    • gladioli;
    • anemones;
    • callas;
    • liatris;
    • ixia;
    • freesia.

    Autumn varieties

    They will decorate the garden until late autumn. They are planted under tall trees, where they decorate the site and make up empty areas. Bulbous plants here feel comfortable under fallen leaves, as they are fully provided with nutrition and moisture.

    Choose these plants:

    • autumn crocuses;
    • Colchicum;
    • cyclamens.


    Unpretentious garden bulbous flowers fit well into a variety of places in a summer cottage. With their help, it is possible to revive it before other plants. With the onset of autumn, they will decorate the area, when many flowers are already preparing for winter. The video in this article will help you find additional information on this topic.

    Bulbous plants are the most popular representatives of the floral world. They are valued for their unpretentiousness, bright colors, endurance in cold climates, and the ability to form unique ones using a combination of different species. In this article we will look at the most popular types of primroses, look at their photos with names and descriptions, and also learn the correct ways to grow them.

    Features of growing bulbous plants

    It is recommended to plant immediately after purchasing the bulbs. Of course, you can leave them for a while, keeping them in a cool, dry place, but it is better to plant the bulbs before they begin to grow and become soft.

    Plants that grow at home (pots, trays, containers) need to be watered as the soil dries out. The soil is kept moist without over-wetting it.

    Flowers that have weak stems or tall peduncles, as well as those that grow in windy places, need support.

    You definitely need to pay attention to proper care of plants after flowering. Flowering next season depends on this care.

    After flowering ends, you need to:

    • remove faded flowers using pruning shears, a knife or scissors; do not pick them off;
    • Only the flowers should be removed, the flower stalks should be left;
    • During the period of removing peduncles, leaves should not be removed, as they contain nutrients for the bulbs.

    List of the most popular plants with photos

    Bulbous and perennial primroses are the very first flowers in your garden in the spring. In cold regions, the snow has not yet had time to melt, and they, having raised their petals, are already reaching for the sun. If you successfully integrate bulbous primroses into your flowerbed design, they will delight the eye every year.


    Consider the list of the most popular bulbous flowers for the garden:

    • . This flower grows one of the first and literally from under the snow. can withstand frost of –10 °C.

    • - a flower from the Kasatiaceae family. From the bulb grow narrow lanceolate sword-shaped leaves 15 cm long, which also have bristly pubescence.

    • - also known as colchium, is a perennial plant. There are about 70 species in the genus of this flower.

    • Gabranthus (rain lily)- has airy petals that justify the name of the flower, meaning “delicate flower” in Greek.

    • is a corm-like perennial flower, of which there are more than 5,000 species. There are hybrid and wild gladioli. They delight in their beauty and variety of colors.

    • - these flowers are valued for their large flowers (more than 20 cm in diameter) and varied colors.

    • - obtained by breeding Asiatic and long-flowered lilies. This flower is distinguished by its endurance, decorativeness and unpretentiousness.

    • - the plant was obtained from crossing trumpet and oriental lilies. They reach a height of 1–1.5 m or even higher, under favorable conditions.

    • - has been a very popular flower since ancient times. There are many varieties of narcissus, and all of them are highly valued by gardeners for their incredible beauty.

    • Tulip- the birthplace of this plant is Central Asia, despite the fact that most tulips grow in Holland. In recent years, more than 3,500 species have been bred

    Bulbous plants always manage to meet the warmth of spring in the first rows. Their beauty blooms with the beginning of April days, at a time when perennial species are just about to wake up after their winter sleep.

    This feature allows you to find bulbous primroses in any flower beds of gardeners with different experience.

    They are able to create the charm that comes from the sometimes dull landscapes of modern flower beds at this time of year.

    Their flowers dry out and fall off quite quickly, taking all the beauty into oblivion. During the period of heavy May rains, their powerful inflorescences absorb significant amounts of water and break under great pressure.

    Because of this, when purchasing bulbs, you should take into account the duration of flowering of the variety you like, its resistance to the vagaries of nature inherent in the area of ​​planting. The characteristics of simplified courtship are also very important.

    Duration of flowering is a priority

    Bulbous types of garden flowers are used as decoration, since the shades of their colors are very diverse. I want to extend the flowering period for a longer period.

    Experienced gardeners know that this is entirely achievable if the planting process is done correctly.

    There are varieties of bulbous plants that can speed up the flowering time, being on the side of direct access to sunlight, or slow it down, being in a darkened area.

    But the Variegated Tigridia blooms in the summer and produces only one inflorescence from each bulb. It can only live for 8 hours and dries out quickly.

    The owner who dropped him off at the dacha may not enjoy this process at all. However, the tigridia group is different in that it begins to bloom gradually, and the chance of seeing at least one of these moments increases.

    Among the leaders in the duration of spring flowering, it is necessary to highlight: the anemone, which pleases the owner with this process for about three weeks, the royal hazel grouse, playing with its beauty for 14-21 days, the legendary tulip for about three weeks, the same daffodil that admires itself, giving flowering for no more than 10 days .

    In summer, this process is observed longer than others in poultry plants, some types of freesias and rare varieties of lilies.

    Which bulbous species are characterized by a simplified care process?

    Most bulbous species will require digging every year, since the above-ground part dies off during this period. Although you can do without this, however, the bulbs will remain reduced in size until complete degradation or winter extinction.

    Rare species of tulips, majestic gladioli, strong hyacinths and freesias are distinguished by such difficulty in growing. If there is not enough time to give them sufficient attention, it is better to use other varieties.

    Without digging, charming lilies, crocuses, self-loving daffodils, beautiful anemones, muscari with royal hazel grouse and crocosmia can grow well. Usually they are able to convey their beauty for 3-4 years.

    Species with special requirements

    These are created by breeders who forget about the level of stem length in relation to the size of the inflorescence. Their flowers are distinguished by their massiveness and increased beauty, however, this lasts only until the first rains or strong winds.

    Because they cause too much damage to these species with overloaded stems. This usually applies to double species of daffodils or freesias. Unfortunately, their splendor is short-lived.

    Some types of gladioli are also susceptible to this problem and often break due to the accumulation of inflorescences that burden the bulb.

    Breaking in this case usually occurs at the beginning of the appearance of the stem during periods of inclement weather. Such plants need to be staked to help maintain their integrity for a long time. This should be done after the flower stalks appear.

    And also an excellent option is to plant it near a net or fence, if such a place is found somewhere nearby.


    When choosing bulbous plants, you should pay attention not only to their beauty qualities and the volume of inflorescences, but also to the vitality of the plant in conditions capable of providing a summer house or other planting site.

    Photo of bulbous garden flowers


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