The decor of the site in the country with their own hands. Plot decoration (21 photos): original and beautiful ideas

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Since the days of the USSR, many have put an equal sign between the concepts of a dacha and a vegetable garden, meanwhile, this is not entirely true. A dacha is, first of all, a place for rest and relaxation, and only then beds with cucumbers and tomatoes. Given this, the design of the site and the house itself is of great importance. Therefore, the design of a summer cottage with your own hands is a very important task.

Preparation for the transformation of the suburban area

Before starting revolutionary changes in the design of a summer cottage, you should carefully consider the layout of the space. Planning recommendations depend on the size of the site.

T So, for small plots (no more than 6 acres), experts advise considering that:

  • with a shortage of territory, a high fence will only add a feeling of crowding, so it’s better to get by with a small one along the perimeter of the site;

  • avoid the pool;
  • it is not recommended to use straight paths like an arrow, it is better to make them curved.

Scientists have proven that smooth curved lines affect a person at a subconscious level and blur the line between civilization and wildlife.
Broken paths, on the contrary, emphasize this line.

Making a house on a summer cottage with an area of ​​​​6 to 10 acres no longer imposes so many restrictions on the summer resident:

  • the fence can be anything;
  • tall trees and outbuildings are also better to shift to the northern part;
  • allowed device .

If the area of ​​the site exceeds 12 acres, then there are no restrictions on registration. If desired, you can even organize a pond and a mini-waterfall in the depths of the site.

Often, in addition to the area, the elongated shape of the site also acts as a limiter. There are frequent cases when there are only a few meters of free space between the wall of the house and the fence, and it is empty.

The task of the designer in this case is to divert attention from excessive “elongation”.

This can be achieved with a set of simple tricks:

  • near the fence, start a path paved with natural stone (or imitation);
  • on the ground near the house, plant an unusual, lush bush in the center - it will be a kind of anchor of the composition;
  • simpler plants are planted around it;
  • the rest is planted with unobtrusive flowers of low height.

Basic techniques for decorating a summer cottage

There are a great many ways to design a summer cottage, so a universal instruction is simply impossible.

However, there are several techniques that are used in almost any design method:

  • as a rule, curvilinear paths made of natural stone (or its imitation) are used in landscape design;

  • any site is fenced, so the fence should also be considered as an element of decor;
  • it is important to correctly illuminate the site, emphasize advantageous places in the dark;
  • the correct design of the landscape of a summer cottage is impossible without the correct selection of plants;

Country houses from block containers usually look boring, and for their decoration it is not necessary to sheathe the structure with any building material.
You can get out of this situation at minimal cost by planting climbing vines around the walls of the house.

  • small sculptures and figurines of gnomes, for example, will help to add a sense of completeness;
  • gazebos and pavilions covered with ivy also look great on the site;

  • if the budget allows, then a small pond or waterfall is also appropriate.

Beginning the transformation of the suburban area

Some design techniques can make a serious hole in the budget of an ordinary summer resident. But, if you approach this matter with imagination, then you can get an excellent result at minimal cost.

Good planning is the key to success

To plan the design of a summer cottage, you can use special programs. Although, it is possible in the old fashioned way - to draw a section on a sheet in a box on a scale and manually select the location of the main elements.

It is not necessary to create landscape ideas for decorating a summer cottage with your own hands, you can familiarize yourself with ready-made schemes on our website or combine several ready-made ideas.

It is important to choose the right types of plants. The garden should not strike a person with diversity, it is better to opt for a laconic design. Diversity and brightness are allowed, but it must be localized within the flower bed, such "bright blots" will only enliven the site.

Coniferous plants can be used as hedge elements. This may not be a fence in the usual sense of the word, but rather its imitation. Small green cones planted along the garden paths will fit perfectly into the overall concept of the space.

How to make a garden path

It is very expensive to use natural stone to lay out paths on the site, and it is simply illogical. To do this, you can use ready-made plastic molds that are simply filled with concrete, the shape of the finished elements resembles natural stone, the price of such a solution is low.

The work is carried out in the following order:

  • along the perimeter of the future path, the turf is removed, the soil is compacted. If the soil is weak, then it is allowed to use a backfill from a mixture of cement and sand;

  • a concrete solution is being prepared, it is recommended to use crushed stone of a fine fraction (no more than 5 mm);
  • then the mold cells are filled with concrete mixture, the surface is smoothed with a trowel (you can slightly moisten the surface to make it smoother);

  • the form is transferred and the process is repeated.

The length of the form is small, so it is better to purchase several of these forms, otherwise the process will drag on for a long time.

Lighting and installation of sculptures

Figurines of animals and fabulous creatures can complement the design of the summer cottage.

As for the sculptures, they can be divided into several types:

  • classic (marble or stone) - suitable only for large areas, emphasize the status of the owner;

  • contemporary art - anything can serve as a material up to polyurethane foam and wire;
  • wooden sculptures, for example, an animal figure made from tree roots;

  • decorative figurines (garden gnomes), giving a fabulous entourage to the site.

Classical figures look good near fountains or as the center of a complex composition. Other types of sculptures are placed, as a rule, in the depths of the garden - their task is to create the right mood for a person.

As for lighting, wiring and organizing light from direct current sources is too costly an option, it may be necessary to rent a diesel generator for a summer residence. Moreover, there is simply no need to flood the area with bright light. It is enough to place solar-powered lamps along the garden paths, they will be recharged during the day, and at night it will be beneficial to illuminate the site.

How to save when designing a site

To do this, you need to have a real smallness - you need a vivid imagination. Even ordinary things, which, at first glance, the very place in a landfill can turn into a decoration for a summer cottage.

An old car, or rather a frame from it, can become an original flower bed; old tires can also be used for the same purpose. And you can try to turn worthless musical instruments into a small fountain.

At the same time, the main thing is not to turn your site into a landfill. The main goal is still in beauty, and not in maximum economy.


Making a summer cottage is a feasible task for any summer resident. Of course, you will need the skills of an architect and designer, but by following the basic techniques of landscape design, you can achieve an excellent result. The feeling of beauty is not alien to anyone, which means that any suburban area can become a great example of landscape design.

The video in this article reveals the main tricks from the arsenal of landscape designers.

In this article, we will offer you ideas that allow you to decorate your backyard or cottage in a very original way. Most of the ideas we offer do not require almost any investment, only skillful hands, a little imagination and a desire to turn your garden and yard into a charming corner.

A cheerful ladybug made from an ordinary shovel will definitely delight the guests of your site.

An artist's palette, where instead of paints there are fresh flowers. You can cut out such a design from ordinary plywood, and simply insert pots with flowers of different shades into the holes. Win-win option, agree!

It is immediately clear that the owners of this land plot are serious about its design and cultivation of vegetables. Everything is neat, neat, but at the same time bright and beautiful.

Plastic pots were simply strung on a metal rod. The design looks very unusual.

To create such an unusual flower bed, all you needed was an old kettle.

A flowerbed-hearth in a real pot, suspended on a chain.

Another old-new idea. Turning a hemp into a fly agaric with a metal bowl is an old idea, but adding old shoes, a red nose and expressive eyes is an original option. And this composition is complemented by bright strawberries and ladybugs, just scattered on the grass.

Stone - whether it be natural boulders or an artificial version - can be used to create a wide variety of, including such flower beds-baskets.

It is immediately obvious that the owner of this personal plot has the talent of an artist! In such barrels, you can store rainwater for irrigation, arrange a flower bed, or simply turn it into a striking element of landscape design.

Do not rush to throw away the old bath! It can turn into such a charming artificial pond, and without any effort and expense.

And this old bath has become a real fountain thanks to another old and already unnecessary thing - a pipe that has served its purpose.

If your site is protected from prying eyes by a high fence, you can decorate it from the inside with this simple vertical gardening option. All you need: plastic bottles from mineral water or lemonade with holes cut out, reliable rope or fishing line, soil, as well as plant seedlings or seeds.

Another very popular option for decorating a garden is all kinds of cars, carts, wagons that turn into flower beds and become a highlight of landscape design.

Old plates that you no longer use in the kitchen can be an unusual fence for a flower bed.

"Box of pencils" as a fence for the site. Who's to say it's boring and ugly?

In Europe, these old chairs, which have become flower stands, can be bought at special markets and sales. But you can make such original flower beds with your own hands without spending a dime!

At first glance - a chaotic collection of things. But in fact - a well-thought-out landscape composition.

Visual illustration for the manual "new life for old things." This is how an ordinary washbasin became an elegant fountain.

A teapot with a broken spout, chipped or cracked cups can be handy containers for flowers. You can’t exactly call such a flower bed banal.

In general, decorating a garden is a matter of the owners' imagination and their desire to make some effort. We hope that our ideas will stimulate your actions and help make your backyard more original and vibrant.

The dacha of a modern person is a place of reunion with nature, restoration of emotional and physical balance. The degree of rest of the soul and body in a suburban area depends on the harmony of living and inanimate objects located on it. Making a summer cottage with your own hands, landscape ideas, photos - today's topic of discussion of our site.

Landscaping - what to consider?

Landscape design cannot be approached randomly, embodying ideas that are not related to each other on different parts of land holdings. To create a sense of complete harmony, one general idea is needed, to which smaller ones will be subordinated.

Making a summer cottage begins with a landscape idea

Experts give a lot of advice about the design of a summer cottage with their own hands. We want to draw your attention to the main ones.

First of all, you should decide on the design style. The choice of idea should match the desired environment and fit the architecture and perennial garden plants.
When choosing flora for landscape design, it is important to keep in mind the quality of the soil, the illumination of the site, as well as the amount of time and effort planned for caring for the dacha.
You should not rush to extremes, making the design of a summer cottage with your own hands too simple or, on the contrary, too pretentious. The main thing is to create a harmonious and conducive environment for a good rest, and too creative ideas often bring disharmony and quickly get bored.

The main task of decorating a dacha with your own hands is to achieve harmony and comfort

Classic / regular style in the design of a summer cottage with a photo

The main features of the classical style, which is at the peak of popularity in the revival era, are symmetry and order. Experts recommend using this design in city parks, near official establishments.

The photo shows a park decorated in a classic style.

It can be implemented on a fairly open summer cottage with an area of ​​at least 15 acres. A smaller dress will not allow you to fully display the main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe style.

Architecture must be visible

The classic design implies absolute symmetry to a certain axis, strictly geometric lines and figures in architecture and plantings, smooth and clear paths. Pavilions are located at the intersection of paths. An important detail is a well-visible architecture.

Classics are characterized by absolute symmetry and clarity of forms.

When decorating a summer cottage in a regular style, it is important to remember that it will not be possible to allow long breaks in care. It is necessary to strictly maintain the condition of lawns and ideal forms of plantings with your own hands or with the help of trained workers. This idea is best implemented in areas with the constant presence of a gardener.

Strict forms of plantings must be constantly maintained with your own hands or with the help of a gardener.

Elements: fountains and sculptures in the Greek style; classical columns; forged benches; stone or plaster balls; stone or metal flowerpots; container landings; arches and pergolas; hedges.

Forest style for a cozy homestead with photo ideas

Country, or forest, style - the perfect solution for a summer cottage near the forest. In this case, the main task is not to disturb the overall harmony, using ideas that do not reveal the intervention of human hands. Every detail should emphasize the beauty of natural forest landscapes and create a sense of pristine nature.

For a shady area near the forest, a forest-style design is suitable.

Even a small area is suitable for a forest style, but it is best embodied in a country house of more than 6 acres. The house should be located in the depth of the site. Shade and humidity are welcome. See photos for examples of successful designs.

In the photo, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdecorating in a forest style

What does forest landscape design include? Forest trees and wild flowers. Streams or ponds of natural shape, paths of arbitrary shapes, covered with wood, stones, dense grass. Bright flowers near the house and along the main path.

Forest trees and wild flowers are the main design elements

Simple benches of a straight shape and circular ones near the trees. Wooden furniture, fences, swings, figurines. Antique items of Russian life. Lighting - hidden.

English style for a summer cottage

English style is full of elegance and naturalness. Ideal for him is a shaded, low-lying summer cottage with irregularly shaped borders, more than 12 acres in size. The design in this case should not radically change the natural landscapes. But the intervention of the human hand should be obvious.

Making a summer cottage with your own hands in the English style

The English style is lawns with lawns surrounded by trees and shrubs with pyramidal or hanging crowns; an abundance of perennial crops; creepers on brick walls; landscape ponds.

The house surrounded by flowers is located in the back of the plot

The house is located in the back of a suburban area surrounded by flowers. The paths are winding, covered with grass, gravel, wood or bark. Pavilions at the intersection of roads.

Individual elements can be elegant benches, large stones, flowerpots on a leg, elevated flower beds. The sophistication of the English style is emphasized by classical sculptures, but no more than two.

Exquisite benches and sculptures in the English style

Japanese style in cottage design

The Japanese have a peculiar, philosophical view of nature. Simple compositions, the main elements of which are stones, plants and water, have a special, hidden meaning.

Stones play a big role in the design of a summer cottage in the Japanese style.

It is noteworthy that the Japanese style is applicable to the allotment of absolutely any size. Even on a summer cottage with an area of ​​​​1 weave, you can fully realize the idea (see photo).

To implement the idea with your own hands, just 1 weave is enough

Japanese style is absolute asymmetry, variation in shapes, color and texture. The chosen direction is emphasized by stone paths, streams, ponds, bridges and fountains.

Decoration should be done on each individual zone, and then combined. Self-developed design and hand-made ideas will take on even more meaningful meaning.

The photo shows a plot in Japanese design.

French style of land allotment design

For owners of small sunny summer cottages, it is worth thinking about decorating in the French style. Even 1 weave is enough to create it. On a large area, this idea will look even less attractive.

It is easy to create a French courtyard with your own hands at your own summer cottage

It is not difficult to create a cozy French patio at your dacha with your own hands. A mandatory element is a lawn of the correct form, through which the path to the house passes, and ornamental plants along the perimeter. The trees are predominantly fruit trees. Paths made of old brick or stones with a small side on the sides.

Near the house - a paved area of ​​sandstone or old bricks. High beds with vegetables and spices, framed by wicker fences.

Old bricks and stones are essential elements of French style

The design of the fence should contain old bricks. Supports entwined with vines emphasize the sophistication of the French style.

The embodiment of high-tech style at their summer cottage

Hi-tech is a modern approach to the design of a summer residence. Style involves the use of the latest materials, unusual plants and the most daring ideas. The advantages of this landscape design are: ease of maintenance and the possibility of using it on an area of ​​any size.

Pictured is a hi-tech cottage

Even a narrow area can be dressed in high-tech style. The main thing is that it has sunny zones, and the shape resembles a geometric figure.

Hi-tech is a great idea for a narrow suburban area

Style requirements: contrast, creativity of ideas, use of glass, metal, modern composites and carefully crafted wood. Spectacular lighting - visible and hidden, in any color and in any place. Unusually designed ponds.

Spectacular high-tech lighting

In general, the site resembles a studio apartment, where there is no clear demarcation into zones. Paths - straight, zigzag or regular round shape. Light colors predominate in the design of the landscape. Accent elements are usually red, black, yellow or orange. Examples are in the photo.

Fantasy - do-it-yourself cottage for dreamers

On a large summer cottage, you can embody a less popular, and therefore a particularly attractive fantasy style. It contains landscape design ideas related to the remnants of past civilizations. This is a combination of chivalry and mystical mysteries of ancestors, a combination of romance and the bewitching beauty of nature.

To implement the idea with your own hands, a plot of more than 8 acres with partial shading is perfect. Possibly on a slope.

Style attributes - stone fences and compositions, dense plantings, overgrown reservoirs and streams, winding paths, forest trees, bizarrely shaped driftwood, vertical gardening. In architecture - turrets and lattices. Do not forget about circular shapes, dangling paths and hidden areas.

Minimalism - simple and expressive

Pictured is a minimalist garden

It is quite difficult to do it yourself without special training, because from the minimum set of elements you need to create a complete picture. But it is the easiest to maintain and is suitable for both a plot of 1 weave and 12 acres.

The style of minimalism is an abundance of paving (using large slabs), ponds with cascades, steps, paths of simple shapes, clear forms of all elements, level differences, a minimum of details, a restrained color palette. A large patio is a must. Photos will help you determine the strict requirements of this direction.

Minimalist do-it-yourself courtyard

Country style at their summer cottage - rest of the soul

Country style, or rural, is cheerfulness, brightness, simplicity and naturalness. Making this type is easy to do with your own hands, as it does not have clear restrictions.

Rural design of a summer cottage - a simple idea for do-it-yourself implementation

But care must subsequently be timely, otherwise the site will become chaotic and untidy. The size of the plot does not matter.

Country style is suitable for a site of any size

Probably, ideas for creating a rural style in the country come intuitively. Who has not seen the Russian village? This is the absence of lawns, lush and bright flower beds, a rich vegetable garden, wooden or wicker fences, smooth paths covered with wood, bark or gravel and framed by curbs, small ponds.

Bright flowers are a must

Alpine style - a successful design of a summer residence on a slope

The site, which can be decorated with your own hands in the Alpine style, should be located on a natural slope and well lit by the sun. The minimum size is 3 acres. Such a landscape looks very picturesque and conducive to a good rest.

Do-it-yourself summer cottage in Alpine style

The task of this direction in landscape design is the repetition of mountain landscapes. Mandatory elements: large and small stones and all kinds of compositions from them, waterfalls and streams, winding paths, terraces, platforms, steps, bridges.

Landscape idea reminiscent of a mountain landscape

The house is usually located at the highest point. It should form a single complex with other buildings on the site. The color range of plantings is predominantly light with many bright inclusions.

The house is located on the highest point

A dacha on a flat plot is an excellent springboard for the implementation of individual ideas taken from the Alpine style. Rock gardens, rockeries and flower streams will be the perfect decoration for individual zones. You can find many similar ideas on the Internet to make them your own on your site.

Pictured rock garden
Oriental style for a small cottage

The idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdecoration in an oriental style is easy to apply on your site, which has an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than 6 acres, preferably 2 or 3. This will allow you to create a cheerful corner with your own hands. A well-suited allotment with a close location of buildings, well flooded with sunlight. Oriental style is easy to implement in a narrow area.

Mosaic is an important element of oriental style in landscape design.

We have introduced you to the most popular do-it-yourself dacha design styles. Landscape ideas, photos of which are posted in the article, will help you create your own "paradise" in your own country house. What are weaving plants for garden and garden decor

  • Tired of the city fuss and worries, many people tend to leave to live outside the city. Clean air, outdoor recreation, new leisure, improved health - all this will be given by the dacha. You can spend time at the dacha on weekends and holidays, vacations and summers, and in old age you can live at any time of the year. A dacha is not only a small plot of land, but also a second home for a family. And in order for people at their summer cottage to feel cozy and comfortable, the surrounding space should look organic, beautiful, well-groomed.

    Therefore, the owners of the cottage are wondering how to decorate their site beautifully and what to do for this. To decorate the dacha, you can attract garden designers and florists who will turn the dacha into a blooming paradise. But you can decorate the summer cottage with your own hands, where every corner will breathe love.

    They start decorating the dacha by determining the areas that will be decorated with various object compositions and flowers.

    Then choose the landscape style in which the summer cottage will be decorated.

    Making a garden plot is an endless process, where each person shows all his creative potential. After a while, the most important condition for preserving the created beauty will be the care of flower arrangements and the renewal of decorative elements.

    How to decorate a summer cottage?

    Before proceeding with the design of a summer cottage, it is necessary to assess how much work is to be done and how all key compositions will be located.

    It is also worth paying attention to such features of the territory as:

    1. The soil.
    2. climatic location.
    3. The shape of the plot (rectangular, oval or polygonal).
    4. proximity to groundwater.

    After considering these features, they begin to select plants for planting in the backyard, decorate summer cottages and implement the planned work.

    In the summer cottage there are many places that can be decorated in an original way. This is a house, and fences and gazebos, paths, a garden and a front garden. Even a playground in the country is an interesting place for decor.

    In the country, you can plant flower paths, create beautiful flower beds, a hedge of shrubs, waterfalls among greenery, and implement other ideas. Various decorative elements such as stones, branches, glassware, old things will turn the cottage into a great place to live.

    Consider what places are most popular for decoration and how to decorate a garden plot with flowers.


    The central element of any cottage will be a house. It is with him that the decoration of the summer cottage begins. They decorate the walls of the house, windows, stairs, using hanging decor items.

    The most commonly used vertical gardening of the walls of the house. Vertical decoration involves the creation of beds under the window of the house and trellises. Climbing plants are chosen for planting.

    The panel on the wall follows the vertical gardening. A wooden panel with unusual flower pots in the form of shoes and animals is a bright accent. The panels are also decorated with interesting tree branches, mosaics, and even plates.

    The roof of the house and the porch are decorated with hanging objects - flower pots of various shapes, attached to a reliable ribbon or rope, a flower chandelier. On the stairs leading from the porch, objects with flowers are placed.

    front garden

    The front garden is the territory of the summer cottage, located between the house and the exit to the street. For the front garden, the size of the area is important. The larger the area, the easier it is to decorate it.

    Before answering the question of how to arrange a front garden, it is necessary to consider what types of front gardens are.

    There are 2 types.

    1. Open and closed.

    open- not having fences with the street after leaving the house, except for the sidewalk or curb;

    Closed- having a zone of demarcation with the street in the form of a fence, fence or hedge.

    2. Small and large.

    Any front garden in front of the house is filled with flowers and shrubs, decorated with garden figures, compositions in the form of a rock garden, mills, waterfalls. Flowers in the front garden are arranged in the form of flower beds and fill the space between them with paths and decor items.

    The paths in the front garden help to properly divide the space and are able to visually enlarge a small area. This also contributes to the volumetric design of the flower bed.

    When choosing flowers and plants for the front porch, houses are guided by their simplicity and unpretentiousness in care. Flowers are planted so that some fade, others bloom. Early flowers in the front garden are hyacinths and primroses. Marigolds, begonias and petunias are favorites of many gardeners and bloom throughout the summer. Later flowers are asters and gladioli.

    Closed front gardens are made out with the help of various fences and fences, but the front gardens behind the hedge look more interesting.

    Fences, hedges and fences

    Fences, hedges and fences are used not only in the design of the front garden, but also for landscape decoration and delimitation of areas of the garden plot.

    If it is necessary to decorate small areas of the dacha with these fences, then interesting fences can be created from improvised means and materials. For example, to decorate a small flower bed, you can use glass bottles of an unusual shape.

    If it is necessary to protect the landscape area from children, then dense materials of a certain height are used. For example, a playground can be surrounded by a 50 cm wooden fence, decorating the fence with watering cans with grown flowers.

    Also used as fences for zoning:

    • fence;
    • tree fellings;
    • stone ramparts;
    • driftwood;
    • metal objects;
    • green spaces.

    Interesting flower pots, flowering paths along fences, panels of plants, climbing plants (honeysuckle, ivy, hops) can serve as decorations for fences and fences. Such fences and fences look fresh and original. But the most beautiful decoration of the site will be a green hedge.


    Instead of fences and fences, hedges are used for landscape zoning and framing of plots. It is good to emphasize the line of paths with a fence, to hide buildings in the garden from the view of strangers.

    A do-it-yourself hedge in the country house will please the eye for years. What plants are suitable for the formation of such a living fence? Climbing and deciduous plants, bushes, herbaceous perennials and conifers, flowers are suitable for hedges.

    See what types of hedges can be planted in the garden:

    A hedge is formed from purchased or planted plants. In the case of buying ready-made planting material, for example, arborvitae, the hedge is simply planted along the intended line. And in the future, it will only need pruning and care. With self-planting, the formation of a hedge can take several years.

    An interesting master class on creating a hedge of hydrangea flowers is shown in the video:

    Decoration of a summer cottage with flowers

    The main plants that will delight the gaze of the summer resident are, of course, flowers. It is the flowers that will be the main decoration of many areas of the garden plot. In addition to the usual planting of flowers, flower beds and flower beds look the most advantageous and beautiful.

    Annual, biennial and perennial plants are planted in flower beds and flower beds. The following plants are good options for planting:

    • early flowering hyacinths, tulips;
    • light-loving petunias, roses, phloxes;
    • shade-loving pansies, lilies of the valley, forget-me-nots;
    • perennial flowers irises, peonies.
    • perennial ornamental plants tansy, yarrow, sage.

    Some options for decorating flower beds with flowers are shown in the photo. But the creation of a flower bed depends on the imagination of the owners of the cottage. The main thing is to understand the varieties of flower beds design.

    Types of flower beds

    There are irregular and regular types of flower beds.

    Irregular flower beds- do not have a strict form and design rules, flowers can bloom without changing seasons. As a rule, annual flowers of various shades are planted on such a flower bed - asters, marigolds, petunias.

    Regular flower beds- These are flower beds of geometric shapes with annual, perennial, bulbous flowers that need constant care to maintain their original shape. Such flower beds are popular in large courtyards of private houses, in summer cottages of more than 18 hectares.

    Varieties of irregular flower beds are:

    • Mixborder - has an irregular shape, blooms all season due to the correct planting of annuals and perennials, low bushes; often have a given center with framed edges. A beautiful mixborder will be a flower garden with a bush in the middle, framed by verbena, geranium and clematis.
    • A rockery is a flower bed framed with stones with compositions of waterfalls, streams, small ponds and fountains. Rockeries are often created to decorate garden paths. Bluebell, primrose, violet and low growing flowers will do well in rockeries.
    • Vertical flower beds are compact flower beds, the location of which allows them to be placed in small summer cottages. To create a flower garden, any vertical surface is used, such as a gazebo in the garden. The most popular flower beds are picket fence flower beds. Begonia, nasturtium, petunia are some of the main flowers in such a flower bed.

    Varieties of regular flower beds to decorate the garden and summer cottage:

    • Arabesques are small flower beds in the form of an ornament or pattern. In summer cottages, arabesques in the form of butterflies, stars and birds are popular.
    • Borders are rows of flowers along some landscape areas. Borders decorate trees, lawns, garden paths and even beds.
    • Rabatki are rectangular flower beds that are planted along the paths in the garden of the correct form or near the fences.

    The style chosen for the garden plot will affect the design of flower beds throughout the territory. What styles can you choose for a summer residence?

    Today, a dacha is not just a garden with a house. Nowadays, the dacha becomes a place of summer recreation. And any vacation implies a beautiful and cozy environment, so that everything around us pleases our eyes.

    Therefore, in recent years, the fashion for the creative design of your summer cottage has been gaining more and more strength. Moreover, decorating flower beds is not the only possible direction for ennobling your dacha. There are a huge number of photos with ideas for giving. But the M.Art company offers only modern types of landscaping using the latest technologies.

    It is possible and necessary to decorate the territory of the dacha with improvised means: old things, unused furniture, parts from cars, and the like.

    Thus, you will not only get rid of trash and decorate the cottage, but also enjoy and satisfaction from the work done.

    We will tell you in detail below about the best ideas for giving your own hands.

    craft ideas

    In the decor of the site from improvised means, your main assistant should be your imagination. For example, plastic bottles can become both an original flower bed and guiding paths.

    In addition, it is easy to create animals and birds from bottles and decorate your territory with them. Ordinary stones are also a good material for decoration. They are often used to frame their own pond.

    Car tires have long been the best flower beds, but now they have learned to make swans and other animals from them.

    Ideas for children's play areas

    Dacha is a family place, and if so, then it is necessary to provide rest not only for adults, but also for children. And best of all, children will have their own play area.

    If you have large trees growing on your site, they are well suited for creating a swing. Creating sandboxes, treehouses and slides: here is an incomplete list of interesting ideas for giving in a children's play area.

    original fence

    If a person is first evaluated by clothes, then dachas are judged by a fence. And the more unusual the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdecorating the fence, the more impressive the guests will be.

    You don't need anything supernatural to give your fence its own face: just paint and imagination.

    By cutting out stencils of pictures, and then transferring them to the fence, you can achieve impressive results. Any picture made to scale can become a stencil, it's just up to your taste and patience in coloring.

    Flowerbed - the best decoration for a summer residence

    One of the oldest, but never out of fashion, country decor solutions are flower beds. The original flower bed contains not only an unusual containing vessel (be it a tire, a cart wheel, a jug or a home-made container of a non-standard shape), but also the flowers that grow on it.

    Therefore, it is necessary that the coloring of the flower bed is one composition with the planted flowers.

    In addition, the flowers themselves show how they are looked after, and serve as an indicator of the diligence of the summer resident and his love for his garden.

    Scarecrows are an original idea for giving. They are used by very few summer residents due to the stereotype of their use as a scarecrow. However, if you use the original decor in creating a scarecrow and not limit yourself to the standard scarecrow figure, you get a very unusual and eye-catching country decoration.


    Decoration of the place of rest

    In the summer, coming to the dacha, you want not to hump in the garden, but to relax in the fresh air. Therefore, the more comfortable and beautiful you arrange a place for rest on the site, the more pleasant it will be there.

    You can place a lot of things in the recreation area, for example, your own pond. It is not difficult to make it, it is enough to dig a hole in size, cover it with a material that does not allow water to pass through (polyethylene will do), and decorate it beautifully with stones on the sides, then fill it with water - the pond is ready!

    Also now they often arrange a barbecue area, gazebos in summer cottages, you can hang a hammock from a tree. Garden tiles for transitions greatly change the impression of ordinary walks around the site.

    Some people prefer outdoor activities. For them, the installation of sports equipment in the country will be very to their liking - you can put a horizontal bar, bars and rings - we get a mini-gym in the fresh air.

    How to decorate your site is up to you. With great imagination and due perseverance, the summer cottage is quite capable of even becoming John Tolkien's "hobby hole"! Or another fabulous corner, good luck!

    Photo ideas for a summer cottage with your own hands


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