Decorative wall stucco molding made of polyurethane birds. History of stucco decoration

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The use of facade stucco allows even the most ordinary buildings to give a completely exclusive look, and the cost of such a transformation is affordable for many owners of country houses. You can choose the design of the building yourself, or you can turn to designers for help - the second option is preferable when decorating large prestigious buildings.

Depending on the form and purpose, facade stucco molding is divided into the following types.

  1. Pilasters and columns. Most often they are mounted at the entrance groups, sometimes they are installed on large open balconies. During installation, they must necessarily rest against the surface; they are extremely rarely installed in a suspended position. For installation, it is recommended to involve professional builders; it is very difficult to do the work yourself without practical skills.

  2. Arches, moldings, cornices. Elements serve to decorate door or window openings. Not the most difficult type of stucco, self-installation is possible.

  3. Bas-reliefs and decorative panels. Installed above the canopies of entrance doors, they can be used to decorate the facade walls of the second floor. Such work can be performed independently, does not require much knowledge, cost and effort. Problems may arise when finishing the facades of multi-storey cottages. For installation, you will have to specially install scaffolding, it is advisable to work with an assistant.

  4. Handrails and balustrades. They have a universal use, they can be installed both on balconies and near the central entrance doors. This type of stucco molding is made only of concrete, gypsum or foam plastic elements are not used on facades.

Stucco molding can decorate all walls or individual architectural elements. Modern technologies make it possible to produce facade stucco moldings from materials that differ in physical and price parameters. Each of them has its pros and cons.

Table. Advantages and disadvantages of materials for the manufacture of facade stucco.

Material namePositive sidesNegative sides

The material does not have a harmful effect on the environment, in terms of physical strength it occupies an average place. Gypsum has high manufacturability - the cost of products is reduced, the possibilities of sculptors are expanding. The relatively small mass allows the use of simplified technologies during the fixation of stucco on the facade walls.High hygroscopicity is the main drawback of gypsum. Another problem is fragility. With slight impact forces, the plaster crumbles or cracks, the figures have to be repaired. To protect against moisture penetration, it is necessary to use modern impregnations and protective coatings. Mounting on open facade walls is highly not recommended, it is better to install in places that have protection from atmospheric precipitation.

The lightest, in most cases it is fixed only on adhesives with high adhesion to building materials. For the manufacture of stucco moldings from polymers, grades with small air bubbles are used, due to this, strength is slightly increased. In terms of cost, they belong to the cheapest segment.Very low strength. In this regard, such stucco molding is recommended to be installed at a height, in places that minimize the risk of mechanical damage. Another drawback is that for unknown reasons, birds really like the foam, and therefore no precautions will save the stucco molding from damage.

The most durable, beautiful and durable products. Most often they have classical forms and motifs. The service life is calculated in many tens of years.The most expensive stucco, has a large mass and requires special construction measures during installation. The production technology is complex; only large companies with modern equipment and highly professional specialists can produce such stucco moldings.

Stucco molding can be bought ready-made or made independently. But in all cases, the surface must be further processed. How to improve the appearance of decorative elements?

  1. Painting and varnishing. You can use the classic method - paint products to match the color of the facade walls. If you want to experiment, use contrasting colors. Stucco covered with patina looks original, you can imitate gilding, make various textures on surfaces.

  2. Wax. This method can be used to protect gypsum and concrete stucco from moisture penetration. Wax not only protects the decor, but also adds shine to the surfaces. The cover will last for many years. In the warm period, wax can independently tighten microcracks, which increases the life of the stucco molding.

  3. Artificial aging. Liquid gypsum with mineral dyes is applied to the surface. A hard brush with a long pile is used - the effect of cracks is created, to increase the effect of antiquity in some places the surface can be wiped a little with a rag. Work requires practical experience, if you do not have it, then you should first practice.

    Another way to decorate stucco is patination, i.e., artificial aging of stucco elements to give them an exquisite decorative effect.

  4. "Watercolor" wet effect. A second layer with new colors is applied to the main layer of not dried paint. The boundary between them blurs, both colors are visible on the stucco. To enhance the effect, the second layer can be applied with foam rubber.


Inside the paints there are microscopic capsules with paint of a different color. During application, the capsules burst, creating a marble texture on the surface.

Work only in the dark when exposed to artificial light. The colors reflect light, creating a mesmerizing glow effect.

Due to special microscopic additives, the paint reflects different colors depending on the viewing angle. Stucco has the effect of "chameleon", while the play of colors is almost never repeated.

On a note! We do not recommend making stucco molding on your own. This is a long and rather difficult matter. Instead of the desired savings, you can get continuous losses and a waste of time. It is much more profitable to purchase ready-made stucco molding, since today the choice is huge. A wide range allows you to create facades of houses of any style.

As for the finishing decorative finish, this is not only possible, but also necessary. Stucco molding is sold with an untreated surface, it is necessary to independently select paints and coating technologies.

Important! Due to the fact that the facade stucco molding is placed in the open air, you should be very careful about its installation. Consider step by step installation instructions.

Prices for finished facades made of gypsum stucco

Installation of stucco on facade walls

Remember that stucco that has fallen from the facade is often beyond repair. In addition, re-installation is costly in time and money. It is much more profitable to immediately take the whole range of measures to ensure high-quality installation, to fully comply with the recommended technologies and materials.

Step 1. Choose specific types of stucco and its location. Here, in principle, there can be no universal advice; each house owner makes decisions on his own or after talking with professional architects and designers. We remind you once again that you need to be very careful with gypsum stucco, its use for facade decoration is limited.

Preparation of decorative elements (in this case, from polystyrene foam)

Important! When choosing a design style for facade walls, take into account not only the decor indicators, but also the load-bearing characteristics of the walls. If the facades are not very durable, then it is recommended to use light foam moldings, if the facades are brick or stone with concrete plaster, then elements from any materials will do. It goes without saying that stucco can only be installed on cement-sand plaster or facade bricks.

Step 2 Prepare the façade. Clean the surface of the wall from dust and dirt, check the linearity of the plane. The difference in height should not exceed 2 mm per linear meter. If the wall does not meet the requirements, then the area on which the stucco will be installed must be leveled. It is not necessary to complete the entire wall, this does not affect the quality of installation, fix problems only in those areas to which the stucco will be fixed. Level the wall with a spatula, use coarse-grained dry plasters for outdoor use. The more roughness the wall surface under the stucco molding has, the higher the bonding strength.

Professional recommendation. Inexperienced builders often have problems at the junction of the new mixture with the old one - it turns out to be stepped. This immediately catches the eye and worsens the appearance of the facade. In order to make the joint invisible, wipe it with a damp washcloth until the mortar sets. Movement should be light, towards a clean wall. Make sure that a thin layer of cement-sand plaster does not lose moisture very quickly. For chemical reactions to occur, cement requires water, otherwise it becomes fragile, a thin layer of new plaster will fall off in the winter. As a result, an extraordinary repair of the facade wall. If the marriage is low, there are few problems, and if the plaster has fallen off at a considerable height, then you will have to suffer.

Step 3 Make accurate markings of installation locations. The markup depends on the size / type of stucco and its location. Above in the article we have already talked about different types of products, decide on the placement of each of them. If you are mounting long flat structures, then for marking it is better to use a special rope with blue (with the help of such a rope, lines are beaten off on the surface of the wall along the outer perimeter of the stucco molding). Carefully check the position, use the level. After drawing the lines, step back a little from the building and inspect the wall from afar. In this way, you can check the correctness of the markup.

The next step is marking the installation locations.

Important! Pay close attention to the angles, they should all be exactly 90 °. Otherwise, there will be big problems during the installation of the side elements; only professional craftsmen can carefully connect them at different angles. Stucco molding is a rather expensive material, if the first time you can’t make the right cuts, then you will have to discard the piece and buy a new one.

Step 4 Start fixing those elements that do not have a bottom stop. Most often these are window sills. In the future, the following elements will hold on to them, the structure will become solid. In order for the stucco molding not to spontaneously fall down along the line during the curing of the glue, make several stops. It can be ordinary nails or dowels, the specific choice depends on the material of the facade wall.

Step 5 Take measurements of the lower cornice, saw off the ends at an angle of 45 °. For work it is better to use a chair. Styrofoam stucco is perfectly sawn with an ordinary hacksaw with fine teeth or a metal blade. If you have a hand-held electric saw, great, the work will go much faster, and the quality of the cut will improve significantly. By the way, modern saw models have a table with an indication of the cutting angle - installation is greatly simplified and accelerated.

Step 6 Prepare glue to fix the stucco molding to the wall, most often ceramic tile mass is used for this purpose, but you can also buy special solutions. During the preparation of the mixture, exactly follow the recommendations of the manufacturers, a violation of the technology has a negative effect on adhesion.

Step 7 Using a comb trowel, carefully apply the adhesive to the back of the molding and the wall. If the weather is very warm, then the wall section must first be moistened with water.

Step 8 Press the stucco molding against the wall as tightly as possible, remove the protruding glue with a clean clean spatula. Make sure that the bottom edge rests on the nails and the stucco does not slip.

Step 9 Attach the top of the decor to the wall, mark the cutting points at an angle of 45 °. Make a cut on a chair. If you do not have a factory one, then you can make the device yourself. To do this, you need several pieces of even edged boards or plywood. Connect them with the letter P, make cuts at 45 ° in two directions in the side faces.

Step 10 Prepare the side elements in the same way.

Step 11 Connect all the elements, press firmly and hold in this state for a while. Remove any excess that has come out.

Step 12 To increase the strength of the fastening, it is recommended to fix the stucco molding with dowels in several places. To do this, drill holes in the elements and the wall, fix the dowels, and seal the visible holes with silicone.

Prices for building levels

Building levels

Important! Remember that some brands of silicone may shrink during curing, do not rush to immediately paint the surfaces of the stucco molding. If small indentations appear, then they should be re-sealed with silicone. After complete gluing of the stucco, you can remove the lower support stops, and close up the holes in the wall using the usual method.

Wide gaps between individual elements can be sealed with mounting foam. Before that, clean them of dust and moisten them a little. Blow the foam into the gap, allow time to harden. Next, cut off the protruding part with a sharp mounting knife, level the surface with silicone.

On a note! We talked about the easiest way to attach stucco over window openings. The technology of fixing other types of fundamental differences does not have, only the location of the decorative elements changes.

Video - Installing window details (facade decor)

Features of the installation of facade gypsum stucco

It is not recommended to use it for decoration of facades. If you have such a desire, then you need to protect the surfaces as much as possible from the penetration of precipitation. When freezing, wet products will definitely crack. If you do not want to use waterproof, but cheap and fragile foam moldings, then it is better to lose more money and purchase concrete or polymer concrete products.

Gypsum stucco molding is much heavier than foam plastic, such material properties make certain adjustments to the installation technology.

  1. Gypsum stucco must be installed only on a solid bearing base, facade walls must be plastered with cement-sand mortar. Tap them, check for voids. If in some places a “drum” sound was found, the plaster peeled off. These areas must be removed and a new layer of plaster applied. Further work on the installation of stucco can be continued only after the final hardening of the solution.

  2. For better grip on the surface, it is recommended to make furrows or shallow recesses. You can work with a chisel with a hammer, a puncher or a grinder with a diamond blade. Use the last option last, it has many disadvantages. Firstly, the width of the cut grooves does not allow the adhesive mixture to fill them completely, as a result, the efficiency is significantly reduced. Secondly, it is very difficult to remove dust from the furrows, and its presence reduces the adhesion coefficient to almost zero values. Thirdly, the dust from the grinder settles on the wall and all architectural elements, you will have to waste time cleaning.
  3. The reverse side of the gypsum elements must be leveled and dust carefully removed. Work very carefully, remember that plaster moldings that have fallen from the facade cannot be restored. And many elements can be made manually in a single copy, which greatly complicates the restoration of the original appearance of the facade of the building.
  4. The gypsum surface does not have the necessary strength and crumbles easily. To improve performance, it must be impregnated at least twice with special deep penetration primers. The penetration depth is at least 2 mm.

  5. To fix the elements, use only special adhesives. They are prepared from PVA lei, water and gypsum. Gypsum grades G10 or G7, proportions - 40% glue and 60% gypsum, water is added as needed, the consistency of the mass should resemble thick sour cream. The use of dowels is mandatory, the holes from under the hardware are sealed with prepared glue.

    Prices for various types of gypsum plaster

    Gypsum plaster

A wall finished with plaster, depending on the type of material, may have a different texture, color, look modest and discreet or, on the contrary, very expensive. - This is one of the types of decorative surface finishes. It is used for various purposes, including for finishing facades.

Concrete products must necessarily have a stop; they are not fixed to the facade walls in a suspended state. If the concrete stucco molding is large, then during the installation of individual parts, building reinforcement is used to increase the strength of the fixation.

Video - Installation of facade stucco

One of the oldest elements of interior decoration inside houses and exterior facades is decorative stucco molding. If earlier it decorated the houses of wealthy nobles and was made mainly of marble and other natural stones in the form of monumental columns with bizarre patterns, now these are completely different products, represented by various forms, purposes and materials. If you are interested in these decorative elements, and you are at a loss what decorative stucco to choose, check out the information provided in this article. We hope it will help you make your choice.

Modern stucco and materials for its manufacture

As in the changeable fashion that periodically returns old long-forgotten styles of clothing, today interest in interior decoration of the interior space of dwellings with decorative stucco has returned. It is a three-dimensional elements of repeating patterns or different shapes that make up ensembles of different interior styles. Classically, plaster or gypsum served as the main material for the manufacture of stucco. This decor was mainly used for interior walls and ceilings, since gypsum stucco needs constant care and is afraid of moisture. To decorate the facades, stucco is made from special concrete and covered with a protective polymer film, after applying a primer to the surface. Such products can be used not only outside the room, but also decorate wet rooms: showers, pools, bathrooms, etc.

Over time, the process of making stucco has improved. Special forms began to be used for the production of individual elements of patterns, which were then combined into a single decorative product. The use of modern technologies in the manufacture of stucco elements made it possible not only to simplify the work of art masters, to expand the range of products, but also to lighten their weight. Now decorative stucco is made from the following materials:

  • gypsum;
  • polystyrene;
  • polyurethane;
  • duropolymer.

Stucco made of polystyrene

Stucco elements, the material of which is polystyrene, are produced by extrusion, which consists in forcing a hot viscous mass into a shaping hole. In this way, a shape is created according to the given parameters and sizes, so many identical elements of decorative stucco can be made. These products are light in weight, have flexibility and are not afraid of moisture. They are easily mounted on any surface and have a long service life without losing visual appeal.

plaster molding

Gypsum is a natural material obtained from rock by crushing it. Its variety is alabaster, which has a smaller fraction. By adding water, fillers and pigment dye to gypsum powder or alabaster, dough is prepared, which is the raw material for stucco molding. Decorative plaster moldings are made by casting in special molds. They have considerable weight and are distinguished by their fragility. Given the simplicity of technology and low cost, such elements are widespread in various interior styles.

Decorative stucco made of polyurethane

Environmental friendliness and good technological qualities of polyurethane attracted the attention of manufacturers of decor products. The high density of this material is achieved through a manufacturing process that includes placing the components foamed as a result of the reaction under high pressure in special forms. Decorative polyurethane stucco molding is lighter than gypsum, not prone to cracking and moisture absorption, has plasticity and is well attached to the surface of walls and ceilings with glue or light dowels. Paint adheres well to such a decor, which does not affect the quality of the surface. Therefore, products can be painted repeatedly, experimenting with shades and giving the surface the texture of stone or wood.

Decorative stucco made of duropolymer

Duropolymer moldings are a kind of polystyrene decorations. They are produced using the same technology, including hot mass extrusion. Only charcoal is added to the composition of the raw materials to the components of polystyrene. That is why this material is much denser than polystyrene and has a high degree of impact strength. Such stucco looks especially impressive after painting under wood. When painting the surface, its additional protection is simultaneously created.

colored stucco

A new direction of finishing decor is colored stucco molding. Basically, the color is given to polystyrene and its variety, duropolymer. To do this, choose materials with a high density index. Products made of plaster and alabaster are also often covered in different colors.

A characteristic feature of the design of such stucco is the detailed drawing of the pattern and texture. Styling for gold or silver is especially often used. Giving with the help of coloring the look of the texture of expensive natural stones or the texture of wood, they achieve an exquisite look of expensive decor with a minimum of costs.

Often gypsum stucco , used today , tinted with a special varnish (shellac). At the same time, it acquires a terracotta tone of color. If gypsum dyed with silver is then impregnated with hot drying oil, then it takes on the appearance of a noble expensive metal.

Varieties of decorative stucco by type of form and purpose

Stucco decor is used to decorate walls, ceilings, door and window openings, window sills, bar counters and columns.

Depending on the purpose, these products have different shapes and sizes.

The variety of stucco decoration products on the construction market amazes not only ordinary buyers, but also experienced designers.

To understand their purpose, you must know the name of the main elements of stucco decoration, which include:

  • elements for walls: panels, panels, consoles, sockets, capitals;
  • universal elements: baguette, inserts, domes, moldings, columns, pilasters;
  • ceiling elements: ceiling beams and skirting boards, corner elements;
  • elements for windows and doorways: arches, cornices, platbands, window sills and corner elements.

Cornices serve to decorate the joints between the ceiling and walls. By installing such elements and other stucco on the ceiling, you can visually make it higher.

Door and window openings are decorated platbands and overlay panels. Their decor is selected according to the design style of the room. The design option for the ceiling with cornices and the doorway with the help of skirting boards and relief beams and capitals is shown in the photo:

Rosettes usually decorate holes for attaching chandeliers to the ceiling surface, but they can also be used as independent decorative elements.

The photo shows the ceiling design. On such a socket, decorating the fasteners of the chandelier, the main emphasis is made:

By using baguette decorate the walls, framing decorative panels and paintings (pictured):

Looks great indoors decorative columns from stucco, giving it visually additional height:

Today, using all types of decorative stucco, presented in a huge assortment, you can decorate the interior in any design style from Baroque to Empire.

When choosing design options for a modern interior, we rarely consider such a finishing option as stucco molding, since we consider it suitable only for classic interiors. At the same time, this very beautiful and spectacular way of decor is fully consistent with the norms of modern styles. Beautiful stucco in a modern interior. 35 photos of design ideas. Even in interiors whose finish meets the requirements of minimalism or hi-tech, stucco molding on the wall in the interior, if used correctly, can become a detail that is perceived no less organically than glass panels or metal furniture.

Beautiful interior stucco is a great way to decorate

Of course, such an obligatory type of decoration as decorative stucco molding in the interior should look completely different in a modern setting than in interiors decorated in baroque or classicism styles. First of all, it is necessary to give all the elements of this decor rigor and eliminate the feeling of clumsiness. When using stucco, do not forget that it will look great not only on the ceiling, but also on the walls. Combine wall and ceiling decoration with a common pattern and give preference to plain patterns. Gilding or silvering of stucco is acceptable in exceptional cases and must be justified by the presence of other decorative elements of a similar color: furniture or overall accessories. Stucco molding in the interior photo:

Light ceiling decor and wall panels

An almost unmistakable design option is a composition of very delicate stucco on the ceiling and a barely noticeable relief pattern on the wall panels. The panels can be supplemented with small built-in lamps or mirrors, and the ceiling with a narrow plinth.

Watch the video: Stucco molding in a modern interior. 35 photos of design ideas

Focus on the top of the room

In a high room, stucco molding is quite appropriate in interior design, providing for a delicate ceiling pattern and a more saturated three-dimensional pattern framing the upper part of the door and window openings. Moldings will look good on the walls, emphasizing the non-random choice of such a design. Stucco molding in the interior photo:

We use moldings and panels of non-standard configuration

Traditionally, wall-mounted gypsum panels with a vertical arrangement are installed at a height of 1.5 meters. But in a high-tech or modernist interior, an experiment is also quite appropriate, assuming that the panels will be at any height, their arrangement of a beautiful interior with stucco will become horizontal, and the shape will change beyond recognition and begin to resemble any geometric figure. Naturally, this decision will also affect the arrangement of furniture, but in a room with a minimum number of furnishings, this design option will create a feeling of completeness and remove the question of the need for any other items.

Stucco molding with functional load

Decorative stucco molding in the interior can be not only part of the decor, but also have a functional value. Shelves or even tables made of plaster, attached to the wall, are actively used in a minimalist interior. With the help of stucco, you can also correct the shortcomings of the room by hiding an uneven surface behind the molding or, by specially rounding the corner and supplementing it with a three-dimensional pattern, make it suitable for placing a sofa with a rounded back, which will immediately bring interesting features to the interior. Stucco molding in the interior photo:

Stucco molding to create the necessary color

When creating an interior with a Greek, Roman or Mediterranean flavor, stucco molding is used not only for ceilings, but also for pilasters, recommended by designers as a great alternative to columns that do not always fit into the decor of an ordinary standard apartment.

Creating Connecting Lines

Stucco on the wall in the interior - vertical lines coming from the floor and connecting with horizontal ones on the ceiling not only decorate the room, but also allow it to be divided into several living areas, which is especially important in open planning. So that this decor does not look overloaded with lines, make the volumetric stripes wide enough, but located at a considerable distance from each other. With a similar finish in large rooms, you can enter into the interior and arches, including in their design the same stucco pattern as the lines. Stucco molding in the interior photo:

Stucco molding in interior design - when choosing the final appearance of your walls, many components of the future interior should be taken into account, including the color of the floor, the color of doors, trim and skirting boards, the color of the window and the color of the ceiling. It is also important to take into account the color of the chandelier and the color of the door handles and window handles. Ideally, the color of the floor wood, doors, skirting boards and trim should be the same. Stucco molding in the interior photo:

That is, if you have chosen oak parquet or laminate, then the doors must be matched to the color of the oak floor, the platbands and skirting boards must also have an oak texture and the color of the oak doors and platbands. Different tones in the color or texture of the floor wood, doors, platbands and skirting boards will negatively affect the design of the room and are unacceptable in a classic design.

Here one must be attentive to the colors of oak, the discrepancies in the color of oak (as well as beech or other wood) are significant. It is also quite difficult to choose the same colors for rare wood species - acacia, hornbeam, cherry, pear, etc. As a rule, when selling these doors, platbands of the same color are also offered. But the price of the kit increases significantly.

Beautiful interior moldings, skirting boards (especially plastic, with cable channels) will have to be selected independently at specialized stands of skirting board sellers. The simplest solution is light beech doors or darker oak doors. These doors look familiar to the eye and choosing skirting boards and trims for them is quite simple - sales of oak and beech skirting boards and trims are made everywhere. Plastic skirting boards in oak and beech colors are also sold everywhere. Stucco molding in the interior photo:

The color of the room depends entirely on the taste of the customer and the color of the furnishings of his furniture. An unsuccessfully selected combination is when, trying to match everything to the color, the customer purchases furniture that merges with the color of the walls and floor.
Walls should serve as a backdrop for furniture and furnishings. Here, the walls, strictly speaking, can be not only the color of the furniture, but also have a completely different color.

Beautiful interior stucco - attempts to create a large number of shades of the same color in the room do not always work out for the customer, everything starts to merge and the room looks boring.
Too sharp combinations of colors - also an amateur.

The beauty of the premises is very relative and in this place it is difficult to please everyone who sees your premises. One will like it and the other won't. Three people can hardly agree on all the colors in one room, and 10 people will never agree. At the same time, other people will always find comments on the colors of the apartment, based on their taste. However, more or less you can rely on a designer's opinion if you know his work and like it. Stucco molding in the interior photo:

When designing your own home, non-standard facade decor solutions are in special demand. This trend has developed quite quickly due to the desire of cottage owners to make their home not only attractive, but also unique in its own way in terms of the architectural ensemble. Therefore, the direction of decorating with the help of original relief stucco molding is so popular today.

To independently complete the project of the entire exterior design of the building in this way, first familiarize yourself with the possible options and the most popular forms.

Important! This approach will allow you to create a really beautiful artistic cladding in accordance with the rules of architecture.

There are the following types of facade stucco:

Important! Choose the appropriate decoration option, depending on the part of the structure that you plan to decorate. For example, columns and pilasters placed at regular intervals look great across the entire wall surface area. Sandriks and arches will be an excellent solution for arranging window and doorways.


Watch a video with a short overview of the most popular forms of stucco molding in private construction.

What to make facade stucco?

Make the design of the decorative relief from a material more suitable for the style features of the architecture of the building. Also consider the scope of the proposed work and your financial capabilities in order to properly decorate the facade decor, in this case the stucco molding will become a really interesting and affordable decoration, and the process of its installation will not bring any difficulties.

Pay attention to those types of building materials for facade decoration, stucco molding from which is in high demand. These include:

Today, facade stucco molding made of foam plastic, gypsum and polyurethane still finds more frequent use, therefore, below are recommendations for self-design of external walls using these materials.

Features of creating gypsum stucco

Gypsum stucco has been used to decorate various surfaces since ancient civilizations. Despite the fact that the current building materials market provides a fairly wide range of types, both natural and artificial, gypsum is in constant demand for the design of various construction projects due to a number of advantages.

Advantages of plaster decor

If you have given preference to gypsum facade stucco molding, make sure that you have made the right choice by noting the main advantages of this material:

Important! Please note that gypsum is both a strong and at the same time brittle material that can crumble under rough mechanical stress. Therefore, during the installation process, you should be very careful. In addition, before choosing gypsum as the main material for stucco, check how much the future load on the walls corresponds to the permissible indicators, since after hardening, when exposed to moisture, this material becomes heavier.

Mortar preparation and molding

To complete this work, prepare the following materials:

The sequence of preparation of gypsum mortar and molding:

Rules for the installation of gypsum facade stucco

Familiarize yourself with the rules for the technology of attaching gypsum stucco moldings to the facade surfaces of the house.
Perform all work very carefully to prevent damage to the elements during the installation process.


Features of the design of the facade using polyurethane

This material has recently gained its popularity for stucco decoration. But, despite this, he steadfastly won a leading position on a par with gypsum.

Why is it advantageous to use polyurethane molds for decorating a building?

Properly designed polyurethane facade stucco molding has the following advantages:

Technology for fastening decorative elements

The main stages of this process are similar to the installation of facade stucco moldings from other materials, but there are some distinctive points that you should pay attention to:

Features of decorating the facade with foam plastic stucco

This cladding method is the cheapest of all the options available today. Before you give your preference to this material, focusing solely on the financial side, check out the other advantages and disadvantages of this material for performing decorative work on the installation of bulk stucco.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of foam plastic for creating stucco?

Given the rather long list of all the advantages of polystyrene foam, due to which it is one of the most popular building materials, we note only those that are really important when decorating facade stucco:

How to install stucco moldings from expanded polystyrene?

To properly fix all stucco elements from this material, do the work as follows:


As you have seen, the design of facade stucco does not take much time and does not require significant financial costs. But at the same time, it will certainly allow you to transform the entire exterior and give it a special sophistication. Therefore, the result will surely cause admiring glances of guests and neighbors and a constant feeling of aesthetic pleasure when contemplating the building, relaxing after tiring everyday life on the lawn or in the shade of trees on the site near the house.

The stucco decoration of the building emphasizes its classical style.

Stucco decorations can be attributed to the most elegant small architectural forms. The use of a certain type of stucco on the facade refers the viewer to a particular historical period and architectural direction. Modern stucco products perform aesthetic and style-forming functions, in addition, they change the visual perception of facades and interiors. With their help, you can mask communications, pipes, hide joints in the finish on surfaces. If the design is based on the classics, then the best embodiment of it will be the stucco decorations of the facades.

Stucco molding of the classical facade of the house on the street. Rozhdestvenka.

Classical facades are traditionally decorated with moldings that remind of the orders of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome: acanthus leaves, laurel wreaths, palmettes, meanders, rosettes. From different historical styles, three-dimensional images of animals, military paraphernalia, and mascarons are used as stucco. Each type of stucco expresses a certain symbolism: leaves, flowers, fruits in stucco have long meant fertility, military paraphernalia has always been a symbol of victory, triumph, a laurel wreath is a sign of glory. Pentagrams, hectograms, polyhedrons, stars, symbols of the Moon and the Sun are also used. A separate type of stucco molding is bas-reliefs, which can be made according to individual drawings or made in the likeness of famous works. At present, the use of artificial materials that imitate natural materials with great accuracy expands the possibility of using stucco decoration. Polyurethane bas-relief - stucco in the photo below.

Bas-relief depicting a lion.

Stucco made of artificial material - polyurethane, polystyrene - can be assembled into a single composition from individual elements. Its light weight makes it possible to install without a special fastening structure. If the stucco molding is made of polyurethane, then its dimensions are limited only by the designer's imagination, since the light weight does not require the strengthening of interfloor partitions and walls. Consider the types of stucco made of polyurethane, and its use in facade and interior decor. Cornices. On the façade, the cornice represents a horizontal protrusion along the entire perimeter of the building above the walls. Cornices can visually separate floors from each other. Lamps are sometimes installed under the cornices in order to create a beautiful backlight in the evening. Now, in new construction, polyurethane cornices are most often used, which practically do not differ in appearance from those made of stone, concrete or gypsum. Cornice stucco in the photo below.

Pilaster - a vertical molding in the form of a ledge. Initially, pilasters were used in the order system not only as wall decoration, but also to create the so-called "stiffening ribs" that strengthen the walls of structures. In addition, pilasters served to indicate a certain rhythm of the order. Pilasters have a base, a capital like a column. The proportions of the pilasters, the ratio of the sizes of different parts also repeat the order proportions of the columns. Pilaster profile can be semicircular, rectangular, square. In the Baroque, Rococo style, pilasters can be arranged in bunches. In the modern version, this type of stucco serves mainly aesthetic purposes to support the classical style, as well as visual rhythm on the walls of buildings. With their help, you can focus on niches or other decor.

Stucco products must be of high quality, it is necessary that the connections between the individual parts are not noticeable. When designing facades, stucco decorations are arranged in such a way that proportions, rhythm, and visual functionality are preserved. It is not recommended to decorate the interior with stucco according to the principle "for the sake of beauty", without maintaining the basic rules of design. Stucco decorations should emphasize the advantages and hide the flaws of the geometry of the house.


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