Decorative beams on the ceiling: types, materials, design, color, choice of style. Ceiling beams - how to hide them? How to hide ceiling beams in an old house

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Colored "ladder" on the ceiling

Any living space requires some transformations, in a sense, an "upgrade" in order for a person to feel comfortable in it. These changes are possible at the level:

  • Constructions
  • Color solution
  • Decorating

Something can be changed initially, but you will have to put up with something, somehow beat it in the format of the chosen style. The first photo shows how the “problem area” can be made the main accent of the interior with the help of an unusual color solution. Neutral walls and a few color transitions on the ceiling beams can all be done by hand.

Say no!" routine

Rails-rails, sleepers-sleepers

This design can be called cool because there is a powerful stylization here, a really non-standard approach to the interior. Firstly, the snow-white ceiling was decorated with metal beams, the role of which is played by rails painted in silver. An important decorative component is again a constructive and color approach. The interior combines the coldness of silver and the warmth of light wood.

A large space that contains everything that is necessary for a comfortable existence is not limited to zoning, partitions (see Plasterboard partitions and ceilings: correct installation), changing style or decor. Everything is clear, simple and stylish.

Bamboo "miracle" on the ceiling

Something light, like rice paper, is imagined looking at this ceiling. The dark, bulky beams on the ceiling are trimmed with a golden skeleton of thinner beams, and they are attached to the light pitched roof. Stone slabs measuring 50 cm by 50 cm are the latest trend in floor design. Rattan furniture completes the effect of the lightness and sophistication of the orient.

It should be noted that the price of such furniture varies from country of origin. Local lovers of willow and rattan weaving will offer furniture cheaper than if it is delivered from China or Thailand, although purchases on TaoBao are still economical in their own way.

Everything is perfect: well-chosen shades of wood

Simple classic interior: white walls, dark wood on the floor, light wood on the ceiling. It is not standard that the ceiling beams are made of base material. The laid perpendicular structures harmonize well with each other.

Perfect match: lamps and beams

Golden wood with natural woody "effects" is beautifully played on the snow-white ceiling, plus very eclectic chandeliers with a metal frame and decorative "curlicues" have been added here.

Ceiling beams on the attic floor

Stylish girl's room: attic floor

If your house has an empty attic floor (see Ceiling in the attic: wooden, wallpaper-pasted, finished with plastic), you can give it to your student daughter, who will occasionally come to visit her relatives. Pastel gray is what you need to relax after a tense session. Perfectly flat beams fit perfectly into the "chiseled" interior. The finish of the beams goes well with the floor and wood wall panel, where the main accent is the metal slats with fixtures.

Provence loved by many and a little bit of Norwegian style

And this is exactly the case when simplicity is not without guile. At first glance, the interior is very uncomplicated and, in principle, not pretentious, however, textiles and small decorative trifles adorn it. Slightly hospital bedside tables, bluish textiles and an elegant dressing table with a flower vase - cute, tasteful. The room is perfect for two girls. The problem of lack of daylight is devoid of virtuoso - everything in this room is subordinated to the snow-white scale.

An eclectic approach to ceiling beams

Modern "stone castle"

These are echoes of knightly times, when there were large fireplaces in stone castles, and light penetrated through wide loopholes. The "corrugated" ceiling matches well with the white painted wood beam. The column stands on a dark floor, blending into the flowing outline of the window. A shady patio adorns the exterior of the house. Surprisingly, for the comfort in this interior, it was enough to throw a colorful ethnic carpet on the floor.

The accent is made on the "hot" red lampshade. The absence of many decorative elements implies the creation of free space.

Eco-friendly Norwegian style

White brickwork, a smooth-haired white carpet, a white sofa with cool gray decorated pillows and even a blanket - this romance "pulls" Norway. Quirky wooden armchairs, scanty sharp horns on the wall and a metal ball by the fireplace are a little embarrassing. Completing the Norwegian look are wooden beams on the ceiling in natural colors. They are perfectly combined with a snow-white ceiling and wooden armchairs.

"Ukrainian Hut" in the Polish version

Of course, the interior of this dining room does not look like a full-fledged "hut" with a working stove, whitewashed walls, but the feeling of Western Ukrainian or ancient Polish ethnicity is still present. The designer decided to "dilute" the ethnics with the help of a simple lamp for four lamps and authentic windows. The beams are covered with dark marilka, which only emphasize the wood veins and the snow-white uneven walls. Tiled floor tiles and a classic red carpet round off this room's transformative effect.

Christmas joys: festive decor

Christmas Tales: When Choosing Themed Decor

In the west, there are designers who decorate rooms for the holidays. In our country, this is not practiced, since it is more a part of the family tradition - to decorate the Christmas tree with the children and prepare the house for the New Year holidays, Christmas. But our designers didn’t bother to figure out how to beat the ceiling beam when the main Christmas color is red. They brought the joy of the holiday into the cold, almost wintry room by decorating the Christmas tree with red balls and hanging them on wooden beams.

Stylish, bright, original.

When the ceiling shapes the style of the interior

An echo of ancient wine cellars and catacombs

If you watch several documentaries, you can see the catacombs, paved with old terracotta bricks. The design of this room is based on dark browns and terracotta shades. The wood beams are painted dark to match the tiled floor. An interesting solution is a turn of a wooden beam with an acute angle downward, which emphasizes the relief of the ceiling, its "waves." There is a video instruction on the Internet according to which you can pave the ceiling into a brick floor.

When the beam on the ceiling is subordinated to a single high-tech style Stylish Norwegian loft with bright fuchsia flavor Wedding dining room decor: snow-white-azure range

In such a beautiful setting, the wedding video will be stunning - each decorative element is carefully thought out and presented in a single color concept. Snow-white ceiling beams stand out well against the background of neutral wood planks that trim the ceiling. White ceiling fans complete the cozy ambience of the tall room. There is not only a lot of air, light, but also style. Glass, wood and textiles add festiveness to the interior. We hope this article will help bring juiciness and originality to your interior. Experiment and enjoy your creativity!

How to beat a beam on the ceiling

Long gone are the days when a beam on the ceiling was considered the lot of a rural dwelling and only served as a support for the ceiling and roof. Recently, decorative decks are finding more and more fans, including among the inhabitants of megalopolises. They look appropriate and organic in a variety of, sometimes even unthinkable, design styles. But on condition, if you beat them correctly.

Initially, the ceiling beams did not play a decorative role in the interior of the house. They were installed exclusively as a support for a heavy attic floor. If you have such a house at your disposal, then it is not necessary to hide these structures. Indeed, some style solutions require such a decor, and many compatriots, in the absence of such, even order the creation of non-hidden false beams made of polyurethane. In addition, ceiling beams are successfully used for space zoning, for example, to separate the work and dining areas in the kitchen, and to visually expand rooms. Thus, with a little imagination and beating old beams that have come to an unsightly state, you get a truly exclusive interior. As a decorative element, such products can be installed in the kitchen and bedroom, living room or study, as well as in the corridor, based on the size of the room.

Methods for finishing ceiling beams, if their wood has lost its attractive appearance:

  • The first option: you can decorate it with a false polyurethane beam, because this material successfully imitates the texture of wood.
  • In addition, you can decorate the structure with ropes, as in restaurants in seaside cities.
  • To hide flaws in the surface of the beam, you can turn to the good old method of finishing - painting.
  • If the disadvantages are significant, all irregularities should be pre-repaired using a putty and a primer. Then paint is applied, while you can give preference not only to traditional pastel tones, but also to choose bold bright colors that contradict the general color scheme of the home.
  • If you are decorating a room in a high-tech style, then you can choose a paint of a metallic shade, complementing such a beam with "Ilyich's lamps" and unmasked wires. But the French country style assumes the presence of whitewashed ceiling beams.
  • For country style, the paint composition should be with the effect of "aged wood".
  • If you wish, you should not just cover the product with paint, but apply painted elements to it using the services of an artist. An alternative budget option is to use ready-made stencils for painting.

Lighting system installation:

  1. A popular idea for decorating ceiling beams is to install light sources, regardless of the material from which they are made.
  2. On a natural deck, antique-style lamps look best, for example, in the form of a wheel, and it would be good to set the light sources in the form of candles.
  3. If the beam is refined, then the lighting fixtures must be delicate.
  4. You can also use spotlights that cut into the frame or carried out using brackets attached to the beam.
  5. Another option associated with lighting systems is the installation of an LED strip on a beam. As a rule, it is fixed around the perimeter of the room.
  6. But if the room has an oblong appearance, then it is possible to install one tape on the central beam. The backlit deck, attached over the stretch ceiling, looks original.

Now let's talk in more detail about how to beat the ceiling beam:

  • If you have ceiling beams in your kitchen, you can do this. Lower the beam below the level of the ceiling, subsequently fixing it in an immovable state. Attach hooks to the structure, on which various dishes are hung as a decoration - from glasses to a frying pan, bunches of fragrant herbs, baskets and dried flowers, pots with indoor plants. In addition, this option is best suited for rooms with excessively high ceilings.
  • If the beams are real and in good condition, you can attach a hanging chair or swing to them. But remember that such structures cannot be mounted on imitation, even if it is of high quality.
  • An interesting technique with which you can beat the ceiling beam is to create a reflection effect. Photo wallpaper or mirror tiles should be glued to the underside of the structure. Such a decision can affect visual expansion, the room seems to be larger than its size.

But sometimes the owners of houses with beams make, for various reasons, the decision to finally disguise the ceiling beams so that they are not noticeable with the armed eye:

  1. Stretch ceiling. In this case, the panel is lowered below the level of the beams. However, in this case, the room loses in height. And it is advisable to equip a tension structure consisting of several levels.
  2. Plasterboard ceiling. To camouflage the deck, place a U-shaped frame around it. In this case, the structure must be attached to the ceiling surface, and not to the beam.
  3. Coffered ceiling. This option is the most sophisticated among the others offered and the most expensive. In addition to beams, this design involves the creation of other elements: cornices, curbs, cells, recesses. Choose any shape of the cassettes - rhombus, square, polygon.
  4. Lining. The easiest option to hide the ceiling beam is to sheathe the surface with clapboard. An edged board is also suitable.

Beams on the ceiling represent a great opportunity to add flavor to the interior, a sense of style and enrich the home in some way. There are many ways to restore, decorate, play with them so that the interior looks holistic. The most extreme option is to completely mask the deck.

60 ceiling beam ideas

Beamed ceilings, in addition to their extravagance, create the correct acoustics in the room, creating an environment conducive to communication

Increasingly, in the photo of the interiors of country houses, you can find beams on the ceiling. If earlier they tried to hide them, thinking that it looks like a rough ceiling, now it is a fashionable accent. Apartments use this ceiling design, but it has not yet received such popularity as in the country. Beams on the ceiling are used in both classic and high-tech styles, but in the latter version, wood gives way to metal.

Decorating the ceiling with various materials literally transforms the interior

Wooden beams can be painted in contrast or to match the ceiling, give any graphic form, giving the room a special comfort, mood and style

Ceiling beams made of natural wood have a positive effect on the indoor climate and are healthier

Ceiling beams are equally appropriate for any room, according to the designers. The main thing is to decide on such a constructive decoration of the ceiling.

Interior styles with beams

Snowy Scandinavian style with white ceiling and wood beam

Wooden floors look organically in a Scandinavian, classic, Victorian, rustic interior, as well as in a room decorated in country and Provence style. High-tech design implies the use of beams, however, here they are more functional, emphasize restraint and laconicism.

Country style focuses on the use of natural finishing and building materials

Luxurious Victorian style with the addition of beams

In the chalet style, beams in the tone of the interior look very organic.

Often the project involves painting the floors. For example, in the Provence style, light shades are used that express tenderness, airiness and comfort. But the chalet or the alpine style is designed in natural colors, where the rough beams of coniferous wood fit perfectly, often right with the bark. This design can be seen in the photo of a snow-covered house in the mountains.

Alpine mountain style with pine beams in the bark

Decorative beams

The advantage of polyurethane beams over beams made of other materials is moisture resistance, fire safety and the ability not to absorb odors

Polyurethane beams have a U-shaped profile. Designers use this property to hide electrical wiring, pipes, and more.

So, wooden and metal beams are the lot of country houses. And what to use in an urban dwelling, if there is a desire to recreate a certain style? This is where polyurethane beams come to the rescue. They are lightweight, due to which you can install them on the ceiling with your own hands, unlike metal ones, the installation of which is trusted only by professionals. In terms of financial and labor costs, polyurethane beams are the best option with a small budget for repairs, since they will not hit your wallet hard. They are solid or hollow, in the latter type you can mount spotlights and hide the wiring inside. In addition, decorative beams on the ceiling are presented in various color and textured palettes, most often imitation of wood is created.

Wood grain polyurethane beam with spot lighting

Painted beam in contrasting color

Design with ceiling beams

some designs involve transitions from ceilings to walls, which gives an exquisite European style to the room

In any interior, special attention is paid to details. You can beat the ceiling in whole or in part, make fancy or strict designs. There are a lot of examples of laying beams, just look at the photo and repeat it in your interior, or arrange it to your liking and discretion. At the peak of popularity is now European design, when the ceiling slabs are gradually moving to the wall. There are a huge number of styling techniques, here everything is limited by imagination. You can also process the rough ceiling and create the desired design in the following ways:

  • Brushing. With its help, an imitation of a clear outline of the texture of a tree is created. You can even make traces of the bark beetle. The beams on the ceiling designed in this way will give the impression that the floors are already 200 years old.

Various methods of wood finishing affect not only the visual perception, but also the entire interior.

  • Textured processing is an artificial aging of wood. They achieve it with the help of a special type of brushes and rough planing.
  • Vintage style - carried out with the use of paints and varnishes, as a result of which the wooden floors take on an antique look.

In this style, beams located in parallel form some rigor and good quality.

  • Ethnic style - involves the use of forged elements, twine.

Ethnic style of bright freedom, but light walls and ceiling

  • Traditional style - simplicity and lightness in combination lead to a feeling of comfort in the house.

To achieve simplicity and a feeling of good quality at home, use ordinary varnish or oil-wax coatings of wooden beams

How to arrange the slabs?

You can use various techniques to make a room wider or longer. The beams on the ceiling are positioned according to the purpose that the design suggests:

  1. You can make the room wider by placing them along a short wall.
  2. The length of the room will visually increase if the ceilings are laid in the length of the entire ceiling.
  3. The imitation of the volume of the room is achieved with a coffered ceiling, when the beams are arranged crosswise.
  4. You can select the desired area in the house with several or one beam. When decorating a kitchen, the selection of a bar counter with one beam looks impressive.

The frequency of the arrangement of the beams is of great importance. If you have a large house with a high ceiling, then you can place the beams close enough to each other and thereby slightly lower the ceiling. If the room is not too large, or the ceilings are of medium height, then it is better to attach the beams at a great distance.

Beams in the right direction will help the room get the shape it needs

The corridor becomes visually wider with massive beams

Advice! You can save space in the kitchen by making hooks for dishes, wine glasses, baskets with small things directly on the beam.

  1. Wooden beams on a hut-type ceiling look interesting if their ends go into the wall, and the structure itself penetrates the supporting columns.
  2. In a modern interior, electric wires are thrown over metal beams or lamps are lowered from them directly above the desired area.

Beams arranged in the form of a hut

With beamed ceilings in a particular room and style, there is always a feeling of something unusual and exclusive

Methods for playing with beams on the ceiling

Many owners of country houses try to hem wood flooring in order to hide the beams. They remind the owners of a rough version of the ceiling. This is done by installing suspended or stretch ceilings, or they upholster the frame with sheet or molded material with their own hands. But it is worth remembering that if you do this, then the room will lose several tens of centimeters in height.

The visual sense of the quality of the house and the warmth of the hearth in a room with exposed ceiling beams will invariably create a feeling of coziness and immense comfort.

Isn't it easier to skillfully beat such a construction? For this, lighting solutions are used, such as LED strip decoration, recessed and pendant lamps that fit into the design of the room.

Interesting! The LED lighting is stacked along the top of the beam to create the feeling of a floating structure.

Interior design, as a rule, involves a combination of the design of all surfaces in the house with furniture and textiles. This can be taken into account when painting the beams, applying a predominant pattern or relief to them, as well as focusing on the details and painting the beams on the ceiling so that they play in contrast. Now a huge number of photos are presented, according to which it will not be difficult to arrange a rough ceiling.

How to install beams with your own hands?

The unusual idea of ​​painting beams in a contrasting color

Any solution using ceiling beams will always win, and the room will look stylish and unique.

Hollow timber beams are installed on the ceiling using a metal profile to which they are attached with self-tapping screws. Self-tapping hats do not look aesthetically pleasing, and they do not fit into every design, so you need to make sure that they are not visible. To do this, they are drowned in the material and masked with a wax pencil or closed with a plug to match the beam. Metal beams are installed only by professionals, since their weight is large enough, you should not risk it and fix them with your own hands.

In order to hide the connecting seams formed when joining the beam in length, decorative belts are used.

Beams on the ceiling look relevant in almost any interior and create a unique original design. Previously, this design was presented as a rough version of the ceiling and was filed. Now it is a fashionable touch that allows you to combine functionality and comfort in the house, and thanks to the emergence of new materials and photos, you can do what you have planned with your own hands without the help of professionals.

Beams on the ceiling - an original solution for a modern interior (100 photos)

In recent decades, indigenous townspeople have tried to live outside the city as close as possible to modern infrastructure. Arriving after a hard day's work from a noisy metropolis, people strive for the natural beauty of nature, the warmth of the family hearth and the simplicity of home comfort.

The rustic style helps to create an atmosphere of peace and tranquility in the interior. It attracts not only with the originality and naturalness of the decor, but also with the opportunity to save the family budget, since a lot can be done with your own hands.

A special place in such an interior is occupied by beams on the ceiling, transforming the design and positively affecting the microclimate of the room.

What style is suitable for decorating with beams

Modern designers believe that decorative ceiling beams will adorn the interior of any style. They fit perfectly into both classic and trendy designs. It is important to choose the right combination. Decorators give preference to the following styles:

Classic interior. Smooth, solid wood beams on the ceiling add sophistication to the simplicity and severity of the furniture and floor. The combination of dark beams on the light ceiling, as well as the coloring of the elements in a delicate color scheme, will give elegance.

The luxury of the style will emphasize the decoration of the beams with vignettes, carvings or paintings. Both load-bearing and decorative structures are suitable.

Modern. Modern design involves the use of classic models, painted in a bright creative color. False beams are used more often. Installation of illumination is encouraged, allowing you to zone the room.

Country (rustic) involves the use of natural materials (stained wood, stone) or decorative structures designed like wood. The material is often given an aged effect.

Victorian style. The aristocratic interior is underlined by beams made of mahogany trimmed in the old style.

Provence. For admirers of French grace, smooth, perfectly white decorative beams will do.

Loft and hi-tech. Beams, imitated for metal in combination with brickwork, emphasize the conciseness and practicality of the style

Remember that the main factor in choosing a style is the area of ​​the room. A variety of beam structures, creating a visual effect, can both increase and decrease space.

Varieties of beam structures

Beams on the ceiling in the interior are designed to perform two main tasks: to decorate a room or to be a load-bearing structure. The material for their manufacture is used depending on the purpose. If the roof frame is supported on the beam, then they are usually made of durable materials.

Most often, it is natural wood (arrays of ash, pine, spruce, oak), metal or concrete. Their disadvantage is the severity and relative high cost of the structure. Most often, such designs can be found in country houses.

In apartment-type rooms for interior decoration, options from materials with imitation of natural wood: polyurethane and drywall are suitable. Products are lightweight, hollow inside, allowing to hide communications.

An easy fixing system allows you to install structures without assistance and significantly save your budget. The moisture resistant properties of false beams allow installation in rooms with high humidity.

You can imitate metal structures using decorative plastic and aluminum beams.

Glass beams made of natural and organic glass are considered new-fashioned and budgetary in the world of decor. With their help, you can decorate the ceiling in the interior of any style. They will add airiness to the room and fill it with light.

Color and location of beams

Decorative beams on the ceiling are designed to give texture and relief to the room. This effect can be achieved with the help of color variations and the correct location of the ceiling structures.

In living quarters, parallel beams look great, contrasting with the main color of the ceiling. A win-win design option, perfect for country houses, will be natural wood beams to match the ceiling; other wood-like interior items will also be a wonderful addition.

For living rooms and bedrooms, beams made of any material, laid with a lattice and a herringbone, are suitable. The recent trend is the design of attic spaces in this way.

When choosing the color shades of beamed ceilings, you can let your imagination run wild. The offered color palette opens up wide possibilities for designers. You can use classic color schemes and at the same time add vibrant trendy shades.

You can combine the color of ceiling structures with the color of the walls, as well as with the range of textiles and other decorative elements.

The variety of options for ceiling beams and design solutions will allow you to embody any, even the most intricate ideas.

When choosing the color of false beams, remember that white makes the space weightless, dark shades create bulkiness and heaviness, black gives the room austerity and rhythm, while wooden structures cool the interior, at the same time giving an idyll.

What premises are ceiling beams suitable for?

Fashionable artists very often in modern interiors give preference to the design of beams on the ceiling, preferring not to hide the load-bearing floors.

This design solution is suitable for any premises, be it an apartment, an office or a country house. They will perfectly decorate the kitchen, give a zest to the living room and bedroom, organically fit into the study and hallway.

How to decorate a beam on the ceiling, what type and how many elements to use, depends directly on the area of ​​the room used. Especially often the possibilities of beamed ceilings are used for space zoning.

Why are beams in the interior good

Ceiling beams can serve not only as a decorative function, but also become a useful part of it. This is clearly demonstrated by the photo of the beams on the ceiling. What are they good for? Let's consider just a few examples:

Visually change the size of the room, ceiling and wall height. To create a square effect, beams and parquet are placed parallel to the short wall. Adding decorative elements to the wall, visually make high ceilings. Changing the geometry of the ceiling allows the arrangement of the beams with a herringbone pattern and a lattice.

Allocates functional areas. In a studio apartment, the dining area can be marked with a lattice of several beams. You can divide the kitchen and living room area using a bar counter and a beam mounted above it.

Hide communications. Hollow structures help hide electrical wiring and pipes.

They become part of the lighting, acting as boxes for lighting fixtures, as well as fixing chandeliers. LED lighting built into the beams looks harmoniously in the interior, creating a floating effect of the structure.

Serve as fasteners. You can hang a chair, curtain on them, use them as shelves, stands.

Ceiling beams are a great design solution. The main thing is to decide on reconstruction, and a comfortable and cozy house will become an excellent resting place from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Photo of the design of beams on the ceiling

What to make a ceiling in a wooden house

Do you want to design in the style of a country house? Beams are one of the attributes of such an interior. If in apartments many are afraid to use this decorative element, then in a country house they are the place!

Sometimes it also happens that you have to mask the existing supports on the ceiling, which stick out strongly downward. Surely you wondered how to beat the ceiling beam? Today we will talk about this.

Varieties of decorative beams

Beams are available in wood, metal or polyurethane.

  • The classic version is made of oak, ash, pine. They can be solid, or hollow inside, which is especially good for hiding various communications under them.
  • Metal beams are usually very heavy and must be secured tightly.
  • Polyurethane beams are light enough, they can be freely fixed by yourself. The advantage of this material is that it is not afraid of moisture and does not absorb odors, so you can use it in almost any room. In addition, polyurethane can simulate many textures and colors, such as wood.

Design with decorative beams

Initially, the beams were used as a support for the attic, and took all the load on themselves. Over time, they began to be hidden under the ceiling, but recently, many designers have begun to use beams in their interiors.

The beams will organically fit into the design:

  • Kitchens;
  • Living room;
  • Bedrooms;
  • Cabinet;
  • And even the corridor.

On a note! Their number and size should be chosen depending on the area of ​​the room.

By the way, even the most common one can perform useful functions. You can fix unusual lamps or chandeliers hanging from chains on it. It is also possible to zone a large room using well-positioned beams on the ceiling.

Beams in various interior styles

Wooden beams are commonly used in styles dominated by wooden decorative elements:

  • Scandinavian;
  • Rustic;
  • Country;
  • Victorian;
  • Provence;
  • Mediterranean style ...

For high-tech style, metal beams are usually used, which especially emphasize the brevity and practicality of the room.

Hide existing beams

Some people think about how to make a ceiling beam, while other "lucky ones" are puzzled over how to hide it.

Let's look at options for how to beat the beams on the ceiling.

Advice! To make the beam stand out, make its color the same as the ceiling. Corners can be leveled with a skirting board.

  1. In addition to lighting, you can apply a drawing or ornament to the beam to match the style of your design.... This option includes wallpaper and mirrors. They will visually increase the height of the ceiling.

  1. If the beam is in the kitchen, then you can use it as a hanger for kitchen utensils by attaching the rail to it.
    In addition, you can install a bar downstairs, and you get an island in the kitchen. This method can often be seen in foreign films.

  1. If the size of the beam is not very large, then you can hide it using a polyurethane false beam... It will look prettier than standard concrete or iron.

  1. Most often, the beam is decorated with ropes.... This technique is often used in eco style, Mediterranean and country.

But what if the beam does not look aesthetically pleasing at all, and you cannot disguise it in any way? How do I hide the ceiling beams completely?

In this case, the best solution would be to hide it under a suspended or stretch ceiling. There are many varieties of them, and it is not necessary to make a completely ceiling, you can simply create a drywall box. The frame will then look like the letter P.

It is necessary to fasten the frame of the structure to the ceiling; holes cannot be drilled in the beam itself, otherwise it will lose its properties.

It's important to know! The minimum indentation of the plasterboard structure from the base is 15-20 centimeters, and the stretch ceiling is 2 centimeters.

If the location of the beam allows you, then you can turn its disadvantage into an advantage. Make a built-in closet and hide it completely. A lot of useful storage space will appear.

As you can see, using seemingly small, insignificant details, a beautiful and cozy interior is created. Show your imagination to the maximum, and you will definitely get an exclusive designer renovation. We hope you have found a way for yourself how to beat the beam.

Premises with high ceilings require special skills from interior designers in decorating the ceiling. One of the options for such a decor can be the presence of beams. Wooden beams under the ceiling are a stylish and modern solution in the interior, which has many advantages over other methods of ceiling construction. However, it should be said that the presence of beams is not always a tribute to fashion; it can also be an important structural element of the structure. Moreover, the type of such material, as a rule, does not differ in high decorativeness. In this connection, quite a few owners of private houses are wondering how to process a beam on the ceiling? To create a truly aesthetic design, it is worth approaching this topic thoroughly.

Ceiling beams in the interior

Beams on the ceiling are always unusual, luxurious and beautiful. Especially if you choose the right interior style and furnishings. Of course, not in all residential buildings such products will be appropriate. It should be understood that in a typical apartment with a ceiling height of 2.5 m, such a design will only reduce the usable area and it will be extremely uncomfortable and uncomfortable to be in the room. Therefore, before deciding to use beams, it is worth assessing the possibilities of the existing property. In what cases would this decor be most appropriate?

You can use ceiling beams if available:

  • an apartment with an individual layout and a high ceiling;
  • a country house in which beams are a structural part of the structure;
  • attic room;
  • a house or apartment decorated in styles such as country, country, nautical, loft or shabby chic.

It should be noted that this element of the interior can be used even in the bathroom. Of course, it is not recommended to mount beams in an ordinary, small-sized plumbing room, but in the presence of a chic, spacious bathroom, the products will look quite luxurious, only they will require special processing. Moreover, the beams themselves can have a variety of designs. Indeed, even in a city apartment, you can use a similar element of ceiling decoration, if you paint it in a light tone. In rooms decorated in a nautical style, rungs made of untreated wood look great. Also, notes of harmony can be brought in if the ceiling is made of the same material as the furniture in the room. There are quite a few options to create your own unique interior, as well as the types of beams that you can use.

Varieties of beams

First of all, you should know that ceiling beams can be load-bearing or hemmed. The first option refers to the structural elements of the building, that is, they do not need to be mounted separately, they fit in the process of building the building. They are necessary for the perception of the load transmitted from another floor or from the roof of the house. As for decorative products, they are installed after the end of construction work, at the stage of finishing. Such products can close ugly seams between ceiling tiles, and it is also convenient to place wiring in them, since, most often, false beams are hollow inside.

In addition to their functional purpose, beams are subdivided according to the material of production. Modern products are:

  • wooden;
  • metal;
  • polyurethane.

In this case, the supporting elements can only be made of a durable wooden beam or solid metal. Each variety has its own advantages and certain disadvantages, therefore, before making a final decision on the use of certain products, it is worthwhile to familiarize yourself in more detail with the features of the material.

Pros and cons of using beams

There are both positive and negative aspects in the use of ceiling beams made of various materials. What are the main features of these products?

Material Dignity Flaws
Tree An environmentally friendly product, great for classic interiors. It is possible to give many decoration variations. Suitable in almost all rooms, including in the bedroom or in the nursery. The most expensive material, which, without proper protection, can be destroyed by moisture or steam, as well as damaged by wood-boring insects, rodents, mold or fungi.
Metal Strong and durable products, perfect for modern styles such as hi-tech, industrial and even loft. High degree of fire resistance. For decorative beams, a lightweight aluminum alloy is usually used, making it easy and simple to assemble products. Using rusty metal for the manufacture of beams, it is very important to carry out timely processing procedures, that is, to cover the products with special anti-corrosion paint or other similar compounds. In addition, steel or iron products used as load-bearing elements are quite difficult to process on our own, this requires professional tools and special skills.
Polyurethane Modern material with ease of installation. Moreover, its surface can be an imitation of materials such as stone, wood or metal. That is, users at an affordable cost can get almost any design they need. It is not required to process the product annually, since the manufacturer has already taken care of this by adding components to the composition that protect the product from moisture, temperature extremes, UV radiation and other negative factors. Such a product cannot boast of resistance to open sources of fire. Also, the material is not highly environmentally friendly. It should be borne in mind that the products can only be used as decorative false beams.

Most often, wooden elements are used to create decor from beams, since such products can best emphasize the luxury of the interior, and create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. The only thing users need to know before installing a wood beam ceiling is how to handle the beam on the ceiling correctly? After all, the aesthetics of the product and its long operational life will depend on this.

Beam processing options

Using natural wood products under the ceiling, it should be borne in mind that their surface must be subjected to processing. In this case, we are talking about both protective and decorative methods.

Protection options include surface treatment with fire retardants, moisture-proof and antiseptic compounds. We can confidently say that the material treated in this way acquires high resistance to aggressive conditions, it is not afraid of moisture or hot steam, and is also not susceptible to rotting and the formation of mold. Processing can be done with a roller, brush or spray gun. The correct application sequence should be followed and only environmentally friendly products should be selected.

When it comes to decorative treatment, there is much more variation. The most popular methods are:

  • brushing;
  • aging with craquelure varnishes;
  • chemical treatment;
  • the use of oil or wax;
  • toning;
  • engraving;
  • staining.

To carry out such work, you need to stock up on tools and materials, and most importantly, patience. It is important to keep in mind that any work with wood is done only when the wood is well dried. Indeed, when laying the raw material, there is a high probability that it will deform during the drying process.

A ceiling with beams will give a feeling of comfort and tranquility, because powerful décor elements are always associated with security. Of course, it is important to take into account that the room is getting smaller, both in fact and visually, so this decor can only be used in rooms with large dimensions. Modern building materials and tools allow you to process beams in a wide variety of ways. However, only by choosing the right option in each specific case, you can create a harmonious interior, which will always be comfortable and warm.

When buying a wooden house, many people are faced with the problem of the unaesthetic look of the beams that are on the ceiling. But such a design is inevitable when forming a roof made of wood.

At the same time, most do not want to put up with the unaesthetic look of old ceiling structures and tend to sheathe the existing beams. This can be done in a number of ways, but the most common is drywall finishing.

Plasterboard finishing of structures such as wooden beams is very common today. This is due to the fact that this material has undeniable advantages:

  • affordable cost;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • simple installation, which can be done without any problems with your own hands;
  • hiding all the irregularities on the ceiling;
  • giving the ceiling more aesthetics and beauty;
  • an excellent base for any type of finish.

Closed beams

Covering wood beams with drywall trim will be much easier than with plastic or other finishing materials.

Purpose of beams

To understand how you can sheathe wooden beams using drywall sheets, you first need to understand their functional purpose. Otherwise, the main ceiling could be damaged.
Beams in this kind of ceilings have the following purpose:

  • support of the ceiling from a possible collapse;
  • decorating the surface and giving the room a certain style. Thus, you can create a rural (authentic) style or beautifully fit the beams into any other design;
  • emphasizing the volume of a room with high walls. In such premises, the presence of these devices will add the necessary comfort;
  • correction of rooms with low ceilings. In this case, the beams will go over to the walls;
  • decoration of attics and under-roof spaces;
  • change in the room of its optical perception. You can, for example, visually enlarge the space of the room;
  • visual zoning of the room into certain zones: dining room, cooking area, etc.;
  • creation of unique and non-standard lighting using built-in lighting devices.

As you can see, such elements of a wooden ceiling have a wide variety of purposes. But if you want to modernize your home and make modern ceiling structures, the beams still have to be closed.

Why disguise

But do not think that the reason for masking the beam elements on the ceiling is only the aesthetic desire of the owner. There may be more compelling reasons for this. These include, in particular:

  • structural damage and the need to renew the ceiling;
  • renovation in a modern style;
  • insulation of the attic or roof;
  • changing the space of the room.

In the process of finishing with plasterboard sheets, it is possible to prevent a collapse of the roof, as well as successfully mask old and unnecessary parts of wooden structures.

Disguise by rules

Any installation work that involves the use of drywall should always be carried out in accordance with the technology and using step-by-step instructions. Beam masking is no exception.
In this case, cladding is possible in three ways:

  • frameless method. It is used in cases where wooden elements are located close enough to each other so that it is possible to install a plasterboard sheet on them without an additional frame;

Frameless way
Wooden frame

  • on a wooden frame. This method is used when there are sufficiently large distances between the beams. Here, an additional lathing is made on the ceiling so that one plasterboard sheet can be installed on three wooden elements;
  • metal carcass. It can be mounted both on a ceiling surface and on a wooden crate. Only one should take into account certain features of wooden ceilings and already proceed from this when covering the surface with a finishing material.

Note! This option is considered the best, since it is more durable than wood.

Metal carcass

Today there are two ways to mask such wooden elements:

  • creation of a drywall box. In this case, only part of the elements can be masked, while the other can be trimmed to match the style of your choice. Such finishes are quite common today;
  • complete decoration of the ceiling with sheets and concealment of all unwanted design features. You will end up with a suspended plasterboard ceiling.

The choice of finishing method should be based on the ceiling you have, as well as the condition of the beams themselves.

First stage of finishing

The first stage of installation work will be the assembly of the frame. Consider the option of assembling a metal box.

Note! When choosing a method for completely masking the beams, you should make the ceiling lathing according to the scheme, as for simple finishing of wooden ceiling structures with drywall sheets.

The frame of the box is erected as follows:

Installation of suspensions

  • we assemble the frame in the shape of the letter "P";
  • we fasten metal profiles with hangers to the ceiling. Do not use beams as an attachment point, as they can be damaged and bring down the entire ceiling device;
  • the minimum indentation that should be done in this situation is approximately 15-20 cm;
  • further along the perimeter of the room, without attaching to the walls, we install the profile guides and close them into a single structure;

Crab attachment

  • after that we install the jumpers. We cut them from rack-mount profiles and fasten them to the frame with special fasteners - crabs;
  • the step of fixing the jumpers is determined by the weight of the ceiling structure, as well as the load that the starting ceiling will experience;
  • then, using jumpers, we lower the plane down and close it with guide profiles, thus forming a box;
  • we fix everything with dowels with screws.

The result should be a metal box around the perimeter of the room.
If you need to completely mask all the beams, then we make a crate in a similar way. Make sure that the wooden elements of the starting ceiling do not protrude beyond the boundary of the plane defined by the profiles.
The main thing is that the resulting box or full crate is not attached to the walls. This requirement is based on the fact that wooden ceilings are characterized by a certain mobility that is not visible visually. Such mobility arises from the influence on the wood of temperature changes, as well as humidity. If you make a frame, adhered to the walls, then after a while, cracks may go along the drywall or the material will simply fall on your head.
The frame assembled using the technology will have little mobility. Entering into dissonance with a tree, it will repeat its mobility. Thus, you can minimize the risk of cracks and the plasterboard suspended structure will serve you for a very long time.
Do not forget that if you are planning to install additional lighting, then the wiring for it is laid at this stage.

It's time to disguise

At the end of the assembly of the frame as a box or full crate, it is necessary to start sheathing it with plasterboard sheets.
You need to sheathe a frame or a box for the same laugh. It's just that in the second case it will take much less time. And here it is fashionable to cope on your own, without an assistant.
We fix the sheets as follows:

Screwing in self-tapping screws

  • we apply a whole sheet to the frame, placing it in such a way that it lies on three profiles or wooden beams;
  • we fix the gypsum board with self-tapping screws. The frequency of screwing them in is about 20-25 cm;
  • on adjacent sheets, the screw-in step should alternate, creating a "checkerboard" pattern. This, again, will prevent cracks in the material;
  • when all the solid sheets have been installed, we mount the pieces. We cut them with a special knife.

If you assembled a box and want to make a hidden backlight on it, then in the right places a sheet of drywall should protrude in relation to the metal profile to the distance necessary to place the lighting fixture. LED strips of various colors are often used here.
After that, it remains only to putty the mounted surface using standard technology and give it the final appearance.
As you can see, there are several ways to sheathe ceiling beams using drywall. The main thing is to precisely follow the technology of mounting the material on a wooden base and as a result you will get an excellent, even ceiling without cracks.
With the help of plasterboard sheets, you can even turn an old attic in the country house into a chic and modern room. Believe in yourself and just follow the instructions - the result will be excellent!


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