Trump's inauguration day. Donald Trump's full inauguration speech

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The inauguration of the elected US President, Donald Trump, took place in Washington. You could learn about all the nuances of the ceremony and the events around it in real time in the Fontanka broadcast.

The official part of the inauguration is over - Donald Trump has officially become the 45th President of the United States. However, the inauguration itself is not over - an official reception will take place soon, and then the celebrations will continue on January 21.

Thank you for being with us. We are ending the broadcast.

The next four years, if Trump is not lying, will be interesting.

Officials disperse and all spectators are asked to remain seated.

Jackie Ivanko performs the American anthem. Visibly worried, voice trembles:

Representatives of different faiths speak

"God Bless America"

"We must dream, we must cherish big dreams, we will exist as long as we are rich. Very often we have heard politicians complaining but doing nothing, the time for empty talk is over. The hour has come when we must act. Don't let anyone tell "that this is impossible. If the Americans unite into a single fist, nothing will stop us."

Promises to wipe out Islamic radicalism from the face of the earth

"Buy American goods and hire Americans."

"We will return our wealth and return our dream"

It looks like the new course may not appeal to everyone in the world:

"We are gathered here and we will sign a new law: a new policy will govern our country. A New Deal: America comes first, only American interests come first, no matter what it is about immigration, economics..."

And we will look again at the streets of Washington, while Trump says that people took to the streets to celebrate liberation, the victory of the people:

"A small group of people here in Washington received all the profits, but not the people of the entire country. Their victories were not your victories. They celebrated here in Washington, but ordinary people across America had nothing to celebrate. But all of that is going to change right now. This is your moment of triumph and it belongs to you. To everyone gathered here, everyone who watches this shit on TV. The USA is your country!"

“We are giving power from Washington back to the people.”

Thanks to the presidents-predecessors and the peoples of the world.

He promises to work together to shape the course of the country and the world.

Well, that's it, the 45th President of America Donald Trump

Trump is sworn in by John G. Robertson Jr., Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

Ah, no. Some more music - this time a Mormon choir.

Now it's Trump's turn

Judge Clarence Thomas administers the oath of office to Vice President Pence:

Jack Schummer, senator from New York, speaks:

"We Americans have always looked to the future, no matter our sexual orientation, gender identity, race, whether we were immigrants or born here...we have always been willing to sacrifice our lives and our energies for our country, today we celebrate one of our The main elements of democracy are the peaceful transition of power."

And again we are transported to the streets of Washington

While the University of Missouri choir is singing (excellently, I say), a little more about the costumes of those who came:

"As a nation, Lord, we pray for President Trump and Vice President Pence and their families, we pray that you will give them the wisdom they need and give us strength."

Here they seem to be hinting that Melania made a little mistake with the color:

Solomon's prayer begins

Came out. Showed "ok". “Hello,” he says... And all around is not exactly, but... silence...

The main thing about the inauguration

  • The inauguration of Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States, took place at noon on January 20, 2017 (19:00 Kyiv time).
  • The main inauguration events will stretch over three days - from January 19 to 21.
  • The first receptions in honor of Trump began on January 17.
  • On January 19, a concert of stars took place who agreed to sing for Trump. Angelina Jolie's father Jon Voight, Toby Keith and Lee Greenwood, 3 Doors Down, The Frontmen of Country, The Piano Guys, Sam Moore, DJ Ravi Drums performed.
  • On January 20 at 12:00, Trump swore allegiance to the people of the United States and will host a ball in the evening.
  • The US anthem was sung at the inauguration by 16-year-old singer with Ukrainian roots, Jackie Ivanko.
  • The host of the ceremony was changed at the initiative of Trump for the first time since 1957. Instead of 89-year-old Charles Brotman, who had been conducting it for 60 years, the announcer became 58-year-old Steve Ray.
  • The inauguration will cost approximately $200 million.
  • On January 21, a women's march of Hollywood stars against Trump will take place.

Follow Trump's inauguration online at

On-line translation

4:45 The President of the United States and his wife performed the first dance at the Freedom Ball to the composition My Way by Frank Sinatra. At the end of the composition, they were joined by Vice President Mike Pence with his wife Karen and Trump's children.

Melania Trump appeared at the inauguration ball in a milky off-the-shoulder dress. The first lady's outfit became the main intrigue of the evening, with the media wondering who the designer of her ball gown was.

The first dance of the US President with his wife (photo: EPA/UPG)

3:20 Traditional inaugural balls are held in Washington, D.C., which conclude the celebrations marking the inauguration of the US President.

Trump and his wife will attend the Freedom Ball at the Washington Exposition Center, after which they will go to the Military Ball at the National Museum of Urban Development.

While the country's first couple is awaiting the balls, announced artists perform.

01:55 Police arrested 217 Trump opponents for rioting in Washington. Six police officers were injured.

Note that clashes occurred throughout the day, demonstrators smashed windows and set cars on fire. Police used pepper gas and stun grenades.

00:10 Trump and his wife arrived at the White House.

Official stream of the inauguration committee:

Alternative online broadcast: protests with obscene language are also visible here:

00:01 And the truth is somehow not very crowded at the parade.

Inauguration Parade (photo: EPA/UPG)

23:46 Some posters:

23:39 Melania is wearing heels and is probably already tired of walking, but she holds on and continues to greet the crowd with her husband. It’s good that from time to time you can get into the motorcade’s car - it would be difficult to walk 2.5 km.

23:30 Detention of dissenters:

Detentions at the inauguration (photo: roswell2001/Twitter)

23:25 Protesters broke the windows of the car of famous American TV presenter Larry King, media reports.

23:15 The parade is in full swing. Trump is moving slowly. Some Americans chant “USA!”, while others - protesters - chant their slogans. Along the parade route there are many anti-Trump posters and people whistle at him.

Trump's motorcade at the parade: some whistle, others cheer

Trump Parade (photo: Valeria Markova)

Inauguration of Trump and Obama compared (photo: social networks)

22:30 Hurray, the parade has finally started.

22:26 At least 50 people were detained during ANTI-Trump protests in Washington.

22:22 Photos emerged of a plane flying over New York before the inauguration, carrying a banner that read, "We've outnumbered it! Resist!"

22:11 The gala dinner ended. Now an important event will begin - a parade, during which Trump will travel 2.5 km across Washington.

22:00 Social networks are trolling Melania Trump. Trump pronounced the words of the oath, placing his hand on two Bibles - Abraham Licoln's and his personal one, which his mother gave him in 1955. In the shot, Melania is holding both Bibles. Sargent users recalled her erotic shooting, noting the contradiction:

21:52 Another great photo from the inauguration in Washington, which, by the way, is taking place in light rain:

Inauguration - the area from Congress to the White House is filled with people (Photo: EPA/UPG)

21:47 At these moments, protests in Washington continue - in sync with the celebrations. Many protesters openly swear at the new US President in chants. Does the photo remind you of anything?

20:55 This is how they watch Trump's inauguration in Pakistan. Now, by the way, it’s 12 at night:

Trump's inauguration - no one is indifferent (Photo: EPA/UPG)

20:50 But in the center of London now the anti-Trump protests look somehow blissful.

Anti-Trump protests in London (photo: EPA/UPG)

20:40 Trump signed his first executive orders as US President. One of them is allowing James Mattis to head the Pentagon.

The US anthem was sung during the inauguration by a singer with Ukrainian roots, Jackie Ivanko:

19:45 Obama just flew into Andrews Air Force Base in this helicopter. Trump remained in command of the further parade:

Obama flew away (photo: EPA/UPG)

Obama said goodbye to Trump and left for a military base (photo EPA/UPG)

19:38 I even feel sorry for Obama. He carries himself well and smiles widely.

Trump and Obama will now go their separate ways (screenshot)

19:34 Celebrations are ahead. At these moments, Obama will fly to the military base, and Trump will begin to host the parade - it will pass from Congress to the White House.

Trump took the oath of office as US President at 7 pm Kyiv time.

Trump took the oath of office (Photo: EPA)

Just look at this photo:

Trump's oath of office (EPA photo)

16:17 Serious people are already in place.

Less than 3 hours until the inauguration. Photo: Kelly O"Donnell on Twitter

16:02 The Americans put on a show at the police checkpoint . 3 hours until the inauguration.

14:37 All of America is talking about only one thing. Journalists are already gathered, Twitter is full of live photos from the scene, it is now 7:37 am in Washington.

4 hours before Trump's inauguration (photo: Kelly O"Donnell on Twitter)

4 hours before Trump's inauguration (photo by Cal Perry on Twitter)

14:32 In a few hours, Trump will walk up these stairs to take the oath of office as president:

4 hours before Trump's inauguration (photo Danny Freeman on Twitter)

14:20 Yesterday, Trump had to give up his Android smartphone - he used Samsung. Now he will be given a highly secure device approved by the White House Secret Service.

14:15 The stars' performances before Trump's swearing-in will begin very soon - at 16:30 Kyiv time.

14:10 And for tomorrow's women's march against Trump (January 21), Scarlett Johansson, Madonna, Julianne Moore, Frances McDormand, Katy Perry, Cher, America Ferrera and other superstars gathered.

Singer Fiona Apple even came up with a chant: “We don’t want your tiny hands, anywhere near our underpants.”

14:00 Former President George W. Bush and his wife Barbara are not going to the inauguration due to health reasons.

In a letter to Trump, Bush said: "My doctor says that if I sit outside in January, I will most likely end up six feet underground. Same with Barbara. So I guess we're stuck in Texas." "I want you to know that I wish you all the best."

13:31 For now, look at the photos of Hollywood stars who came out to protest against Trump in New York that night, on the eve of the inauguration. Among them are Robert de Niro, Julianne Moore, Alec Baldwin, Cher, Cynthia Nixon, an Oscar-winning director and even the mayor of New York:

13:05 Meanwhile, in the Philippines, anti-Trump protesters burned the US flag. It's not long before the inauguration - 6 hours.

People protest against Trump in the Philippines (photo: EPAUPG)

12:01 Putin's press secretary Dmitry Peskov said that the Kremlin will not watch Trump's inauguration on January 20 and will continue to celebrate Epiphany.

11:00 . There will be a record number of representatives from Ukraine at Trump's inauguration this year - about a hundred.

Borislav Bereza and Mikheil Saakashvili arrived in the United States a few days ago. According to sources in the factions, Oksana Bilozir (BPP), first deputy head of the Presidential Administration Vitaly Kovalchuk, deputy head of the Presidential Administration Alexey Filatov, leader of the Batkivshchyna Yulia Tymoshenko, ex-Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, ex-Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, deputies Sergei Levochkin, Vadim will fly to the celebrations, according to sources in the factions Novinsky, Alexander Vilkul, Nikolay Skorik, Georgy Logvinsky, Oleg Kryshin, Pavel Unguryan, Andrey Artemenko and others.

10:45 In Washington, a clash occurred between Trump supporters and his opponents - near the building where a party was held in honor of the new president. The police had to use aerosols.

10:06 In New York, Mayor Bill De Blasio and celebrities came out to protest against Trump: Cher, Robert De Niro, Mark Ruffalo, Michael Moore. Actor Alec Baldwin even parodied Trump:

"I just want to say that I've been standing here in the cold for a long time. I need to go to the toilet, I want to pee. But I'm holding back, I'm holding on, I won't pee. I have a meeting at the Russian embassy tonight, I'll hold out until then until I get there,” Baldwin parodied Trump.

January 19. The official part of the celebrations began. In the morning, Trump and his wife laid a wreath at Arlington National Memorial Cemetery in Washington.

The media are discussing Melania Trump's first inauguration outfit - for visiting the cemetery she chose a black coat by New York designer Norisol Ferrari, as well as Gucci sunglasses. The network wondered whether such an accessory was acceptable for visiting a cemetery, others jokingly suggested that Melania was a member of the secret service.

The Trumps visited the cemetery and laid wreaths (Photo: EPA/UPG)

This is what an invitation to Trump's inauguration looks like (Photo: Valery Karpuntsov)

A gala reception was held in Washington today - a candlelight dinner in honor of the newly elected US President:

Trump with his wife Melania, as well as the new US Vice President with his wife (photo - EPA/UPG)

There was also a star concert. Angelina Jolie's father Jon Voight, Toby Keith and Lee Greenwood, 3 Doors Down, The Frontmen of Country, The Piano Guys, Sam Moore, DJ Ravi Drums and others performed.

January 18.Trump responded to the 50 Democratic congressmen who decided to boycott his inauguration: they must return the invitation cards.

January 16. Trump risks entering office as the most unpopular president in US history. His performance during the transition period was rated positively by only 44% of Americans, which is the worst indicator in 25 years of observation. For example, Obama's work during the transition period, which is the peak of popularity of US presidents, was positively assessed by 81% of Americans.

China did not receive an invitation to the inauguration of the 45th president USA Donald Trump.

22 congressmen decided to boycott the inauguration.

13th of January. Trump has already raised $90 million for the inauguration - this is a record for American presidents. For example, Obama attracted a maximum of 55 million.

Thousands of demonstrators in the United States intend to stage protests on January 20 to disrupt the inauguration of Donald Trump.

Protesters (including the groups DisruptJ20 and Black Lives Matter) are vowing to block all 12 entry points to the parade site, which is scheduled to run along Pennsylvania Avenue from Congress to the White House.

They also want to block the inaugural ball by blocking roads.

"We want to see an uprising simmering in this city and across the country," protest organizer David Thurston said.

Schedule of inauguration events

January 19- the official part begins. Trump laying a wreath at Arlington National Memorial Cemetery in Washington. In the evening - a festive welcome concert of stars near the Lincoln Memorial.

January 20th- Inauguration day. The protocol includes several stages of the ceremony. Around 10:00, Trump and new Vice President Mike Pence and their wives will arrive at the White House. They will be met at the door by current President Barack Obama and his wife and current Vice President Joe Biden and his wife. A 15-minute tea party will follow.

10.30 - departure of the motorcades of presidents and vice-presidents with their retinue. The last one to go will be the car with Obama and Trump. According to protocol, Obama will sit in the car on the right, and Trump on the left.

11:15 - The swearing in of the vice president begins on the west steps of the Capitol.

After her, the newly elected US President takes the floor - he must give a speech immediately before the inauguration.

Donald Trump has refused the services of speechwriters and is writing his own speech, using the speeches of John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan as a model.

12.00 - Trump swears allegiance to the American people. Obama's term will expire at noon and a successor will officially take office.

The oath goes like this: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.

("I do solemnly swear (or declare) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States and will, to the fullest extent of my ability, support, preserve and defend the Constitution of the United States."

After the inauguration, the former and new presidents return to the White House, but now Trump is sitting in the car on the right, and Obama is on the left. Upon arrival at the presidential residence, Obama boards a helicopter and flies to the Andrews military base.

Meanwhile, Trump is on the White House podium taking in the inauguration parade, which runs along Pennsylvania Avenue from Congress to the White House.

18.00 - inaugural ball.

January 21- last day of ceremonies. Prayer Breakfast at the US National Cathedral. Several thousand representatives of religions, as well as representatives of the American political and business elite, were invited.

Show price

Preliminary - 175 - 200 million dollars. Just ensuring security in the United States these days will cost 100 million.

Money for the inauguration of the US President comes from 2 main sources: contributions from private donors and taxpayer funds. Trump expects to receive about 65-70 million from benefactors. According to US law, corporations can donate up to $1 million for the inauguration (for example, Boeing has already donated $1 million). And individuals can donate unlimited amounts, but the name of everyone who donated over 200 thousand must be made public.

In addition, some funds for the inauguration are raised through the sale of tickets to the "prayer breakfast." They cost from 25 thousand to a million dollars, depending on the proximity of the place to the president.

Stars and guests

Many stars refused to perform at Trump's inaugural concert - Elton John, Moby, Celine Dion, Shakira, Beyoncé, Jon Bon Jovi, U2. Many of them sympathized with Hillary Clinton during the election campaign.

As a result, the New York dance group The Rockettes and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir will entertain guests at Trump's inauguration.

The US anthem during the inauguration will be sung by 16-year-old singer with Ukrainian roots, Jackie Ivanko. This is the great-great-granddaughter of immigrants from Transcarpathia named Ivancho. Her paternal great-great-grandmother was born in Ukraine, and her great-great-grandfather was born in Russia; they moved to the USA, and their son Joseph Ivancho - Jackie's great-grandfather - was born in Pennsylvania.

According to media reports, Trump personally called Jackie's manager to invite her to perform at the ceremony.

In 2011, she already performed at a Trump charity event when she was 10 years old:

Jackie Ivanko and Trump (photo from Ivanko's Facebook)

Golden soprano winner and America's Got Talent finalist Jackie Ivanko will become the youngest performer of the national anthem at the inauguration of the US President.

At the celebrations on January 20 there will be Hilary Clinton and her husband Bill Clinton, former US President George W. Bush and his wife Laura, and the 39th US President Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalyn. The 41st President of the United States, 92-year-old George Bush Sr., will miss the inauguration for health reasons.

Since the current inauguration in terms of the level of participation from countries will be held according to the same rules as in previous years, only ambassadors of countries are invited to the official events. No invitations are sent to presidents of other countries.

The inauguration took place in Washington on January 20, which officially entered into office. The Capitol gates for those invited to the solemn event traditionally opened at 6.00, and Trump’s inauguration itself began at 10.30 local time. This amount of time was necessary so that all 900 thousand Americans who arrived for the ceremony could get through the blocked streets, RIA Novosti reports.


The mood of those who arrived at Trump's inauguration was high, and even among opponents there was not even a hint of provocations or protests. Americans actively discussed the WikiLeaks revelations, expressed joy at the imminent departure of a democratic president, and also made bold guesses about how the Republicans under the leadership of Trump would make America “great again.”


Among the officials who attended Trump's inauguration were: former US President Jr. and his wife Laura, and Democratic leader in the US Senate Chuck Schumer, Barack Obama and his wife, Vice President Joe Biden, former President James Carter, as well as the entire family of the newly elected president in the face of the wife and children of the newly elected president.


The guests of the inauguration gave the warmest welcome to the new US Vice President Mike Pence and American leader Donald Trump. The inauguration ceremony for a Republican president traditionally began with a general prayer and an excursion into history, then Pence and Trump took the oath of allegiance to the US Constitution, after which the president-elect delivered an inaugural speech that lasted 17 minutes.


The new head of the United States, in his first speech as president, outlined the main directions of his policy - he confirmed his intention to “make America great” again, and also thanked his predecessor Obama for his excellent job in transferring power. Trump promised that this same power would now shift from the political establishment in Washington to the people, which drew a storm of applause from the crowd.


Also in his speech, Trump said that he would strive to ensure that America becomes an example for the whole world, and not a country that imposes its views on others. Immediately after the conclusion of President Donald Trump's inauguration ceremony, cannons were fired, after which the President went to the White House to sign his first executive orders.


Celebrations for Trump's inauguration continue. The new President of the United States and have already taken part in the traditional ball, where they performed the first dance. Donald and Melania Trump waltzed to the song My Way by Frank Sinatra.

Donald and Melania Trump's first "presidential" dance (video):

Rid the US of trash talker politicians, give America back to the Americans, protect the country and make it great again. Donald Trump, who officially took office as president, promised all this in his inaugural speech. Komsomolskaya Pravda publishes the full version of his solemn speech.

"Chief Justice Roberts, President Carter, President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama, my fellow Americans and the people of the world, thank you. We are American citizens today united in the great work of rebuilding our country. Together we will shape the course of U.S. and world history for many years to come." years. We will have difficult times, but we will complete all tasks. Every 4 years we gather here to observe the peaceful transfer of power. Today's ceremony is of particular significance, we are not only ensuring the transfer of power from one administration to another, we are returning power to you - to the people. For too long a small group of people acted in their own interests. Washington prospered, but the people got nothing. The establishment protected itself, but not the people, their triumph was not your triumph, their joy was not your joy. All this will change right here and right now. This moment is yours, it belongs to you. This is your day, your holiday. USA is your country! What really matters is not the party that is in power, but that power is controlled by the people.

The world will remember January 20, 2017 as the day when people became the rulers of their country. Forgotten people will be remembered! Everyone is listening to you now, you will be part of a historical movement, and at the center of this movement is the belief that a nation exists to serve its citizens. There are many poor families in our cities, the education system is suffering, gangs, drugs, and robbers reign. All this will stop here and now. We are one nation. Their pain is our pain, their dreams are our dreams, their success is our success. We have one future, and today's oath is an oath of allegiance to all of you, American citizens.

We defended the borders of other states and refused to defend our own borders. We spent trillions of dollars abroad, we made other countries rich, and we ourselves lost our wealth. No one thought about the millions of workers left without work, but now we are looking only forward, only to the future. From now on we will have a new principle for governing the country: America is first! America is ahead! We will always be guided by this principle; everything will serve in the name of the American nation. We will protect our borders, we will not allow our well-being to be destroyed, I will fight for you as long as I live and will never let you down. America will win again like never before. We will take back our borders, our prosperity, our jobs and our dreams. We will build new roads, highways, bridges, railways, we will rebuild our country.

We will stick to the formula: for Americans and by Americans. We will strive for friendship with other countries, but at the same time we will be guided only by our own interests. We will strengthen alliances and create new ones. We will unite the world against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will wipe out from the face of the earth. I declare a commitment to our interests. The Holy Scripture says: “how good it is when people live in unity.” We must strive for solidarity, because one America will not be stopped. We will always be protected: our army will protect us, but most importantly, God protect us!

The inauguration of the elected US President, Donald Trump, took place in Washington. You could learn about all the nuances of the ceremony and the events around it in real time in the Fontanka broadcast.

The official part of the inauguration is over - Donald Trump has officially become the 45th President of the United States. However, the inauguration itself is not over - an official reception will take place soon, and then the celebrations will continue on January 21.

Thank you for being with us. We are ending the broadcast.

The next four years, if Trump is not lying, will be interesting.

Officials disperse and all spectators are asked to remain seated.

Jackie Ivanko performs the American anthem. Visibly worried, voice trembles:

Representatives of different faiths speak

"God Bless America"

"We must dream, we must cherish big dreams, we will exist as long as we are rich. Very often we have heard politicians complaining but doing nothing, the time for empty talk is over. The hour has come when we must act. Don't let anyone tell "that this is impossible. If the Americans unite into a single fist, nothing will stop us."

Promises to wipe out Islamic radicalism from the face of the earth

"Buy American goods and hire Americans."

"We will return our wealth and return our dream"

It looks like the new course may not appeal to everyone in the world:

"We are gathered here and we will sign a new law: a new policy will govern our country. A New Deal: America comes first, only American interests come first, no matter what it is about immigration, economics..."

And we will look again at the streets of Washington, while Trump says that people took to the streets to celebrate liberation, the victory of the people:

"A small group of people here in Washington received all the profits, but not the people of the entire country. Their victories were not your victories. They celebrated here in Washington, but ordinary people across America had nothing to celebrate. But all of that is going to change right now. This is your moment of triumph and it belongs to you. To everyone gathered here, everyone who watches this shit on TV. The USA is your country!"

“We are giving power from Washington back to the people.”

Thanks to the presidents-predecessors and the peoples of the world.

He promises to work together to shape the course of the country and the world.

Well, that's it, the 45th President of America Donald Trump

Trump is sworn in by John G. Robertson Jr., Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

Ah, no. Some more music - this time a Mormon choir.

Now it's Trump's turn

Judge Clarence Thomas administers the oath of office to Vice President Pence:

Jack Schummer, senator from New York, speaks:

"We Americans have always looked to the future, no matter our sexual orientation, gender identity, race, whether we were immigrants or born here...we have always been willing to sacrifice our lives and our energies for our country, today we celebrate one of our The main elements of democracy are the peaceful transition of power."

And again we are transported to the streets of Washington

While the University of Missouri choir is singing (excellently, I say), a little more about the costumes of those who came:

"As a nation, Lord, we pray for President Trump and Vice President Pence and their families, we pray that you will give them the wisdom they need and give us strength."

Here they seem to be hinting that Melania made a little mistake with the color:

Solomon's prayer begins

Came out. Showed "ok". “Hello,” he says... And all around is not exactly, but... silence...


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