Library Information Day 1812. Municipal budgetary cultural institution "Krestetsk inter-settlement library

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The Russian historian N.P. Mikhnevich referred to the following review by Emperor Napoleon about the Battle of Borodino: “Of all my battles, the most terrible is the one I fought near Moscow. The French showed themselves worthy of victory in it, and the Russians acquired the right to be invincible... Of the fifty battles I gave, in the battle of Moscow [the French] showed the most valor and achieved the least success.”
Emperor Alexander I declared the Battle of Borodino as a victory. Considering the significance of the Battle of Borodino in the Patriotic War of 1812, both foreign and Russian historians are inclined to believe that the outcome of the Battle of Borodino was uncertain, and the Russian army won a “moral victory” in it. And, although as a result of the battle the French occupied all the main positions and fortifications of the Russian army, while maintaining reserves, pushed the Russians away from the battlefield, and ultimately forced them to retreat and leave Moscow, no one disputes that the Russian army retained its combat effectiveness and morale .
The main achievement of the general battle of Borodino was that Napoleon failed to defeat the Russian army, and in the objective conditions of the entire Russian campaign of 1812, the lack of a decisive victory predetermined Napoleon’s final defeat.
The Battle of Borodino marked a crisis in the French strategy for the decisive general battle. During the battle, the French failed to destroy the Russian army, force Russia to capitulate and dictate peace terms. Russian troops inflicted significant damage on the enemy army and were able to preserve their strength for future battles.

Chaltyrskoe settlement:
- "Courage, valor,
live in glory
Russian land!
(about Russian commanders),
- “No wonder he remembers
all Russia"

book exhibition

history hour




- "Defenders of the Fatherland" conversation September DB
- « Military Glory Day
book exhibition August Chaltyrskaya
Bolshesalsky settlement:
- “It’s not for nothing that all of Russia remembers
About Borodin Day!




Kalinin settlement:
- « Glorious page
Russian history"
book exhibition,

Krasnokrymskoe settlement:
- " Battle of Borodino",
- " Patriotic War
history hour
book exhibition
September Krasnokrymskaya
- "Cavalry guards, you
gained glory!
book exhibition,
June Leninavanskaya
- "Great fight!
Victorious battle!
conversation September Leninakanskaya
- "Forever in the memory of posterity" History lesson September
Crimean settlement:
- "We are proud of the glory of our ancestors"
- “Soldier” is a proud word!”

Histor. excursion,
book exhibition



Nedvigovskoe settlement:
- "The feat of living for centuries" book exhibition,
- “It’s not for nothing that all of Russia remembers”

hour of information



- "Heroes of the War of 1812" v.-view August


Petrovskoe settlement:
- "The feat of arms of the sons
September Alexandrovskaya
- "For the glory of the Fatherland!"




Libraries are planning monthly releases of calendars “Days of Military Glory of Russia” - September: 200th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812, the Battle of Borodino;
In publishing activities, the following issues are planned: “And all Russia will remember ...” - booklet (Nedvigovskaya Library), “It is not for nothing that all Russia remembers about Borodin’s Day” - information and recommendation manual (Kalininskaya Library), “Field of Military Glory” - issues of the ZhZL series of the collection “Personalities in History” – Central Library.

Ved. methodologist of MBUK MR "MCB" Kesheshyan A. O.,
25.01. 2012

In 2012, the 200th anniversary of one of the most significant events in Russian history was celebrated - the Patriotic War of 1812. The “thunderstorm of the twelfth year” left a deep mark on the consciousness of contemporaries and descendants, in all spheres of life in our country. In the apt expression of A.I. Herzen, “the true history of Russia is revealed only by 1812; everything that came before was just a preface.” The collection dedicated to this event includes numerous materials reflecting the history of the Patriotic War of 1812 in all its diversity of manifestations.

Deep Russian-French contradictions, including Russia's refusal to support the continental blockade of England, became the main reasons for the war. On June 10 (22), the French ambassador presented a note about the severance of diplomatic relations between the countries and the outbreak of war. On June 12 (24), the invasion of Napoleonic army into Russia began.

At the first stage of the war, which lasted from June to September 1812, the Russian army was forced to retreat deep into Russian territory. The key event of this period was the Battle of Borodino on August 26 (September 7).

The Patriotic War assumed a truly national character. The heroism of the Russian army, partisan detachments and militia, and the leadership talents of the Russian command made it possible to turn the tide of the war and became the key to future victory. At the second stage, in October-December 1812, French troops were defeated by the Russian army and expelled from Russia, and military operations were transferred to the territory of European states.

The main materials for presentation in the collection are research, official and archival documents, cartographic, visual and multimedia materials from the electronic collection of the Presidential Library. Particular attention is paid to memoirs and official documents reflecting the participation of the people in the defense of the Fatherland. Especially for the collection, the PB electronic fund includes digital copies of portraits of heroes of the War of 1812, provided by the State Hermitage.

More than 800 items from the collection are placed in thematic sections, provided with brief annotations. Access to the entire array is provided in the electronic reading room, some of the documents are available in the public domain on the library portal.

To prepare this collection, numerous materials were used from the collections of the Foreign Policy Archive of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Library of Congress of the United States, the Library of Natural Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Vladimir Regional Scientific Library. M. Gorky, Volgograd Regional Universal Scientific Library named after. M. Gorky, State Historical and Literary Museum-Reserve of A. S. Pushkin, State Hermitage, State Public Historical Library, Film Studio "National Film Center", Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region, Moscow Regional State Scientific Library named after. N.K. Krupskaya, Kremlin Scientific Library, Omsk State Regional Scientific Library named after. A. S. Pushkin, Russian State Library, Russian National Library, Russian State Archive of Film and Photo Documents, Russian State Historical Archive, Russian State Pedagogical University. A. I. Herzen, Ryazan Regional Universal Scientific Library named after. M. Gorky, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg State Theater Library, Center for Information Technologies and Systems of Executive Authorities, Federal Security Service of Russia.


for the book and illustration exhibition:

dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Russia's victory in the Patriotic War of 1812

year 2012

The most popular form of visual activity in libraries is still the book and illustration exhibition. The book exhibition is the calling card of the library.

In the history of our Motherland there have been many wars - large and small, aggressive and liberating, but only two of them are called Patriotic. It is characteristic that for Russia, prone to reassessing values, revising its history, and overthrowing past idols, the Patriotic War of 1812 is something sacred.

Researchers treat its history with surprising care and tact. The heroes of the war, who had not only undoubted merits, but also natural human weaknesses, are still fanned in our minds with a romantic aura, placing them beyond the criticism of their descendants. They manage to evoke our admiration and admiration through the centuries.

In 2012, we celebrate a glorious date - the 200th anniversary of the Victory of Russia in the Patriotic War of 1812.

The significance of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812 is evidenced by the fact that this event is reflected in the Federal Law “On the Days of Military Glory (Victory Days) of Russia” No. 32 - Federal Law dated March 13, 1995, new edition: No. 98 - Federal Law dated July 21, 2005 , where the list of days of military glory of Russia includesSeptember 8 is the day of the Battle of Borodino.

In 2007, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 27 was issued. 2007 No. 1755“On the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Victory of Russia in the Patriotic War of 1812.”

Gazimuro-Zavodskaya school librarytook an active part in events dedicated to the War of 1812. An action plan was drawn up for this significant date. At the end of September, all classes held a costume ball in the style of the early 19th century. Each class prepared a performance and presentation. At the beginning of September, the exhibition “Grozny 1812” was mounted in the library. A number of events were held at the exhibition. This includes a review of books that found their place at the exhibition, conversations about the events of those years, and quizzes. Children prepared reports about the War of 1812.

On October 1, a competition was announced: “My favorite book about the Patriotic War of 1812.” Primary and secondary classes took an active part in this competition. Books about the war were found on the shelves at home and in other libraries. Much material was published in the magazine "

Murzilka,” the guys took advantage of it, learned a lot of interesting things about the war, about heroes, about field marshals. From October 10 to October 19, another exhibition about the Patriotic War of 1812 opened in the assembly hall:“It’s not for nothing that all of Russia remembers...” It contained all the material: textbook, encyclopedic, artistic, illustrated, which could be found in our school library. Some books have already lived “adult life”: in 2012 they will turn 60 years old.

1 section of the exhibition “Wars Sacred Pages”

“The twelfth year was great because

awakened the dormant forces of Russia and forced

her to see in herself the strengths and means that

Until then she didn’t suspect herself.”

(V.G. Belinsky)

Contains general information: "A just national liberation war of the peoples of Russia, led by the Russian people, against the Napoleonic army that invaded the country. The defeat of French troops in Russia in 1812 played a major role in the liberation of the peoples of Western Europe from the Napoleonic yoke.” We read this in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, volume 31, published in Moscow in 1955. The encyclopedia is equipped with colorful illustrations and maps: “Napoleon’s invasion of Russia in 1812 and the retreat of the Russian army”, “Counter-offensive of the Russian army”, paintings by artists: P. Hess “Battle of Borodino”, “Battle of Vyazma on October 22, 1812”, “Transition” the French army through the Berezina" (Flight of the French army from Russia), Krasovsky's "Battle of Platov's Cossacks near the village of Mir" In N. Baturin's book "Military Glory of Russia" (Chita, "Search" 2004) information about the war is presented in the following chapters: “The French moved like clouds”, “And the battle broke out not for the sake of glory”, “The Battle of Borodino”, “The whole of Russia remembers their feat”, “Not sparing your belly”" “From the first days of the war, having almost triple superiority in manpower and artillery (610 thousand people and 1200 guns, 240 thousand Russians) Napoleon sought to

to defeat the Russian army, “we must end the campaign with one thunderclap,” he said. However, the Russians dispelled this myth to smithereens. The Don Cossacks, led by their ataman M.I. Platov, played a huge role in the defeat of the French army. Once Napoleon himself almost ended up being captured by Platov. The French emperor even said: “Give me only the Cossacks, and I will conquer all of Europe!”

Section 2 of the exhibition: “Life for the glory and honor of the Fatherland.” The quotation for the section was a poem by M. Tsvetaeva:

“All heights were too small for you,

and the staleest bread is soft"

Oh, young generals,

Oh young generals

Past years..."

Evgeniy Vladimirovich’s book “Historical Portraits” contains interesting material about the heroes of the War of 1812: Bagration, Barclay de Tolly, Neverovsky, Raevsky, Kutuzov, and others. Description of Napoleon's personality, his conquests, the invasion of Russia in 1812, the defeat of his army. The material is accompanied by colorful illustrations: “Panoramas of the Battle of Borodino”, “Fire in Moscow on September 15, 1812”. The activities of the outstanding diplomat of his time, Emperor Alexander I, can be traced in the book “Rulers of Russia” (M., Belfax 2001)“In conditions when the allies were betraying Alexander I one by one, he made a diplomatic move. On June 13-14, 1807, a meeting between the Russian Emperor and Napoleon Bonaparte took place in Tilsit. Here an act of offensive and defensive alliance between Russia and France was signed. If you trace the course of events, then 1806 is the beginning of the Russian-Turkish War, which lasted until May 1812. At the last stage, General Field Marshal M.I. Kutuzov was at the head of the Russian army. 1808 began the war with Sweden, and on June 12, 1812, Napoleon’s huge army, which included troops from most countries

Europe, which is why it was nicknamed the army of “twelve languages,” crossed the borders of Russia and began an attack on Moscow.”

Section 3 of the exhibition: “There is a large field in Moscow.” Quote:

"Here on the fields of Borodin

Europe fought with Russia

And the honor of Russia is saved

In the waves of a bloody stream"


In 2001, in Moscow, a scientific publishing house published the Great Russian Encyclopedia, volume 4, which found its place at a book exhibition. Opening the book on p. 61 we read: “The Russian army, departing from Smolensk after the Battle of Smolensk in 1812, concentrated on August 22 at Borodino, Moscow province, where Kutuzov decided to give battle in order to prevent the enemy from approaching Moscow. The Battle of Borodino began early in the morning of August 26 with an artillery firefight. The battle was bloody, and as darkness fell, the French troops retreated to their original positions. The Grand Army lost (according to French documents 28 thousand people, according to Russian documents 50-58 thousand people). Having lost half of the Russian army in the battle of Borodino, Kutuzov categorically decided to save the second half of the army and give up Moscow without a fight. This did not stop him from proclaiming that Borodino was a victory. The moral victory was undeniable. Since that time, the Borodino field has firmly entered the spiritual consciousness of the Russian people. It has become part of our national pride and glory. An indestructible component of our historical memory. This section includes visual material about the Battle of Borodino. Section 4 of the exhibition: “1812 in Russian poetry and prose”

Let us remember, brothers, the glory of Russia

And let's go destroy the enemies!

Let's defend our country:

Death is better than living in slavery.

We go ahead, go ahead, guys.

With God, faith and the bayonet!

Our faith and fidelity are sacred:

We win or we die!

Under the Smolensk walls,

Here, Russia is at the door,

Stand up and fight our enemies!..

Let's not let the evil animals pass!

(F. Glinka)

On the bookshelf, children found poetry and prose in the following collections: Baratynsky Poems and Poems, “Bless the Poet”, M. Tsvetaeva Poems., “Borodin Field”, Russian songs and romances, Russian poetry 1801-1812, Russian prose 1 half 19th century, Tolstoy War and Peace - 4 volumes.

The competition “My favorite book about the Patriotic War of 18123” was announced, in which the children took an active part. Students of grades 2,3,4,5,6 read these books, shared what they read and what they liked.

The purpose of the viewing exhibition is to introduce students to literature on a specific topic. A prerequisite for the exhibition is to create comfortable conditions for the reader to work with the book. The following principles must be followed: accessibility, openness, comfort. "Choosing the form of a book exhibition is not an end in itself, but a way to effectively reveal the content of the topic. A well-prepared and organized exhibition is a work of library art, the fruit of scientific and creative research, the result of inspired work. It should contribute to the formation of a positive image of the library. All libraries are individual, but each of them has a special atmosphere, the owners of which are rightfully the librarian and the book collection. Book exhibitions can be called a kind of calling card of the library.”

(O.P. Zykov)

List of literature used to design the exhibition:

1.BSE t.31 Moscow, state. Scientific publishing house 1955.

2. Military glory to Russia Chita. Search 2004

3.E.Tarle. Historical portraits. Digest 2007.

4.Rulers of Russia Moscow. Belfast. year 2001.

5.BRE Moscow. Scientific publishing house. 2006.

6. Naval commanders and generals. Encyclopedia. Moscow. Rosmen.2001

7.Baratynsky Poems and Poems. Moscow. Fiction 1982.

8. Pushkin, Poems. Moscow worker. 1985

9. Collection Bless the Poet. Moscow, Soviet Russia 1983.

10.Lunini. Essays. Irkutsk East Siberian publishing house 1988.

11. Tsvetaeva Poems. Moscow Children's literature, 1990

12. Collection. Borodino field. Moscow. Children's literature. 1987

13.Russian songs and romances. Moscow, Fiction, 1989.

14. Russian poetry 1801-1812, Moscow, fiction 1989.

15.Russian prose of the 1st half of the 19th century, Moscow, 2002

16. L.N. Tolstoy War and Peace in 4 volumes, Moscow Enlightenment 1981.

MKUK "Arbazhskaya TsBS"
Participation of the Central Library Library in the program “Patriotic Education of Citizens”
Russian Federation" for 2011 – 2015.

The topic of patriotism is multifaceted; it includes the military history of the state, political and cultural. In 2011, the libraries of the Arbazh Central Library for Patriotic Education worked in the following areas:

1 . Civil-patriotic, which, in turn, includes:

  • Introducing to the socio-political life of the country.

In libraries, this is facilitated by the organization of events dedicated to public holidays and memorable dates:

Russia Day (June 12)
In June, in order to popularize the state symbols of the Russian Federation, the reading room of the Arbazh Central Bank annually hosts exhibition-quiz “Russia. History and destinies". The exhibition presents literature about the past and present of our Motherland. Readers who visited the hall answered the questions of the quiz dedicated to the history of the Russian state with pleasure and, moreover, successfully. The title of the exhibition is designed in the colors of the Russian flag.
For the Day of the Foundation of Russia on June 12, the exhibition “Russia Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow” was mounted on the subscription, where books by the first Russian President Boris Yeltsin were presented, telling about the events of those days.
A virtual excursion “The Kremlin” was held for students of the correctional boarding school and for students of the 9th grade of the Arbazh Secondary School, where the children got acquainted with the Kremlin and its halls.

In 2011, in the reading room of the Arbazh Central Bank, information hour “My Russia. Moscow Kremlin". The event was dedicated to Russia Day. It was attended by readers of different ages. The librarian of the reading room told those present that each state has its own coat of arms, flag, and anthem. They are state symbols and were formed as symbols of the supreme power. Not a single event of national importance is complete without state symbols. Together with the participants of the event, I took a virtual excursion into the history of our Motherland through the Moscow Kremlin. The electronic disk “The Kremlin: more than power” was used (virtual tour, multimedia encyclopedia, 360° panoramas).

In area libraries:

Book and illustration exhibition “Russia – My Motherland” was demonstrated in the Arbazh Children's Library. The best children's books about Russia, materials about the coat of arms, anthem and flag of Russia, the region and the region were presented.

Exhibition-review “My heart is with Russia” worked in June at the Sorvizh library. The exhibition, which offered books and periodicals on the history and modernity of our country, was a great success among library readers. Books and articles “State Symbols of the Russian Federation” were presented on a separate shelf.

Oral journal “We are Russians” took place in June at the Verkhotula Library. During the magazine, a presentation of the encyclopedia “Russia” was held for readers. The library held an exhibition-conversation “Our address: Russia. Vyatka region".

Exhibition of one book “The Best People of Russia” worked in June at the Shembet library. The head of the library conducted reviews and conversations at the exhibition.

History hour “Fighters for National Unity” took place on November 3 at the Verkhotula Library. The head of the library told the 7th grade schoolchildren who participated in the event about the history of the holiday, about the saviors of Rus' - Minin and Pozharsky. Then the guys took a virtual excursion to Nizhny Novgorod - the city where Minin and Pozharsky lived and fought.

Exhibition-review “Patriots of Russia” worked in November at the Arbazh Central Library. The literature presented at the exhibition told about a difficult time in the history of our state, about the struggle of the Russian people against the Polish intervention led by the glorious fighters for national unity - Minin and Pozharsky.

Exhibition-quiz “What do you know about National Unity Day?” worked in November at the Arbazh Children's Library. The head of the library prepared quiz questions on the history of the holiday. Readers, especially young ones, answered them very willingly and successfully.

History lesson “November 4 - National Unity Day” took place on November 3 at the Pishnur Library. The head of the library gave a talk on the history of the holiday to the readers. The library was organized exhibition-review “The History of a Holiday”.

Oral journal “For the glory of the Fatherland” for 5-7th grade school students in the Shembet library he spoke about the history of the National Unity Day holiday, about Minin and Pozharsky.

2011 – Year of Russian Cosmonautics
Arbazh Central Bank: exhibitions were designed: “Man on the threshold of the universe” . This exhibition is displayed in the reading room. It presents books, newspaper and magazine articles about space rocket designers, about the first cosmonaut Yu. Gagarin, and about other cosmonaut pilots. "Through the thorns to the stars" The exhibition is issued on a subscription from the Central Bank. Main sections: 1. Spaceship designers 2. Man rose into the sky (about Yu.A. Gagarin). 3. Cosmonaut - 100. (About V.P. Savinykh) 4. Sons of the blue planet (About the pilot-cosmonauts of the country).

For 9th grade students, a high point “Man Rises into the Sky” was held, during which students became acquainted with the history of Russian cosmonautics and the fate of spaceship designers. With the history of the first space flights, as well as the biography of some astronauts. Then the guys watched a presentation about the Vyatka cosmonaut V.P. Savinykh.

Also, for the year of Russian cosmonautics, a booklet “The Earth Waits and Hopes” was compiled about the Vyatka cosmonaut V.P. Savinykh. The booklet presents the biography of V.P. Savinykh, a portrait, a biography, information about his flights into space, a list of literature available in our library about him; a recommended list of literature “Spaceship Designers” was compiled, which provides information about the designers V.P. Glushko, S.P. Korolev, M.K. Yangel, their biographies, portraits, list of references; The bookmark “Cosmonaut No. 1” about Yu.A. Gagarin was created.

Arbazhskaya DB: The anniversary helped to intensify work on this topic. The exhibition-viewing began its work on February 1 "Legendary pages of astronautics." The exhibition sections are designed: Gagarin's flight, The first woman in orbit, Animals in space, Space house. Screensaver: “2011 announced by the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev - the year of cosmonautics in honor of the first manned flight into space.”

In April, the screensaver “April 12 – World Cosmonautics Day” was designed. A review of books from the exhibition “Space in a Book Cover” was carried out.

Mass events took place. A literary evening was prepared and held for sixth-graders "Columbus of the Universe" dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the first manned space flight. On April 12, 1961, a new era of humanity began - the cosmic era. Half a century has passed since that day, but today we are proud that the first person in the Universe was our compatriot Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

Everything that happened on that memorable April morning is captured in thousands of all kinds of evidence. The hosts of the evening introduced the event participants to the chronicle of these hours, minutes, seconds of that historical day. What kind of human phenomenon is Gagarin? This was made possible by the memories of people who knew the first cosmonaut closely. Among them: mother – A.T. Gagarin, cosmonaut Boris Volynov and others. In addition to the memories of contemporaries, the guys learned about the thoughts and feelings that Yu.A. experienced. Gagarin in minutes of flight. Throughout the evening, poems by V. Biryukov, F. Chuev, K. Simonov, V. Kostrov, A. Tvardovsky, dedicated to the flight of man into space, and recordings of the songs “You know what kind of guy he was...”, “Gagarin’s Constellation” were heard.

Disabled children and schoolchildren of grades 1-2. took part in the game program “I want to be an astronaut”. The host of the game invited the children to the Young Cosmonaut Training Center, where all sorts of tests awaited them. “Space training” included games to test the vestibular apparatus, games “Cosmonaut’s Chair”, “Spaceship Wreck”, “Urgent Inventory” (attention competition). The children quickly collected the encrypted word “Cosmonaut” and each found their own star, which were hung at different ends of the hall.

In moments of relaxation, the children listened to interesting information about space “Among the worlds, in the twinkling of the stars...”. Then the guys took part in a literary and space quiz, guessed “Space Riddles,” and answered questions in the quiz game “Do you know your neighbors?” (about the planets of the solar system). At the end of the event, the children watched an excerpt from the film. "Dunno on the Moon".
A list of scripts and articles has been compiled “2011 – Year of Cosmonautics.”

  • Improving the legal culture of citizens.

Events in support of elections –
Voter corners and tables: “Make your choice” (Basmanovskaya SB, Pishnurskaya SB), “Towards the elections” (Kislyakovskaya SB), “Let’s go to the elections” (Kugunurskaya SB).
Information exhibitions: “Elections: there is still time to think” (Arbazh Central Bank), “Voter! Read, compare, think!” (Basmanovskaya SB), “The choice is yours” (Verkhotulskaya SB), “Elections are on the agenda” (Mosunovskaya SB).

Information leaflets, posters, stands: “Elections 2011” (Arbazhskaya Central Bank), “From the history of elections” (Basmanovskaya SB), “On the way to elections” (Korminskaya SB), “Your choice” (Kriushinskaya SB), “Towards the elections” (Roevskaya SB, Sorvizhskaya SB, Sharanitskaya SB, Shembetskaya SB).

Public events: Round table “What should we know about elections?” for students in grades 9-11 (Arbazhskaya Central Bank), “Today a student is a voter tomorrow,” a legal game for students in grades 8 (Arbazhskaya children’s library), Conversation “You and I must do this” ( Balandovskaya SB), Information Hour “Your Rights” (Verkhotulskaya SB), Legal game dedicated to electoral law “Young Experts in Law” for students in grades 8, 9 and 11 (Korminskaya SB, Pishnurskaya SB), Individual informational conversations with stand “Your Choice” (Kriushinskaya SB), A series of individual conversations at the exhibition “Our Candidates” (Mosunovskaya SB), Legal game “I am a voter” for 9th grade students (Sorvizhskaya SB), Game program on the basics of electoral law “Young Law Experts” for 8th grade students. (Arbazhskaya DB), Exhibition - drawing competition “Elections through the eyes of children” (Arbazhskaya DB), Conversation “For Young Voters” (Pishnurskaya SB), Quiz “Elections” for students of 9-11 grades. (Sorvizhskaya SB)

  • Use of Russian state symbols.

State symbols of the Russian Federation are very important elements of the life of our people. The coat of arms, flag and anthem of Russia reflect feelings of patriotism, respect for the history of the country, its political system. Therefore, events on this topic are held annually. In 2011 the following were carried out:

In order to expand knowledge about state symbols, the information sector of the Arbazh Central Bank has released brochures “The Anthem as a Symbol”(from the history of the anthem of Russia, Vyatka and the Arbazh region), “Coat of arms as a symbol”, “Flag as a symbol”. The brochure “The Anthem as a Symbol” was presented to the new head of the Arbazhsky district. On the eve of the inauguration of the head of the Arbazhsky district, Popov A.I. Arbazhskaya Central Bank has prepared a booklet “ Inauguration» from the Legal Culture series. The booklet reveals the history of the inauguration and the procedure for carrying out the inauguration at the present time.

A conversation was held with 9th grade students of the Arbazh secondary school “The anthem, flag, coat of arms - symbols of the Russian state.” The schoolchildren had a conversation about the history of the creation of the coat of arms, flag and anthem in Russia, in the region and in the region, based on brochures compiled in the central library - “The coat of arms as a symbol” (From the history of the coat of arms of Russia, Vyatka and the Arbazh region); “Flag as a symbol” (From the history of the flag of Russia and Vyatka); and “The Anthem as a Symbol (From the history of the anthem of Russia, Vyatka and the Arbazh region).

The symbols of Russia and the Kirov region are presented on exhibition in the reading room "Legislative News" and on shelf exhibition subscription "Symbols of the Russian State".

Prepared by the information sector of the Arbazh Central Bank booklet “Russian flag flies proudly”, was held information hour “Flag of Freedom and Independence”. The librarian of the reading room spoke about the history of the creation of the Russian flag, what the colors of the tricolor mean, and on what occasions the flag of the Russian Federation is raised. Readers were interested to learn that for the first five hundred years of its history, Russia had neither a coat of arms, nor a flag, nor an anthem, and the role of the flag in the Middle Ages was played by a miraculous icon, with which the princely squads went into battle. Usually, before a campaign or battle, a general prayer was performed at the miraculous icon. Thus, blessing Prince Dmitry Donskoy for the decisive battle with the Tatars, Saint Sergius of Radonezh presented the warrior with an icon depicting the Mother of God. Such an icon was treasured like the apple of one's eye. Prepared for the event exhibition-review “You are in everyone’s heart”. Many people learned for the first time that the keyword BESIK (white, blue, red) is used to remember the arrangement of the colors of the Russian flag.
District libraries

Information hour “History of the Russian flag” held for readers on August 20 by the librarian of the Sorvizh Library. She told the readers gathered for the event about the history of the state symbols of the Russian Federation, paying special attention to the history of the Russian flag. Then I spent exhibition “Glory to our free Fatherland” literature review.

2. Military-historical.

  • Forming a positive attitude of children and youth towards the Russian army and military service.

In libraries this was facilitated by the organization and implementation of:

Defender of the Fatherland Day(events about the history of the Russian army, navy, awards) –

Arbazh Central Bank: the military-historical game “A Soldier is Always a Soldier” was held for the students of the military-patriotic club “Vityaz”. The cadets of the Vityaz club, 38 people, were invited to the military history game. The event program includes quizzes and competitions on the history of Russia and the army. The children also competed in their ability to quickly and efficiently decipher an encrypted letter, sew on buttons, peel potatoes, and wrap foot wraps. Literary competitions for knowledge of literature about the army were also included.

The subscription featured the exhibition “Serving Russia. Main sections: 1. From the history of the Russian army 2. For the Fatherland, freedom and honor 3. The unfading feat of the people 4. The state is strong with its army. The exhibition presents literature from the history of the Russian army, books about commanders, heroes of the War of 1812 and the Great Patriotic War, as well as books for future conscripts.

A presentation “The Army of the Russian State” was prepared for the participants of the military-patriotic camp, created annually from students of 10th grade of secondary schools in the region. This presentation provides information about the types of armed forces and branches of the Russian Federation.

Arbazhskaya DB: The following were dedicated to the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland:
Exhibition-congratulations “You must preserve the honor and valor of the Motherland!” The exhibition materials were presented in two sections: “Pages of the history of the Russian army”, “Writers talk about soldier’s service”. The exhibition featured greetings to “Papa – Military Man” and “Boys – Classmates”.

Second-graders of the high school took part in a theatrical educational and entertainment program “Russian heroes visiting Babok-Ezhek”. The event was also dedicated to the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland. The host of the holiday told the children that several centuries ago children grew up very early. Boys had to not only be able to plow the land and know a craft, but also skillfully defend their homeland from enemies. Then the children were invited to become participants in the competition program. Flying out on their brooms to the cheerful music of the Hedgehog Grandmothers, they divided the game participants into teams, handing out their talismans: one – mushrooms, the other – flowers. Hence the team names. To appease Babok-Ezhek, the guys had to show dexterity and ingenuity.

  • Forms a sense of pride in the military history of our country and respect for ancestors, heroes and veterans.

In libraries it's propaganda days of military glory of Russia:
Arbazhskaya Central Bank:

Arbazhskaya DB: For students of 3-4 grades. there was a conversation at the exhibition "City of Courage and Glory". The conversation was prepared based on N. Khodza’s book “The Road of Life” and dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the author’s birth. The story about the courage and heroism of Leningraders was accompanied by a display of illustrations from the book.

To the 200th anniversary of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812 -
Arbazhskaya Central Bank: A lesson in glory was held for 10th grade students. The topic of the lesson is “Days of military glory of Russia. War of 1812." The presentation “Days of Military Glory of Russia” was shown at the event. Then we focused in more detail on one of the days of military glory - the Battle of Borodino and the course of military operations in the Patriotic War of 1812. The story was accompanied by a presentation. The children also became acquainted with the theme of the Patriotic War of 1812 in L. N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace”.

Arbazhskaya DB : The library was working to prepare for the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino. Last year in September for students in grades 5-8. there was a viewing exhibition “Through the pages of books about the Patriotic War of 1812.” The exhibition widely presented book and magazine materials about the events of that period, about the great heroes of 1812, about the monuments of the Borodino field, the hero city of Maloyaroslavets, where the fate of Napoleon’s large army was decided. Readers were offered works of art by K. Sergienko, O. Mikhailov, L. Charskaya. Particularly popular were the books: L. Charskaya “A Brave Life”, “100 Great Heroes of 1812”, the headings “Heroes of the War of 1812” in the magazine “Misha”, “Faithful Sons of Russia” in the magazine “God’s World”.

To help plan work with children for 2012, a list of articles from periodicals about the War of 1812 was selected and compiled for the SBF.

The focus is on veterans, participants, eyewitnesses of the Great Patriotic War:

Victory Day (May 9)
Arbazhskaya Central Bank: For Victory Day, the subscription issued the exhibition “My land in a time of war” . The exhibition is framed on a Central Bank subscription for the 66th anniversary of the Victory in the Second World War. Main sections: 1. Front-line days and nights 2. Labor for victory 3. The path of courage and glory.
Only books by Kirov authors about fellow countrymen who fought at the front, home front workers, and heroes of the Soviet Union - Kirov residents and Arbazhans - are presented.

It has already become a tradition to hold a holiday for pensioners from the Veterans' Home together with students from a correctional boarding school and employees of the social welfare center. This year a congratulatory program was held “Memory is kept by the living”(to the 66th anniversary of Victory in the Second World War). The event program included: 1. Review of the book exhibition “My Land in a Time of War” 2. Festive concert of children from a correctional boarding school 3. Congratulations of social workers on Victory Day. 4.Tea drinking with home front workers.

Arbazhskaya DB: The topic of the Great Patriotic War still worries people of different generations. It is especially important that children begin reading books about war from early childhood. There were colorfully decorated book exhibitions at the library's lending desk and in the reading room. On the subscription for students 1-9 grades. a book exhibition was prepared “Live in eternal memory...” with sections: “Happy Great Victory Day”, “Heroic Past”. The exhibition featured headbands with poems, illustrations, and postcards with images of the Victory Parade in Moscow, G.K. Zhukova, G.P. Bulatova. There was a viewing exhibition in the reading room "Children of that terrible war." Schoolchildren 5-9 grades. We got acquainted with works about children who fought on the front line and worked in the rear in the section “Children on the Roads of War”; a section of the exhibition “Children in the Enemy Rear” was dedicated to pioneer heroes.

Head of the mass work sector of the DB Kislitsyna G.N. a brochure was compiled "One destiny - one Victory". The collection includes stories about participants in the war in the Arbazh region. The schoolchildren's essays were written based on newspaper materials, according to the recollections of veterans to participate in the regional action “War Passed on the Earth,” which was held by the Regional Children's Library named after. A.S. Green in 2010. The publications were presented to M.S. Sozinov and A.V. Tselishchev, whose memoirs were included in the publication at the rally on May 9. In 2011, the recommendation literature was finalized “You need this book about the war, and I need it too...”, compiled by the chief librarian of the DB Mashkina E.P. The index in a computer version was designed by the Central Bank employee O.A. Demidova. Head of the DB Semenov T.Yu. brochure published "Obelisk in the depths of Russia" about the monument to the fallen Arbazhans.

Arbazh Central Bank: The book exhibition “Feat in the Name of Life” was organized for June 22, the day the Second World War began. Main sections: 1941. Invasion. 1942 A time of anxiety and hope, 1943. Defeat of the enemy on the Volga in 1944. On the way to liberation, 1945. Victory. The exhibition features books about the Second World War, military memoirs of war participants, and reproductions of paintings about the war. An evening of remembrance “The war passed through these destinies” was held with the widows of war participants. The event was held jointly with the village administration and the district veterans council. The event program includes: a conversation about the first days of the war, how we had to work during the war, how we celebrated victory, and the first post-war period. A presentation was shown about monuments to WWII participants in the Arbazhsky district.

Arbazhskaya DB: For a memory lesson "Small stories of the big war" preschoolers and the senior group of the village kindergarten were invited. The event was dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. There was also preliminary preparation, the children learned poems about the war in advance. The librarian told the children about the sad events of that war time, when their great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers were as small as they were. About how in the first days of the war the fascists managed to conquer many nations, destroy our cities and villages, and kill many civilians. But as in a fairy tale, our people rose up - both men, women, old people, and children stood up to defend the Fatherland. And the war is why it is called the Great Patriotic War.

The second part of the event took place in a playful way. The guys played the role of postmen in the “Homing Pigeon” relay race, delivering envelopes with “front-line” letters. We took part in the game “Bandage the Wounded”. The “Into Battle” relay race (they threw a “grenade” into a box) showed that the great-grandchildren are as dexterous and courageous as their grandfathers.

3. Historical and local history.

Local history is an important resource for the patriotic and moral education of the younger generation.

To the 75th anniversary of the formation of the Kirov region(December)-

A regional library competition has been announced for the 75th anniversary of the Kirov region “The land in which I live.”

Arbazhskaya Central Bank: On the subscription of the Central Bank, shelf exhibitions were designed for the anniversaries of Vyatka writers - “Writer from the hinterland” (for the anniversary of L.M. Lubnin), “We entered poetry as we entered the cities” (for the 90th anniversary of V.E. .Subbotin), “The region bears his name (on the 125th anniversary of S.M. Kirov). Book exhibitions: “My land in a time of war” (on the 66th anniversary of the Victory in World War II) Main sections: 1. Front-line days and nights 2 Work for the sake of victory 3. The path of courage and glory. Only books by local history authors about fellow countrymen who fought at the front, home front workers, and heroes of the Soviet Union - Kirov residents and Arbazhans - are presented. “The northern region of the Russian painter” (to the 155th anniversary of A.M. Vasnetsov) Main sections - We have one homeland from God, Visiting Apollinary Vasnetsov, To the Vasnetsovs in Ryabovo. Books, illustrations of paintings by the Vyatka artist, biography, portrait are presented; “In hard times I trust in Vyatka” (To the 75th anniversary of V. Krupin) Main sections: 1. Childhood time. 2. Native side. 3. My dear Vyatka, 4. Spirituality of creativity. Literature about the life and work of the writer, a portrait, biography, quotes from his statements are presented; local history vernissage “Leaders of the Kirov Region” (to mark the 75th anniversary of the formation of the Kirov Region). The exhibition presents books from the “Leaders of the Kirov Region” series, a brief historical background, quotes about our region, poems about Vyatka.

A local history tournament “Here is the beginning of my homeland” (About the natural monuments of the Kirov region and Arbazhsky district) was held with students of a correctional boarding school.
A presentation “Nature of the native land” has been prepared. This presentation includes photographs with views of the nature of the village of Arbazh and the Arbazh region. Poems are selected for each slide.

During the school holidays, a virtual tour of the Arbazhsky district was held. The guys got acquainted with the presentations: “Travel to the Arbazhsky District” and “Nature of the Arbazhsky District”.

A recommended list of literature “The Vyatka Painter” has been compiled (for the 155th anniversary of A.M. Vasnetsov). The list presents literature that is available in the library about the life and work of A.M. Vasnetsov, as well as information about the life and work of the Vyatka artist.
Arbazhskaya DB: To celebrate the days of the Kirov region and the 75th anniversary of the formation of the region, an exhibition-viewing exhibition has been created and will continue to operate until December 20 “I am a part of Vyatka, I am a part of Russia.” Book materials are collected in the sections: “Historical past of our region”, “Cities and towns of the Vyatka region”, “Famous fellow countrymen” (scientists, doctors, musicians, artists, architects, athletes, politicians), “Russia’s sweet corner” (lyrical sketches about his native land).

A local history game-competition was held for 6th grade students “Corner of Russia - Vyatka region”. The librarian introduced the schoolchildren to the history of the formation of the region and invited the children to take part in a correspondence trip around their native land with the help of books. The encyclopedia for children “Vyatka ABC” became a good helper for the children, which helped them find answers to the questions asked. The game began with a warm-up, where sixth graders answered the simplest questions. For example: What cities of the Kirov region do you know? What rivers of the Kirov region do you know? What are the settlements of the Arbazhsky district? etc. Then the guys took part in the “Translators” competition (to find the meaning of ancient Vyatka words). The ecological competition offered to demonstrate your knowledge about the animals and plants of our region. Before the “Famous Countrymen” competition, the children were told about outstanding countrymen, and then the participants received a task where they had to connect the name of a famous person with his profession. In the same competition they solved charades from Ponomarev. Then the children were asked to guess ancient Vyatka riddles. At the end of the event, the presenter addressed the schoolchildren with the words: “I would like to believe that you, young Vyatichi, will preserve the culture of your ancestors, so that you can proudly say always and everywhere: “We are Vyatka, Vyatka, Hvat people.”

In the libraries of the Central Library:
Book and illustrative exhibitions: “A corner of Russia - Vyatka region” (Mosunovskaya SB), “Dear, cherished lands, Vyatka, Vyatka is my homeland” (Pishnurskaya SB), “Vyatka land is part of Russia” (Shembetskaya SB).

Public events: Local history hour “Where are we from, Vyatichi” (Balandovskaya SB), competition of experts of the native land “I love you, my harsh, northern land” (Basmanovskaya SB), folklore tournament “Welcome to Vyatka” (Verkhotulskaya SB), field of miracles “Native Land from Edge to Edge” (Verkhotulskaya SB), local history hour “Vyatka in Legends” (Korminskaya SB), information hour “Dymkovskaya Painted” (Mosunovskaya SB), travel game “My Country Land” (Pishnurskaya SB), Vyatka gatherings “This is how it happened in the old days” (Roevskaya SB).

One of the anniversary dates of 2012, declared by the President of Russia as the Year of Russian History, is the 200th anniversary of Russia's victory in the Patriotic War of 1812. In the libraries of the centralized library system of Yelets, from September 3 to 12, a general library event “It’s not for nothing that all Russia remembers...” . To educate patriots on the basis of the heroic past is the goal of the event “It’s not for nothing that all Russia remembers...”, dedicated to the events of the War of 1812

The traditional form of working with readers within the framework of the campaign was thematic.

The libraries hosted conversations, patriotic and literary and musical evenings, information days, media outings, presentations of electronic and printed library publications, etc. More than 600 readers of different ages took part in 16 public events held as part of the event.

The start of the action was given by in the children's library No. 1 named after. A.S. Pushkin.

IN Library-branch No. 1 named after. M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin took place.

Names of heroes of the War of 1812

IN Library-branch No. 8 passed patriotic lesson “Names of heroes of the War of 1812” for schoolchildren in grades 5-6 910 people). As part of the event, a book exhibition “We are proud of the glory of our ancestors” was organized in the library. The children learned about the life and military exploits of the heroes of the War of 1812: N.N. Raevsky (cavalry general), M.I. Platov (ataman of the Don Army), brothers Nikolai Alekseevich (army general) and Alexander (his wife Margarita Mikhailovna became a monk, built a church on the Borodino field in memory of her husband and other victims) Puchkov.

Heroes of 1812

IN library branch No. 7 For students of the 7th grade of MBOUSOSH No. 1 (10 people), a conversation “Heroes of 1812” was held. The librarians introduced the children to the outstanding commanders and military leaders M.I. Kutuzov, P.I. Bagration, M.B. Barclay de Tolly, cavalry maiden N.A. Durova, folk heroine Vasilisa Kozhina, partisan general and poet D. Davydov. The guys also learned how during the War of 1812 our fellow countrymen, together with the entire people of Russia, helped the Russian army save the Fatherland.

During the conversation, excerpts from the works of G. Danilevsky and A. Pushkin were read, and poems by D. Davydov and M. Lermontov were read.

Students took part in a short quiz about the events of 1812.

On the eve of the significant date, the library organized a book exhibition “It is not for nothing that all Russia remembers”, which presented historical reference books and encyclopedias, documentary essays and literary works about the events of the War of 1812.

During the event, the exhibition was viewed by more than 30 people, including 15 children. 10 people signed up for the library. (2 – children).

A lot of work within the framework of the action was carried out inlibrary branch No. 2.

For this significant date, the library organized a book exhibition “It’s not for nothing that all Russia remembers...”. Books, articles from periodicals, and electronic resources exhibited at the exhibition contributed to the full disclosure of the topic. September 7 passed here.

Great is he who has gained honor in battles...

More than 90 people became participants information day “History of 1812: great is he who gained honor in battles”, which as part of the promotion September 7 spent in library branch No. 4.

The main goal of the event in the library was to demonstrate the connection of times and the continuity of traditions of the Russian army, to convince young people that such concepts as patriotism and courage will never become outdated.

On the day of the event, librarians offered everyone who came to the library commemorative bookmarks “The History of 1812: Great Who Gained Honor in Battles” and invited readers to participate in the information day. Students from the neighborhood schools and readers who came that day plunged into the atmosphere of the times of Alexander I; took part in a quiz for better knowledge of the facts of the Patriotic War of 1812. Librarians reviewed articles from the magazine “Results of the Week” dedicated to the fate of our fellow countrymen - participants in the Patriotic War of 1812. A review of websites dedicated to this significant event was conducted. The exhibition “History of 1812: Great Who Gained Honor in Battles” presented readers with books dedicated to the history of the Patriotic War. The exhibition “Poetry of 1812” was prepared as part of the subscription.

The genuine interest of young people in military topics, in great battles and commanders, in the history of our Motherland as a whole, and in the fate of the heroes of the Lipetsk land - participants in the Battle of Borodino, which they showed during the action, indicates that the current generation of young people for the most part is committed to patriotic and this is very important for their future fate and the fate of the country as a whole.

Commander and hero of the War of 1812

As part of the promotion in library branch No. 10 There was a book exhibition “It’s not for nothing that all Russia remembers.” September 7 was spent here evening-portrait “Commander and Hero of the War of 1812”. The hero of the evening was the outstanding commander P.I. Bagration is one of the best Russian commanders of the Suvorov school. At the Battle of Borodino, he commanded the left wing of the Russian army, showing exceptional steadfastness and personal courage. The guys learned about the life, military service and death of a faithful son of Russia and an ardent patriot. The event ended with the reading of M. Lermontov’s poem “Borodino” (read by A. Tkachuk).

In the library-branch No. 2 the glorious date was celebrated reading competition. The students carefully selected the material and honed their skills in reading not only poetry, but also prose. Dobrina Julia won the competition.

As part of the general library campaign “It’s not for nothing that all Russia remembers...” in library branch No. 9 took place.

As part of the promotion in library branch No. 2 passed presentation video film“Our Yeletsky regiment fought famously there” , dedicated to the history of the 33rd Yeletsk Infantry Regiment. The author of the project is librarian N.V. Deryugina. Participants in the presentation noted the interesting presentation of the material and the extensive research work. We think that the local history material used in the project will be useful not only for students, but also for those who want to learn new things about the historical past of our city.

IN Library-branch No. 6 for students of 8th grade of Lyceum No. 24 was held

Did a lot of work in the children's library branch No. 2. For the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino, the library organized a book exhibition “It’s not for nothing that all Russia remembers Borodin’s Day!”, 42 library readers became acquainted with the presented materials. Printed materials (memo “Patriotic War of 1812”; bookmark “Battle of Borodino: figures and facts”) were distributed in schools in the microdistrict and in the library, and middle and high school students of the NOU “Development”, MBOU gymnasium No. 97, boarding school No. 4 JSC Russian Railways took part in the blitz quiz “Borodin Day” (51 respondents). The results of the quiz were summed up on September 11.

“Behind the dates are names, behind the names is history”

IN library branch No. 5 From September 3 to 12, the ten-day period “It is not for nothing that all Russia remembers” took place, dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812. The subscription included an extensive book and illustrative exhibition “Behind the dates are names, behind the names is history” with sections “Life is for the Fatherland, honor for no one” (popular science literature dedicated to the events of 1812), “Heroes of war in novels and stories” ( fiction telling about the war of 1812), “About the soldier’s service” (about our fellow countrymen who participated in the battles with Napoleon). During the exhibition, 18 documents were issued from it.

12-th of September8th grade students of Lyceum No. 5 were invited to the library for a slide lesson on courage “Yes, there were people in our time,” where the children were told about the main stages of military operations in the Patriotic War of 1812 and their heroes (Bagration, Kutuzov, Barclay de Tolly and others). After viewing the slides, the meeting participants performed poems by the poet, “brave hussar,” and participant in the hostilities Denis Davydov.

Readers showed great interest in the history of our country. After all, every citizen should know the history of his country, honor and respect the memory of the heroes of the Russian land, since without the past there is no present, and there can be no future! 15 people took part in the event.

One of the most heroic pages in the history of our Motherland - the Patriotic War of 1812 - was dedicated, which was held in the Central City Library named after. M. Gorky.

Feat of valor and honor

To the sounds of the solemn overture of P.I. Tchaikovsky "1812" September 14 V children's library No. 3 has begun hour of patriotism “Feat of valor and honor”, dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812. The participants of the event were students of the 7th grade of MBOUSOSH No. 8 (32 people). The conversation was about the history of Russia and the numerous wars in which our ancestors took part. Particular attention was paid to the Patriotic War of 1812. The children learned a lot about the course of events of the war, about the commanders and heroes of the battles. At the end of the event, the children answered the questions of the proposed quiz and got acquainted with the content of the book exhibition and printed materials created in the library. The hour of patriotism ended with a patriotic call to those gathered about the eternal memory of the heroes - participants in great wars and battles.

On September 21, the library hosted history lesson “Commander and hero of the War of 1812”, dedicated to P.I. Bagration. Its participants were members of the Heritage club. The club meeting began with the words of commander A.A. Suvorov: “Prince Bagration is the most excellent general, worthy of the highest ranks.” The guys got acquainted with the biography of the commander, learned about the battles in which he showed himself brilliantly, about the tragic death of the general, whom Napoleon considered the best general of the Russian army. During the event, an excerpt from M. Lermontov’s poem “Borodino”, a poem by Count D. Khvostov, G. Derzhavin was read.


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