Children with disabilities planning in the gpd. Play is an important means of educating children with disabilities in the GPA

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Protocol No.___________

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director of MBOU secondary school № 22

_____________L.G. Denisenko


Per week - 5 hours

Age: 7-10 years

Krasnodar 2016

Goals: Creating favorable conditions for self-education,self-affirmation of personality, for the development of creative abilities,knowledge of the surrounding world. Preserving and strengthening children's health. Level upstudent success. Strengthening connections with parents, organizing family interactionand gymnasiums, involving parents in the educational process. Developing independent work skills.

Tasks: Organize meaningful leisure time for primary school children schools. Provide recreational activities in the fresh air.Practice completing your homework. Strengthen work withparents. Systematize individual lessons with children.

GPA characteristics:

There are 14 people in the group.All students go to the school library,read fiction, take part indiscussing books. GuysThey like to go for walks and play outdoor games. Communication skills between children are gradually being instilled, therefore, the group of GPD students is close-knit, friendly, and active.

One of the most important tasks of domestic education is to preserve the health of schoolchildren. I use health-saving technologies in my work. I believe that children need physical activity for normal growth and development. A mandatory component of the regime is active-motor, physical education and health-improving activities of students, including in the fresh air. A full-day walk is an important moment that ensures vigor and readiness for productive study sessions, is a pause for recuperation, relieving mental and physical fatigue, increasing the performance of students, as well as sports hours, excursions, games, competitions, physical education minutes. Any event is of a positive emotional nature; as a result of the events, children will receive a positive emotional charge, which has a beneficial effect not only on further educational work, but also on the condition of the child as a whole.

Sports work with students is creatively organized, sports competitions and games are held. The gymnasium holds health days, mostly in the fresh air, so that students can rest, relax, and change their surroundings.

I pay special attention to hygiene - all students have replacement shoes and wash their hands before eating. The rooms in which students study are often ventilated and have an optimal temperature.

I consider the result of my work to be:the child’s cultural horizons expand, the ability to see and understand the beauty in the surrounding life, developmentartistic abilities, improving children's relationshipswith each other in the GPA team.

Self-study takes 1 hour 30 minutes.

Children do homework independently, in the process of completing itThe teacher approaches each teacher to help checkcheck its operation.Parents attended classes and events at the GPA,talked with the children and gave their assessment. Result: creationsituations of success, the parent’s manifestation of interest in the child and inWhat does he do in the after-school group? Mostly individualwork is carried out with low-performing students.Parents are satisfied with the diversified development of their children through various activities and the results of the group’s workextended day. For the next 2017-2018 academic year it is plannedin-depth work on this methodological topic “Raising a healthy lifestyle for children” and on the set goals and objectives.


Education is a great thing: it decides a person’s fate

V.G. Belinsky

Each new time poses new challenges for teachers. When raising children, we must turn their gaze to the good, the eternal, the good. Due tothe continuous process of development of society is a constantrenewal and complication of all conditions of human life and activity.The generation of modern children is formed under the influence of changingliving conditions, therefore, teachers face more and more new andcomplex tasks of training and education. One of these tasks isactivation of cognitive activity of students.

In the conditions of a modern school, teachers must find moral strength,knowledge, wisdom, that pedagogical theory that will help to implementthe task of moral education of youth, to reveal their spiritual qualities,develop and reveal moral feelings, instill skills in fighting evil, the ability to make the right choice, and moral self-determination. Heremain categories that are central to working with children.

Cognitive activity of a schoolchild in modern societyis a systematically performed activity of the younger generation. Also, a distinctive feature of a student’s cognitive activity is the nature of its course. Depending on the activity and independence of the subject (student), in some cases cognitivethe activity is imitative, reproductive in nature, in others it is exploratory, in others it is creative. It is the nature of the processactivity and influences the nature of the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.

The level of cognitive activity, its place in the structure of personal qualitieshonor has a significant impact on the quality of various types of activities: social, labor, aesthetic and others.

Extracurricular work is an integral part of the educational process in the gymnasium, one of the forms of organizing students’ free time.

Extracurricular educational work is a set of timespersonal activities and has wide opportunities for educational influence on the child. It is extracurricular work (in our case, in the conditions of the GPD) that allows us to develop cognitiveactivity of younger schoolchildren in various educational areas:

    aesthetic education - forms an aesthetic attitude to life(work, nature, art, behavior); develops a sense of beauty;

    physical education - presupposes the correct physical development of schoolchildren, the development of motor skills and habits, as well as the habit of systematic physical education and sports, the formationdevelopment of hygiene skills;

    labor education - emphasis is placed on practical applicationschoolchildren theoretical knowledge; labor education is comcomplex and includes ideas about engineering and technology, the ability to solve practical problems, and achieve high-quality results; environmental education - the main task is specific practical environmental activities;-

    moral education - the formation of moral consciousness, restorationnutrition and development of moral feelings, development of skills and habits of moral behavior; mental education; economic education.

The after-school group assumes such an organization of the processeducation and training, so that artistic activities are carried out in almost all classes.

Artistic activity includes various types of activities (transformative, cognitive, evaluative, educational, communionnikative, playful), which are included in it due to the presence inthem to the aesthetic aspect.

Educational activity is manifested as a result of exposure toarts on the spiritual world of man.

An important feature of the development of activity of a junior schoolchild isthe dominance of an active attitude (cognitive, constructive, creative) in children to the surrounding reality and new waysmastering knowledge, gaining experience. Therefore, it is important to organize not onlyexternal behavior of the child, but also mental transformative acts, onlysuggesting a way to navigate in new conditions, direct attention andchildren's actions. Such influence, or, more precisely, assistance, of the teacher inactivities of children is a necessary and mandatory condition not onlycognitive, educational and other types of activities, but mainlyrefers to the productive and creative activities of children. ArtisticThe activities of a primary school student are closely related to artistic creativity.

Work on the development of cognitive activity in the artistic processactivities are based on the following principles:

humanism and pedagogical optimism, recognition of the uniqueness of each child; flexibility, variability of forms of conducting classes, variety of methods and techniques; integration of various activities.

It is known that objects of the aesthetic cycle potentially have great potential for self-actualization of a junior schoolchild invarious types of activities, as well as the emotional impact on the child.Works of art historically contain examples of aestheticrelationship to reality. In the process of development of cognitive activity, in the system of aesthetic education, artistic activity, as forming and transforming everydaysubject-spatial environment of a person plays an important role ineducational process.

The program is based on the author's program Kazantseva N.V. " Extended day group activity program « Scientific and practical magazine “Head teacher of primary school” No. 3, 2009

Purpose of the program: creating the most favorable conditionsto reveal the abilities of each individual person.

Main objectives of the program:

    to develop students’ skills of cooperation, collective interaction, and communication;

    to form in children the need for productive activity throughdirect acquaintance with various types of activities;

    develop interest in various types of activities in accordance withthe child's individuality;

    to form moral (mastery of moral norms of behavior through mastery of moral concepts) and emotional (through aesthetic ideas in creative activity) components of children’s worldview;

    develop creative imagination and curiosity;

    develop cognitive interest and independence;

    carry out aesthetic, environmental, moral-patriotic, vocational guidance, physical education of junior schoolchildren;

    to cultivate frugality, responsibility, and a respectful attitude towards work and towards people of various professions.

Main areas of work

    valeological (“Health.” Lifestyle)

    cognitive (“Teaching” and “Artistic activity”);

    leisure activities (“Leisure”).

Basic forms of work

    Practical lessons

    Role-playing games





    Reading non-fiction literature


    Educational and active games in the fresh air.

Methodological aspect:

"Health. Lifestyle" reflects the valeological approach toeducation. Valeological support of a child’s life “occurs at the physiological, psychological and social levels through the preservation, strengthening and formation of health. Basedthe need to develop children's ideas about health as a multidimensionalphenomenon in this target program, sports and recreational andgeneral hygienic areas of a healthy lifestyle.

"Teaching" designed in a playful, entertaining wayconducting classes that meet the psychological characteristics,features of the development of cognitive interests in primary school age. The process of cognition is practically the main part of any type of children’s activity (play, work, art, etc.). Cognitive activities in extracurricular activities contribute to the accumulation and improvement of knowledge, as well as enriching children’s leisure time,filling it with social and value content.

Extracurricular, educational activities are built taking into account the interests of children, based onfree choice, and changes depending on changes occurring in thetreatments, personal preferences.

The implementation of this target program allows for free, unobtrusiveform to cultivate reading taste and interest in knowledge in younger schoolchildren, creating an atmosphere of intellectual search.

"Leisure" as the main form of work involvesan entertaining and educational game.At primary school age, educational activities come to the fore,however, gaming activity has not yet lost its strength and relevance. Byplaying in extracurricular activities especially successfully contributes to thisdevelopment of the child’s cognitive activity. The student becomes the subjectactivities. In addition, this targeted program takes a personal approach to education: the child is given the opportunity for self-realization, to develop his inclinations and abilities.

Age of children participating in the program: 9-10 years

Program implementation period: The program is short-term, designed for 1 year.

Operating mode: 5 days a week (Monday - Friday)



1.Relieving nervous tension, increasing mental performance,improvement of physical development of motor activity, consolidationphysical training skills, improving children's health.


2. Formation of skills and culture of behavior at the table, personal hygiene,self-service.


3. Strengthening children's health, developing dexterity, physical activity,relieving nervous tension, fostering collectivism in work and play, developing cognitive activity, curiosity, broadening one’s horizons (stage 1conversation, stage 2 of the game, stage 3 - 10 minutes of free time)


4.3strengthen students’ self-educational work skills, developcomposure, discipline, diligence, strengthen children's health,form accessible hygienic skills, instill skills in self andmutual verification and mutual assistance.


Introducing children to literature, instilling a love and interest in reading,the art of speech, to human wisdom, the development of a culture of speech,expand the active vocabulary of schoolchildren, systematic reading,develop reading technique.


Educational, educational games contribute to the development of thinking in children,memory, attention, creative imagination, ability to analyze, developconstructive creativity skills, nurturing students' powers of observation, validity of judgments, the habit of self-examination, teaching children to subordinate their actions to the task at hand, and to complete the work they have started.


Development of students’ mental abilities, improvement of memory andtraining it, thinking, which helps better assimilation and consolidationknowledge acquired at school, awakening in students a keen interest insubjects being studied.


Instilling in children, through sports competitions and games, such moral qualities as collectivism, camaraderie, mutual assistance, activity,the desire and will to win, the ability to obey the interests of the team,follow all the rules. In progress

labor activity to form moral and volitional qualities, hard work,sense of duty, frugality, creative attitude to work, desireovercome difficulties and bring the work started to completion, cultivate interest to work


To develop aesthetic feelings and understanding of beauty in children, to educatechildren have an interest and love for art, expand their range of interests, cultivate the ethical needs of students, develop their mental and creative activity, develop such properties as independence,purposefulness, accuracy, hard work.

Basic educational tasks and


Admission of children to the group

Adjusting the appearance, behavior, and mood of students. Providing psychological comfort. Fostering a culture of behavior and instilling sanitary and hygienic skills.

Recreation and outdoor activities

Restoration of strength and performance. Development of observation, curiosity, nurturing love for nature, native land, developing the ability to behave in free communication, games, competitions.


Fostering a culture of behavior, respectful and careful attitude towards food, developing the ability to enter and exit public spaces, and communicate while eating.

Switching to mental activity

Development of cognitive needs, interest in political knowledge, events in the cultural and economic life of the country.


Formation of the ability to determine the purpose of a task, skills of independent study work, development of working capacity, cognitive needs, ability to rationally use free time, carry out self-test and mutual check, formation of moral relationships in the process of teamwork and mutual assistance.

Club and circle work

Development of individual inclinations, abilities, interests. Education of moral traits of modern man.

Summing up the day

Exercises in the ability to think analytically and speak kindly.

Individual work with duty officers

Development of creativity, responsibility and independence.


Minutes of the methodological meeting Deputy Director for Water Resources Management

association of teachers classes ____________ V.V. Dmitrieva

MBOU secondary school No. 22 _____________2016

dated August 26, 2016 No. 1

Municipal budgetary educational institution

municipal formation city of Krasnodar

secondary school No. 22

I affirm:

Deputy Director for HR

_____________V.V. Dmitrieva



Extended day groups for children with disabilities in grades 1 “G”

Per week - 5 hours

Age: 7-10 years

Implementation period: 2016-2017 academic year

Teacher: Shevlyakova Irina Ivanovna

Krasnodar 2016

Calendar and thematic planning of the GPA



Formation of an attitude towards a healthy lifestyle;

Preserving and strengthening children's health through introduction to healthylifestyle; development in children of the need to create a healthy environment at school and family; development of elementary ideas about the structure and functions of the body;

Enriching the child’s vocabulary with terms from the field of anatomy andhuman physiology.

Schoolchild's daily routine

Introduce children to the daily routine of a schoolchild. Teach children to plan their time


Rules of conduct at school “I am a student”

Introduce children to the rulesbehavior at school. Shapeideas about school discipline

Tour of the school

Student hygiene. "Visiting


Learn basic caring skills

to his body. Create a needkeep it clean at all times,have a beautiful appearance.

Practical lesson


long live soap


Enrich children's knowledge about personalhygiene. Improve skilluse personal items hygiene.


Dress appropriately!

Form children's ideas abouthealth. Teach children to choose clothes depending on the weather and season.Cultivate aesthetic tasteaccuracy. Teach children to followbehind your appearance


So that your eyes don't hurt

Form children's ideasabout the senses. Introducebasic rules for conservationvision. Learn to do eye exercises

Practical lesson

To ears


Teach children to recognize behaviorpromoting health,from behavior harmful to health.Discuss ear care rules.Strengthen your knowledge of hygiene rules

Practical lesson

Strong teeth are the key to health

Deepen children's knowledge about the meansoral hygiene. Teach how to brush your teeth correctly.Contribute to the formationdaily care needs dental health


Your appearance

Instill in children the desire to dress in accordance with hygienic requirements,introduce the history of clothing,instill aesthetic taste, cultivate neatness, neatness, cleanliness.


We are not afraid of colds!

Introduce children to the basicprevention methodscolds. Deepenknowledge about treatment methods.Contribute to the formationneed to look after your health.



Good health above all

Raising Responsibilityattitude towards your health,familiarization with simple means maintenance.


There are a lot of delicacies, and health is one thing!

Introduce children to the rules of nutrition. Instill in children the skills of proper nutrition

Practical lesson

For everyone who wants to be healthy!

Formation of a healthy lifestylestudents and a strong attitude towardstemptations; developing the ability to giveobjective assessment of temptation

Competition program

Harmful habits

Form children's ideas aboutbenefits and harms of habits. Vaccinateresponsible attitude towards childrento your health. Consolidate knowledge aboutgood habits

Travel game

Security basics

Prepare children to get out of the situation if they are on the streeta stranger approaches and tries to then lure


Vitamin family

Teach children to be mindful ofto your health. Bring upthe need to be healthy.


If you want to be healthy, toughen up!

Introduce children to the rules of hardening. Teach children to take care of their health.

your health


game program

Behavior on the street

Expand children's knowledge about the rulesbehavior on the street. Shapeability to show attention, care,patience with people around you

Conversation with presentation

Are you alone at home

Build knowledge about the rulesbehavior in the house. Introduce childrenwith main help services(ambulance, fire, gas, police). Teach childrennavigate different situations

Travel game

The dog can be a biter

To develop children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior and communication with animals street. Learn to provide first aidhelp with animal bites

Practical lesson

First aid in case of accident

Develop the ability to navigatein extreme situations. Learnmake the right decision, provide first aid help


Plants heal

Introduce children to medicinesplants; give knowledge about protozoaways to use somemedicinal plants for treatment, orules for their collection

Conversation with presentation

Mushroom picker's basket

Update children's knowledge aboutmushrooms Teach children about poisonousmushrooms Remind the rules of "quiet" hunting"



I get to know myself

Promote awareness of yourself aspersonality with all its inherentpositive and negativefeatures; consolidate the idea ofthose traits that make it difficult to live inharmony with yourself

Role-playing game

Our seven selves Learn to look at yourself from the outside

Form ideas in childrenabout a person's character. Encourage toknowledge of the inner world of anotherperson and to self-knowledge.Promote children's awarenesscharacter traits


world health day

Instill in children an interest in health.Involve parents and children inhealth activities

a game

Visiting Aibolit

Introduce children to medical workers of different specialties(pediatrician, therapist, ophthalmologist,otorhinolaryngologist, traumatologist, surgeon, paramedic, medicalsister). Cultivate respect for people's work

Game - conversation

Our friendly family

Expand children's understanding offamily, about peace in the family. Shapechildren's understanding of the importance of a positive climate in the family.Cultivate benevolenceattitude towards your loved ones


Poisonous plants

Expand children's understanding of plants.

Introduce dangerous plants.

Teach children the rulessafe “communication” with strangers plants


Let's keep the planet clean

Teach children to take care ofnature: develop children's imagination:show that every person can andmust be involved in securitynature: show children how to reduce the amount of garbage thrown away

Practical lesson

Water safety rules

Expand children's knowledge about behavior on the water


Where can I play?


Habit is second nature

Orient students to maintain a healthy lifestyle, valueattitude towards the environment


Traffic rules Where

you can play outside

Strengthen children's understanding of safety when playing outdoor games

Quiz game



  • development of personal communicative qualities, artistry, cognitiveinterest, independence;

    formation of creative imagination, originality, emotionality perception;

    cultivating a respectful attitude towards the opinion of another person.

Drawing competition“For the children of the planet - a world without anxiety and tears”

Pay tribute to those who suffered at the hands ofterrorists; foster active citizenship


Game "Flower-seven-flowered"

Help children understand theirdesires and their direction.

A game

Game "Who lives in forest"

Expand children's knowledge about the animal world.Cultivate the desire to love and cherish nature

A game

Rules of behavior during breaks. Game "Confusion"

. Spend some free Develop attention, thinking,intelligence.

Conversation, game

Game - getting to knowlibrary "Bychildren's pages books"

Introduce children to literature, instilling a love and interest in reading, the art of words, and human wisdom.

Conversation, game

Game “Shu with fire” You can’t stop!”

Instill in children the skills of careful handling of fire. Develop skills to overcome difficult situations.

A game

Mysterious lottery

Develop attention, thinking,intelligence. Develop a thinkernal processes (analysis and synthesis) onriddle material. Teach children to highlightmain features of the subject

Conversation, game

Poetry competition "Journey to Autumn"

To form children's interest in lyricalpoetry. Educate emotionallyresponsive viewer and listener.


Poetry competition “My favorite toy”

Develop children's ability to be creativeSpend some free time.Introduce different typesgames, with the history of the toy. Teach children to take care of things.


Small Olympic games

Develop children's ability to be creativeSpend some free time.Introduce different types of games.


In the land of the Road signs

Introduce children to road signs. Form a culture of behavior on the street.



Game "Techno City"


Introduce children to different speciestechnology, its diversity and breadthuse in different areas of lifeperson. Teach children to value people's work.

Conversation, workshop

Watching a video. "Etiquette"

Introduce children to the culture of behavior at school, in the canteen, on the street, and in the theater.

Conversation with video showing

Game "What color" Homeland?

Give basic concepts about symbols andemblems of the state. Bring uprespect for symbolsof your state.

Conversation, game. workshop

Game "Bird Day"

Create optimal conditions for absorptionknowledge about the appearance, habits of birds and the formation in children of an aesthetic perception of nature - the onset of spring,respect for living thingsactivate motor activity.

Conversation, game

Training game Rules of conduct in theater

Develop creativity in children; repeat the rules of behavior in the theater;

A game

Fairy tale-game “Fear eyes are big"

To develop the ability to recognize and differentiatethe shape of flat objects; skillbreak a complex task into several simple ones. Develop color sensesattention, auditory and visual memory.

A game

Birthday boy's day

Develop communication skills


Induce in children a feeling of joy, fun,pleasure, the ability to joke about oneself andwith your comrades: teach how to arrangepranks, instill a sense of humor.


Holiday "Day Saint Valentine's"

Introduce children to the history of the holiday.Teach children to cooperate in small groups,participate in competitions, showCreative skills.


It's fun to play together

Introduce children to new games, learn to act according to the rules of the game,harmoniously, amicably; teach a sense of competition. joy for the victory

Conversation, workshop

Quiz game" Heroes of a fairy tale by A.Tolstoy"Golden little key"

To instill in children a caring attitude towards books. Develop children's curiosity and interest in reading


Game “What kind of housewife - this is the house

Develop an idea of ​​a good housewife. Teach girls to do housework


Poultry dining rooms

Expand children's understanding of wintering birds.


Quiz game" Tales of A.S. Pushkin"

Introduce children to literature, inoculationlove and interest in reading, art


KVN "Hello, feathered!”

To develop knowledge about the benefits of birds.Teach children to take care of birds in different Seasons.

A game

To form children's ideas about space and constellations.


Quiz game "Russia is my homeland"

Foster a sense of pride in your homeland. To develop an interest in the history of Russia and the native land.

A game

Competition "Favorites" literary fairy tales"


Competition "Favorites" literary fairy tales"

Develop the creative abilities of students, foster reading activity and develop reading taste.


Game “What? Where? When?” dedicated Animal Protection Day

Clarify and expand your understanding ofwild and domestic animals, theircubs: develop speech thinking:develop interest and understandingneed to provide assistance


A game

Acting competitionmastery "All of us" artists"

Update children's knowledge acquired in a year.

Encourage children to express themselvesvarious competitions, encourage artistry,manifestation of creativity


Game" Visiting Berendey

Help children become more involvednature, expansion of cognitiveinterests, development of creativeabilities, to cultivate a feeling


A game



  • development of cognitive interest, independence, ingenuity;

    creation in group with an emotionally positive intellectual background;

    formation interest in the process of cognition;

    nurturing reading activity;

    formation of reader's taste;

    instilling frugality, responsibility, respect for work and people of various professions;

    implementation of environmental, aesthetic, physical, moral-patriotic, professional-oriented education of juniors schoolchildren.


behavior on


Draw children's attention to beauty

nature; teach to admire nature,

the surrounding world, developcommunication skills, ability to work in a team: formrespect for the environment, a sense of responsibility.


Holiday game "Tic Tac Toe" orrules of good tones

Expand children's horizons. Update children's knowledge, repeat and reinforce the rules of behavior when visiting.

Educational game

Dog show “A dog is a man’s friend”

Introduce students to historythe appearance of a dog in a person’s life, withdog breeds and their roles. Cultivate sensitivity and love for animals. Develop curiosity and attention

Educational game

Sounds and colors of spring

Introduce schoolchildren to the imagespring in works of art andfolk culture. Developcognitive and emotionalinterest in works of artistic culture


Where did the bread come from?

Introduce children to the featuresgrowing bread. Bring uprespect for people's work, carefulattitude towards bread


Book world

Introduce children to the library.Learn to use books.Stimulate interest in readingreader activity


They must be protected

To form in children an idea ofscience of ecology. Teach respect for the environment



About love for all living things

Form caring kindnessattitude towards animals, developa sense of responsibility for those tamed

Travel game

What are hands needed for?

Cultivate a respectful attitudeto working people. Introduce students to new professions


My region is St. Petersburg

Develop interest in nationalculture, pride in one’s native land


What is the Constitution?

Introduce children to the basicdocument of the state


Dictionary of polite words

Improve children's speech etiquette,culture of communication. Expand your vocabulary on etiquette

Role-playing game

A man without friends that tree without roots

Raise children to be respectfulattitude towards your friends. Learnbe friendly, caringtowards each other, towards people



morality "Good and evil"

Develop children's ideas aboutgood and evil. Bring updesire to do good deeds

Travel game

Where are you from?



Expand children's understanding ofhouseplants, features caring for them

Ecological workshop

Rights and children's responsibilities

To form students' ideas abouthuman rights. Helping a child understand himself as a citizen


"Rules of etiquette"

Strengthen the rules of conduct, instill ethical standards of behavior in society, to cultivate an active life position, unity of word and deed.

Conversation and survey

Human hands

Lead students tounderstanding the role of human hands inin play, in communication, in work;


From winter to autumn

Deepen and generalize children's knowledge aboutseasonal phenomena in nature. Developability to establish relationships in

Practical lesson

They are allowed into the forest without ticket

Expand children's knowledge about the right torest, about responsibilities. Teach carefullyrelate to nature


Let's live in peace!

Uniting the children's teameducation of sensitivity, kindness,responsiveness towards each otherfriend, ability to find a common language With surrounding, development of cognitive activity of students.

Practical lesson

Visiting the Rainbow

1introduce children to the colors of the rainbow; teach to see beauty,enjoy beauty, distinguish objects by color: develop speech, thinking.

Practical lesson



Identify children's existing knowledge aboutexotic animals to deepen children's understanding of the lion, tiger,: bosom, monkeys, kangaroos; developinterest, desire to learn more

Practical lesson

We can do everything themselves

Develop children's interest invarious types of work. Learnwork in a team. Stimulate a creative attitude to work

Practical lesson

Green yard

landscaping work andaround the gymnasium and home



Green yard

Encourage children to want to participatelandscaping work andimprovement of the classroom and territoryaround the gymnasium and home



Pochemuchkina glade

Encourage children to ask questions andanswer them. Teach childrenreason, look for answers. Callinterest in various industries knowledge


Children's reading "Seasons"

Arouse children's interest inworks by A. Pushkin, S.

Reading literature

Children's reading"Seasons"

Arouse children's interest inworks by A. Pushkin, S.Yesenin, V. Dahl, I. Tokmakova aboutnature at different times of the year. Learnsee the beauty of the world at any time of the year. Create a feeling of surpriseadmiration for the natural world

Reading literature

Children's reading.Tales of the peoples of the world

Introduce children to national fairy tales. Generate interest in national culture

Reading literature

Children's reading.Andersen's tales

fairy tales by G.H. Andersen. Learncollaboration in a microgroup

Travel game

Children's reading."Mom and Us"

Introduce children toworks by N. Artyukhova, V. Oseeva, E. Blaginina, A. Barto aboutmom. Teach 2-3 poems on the topic with children

Reading* literature

Children's reading."Child's world"

Arouse children's interest in reading the works of V. Oseeva, N. Nosov,K. Chukovsky, A. Barto, L. Tolstoy,E. Schwartz, V. Kataev, P. Bazhov, V. Berestov, I. Tokmakova about children.Generate reading activity

Reading literature

Children's reading.Stories about animals

Arouse children's interest in readingworks by B. Zhitkov, N. Sladkov,V. Bianchi, E. Shima, E. Charushina, V.Suteeva, V. Chaplina, D. Mamina-Sibiryak, R. Kipling about animals.

Reading literature

Children's reading.


fairy tales"

Introduce children toworks by C. Perrault, J.Rodari, A. Milna, E. Raspe.Develop reading skills

Reading literature

Visiting Russian folk talesBook Festival

Develop creativitystudents, nurturing reading activity, developing reading taste




  • stimulating the need for productive creative activity through direct acquaintance with various types of artisticactivities;

    formation of creative imagination and curiosity; implementation of aesthetic education of younger schoolchildren;

    education of neatness, involvement in creating comfort around oneself;creating an atmosphere of mutual joy and admiration in the process of collectivesearch activities of program participants.

Drawing Autumn forest

Strengthen the ability to draw trees, transferbeauty of autumn nature


Carpet of autumn leaves

Introduce children to the “spraying” technique and"printing"


Round dance of colors

Update children's knowledge about color and tone. Developartistic perception and aesthetic taste.



Cultivate a love for animals.

Learn to convey characteristic features in a drawing


A game

Fairy tale book

Introduce children to the works of artists -illustrators. Cultivate interest in the book. Learnconvey an episode from your favorite book



Introduce children to a new drawing technique -"monotype". Expand children's understanding of the diversity and beauty of the world around them


Red book of nature

Teach children to draw different species of endangered speciesplants and animals, conveying them in the drawingcharacteristic signs. Raise a caringattitude towards nature


Creating a book about winter

Clarify and generalize knowledge about winter, evoke a positive emotional response to phenomenanature. Develop imagination, learn to convey inwinter color picture


White City

Develop children's imagination; encourage creationimage based on the plot of the poem.Learn to use different materials and methodsdoing the work


Green beauty

Strengthen the ability to draw a Christmas tree and decorate it.Develop imagination.



Introduce the work of artists -illustrators (A. Eliseeva, E. Rogacheva, E. Charushina).Learn to notice the characteristic features of heroes.



Teach children to work in pairs.


Holiday towel

Learn to see the beauty of everyday objects.Learn to create a pattern on a stripe, alternate two colors



Teach children to convey the mood and character of the hero withusing color


Rainbow to visit uswas walking

Develop the ability to write a fairy talethe proposed plot. Introduce the maincolors of the spectrum


Carnival of Flowers

Learn to draw flowers using different techniques(blotting in different directions; drawinground and oval shapes). Develop observationactivity, attention


gold fish

Teach children to pretend to be fish. Expandhorizon. Introduce the variety of aquarium fish


Apron for mom

create an ornament in a rectangular shape


Magic window

Introduce children to the art of stained glass. Learnfill out the entire sheet of paper



Expand children's horizons and knowledge about space. Developlight perception. Learn to tint paper in different waysways: pouring color into color and spraying


Fairytale house

Develop creative activity. Introducehouse painting


Learn to see the beauty of everyday objects. Learncreate a pattern. Introduce the implementation of geometric and floral patterns


Russian doll

Introduce the types of painting of nesting dolls. Expandchildren's outlook on DPI


Spring boats

Develop creative abilities in the imageboat (its shape, structure, color), decoration,addition to the drawing. Learn to draw a boat using familiar geometric shapes(quadrangle, triangle)



Learn to look at illustrations and convey an imagerooster and its character in color.


There are no ugly people in the worldtrees

Develop the ability for imaginative perceptionthe beauty of nature and its transmission in drawing usingcolors, shapes, compositions. Strengthen the skillmix paints. Cultivate an interest in landscape paintingpainting


Festival of colors

Develop creative independence.Contribute to the formation of aestheticattitude to reality and interest in art


Magic knot

Introduce children to the technique of weaving macrame. Cultivate perseverance and accuracy. Develop attention and independence.


Paper fairy tale

Introduce children to the technique of paper weaving. Develop creative abilities,originality, attention


In the land of beads

Introduce children to beading techniques.

Teach children to plan their work, distribute

time. Develop attention, memory, thinking.

Cultivate patience, perseverance, hard work,

develop attention and fine motor skills


History of the needle

Introduce children to embroidery techniques. Develop attention and fine motor skills. Cultivate accuracy and perseverance



Fairytale birds in the oxcrazy forest

Teach children how to perform a plot applique,combining cutting and tearing techniques. Cultivate independence, perseverance,attention



Cultivate a love for nature. Learn to perform a collective panel.Introduce different manufacturing methodsbutterflies


Deep sea

Introduce students to the technique of direct weaving frompaper strips. Develop thinking and attention


The ships went to sea

Introduce children to performing a storyapplications with a combination of techniques (cutting,origami, wavy surface modelingtraveling waves). Expanding children's horizons.


Queen Autumn

Introduce children to making appliqué bycombinations of natural materials with each other.Introduce the technique of approximate symmetry


Animal world

Expand children's horizons about the diversity of animalspeace. Teach children to do work by combiningtechniques learned (cutting, corrugating,origami)


Swan Lake

Introduce children to the techniques of performingsilhouette applique. Cultivate love fornature, to create a sense of beauty


Magic fish

Teach children to perform a collective panel usingvarious working methods (paper tape,twisting)


Winter evening

Introduce children to techniques for performing silhouette

appliqués using approximate symmetry.

Cultivate a love for nature, develop a sense of


Conversation, workshop


Introduce children to the technique of performing subject

applications made from various materials (cotton wool, paper).

Cultivate interest in manual labor, accuracy,



Collage “These are funnyanimals"

Learn how to work as a teamusing various techniques (cutting,origami). Develop attention, memory, abstractthinking. Expand children's horizons


Mysterious trees

Teach children to model tree trunks and branchesways of crumpling paper, bending, cutting.Develop imagination


Unusual beads(pebbles)

Introduce children to the technique of making a composition from lumps of paper. Developcreative activity, independence, attention



Introduce children to the technique of performingsemi-volume application. Develop attentionimagination


Drop Man

Teach children to form a human figure from several

drop-shaped parts. Develop imagination and thinking



Introduce children to the technique of thread appliqué.Develop fine motor skills, attention,independence, perseverance

Conversation. Workshop


Introduce children to the technique of corrugating paper.Develop imagination, thinking, independence,Creative skills

Conversation. Workshop

Miracle tree

Introduce children to the technique of making appliquéfrom various materials. Develop imaginationfine motor skills, perseverance


Vases shop

Teach children to cut out vases from paper. Bring upaccuracy. Develop the ability to work inteam


Spring tunes

Introduce children to collage techniques. Learn to combine learned work techniques forexecution of a collective panel



Teach children to work with various materials,combine them (foam rubber, paper). Developcreative imagination, fantasy


Magic box

Develop creative imagination and fantasy. Learnchildren work with various materials.


Easter egg

Develop creative imagination and fantasy. Introduce the technique of eggshell appliqué


Flowers on a tray

Develop an interest in decorating your home




Creative skills


New Year's toys

Teach various paper processing techniques. DevelopCreative skills


Valentine's card

Teach various paper processing techniques. DevelopCreative skills


Postcard for dad "Sotop secret!

Teach various paper processing techniques. DevelopCreative skills


Teach various paper processing techniques. DevelopCreative skills


Tales of Kvadratik

Teach children to work with origami technique(modeling). Introduce the processmaking paper toys


Birthday Calendarnia

Develop an interest in family history. Bring uprespect for family holidays andtraditions



Generate interest in design activities. Involve children in making a three-dimensional rocket



Introduce the technique of making a three-dimensional postcard. Teach the correct arrangement of composition elements


Pasta photo frame

Involve children in productive activities.Teach children to trace history from photographskind.


Pincushion fromplastic bottle

Develop creative imagination and fantasy.

Strengthen skills in working with various materials.


interest in decorating your home


Pasta frame

Develop creative imagination and fantasy.Introduce appliqué techniques from varioustypes of pasta


Synopsis of a game educational lesson in the GPD for children with disabilities in 1st grade on the topic "Fairytale Glade."

Description of work: The summary will be useful both for school teachers working in primary grades and for preschool teachers. Throughout the lesson, work is carried out on the development of speech of children with intellectual disabilities, based on the use of various gaming techniques. In parallel with speech development, the lesson teaches games, which children with disabilities undoubtedly enjoy and with the help of which they are most able to perceive any material presented to them.
Subject:"Fairy Glade".
Target: consolidating gaming skills in students, cultivating a positive attitude towards seasonal changes in nature.
- strengthen children’s skills in playing the role-playing game “Train”, expanding their capabilities in the development of the game plot;
- correct voluntary attention based on performing didactic exercises and game tasks on the topic;
- develop children’s active speech based on complete answers to questions;
- create a desire to play together, independently composing game plots;
- cultivate positive emotions.
Material: train illustration, paper flowers, butterfly, butterfly caps.
Vocabulary work: activate the words: driver, passengers in children’s speech.
Methods and techniques: artistic expression, surprise moment, questions, conversation, individual and choral answers, visual material, game situation.
Preliminary work: role-playing game “Train”, outdoor game “Find your color”, vocabulary game “What did I see?”, conversations “Animal World”, “Insects”, “Beauty of Nature”.

Progress of the lesson
I. Organizational moment
- Pay attention to the guests.
- Warm-up.
- Get ready to work.

II. Main part

Educator: Before you find out what we will do in class today, guess the riddle and answer my questions:
Rides, puffs, buzzes,
“Chuh-chukh-chukh” says.

What is this?
Children: This is a train. (Individual answers)
Educator: Right. Let's take a look at the train (show illustration).
Educator: Guys, who's driving the train?
Children: The driver drives the train. (Individual and choral responses)
Educator: That's right, well done! Who's riding in the carriages?
Children: Passengers are traveling in the carriages. ( Individual and choral responses)
Educator: Right. Today we will “go to the fairy meadow by train.” And why the clearing is called fabulous, you will answer me when we arrive at it. Before we start the Train game, let's assign roles. (When distributing roles, you can use a counting rhyme.)
The plot-role-playing game “Train” is carried out.
The children “get on” the train, the driver says: “The train is leaving.” While the train is moving, the teacher makes sure that all children pronounce the sounds of the train moving: “Chuk, chuk, chuk” and the whistle: “Too-too.”
Educator: Station "Fairytale Glade". Let's “get off” the “train” and “sit on the bench.” Let's close our eyes and imagine that we see an “autumn forest.”
Calm music sounds, children imagine, closing their eyes, an autumn forest.
At this time, the teacher “prepares” a fairy-tale meadow behind the children, laying out paper flowers on the carpet, hiding a butterfly under one of the flowers, exposing one wing.
The game “What did I see?” is played.
Children, sitting with their backs to the “clearing,” answer the teacher’s question about what they saw with their eyes closed (presumably, the children are talking about the signs and signs of the autumn forest).
Educator: Now, let’s turn to our “clearing” and, (pause), fast forward to what time of year?
Children: It's summer time of year! (Individual answers).
Educator: Yes, that's right, guys. Why do you think our meadow is fabulous?!?
Children: Because now it’s autumn time of year, and in our clearing it’s summer, like in a fairy tale. (Individual answers).
Educator: Yes, well done. Guys, look what is in our fairy meadow?
Children: Flowers grow in the meadow.
Educator: That's right, what color are the flowers?
Children: Flowers in red, blue, green and yellow... (Individual answers one by one).
Educator: Who is sitting under the flower? (Part of the butterfly’s wing is visible from under the flower.)
Children: A butterfly sits under a flower. (Individual answers).
Educator: That's right, it's a butterfly. (Takes out a butterfly and speaks for her).
Butterfly: Hello guys.
Children: Hello.
Butterfly: How scared I was when I saw you.
Educator: Don't be afraid of us, we don't hurt little ones, right guys?
Children: Yes, we love, pity and protect little ones.
Educator: And so that you, Butterfly, stop being afraid of us completely, we will play with you. Before we start the game, we will turn into butterflies (children are given mask hats). Each “butterfly” “finds” a flower of its own color.
An outdoor game “Find your flower” is played, accompanied by music.
Each “butterfly” of a certain color is looking for its own flower of the corresponding color.
Educator(at the end of the game): Guys, let's say goodbye to the butterfly, tell her: “Thank you for the company and the game.” It's time for us to go home.
The children say goodbye, “get on” the “train” and “leave”.

III. Lesson summary
There is a discussion about what they did during the lesson, what games they played, who they met, why the clearing is called “fairytale”. The teacher marks each student, pointing out complete answers, correct conclusions, activity, good gaming skills, etc.
At the end there is praise from the children and farewell to the guests.

Article on the topic

“Psychological and pedagogical foundations of educational work

with children with disabilities in the GPD"


The psychological characteristics of children with disabilities have been considered by many authors (I. A. Korobeinikov, V. I. Lubovsky, 1981; N. Ya. Semago, 2001; A. N. Kornev, 1982, 1992, etc.). What is common in the uniqueness of all mental functions and processes is a slow pace of development and rapid exhaustion, low productivity and voluntary regulation.

Studies of visual perception in this category of children have revealed low activity of perception in general (Yu. G. Demyanov, V. A. Kovshikov, 1972).

In studies of the state of psychomotor skills (V.I. Lubovsky, 1978), first of all, a large number of deviations in the development of the motor sphere are indicated:

Activity disorders;

Difficulties in switching, coordinating and automating movements;

The presence of synkinesis;

Pronounced rapid exhaustion.

The memory features of children with disabilities are characterized as follows:

Low activity and focus;

Slow speed;

Reduced volume, accuracy and strength of what is memorized (T. V. Egorova, 1973; A. N. Kornev, 1982).

The reproduction process is characterized by inaccuracy, incomplete volume and violation of the order of the perceived material, reproduction of unimportant details.

Visual memory prevails over verbal memory.

The most vivid mental activity of children with developmental disabilities is characterized by inertia, low productivity, and instability (S. A. Domishkevich, 1988; T. V. Egorova, 1973, etc.). The thinking of children in this category is closely related to a specific situation; creative thinking is at the initial stage of its formation (Z. I. Kalmykova, 1982).

Noting the uneven development of various aspects of intellectual activity among children with developmental disabilities, researchers identify a number of common features of the activity of children in this category (I. Yu. Kulagina, T. D. Puskaeva, 1989;). These include:

Low level of motivation for cognitive activity;

Lack of organization and focus;

Severe rapid exhaustion, impulsiveness;

A large number of errors.

In children with disabilities, the formation of self-regulation in activities is impaired. This is facilitated by their personal characteristics:

Inadequate self-esteem;

Weakness of cognitive interests;

Low level of aspirations and motivation.

Self-control in children with developmental disabilities is also not formed (N. A. Nikashina, 1977). This is manifested in the lack of the need and skill of self-examination, lack of awareness of mistakes made.

When characterizing the characteristics of the activities of children with disabilities, one cannot help but mention the low development of their attention process, which is characterized by extreme instability, weak distribution and concentration, poor switching and rapid exhaustion.

Special education is generally viewed as a service that requires assistance from individuals with certain developmental disabilities. Special education “... should be based on respect for persons with developmental disabilities and recognition of their abilities, including the ability to make independent decisions.” Strengthening the effectiveness of correctional and developmental education is an urgent requirement of the time, since the effectiveness of solving this most important task largely determines the success of the social and labor adaptation of children with disabilities.

Students in correctional classes, due to their developmental characteristics, need special forms of pedagogical influence. And information technology is one of them. Experience, both foreign and domestic, shows that the possibilities of learning using a computer are much higher than those available in the traditional form of a classroom-lesson system. This is facilitated by the individualization of the learning process, increasing the activity of children due to the opportunity to observe the results of their actions, the possibility of research activities, the possibility of using the testing method and analyzing actions due to their repetition. Learning situations created with the help of information technology make possible self-correction and individual work of the student in a community with other children. Thus, the computer seems to be an effective pedagogical tool. Even an imperceptible, at first glance, increase in a child’s self-confidence, the source of which can be a successfully solved game problem, turns out to be a very significant positive effect for him.

Scientists and practicing teachers have proven that with the help of computer technology it is possible to significantly increase a child’s motivation for difficult work, teach and accustom him to evaluate developmental achievements, and consciously set new goals for himself. Thanks to computer technologies, it is possible to ensure the productive activity of experimentation necessary for the formation of a full-fledged system of mental actions and concepts, to provide an entertaining form of classes for the child, to ensure that children master the model of communication, the basis of which is the phenomena of human life.

Children with disabilities are children whose health condition prevents them from mastering educational programs outside of special conditions of education and upbringing. The group of schoolchildren with disabilities is extremely heterogeneous. This is determined, first of all, by the fact that it includes children with various developmental disorders: impairments of hearing, vision, speech, musculoskeletal system, intelligence, with severe disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere, including RDA; with delayed and complex developmental disorders. Thus, the most important priority in working with such children is an individual approach, taking into account the specific psyche and health of each child.

When teaching children with disabilities, one of the most important conditions for the teacher is to understand that these children are not handicapped compared to others. Teachers should explain the topic of equality of people with disabilities to their classes/groups.

But, nevertheless, these children need a special individual approach, different from the framework of a standard comprehensive school, in realizing their potential and creating conditions for development. The key point of this situation is that children with disabilities do not adapt to the rules and conditions of society, but are included in life on their own terms, which society accepts and takes into account.

Special methods for teaching children with disabilities

In general, at school, teachers work with children using special teaching methods that cover all stages: explaining new material, completing assignments, and assessing the student’s work. The teacher uses the following methodological techniques:

Step-by-step explanation of tasks.

Consistent completion of tasks.

Repeating instructions to students to complete the task.

Providing audio-visual technical training aids.

Being close to students while explaining a task.

Change of activities

Preparing students for a change in activity.

Alternation of classes and physical education breaks.

Allowing additional time to complete a task.

Providing additional time to submit homework.

Working on a computer simulator.

Use worksheets with exercises that require minimal completion.

Using exercises with missing words/sentences.

Supplementing printed materials with video materials.

Providing students with printed copies of assignments written on the board.

Individual assessment of responses of students with disabilities

Use of an individual rating scale according to success and effort expended.

Daily assessment to achieve a quarter mark.

Permission to redo a task he failed.

Evaluation of reworked works.

Using a student achievement assessment system.

Attention to the physical condition of children with disabilities

Much attention is paid to the physical condition of school students. One of the reasons for the decline in students' health is their overwork at school and lack of physical activity during extracurricular hours.

Health-saving activities of an educational institution are a system of measures aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of students, including:

Creation of a health-preserving infrastructure of an educational institution;

Rational organization of the educational process, the use of diagnostic research methods in the work for the possible organization of children’s health correction during the lesson;

Organization of physical education and health activities;

Educational and educational work with students, aimed at developing the value of health, a healthy lifestyle, the correct attitude of students to physical education lessons, sports and personal reflection of students on the problem of correcting opinions about themselves and their health;

Organization of a system of educational and methodological work with teachers, specialists and parents, cooperation with specialists from “Street Children” and a drug treatment clinic in order to prevent bad habits;

Medical prevention and dynamic monitoring of the health status of students, cooperation with the school’s medical staff and clinic No. 54, with subsequent correction with their help of the physical health of school students.

Educational conditions have a significant impact on the health of schoolchildren: air-thermal conditions and lighting of school premises; equipping classrooms with school furniture and technical equipment; rational organization of the educational process and nutrition; physical activity of students, etc. Compliance with basic hygienic requirements for school premises, equipment and organization of school classes is the basis for the health-preserving activities of educational institutions. All these parameters of the school environment are regulated by the requirements of the current SanPiNs.

An important role in the success of health-preserving activities is played not only by the material resources of the school, but also by the specific targeted work carried out by the administration and teaching staff together with medical workers and parents.

An active position and the formation of curricula and class schedules, the adequacy of academic and extracurricular workload to the age capabilities of students, a competent approach to the choice of forms and means of educational, preventive and physical education work - these are the reserves that our school has to improve working and leisure conditions students, on whom their mental and physical health directly depends. Compliance with hygienic standards of education and extracurricular activities for students is an important component of health-preserving activities.

The most important conditions for preserving the health of students, preventing alcoholism, drug addiction, sexual promiscuity, etc. are:

Recognition of the priority of health protection;

Improving the qualifications of teachers on health-saving educational technologies and health culture;

  • conducting extracurricular activities aimed at developing a culture of health, preventing bad habits, and preparing for family life.


  1. 1.Korobeinikov I.A., Lubovsky V.I. Psychological experiment in the differential diagnosis of mental development disorders in children, p. 3.

2. Semago N.Ya., Semago M.M. Typology of deviant development. Insufficient development - M.: Genesis

3. Demyanov Yu.G., Kovshikov V.A. A study of the speed of perception and the volume of working memory in children with difficulties in mastering reading, writing, and counting skills.

4. Lubovsky V.I. Psychological problems in diagnosing abnormal development of children. M.:

Pedagogy, 1989. - 104 p.

5. Kiseleva, N.A. Psychological study of children with developmental disabilities /

ON THE. Kiseleva, I.Yu. Levchenko. – M.: Correctional pedagogy, 2005. – 210 p.

6. Maller, A.R. Raising and teaching children with severe intellectual disabilities. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 20010. – 208 p.

7. Maller, A.R. A child with disabilities: A book for parents. – M.: Pedagogy – Press, 2006. – 284 p.

8. Solodyankina, O.V. Raising a child with disabilities in the family. – M.: ARKTI, 2007. – 80 p.

9. Sorokin, V.M. Special psychology. – St. Petersburg: Rech, 2003. – 216 p.

10. Strebeleva, E.A. Special preschool pedagogy: Textbook / E.A. Strebeleva, A.L. Wenger, E.A. Ekzhanova. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2002. – 312 p.

11. Fadina, G.V. Special preschool pedagogy / G.V. Fadina–Balashov: Nikolaev, 2004. – 80 p.

12. Fatikhova, L.F. Diagnosis of social intelligence of children with developmental disabilities. // Scientific creativity of the XXI century: materials of the II All-Russian scientific conference. – Krasnoyarsk // In the world of scientific discoveries. – 2010. No. 4 (10). Part 8. – pp. 82-84.

13. Shchepko, E.L. Psychodiagnostics of developmental disorders. The principle of differentiation. – M.: Academy, 2000. –410 p.

Play is an important means of educating children with disabilities in the GPA

One of the pressing problems of modern pedagogy is the problem of nurturing children's ability to be creative. The task of forming and developing creative abilities faces teachers and educators working with primary schoolchildren, because It is at this age that children develop methods of academic work, the ability to think, reason, and creatively approach problem solving. And this task is especially acute for educators working in correctional groups, because When mental development is delayed, there is uneven formation of mental functions, in which not only the intellect suffers, but also emotions, will, behavior, and physical development. In children with mental retardation: increased exhaustion and, as a result, low performance, immaturity of emotions, weakness of will, limited stock of general information and ideas, poor vocabulary, immaturity of intellectual activity skills.

Great opportunities for the targeted development of the creative abilities of younger schoolchildren are provided by educational and educational work in after-school groups. One of the means of developing children's creativity is play. The game reveals the need of children to actively participate in the life around them. Play is one of the ways for them to understand the world and reality. In the game, children’s emotions are especially clearly manifested and formed. Without interest, experiences, a sense of satisfaction, pleasure there is no game. As soon as interest in the game action disappears, the game is destroyed. A game is a type of activity that can never be built on coercion or obligation. Games help organize children's teams and create a joyful, cheerful mood. In play, the child feels a little higher than what he really is. Taking all this into account when working with children with mental retardation, I use educational, didactic, and active games. In children with mental retardation, play activity is not fully developed. They do not have a strong interest in the game; they cannot organize it themselves. In the game, the guys often quarrel, get offended if he is not chosen as the driver, they understand the rules of the game, but do not always obey them. If in the first year of school some children were reluctant to take part in the game and preferred to play alone, then already in the 3rd grade children love the game, play with pleasure, and can organize and lead the game themselves. And what helped them in this, firstly, was that I first introduced the children to the rules of fair play, which must be followed in any game. I wrote a note for each child.

These rules are:

    Play fair.

    It's a shame when you lose, but don't get angry.

    If you win, be happy, but don't get arrogant.

    Teach others what you can do yourself.

    Be persistent, do not be discouraged by failures.

    Learn from others.

    Be persistent, if something doesn’t work out, patiently achieve success.

    Don't gloat when others lose.

Secondly, I conduct individual conversations and teach children rhyming rhymes, which helps when organizing games.

Thirdly, the games are varied and are held daily.

Fourthly, sometimes I myself become a participant in the game.

Among the wide variety of games that arouse interest among primary schoolchildren, a special place is occupied by intellectually developmental games, which conceal great opportunities for children’s creative manifestations. The creative task of these games is to develop intelligence, mental functions, techniques and operations of mental activity.

When working with children with mental retardation, I conduct intellectual developmental games every day – games with words and letters.

Combining words from a limited, but each time new combination of letters, selecting words that have a specific meaning, transforming some words into others by rearranging or adding letters, syllables, composing proverbs, sayings - all this revives the memory and constantly enriches the vocabulary of schoolchildren, promotes the ability to find the right words, compose apt expressions, and develops students’ speech. That is why, when working with children with mental retardation, I use games such as “Typesetter”, “Invisible Words”, “Duty Letter”, “Four Elements”, “Words”, “Chain of Words”, “Who Can Remember More”. Among intellectually developing games for finding logical patterns, riddle games are especially popular among children. Younger schoolchildren really enjoy solving riddles. They are interested in both the process itself and the result of this unique intellectual competition. By expanding children's horizons, introducing them to the world around them, natural phenomena, developing and enriching speech, riddles are of undeniable importance in the formation of the intellectual components of the ability to create: logical thinking, the ability to analyze, synthesize, compare, contrast. A mystery, according to K.D. Ushinsky, “provides a useful exercise for the child’s mind.” The process of guessing is a kind of gymnastics that mobilizes and trains the child’s mental strength; solving riddles sharpens and disciplines the mind, teaching children clear logic, reasoning and proof.

Guessing riddles by primary schoolchildren can be considered a creative process, and the riddle itself can be considered a creative task. The forms of riddles can be very diverse, stencil riddles, crossword riddles, lotto riddles, scattered riddles, riddles quiz. Guessing riddles is useful for all students, and especially for children with mental retardation, who experience noticeable difficulties in performing various types of educational work: understanding and comprehending new material, memorizing and assimilating it, establishing connections between various phenomena, expressing their thoughts in speech.

When playing riddles with children, I ask that the one who guessed the riddle can explain “how he guessed it.” Children with mental retardation find it very difficult to prove why the answer they find is correct. Therefore, I ask leading questions, show 2-3 pictures, among which there is an answer to the riddle, so that the child can explain the answer himself. It is easier for children to guess riddles if they are on a specific topic: for example, “Birds”, “Beasts”, “Natural Phenomena”, “About Winter”, “Trees”, etc.

Riddle games are a useful way of organizing leisure time in an after-school group. Riddles are used during various competitions, savvy competitions, in classes, walks, cultivating courageous overcoming of difficulties, imagination and scope of thoughts.

Various forms of cognitive work with children, for example, entertaining exercises, didactic games, practical exercises, reading, walks, excursions, allow you to expand the horizons of children, contribute to overall development, in addition, these forms allow you to carry out systematic work to consolidate and apply the knowledge acquired by students at the lesson.

A special place belongs didactic games, since didactic games, on the one hand, contribute to the formation of attention, observation, development of memory, thinking, creativity, independence, initiative, on the other hand, they solve a certain didactic problem: repetition and consolidation of what has been learned, the formation of educational skills. In the game, the child learns to use the acquired knowledge in new conditions, which activate him as much as possible, thereby helping him to better consolidate the material. This form of work supports children’s interest in learning and develops it. The following games are very popular among children in the group: “Who is faster”, “Milchanka”, “Mathematical lotto”, “Lost syllable”, “Repair words”, “Vocabulary dominoes”, which, firstly, relieve tension and fatigue, -secondly, they interest you, and most importantly, they help you remember vocabulary words better and faster. “Math Chamomile” is a universal game, I use it for repetition and consolidation: addition and subtraction within 10, 100, multiplication and division, extra-table multiplication and division, division with a remainder.

Younger schoolchildren have poor control of their attention, and a didactic game activates them, keeps their attention on one subject for a long time, cultivates observation in children, teaches them to subordinate their actions to the task at hand and complete the work they have started.

In younger schoolchildren, visual-figurative memory is more developed than semantic memory. They better remember specific objects, faces, facts, colors, events. Children remember words, rules, and definitions of concepts much better if they are included in the game, if the moment of friendly competition is used.

For example: when preparing homework, it was very difficult for the children to learn the rules. To better and quickly memorize the rules, I use a game called “Flower - Seven Flowers”. During the game, children not only tell the new rule and give examples, but also repeat previously learned rules. Working with children with mental retardation, I conduct games aimed at developing certain mental processes and qualities: attention, memory, observation, reaction speed.

For memory development I use games like: find the presented figures, objects among others / show 4-5 objects and then select them from 8-10 objects \ say what has changed. Children especially like the game “A Million Changes”, when they have to guess what has changed in the appearance of a friend, what changes have occurred in the class.

Entertaining exercises and games allow you to develop a child’s perception, making it more accurate, objective, and holistic. And this is simply necessary for the development of the intellectual and artistic and creative abilities of children with mental retardation. These are games like: “What’s in the package.” We develop observation skills.

To develop intellectual abilities I use various games, including outdoor games with a ball. These include the game “I Know”. In the game, children are offered a general concept for which they need to name more specific words. For the game I use concepts, names of girls, boys, names of trees, countries, cities, rivers, fruits, vegetables, products, clothes, flowers, birds, animals, etc. Children play this game with pleasure and often play it independently.

The games “Numbers”, “On the contrary”, “Edible - inedible” contribute to the formation of attention; these games are good to play during a walk in an after-school group. The children really like the game “Numbers”, they are constantly improving it. First they called numbers up to 30, then up to 50, now up to 100. They change the number that should not be called.

Children especially love outdoor games.

Outdoor games are an excellent means of physical development, health promotion, and a means of pedagogical correction of children's behavior. High demands for honesty, justice, kindness and other important human qualities are contained in all outdoor games. Every day while walking I play games that promote the development of basic movements (running, jumping, climbing, throwing, catching a ball), these are games such as “Hunters and Ducks”, “Take an Empty Space”, “The Third Wheel”, which form moral qualities: goodwill , readiness to help out a friend, will stand up for him if necessary: ​​the ability to take into account the interests and opinions of playing partners. Many children can independently organize outdoor and other games, showing creative initiative. Games played outside not only improve health and strengthen the body, but also have an extremely beneficial effect on the emotional mood of students.

The game allows every child to experience excitement, joy from a successfully completed task, grief over failure, and the desire to test their strength again. The general emotional upsurge captures children, even those who are usually passive. Children experience joy because they can do something and know something.

The emotional high spirits that always accompany the game make the life of the children's group bright and exciting. It is precisely this environment that is most favorable for the formation of positive forms of behavior in children: discipline, neatness, independence, initiative.

Play is indispensable as a means of developing correct relationships between children. During the game, a sensitive attitude towards a friend, fairness, the ability to give in if necessary, and help in trouble are demonstrated. Therefore, all types of properly organized games are an excellent means of mental and moral education.

Working programm

teacher of the extended day group No.

Samoilova Marina Vladimirovna

Saint Petersburg


2017-2018 academic year

Explanatory note

Target : creating conditions for the harmonious development of the student’s personality and his self-realization in accordance with the requirements of modern society.

Tasks :

Help students master educational programs;

Develop cognitive processes and interests of the individual;

Develop the basic moral qualities of the child’s personality;

Develop the child’s communication relationships;

Develop thinking processes, creative abilities;

Strengthen health and develop personal hygiene skills;

Foster a sense of teamwork.

The program is designed taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of schoolchildren with disabilities:

Slow pace of assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities;

Insufficient formation of mental operations;

Emotional instability;

Increased anxiety, poor understanding of the world around you;

Underdevelopment of oral and written speech skills.

The developed program is based on the following principles:




Consciousness and activity



Connections between theory and practice

Natural conformity

Basic methods of organizing training: verbal, explanatory-illustrative, practical, elements of problem-search methods, psychological methods, independent work with a textbook, analogy.

Technologies : developmental learning, elements of problem-search learning, health-saving technologies, communication technologies, technologies for using game teaching methods, adaptive learning technology, humane-personal technology (with the priority of personal relationships, individual approach, humanistic orientation, pedagogical cooperation).

Methodological topic: Health-saving technologies in teaching primary schoolchildren with disabilities.

Mode . Main educational tasks and areas of activity.

The GPD operates on a five-day work week from 13.00 to 18.00

13.00 - 13.40 – reception of children to the extended day group, preparation for lunch, lunch.

13.40-14.20 – walk, games in the fresh air.

14.20-15.00 – thematic lesson.

15.00-17.00 - homework completion.

17.00-18.00 - walk, developmental activity, going home.

Regime moments

Main educational tasks and areas of activity

Admission of children to the after-school group

Switching from mental activity to gaming. Creating and ensuring psychological comfort. Instilling and nurturing cultural and hygienic skills: self-service skills and spiritual and moral qualities.


Developing the skills of a culture of behavior during meals, careful attitude to food; respectful attitude towards catering and canteen staff.

Walk, play outdoors.

Recreation and outdoor activities.

Restoring strength, working capacity, nurturing love for nature. Development of observation, curiosity, nurturing love for nature, native land, formation of free communication skills in joint games and competitions.

Switching to mental activity, developmental activities, thematic classes

Creating conditions for the development of cognitive abilities and needs; creating interest in political events, events in the cultural and social life of the country, region, city.

Individual educational activities, self-training

Development of cognitive abilities, personal qualities, independence and responsibility, formation of the ability to determine the goal of a task.

Days of the week


Number of hours


I'm exploring the world


My world


I am a Petersburger


Family is my main support


My health is my future


1. I explore the world.

It is expected to become familiar with the surrounding world, with spiritual and moral concepts, fostering a culture of behavior, instilling ethical standards of behavior, fostering a caring attitude towards nature and the people around us, the formation of interpersonal relationships, tolerance (conversations, walks, solving puzzles and crosswords, excursions).

2. My world

Development of children's creative activity, cognitive abilities,

creating interest in the creative process (drawing, appliqué, modeling).

3.My health is my future

Instilling a healthy lifestyle, nurturing a harmoniously developed personality, developing sports interest in various sports (conversations, outdoor games, walks).

4. Family is my main support

Fostering a caring attitude towards your family, honoring the older generation, respecting the memory of your ancestors (conversations, drawing, looking at photographs).

5. I am a Petersburger.

Patriotic education, instilling love and respect for one’s city,

Familiarization with the historical facts of our city, development of general culture, familiarization with architectural monuments (conversations, drawing, looking at photos).

Expected results:

Raising a harmoniously developed personality, a morally and physically healthy person, correction of behavior, development of artistic taste, activation of cognitive activity, development of horizons, development of independent skills in doing homework.


To implement the program content, the following literature and tutorials are used:

Organization and planning of educational work in a special (correctional) school. E. D. Khudenko, G. F. Gavrilycheva and others, ed. "Arctic", Moscow 2007;

Fundamentals of road safety. L.I.Tosheva ed. "Waco", Moscow 2011;

Safety rules at home and on the street. S. Shinkarchuk. ed. "Litera", 2008

Fire safety grades 1-4. O. Pavlova, G. Popova and other ed. "Teacher" 2007

Rules for safe behavior on the road. G.N.Elkin. ed. "Litera", 2010

Rules of good behavior. V.A. Krutetskaya. ed. "Litera", 2010

Rules of behavior in dangerous situations. O.V.Sokolova, ed. "Litera", 2010

Cool hours for grades 3-4. N.F.Dick ed. "Phoenix" 2006

Saint Petersburg. Interesting questions and answers. I.I. Georgiev and others.

ed. "Parity" 2001.

135 health lessons, or the school of doctors of nature. L. Obukhova and others,

Ed. "Waco" 2013

Collections of works by A. Fet, M. Prishvin, S. Mikhalkov, M. Zoshchenko,

E. Charushina and others.

Collection “Russian folk outdoor games” by M.F. Litvinov, ed. "Enlightenment", 1986

- “800 riddles, 100 crosswords” I.G. Sukhin, ed. "New School", 1997

- “Wonderful paper crafts” by Z.A. Bogateev, ed. "Enlightenment", 1992.

Collection-almanac “Kolpino ABC”, ed. "Ivan Fedorov", 2013

Calendar - thematic planning in an after-school group

Lesson topic


1 quarter.

I'm exploring the world. Observing the change in nature in autumn.

My world. Drawing competition “I draw autumn”

I am a St. Petersburger. Conversation “Through the pages of Kolpino history”

Family is my main support. Conversation “Warmth of the Hearth”

My health is my future. “Rules of conduct at school, at home and on the street”

Reading books about nature and animals.

Modeling "Leaves"

Conversation “Who is Alexander Nevsky”

Conversation “Traditions in your family”

Rules of behavior at school, at home and on the street.

Solving puzzles “Entertaining mathematics”

Didactic game “Image of Nature” (pantomime, moving dramatization).

Conversation “Peter I, the founder of St. Petersburg”

Drawing "My Family"

Conversation “The road is not a place for games.”

Application “Gifts of Autumn”

Conversation “How to develop a sense of responsibility.”

Conversation “The Birth of St. Petersburg”

Reading and discussion. Zoshchenko "Great Travelers"

Extracurricular activity “Take care of your health”

Conversation “Our teachers”

Drawing “Favorite Teachers”

Palaces of St. Petersburg. Winter Palace. Conversation.

My mom.

Personal hygiene. Conversation

Reading the works of S. Mikhalkov. Conversation “Birds are our friends”

Drawing "Still Life"

Saint Petersburg. Catherine I

My family. My dad

Conversation. Proper nutrition.

Didactic lotto game “Vegetables”

Drawing "My friends"

I am a St. Petersburger. Drawing “Favorite corner of St. Petersburg”

My family. Mom's relatives

Drawing on the theme “Vitamins on a plate”

Quiz “Adventures in the Kingdom of Mathematics”

Let's learn to write a fairy tale.

Palaces of St. Petersburg. Tauride Palace.

My family. Dad's relatives.

Conversation “The importance of breakfast for health”

Conversation “All professions are important”

Drawing competition “Favorite profession”

Palaces of St. Petersburg. Mikhailovsky Palace.

Brothers and sisters.

Conversation “Correct Posture”

2nd quarter

Conversation “Where the fairy tale came from”

Drawing “I am drawing a fairy tale”

Conversation. Ensemble of the Summer Garden. Monument to I.A. Krylov.

My family. Grandmothers and grandfathers.

Outdoor games.

Conversation “Ecology of our region”

Drawing “How to help nature”

Bridges of St. Petersburg. Palace Bridge.

My family. Where do my parents work?

Conversation “Why is a daily routine useful?”

Game “Entertaining Russian language”

Application “Pictures of Nature”

Bridges of St. Petersburg. Anichkov Bridge.

My family. My address.

Conversation. You and your memory.

Quiz "Literary Ring".

Conversation “What does it mean to be tolerant”

Bridges of St. Petersburg. Trinity Bridge.

My family. Tree of life.

Conversation. Keen vision.

Reading books by E. Charushin about animals.

Board games for children's interests.

Bridges of St. Petersburg. Birzhevoy Bridge.

My family. Friends of our family.

Conversation. Strong teeth.

Lesson-conversation. "Protection of Nature"

Drawing "Magic Patterns"

Saint Petersburg. The first fortress.

My family. Family holidays.

Outdoor games.

Solving riddles.

Cutting out New Year's decorations from paper.

Saint Petersburg. The first museum.

My family. New Year celebration.

Conversation about safety precautions during the New Year holidays.

3rd quarter

Family. What is family honor?

Conversation about rules of conduct on ice.

Conversation “Everyone should be educated”

Drawing “On the pages of the works of A.S. Pushkin.”

Conversation. Islands of St. Petersburg.

A conversation about beauty and good taste.

Conversation “Take care of your health”

Lotto game "Technology, transport"

Drawing “Winter Petersburg”

Channels of St. Petersburg.

Animals living in our home.

Outdoor games. Winter sports.

Conversation about the siege of Leningrad. No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten.

Drawing on the theme “Siege of Leningrad”.

Memorable places of St. Petersburg. PS, Piskarevsky memorial.

My family and WWII.

Hardening the body.

Conversation “Wild and Domestic Animals”

Modeling "Bird's dining room".

Peter-Pavel's Fortress.

Conversation about the native language “Cultural heritage”

How to avoid catching a cold in winter. Conversation.

Quiz “Flower proverb, berry proverb”

Lesson "Geometric Kaleidoscope".

House of Peter I

Conversation "In the family circle."

First aid for frostbite.

Conversation “Water is the source of life”

Drawing and coloring “Dymkovo toy”

Summer Palace of Peter I

Dad's holiday. Military professions.

First aid for burns.

Solving riddles about animals.

Drawing “My animals”

Architectural places of St. Petersburg. Kazan Cathedral.

“Let’s fantasize about the future of my family.”

A selection of proverbs about a healthy lifestyle.

Dispute “Our right and our interest.”

Drawing competition "My Motherland".

Spit of Vasilyevsky Island.

Holiday of mothers and grandmothers. Making postcards.

Useful and bad habits.

Russian folk traditions.

Writing competition. Poems about mother.

Sculptural monuments of St. Petersburg.

Drawing “My mother is the best in the world”

Conversation “How to overcome illness”

Lesson "Fun Math".

Solving puzzles and crosswords.

Academy of Arts of St. Petersburg.

Family is my main support. Conversation.

Conversation about traffic rules.

4th quarter

Working with cardboard and paper. Making birds.


How I spent my holidays with my family. Drawing competition.

How to cope with spring malaise.

The first cosmonaut Yu. Gagarin.

Drawing competition on the theme “Space”.

Ensembles of Rossi.

My friends. Friendship and decency.

School of politeness "How I look."

Reading books about animals (B. Zhitkov, V. Bianki, M. Prishvin)

Application "Firebird".

St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg.

How I help my family.

Conversation “Am I a well-mannered person”

Conversation “Your friend is nature.”

Drawing on the theme “First spring flowers.”

Main street of St. Petersburg. Nevsky Avenue.

My family. Rituals and customs of the Russian people.

Conversation about safe behavior near bodies of water.

Making holiday cards.

Gardens of St. Petersburg.

Reading stories about war and war heroes.

Monuments of Russian military glory.

My family and WWII.

Quiz game "Wheel of History".

Drawing competition “Historical monuments of St. Petersburg”

Monuments of the maritime glory of St. Petersburg.

We are one family. (Boys and girls)

What are emotions?

Reading poems about the homeland.


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