Children's game aibolit on the New Year tree. New Year's games for preschoolers: description of games

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Fun game “Old and New Year”

A leader is chosen and stands in the center of the circle. His arms are extended in different directions (one hand symbolizes the old year, the other - the new year). All other players stand in a circle, pronounce words, to which the leader turns with his eyes closed. To whom at the end of the text the presenter points with his hands, they change places.

The presenter's task is to take an empty seat.

New Year it's already coming,

The old year is not inferior.

We can force it ourselves

Swap their places.

We only counted to three -

They were swapped.

One two Three!

Comic musical game “Dance with a Broom”

Everyone dances in pairs, one boy with a broom. At any moment, he can hit the floor with the broom three times, and all the other boys must let go of their partners. The boy, putting down his broom, quickly invites any lady. The rest of the guys then immediately invite the girls to continue the dance. Whoever is left without a girl takes a broom and dances with it or knocks it on the floor.

Prank game "New Year's Zoo"

The presenter invites the children to take a walk in the zoo and asks them to perform movements that he calls:

1. Raise your hands up, cross them, spread your fingers, make surprised eyes. Amazing! This painting is called “The deer saw the Christmas tree for the first time.”

2. Sit on the floor, grab your ears and pull them to the sides, pat loudly with your feet. The scene is called “The Monkeys Meet Santa Claus.”

3. Stand up, shake yourself off, stretch your right hand forward without removing your hand, bury your nose in it, hide your left hand behind your back and open it palm up, turn to the right, bending down, take your neighbor’s left hand with your right hand. The painting “Elephants dance in a circle.”

Shouting game for Christmas or Maslenitsa “Good news”

The presenter reads the text, and after each phrase the players perform actions with their hands or feet. If the news is good, then everyone claps their hands; if it’s bad, they stomp.

We are going to spend the winter with dignity! (Applause)

Drink tea and eat pancakes! (Applause)

Play, sing, ride a troika! (Applause)

And besides, have a big fight with your neighbor! (Stomp)

Receive a gift for playing, such a huge one!

But it turns out that it is filled with straw!

Today is such a festive day, great!

You will lose your passport in the crowd!

Winter won't go away so easily these days!

Every resident will find a huge treasure!

Nowadays you will be required to pay for everything!

And your salary will increase to a million!

It will rain all summer long!

Every resident will buy a personal plane!

And everyone is in excellent health all year!

Instead of beer, everyone will drink cow's milk!

New Year's chant "We invite Santa Claus"

The presenter repeats the chant several times, calling on both boys and girls to participate:

Here is the Christmas tree.

And everything is on fire.

So the holiday is coming!

But someone is missing!

We need to call him

We need to scream loudly.

Who is louder? Here's the question!

Come on, guys... (Santa Claus!)

Hey girls, look up!

Let's shout together... (Santa Claus!)

New Year's game "Santa Claus is coming, coming to us"

The presenter invites the children to learn the words and perform a song to the tune “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” Gradually all words are replaced by gestures. At the end we get a song without words, consisting of gestures:

Santa Claus is coming, coming to us,

Santa Claus is coming to us.

And we know that Santa Claus

He brings us gifts.

Words are replaced gradually in the following order. Instead of the word “goes” you need to stomp your feet, “Santa Claus” - show a long beard, “we”, “us” - point to yourself, “gifts” - make a big circle with your hands, “we know” - bring forefinger to the forehead, “carries” - put your palms forward.

New Year's game "Once a year on New Year's Eve"

The players’ task is to add in unison after the leader’s phrase: “Once a year on New Year’s Eve.”

We are celebrating this holiday...

Decorating the Christmas tree at home...

We invite friends to our house...

We don't go to sleep at night...

We'll have fun until the morning...

The President congratulates us...

And he wishes us health...

Comic game “Drawing Santa Claus”

Give the players sheets of paper and ask them to draw a picture, placing the sheet on the top of their head. The presenter lists what the players must draw: a circle (or torso), a small circle (head), left leg, right hand, nose, felt boots on the left leg, right leg, eyes, a bag with gifts, beard, felt boots on the right leg, left hand, gifts in a bag. You can also suggest drawing mittens on your hands and a headdress.

To make the game more interesting, the presenter should not just list what needs to be drawn, but approach it creatively: for example, tell how Santa Claus’s right leg is frozen and he definitely needs to put on a felt boot, etc. Now each player passes his drawing to his neighbor on the right, who calculates the sum of points. Points are calculated as follows: 10 points if Santa Claus's legs are in right place, 15, if the nose is on his head, 20, if the boots are on his feet, 25, if the eyes are on the head, 30, points are awarded if the bag does not touch Santa Claus, 35, if the mittens are on his hands, 40, if the gifts are in the bag, 45 if the hands are drawn in place, 50 if the beard is located on the face, 75 if the headdress is on the head of Santa Claus.

The gift is received by the player whose drawing is rated with more points.

New Year's bluff club

Do you believe that...:

When in New Year's Eve the clock strikes 12 times, in Portugal people pull their left ear with their right hand 12 times? (No)

In Vietnam, people don’t sit down to the New Year’s table without a bouquet of flowers? (Yes)

In India, during the New Year, does everyone sprinkle tea on each other? (No)

In France as New Year's gift bring a thick log? (Yes)

Is matriarchy established for a day on the island of Sardinia in honor of the New Year? (Yes)

In Hungary, do you give friends a clay figurine of a pig for New Year? (Yes)

Are elephants paraded through the streets of Guinea on New Year's Day? (Yes)

In Denmark, on the first morning of the New Year, do they climb onto the roof and throw copper coins down the chimney? (No)

In Cuba, do they pour water from windows on New Year's Day? (Yes)

In Greece, on New Year's Eve, they bring a goat into the house and rub its horns. olive oil? (No)

In Japan, do they celebrate New Year three times? (No)

In Russia, do they like to decorate a fluffy Christmas tree for the New Year? (Yes)

In Romania, instead of a Christmas tree, they decorate a poplar tree for the New Year? (No)

New Year's mini-film quiz

What is the name of the film director whom the whole country recognized and fell in love with after his New Year’s film “Carnival Night” was shown on screens? (Eldar Ryazanov)

Which children's storyteller invented the planet of Christmas trees? (Gianni Rodari)

What was the name of the boy from the famous children's film, whom his father, mother, brothers and sisters left home alone for the Christmas holidays? (Kevin)

What material was made of the man whom his mischievous wife sent into the forest to get a Christmas tree in the cartoon “Last Year’s Snow Was Falling”? (Made from plasticine)

In which popular movie does the main character sing in the voice of Alla Pugacheva on New Year's Eve? (“The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath” by Eldar Ryazanov)

What New Year's toy did the king of mice turn the young prince into in K. Hoffmann's fairy tale? (In The Nutcracker)

In which film did the main characters, beautifully played by actors Evgeny Leonov, Georgy Vitsin and Savely Kramarov, celebrate the New Year at the dacha of an archaeological professor? (“Gentlemen of Fortune” by A. Gaidai)

What was the name of the village where one Christmas night, at the request of one of the residents, the devil stole the Moon? (Dikanka)

In what fairy tale do all the moon brothers gather around the fire on New Year's Eve? (“Twelve Months”) In which fairy tale does the main character melt at the fire? ("Snow Maiden")

New Year's mini-quiz “In which country...”:

Should you pay off all your debts before the New Year? (In Italy)

On New Year's Day, do they shoot flaming arrows at a paper kite? (In India)

Do you bring a piece of coal as a New Year's gift? (In England)

New Year's treats are served livestock? (In Poland)

Does Santa Claus personify a shepherd-cattle breeder? (In Mongolia)

On New Year's Eve they bake pies with surprises, which are filled with rings, coins, porcelain dolls and red pepper pods? (In Romania)

Can New Year be called a red light festival? (In China)

Do you wear black outfits for New Year? (Not at all. This is a joke question)

Beloved New Year's entertainment is a lottery? (In France)

After the clock strikes 12 on New Year's Eve, the housewife goes out into the yard and smashes a pomegranate against the wall? (In Greece)

Is children's favorite New Year's entertainment dancing in circles and having fun games under a decorated Christmas tree? (In Russia)

Do city dwellers like to celebrate the New Year on the roofs of their houses? (Not at all. This is a joke question)

children are divided into two teams. The first participants in the competition are given a Santa Claus bag. Children need to jump in a bag to the Christmas tree and back. then the next team players climb into the bags and jump.

"running in felt boots"

children are divided into two teams. Instead of bags, they are given huge felt boots of Santa Claus (you can also be given slippers). Children need to run in felt boots to the Christmas tree and back and pass the felt boots to the next participants in the competition. You can arrange such a competition around the Christmas tree.

"catch the snowballs"

children are divided into pairs. one has a basket without a handle (bucket, beautiful box), the second has a bag with “snowballs” (balls sewn from fabric and stuffed with cotton wool or made of folded paper). Each child throws a “snowball” to their partner. he tries to catch him with his basket. If the “snowball” flies past, it can no longer be picked up. The pair with the most snowballs in their basket wins. certain time(you can turn on music).

“catch the “winter” word”

Invite the children to clap their hands when they hear a word related to winter:
blizzard, inflatable ring, winter, snow, Monday, tree, sea, sleigh, Santa Claus, autumn leaves, bicycle, snowman, dolphin, icicle, snowflake, scissors, Snow Maiden, firecrackers, vacuum cleaner, gifts, skis, etc.

"draw a snowman"

on large sheet paper, each child with his eyes closed draws a snowman with felt-tip pens. the snowman will turn out even funnier if you divide the children into 2 teams and one of the participants will have to draw the head, the second torso, the third legs and arms, etc. You can invite one of the teams to draw a Christmas tree.


Each participant in the game is given balloon. Children throw the ball up and try not to let it fall (but they cannot pick up the ball).

"deflate the balloon"

A balloon is placed on the table. The first player is called. He is blindfolded and spun in place. then the child (blindfolded) approaches the ball and tries to blow the ball off the table. The one who manages to do this will win.

"wrap a gift"

2-3 children are invited. They are asked to pack a gift (small box) in holiday packaging. and our holiday packaging will be... toilet paper, which you need to wrap the box well.

"in warm mittens"

Children take turns putting on thick mittens, putting their hands into a bag with different toys and trying to determine by touch what they come across.

"go around the obstacles"

Skittles are placed on the floor. children are divided into 2 teams. You have to blindfolded and walk to the end of the room, trying not to knock over any pins.

A variation of this game is for children to stand one after another like a train and walk, going around the pins first on one side or the other.

“who has a snowball?”

the driver becomes in the center. the rest of the game participants form a tight circle around him. behind their backs they pass each other a “snowball” (made of fabric and cotton wool). The driver carefully watches the players. he must guess who has the snow now and say: “Stop!” If the driver guessed right, then the owner of the snowball takes his place.


two children stand sideways to each other and hug their partner with one arm around the waist. it turns out to be a kind of fat man with two heads, two arms and four legs. Children in pairs are given a task, for example, to fold a piece of paper in half and in half again. It is not simple! after all, the hands are from different people! tasks for other couples can be as follows: get dressed, swaddle a doll, make an apple or pear out of plasticine, etc.

“work as Santa Claus”

For this competition you need a homemade tunnel, which can be made by sewing a sheet around the edges. The first participant is given a Santa Claus hat and a bag of gifts. he needs to crawl through the tunnel (which is held by adults on both sides), while trying not to lose the bag and cap. put all the gifts out of the bag under the tree, crawl back into the tunnel and pass the bag and cap to the next participant. he crawls through the tunnel again, but with an empty bag. and under the tree - he fills the bag with gifts and returns it back, etc.

This game can be played by timing each participant or dividing the children into teams (but then 2 tunnels will be required).


Happy child 27.11.2016

Dear readers, New Year and happy holidays are coming soon. I suggest preparing for them in advance! Today on the blog we have made for you a selection of New Year's games for children. What to play with the whole family? What to do with the kids of different ages? How to properly organize the playing space? What secrets exist in this matter? We will try to find answers to these and other questions in the article.

The presenter of the column, Anna Kutyavina, will share her thoughts and ideas for games for the New Year for children. I give her the floor.

Hello, dear readers of Irina’s blog! Do you feel what the frosty air outside the window smells like? Snow, Christmas tree, tangerines... At least according to the calendar, the most anticipated holiday of the year is still whole month, many of us already have an expectation of a miracle in our souls. Indeed, on New Year's Eve, not only our children, but also we ourselves often make our most cherished wishes, sincerely believing that they will certainly come true! And from January 1, as in a fairy tale, a new life will begin...

So, are we starting to prepare for the festive fun? So as not to sit through it later last hours December on the Internet, in a frantic search for new ideas for games, let's make important steps to a joyful new year right now. As long as there is time, strength, energy and desire. And also - there are a lot of tasty and non-standard ideas for fun! Go?

For your convenience, we have divided all the games into age categories. This will make it easier for you to navigate and choose what is best for your child. There are games near the Christmas tree, games with rhymes, New Year's musical games. A separate category includes games for the whole family - a creative space in which there is a place for everyone: moms and dads, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and kids!

New Year's games for children under 2 years old

Let's start looking at the fun with the littlest heroes of the holiday. Typically, children begin to actively engage in simple games from the age of 1.5-2 years. For even younger toddlers, we offer only the simplest things: round dances around the Christmas tree in mother’s arms; funny rhymes and songs with parents. We remember that infants should under no circumstances be overloaded with emotions, including positive ones! The “Christmas tree” for such children lasts no more than half an hour, and we certainly look at the child’s condition. If he is tired, we give him time to rest.

It’s great if mothers love to sing, write poems and fairy tales. It's time to fantasize and little by little include the baby in creative process. The main thing is the emotional involvement of parents, the desire to play and create. Even with one-year-olds, you can make small crafts together, glue together a New Year's toy - boots from two cardboard parts, and then paint them with colored sparkles. The baby just sits in his mother’s arms, and the mother does everything herself using the “hand in hand” method. Then the toy is solemnly hung on the Christmas tree, and each guest is told who made such beauty. And everyone is happy and satisfied.

It’s good for kids to play short New Year’s songs to which they can clap their hands, stomp their feet, and twirl their butts. Remember first of all about safety precautions: if there is a toddler in the house, the Christmas tree should not stand on the floor, especially not hung with glass toys and garlands with lights.

New Year's games and competitions for children from 2 to 6 years old

Now we move on to the most “grateful” age. Preschoolers love games and fun; they are active and sociable. We present to your attention a selection of games for preschoolers:

Game "Guess the gift"

Put a lot in a big bag various items and toys. Invite your child to determine by touch what came into his hand. If the child guesses the name of the item, he receives a gift.

Game "Owl and animals"

One driver is selected - “owl”. The rest of the children show various animals: birds, mice, butterflies, frogs, bunnies, etc.
The driver gives the command: “Day!” - and all the “animals” run and jump merrily. On the second command: “Night!” - everyone freezes and doesn’t move. The owl flies to “hunt”. Anyone who laughs, moves, or changes position becomes the owl's prey.

Game “It’s boring to sit like this...”

We seat the children on chairs near one wall. The presenter reads the poem:

It's boring, it's boring to sit like this,
Looking at each other.
Isn't it time to go for a run?
And change places?

With these words, the children quickly run to opposite wall, trying to occupy the empty chairs. There are one fewer chairs than players. The one left without a chair is eliminated from the game. The chairs are also removed one by one. The game is repeated until the winner takes the last chair.

Game "Fox and Hares"

Children move according to instructions in the text:

Along the forest lawn
The bunnies ran away.
These are the bunnies
Running bunnies.
(Children-bunnies run around the hall)
The bunnies sat in a circle,
They dig the root with their paw.
These are the bunnies
Running bunnies.
(“The bunnies” sit down and “dig” roots)
Here is a fox running -
Red-haired sister.
Looking for where the bunnies are,
Running bunnies.

(The fox runs between the kids. When the song ends, she catches up with the kids).

Game "Winter Mood"

The presenter reads poems, and the children answer: “true”, “false”.

1. Bloomed amidst the frost
There are large roses on the pine tree.
They are collected in bouquets
And they give it to the Snow Maiden. (Wrong)

2. With Snow Maiden Snowman
I'm used to visiting children.
He loves to listen to poems
And then eat candy. (Right)

3. Santa Claus melts in winter
And under the Christmas tree he gets bored -
What was left of him was a puddle;
On holidays it is not needed at all. (Wrong)

4. In February on New Year's Eve
Good Grandfather is coming,
He has a big bag
Full of noodles. (Wrong)

5. Toadstools do not grow in winter,
But they do roll sleds.
Children are happy with them -
Both girls and boys. (Right)

6. Come to us from hot countries in winter
Miracle butterflies are flying
Snowy warm times
They want to collect nectar. (Wrong)

7. A glorious New Year's holiday
Main cactus for kids -
It's green and prickly
Christmas trees are much cooler. (Wrong)

8. There are snowstorms in January,
Decorating the spruce with snow.
Bunny in his white fur coat
Jumps boldly through the forest. (Right)

Relay game "Fish"

The leader divides the children into 2 teams. Each team receives a small fishing rod with a hook.

Near each team there is a large blue hoop - a “pond”. In the pond there are toy fish with loops at the mouth, according to the number of participants. To the rhythmic music, the captains go to the pond, hook a fish with a fishing rod, and put it in the buckets of their teams. Then the fishing rod is passed on to the next participant. The winner is the team that finishes fishing first.

And what would a holiday be without music? Pick it up in advance, music always creates a festive atmosphere. And children always like such musical games.

Game "Round dance around the Christmas tree"

The simplest and favorite fun for kids! Turn on a funny song: “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter” or “A Christmas tree was born in the forest,” and go ahead!

Game "Snowball in a Spoon"

2 players participate at the same time. They are given a spoonful in their mouth, with a cotton snowball in the spoon. At a signal, children run in different directions around the tree. The winner is the one who comes running first and whose snowball remains in the spoon.

Game “Around the Christmas tree in bags”

2 children play at a time. They stand with their feet in the bags, supporting the top of the bags with their hands. At the signal, players scatter in different directions around the tree. The fastest one wins. Then the next pair plays.

Game “We are funny kittens”

The presenter turns on cheerful music. Children break into pairs and dance.
The presenter says: “We are funny kittens,” and the couples are separated. Each one shows a dancing kitten.

It is also very good to offer children various winter riddles. Children enjoy reciting poems and singing songs to Grandfather Frost. And they love to receive gifts.

Let's watch a video of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden playing various interesting games with children! There are a lot of ideas here.

Games for children 6-10 years old

Children of this age can be offered a wide variety of New Year's games, including musical games, dancing, relay races, and riddles. “It’s going great” and various production crafts, Christmas decorations. Imagine and get involved!

Game "New Year's Castle"

Several people play. First, they are invited to carefully study the drawn drawing of the New Year's castle. Then everyone gets a kit plastic cups. The players are blindfolded. They get to work.

The participant who reproduces the drawing most accurately and quickly wins the competition.

Game "Tangerine Football"

Children are divided into 2 teams. Tangerines are laid out on the table. Players use two fingers to try to score a goal for the opposing team.

Game "The most accurate snow shooter"

Participants try to hit a target with snowballs - a target, or a bucket, basket, large box. The most accurate shooter wins the competition.

Game "Winter Wind"

Players sit at the table and try to blow a paper ball, a ball of cotton wool or a paper snowflake onto the floor.

Games near the Christmas tree and music games

Game "Decorate the Christmas tree"

Children are divided into 2 teams. Near each of them, the presenter places a box with unbreakable Christmas tree decorations.

Not far from the teams there are two decorated artificial Christmas trees. Children take turns taking one toy from the box, run to their team’s Christmas tree, hang the toy on it and run back. The game continues until the last player. The team that decorates the Christmas tree first wins.

Game "Cap"

Children stand in a circle. Cheerful music is turned on. Players begin passing the New Year's hat around in a circle. When the music stops, the one who still has the cap in his hands puts it on his head and completes the task of Grandfather Frost.

Family games

When for festive table going big family, it's time to play fun family New Year's games. They perfectly unite representatives of different generations, and the connection between loved ones becomes even closer and deeper. Also, such games can be offered to groups of teenagers and adults.

Game “Making a Snowman”

To play, you need softened plasticine. Two players sit next to each other at the table. Left hand one participant and right hand the other works like the hands of one person, making a snowman. It is not simple! But it really unites! It's great if each couple has children and adults.

Game "Slipper for Cinderella"

All participants in the game put their shoes in a pile. Players are blindfolded. The presenter mixes the shoes into a pile and commands: “Come on, find your shoe!” Each participant, blindfolded, looks for his own pair of shoes and puts on his shoes. The one who completes the task first is the winner.

Game "Cinderella"

Two participants are required. Everyone is blindfolded and told to dismantle their slide. Peas, beans, nuts, dried rowan, and other ingredients are mixed in slides. Blindfolded participants sort the fruits into groups.

Game "Snow Mission"

You need to take a small ball, or make a “snowball” of cotton wool. The participants of the game stand in a circle. The “snowball” is passed around in a circle.

The presenter says:

We're all rolling a snowball,
We all count to five.
One two three four five -
Sing a song for you!

Whoever has a “snowball” in his hands at the last phrase fulfills this wish. The last phrase changes: “Let’s dance for you!”, “And read poetry for you!”, “Tell you a fairy tale!” and so on.

And here's another very interesting game for the whole family for the New Year. I suggest watching the video.

New Year's karaoke

What would it be like to celebrate the New Year without songs? Select in advance a list of “cons”, such as:

- "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree",
- "Three White Horses"
- “The ceiling is icy, the door is creaky»,
- “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter”
- "Five minutes",
- "Blue frost",
- “Song about bears”, etc.
Turn on and have fun singing with the whole family!

Dance game "Locomotive"

Adults and children stand in a column, placing their hands on the waist of the previous dancer. And the locomotive starts moving!

Our games are suitable for organizing a fun space at home, as well as for matinees and corporate events. Some can even be played outside.

Friends, I sincerely hope that you will like our New Year’s games and competitions for children, and you will certainly find something for yourself! Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

Anna Kutyavina, psychologist, storyteller, owner of the Fairytale World website,
author of the book of fairy tales for adults “The Piggy Bank of Wishes” And

I thank Anya for the wonderful ideas. All that remains is to think through everything to the smallest detail in order to have an interesting time with the children.

My dears, if you want to learn fun, playful songs for the New Year with your children, I invite you to the music blog page. These songs will create exactly the mood; they can be played in the background when you play New Year's games with the children near the Christmas tree, and musical ones.

Merry New Year songs

The New Year is associated not only with the Christmas tree, tangerines and Olivier. The first thing everyone thinks about on the eve New Year's holidays- it's endless fun. This holiday is especially loved among children, because you can run around, shout and play a bunch of games, receiving gifts.

It is quite difficult to find a game that will interest not just one, but a whole group of children. That's why we offer you a variety of New Year's games for children: from songs and dances to a New Year's quest.

  • "Remember all"

Children need to carefully look at the tree for a minute, studying everything that is on it. Then they turn their backs to her and describe everything they remember. The one who remembers the most toys receives a sweet prize. It is best for the child owner to be the leader, so that everything is fair.

  • "What's in the bag?"

Various toys are placed in a large bag (as an option, you can put real gifts for the New Year). Children, in turn, put their hand inside the bag and try to determine what they found. After which, they take out this thing. If it is named correctly, then they receive a gift as a reward. If not, then return the toy to the bag.

  • "Catch the Word"

Children are encouraged to clap their hands when they hear a word related to winter: snowman, pillow, paints, skates, Christmas tree, beach, Kolobok, tangerines, snowflake, notebook, painting, water, ice, Santa Claus, fireworks, telephone and so on.

New New Year's games for children

Advent calendars are gaining popularity all over the world. This is a calendar with various sweets or tasks that are designed to make waiting for the New Year less painful. You can start the calendar either a week or a month before the New Year, depending on your desire and patience. It can not only be purchased in a store, but also made by hand. Alternatively, in the form of letters from Santa Claus.

To create a New Year's mood long before the holiday, you can use tasks on the appropriate topic.

Here are some options for creating your advent calendar:

  • Reading winter tales. About Santa Claus, the Snow Queen, Christmas - the main thing is to give the child a feeling of magic.
  • We learn poems about the New Year. This will not only improve your child's memory, but will also help during the Christmas tree.
  • New Year's Songs Day. Remember all your favorite songs from childhood and share them with your child.
  • Watching New Year's cartoons. One of the most enjoyable and favorite children's activities. Why not add a little festive mood to your everyday viewing?
  • Letter to Santa Claus. Help your child write a letter with the most cherished desires. After which, take him to the post office and let him send the letter himself, this will help him make sure that all this is true.

These are just a few of the activities you can offer your child. You can also accompany each task with a sweet addition. Be convinced that you didn’t just come up with these tasks, but that Santa Claus himself sent them to you. Then the child will not only be more willing to do everything, but will also receive incredible pleasure from the activities. Don't waste time with your children.

New Year's board games for children

There are many board games, which are designed for people of different ages. In this article, we will cover the topic of New Year's board games for children.

  • "New Year's mosaic"

This game will help develop fine motor skills hands, perseverance and color perception. The set includes different colors hexagonal chips, with the help of which a child can assemble a picture on a New Year's theme. Suitable for children from 6 years old. The finished mosaic can be used as decoration by hanging it on the wall, thereby decorating the house for the New Year.

  • Game "Winter's Tale"

The board game will help your child become familiar with the fairy tale “The Twelve Months.” The game consists of a playing field designed to resemble the plot of a fairy tale, chips for players, cards with tasks, icons and instructions.

Using a die, the order and number of moves of players across the field are determined. During the game, you may encounter such conditional icons for changing the course of the game, such as “go forward or “go back” for a certain number of moves, “skip a move” and others. The player who gets to Santa Claus before the rest will win.

  • "Save the holiday!"

The task of each player is to collect four pictures from the given frame. different parts. First you need to put all the components: frames, tokens into bags. And go ahead - save the New Year. The game itself is very exciting and colorful. It will help keep your kids occupied for many hours while you finish all the New Year's preparations.

New Year's songs games for children

  • “You can’t erase words from a song”

It is necessary to write in advance on pieces of paper various words associated with winter and the New Year, for example: Christmas tree, Santa Claus, snowflake, ice, frost, and so on. The leaves are put into a hat, after which each of the participants takes out a word that should be in the song that he will perform.

The winner will be the one who manages to sing songs with all the words that he pulls out of the hat.

  • "Snowball in a Spoon"

Two people can play this game at the same time. Each person is given a spoon, the handle of which they put in their mouth, and in the spoon there is a cotton snowball. When the music starts, they scatter in different directions around the tree. The one who comes running faster with a snowball in a spoon wins.

Learn one or two New Year's songs with your child so that you can actively participate in all games and sing along. You can also organize various competitions for collecting candy or anything else to the music.

New Year's dancing game for children

  • "New Year's Engine"

Children and adults line up in a column, holding the waist of the previous dancer. After which the train starts moving, dancing. The game continues until there is not a single “car” left. Very funny and lively dance game, suitable for any age.

  • "We are funny kittens"

Children break into pairs and dance to cheerful and rhythmic music. When the presenter says: “We are funny kittens,” the couples separate and must portray a dancing kitten. And so on several times.

  • "Dance with tasks"

During the dance, the music stops from time to time. The leader gives commands one by one, for example:

  • Let's jump, whoever is higher!
  • Let's crouch and clap our hands!
  • Let's spin around ourselves!
  • We wave our arms, dispersing the snow!

New Year's games for children at a matinee in kindergarten

  • “Who knows Santa Claus?”

Before the children start calling Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, ask them what they know about them:

  • Who brings and hides gifts for children and adults under the tree? (Father Frost)
  • Do you think Santa Claus is good or bad? (Good)
  • What color is Santa Claus's beard? (White)
  • What will Santa Claus bring us gifts? (In the bag)
  • Who is Snegurochka? (Granddaughter of Santa Claus)
  • What does Santa Claus carry with him in his hands? (Staff)
  • "Round dance around the Christmas tree"

When Father Frost and the Snow Maiden have already come out to the children, invite everyone to dance together around the Christmas tree. To do this, you can turn on a New Year's song or invite the children to sing it themselves. “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” every child knows. So this will not be difficult for them and will immediately set a festive mood.

  • "Decorate the Christmas tree"

Divide the children into 2 teams, placing a box with different New Year's toys. It is advisable that they be unbreakable to avoid injury, since the game is about speed.

Place an undecorated artificial Christmas tree in front of each team. Each child, in turn, must take a toy from the box and hang it on their team’s Christmas tree. Then return to the team and pass the baton to the next participant. The game ends when the last player on the team hangs his toy on the branch. The team that can decorate the Christmas tree faster than its friends will win.

  • "Hockey at the Christmas Tree"

In this game, Santa Claus will take on the role of goalkeeper. Everyone will be able to try to score a soft puck into a specially marked goal using a hockey stick. The most accurate ones will receive sweet gifts from Grandfather Frost.

  • "Wrap a gift"

From two to five children can take part in the game at the same time. There is a box in front of each child. They need to get them into holiday packaging as quickly as possible. But it can be not only special New Year’s paper, but also a bag or napkins, in general, anything that your imagination allows. The one who does it quickly and efficiently will win.

New Year's outdoor games for children

  • "Untie the rope"

The presenter ties each participant's hands behind their backs. As soon as the music starts playing, everyone tries to untie the rope as quickly as possible. The one who finishes it first will win.

  • "Cat and Mouse"

Several members of the team are dressed up in cat costumes and given a stick with a rope attached to it. A small mouse is tied to the other end. To the rhythmic music, each of the “seals” must wind the rope so as to “catch” the mouse. Whoever is faster and more agile will win.

  • "Who's ahead?"

This competition is designed for dexterity. Before the competition you need to hang one on the backs of two chairs. winter jacket, turning out the sleeves, a pair of gloves and a scarf. During the competition, each of the players must turn out their sleeves to the music and put on all their winter equipment in turn. The one who gets dressed the fastest and shouts: “Happy New Year!” will win.

New Year's games for children at school

  • "Bag Jumping"

We divide the children into two teams that must cover a certain distance. Each participant must cover the distance by jumping, then the bag is passed to the next participant. He quickly jumps into the bag and continues the relay race. The team whose members complete the distance the fastest will win.

  • "Draw a snowman"

Each child draws a snowman on a large piece of paper with their eyes closed. If you divide the children into teams, in which each child will draw separate part snowman, it will turn out more funny and fun. You can also suggest drawing Christmas tree or Santa Claus.

There are no winners or losers in this game. Everyone can take part and have fun. If desired, each of the children can be given a souvenir.

  • "Twins"

Children stand in twos, sideways to each other, hugging the waist. It turns out like this big man with two arms, heads and four legs. Each pair receives a task (fold a sheet of paper in half several times, or sharpen a pencil). It's not very easy for two different hands. Each pair can be given different tasks.

New Year's games for children on the street

  • "Snow Castle"

To begin with, children build a fortress out of snow, having previously divided into two teams. One of the teams defends the castle, the other tries to conquer it. The game is designed not only for children, but also for adults.

Each team attacks with snowballs. This game develops team spirit and allows you to have a lot of fun.

  • "Giant Snowball"

An adult and a child make a ball out of snow. The presenter counts down the time during which they must do as much as possible. This game is quite active and energetic, at the same time it has a competitive overtones.

But what could be better than good old games in a snowy yard. Snowballs, angels in the snow, sculpting a snow woman, sledding - these winter fun familiar to everyone from childhood. Who said you can't have fun with this on New Year's Eve? Especially when the whole family is together.

Scenario New Year's quest game for children

You can choose one of two quest options:

  1. Quest, which is designed for 1 day.
  2. A quest that lasts 16 days. The child receives one letter every day, starting from December 15th.

In the first case, the child will receive a letter from Santa Claus, informing him that he is unlikely to have time to bring him a gift in person, so he will send it by mail. And for a more fun wait, he puts a “Step-by-step map” in the letter. Throughout the day, the child will find one of 20 tasks one after another, completing them in order to move on to the next one. Also collecting stickers that say “Gift” and sticking them on the card. After completing all the tasks and filling out the card, the child will find his gift.

In the second case, Santa Claus will send one letter every day. And by collecting stickers, the child will understand that there is one less day left until the New Year. And on December 31st, the child will finally be able to collect the entire card and receive his treasured gift.

You can create a quest for your child yourself or order it online. But it’s better to take the time and effort and create something personal with your family characteristics.

New Year is a magical holiday. Not only children believe in miracles, but also adults try to seize the moment and make a wish.

For every child, his parents are wizards, so do not forget to prepare for them not only gifts, but also exciting games. Take them to the ice skating rink, to the residence of Santa Claus at the nearest fair. Decorate the house and Christmas tree together, drink hot cocoa with marshmallows, stock up on tangerines and watch a New Year's family movie. Give your child a real fairy tale in reality. Happy New Year!

Video: “New Year’s Games”

New Year's games for kids

Build a snowman

To play, you will need two stands; they can be cut out of thick cardboard. In advance, you need to mold parts of the Snowman figure from plasticine: 3 balls different sizes, carrot nose, broom, hat (2 sets). The parts must be large enough.

Two people compete. Each participant tries to assemble their own Snowman as soon as possible.


Having run away from Santa Claus, the children stop and, clapping their hands, say: “One-two-three! One two Three! Well, hurry up and catch us!” When the text ends, everyone runs away. Santa Claus is catching up with the children.

Playing with rattles

Children, holding rattles in their hands, run scattered around the room to cheerful music. When the music ends, the children stop and hide the rattles behind their backs. The fox (or another character participating in the game) is looking for rattles. She asks the children to show her first one hand, then the other. Children behind their backs transfer rattles from one hand to another, as if showing that there is nothing in their hand. The fox is surprised that the rattles have disappeared. The music plays again and the game repeats.

Hares and fox

Children perform movements according to the text.

Along the forest lawn Bunny children easily run around the hall

The bunnies ran away.

These are the bunnies

Running bunnies.

The bunnies sat in a circle, “Bunnies” sit down and perform imitation movements according to the text

They dig the root with their paw.

These are the bunnies

Running bunnies.

Here is a fox running - The fox runs between the children and catches up with the kids when the song ends.

Red-haired sister

Looking for where the bunnies are

Running bunnies.

Christmas tree

The game involves 2 teams of 2 people. At the end of the hall there are 2 boxes for each team: one contains a disassembled Christmas tree, the other contains toys. The first participant must assemble the Christmas tree, the second must decorate it with toys. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Who will collect the most snowballs?

Two children play. Snowballs made of cotton wool are scattered on the floor. The children are blindfolded and given a basket. At the signal, they begin to collect snowballs. The one who collects the most snowballs wins.


Multi-colored woolen socks are placed in front of the Christmas tree. big size. Two children are playing. At a signal, they run around the tree from different sides. The first person to run around the tree and put on his socks wins.

Give a snowman a nose

Place 2 stands in front of the tree and attach them to large sheets with the image of snowmen. Two or more children participate. They are blindfolded. At the signal, children must reach the snowmen and put their nose to it (this could be a carrot). Other children help with words: left, right, lower, higher...

Carry it in a bag

A bag is placed in front of the tree (it is partitioned into 2 parts, one of them has no bottom). Santa Claus calls children who want to ride in a sack. He puts the child in a sack and carries him around the tree. He places the other child in the part of the bag where there is no bottom. Santa Claus walks around the Christmas tree, and the child remains in place. Santa Claus returns and is “surprised.” The game repeats itself.

Catch a snowball

Several couples participate. Children stand opposite each other at a distance of approximately 4 meters. One child has an empty bucket, the other has a bag with a certain number of “snowballs” (tennis or rubber balls). At a signal, the child throws snowballs, and the partner tries to catch them with a bucket. The first couple to finish the game and collect the most snowballs wins.

There are Christmas trees...

The presenter says: “Christmas trees can be big, tall, wide, thick...”. And the children must show this, and the presenter makes other movements to confuse everyone.

In bags around the tree

2 children compete. They get into the bags with their feet. The top of the bags is held with your hands. At a signal, children run around the tree in different directions. The one who runs faster wins. The next pair continues the game.


Santa Claus stands with his back to the Christmas tree. This is the gate. Two children take sticks and try to score a goal against Santa Claus.

Bring the snowball in a spoon

2 players participate. They are given a spoon with a cotton snowball in their mouth. At the signal, the children run in different directions around the Christmas tree. The winner is the one who comes running first and does not drop the snowball from the spoon.

Push out of the hoop

A large hoop is placed on the floor. The players are chosen. They stand in the hoop on one leg, and at a signal, the players begin to push each other out of the hoop with their elbows. The winner is the one who can stay in the hoop (while standing on one leg).

Who can inflate the balloon faster?

There can be 2-4 people playing. Each person is given a balloon. At the signal, the children begin to inflate them. The one who inflates the balloon the fastest wins.

Ball between heads

4 children compete. Two children are holding a large inflatable ball between their heads. At a signal, two people run around the tree. The pair that runs faster and doesn't drop the ball wins.


All children stand in a circle. Santa Claus loses his mitten.

The host of the holiday finds her and, turning to Santa Claus, asks: “Santa Claus, isn’t this your mitten?” Santa Claus replies: “The mitten is mine, I’ll catch up with it, friends.” Children pass a mitten to each other, and Santa Claus tries to take it from the children.


The two tallest participants or two adults stand and join hands. They hold their hands up (like a mini round dance) and say:

“We were so tired of the mice, they chewed everything, ate everything. Let’s set up a mousetrap and catch all the mice.”

The remaining participants - mice - run between the hands of the catchers. At the last words, hands give up, the “mousetrap” slams shut, and whoever is caught joins the catchers. The “moustrap” increases, the game repeats. The last mouse wins.


Children are divided into pairs. Each pair is given a spool of thread and a pencil. At the command of the leaders, the children begin to rewind the threads onto the pencil. The winner is the one who winds the most threads in the allotted time.

Fox and Bunny

Children stand in a circle. Two of them, standing opposite, are given toys: one - a fox, the other - a hare. At a signal, children begin to pass these toys around in a circle. The hare “runs away”, and the fox “catches up” with him.


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