Children's birthday party on the theme: Little Einsteins. Themed science shows for children

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Scenario for the chemical evening “Do-it-yourself miracles.”

Teacher's opening speech. Dear Guys! Today, seventh, eighth, and ninth grade students have gathered here. Each of you has your own task. Eighth graders prepared interesting experiments, will show various “miracles* and reveal the secret of each miracle.” Ninth graders, you are not just spectators, be on the alert, carefully follow everything that is happening, be prepared to answer the questions that the eighth graders will ask you. Your role, seventh graders, is to decide for yourself one question: is the science of chemistry interesting, do you want to study it? Of course, in chemistry, as in any science, in addition to the entertaining, there will also be difficult things. But what is difficult and interesting is that what a thinking person needs is for our mind not to be in idleness and laziness, but to constantly work, work and work. At the very end of our meeting, I will ask you one single question, and you will answer it, Now let's get started To miracles."

Four students come out.

1st student. It's hot here, I'm thirsty. Who 6 ask for water?

2nd student. I would drink a lot haZiva without syrup.

3rd student . Oh, I like it with syrupjust a little bit, a little bit.

4th student. Brothers, I need a cow -I want fresh milk!

The 5th student comes out. In his hands he has a large flask with liquid.

5th student. Are you guys thirsty? In countno fabulous liquid, I can handle miracles, II'm teaching chemistry. Put up the glasses! ExperienceWe will definitely carry it out, everything is according to plan.

The guys take glasses from the table and place them in them, in which solutions of the necessary substances are placed on the bottom. The 5th student pours from the flask to everyone WHAT He Asked.

5th student. Here's water, here's soda, here'sfresh milk, it turned out very cleverly, and the secret easy to find out.

The guys pretend that they want to drink the contents of the glasses.

5th student . Stop guys, wait a minutethere was no trouble, please don't drink anythingno water, no water. There are serious prohibitions in this strict office. Remember everything, friends: hereYou can't drink or eat.

1, 2, 3 We are familiar with miracles, we can do them ourselves.

5th student . The first miracle happenedwas it in the glasses?

1st student. And the answer is quite simple - it wasMy glass is empty.

2nd student . I have soda in my glass.

3rd student . Along with it is methyl orange.

4th student. Mine contains barium chloride.

5th student. What does this mean? Guess,ninth grade. We count on you! Not composedIt's hard for you to understand what's in the flask...

All ninth graders: Acid!

5th student . You probably know her rank?

9th Class. Sulfuric!

They leave. The 6th student comes out.

6th student. I'm already in the wonders of chemicalsI'll make a fire without fire, without matches. OnI add a bed of splinters and firewood and the fire is ready. I'll take itput some cotton wool in your hand, soak it in alcohol, put it on the firedrop: burn, if I want!

He does everything he says, and the fire lights up.

6th student. I'll tell you my secret, NikaThere's no secret here. Hid here under the fireincendiary mixture. We are familiar with miraclesWe can make them ourselves!

Leaves. 1st student appears

7th student. I have a calm experience, withoutfire and flame. I will ask questions. Nineclass, attention!

Conducts an experiment with phenolphthalein.

7th student. I'm not afraid of acids, evenvery strong. But in alkali solutionsI like raspberry. Brighter than the juice of all raspberries, who am I?

9th Class. Phenolphthalein!

The next experiment is with methyl orange.

7th student. In alkalis I am very yellow,and in acids it is very red. And the environment is neutralnoah - the color orange, beautiful. Indicatorvery important, what is my name?

9th Class. Methyl orange.

Experience with a piece of universal indicator paper.

7 - and student. This yellow piece of paper will indicate everythingwithout difficulty: it will turn blue - there is alkali in the flask, paintNo - acid. If the environment is neutral - notwill change color then. We are for these instructions as shall we call her?

9th Class. Universal!

Leaves. The 8th student comes out.

8th student. We are familiar with miracles - dowe can do them ourselves. Ninth grade, attention, there will beyou have a task. Pours onto a regular boardwater, and a glass of melted snow is also placed there.

The 1st student comes out.

1st student. I pour salt into a glass, and you,my friend, please interfere. I count to fiveA You twist everything with a stick.

He slowly counts so that the glass has time to freeze.

8th student. The chemical glass froze, process...

9th Class. Endothermic

The 8th and 1st students leave. The 9th student comes out.

9th student. All water, snow and solution,boring conversation... I have other plans:I'll light a flame on the grid.Sets fire to a pile of sand soaked in alcohol.

I don’t know how to do that yet, snakes will crawl out of the sand. Scary, biting, won't you cry from fear? Aren't you afraid? Well, look. Not all at once. Wait. To see the snakes, you need to warm them up well, but while I wake them up, I’ll tell you something else.

He speaks and at the same time demonstrates experience,

One summer I had a sore throat for a very long time. They prescribed me to rinse with furacillin for a sore throat. Still, the sore throat went away, even though I fought it for a long time. And there are two bottles of that furacillin left. Today we whitewashed the walls and washed our hands of lime. I decided to pour the old medicine into this water. I was terribly surprised, I even shuddered when the lime water turned reddish-red. I brought the rest to school, and now furacillin determines the alkali for us, just like phenolphthalein. Does not change color in water, does not change in acid, in alkalis furacillin is bright, like an orange.

He turns again to the experience with “black snakes”.

Alcohol burns and produces a lot of heat. It decomposes soda with heat into carbon dioxide. It chars the sugar - that's where the blackness comes from. This carbon dioxide inflates the sugar with bubbles. Everything is clear, it’s clear here, snakes, why they crawl. We are familiar with miracles, we know how to do them ourselves.)

Leaves. The 2nd and 10th students appear.

10th student. Smile quickly, smilebe more cheerful. We are opening our pho today tailor shop

2nd student. We are ready to beginsimple work. We can get it instantly your photo.

Invites one of the seventh graders.

10th student. Here on this blank sheet of paperWatch attentively. Smile more cheerfully - this is Necessarily.

2nd student. We can develop this photographI eat it easily: I sprinkle the photo with a little bullets verizer.

Invites the next one.

10th student. Again a blank sheet of paperWe have another way, a photo of the proglaWe smoke with a hot iron.

He irons the sheet and shows everyone the photo.” Invites more seventh graders.

2nd student. There is also a third way, thisNote to yourself that nothing to a piece of paperWe won't touch.

This photograph is developed under a bell in an ammonia atmosphere.

10th student. Look, can everyone see it? AThe secret is quite simple.

2nd student. Here he helped us in our workfamiliar indicator.

Shows the first picture.

They painted with acid.

Shows the second picture.

Ammonia gas.

Shows a picture under the bell.

2nd And 10th students. We are familiar with chu desami, we know how to make them ourselves.

They leave. The 4th and 3rd students appear.

3rd scientist and k., Here's another fun: whowill he give his hand to be cut off? Sorry for the handreading, then the patient is needed for treatment.

A seventh grader is invited.

4th student. We operate without pain, however,there will be a lot of blood.

3rd student. For every operation you needsterilization. Help, assistant, give me iodine!

4th student . One moment! (Gives “iodine”).

3rd student. We will moisten it with “iodine” generously,so that everything is sterile. Don't turn around, papatient, give me the knife, assistant!

Does with a knife"incision", "blood" flows.

4th student. Look, just a trickleblood flows, not water. But now I'll wipe my handku - not a trace of the cut.

- 3rd student. This Experience we explain for nowwe can’t, I’ve been promoted to ninth grade - explain We'll find some agreement.

They leave. The 5th student comes out. He reads out several verses from P. Ershov’s fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” about the firebird.

5th student. We remembered the fairy tale slightly,

about the horse, about the hunchback.

There's a firebird feather

It brought Vanya happiness.

It's time to marvel

like the firebird's feather burns.

He lights the alcohol in the cups for evaporation, the alcohol contains dissolved salts of sodium, potassium, kedah, strontium, etc. Then he covers the cups with a thick sheet of cardboard.

5th student. Answer, ninth grade, byWhy did the fire go out? Without what will the flame die? To him needed...

9th Class. Oxygen!

The 5th student leaves. The 11th student appears Ready model volcano sets on the table. Lights a spirit lamp, heats a glass rod

11th student. And now, friends, for youfrom history a story. Slept early at night or in the morningtownspeople, suddenly a flame appeared from the crater of the volcano. Rumble and roar, streams pour through the mouthlava. So under the lava and under the ashes he diedglorious family. I'll show you, as best I can, the death of family of Pompeii.

Touches with a heated stick, a “volcanic eruption” begins.

11th student. You guys will remember this eruption

By the way, what type of reaction is this?

9th Class. Decompositions!

All participants leave.

1st student. Our time is up.

2nd student. But we didn't show you everything,what we can do.

3rd student . We can still bend the stacklinen tubes and drill rubber plugs.

4th student. Speak chemical language.

5th student. convert copper coins into"silver".

6th student. Make a thunderstorm V test tube

7th student . Receive hydrogen and oxygen.

8th student. Explode explosive gas.

9th student. Making black powder and more much more.

10th student. This is what you will learn in bu next year.

11th student. If you are passionatestudy the most interesting science - chemistry.

Teacher. Our entertaining hour is over. In a year, seventh grade, you will be able to do all this if you want. Have you noticed that ninth graders often had to finish sentences and speak in rhyme. It's easy if you know what to say. So, now I have the same question for you that I promised to ask at the beginning of our meeting. Interesting secrets hidden in this office. I'm looking forward to seeing you next year. What will everyone tell me? I...

7th grade. I'll come"

Teacher, so come! I am waiting for you!


"Professor Kolbachkina's Laboratory"

Time spending:


GBOU DOD TsTT "Start+", Ivanovskaya 11

Compiled by:

teacher-organizer of GBOU DOD CTT “Start+”

Agapova L.N.

Saint Petersburg


Event title:"Professor Kolbachkina's Scientific Laboratory"

Purpose of the event:introduce children to the nature of various phenomena and chemical processes in a fascinating and accessible form, instill an interest in science, and develop cognitive activity in children.


1. Attracting students educational institutions district: informing (sending out invitations, calling educational institutions, conducting a campaign);

2. Writing a program script in accordance with the purpose of the event;

3. Preparation required material for the event (selection of musical accompaniment, production and selection of props, preparation of the hall for the event)

4. Preparation, including work with teachers (musical arrangement, photo and video shooting)

5. Holding the event

6. Conducting an analysis of the event.

The educational cultural and leisure program of the scientific show “Professor Kolbachkina’s Laboratory” is carried out on the basis of an annual curriculum GBOU DOD TsTT "Start+" for the 2015-2016 academic year.


  1. Audio equipment (including microphones)
  2. 25-40 seats
  3. A table on which there are props and equipment necessary for experiments (special utensils and chemicals).

The target audience:

Preschoolers ( preparatory group GBDOU No. 44 Nevsky district, children school age 7-10 years.)

Scenario move: solemn music sounds. The presenter comes on stage dressed as a scientist (white coat, glasses, hat).

Presenter: Hello guys! Welcome to the scientific laboratory, let's get acquainted! I am Professor Kolbachkina, and today we will experiment!

Do you like experiments?

Maybe some of you have already conducted some experiments?

For example, mixed porridge with soup and poured Coca-Cola over it all?

And then the most delicious experiment in the world turned out! Of course, this is a joke, today we will do real chemical experiments, and today you will become real young scientists!

And in my scientific laboratory everything is always boiling, seething, melting, smoking!

Are you ready to watch this?

Do you want to cheat yourself?

Great, but let's agree that in our laboratory we need to be careful and careful, otherwise our experiments will not work! Agreed?

Tell me, what famous chemist scientists do you know?

Today we will see a key that can pronounce sounds, show unusual soap bubbles, challenge winter blizzard, and we’ll also watch how the chemical porridge cooks on its own... So, are you ready?

Now tell me, what time of year is it now?

What season follows autumn?

Now I suggest everyone close their eyes and imagine that the real world has arrived. Cold winter! What do you see outside in winter? Snowing?

And what covered all the puddles, rivers, lakes? Of course, ice! Now let's open our eyes...

Guys, who knows what ice is?

How can water be turned into ice?

Is it possible to make ice from juice?

Yes, and it will turn out to be fruity ice, like ice cream...

Is it possible to make ice from soup? You can, and you’ll end up with a soup that you can’t eat!

And now a question for the smartest: is it possible to make ice from thin air? And from carbon dioxide?

Guys, we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. And yesterday I breathed, breathed and inhaled a whole bucket of carbon dioxide, and then decided to freeze it! What do you think I did? What's inside the bucket?

(The presenter shows a bucket covered with a handkerchief on top)

Now let's listen (shakes the bucket). Yes, something hard...(opens the pot).

It's ice! (shows a piece of ice)

But the ice is unusual! It's dry ice! Do you see a slight smoke coming out of it? He's melting! Only it turns not into water, but into carbon dioxide! That’s why it’s called “Dry Ice”! What is the temperature of this ice? (-79 degrees). This is the coldest ice in the world, so you can only handle it with gloves! Agreed?

Now tell me what I have in my hands?(shows key)

Can the keys talk and sing songs? Of course not! Now let's see otherwise! So, let's listen carefully...

(Places a piece of ice against the key, the audience hears ringing sound(squeaking)).

Let's figure out where this sound comes from? Can the key really beep? Of course not. What kind of ice do we always have?.. Cold! And the key was warm, so what is it like?.. Warm! We lean the warm key against the ice, the ice begins to melt, bubbles of carbon dioxide fly out and quickly knock on the key, which is why we hear such a sound!

The next experiment will be carried out by you! To do this you need to wear gloves(children are given gloves).Who will read us the task on the card that needs to be completed?(children read “Call a Winter Blizzard”)

How can we cause a blizzard, because we don’t even have snow, and if we had it it would have melted long ago! Let's get down to science!

So, I invite four people here who want to participate in the experiment!

How should I call you? How your name and middle name?(child says his name)

So, you are our scientist...(calls by name and patronymic. He asks other children in the same way and calls him a professor, scientist, experimenter...)

Now we'll pour hot water on a tray, take a piece of ice and throw it into the water. Ready... Let's throw!(Children observe cold white smoke)

Now look where is he going Is the smoke up or down? Yes, it goes down, but do you know why? Because our smoke is heavier than air, and like any heavy object it falls down!

Well done boys! Let's applaud our young scientists, this is their first scientific discovery!

Now answer the question: what happens if you put a pot of ice in the coldest freezer in the world and leave it overnight? Will there be even more ice? Will everything be covered in snow? In fact, nothing will happen! The ice will evaporate and will not leave a trace behind! It melts so quickly!

Who will read the next assignment? (Children read: “Call the Genie from the Flask”)

Have you guys ever called Gene? As you know, the Genie lives in a lamp. Now tell me what I have in my hands? Is this a bottle? Or a vase? Or a decanter?

No, it's a flask! Scientists need a flask to mix different liquids and conduct experiments. We will use this flask to conduct our experiment. I now invite the next four participants.

Now pour hot water into the flask(pours water). Tell me, has the water boiled?

(shows the children a flask with bubbling water?)Of course not! After all, there is ice inside it, and it does not heat the water, but, on the contrary, cools it, and the water boils because bubbles of carbon dioxide instantly escape from pieces of ice melting in the hot water!

Guys, who is in favor of adding Blue colour? Who likes red better? Add the selected color to the flask!(children add dye).

Now add pieces of ice inside the flask(children add ice, observe a column of smoke and bubbling water in the flask)

Now let’s make wishes, and the Genie sitting in the flask must make them come true! To make your wishes come true, you need to rub the flask, but not to the hole, and you can also listen to the Genie talk in his seething tongue!

(The presenter walks through the audience, the children make wishes, listen to the sounds emanating from the flask)

Guys, there are still many experiments in our laboratory! For example, have you ever seen a self-inflating soap bubble? Would you like to see such a soap bubble? Tell me, what are soap bubbles made of?

What's inside each soap bubble?(Air)

So, look carefully, the experiment is very complicated! Tell me what's in my hands? (Shows liquid soap) Now I will lubricate the edges of the container with this soap.(lubricates the edges of the container with liquid soap)

This experiment requires precision; not a single drop of soap should fall inside the container, otherwise the experiment may not work! Chemistry is generally an exact science!

Our soap bubble is very capricious!

Now I pour hot water into the container and then cold water. What kind of water do I get?(Warm)

Now I put the pieces of ice in the water, very carefully so as not to splash the water, and then I pull the soap film with a washed cloth!(Using a soap rag, the presenter pulls the soap film, passing it along the top of the container. As a result, the children watch how the soap bubble begins to grow.)

How did he grow on his own? Let's figure it out. We put ice in the water, and white smoke began to emerge, then we ran a washed cloth over the top of the container, forming a soapy film. As a result, the film tightened, and our smoke, escaping, began to stretch it more and more, that’s how we saw a soap bubble that itself was growing before our eyes!

And our soap bubble can dance and jump!(The presenter spins the container in a circle, then up and down, then the bubble bursts, the smoke spreads out in a wave from top to bottom).

Guys, in every experiment we use a substance such as water. Do you know what is made of water and what is not? Let's check this now. Have your palms ready. If I call something that consists of water, you clap, for example, tea, it consists of water…. If I name something that is not made of water, you raise your hands up. Agreed? So…

Tea, kettle, snow, snowman, ocean, cockroach, candy, cutlet, river, stove... Socks, wet socks?

Well done! For the next competition we will also need water. We will pour it into this vessel.(Shows the bottle).What is it called?(Bottle.) (Pours hot water into the bottle)

So, hot water in a bottle. Now the next four participants come to me. Introduce youreself…(Children say their names)

Add a piece of ice to the bottle and sit down.

(Children add ice to the bottle).

Look what a carbonated drink we made! Have you ever inflated balloons using a bottle? Let's try!(Puts the ball on the bottle, the ball begins to grow).

Now let's make wishes again! If the ball flies, your wishes will definitely come true! So, let's launch!(The presenter removes the ball from the bottle, launches it, it flies, releasing smoke)

Tell me what's in my hands (Shows the pipe). Is this an elephant's trunk? Or a snake? Or maybe it's someone's tail? Of course it's a pipe! But she is unusual. She's musical! I invite three participants. You will be musicians. Twist this pipe in a circle.(Children spin, unusual sounds are heard).It turns out that you can play on such a trumpet too! In fact, when we untwist the pipe, a stream of air gets inside, hits the walls, which begin to vibrate, shaking the air inside, it also begins to vibrate, and this is the vibration we hear!

Now let's try to make unusual soap bubbles! They will white, and stick to my palm!

To do this, we will pour hot water into the jars. And the next assistants will add ice. I will ask the four participants to come to me.(Children add ice to the jar)We have water with soap and glycerin poured into a glass; it just makes soap bubbles more durable.

Now we attach the pipe to the jar, lower its tip into a glass of soapy water and... Soap bubble on our palm (Blows a soap bubble onto the palm, it is held on the palm)

These unusual soap bubbles can be made using dry ice!

And one more experiment: tell me, does everyone eat porridge in the morning? Who eats semolina porridge, raise your hands! Who loves rice porridge? Who prefers buckwheat? Hercules? Soapy? Oh, does such a mess happen? Can the porridge itself cook? Let's do it like in the fairy tale about the pot of porridge... Remember, in this fairy tale, the pot cooked porridge and made so much of it that it flowed through the streets, between the houses, and the whole city was able to eat up this porridge... And the pot kept cooking and cooking. I want to cook the same porridge! Will you help me? Then I invite the next six participants! So, we don’t have a saucepan, but we do have a pot. We will add water to it, because without it you cannot cook porridge! Now let's add soap grits. Add! Let's count everything together... One, two, three...

(Children add several servings of soap to count)

Now we take pieces of ice and throw them on the count of “Three”... One, two, three...

(Children watch the soapy mess)

Now let's say "Don't cook the pot"!

No, guys, this is not a fairy tale, but science, and the pot will continue to cook until the physical reaction takes place, and until all the ice melts!

Guys, today we conducted various experiments. Which experiment did you like best? What is frozen carbon dioxide called? (Dry ice)

What is his temperature, who remembers? (-79 degrees)

Does it evaporate quickly or not? (Fast)

Can you use it to inflate a soap bubble or balloon? (Can)

What do we see when it melts? (White smoke)

Did you like the experiments? Do you want to become a scientist in the future?

I want to wish you new knowledge, good grades in school, master science! And remember, science is not only useful, but also very interesting! See you again!

The "" show is a script for special events such as: New Year's holiday, Children's birthday, September 1, Science Week at school or Prom schoolchildren younger age . It doesn’t matter what the event is dedicated to - “Wonders of Science” is ideal whenever you want to give your children an unusual and fun holiday.

This is a holiday for a group of children ranging in size from 5 to 50 people;
- exciting demos, games and scientific experiments, which amaze and entertain young viewers of any age.

The guys will be able to:
- find out how an egg can be placed in a flask with a narrow neck without damaging it, and then taken back out;
- see how the water in the flasks, as if by magic, changes its color, and find out that, in fact, this is a chemical reaction,
- take a magical shower, and, at the same time, not get wet at all, “build” a real factory foam
- “conjure” an ominous fog from dry ice and much more.

The duration of the program is 60 minutes. One instructor takes part in the performance.

New Year's Performance

Show program for the New Year holidays is an unusual performance filled with “magical” scientific experiments, New Year’s transformations and the expectation of wonderful discoveries. All experiments have New Year theme and festive mood:
- children will learn how to make magic snow,
- learn about wonderful ways to inflate balloons,
- they will prepare fantastic New Year's crackers,
- see real festive mini-fireworks!

Forget everything you've seen before! Scientific holidays are something fabulous, amazing and completely special! IN New Year together! The New Year's performance is suitable for a group of up to 50 people. Order New Year's program and surprise your children with an extraordinary show that they will remember for a long time! We guarantee the most unusual entertainment and vivid memories for children and adults about the New Year holiday “not like everyone else”!

Duration - 60 min. One instructor takes part in the performance.

Space Odyssey

Lots of experiments with space theme! This holiday script simply created for those who like to unravel the mysteries of the Universe. It contains all the best and most interesting things you need to know about Space!

The children will take part in a competition to launch rockets;
- study the composition of the comet;
- learn why falling stars do not reach the ground, and see a demonstration of this phenomenon;
- practice creating lunar craters;
- they will reveal the secret of the “ominous nebula” and much more.

Duration - 2 hours 30 minutes. The scenario is suitable for a group of up to 15 people. Two instructors take part in the performance. If there are more than 15 children in the group -

Chocolate Science

Fun party and an amazing treat! Check it out and believe me - science can be not only interesting, but also very tasty!

The guys explore their language;
- learn about the history of chocolate and the technology of its preparation;
- try hot chocolate from the chocolate fountain;
- they will make their own sweets, which each child will take home in memory of the holiday.

The scenario is suitable for a group of up to 15 people. Duration - 60 min. One instructor takes part in the performance. If there are more than 15 children in the group -
the cost is calculated individually.

Detective Science

Every child will feel Sherlock Holmes and will plunge into the world of secrets, riddles and access to answers to many questions.

During this program, children will learn to take fingerprints, soles and other surfaces.
They will be able to detect evidence and write with invisible ink.
They will be able to distinguish blood from syrup, create an identikit and independently make a means for comparing evidence, and then take it with them.

And also, your child will be able to solve simple problems and, having chosen the correct key to the solution, will receive a holiday gift.

Duration - 90 minutes. The Detective Science scenario involves 1 or 2 instructors

Under the circus big top

The festive scenario will introduce children to amazing and mysterious circus tricks!
- children will see the water disappear from the glass right before their eyes;
- will create a real tabletop fireworks display;
- see a bright and colorful fountain show;
- learn what invisible colors are and will be able to paint “invisible pictures”;
- they will unravel the secret of paper cups that cannot be broken or bent;
- and at the end of the show, the guys, together with the instructor, will conduct experiments with lasers and magic fog*!
* The smoke used in the experiment is not recommended for children prone to allergies.

The scenario is suitable for a group of 20 to 60 people. One instructor takes part in the performance.

Effervescent physics

- children will reveal the secret of “magic soda”;
- purple mist and sealed bottle;
- make fountains from soda;
- conduct an experiment with fizzy candies;
- they will launch unusual firecrackers together with the “Mad Scientist”;
- they will make “magic cupcakes”... and much more.

Reactions in the Movement

- children will reveal the secret invisible ink;
- learn how to heat and cool water without fire and ice;
- learn about sand, which is “not afraid” of water;
- conduct experiments with a plasma ball;

Duration - 60 min. The scenario is suitable for a group of up to 15 people. If there are more than 15 children in the group, then the holiday is organized only with the involvement of a second instructor.

Everyone is crazy about blue

- together with the Mad Scientist, the guys will arrange a small fireworks display;
- will conduct experiments with special makeup and ultraviolet light;
- they will reveal the secret of the “sinister” green glow;
- will be able to “catch” their own shadow;
- through special glasses they will see a rainbow and find out what colors it consists of;
- they will make their own “Crazy Slime”, which they will take with them as souvenirs...and much more.

Duration - 60 min. Attention! To carry out the program, it is necessary to darken the room. The scenario is suitable for a group of up to 15 people.
If there are more than 15 children in the group, then the holiday is organized only with the involvement of a second instructor.

Air explosion

The children will blow out the candle in an unusual way;
- will create small tornadoes;
- learn how to place an egg in a flask with a narrow neck without damaging it, and then take it back out;
- learn to pierce air balloons so that they do not burst;
- will be able to see mini-lightning in the room;
- they will make their own “Crazy Slime”, which they will take with them as souvenirs...and much more.

Duration - 60 min. The scenario is suitable for a group of up to 15 people. If there are more than 15 children in the group, then the holiday is organized only with the involvement of a second instructor.

"Science Club" at school

This series of children's interactive seminars in chemistry, physics and astronomy. These seminars are additional training sessions and are based on primary classes, for children aged 6 to 11 years.

The goal of the “Science Club” is to develop in students a positive attitude towards learning, to awaken interest in scientific knowledge and give maximum motivation to children in the first stage schooling.

The mission of this project is to prove to primary school students that learning can be fun and interesting. The Science Club program is designed for the academic year and includes thirty-seven scientific and educational seminars (4-5 seminars per month).

The cost of participation in the Science Club is only 900 rubles per month per child (if the group consists of 25 to 30 people). We are ready to organize a “Science Club” at your child’s school right now!

Your actions:
1. At the next parent (school) meeting, discuss the possibility of creating a “Science Club”;
2. Recruit a group of children from 25 to 30 people!
3. Select a representative from the group who will be its contact person;
4. Call us on contact numbers, discuss the quantity, select topics and draw up a lesson schedule;
5. Conclude an agreement with us;
6. Pay for our services and wait for “Crazy Science” to visit!

Topics of classes in the "Science Club":
Conquering the heat
Light... Color... Motor!
Magnetic magic
Optical illusions
Tantalizing taste
Sound waves
Static electricity
The ocean is in danger
Our Feelings
Air pressure
Planets and moons
Beyond the atmosphere
Phenomena of the Cosmos
Sun and stars
Life in Space
Space trip

Children's graduation

Graduates of kindergartens and primary schools An unforgettable journey into the world of science and new discoveries awaits you.

Our company will come up with and organize a unique holiday for those who are not used to sitting still.

Our scientists will conduct unforgettable experiments and make children's graduation unlike all other holidays.

Holiday "September 1st"

In order for school to become a child’s favorite place, and classes not to seem boring and tedious, Mad Scientists came up with exciting program. The purpose of this program is introduce children to mysterious world Sciences and show how fun and amazing learning can be. Chemical experiments with steam and sound, optical illusions and experiments on one’s own shadow - children will be introduced to all this and much more “ Mad Science" For those who are going to school for the first time - this great chance to instill a love of knowledge, and for those who are already familiar with the school first-hand - another reason for a cheerful meeting of the new school year!

Please note that the scenarios graduation celebrations are updated and compiled according to the individual wishes of the client.

Health seminars

“Life without tobacco”, “No to alcohol!” And "Children against drugs"- This scientific and educational programs that introduce children to negative and dangerous consequences from bad habits. Crazy scientists on the example of fascinating experiments, experiments and role playing games demonstrate to children how alcohol, smoking and drugs destroy the human body.

Scientific presentation" Life without tobacco" was created to prevent smoking among the younger generation. Scientific presentation "No to alcohol! "created with the aim of promoting scientific literacy and preventing alcohol use among the younger generation. " Children against drugs" - new social program, which is part of " Lectures on health"and clearly demonstrates to children what effect drugs have on the vital organs of a person and on the entire body as a whole. With the help of this program, in the language of experiments and experiments, we want to explain to every child that drugs are deadly poisons that kill a person, to develop a negative attitude in children towards these substances.

Duration of the performance - 60 minutes. These workshops are suitable for children aged 7 to 13 years.

All our events are fun with benefits for the health and development of your child!

Is it your child's birthday? Are you looking for a clown and Balloons? Are you sure this will be interesting for children? But I'm starting to doubt! Of course, a talented clown can surprise and make even adults laugh. But let's come up with something more original and at the same time useful and educational for a children's party!

Wonders of science, funny experiments, a magical laboratory with funny scientists - all this will certainly arouse children's interest! Create an educational holiday for the kids with real scientific experiments that are absolutely safe and so exciting. Recommended Scenario children's day birth for children 7-12 years old.

Thematic decoration of a children's party

To decorate a children's party, we will choose the most bright colors and icons, symbols from a chemistry textbook, associated with science, experimental laboratory. And, of course, for decoration we need toy white mice, test tubes,

When decorating the table, it is better to give preference to unusual snacks and desserts: blue and green drinks, colored jelly, bags of marmalade of the most unusual shapes.

As an invitation, you can take the idea of ​​a personalized pass to a secret laboratory. Children will also be happy if they are given a uniform and undergo a rite of passage to become secret scientists.

Games and entertainment for children's party Little Einsteins

To realize the idea of ​​a holiday with scientific experiments, it is best to invite animators with a suitable program. But you can also purchase a ready-made set for experiments that can be carried out with children.

Parents can be presenters and act as eccentric scientists. You will need a white robe, glasses and a suitcase with props. You can add a mustache like Einstein’s and a funny giant watch on a chain to your look.

You can divide this time into 3 parts:

A fascinating one-hour program with fun experiments and scientific discoveries in which your children will participate;

Outdoor games;

Delicious change.

You can start the program by initiating children into secret employees of the experimental laboratory. Tests may include: a quiz on the topic different phenomena nature, learning and performing a dance in which the secret code for opening the laboratory is encrypted. Children can find it interesting to solve charades and puzzles, build logical chains, as well as active ball games “Edible - not edible”, and, of course, participate in real experiments.

Scientific experiments and experiments for children at home

Mix liquids of different densities and colors.

Pour 1 part water, 1 part sunflower oil, 1 part syrup bright color. Children can observe the magical distribution of liquid through layers.

Use ready-made kits for such scientific experiments for children. The holiday will be not only fun, but also educational!

Don't forget about the photographer children's party, which will capture this unusually fun and interesting day as a memory.

The scenario for children from 3 to 6 years old involves a program designed for a maximum of 30 minutes, and it is important that the children do not get bored, for this you can hold a general dance or a general game... In this scenario one of the options that is convenient for the author and time-tested will be presented. But you can come up with your own that suits you.

List of experiences for the children's program:

Changing colors “light” (for the experiment you need: potato starch, 9% vinegar, ascorbic acid, iodine, three percent hydrogen peroxide)

1) The Bunsen flask inflates the ball (pour vinegar into the Bunsen flask, then add soda, then close the lid... Gas is released, which enters the ball pre-attached to the spout of the flask)
2) Foam for elephant “LIGHT” - differs in the concentration of hydrogen peroxide (in in this case peroxide 37%), liquid soap is used instead of a cleaning agent, and dry yeast is used instead of potassium iodide. The foam is less reactive, heats up less, and does not smell as strong, so you can show it to children at a very close distance.
3) “Diapers in cups” - this experiment is recommended to be carried out very first, since it, in combination with eyeliner (see below), attracts children’s attention to the science show.\
Pour diaper granules into one of three opaque cups, then pour water. We tell the children in advance that the experiment is about attentiveness; now we will guess where our water is. We pour water into this glass, change it several times, ask where the water is, pour water out of all the glasses, but it does not pour out. Then we reveal the secret.
4) STARCH IN WATER. – before this experiment, you need to ask the children if they know what a bulletproof vest is. We talk about this a little, and say that we also have a bulletproof vest, and now we will make it. It is advisable to prepare the substance in advance, as you can overdo it with water, and then the experiment will not work.
5) Foam of the Snake Gorynych. Add most of the liquid to a small part liquid soap. We wet our hand with soap, then from a gas cylinder (there should be a special nozzle on the gas cylinder) we fill a bubble on our hand and set it on fire. Eyeliner further….
6) Oil-salt-water-pop

Hello, dear friends!!
My name is Professor Alex Reagentovich Kolbochkin, and I just love to blow things up, burst into flames, and share my experiments with my inquisitive friends. I hope there are such inquisitive guys among you?
Children answer reluctantly, embarrassed.
- Is there something I can’t hear?
-ddddddda!!! - they answer louder
- So, let's do it again...
And we ask loudly so that the children understand that they can shout:
-Are there any inquisitive guys here?
-YEEES!!! - the children shout loudly.
And then in a serious voice:
But let’s immediately agree that without my permission we WILL NOT TOUCH ANYTHING WITH OUR HANDS in my scientific laboratory. Agreed?
“Yesss!” the children answer.
-Then let's go!!!
We have a birthday boy here, let's congratulate him with our applause!
We call the birthday boy, say to him the “testaments of Mendeleev,” and the children keep repeating:
I pledge to love order
Be precise, inquisitive and attentive,
Obey your parents and respect your elders.
After this, you can dance a scientific and simple dance.

So, my dear guys, what is the most important thing in science, and in particular in chemistry?
-Safety, accuracy, and care!!! - they answer... And if they don’t answer, then we help them.
- This is very good, and now, before you and I begin to engage in wonderful and magical science, we will check your attentiveness, don’t you agree?
-Yes!!! - the kids answer, and we conduct an experiment
"Diapers in cups"
- Well, guys, I tried very hard to confuse you, but even I, a crazy professor, failed! Now I know for sure that you and I will not get lost in the world of science, and certainly not disappear!!
I already trust you so much that I’m ready to introduce you to my trained flask, Agafona Grigorievna. (showing a Bunsen flask)
Guys, do you have any pets at home that follow commands?
My hand flask can also carry out commands. But since she is a particularly picky person, unlike other trained flasks, she first needs to be treated to something tasty, and then she follows the command. She specializes in inflating balloons.
Let's all ask her to blow up the balloon.
(please bring your children together).
You can also ask the guys to pet Agafona Grigorievna, since “she’s a capricious lady, she may not agree.” After everyone has been stroked or asked “Agathona Grigorievna”
We conduct an experiment. A Bunsen flask inflates a balloon.

You guys have probably already guessed that our “Agafona Grigorievna” is not completely trained, but this was a scientific chemical experiment.
Children answer...
In our body, millions of chemical reactions occur every second with the transformation of some substances into others, and with changes in colors in a “reduced form,” and we will now try to simulate a small part of them.
Conducting an experiment
Changing colors "light".
Pour a little into one of the three glasses (glass “A”) warm water, and dissolve a tablespoon of starch in it. Pour the same amount of water into the second glass (Glass “B”) and dissolve three tablets in it ascorbic acid. Pour some water into the third glass (Glass “G”), and add a little iodine and two tablespoons of vinegar.
We pour glass “B” into glass “G”, and glass “G” changes color. Next, pour glass “A” into glass “G” and add 5 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. A reaction similar to “Egyptian Night” occurs...

So you and I got acquainted with scientific transformations, now we can even make the most real, high-tech, and environmentally friendly body armor for the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation!!! Interesting???
Then let's go!!!
We conduct the experiment “STARCH IN WATER”:
Pour the adjusted amount of water into a pre-prepared container with starch to obtain the desired consistency. Starch turns out to be fluid if it is not physically affected, and becomes hard if influenced.
Next, we explain to the guys that the same technology is used to create protective motorcycle uniforms, as well as in body armor. Go ahead!!!
Guys, I have a question for you, just honestly. Who has an elephant at home???
Okay, who has ever seen an elephant? Tell me, do elephants have big teeth?
How much toothpaste do you think is needed to brush his teeth?
I’ll tell you one secret, while I was waiting for you, an elephant ran into our laboratory...
He was in a hurry to get to work at the zoo, so he couldn't be there today. HE said he had run out of toothpaste and had nothing to brush his teeth with.
What happens, friends, when you don’t brush your teeth?
That's right, they start to hurt and give off a bad smell.
The elephant asked me to do it for him toothpaste... I thought about this for a long time, and literally a few minutes before your arrival I came up with this experiment:
We are conducting an experiment with Foam for an elephant “LIGHT”.
Next remains the foam of the snake Gorynych.
Here it must be said that not only elephants come to our laboratory... Today, for example, the Serpent Gorynych came to us in person. We quarreled a little and he wanted to burn me, but I stopped his fire scientific method. And from his fire there was this foam left... We show the foam. And we discovered quite interesting properties of this foam:
We are conducting the experiment of Pen Serpent Gorynych.

Next, if there is time left, we conduct an experiment with vegetable oil Oil-salt-water-pop.
The bottom line is this: now you are real scientists, and in honor of the holiday we will make a science cocktail lantern. If you have a flashlight, even after the foam of the snake gorynych, it looks quite bright:
Pour oil into a glass, then add water - the oil rises to the top. Then we pour salt into a glass - an interesting reaction begins. You can add a little iodine to color the water and drop an effervescent tablet into the glass. After this, you can hold the glass over a flashlight - you get a kind of lamp.


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