Virgo October horoscope for winning. The lottery horoscope in March will bring great luck to many zodiac signs

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The impulsiveness inherent in Aries can lead to unpredictable consequences. But given the favorable position of the stars, this will only play into their hands. Because taking risks on precisely marked dates on the sidereal calendar brings stunning success. Even the most “unreasonable” lottery bet pays off with a substantial win. The 7th and 9th can be considered lucky days in December. Moreover, between them there is a lucky Friday for the sign. In general, you should pay attention to all numbers associated with the number 7. Either multiples of it (14, 21, 28), or containing it (17, 27).


Despite the fact that the lottery horoscope in 2017 does not particularly pamper Taurus, their attention to detail can play a positive role. While others recklessly risk their fortunes, representatives of the most stubborn sign of the Zodiac are waiting for their chance. And he may appear to them on certain days marked by Fortune in the sky. These are numbers that are multiples of 6, and also contain a six in their composition (16, 26). In addition, December may bring success on one of the Sundays. The likelihood that it will be the 24th is extremely high. It is worth waiting for this date and not placing bets prematurely.


Few people understand the stubbornness of Gemini when they go towards their intended goal. This is due to the invisible presence of the second Self, which whispers to a person secret paths to success. For such people, it is extremely important to listen to their inner voice, since their intuition rarely fails them. This is especially true for the lottery. There can be no exact calculation here, as in chess. In everything you have to rely solely on the stars. And they recommend that Gemini pay attention to Tuesday. In this case, the lucky numbers for bets should be considered the number one day ago. That is, all dates are Mondays (4, 11, 18, 25). This is important to remember.


It is difficult to guarantee stability in the lottery when the numbers are flashing before your eyes. But Cancers are famous for their strong grip. Knowing their lucky numbers, they will never miss theirs. The lucky number of this sign is considered to be two. However, in December the list of potentially successful numbers will expand somewhat. Any combination of numbers 1, 2 and 3 (11,12,13, 21, etc.) can be considered favorable for betting. They are the ones who can carry patient Cancers to the top of the money mountain. And since Saturday should be a good day for fateful events, it makes sense to invest in the number 23.

a lion

Leo is good with luck. Even if he does not see an immediate result, it is already waiting for him ahead. This is due to the solar nature of the royal sign. Therefore, their inherent certain imposing nature may be fully justified. Love for the number 3 should please you in the 12th month of the year (since 1 + 2 = 3). Therefore, in December it is strongly recommended to pay attention to all numbers with this figure. An ordinary lottery ticket can become a ticket to the stars.


Virgo's prudence takes place even in such an unpredictable form of gambling as the lottery. The fact is that representatives of this sensual sign intuitively understand the background of any symbols. And numbers are no exception. Therefore, even a sharp change in decision before the final choice can be due to a sudden (read: stellar) insight. And it warns in advance about successful numbers in December. These should be numbers that are multiples of six, but without the 6 itself in the face value. This is hidden luck that only Virgos should see. There is also a chance of winning on Thursday.


A successful year for Libra should end on a positive note. Libra can finally find balance and improve their financial position. With stellar recommendations, even the most unpredictable lottery will bring the expected profit. The astrological forecast predicts that representatives of the fairest sign of the Zodiac will receive compensation for all their efforts throughout the year. And this should happen in December. All numbers containing a four should be considered lucky numbers. 4 marks a cycle that ends with achieving success. It is highly recommended to pay attention to the 14th of the month, since it falls on Thursday. And this is symbolic, isn’t it.


A passionate desire to win has always been inherent in Scorpios. Even by retreating, they can achieve their goal. Their faith in success is merciless to any obstacles and doubts. Therefore, it is not surprising that some representatives of the sign have postponed their cash winnings for the last month of the year. This is their favorite game - to prolong the pleasure, knowing its inevitability. The stars can only suggest successful numbers in the lottery, since Scorpios have already done most of the work. And all numbers with one and eight in their composition should become like this. 1st place is the cherished goal, and 8th symbolizes infinity, a return to square one. When all the effort becomes worth it. So go for it, Scorpios. Your time has come.


Sagittarians wait a long time before making their bet. This is due to their desire to get into the top ten. They are only interested in the jackpot and nothing more. And this imposes a certain responsibility. You have to risk everything at once, without wasting money on unsuccessful numbers. To be confident in their target, Sagittarius should turn to the sky. The stars know about Sagittarius' passion for victory, and are ready to help them with this. The number 7 and the enchanted number 17 should bring success. The latter is rarely chosen in the lottery, since everyone is afraid to try their luck. But not Sagittarius.


Failures have never stopped Capricorns. They know very well that mistakes are the path to success. That there will always be luck for the thousandth time. However, why wait so long if you can trust the stars? They are not against a person fulfilling his destiny faster. And with money it’s easier to do this. Lucky combinations in the lottery should be all numbers with 3 in them. However, that's not all. 5 can also help make dreams come true. The main thing is to make a choice between these numbers, since no one has yet canceled free will.


If Aquarius has luck in his pocket, it will definitely manifest itself in December. Because the birthday is already close. And Fortune always strives to please a person on his holiday. It's just that not everyone knows about it. Therefore, the choice of representatives air element may coincide with the location of the stars. If this happens, the payoff will be huge. Astrologists have tried to take into account all aspects of the planets to come up with potentially successful numbers. All clusters near decades should be like this. That is, 9, 10, 11, 19, 20, 21, as well as 29, 30 and 31. In addition, one of them should fall on Tuesday - a lucky day for Aquarius.


No one else has the same love for the lottery that Pisces has. They feel absolutely free in the world of numbers. At the same time, the driving motive for them is not passion. But the desire to connect with the eternal cosmos. Intuitively guess the location of your stars. This brings them a genuine feeling of happiness and inner comfort. For the month of December, numbers with 8 and 9 in the composition should be favorable. In this case, two whole numbers (8 and 29) fall on Friday, which is favorable to Pisces. Don't miss your chance to shine before the stars!

Dreams come true, you just need to sincerely believe in them! We always want to help people who have dreams in their hearts. We encourage these people to fight, and they really win big.

And lottery horoscopes help them with this. The stars are able to create a successful combination of numbers, which will certainly replenish the players’ budget.

Are you ready to meet Fortune? Then quickly look at the Horoscope of luck in the lottery for 2019!

Astrology is becoming increasingly popular. Millions of people turn to astrologers for advice and predictions. And in the Middle Ages, astrologers were persecuted by the Inquisition. Astrologers do not come up with horoscopes out of their heads, they just “read” the stars. And this or that arrangement of stars can influence the course of a person’s destiny. You can order a forecast for any area of ​​your life.

People order predictions regarding love and family. Even successful businessmen, before taking on a project or concluding a deal, order a business horoscope. We are sure they are successful for this reason!

Politicians also commission career forecasts.

There are lunar horoscopes for the day, month and year.

We create a unique lunar horoscope, which will help gambling and passionate people to win the lottery and become rich by winning the lottery jackpot. Hurry up, open the horoscope for your sign and look for that special day on which you will be lucky!

Our goal is to convince even the most ardent opponents of horoscopes. Just think, participants of the famous Powerball lottery with a huge jackpot of $1680.5 million also read the forecasts!

What is so secret about the horoscope, you ask.

We answer: in the horoscope for winning the lottery, astrologers usually write information about specific dates when it is best to purchase your lucky ticket.

This can be done through a reliable online lotto intermediary, TheLotter, from the comfort of your home.

To make the game successful for you, focus on your horoscope sign. Check out the data for the current year, which will show you when your sign is lucky. If the forecast is not the most rosy, carefully consider your options.

Remember the golden rule of the lottery: after three big wins in a row, stop and thank the stars. Otherwise, fate may punish you.

Fortune favors the smart, not the greedy and greedy.

Lunar horoscope 2019 for the Russian lottery

If you are ready to play the lottery, do not rush to buy a ticket. Check the moon phases first! Games that take place on Tuesday, Friday or Saturday during the waxing moon will be the most profitable! During this period, profits increase in all transactions, which is why you need to act!

Your financial success this year is related to your date of birth and your horoscope sign, respectively.

Aries(21.03. – 20.04.). Look through the calendar, select the day when the lucky day coincides with the day of the draw. Yours happy Days: 1, 20, 30. Feel free to buy a ticket on these days. If you fill out the winning combination of Gosloto “5 out of 36”, use the suggested numbers 6,9,14, 25,33,34. If today is Thursday, hurry up and get your ticket! This is your chance!

But check when the draw takes place. When crossing out the required numbers, it is better to use the numbers suggested at random: 13, 23, 29,30, 38, 40. On Friday, we advise you to go for a ticket early in the morning!

Since this is a double sign, you can safely count on a double jackpot! Doubts away, choose the Lotolion website, which offers free tickets (after the first purchase). The bonuses won't end there if everything happens on Friday. If the day of the week coincides with a lucky date (3,11,28), your chances of winning increase by geometric progression. When filling in the fields with a specific combination of numbers, focus on the numbers: 1,21,41,24,4,29.

We remind you that your day is Friday - don't miss your chance!

Cancer(June 22 - July 23). Your day is Tuesday. The day must coincide with a lucky date: the 9th, 14th or 18th. These days, feel free to buy any lottery ticket! By setting a combination of numbers: 32,43,28,25,3,37, you can grab a huge jackpot! In any case, a bonus will be waiting for you, as it should be according to the rules of the game.

a lion(July 24 - August 23). Leos are the children of the Sun. Their star illuminates the path to good luck and fortune. Leos will be lucky with any paid or free lottery on Mondays. They will not be left without their bonus if they link the game to the 2nd, 13th, 25th of the month. The numbers 19, 26, 34, 42, 44, 38 will bring you luck - you can cross them out or choose them confidently, without doubting a successful result. We have already checked, try it too!

Virgo(August 24 - September 23). The stars will align for you every Tuesday, but only on the 16th, 17th and 25th. A win-win option would be to choose a ticket to Stoloto. Buy a line of tickets right away and catch your luck by the tail! Fill in the playing fields with a combination of numbers: 6, 7, 3, 35, 33, 40. Gambling will bring success and big dividends, no doubt!

Scales(September 24 - October 23). Despite the “telling” name of the sign, throw all weighings and doubts away.

Feel free to go shopping on Tuesdays, choosing the appropriate day of the month to buy a lottery ticket: 1, 3 or 8. On these days, you can play instant free lottery on websites, receiving large bonuses and prizes. Huge winnings await you in paid circulations. Use the numbers 11, 36, 3, 27, 10, 30 to fill the cells of the playing field. When entering the game, visualize victory.

Scorpion(October 24 - November 22). Your decisive day is Sunday. It will be fateful if this day coincides with the dates of the month: 3, 17, 27. If the purchase coincides with the drawing on these days, expect a large cash prize. In digital combinations, you can use the auto service online. When filling out the playing field, use the numbers: 13, 1, 27, 7, 3, 32. Play and catch your luck!

Sagittarius(November 23 - December 22). This is a particularly gambling sign of the zodiac. Your day of “glory” is Wednesday. The well-known intermediary Lotolion will advise you on the procedure for purchasing tickets and lottery draws. When purchasing tickets for good luck, pay attention to the coincidence with the dates of the month 1, 4, 2, when you will be absolutely successful. Use the numbers 45, 33, 20, 25, 22, 37 to fill the playing field and the jackpot will soon be in your pocket!

Capricorn(December 23 - January 20). Perseverance is the key feature of this sign, which is why Capricorns most often become winners. Order an online game on Saturdays, on this day the stars are favorable to you. Refer to the Golden Key lottery, the draw of which takes place on this very day. Try to choose a lucky date from the three offered: 13, 16, 24. To fill in all the cells (15 out of 27), you need to turn to your lucky numbers 27, 19, 3, 2, 7, 29. Play and become rich!

Aquarius(January 21 - February 19). Stop doubting, start playing, but first listen to our advice. Thursday is an energetically correct day when Capricorns are lucky. It is important that the circulation matches good days for the lottery: 8, 9, 18. When filling out the playing fields in your account, use the auto mode, leaving yourself to the will of fate. If you are filling out a ticket purchased at a kiosk, do not miss the recommended numbers: 23, 27, 33, 45, 34, 43.

Fish(February 20 - March 20). The global lottery intermediary Tipp24 will help you keep your luck in your hands. The stars advise not to waste your time on trifles, but to play big! Solid prizes will be received by those who take advantage of the lotto agent's offer on the 2nd, 3rd, and 25th of the month on Thursdays. It is advisable to purchase not just one lottery, but the entire line. The chances increase several dozen times if you use the following numbers when filling out a digital combination: 21, 12, 15, 42, 40, 37.

Monthly horoscope indicators for winning the lottery

The calendar year begins on January 1. But it has nothing to do with the lunar calendar. According to him, Each sign has its own path to victory and winning. Use recommendations specifically for your horoscope sign, and then success and wealth await you!

Anyone who dreams of winning and asks themselves the question, when will I finally win the lottery, we advise you to carefully read the horoscope. It will become your indispensable guide to the world of lottery super prizes and bonuses!

Lotto horoscope for January 2019

This month you need to be careful, avoiding cooperation with lotto intermediaries with a dubious reputation.

Luck does not like debts and loans; under no circumstances take out loans to buy tickets. By following this advice, you will avoid unnecessary financial risks.

Act confidently and thoughtfully. When filling out the playing fields, be guided not only by intuition, but also by logical schemes, taking into account the lucky numbers and days for your zodiac sign. Don't delay buying a ticket, you can hit the jackpot this month! The lucky ones in the January lottery draw will be Leos, Aquarius and Virgos.

Lottery horoscope for February 2019

February is our players' favorite month. Carefully study the offers in the world of lotteries. Pay special attention to the EuroMillion lottery. It will bring you good cash prizes!

  • You can safely place your bet Aquarius, Leo and Aries. By placing a bet together, you will find new friends and significantly improve your financial situation.
  • Sagittarius will also experience incredible financial success!
  • Capricorns and Virgos, you should also hurry up and buy lottery tickets!
  • Pisces, Libra and Scorpio need to be careful when buying tickets. Trust only trusted sites and resources.
  • Gemini, Aries and Cancer will also experience financial success this month. But don’t rush to share it with others, win first, and then brag!

The energy of this month is so strong that all your dreams will come true. Most importantly, visualize as if you have already won! March awaits you, in which life will be in full swing. Just have time to catch luck by the tail.

Check out the horoscope for March:

  • Success awaits Sagittarius, Aquarius and Aries. Pisces will receive the fulfillment of any dream, as well as a large jackpot. Hurry up, play and check the reality of the horoscope for yourself!
  • Cancers, Scorpios and Geminis can also try and achieve success, everything is in your hands!
  • Virgos and Libras are better off waiting and not taking risks this month. Don't worry, you will come to success, but later.
  • Capricorns and Taurus, your luck is close, but you need to be careful and diligent. Everything is possible!
  • Aries, Gemini and Leo will have a busy month of work. But don’t worry, luck will smile on you too!
  • The final ten days of the month will be phenomenal for Taurus, Cancer, Libra. Your business will skyrocket! Be prepared and don't miss the moment! Giveaways are already waiting for you!
  • Virgos, Scorpios and Sagittarius need to think and not make rash decisions. Look carefully at your calendar of lucky days, and only then purchase lottery tickets. The recipe for success is simple.
  • The finest hour has come for Capricorns and Pisces. Activate your financial flows, fortune is on your side. Buy lottery tickets quickly and get guaranteed winnings.
  • Aquarius is recommended to participate in a group game, so you will have a greater chance of winning the coveted prize.

Lottery forecast for August

This month it is important to cast aside all doubts and forget about uncertainty when choosing the best circulation.

    • Virgo, Sagittarius and Scorpio, use logic and reason. Carefully study your lucky days and combinations of numbers, you won’t be able to poke at random!
    • Leos, Pisces and Aries can safely enter online games and use auto-selection.
  • Already from the second half of the month, Capricorns can actively play lotteries, or better yet, several at once. Such a favorable position of the stars does not happen often!
  • Gemini and Libra will also have incredible luck in the first half of the month. Buy tickets and check. And we will be waiting for gratitude from you!
  • Taurus, Cancer and Aquarius better be careful, this month can bring financial difficulties To you. There's no point in taking unnecessary risks. Just wait for your time, it will certainly come.

Horoscope for lottery player for September

Autumn is the time of beginning: children and students go to school. But to realize your dream, you will need very little: just buy a lottery ticket, which will become your “lucky ticket”.

  • This month will be significant for Virgos, Scorpios and Aries. But you need to think prudently and carefully, that’s when you will succeed!
  • We advise Libra, Capricorn, Cancer and Leo not to stray from the intended course, everything will work out! The main thing is a strong and unshakable belief in your luck! Money, like happiness, loves silence. They will easily come to you. Repeat this like a mantra, play the lottery, and everything will work out.
  • For Aquarius and Taurus, everything is not so simple, but if you look at your days of luck and buy a ticket on this particular day, the long-awaited jackpot will certainly come to you. Perhaps your happiness awaits you in SuperEnalotto tickets.
  • Sagittarius and Pisces will certainly achieve success if they choose the right game option. Our horoscope will help you with this.

Lottery horoscope for October

October is a time to take a break. Rest your soul and body for the first two weeks, and then start with new financial plans; in the second half of the month, the stars will align as needed to replenish your budget!

    • Geminis should be careful, first study the horoscope, and only then think about lottery tickets. Luck does not like excessive haste.
    • Success in all endeavors awaits Libra, Aries, Taurus and Leo. Success is your middle name this month!
    • Virgos and Aquarius, you should take a break for now. Don't waste your last money on lotteries. This month the stars are not as favorable to you as possible.
    • Scorpios and Capricorns, purchase tickets economically. A pack of tickets will not necessarily bring you a jackpot, but one or two tickets to a proven lottery will help you get rich!
    • We advise Sagittarius and Pisces to start their journey with free lotteries. Even there you can try your luck and get nice bonuses.
  • But Rakov will experience untold success by the end of the month! Go for it! Your life is only in your hands!

Lottery horoscope for November

Be realistic, and the world of wealth will open up to you. Only prudent and thoughtful people will succeed. Have you decided and weighed everything? Then go ahead, step on the road to success! Start with free lotteries, work with your luck, and then move on to paid lotteries with huge cash prizes!

  • It is recommended for Scorpios, Sagittarius and Cancers to purchase lotteries this month.
  • By the end of the month, the stars will be favorable to Capricorns and Taurus. Be patient and get ready!
  • Aquarius and Virgo will receive small but pleasant bonuses. It’s better not to play big this month.
  • Pisces and Leos are advised to wait a month; your finest hour will come very soon, but in the meantime, do not rush to spend money!
  • Aries, Gemini and Libra will be successful, but follow the rules and check your horoscope: no haste or rashness!

Lottery horoscope for December

End of the year, time for New Year's fairy tales and Christmas miracles!

    • Your full potential will bring you luck if you play. It was created in December, which is why the stars favor those born in December in the constellation Sagittarius. Go for it, the jackpot is waiting for you!
    • Aquarius and Taurus also believe in luck. Your dreams will also easily turn into reality. Apartment or car? Easily!
    • Leo, Libra and Capricorn also need faith and visualization. You just have to believe in yourself and your luck, then it will certainly smile on you, and you will finally receive prizes and a jackpot under the Christmas tree.
    • Pisces, Gemini and Virgo will also end this significant year with equally significant gains. Open your pocket wider and expect financial income!
    • But Aries and Cancer need to be more careful, your time is still ahead!
    • We will not leave Scorpios without pleasant gifts! Enter online games and boldly claim the jackpot!

Lottery horoscope for today

How to find out if today is a good day for you, use a horoscope for lottery numbers. He will tell you how to act!

  1. Taurus, Aries, Gemini, Virgo, Leo and Cancer! When filling out a combination of numbers on a lottery ticket, choose even numbers and numbers with your date of birth. You can reach the peak of luck on Tuesday.
  2. The rest of the zodiac signs choose odd numbers, respectively. Also try numbers from your parents' birth dates. Your day of luck is Friday!

Lottery winnings according to tomorrow's horoscope

Already from the very early morning of tomorrow, luck in any financial matter will affect Capricorn, Aries Cancer. Play any daily lottery and win the best bonuses!

Forecasts for several days and a week are considered the most accurate, because they are based on the characteristics of each player, his internal data and, of course, his date of birth. Pay attention to the moon phases. On a full moon and during magnetic storms in the sun (especially if these two phenomena coincide), it’s worth running and buying lottery tickets. This is the best time to become rich!

There are many ways to win, but your chances skyrocket if you use a horoscope in accordance with your zodiac sign and the location of the planets at the moment.

  1. The air is favorable fire signs: Leo, Sagittarius and Aries. Your financial issues will be easily resolved!
  2. Fire and air will help Aquarius, Libra, and Gemini play the lottery and win the main prizes.
  3. Water and earth favor Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. It is these elements that promise enormous wealth to the above signs.
  4. Pisces, Scorpios and Cancers should rush into the game headlong only when the Sun is in an air or water sign. That's when your time will come!

The unity of the elements will help a person who believes and visualizes to realize his dream. But at the same time, your desire must be sincere, no greed or greed. Otherwise everything is doomed.

We recommend that everyone who believes in the horoscope and is ready to follow it contact a personal astrologer for more details and details. They will definitely draw up a natal chart for you. The astrologer will study the placement of the planets for maximum benefit for you. Based on these data, life is planned and periods are identified in which luck simply cannot turn away from you!

If you move forward natal chart, then you yourself will not notice how quickly you will achieve success in all areas of your life, not only in the financial part.

And we will be happy to help you with this.

For a long time, humanity has used numerical values ​​as a method of predicting any events in the life of an individual or society as a whole. Everyone wants to guess lucky numbers and “grab” good luck, but not everyone is able to correctly understand what the signs bring and what their true meaning is.

Probably everyone has had to heard about numerology at least once. This science can tell everyone who is interested in numbers, their meaning and ability to influence one or another area of ​​human life. The numbers have enormous importance for each. Exist different categories, which will help you find answers to your question. We will consider the most important points that are probably of interest to everyone:

  • lucky numbers by date of birth;
  • numbers that will bring you winnings in the lottery;
  • favorable meanings for each zodiac sign;
  • signs of fate according to Feng Shui philosophy.

Operating with such categories has become popular not only among professional astrologers, but also ordinary people. In principle, learning to use numbers correctly is not such a difficult science that anyone can master.

Lucky numbers by date of birth for the lottery

Each of us has our own number, which influences its owner throughout his life. Thanks to him, we can become successful, achieve something in life, earn good money and even learn how to calculate winnings in the lottery! How to choose exactly your number on a number line? The day, month and year of your birth will help with this.

You can take a chance and buy a lottery ticket. Only one question remains: will it be successful? Well, it’s not always possible to emerge victorious, because fortune is very changeable. But still worth a try. Be careful! Don’t overplay yourself, because sooner or later you may feel that you can no longer live without the lottery, and this game has become the meaning of every day you live.

The lottery doesn't stand still. In order to make it more interesting, of course, more and more modifications of the popular hobby are being invented. Today there are types in which all the numbers are known initially, while in others you need to look for them. In any case, you can use a little trick that will increase the likelihood that you win several times. In this case, you don’t have to guess anything, everything is extremely simple: add all the numbers of the day, month and year of your birth together. You don't even need a calculator for this. That's all - now you know your number.

With the help of one small number you can guide the further development of the situation. You can even win if you know your lottery luck number. For example:

Knowledge of such elementary issues is extremely important, because it is the fundamental basis for obtaining the necessary results.

Vibration numbers

Numerology also explains the peculiarities of the influence of a number on a person’s luck or destiny. There is a law that talks about certain vibration numbers. It's no secret that each of us has our own patron planet, a special space communications, because we were born for unexplained reasons on this or that day. To find out which planet you are associated with, you just need to determine your number by calculating it by your date of birth.

Here are some examples to look at:

Experts say that you should always have your number with you. In this case, it will work when it is really needed. When you see your number, the connection becomes stronger and it receives strength, an energetic charge. Meanwhile, peace awaits you. Even in the most hopeless situation you can find a solution, remember this!

Concerned about uncertainty own strength, inability to look for the best side in everything? Help is very simple and always effective: you just need to have your number on you somewhere. You can embroider it on something, draw it, pin it. This will be both protection and an amulet of good luck and prosperity for you at the same time.

Luck according to zodiac signs

It would seem that astrology and numerology are something completely different and definitely cannot be combined in one article. This is understandable, because numbers and stars have different areas research. But when it comes to luck, finding lucky talismans for a person, taking into account his horoscope, these sciences come together. It is thanks to their cooperation that we can find out everything that interests us.

Each of us is completely unique in our character, preferences and capabilities. Zodiac signs are also responsible for this “difference” of ours. That's why lucky numbers, depending on the zodiac, everyone has their own. Now you can find out what will bring you good luck and maybe even winning the lottery:

However, you should not completely surrender yourself to the hands of numbers, because the lottery, as you know, is played in accordance with the theory of random numbers. It should be noted that even serious mathematicians with excellent knowledge of probability theory do not always become jackpot winners.

An important feng shui secret

Digital values ​​play a huge role in our lives.. In fact, much more depends on them than we can imagine. For example, the number of an apartment or car affects the comfort, mood, and well-being of their owner. In the teachings of Feng Shui there is also a separate branch relating to numbers.

All known numbers can be good or bad, white or black, those that bring good luck, and completely unlucky - there is no middle ground.

For example, number four is considered the worst. It brings panic, anxiety, a complete lack of luck. Four is a symbol of death. Some peoples fear it much more than the well-known unlucky 13.

The number that suits everyone and brings good luck to everyone is eight. It is responsible for your financial condition, so when it comes to winning, do not be afraid to choose 8. Eight also carries reliability, so for those who have problems in family improvement or running a business, it will become a lifeline.

Values ​​1 and 6 are also good. Both one and six symbolize prosperity and benefit. If you are solving important issues in the monetary sphere, these signs will definitely help you.

You shouldn’t trust your luck to a deuce, because it’s unlucky number. A symbol of impermanence, sharp changeability. The ambiguity of this number adversely affects any undertaking, so nothing good will come of it.

A value of 3 brings good luck and is therefore considered favorable. It is no longer responsible for the material, but for the spiritual. Under the cover of this number, everyone will finally be able to feel peace, tranquility and a surge of new strength. It has a very good effect on the creative sphere.

Five is considered a neutral point. This is the only sign that cannot be confidently attributed to white or black. It keeps balance.

They count seven good value. This is a sign of stability, a symbol of teaching. Seven is the patron of new knowledge in any field.

Nine is a value that symbolizes moving up the ladder of achievement. Never be afraid to discover something new, especially under the influence of this sign.

Exact calculation by name

Each letter in the alphabet is located in its place and, accordingly, has its own number. Thus, you can count the numbers of the letters of the last name, first name and patronymic, add them up and get a number. This figure will indicate the owner’s character traits.

It would be appropriate to give the following examples:

It is important to understand that such calculations bring exclusively theoretical conclusions, which may not always have an actual continuation. That is why a professional approach is important here.

So, luck really depends on some numbers. It is important to learn to distinguish their characteristics and use their abilities correctly. We must not forget that luck depends not only on what number a person was born under, but also on his actual actions. Any calculations using numbers cannot bring fame and fortune to someone who simply desires it. Such knowledge can only guide a person, suggest an area where one can look for luck.

Lucky numbers by date of birth for the lottery are a very slippery thing, but they may well suggest the time when you need to try your luck. Of course, anyone can win the lottery, even without using such a complex science as numerology, but a professional approach to such knowledge and deep study is a source of greater confidence that sooner or later luck will smile on a person!

Attention, TODAY only!

The position of the luminaries in midsummer will be such that many people will refuse public life and career aspirations, and, as the horoscope for July 2017 recommends, they will spend more time with family and friends.

Isn't this a reason, for example, to organize your own lottery syndicate - what better way to unite people than a common hobby?

By the end of the month, many will have an increased level of optimism and ambition, and with such a mood, it is best to plunge into the gambling world of lottery passions. Listen to the advice of the horoscope for July to correlate your desires with the astrologers' forecast.

We can only wish you a great time in one of the best months of the year, success in your business and hobbies, and if you still decide to place a bet, you will find the luck numbers and the most favorable dates for playing in the lottery horoscope for July 2017.

The struggle for a place in the sun will fade into the background for Aries in July 2017; they should relax a little, enjoying the current state of affairs, but still not give up business trips. In addition, they must put the interests of their loved ones first.

The stars give Aries a chance to improve the situation in all areas - money, career, family, health.

Career, finance

IN professional activity in July 2017, the desire for power is categorically contraindicated for Aries. If during this period you have to perform leadership functions, you can, even with the best intentions, make a mess. It is better for Aries to be in the shadow of someone and follow him, than to take responsibility for themselves and be responsible for the work of the entire team. July is a calm time, favorable for leisurely, methodical activity; the stars do not promise any troubles.

Carry out your duties systematically, do not abandon things you started halfway, resolve issues that arise during the process on time.

In financial matters, Aries should not give in to impulses and make hasty decisions. This also applies to playing lotteries. Your wonderful intuition may let you down, because you give excellent advice to others, but during this period you will not come up with anything wise for yourself. When following the lead of some people, you do not think that they are only concerned about their own benefit.

Personal relationships, health

Single representatives of the sign who dream of a romantic relationship should show themselves in public more often, do not ignore parties and places where there is a guarantee of meeting interesting people. Advice - you need to behave freely, but you shouldn’t rush to get carried away with someone right away. Listen to your inner voice, evaluate your feelings, only after some analysis should you decide whether you need to get involved in adventures or not.

As for Aries, bound by marriage, they will become a strong support for a loved one. You will have to overcome inevitable difficulties, but rest assured that you will cope. You are required to be attentive, patient, generous - the gratitude of your loved one will be your reward.

To maintain health in July 2017, Aries needs to have a good rest and relaxation. It is worth taking a trip or traveling - changing places is beneficial for you and will help shake off accumulated fatigue.

Favorable days are 1, 9, 13, 22, 27, 29; Tuesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 4, 6, 8, 16, 24, 26.

Numbers for bets – 6, 9, 12, 23, 27, 51

Sometimes Taurus is characterized by some indecision, but not at this time. They feel the strength coming and are ready to use it.

Get ready that in July everyone will need you, your family, loved ones, and friends will demand your company.

Career, finance

The professional activities of Taurus in July 2017 will be unusually successful. They will be able to pleasantly surprise their superiors with sensible proposals and will receive an interesting new task, and will complete it brilliantly and in a fairly short time.

There is a need to establish useful contacts, conclude agreements, you need to convince someone that you are right - there is no need to waste time. All your current actions and decisions will lead to career success in the near future.

In the financial sphere, Taurus in July 2017 will have full order. This is a time of great opportunities and new prospects, despite the fact that Taurus is able to create something out of nothing. But risky speculation should be avoided, and excessive gambling in the lottery is unacceptable.

Personal relationships, health

Taurus is a true connoisseur of traditions and family values, so the events of July 2017, taking place in the personal lives of representatives of the sign, will not be an exception. Taurus lovers will strive to quickly present their chosen one to the court of relatives. This summer month, Taurus will be incredibly courteous and polite, and will literally blow away specks of dust from the chosen one. At the same time, your unobtrusiveness and charming modesty will evoke a reciprocal feeling of affection and love in the object of attention.

As for health, in July 2017 Taurus should approach issues of well-being wisely, try not to overwork and get full rest.

The stars gave the representatives of the sign excellent vitality, and the only enemy of Taurus is taking on overwhelming work, constantly promising something to someone, because of which you are simply torn apart. The slogan: burn so as not to rust does not work during this period. You can overstrain yourself and develop health problems.

Favorable days are 2, 3, 12, 15, 24, 29; Friday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 4, 7, 10, 17, 27, 28.

Betting numbers – 3, 17, 27, 40, 52, 67

July 2017 will be remembered by Gemini representatives for its carefree nature. However, it is worth remembering that they are extremely close important events, which will come in the first days of autumn.

In the meantime, Gemini can enjoy the summer days, go to visit and eat tasty, plentiful food. At this wonderful time, you should think about creating harmonious relationships with others - and fate will reward you. In the first half of the month, expect active communication with people, and in the second half you can safely be creative. July is a favorable time for travel, relaxation, and home renovation.

Career, finance

In the professional sphere, Geminis should not enter into business agreements or sign important papers. There is a fear that they may be fooled, and this will be discovered much later, when it will be too late to do anything. There is no need to undertake anything new; it is simply recommended to make plans, draw up schedules, and discuss current affairs with colleagues.

To those Geminis who are engaged intellectual activity, the stars do not advise delving into particularly complex calculations. Summer moods will not contribute to sufficient concentration and there is a danger of making mistakes.

Regarding financial activities - do not throw money away, do not waste it. Only if there is an urgent need in July is it worth making any purchases or transactions. When planning an investment, think about all the nuances so that you don’t become a victim of circumstances a little later.

Personal relationships, health

In the area of ​​personal relationships, everything will be excellent for Gemini in July; summer is a good time to communicate deeply and confidentially with a loved one. You yourself will be amazed by the extraordinary ease with which relationships develop. You can safely ask each other about the most important things, do not be shy to demonstrate your feelings, lead your partner and convince him of anything.

For Geminis free from marriage ties, it costs nothing during this period to make acquaintances or flirt. You attract attention with your relaxed behavior, interesting stories or anecdotes; you can openly admire your interlocutor and give him very bold compliments. You are able to call a loved one at any time and captivate him, awaken his imagination. Any company will be happy to accept you into its ranks. In light of the above, it is recommended to attend various events and visit more often.

Gemini's health in July will be influenced by their mental mood. Be optimistic, take control of your food supply - summer poisoning is quite likely.

Favorable days are 1, 5, 13, 17, 22, 23, 28; Wednesdays are suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 2, 4, 9, 12, 21, 30.

Betting numbers – 5, 20, 21, 24, 28, 31

Unlike many other zodiac signs, to whom the stars gave a real summer vacation, Cancers are unlikely to have to rest in July. But it is likely that something wonderful will happen at the end of the month that will allow you to pack your bags and immediately go on vacation.

Cancers will crave change so painfully that the stars will give it to them. Try to take full advantage of the opportunity provided - have a good rest and gain strength - achievements await you. Don’t try to resist circumstances, and then everything will work out for you in the best way.

Career, finance

In July 2017, great news awaits Rakov in his professional activities - it will be successfully implemented most important project, on which you worked long and hard, which occupied your thoughts and time. The situation will require an instant reaction from Cancers; forget about the habit of thinking for a long time before making any important decisions. In this case, you are guaranteed success. Like-minded people will provide you with support, which will have important. Questions related to securities, it is better to entrust it to professionals.

In money matters, the middle of the month will be especially generous for Cancer. During this period, the horoscope for July 2017 promises some unplanned profit, quite possibly a lottery win.

You need to think about what to spend this amount on. Cancers in this sense are always very thrifty and prudent; they prefer a thoughtful and calm approach.

Personal relationships, health

In the personal life of Cancers in July 2017, priority will be given to romantic relationships and feelings; they will devote most of their time to this. They will lose peace and sleep for the most seemingly trifling reasons, such as a fleeting meeting. Cancer will be very persistent, he will make a lot of efforts to constantly intersect with the object of his sympathy.

But family representatives of the Cancer sign will have no time for sentimentality in July. Relationships with your significant other will become more complicated, and conflicts and contradictions will intensify. A loved one may shower you with reproaches, accusing you of lack of attention. And remember - skeletons should be tightly locked in the family closet, this is not the time to take them out!

In terms of health in July, Cancers have something to fear. It is very likely that one of you will be the victim of an accident. It is important to handle electrical appliances and equipment, engines and machines carefully. In addition, follow the rules of behavior on the water.

Favorable days are 2, 8, 15, 19, 29, 31; Monday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 5, 11, 13, 14, 22, 23.

Numbers for bets – 3, 10, 22, 26, 43

It may seem to Leos that July 2017 is a deceptively quiet time, no one will break spears, and passions do not boil over. However, troublemakers will be given a crushing cosmic rebuff. Try to behave farsightedly - you don’t need to provoke quarrels, you don’t have to slam the door and waste money unnecessarily - then the stars will be favorable to you.

Not the best best period and to promote career ladder, but towards the end of the month you will begin to be noticed and nominated. In the meantime, it’s best to go save, the time for their fulfillment is just around the corner.

Career, finance

In the career field, it is best for Leo not to stand out and not shoulder an unbearable burden. It is better to observe prudence and consistency of actions. It's time to learn from other people's mistakes, not your own.

It is better to temporarily minimize contacts with your superiors, otherwise you will face criticism. You should work conscientiously and calmly, without bragging about your own achievements. Observe the utmost correctness in communicating with colleagues. It is not recommended to allow yourself to doubt the abilities of the people around you, do not speak disparagingly about them. You can get what you want provided that you remain friendly and courteous.

The financial life of Leo in July will develop quite successfully, provided that they give up speculation and excessive excitement in lottery games and stock exchange activities.

Personal relationships, health

Leo's personal life in July will be so imbued with feelings that it will be almost impossible to hide it from others.

Be prepared that your romantic interest will become known not only to people who are friendly towards you. Tip of the month - when you find out that you are the target of gossip, simply ignore it.

Lonely representatives of the Leo sign will meet new and interesting person, which will excite their imagination.

Don’t worry, the stars at this time have endowed you with incredible attractiveness, which will help you find something in common with the person you like.

If you have a permanent partner, then this month he will demonstrate how strong your bonds are and will support all your endeavors. Don't forget to tell him how much you appreciate his intention to help.

In terms of health, Leos should pay attention in July digestive system. Review your diet to avoid stomach problems. In addition, you should be wary of food poisoning.

Favorable days are 1, 5, 9, 17, 23, 29; Sunday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 4, 7, 13, 16, 24, 26.

Betting numbers – 6, 10, 33, 35, 38, 54

The horoscope for July 2017 promises Virgos an improvement in relationships with those friends who accused them of weakness and indecisiveness, but this requires demonstrating an active position in life. You will find true allies in these people.

If you receive an offer for a project that was previously considered unpromising, feel free to take it on. Now you are able to do a lot on the real, big battlefield. You have enormous creative potential that requires outlet, so you can safely implement your ideas.

Career, finance

In Virgo’s professional life, July will be a month when there will be a lot of worries regarding career advancement. Virgos will have to demonstrate the presence of fighting qualities so that they get what they want. The time has come when you absolutely cannot stop. Some people from your inner circle will serve as an example for you. The most important thing is not to lose sight of the fact that, first of all, you should respect yourself and become stronger in any circumstances. Even if you make a mistake, you arm yourself invaluable experience. Internal reserves will help you get out of any difficult situation. Therefore, do not be afraid to take risks - do everything possible to fulfill your dreams.

The financial side of Virgo's life in July will be ambiguous - on the one hand, their financial capabilities will increase - this could be a large bonus, a lottery win, or a salary increase. On the other hand, it is worth taking care of a profitable investment of the funds received.

Personal relationships, health

Virgos are unsurpassed masters of mastering their feelings, and their skills will be quite useful in the realities of their personal lives in July 2017.

Excessive frankness and gullibility can work against you. It is more interesting for your partner to unravel you; he may be intrigued by some uncertainty, understatement and the unknown. Relationships will only benefit from this.

Accept new acquaintances with caution. It’s better to take a closer look before turning a friendly relationship into a romantic one. It is better to take care of yourself than to contact a person who can unsettle you with eccentric and strange actions.

In terms of health, July 2017 dictates to Virgos a strict alternation of rest and work and adherence to a daily routine. Fresh air and longer sleep will benefit you. A pleasant and peaceful environment will allow Virgos to restore their internal resources.

Favorable days are 8, 11, 19, 21, 24, 29; Wednesdays are suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 1, 9, 15, 18, 27, 28.

Betting numbers – 1, 17, 23, 27, 49, 56

The horoscope for July 2017 suggests Libra to start over, leaving all unsuccessful romances and grievances in the past. Recommendation from the stars - open yourself to everything new. Your loved ones always see you as support and support; you have an undeniable ability to have a beneficial effect on the mood and well-being of everyone around you. You don't need to do anything special, be yourself first and foremost, show how interested you are in the people around you.

Career, finance

In the professional sphere in July 2017, Libra will be able to overcome all sorts of obstacles. If you are looking new job, your efforts will be successful. But if you have a job, do not rush to quit while there are doubts and no definite promises. Notify management in advance of your intentions to leave your position.

When making transactions and concluding any agreements, try to gain trust from partners and clients, otherwise the grueling preliminary work will go down the drain and you will not be able to achieve anything. Try to be more convincing, defend every paragraph of the contract.

Success can only be achieved by those representatives of the Libra sign who manage not to lose faith in themselves.

It is likely that July 2017 will not be a very favorable period for Libra financially. Ideas and plans will require large investments, but there may not be enough funds for everything planned. Try to spend money on really important things first. And when playing lotteries, do not make detailed and multi-draw bets.

Personal relationships, health

In the personal life of Libra, the beginning of the month will bring understanding of both themselves and the people around them.

For family representatives of this sign, the horoscope for July 2017 promises a calm and quiet life. Warmth and sincerity will color your home existence in unforgettable colors. The most important thing for you will be to make your loved one happy; you will push all matters aside, devoting all your free time to your partner.

Those Libras who have not yet found their soul mate are advised to leave the house more often and not ignore invitations to holidays, parties and just friendly get-togethers. It is likely that your friends or acquaintances are planning to arrange a pleasant acquaintance for you.

Libra's health will not cause any concern in July 2017. A balanced diet and more exercise are recommended. Remember, in your case, any mental discomfort can provoke bodily ailments– don’t worry about trivial matters.

Favorable days are 1, 9, 13, 14, 22, 28; Friday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 2, 4, 11, 17, 19, 30.

Betting numbers – 3, 16, 20, 27, 37, 63

Many Scorpios will remember July as the month of the most unusual acquaintances; by the way, the initiators will be the representatives of the sign themselves.

They are able to easily start a conversation with any person who seems interesting. It is likely that it is from a new acquaintance that an offer to participate in a non-trivial project will come. You have to decide whether it is worth upgrading what was just a friendly relationship to business.

Career, finance

In the professional sphere for Scorpios in July 2017, all things will proceed quite well. Negotiations and business correspondence will be very productive. The main thing for you is to clearly formulate your goal and consistently pursue your line.

At this time, you will be energetic and wise enough to take on any creative task and overcome various obstacles. Feel free to use your natural ingenuity to obtain useful information.

But try to avoid conflict situations.

In financial matters, everything will work out well for Scorpio in July. Unexpected receipts of funds are expected - either as a result of a bonus, or you win the lottery or receive a cash gift. The difficulty is to keep what you receive.

Personal relationships, health

For those Scorpios who are married, July will mark the beginning of a period of enjoying the values ​​of the family hearth. Your soulmate will prove to be a real support and will do everything to make you feel calm and confident. Don't forget to show your loved one how much you appreciate their care.

For those representatives of the sign whose relationships are just beginning, life will begin to demonstrate unpredictable scenarios.

It’s better to take off your rose-colored glasses in time and take a closer look at your chosen one. You have a rich imagination, and there are fears that you have followed its lead. Once you realize this, things can still change for the better.

Scorpio's health in July will be characterized by a high degree of nervousness. You will be overwhelmed by anxiety and the desire to throw yourself into work. But still, don’t get overexcited or overtired, use all your free time to improve your health.

Favorable days are 2,11, 12, 24, 29, 31; Tuesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 5, 13, 14, 19, 20, 23.

Betting numbers – 2, 6, 15, 30, 64, 67

According to the horoscope for July 2017, Sagittarius will have an ill-wisher during this period, who will be hindered by all the actions and victories of the representatives of the sign. Brutal attempts at attack should be dealt with actively and aggressively. The motto of the month is steady movement forward. By the way, you will solve all problems and issues related to children, work, and household chores more successfully if you act alone. You should rely only on your own strengths and not doubt your potential.

If during this period you want to take risks, your actions will be successful.

Career, finance

July is a favorable time for Sagittarius to build a career; try to use it. Everything incomprehensible and secret that has been bothering you for a long time will finally come out. By the way, right now you will have a source of important, reliable information; this will help you correctly navigate the situation that will develop around you.

The stars predict that this time is very favorable for concluding a profitable deal, and with a high degree of probability it will take place. Management will appreciate your efforts and will even fulfill some of your requirements. Your task is to formulate your wishes correctly, try to be on time at the right time Right place– this will provide you with an unprecedented breakthrough in your career.

Financially, July is a fairly calm month for Sagittarius. Possible increase to wages, winning the lottery, receiving cash gifts. The stars give you a chance to take risks - take advantage of it.

Personal relationships, health

In personal relationships for Sagittarius, July will be a time for establishing relationships and correcting mistakes.

It is likely that the partner will bring down a hail of reproaches and fair criticism on the Sagittarius representative. Promise that you will improve a short time and don't forget to apologize to your loved one. By the way, if you yourself are unhappy with something, discuss it openly and honestly, avoiding aggressive notes.

Those who are looking for new acquaintances can be encouraged - a relationship with an interesting person can begin at some festive event, at a party with friends, or on vacation. Just don’t hide in the shadows, you need to be in the center of events all the time - and you will be noticed. However, despite the increase in love energy and interesting acquaintances, there is no need to make far-reaching plans.

The health of Sagittarius in July 2017 will not cause concern; they are full of energy and strength. Store peace of mind, and your cardiovascular system will be fine.

Favorable days are 1, 5, 13, 14, 17, 28; Thursday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 7, 8, 15, 16, 22, 26.

Betting numbers – 4, 9, 13, 18, 55, 58

Whatever happens to Capricorns in July 2017, their main feeling during this period will be a feeling of satisfaction.

Relationships at work and in your personal life will improve in an amazing way. In July, Capricorn will be at the center of events; an incredible amount of communication and contacts awaits him. The circle of your acquaintances will expand significantly, and you will plunge into new relationships with great pleasure. Any trips - long or short, for work or for leisure, will turn out to be successful and will leave a mark on your life.

Career, finance

In his professional activities in July, Capricorn will have to deal with the most urgent matters, focusing on those issues that require an immediate response. You will have time to solve all other matters later. Priority will be given to those issues that are resolved in a short time. Now you shouldn’t think about something distant and yet unrealistic; you need to set real goals for yourself and your colleagues. The luminaries give you advice - calmly observe what is happening around you, do not get involved in conflicts. By the way, while immersing yourself in your main work, you should not forget about social activities.

Financially, Capricorns will face a period of turbulence in July; funds will be received irregularly and immediately spent. Financial well-being is not yet available to you. When playing lotteries, remember this: if you win, it won’t be much. There is no need to regret the money lost and spent.

Personal relationships, health

A very romantic period begins in the personal life of Capricorns, when pleasant meetings will alternate with social events.

If you are still single, you will find your soul mate in the midst of people. Feel free to go out and search, the person destined for you from above is within reach.

In a family setting, Capricorn is the architect of his own happiness; how he acts towards his relatives is how they will react to him. Only you can change something. And it’s enough to live by inertia - many interesting meetings and events await you.

Capricorn's health can be harmed by failure to follow basic rules - for example, drinking cold drinks in hot weather. Do not lift weights, do not eat canned food or questionable foods - otherwise you will face long-term treatment.

Favorable days are 6, 7, 10, 12, 16, 24; Saturday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 1, 5, 11, 18, 22.

Betting numbers – 6, 8, 31, 33, 44, 66

According to the horoscope predictions for July 2017, Aquarius will have a very successful month.

You will be captivated by new ideas, you will not be bored, plus there will be additional motivation. You will not communicate too often, which will be beneficial - personal growth and self-development have not been canceled. Don’t listen to doubts - go towards your goal directly and boldly. But other people’s conflicts should not interest you, much less try to extinguish them.

Before going on vacation, check your documents, otherwise your mistake will be costly and ruin your vacation.

Career, finance

In the professional field of activity, nothing will change for Aquarius; they will continue to be busy searching for new ways of development and forms of activity. It's time to leave it, get on with the things that have already been started. Only previously launched projects will be successful.

There may be reductions in your team, and if you value your work, you will have to demonstrate to management your capabilities and strengths.

The financial side of life for Aquarius will bring several unexpected moments. You should be as careful as possible when making payments and transactions; fraud and even theft are quite likely. If you play lotteries online, avoid dubious sites and intermediaries.

Personal relationships, health

Aquarius should avoid flirting and frivolous relationships, however, your intuition will give a signal of trouble.

July is not the time to start an affair; even stable couples will go through a period of mutual cooling and detachment.

Do not accept the situation too painfully; the love horoscope for July 2017 is not too optimistic, but friendly relations will strengthen during this period.

Family representatives of the sign are not recommended to argue with family members. If you want to do something nice for your loved ones, don’t hold back this desire, which will strengthen the relationships in your home. In terms of joint purchases and long trips with the family, this is the most successful period!

Nothing threatens the health of Aquarius in July, but you need to be attentive to the quality of food, not overheat in hot hours, and drink a lot.

For those who want to lose weight, the stars will provide support.

Favorable days are 5, 6, 13, 17, 22, 23; Saturday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 1, 4, 11, 12, 20, 21.

Betting numbers – 6, 16, 24, 35, 59, 65

July 2017 for the sign of Pisces is a period of being in the shade, sudden movements are not recommended, it is also better not to make important decisions at this time.

A little later, after waiting out the unfavorable moments, you will be able to catch up, perhaps next month or at the beginning of autumn. The stars will give you a favorable month, everything will happen calmly and easily. You can safely do what has long occupied your thoughts, what you have been dreaming about.

Career, finance

The professional activity of Pisces should be marked by a decrease in activity. Now is not the time to work too hard, otherwise there is a risk of losing energy and strength, and recovery will be long and difficult.

The best thing is to ask for a vacation; as a last resort, spend weekends outside the city, with the people closest to you, fueled by the energy of nature and love.

Now the most important thing for Pisces is themselves, so it would be good to sort out your goals, objectives and intentions, and decide on personal growth for the coming weeks and months.

Remind yourself and others more often of your virtues and merits, do not indulge in self-criticism by analyzing your mistakes.

The stars promise financial success to Pisces in the first half of the month. This could be an unexpected bonus or salary increase. The horoscope for July 2017 invites you to take a risk by placing a bet in the lottery.

Personal relationships, health

In July, Pisces will be in the mood for comfortable communication with partners. They are very active and proactive, they are listened to, imitated and called the soul of the company.

Family representatives of the sign need to think about freedom of action for other family members; the atmosphere in the house will only benefit from this. Allow your household to do what really interests them. In this way, an unpleasant conflict on domestic grounds can be prevented.

Free from stable relationships, the luminaries will present Pisces a surprise in the form of a stormy new romance. Whether it will last depends on you - suspicion, jealousy, reproaches have a detrimental effect on any union.

The health of Pisces in July will be satisfactory if they exclude additional stress; you need to relieve yourself of some obligations and not take on important tasks.

There is a danger of poisoning from low-quality products.

Favorable days are 7, 8, 11, 12, 20, 25; Thursday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 2, 4, 6, 13, 23.

Betting numbers – 3, 4, 24, 30, 54, 65

The second month of spring awakens a surge of positive energy in people.

The influence of Mars and Mercury in the first days of the month will allow you to actively communicate and make profitable deals. This can also be used perfectly in lottery games, as evidenced by the horoscope for April 2017.

Another good period for the game will occur from April 15 and will last 10 days. At this time, as the lottery horoscope for April advises, you can experiment with bets, try yourself in both domestic and foreign lotteries. This is a favorable time for change; you can not limit yourself to changing the game, but also move to a new job.

A decline in activity will occur in the last ten days of the month. But if you plan something in advance, your goals will be achieved. For example, if you made a multi-draw bet at this time, you may win. In any case, favorable days for successful lottery play are recommended for each zodiac sign. You can use the lucky numbers given to you by astrologers or choose your own combination. Good luck!

In April 2017, Aries will need allies in personal and commercial matters. If your goal is success, it won’t take long to arrive; all you need is diligence and practicality. The focus of the representatives of the sign on regulating their personal lives and well-being in financial matters will be very clearly manifested.

It is quite possible to meet someone who will become a friend and loved one. An influential person will help resolve money problems. Be more correct with management, then you will be able to avoid conflict, or even the search for a new job.

Career, finance

The horoscope for April 2017 advises Aries to take a creative approach to daily activities. This practice will allow you to overcome many obstacles. You need to be consistent and responsible, otherwise someone else will use your ideas. Career It will be difficult, but everything is possible if you have the desire and strong motivation.

The financial situation in April will be tense; it is worth reconsidering your views on it. Without your initiative, alas, money will not appear in your wallet by itself.

Women may be able to receive a bonus for their hard work and additional commitments. They should not get involved in dubious activities.

Men should listen to the advice of relatives who are successful in business. You shouldn’t take out a loan; it will take a long time to pay it back.

Playing lotteries can serve as an outlet, but nothing more, don’t get carried away.

Personal relationships, health

For calm family relationships, you should not devote yourself too much to work, although no one has canceled material problems. The spouse may suspect infidelity. Warm up love with attention. Tension may arise in relations with relatives, although this is more of your fault. Do not push with your authority, listen to the advice of older relatives. Play with your children more often, go out of town, deal more with household problems.

To solve love problems, lonely Aries need to organize an atmosphere of mystery and romance around themselves.

In April, Aries needs to limit physical activity as much as possible; limit yourself to light exercise, yoga, and swimming.

Favorable days are 4, 5, 7, 10, 17, 18; Tuesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 6, 9, 12, 15, 16, 25.

Betting numbers – 3, 16, 33, 47, 55 and 11

April will be a very harmonious time for Taurus, which they will fully enjoy. During this period, it will be possible to find real values ​​in life and remove all unnecessary things somewhere to the periphery. It is likely that you will discover unexpected talents in yourself, or suddenly new opportunities to express yourself will arise, which will greatly influence you and help change your entire existence.

Career, finance

In professional activities, a window of opportunity will open for some Taurus in mid-April - for example, an unexpected long-distance business trip will greatly affect career growth.

In fact, everything during this period depends on you - you just need to overcome laziness and not neglect pressing professional problems.

Rely on your intuition, in April it is very strong, you will be able to make a fateful choice. Discovering your organizational skills will be a pleasant bonus. This will not escape the attention of everyone around you - both people close to you and work colleagues.

Someone will really help women grow professionally, just try not to forget about gratitude.

Men should write down their budget, this is the only way you will save your savings.

The financial situation for Taurus in April will develop quite well. The long-awaited bonuses will be the result of successful intellectual work, successful bets in lotteries, trading on the stock exchange, and brilliant real estate or financial transactions.

Personal relationships, health

If a representative of the Taurus sign has not yet found his chosen one, but best time April is the time to start a relationship. If you want your romance to degenerate into a reliable union, you should not stand your ground on controversial issues, show nobility and breadth of soul.

A warning to overly ardent family Taurus - do not start office romances, this will become known to both employees and your significant other, which will cause scandals at home and gossip at work.

April is not the calmest month in terms of health; diseases of the joints and liver of the heart will worsen. Do not take the situation to extremes, resort to prevention and timely therapy. Pay attention to the condition of your teeth.

Favorable days are 3, 5, 7, 17, 21, 25; Friday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 9, 12, 15, 18, 27, 29.

Betting numbers – 4, 16, 20, 24, 33 and 4

According to the horoscope prediction for April, a time of glory and victory over uncertainty awaits Gemini. Profit and success will come quite quickly, but only for those who act.

It is worth thinking about spiritual development, and finding some activity to which you can devote your free time.

In general, you are about to plunge into a whirlpool of interesting acquaintances, love affairs and important business events.

Career, finance

In the professional sphere, Gemini will have a lot of work to do; delays in the evening and overtime on weekends are possible. By the way, this is a good time to learn a new profession.

In terms of finances, the time is coming to distribute debts, to demand money from those who borrowed from you. Although the stars will not prevent Gemini women from obtaining loans for home improvements, repairs or trips.

Practicality and economy are the motto of the month. But for the most active representatives of the sign, opportunities have been created to improve money matters - additional work, playing on the stock exchange or the lottery.

Personal relationships, health

April's main advice - do not get close to former lovers, you will get nothing but worries. Bright changes await the love of Gemini men; perhaps a real feeling will come to them, which will lead to marriage.

In general, April will be a memorable, sensual and happy month. Sometimes you will even forget about financial difficulties due to the whirlwind of courtship and romance, just avoid jealousy so as not to spoil anything.

The stars warn family Geminis against excessive displays of independence - the other half will not understand this. Do not forget about creativity in relationships - going on picnics, going to the theater, concerts, and other pathetic events in order to smooth out the rough edges in your boring everyday life. For those who have children, it’s worth having a heart-to-heart talk; teenagers especially need your attention.

In case of financial difficulties, do not hesitate to ask for help from relatives or close friends, they will not refuse you.

In terms of health, Gemini would benefit from hardening to avoid colds and viral infections. At the slightest discomfort, it makes sense to seek medical help.

Favorable days are 5, 7, 13, 17, 23, 28; Wednesdays are suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 1, 3, 9, 12, 15, 20, 29.

Betting numbers – 3, 20, 29, 36, 51 and 11

Laziness is the main enemy of Cancers in April 2017; inaction can result in lack of money and loss of work. The main thing is to draw up an action plan and weigh each step, otherwise you can get into trouble.

Be careful with food; the horoscope for April warns of the danger of diseases of the digestive system. You should not move away from people, otherwise Cancers risk missing the person destined for them by fate. Initiative and courage are welcomed by the luminaries.

Career, finance

A certain calm is typical for April not only in the professional sphere, but also in all others. Don’t relax or be lazy, otherwise you may miss out on a promising position and end up in a difficult financial situation.

Beware of mistakes, deceptions, loss of documents, and do not neglect simple perseverance and caution.

Women should not be overly self-confident and ambitious, which will negatively affect relationships with management. It is not recommended to search for another job.

Cancer men will face stagnation in business and delays, which can throw them off balance. If you have a conversation about a salary increase, you should choose the right moment.

It is worth paying more attention to small matters; serious miscalculations are possible due to inattention and bad mood. Discuss your colleagues and especially your bosses less; rumors may reach their ears, which may end badly.

Financially, everything is quite unstable, do not take out loans, it is better to ask for a loan from relatives. Some Cancers will have to deal with issues of finance, property, real estate; going through the authorities will require time and effort.

Personal relationships, health

Family Cancers are advised not to ignore their significant other; due to lack of communication and joint activities, serious disagreements may arise. The situation can and should be corrected - diversify your leisure time, add a little romance to your life.

Lonely Cancers will have a meeting that they have only dreamed of. Your partner will completely coincide with you - both spiritually and intimately.

Troubles at work can lead to apathy, anxiety, and indigestion. The gastrointestinal tract is already at risk, so you should not lean on spicy, fatty and salty foods.

Favorable days are 1, 7, 12, 17, 23, 24, 30; Monday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 4, 9, 13, 15, 20, 29.

Betting numbers – 2, 38, 41, 45, 47 and 25

The stars have prepared some pretty strict recommendations for Leo in April. You should not demonstrate your temper, rush from one thing to another. During this period, it is best to put aside major matters and slowly sort out the routine ones. This way, you will clear the ground for new prospects.

On a personal level, Leos will become incredibly attractive and popular in their circles. You can try some experiments and change your image.

Career, finance

And in their professional activities, Leos will have to shovel a mountain of things to do. You will have to work hard, but your efforts will be well rewarded.

Both colleagues and superiors will closely monitor how you work this month. A wave of criticism is possible, and vice versa - admiration and honor. The main thing is to show everything you are capable of, be confident and collected. It is quite possible that you will be offered more profitable terms work, promotion or bonus.

In the financial sphere, unexpected expenses or losses are possible. You will probably have to decide on a loan. Be careful and carefully study the conditions for receiving and returning money. Don’t despair, pretty soon you will receive significant contributions to your budget - who knows, these could be lottery winnings or gifts from loved ones - as compensation for losses. In general, during this period it is better not to chase money, be content with what you have, so avoid gambling for big money.

Personal relationships, health

The incredible charm and irresistibility of Leo can play a cruel joke on them in April. No effort is required on their part - the opposite sex will be crazy. It is important not to lose your head when choosing from many candidates for life partners. Advice from the stars - take a closer look at those in your immediate circle.

It is better for family representatives of the sign to take care of household chores and home improvement than to dream of love adventures. Actively involve your household and children in the work. You shouldn’t solve all the issues yourself; ask your spouse for advice. All energy should be redirected into a calm, positive direction.

As for health, Leo's main enemy in April is overwork. Find a middle ground by judiciously alternating between rest and work. Sedentary people should exercise active recreation, and for those who work physically, a quiet environment is recommended.

Favorable days are 1, 4, 5, 13, 18, 27, 28; Sunday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 6, 8, 15, 22, 23, 29.

Betting numbers – 12, 15, 17, 21, 22 and 4

The horoscope for April promises Virgos a very active and eventful month. During this period, the main dream of the representatives of the sign will be the opportunity to work hard, plunge headlong into their favorite activities and achieve results at any cost. It is important that Virgos will be able to enjoy the result of their efforts very soon, and every issue resolved in April will affect their immediate future.

Career, finance

In the professional sphere, Virgos will be able to demonstrate what characterizes them very clearly - perseverance and slowness, meticulousness and rationality. All these qualities can ensure Virgo success in any field of activity. As always, the representatives of the sign put their signature sense of duty first. Step by step, Virgos will be able to move towards their goals. Projects will be best implemented where each point is well spelled out and carefully negotiated. But excessive ambition can negatively affect professional activity. Focus on minor defects and complete previously started projects.

In terms of money, April will be a rather lean period for Virgos in terms of profits; none of the investments will bring quick income; the fruits will appear only after certain time. Therefore, you should not expect big winnings even if you actively play the lottery.

Personal relationships, health

In April, Virgo representatives will quite clearly show their negative and positive traits. The so-called “low” Virgos will demonstrate criticality, coldness, pettiness, and prudence. But “tall” Virgos will have a “sleeping beauty” complex - a state when an individual is waiting in the wings, or a personal kiss from a prince, in order to open his eyes and blossom. Try to balance the good and the bad within yourself, to find harmony and beauty.

Women may fall into stressful state Due to lack of money, material scandals may arise in the family. For Virgo men, domestic problems related to elderly relatives, who may have come from afar, will become relevant.

Severe nervous tension will provoke many problems in the Virgo’s digestive system, especially anxiety and anger that are destructive to the body. Keep your emotions under control, follow your diet.

Favorable days are 1, 3, 7, 17, 20, 30; Wednesdays are suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 9, 10, 15, 19,25, 29.

Betting numbers – 20, 23, 30, 32, 36 and 25

Representatives of the Libra sign will be overwhelmed with energy and strength in April; they will literally bite into their work. It is important not to become overtired ahead of time and to be attentive to your colleagues. Quarrels may arise in the family due to material problems, although the stars promise a worthy reward for diligence. Elderly family members will bring concern, this is due to moving or finances.

If everything is going well at work, consolidate your achievements and demonstrate your strengths and achievements. Everything is twofold for you - the stars simultaneously give you strength and energy and do not advise you to overestimate yourself. Colleagues, very likely, out of envy or self-interest, will take petty revenge on you and do nasty things.

In the financial sector, everything is ambiguous. Do not apply for any loans under any circumstances, even if absolutely necessary. In general, your desire for an economical life, frugality, and prudence will help you survive lean times. If you have a strong desire to play lotteries, you can limit yourself to small and infrequent bets.

Personal relationships, health

An ambiguous time will come for Libra this month - they will be subject to apathy, doubts, some will even leave the family for a while. Those who pull themselves together will be able to achieve a lot. You should not be in public often, loneliness will be the cure.

Lonely Libras may experience intense love, which will temporarily distract them from problems and financial troubles. For those who are burdened by relationships, there is a chance to part with their annoying partner peacefully and without consequences.

Family Libras run the risk of strong quarrels with relatives for domestic reasons. You should think about improving your home or buying a new home. If there is a conflict with your spouse, be the first to offer peace. Long-distance travel with family is not advisable, especially if someone in the family is unwell.

For health, Libra needs to seriously work on strengthening the immune system, not getting too cold, and not communicating with cold colleagues and relatives. Possible exacerbation of a chronic disease. Visit the clinic, otherwise you will have to pay a lot of money for treatment later.

Favorable days are 5, 10, 17, 22, 23; Friday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 1, 3, 11, 12, 15, 21, 27, 29.

Betting numbers – 11, 13, 20, 48, 54 and 15

Very soon for Scorpio the time will come for a qualitative change in life for the better. The stars encourage you to prepare for this, so devote April to making new acquaintances, going out, and solving old problems. Scorpios are lucky owners of the ability to find patrons and useful acquaintances; in April this circle will expand even more. Someone powerful and wise will come to your aid and help you solve a difficult problem.

Career, finance

An important feature of Scorpios’ professional activities will be a focus on unfinished business, old issues and elaboration of plans for the coming months. When sorting out everyday routine matters, especially those that have accumulated for a long time and have not been resolved, do not make claims to anyone, do not enter into conflict, look for peaceful ways out of the situation, no matter how annoying everything may be to you.

In April, you will be especially keen on understanding the mood of the team, distinguishing insincerity from truthfulness, which will greatly help with instability in labor relations.

Some Scorpios will either master a new specialty or start looking for another job; their innate intuition will help them in many ways.

The financial sphere in the life of Scorpios is not stable; money will either appear out of nowhere or disappear. Both big winnings and significant failures are possible when playing the lottery. During this period, representatives of the sign are vulnerable and overly trusting in matters of money, so be on the lookout and avoid financial fraud.

Personal relationships, health

In April, Scorpios will be deprived of excessive sensitivity and their inherent flexibility, especially in relation to close people.

No matter how you idealize your chosen one, you cannot resist discussing his shortcomings and shortcomings. Considering yourself the bearer of the ultimate truth, you forget that everyone has their own vision. You should not keep up unpleasant conversations, you should not give advice to those who do not need it, no matter how much you would like it. Free yourself for this time from a critical look at yourself and people, accept the world with all its features.

There is a risk to the health of Scorpios in April; diseases of the cardiovascular system, inflammation, and hypertension are likely. To avoid this, protect yourself from colds and overwork, alternate rest and work correctly, and do not get carried away with self-medication.

Favorable days are 6, 8, 11, 17, 20, 25; Tuesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 1, 4, 13, 15, 23, 30.

Betting numbers – 15, 19, 22, 28, 41 and 13

In April, Sagittarius will be given more than what they expected. It is only important to secure career success and spare no effort in establishing and maintaining peace in the family. During this period, Sagittarius cannot do without a strong rear. By their nature, representatives of the sign are very impatient, and no matter how much they strive for momentary changes, it is worth holding off for now. To complete planned tasks in a timely manner, you will need to exert all your strength, which is especially important until mid-April. However, until the end of the month, life will be quite carefree and easy.

Career, finance

Sagittarius will be able to achieve high-quality results in their professional activities only by concentrating their efforts to the utmost and having faith in their success. As the horoscope for April says, the luminaries will encourage non-standard and bright views of the world, which will provide an opportunity to approach many issues creatively. Whenever possible, it is recommended to expand professionalism and new skills.

Financial issues in April will be very ambiguous. Funds will come into the wallet in unconventional ways, for example, in the form of gifts or lottery winnings; sometimes there will be a lot of money, sometimes there will be none at all. Only Sagittarius men can take risks in lotteries.

Sagittarius will be able to survive this period quite calmly, but do not give in to persuasion to take out a bank loan for one of your relatives.

Personal relationships, health

April will pass for Sagittarius representatives under the sign of strengthening relationships, no matter whether they are married or not. People close to you will demand attention and participation. Try to understand your partner's problems. Empathy is being there without complaining or judging. Try to make every effort to create harmony and comfort in the family nest. Don’t leave your other half alone with problems, support her endeavors, and then there will be less worry about her well-being.

Sagittarius' health will be greatly influenced by their habit of excesses. First of all, pay attention to the circulatory organs and liver. With a moderate lifestyle, you will avoid such unpleasant conditions.

Joints may also be a risky area in April - take preventive measures.

Favorable days are 9, 10, 13, 14, 22, 23; Thursday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 4, 6, 8, 16, 24, 25, 26.

Betting numbers – 2, 13, 18, 40, 62 and 17

For Capricorn in April, an important task will be the choice of allies; careful selection will allow you to surround yourself with like-minded people for a long time. Among your loved ones there is a person who understands all your aspirations - his advice will be very helpful in the future.

Be firmer in your actions and more persistent in your words. In all trials, you should not deviate from your goals.

There may be some disappointment in the people around you and in your capabilities, conflicts with colleagues and partners, so it is better to be patient. But family relationships, harmony and comfort will become an outlet.

Career, finance

In professional activities, Capricorn can qualitatively improve work processes in April; now is the best time for this.

Relationships in the team are quite tense, but nevertheless, representatives of the sign have the opportunity for a career jump. Many Capricorns will show real leadership abilities.

The financial situation will be quite calm for Capricorn and characterized by stability. It is not for nothing that Capricorn is a practical person who knows how to count money. However, the luminaries advise spending some money on gifts and purchases for your loved ones.

Capricorn women should expect lottery winnings and gifts. Try not to spend it on momentary trinkets; some of the funds can be saved for the future.

Personal relationships, health

The personal life of Capricorns in April will be very tense. They are masters of creating difficulties out of the blue in order to overcome them courageously. Capricorn's love for loneliness can lead him to complete isolation during this period. Many will face failures, deceptions, and betrayals.

Family representatives of the sign are not in danger; in marriage, Capricorn is a caring and loving partner. If you feel the urge to get rowdy, control yourself; it’s better to use your energy in for peaceful purposes. It is recommended to go out into nature more often, organize holidays at home, and have heart-to-heart conversations more often, especially with children.

The greatest problems will arise when communicating with older relatives.

In terms of health for Capricorn in April, the greatest risk is chronic diseases such as rheumatism or arthritis. Avoid self-medication, undergo a routine medical examination.

Please note that April is a traumatic period for you.

Favorable days are 2, 3, 19, 25, 27; Saturday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 7, 13, 15, 21, 28, 30.

Betting numbers – 1, 5, 24, 30, 32 and 15

In April, many Aquarians will feel the desire to go somewhere, some on vacation, others to visit relatives or friends. The result of the change of places will be positive mood. The only warning from the stars is to be careful on the road.

The April horoscope advises avoiding ill-considered, impulsive decisions, especially in the first half of the month. New business, put off signing documents until May, there is no need to change anything in the house, buy expensive equipment, decorations, or make repairs.

Career, finance

In April, obstacles will arise when conducting business and in the professional sphere. Especially for those who work in transport, trade, and communications. Don’t expect great success if your field is jewelry, fashion, beauty, or finance.

Routine tasks will require the most expenses; do not pay attention to delays and procrastination. Be patient, improvement will come in early May. In April, start correcting the errors found.

In terms of finances, expect profit, but the money will come in the form of bonuses, rewards for work, but you should not expect lottery winnings.

Write out your family budget in advance so as not to get into a difficult financial situation.

Personal relationships, health

In personal relationships, Aquarians should not get involved in misunderstandings and disputes, although for some such conflicts will open their eyes and allow them to understand their desires. Don't try to change your partner to suit you. Only in the last ten days of April will the unpleasant period pass.

Problems with children in April are an important warning. Do not command or talk edifyingly, demonstrate understanding and sincerity.

Single representatives of Aquarius should not try to make new ones romantic relationship. There is a possibility that they will not be particularly reliable and will not last long. Women can meet a charming man somewhere away from home. The Aquarius man will be given signs of attention by one of the women working with him.

Pay more attention to the people you care about, but those who are not interested in you should be removed from your social circle. Assertiveness and selfishness can work against you, think about it.

The health of Aquarius will directly depend on their mood; walk more, attend massage sessions, and swimming.

Favorable days are 5, 13, 14, 18, 22; Saturday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 1, 2, 9, 10, 12, 20, 21.

Betting numbers – 16, 33, 40, 51, 67 and 22

The events of April will require unprecedented patience from Pisces; everything will irritate them - both at work and at home. The April horoscope recommends a philosophical approach to all minor and major troubles; closer to May you will not even remember them. Three basic tasks will be faced by Pisces this month - communication with relatives, work, preparations for vacation. The month is quite changeable, listen to your inner voice to avoid rash steps.

Career, finance

In their professional activities, Pisces must be careful and refuse projects that raise doubts.

They will have to face situations that at first seem beneficial, but the result is unpleasant for Pisces.

High results in your profession are a gift from the stars and the result of your efforts. Plan things clearly, otherwise annoying mistakes will set you back, and it will take a lot of time to eliminate them. Colleagues may ask you to help them; don’t refuse anyone, even those you don’t like.

Pisces women can change jobs if the need arises; there will be no better time in the future.

The financial situation in April will be very favorable for Pisces. Numerous pleasant surprises are possible. In addition to the salary, additional payments will come. A source of side income is possible, which will greatly improve your financial well-being. If you are a gambler, feel free to place large bets, the stars favor you. But during this period it is better to accumulate funds than to spend them.

Personal relationships, health

Family representatives of the sign will have to face a difficult situation; changing decisions and defending their truth is not recommended. Quarrels and disagreements with one of your relatives will greatly affect your well-being, try to find a compromise solution.

Lonely Pisces will plunge headlong into romantic passion, but there is no point in losing their heads. Wisdom and consistency will allow you to maintain a tender and strong relationship with your partner. For those who want to tie the knot, this is a favorable time.

The health of Pisces in April will cause some concerns, especially when working at a computer or in enterprises with harmful conditions for the eyes.

Problems can also arise with blood vessels and the heart.

Self-medication is fraught with serious complications.

Favorable days are 1, 2, 6, 7, 17, 20; Thursday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 4, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23.

Betting numbers – 13, 27, 37, 38, 69 and 7


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