Didactic material "spelling not with different parts of speech." Dictation - Particle not with different parts of speech Dictation writing not with different parts of speech

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1. Indiscipline does not consist in pranks and minor violations of the rules of behavior, but, first of all, in failure to fulfill the student’s obligations in learning, in a careless attitude towards socially useful productive work, in the desire to shift one’s share of labor to others (Sukhoml.) 2. Failure to independently complete educational tasks - the first step towards parasitism. (Sukhoml.) 3. The life of a modern person is unthinkable without constant spiritual communication with a book. (Sukhoml.) 4. Good should happen in silence. But there is nothing to talk about this (P.) 5. On the slope of a shallow ravine an apiary was visible. (T.) 6. The evening dawn faded, and in the air, still bright, although no longer illuminated by the rays of the setting sun, cold shadows began to thicken and spread. (T.) 7. No one in the house knew about the alleged escape. (P.) 8. Autumn was unprecedented, dry, vigorous, with the clarity of coldish air. (Paust.) 9. We didn’t have water, we were thirsty. (Paust.) 10. The sun rises higher, the rattle of rifles and machine guns rolls out intolerably. (Seraph.) 11. Opening the door, the commander leisurely went down to the horse. (Hyde.) 12. Anyone who has ever seen the Amur region could not help but fall in love with it. (V. Gusev.) 13. No one can know everything, but it is shameful and harmful to pretend that you know what you do not know. (L.T.) 14. For several days in a row I was busy reading. (Hyde.) 15. The old man reluctantly got up and followed me into the street. (T.) 16. High in the sky above the unthawed earth, a lark was singing. 17. We didn’t go anywhere during the holidays, and there was nowhere to go. 18. We returned home along unlit streets. 19. A man opened the door for us. His sleepy face was not angry, but rather kind. 20. Voices were heard from the next room. One of the disputants was clearly indignant. 21. Two people were talking at the entrance to the office. One of them smiled, but not softly and friendly, as usual, but coldly and tensely. 22. Perplexed, I began to re-read the letter. 23. The decision had to be made urgently, but there was no one to consult with. 24. All the seats in the hall were already taken; we had nowhere to sit. 25 The ice on the river was not strong, but only slightly covered with a transparent crust. 26. Suddenly we came out into a large sunny clearing. The grass here was lush, green, and not crushed by anyone. 27. There was no need for us to return to the old parking lot. 28. Many issues in agricultural science have still not been resolved and await research. 29. Without lighting the fire, we sat quietly and talked. 30. It is not the place that makes the man, but the man the place. (Last)

Here and there a belated flower is turning yellow. The grasses have poured their seeds into the ground, and their bare stems sway in the wind. The eaten injury is still green in the pastures, and it will lie under the snow.

A shepherd's trumpet can be heard in the distance. The beetle-eaten leaf on the black alder is still hanging on.

In the plowed bare fields outside the village, ripe potatoes are being harvested. In late autumn, cabbage is cut from gardens - heavy, light green heads. Dug up red carrots and thick sweet turnips are piled between the beds in high piles.

At the edge of the forest, a tall rowan tree sprinkled with berries is still red, and raspberries in the garden are red like bright round beads. The curly juniper is sprinkled with black beads - it can’t wait for the snow. The grasses and trees sing their last song, praising the earth, the hot sun, the warm rains. (According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov.) (109 words)

1. Two letters n in the suffixes of full passive participles.

2. Vowels in suffixes of passive participles.


From our porch we could see the Belaya River, and I was looking forward to it opening up. And finally, this desired day and hour has come! Yevseich hurriedly looked into my nursery and said in an alarmingly joyful voice: “The white one has moved!” In one minute, warmly dressed, I was already standing on the porch and eagerly watched with my eyes as a huge strip of blue, dark, and sometimes yellow ice walked between the motionless banks. The transverse road has already floated far away; and some unfortunate black cow ran along it like crazy, from one bank to the other. The women and girls standing near me accompanied with pitiful exclamations every unsuccessful movement of the running animal, the roar of which reached my ears, and I felt very sorry for it. At a bend the river bent behind a steep cliff, and behind it the road and a black cow running along it disappeared.

Suddenly two dogs appeared on the ice; but their fussy jumping aroused not pity, but laughter in the people around me, for everyone was sure that the dogs would not drown and would jump or swim to the shore. I readily believed this and, forgetting the poor cow, laughed along with the others. The dogs were not slow to live up to the general expectation and soon moved to the shore.

The ice was still strong, solid, inextricable, endless block. (S. Aksakov.) (195 words)

1. Not with different parts of speech,

2 Unstressed vowels at the endings of participles.


Are intellectual activity and motor activity related? Mikhail Lomonosov could easily tie an iron poker into a knot, Lord Byron took part in boxing matches. Writer A. Kuprin was one of the best weightlifters and wrestlers in Kyiv. They all claimed that training and strengthening their muscles helped them with mental work.

Muscles and intellect, subtlety of nature and the power of fists, a bright mind and physical strength. Their close proximity seems strange and incomprehensible. But physiologists prove that the intelligence of working, well-physically developed people is much higher than that of people without strong muscles. This is explained by the fact that signals coming from the muscles are a necessary prerequisite for the successful functioning of the brain.

The need for constant training for brain function has already been fully appreciated by the heads of a number of American companies. Their employees who are engaged in physical training and keep themselves in proper shape receive a salary increase. (A. Suvorov.) (131 words)

1. Vowels in suffixes of active present participles.

2. Unstressed checked vowels at the root of the word.

3. N - nn in adjective suffixes.


In the morning there was white ice on the puddles, and now, in the afternoon, streams are running, dogs are basking in the sun and sparrows are briskly splashing around. The wind is tight, damp and warm. It will pull and jerk at times: a brisk spring wind. If you listen, it makes noise and laughs. And the sky is in the wind: deep blue behind the golden twigs of the poplars. Warmth and freshness. And in this freshness are trickles from the melting snow, from the warmed earth and roofs, from the twigs beating in the wind, which have turned limp and shining from the wind, the wind that has swept through the fields and forests. And it seems to smell like pigeons, their languid cooing, and the warm dampness of cellars with softened ice. Spring... She looks into the eyes of the flushed “larks” and white caps of pasochas in paper roses, nods from the cart with cheerful willows, reddish twigs and gray willows, crosses are golden in the sky, shouts in the voices of the peddlers. (I. Shmelev.) (124 words)

1. Unstressed vowels at the endings of adjectives, nouns, participles.

2. Vowels in suffixes of active present participles.

3. The letters e - and at the endings of verbs of the I and II conjugations.

The long autumn sunset has burned out. The last crimson stripe, narrow as a crack, thinning out at the very edge of the horizon, between the gray cloud and the ground, went out. Neither the earth, nor the trees, nor the sky was visible anymore. Only overhead, large stars trembled with their eyelashes in the middle of the black night, and the blue beam from the lighthouse rose straight up in a thin column and seemed to splash there on the heavenly dome in a liquid, foggy, light circle... The star-shaped flowers of white tobacco in the front garden smelled sharper from the darkness and coolness. (A. Kuprin.) (76 words)

1. N and nn in the suffixes of denominal adjectives.

2. Not and neither with different parts of speech.

3. Unstressed checked and alternating vowels in the root.

Who doesn't know these simple meadow and forest cute flowers?

You used to walk into the forest along a well-trodden, long-familiar path. To the right and left, meadow and forest flowers scatter in a wide, multicolored and joyful sea. Purple bells sway in the wind, countless dandelions turn yellow, near the forest, already under the trees, Ivan da Marya is blooming. And right next to the path, along the sides of the ditches, on the green forest lawns, the familiar cheerful daisies are blooming and bowing to you. Modest chamomile flowers with white and clean petals look like a joyful smile. (And Sokolov-Mikitov.) (78 words)

1. Vowels and consonants in prefixes.

2. The letters e - and at the endings of verbs of the I and II conjugations.

3. Unpronounceable consonants at the root.

4. Unstressed vowels at the endings of adjectives.

5. Punctuation with homogeneous members, in complex sentences.

Of all the songbirds - forest musicians - the most secretive and beautiful is the golden-yellow oriole.

Orioles live in clean birch groves, in ancient shady parks, in tall oak and linden alleys.

In spring, orioles appear late, when the groves are already covered with green foliage and all the forest songbirds have long since flown.

Who hasn’t heard the loud whistle of an oriole in a birch grove? As if unknown musicians were playing unprecedented musical instruments in the forest.

It is difficult to find an oriole's nest, skillfully suspended in the green branches of trees. It is not always possible to see up close the wonderful bird itself, flying secretly from tree to tree. Only sometimes, flying over an open, sunlit forest clearing, will it flash its bright plumage. (I. Sokolov-Mikitoa.) (103 words)

1 Letters n - nn in suffixes of adjectives and adverbs.

2. Unpronounceable consonants at the root.

3. Unstressed vowels at the endings of adjectives.

4. Punctuation with homogeneous members of adverbial and participial phrases.


Lomonosov's father, absorbed in household concerns, was almost not involved in raising his son. He grew up mainly under the care of his mother, was in good health, had a quick and dreamy mind. He eagerly absorbed pictures of nature, the mysteries of the growth and flowering of grass, and memorized the habits of birds and animals. A fresh and keen eye accompanied him throughout his life. It is no coincidence that many years later the great scientist drew a map of his native places from memory.

In his parents' house, the young Pomor first learned Russian grammar. First, Mikhailo mastered spiritual books, collections of ancient legends. And then books with secular content.

On a blizzard December night in 1730, the young Pomor went to Moscow to try his luck in the sciences and crafts. Years will pass, Mikhailo Lomonosov will graduate from the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy in Moscow and the Academic University in St. Petersburg, leave for Germany to continue his education and return to his homeland as a promising chemist, mathematician, and master of poetic eloquence. (O. Larin.) (138 words)

1. The letters e and in case endings of nouns.

2. Letters n - nn in suffixes of adjectives and participles.

3. Punctuation with homogeneous terms, with participial phrases.


Not everyone knows that forest babies should not be taken away from the forest.

Growing up, animals strive to experience life, but they do not yet have sufficient caution, they have not learned to be afraid of people. Therefore, sometimes in the forest you can meet lonely cubs of forest inhabitants. And not only in the forest - near cities and towns, on the side of a noisy highway.

However, this does not mean at all that the little animals are lost and need to be rescued. The vast majority of animals in their natural habitat never lose or abandon their young. And remember that it is extremely difficult to release a “rescued” wild animal baby at home. It will not necessarily die, of course, but it will not grow into a normal, healthy animal, even if you give them a tolerable life during the fall, you will still have to release them into the forest. Release to death: a chick or baby animal that has lived through the maturation stage near a person is not prepared for independent life in nature.

Do not seriously expect that by bringing a wild animal into your home, you will achieve the same mutual understanding with it that a person has with long-domesticated animals. You cannot raise Kisa from a lynx, or good-natured Potapych from a bear cub. And if you happen to meet a cute little animal during a country walk, please do not touch it. Leave him alone. (G. Bazhutn.) (196 words)

1. The letters e - and at the endings of verbs of the I and II conjugations.

2. -Tsya and -tsya in verbs.

3. Not with different parts of speech.

4. Punctuation with participles and participial phrases, in complex sentences.


For me, the main thing was serving the Motherland, my people. The days of my greatest joys coincided with the joys of the Fatherland. The anxiety of the Motherland, its losses and sorrows have always worried me more than personal ones.

Every year we move further and further from the wartime. It was an extraordinarily difficult, but also very glorious time. In those years, we hardened ourselves even more and accumulated enormous moral capital. Looking back, we will always remember those who did not spare themselves to defeat the enemy.

The science of winning is not an easy science. But the one who strives for victory, who fights for a cause that he believes is right, will always win. (G. Zhukov.) (100 words)

2. Not with different parts of speech.

3. The letters e - and at the endings of verbs of the I and II conjugations.

4. Punctuation in adverbial phrases and in complex sentences.


It is impossible to convey the delights of being in the forest under a Christmas tree during a warm summer rain. A tufted hazel grouse, driven by the rain, burst into the middle of our dense fir tree and sat down right above the hut. A finch nestled in full view under a branch. The hedgehog has arrived. A hare hobbled past. And for a long time the rain whispered and whispered something to our Christmas tree. And we sat for a long time, and everything was as if the real owner of the forests was whispering to each of us separately, whispering, whispering... (M. Prishvin.) (71 words)

1. The letters e - and in case endings of nouns.

2. Unstressed verified vowels in the root.

3. Punctuation with participial phrases, in complex sentences.


In large reserves, in our untouched forests, red deer are found. The red deer is a very beautiful, slender animal with large branched antlers.

Once upon a time there were a lot of deer everywhere. In ancient times, they were hunted, poisoned with dogs, killed with arrows from bows and stabbed with sharp spears. Hunting deer is now strictly prohibited.

Beautiful, brave deer are trusting of people. In a forest clearing, in a pine forest, there is a feeding trough. Every evening deer come here. They calmly eat hay and are almost not afraid when a person comes close to admire them. (I. Sokolov-Mikitov.) (86 words)

1. Tsya and -tsya in verbs.

2. Unstressed vowels at the endings of adjectives.

3. Unstressed verified vowels in the root.

4. Punctuation with homogeneous members, in complex sentences.


On the great flood of the Volga, here and there one could see small patches of unflooded land, where various animals rushed.

The water rat swam, probably from a very far distance, and, tired, leaned against an alder branch. A slight ripple in the water tried to tear the rat away from its resting place. Then she climbed up the trunk a little and sat down on a fork.

And on a rather large tree, standing, probably, under the water on a high hillock, a greedy, hungry crow was sitting and looking for prey. It would have been impossible for her to spot a water rat in the fork, but circles floated on the wave from contact with the rat’s tail, and it was these circles that gave the crow the location of the rat. Here a war began not to the stomach, but to death.

Several times, from the blow of the crow's beak, the rat fell into the water, and again climbed onto its fork, and fell again. And now the crow had already managed to grab its victim, but the rat did not want to become the crow’s victim.

Gathering her last strength, she pinched the crow so much that the fluff flew out of it. The crow even almost fell into the water and only managed to cope with difficulty, sat down on her tree in a daze and began to diligently straighten her feathers and heal her wounds in her own way. (M. Prishvin.) (178 words)

1. Not with different parts of speech.

2. Vowels and consonants in prefixes.

3. Unstressed vowels in the endings of adjectives.

4. Punctuation for isolated members, homogeneous members, introductory words.

NOT with different parts of speech.

Reference material

1. I write not with noun, adj., adverbs in –oseamlessly, If:

not (bad weather, rainy, rainy) ,

b) you can come up with a synonym withoutnot (untrue - lie, untruthful - deceitful, untruthful - deceitful),

c) no words ;

writing apart, If:

a) there is (thought of) opposition(not the truth, but a lie; not the truth and not a lie - opposition is implied) ,

b) there is one of the words:far, not at all, not at all, not at all or other negative words withneither (not at all a joyful event ),

c) with logical stress in question. proposalNot with him adjective (Who doesn't know Pushkin's poems? )

Remember : not ready, not happy, should not, not disposed, does not intend.

2. Not I write with participlesseamlessly, If:

a) the word is not used withoutnot (perplexed),

b) with full participles, if they do not have:


Dependent words (unmowed meadow, but: not a meadow mowed by me) ;

writing apart, If:

a) short participle (the meadow is not mowed ),

b) any of the conditions are met:

There is a contrast (the meadow is not mowed, but trimmed ),

There is a dependent word (not yet mown meadow ).

Passive present participles are distinguished by-my and verbal adjectives-my !

In a simplified way, the rule can be formulated as follows: most verbal adjectives are in –washed without Not used - I write themseamlessly (unattainable, unbearable, unshakable and etc.);

the rest of the words in-my are written apart, If:

a) negative pronouns act as dependent words(incomparable with anything; elements that are insoluble in anything),

b) the dependent word is a noun in the instrumental case, indicating:

Action producer (stepmother's disliked child ),

Instrument of action(stars not visible to the naked eye, but: through tears invisible to the world).

3. Not with negative pronouns written in one or three words(no one - no one, no one - no one).

4. Not I write together with negative adverbs(nowhere - nowhere, nowhere).

5. Not with adverbs not in –o, not negative, with pronoun. will not deny. I am writing separately(not here, not like that, not everyone).

6. Not with verbs and gerunds is written together if the word is not used withoutNot (perplexed - perplexed).

Console under- written together if the verb has the meaning of repetition(I was undernourished all the time, always lacked sleep, but: I didn’t finish the soup).

7. Distinguishing particles in writingNot And neither .

1) In negative and indefinite pronouns and negative adverbs

Not write with emphasisneither – no blow .: no one, nowhere – no one, nowhere.

2) Remember semantic pairs:

none = no one - not one = many,

never = never – more than once = many times .

3)Repetitive neither when a sentence contains a verb withNot takes on the meaning of union(No water or trees were visible anywhere).

4) Remember the spelling of stable phrases:

out of nowhere

as if nothing had happened,

through thick and thin,

neither fish nor fowl,

neither alive nor dead,

neither two nor one and a half,

neither this nor that,

neither give nor take,

none other than,

nothing more than,

no one else.

nothing else.

5) In exclamatory and interrogative sentences it is written not, in subordinate clauses to enhance the affirmative meaning - neither.

Not- ? or!

Neither , if the sentence is complex.

Compare: Where he just didn’t apply! - Wherever he turned, he they refused everywhere (did he apply? - yes, he did).

Assignments and exercises.

1. Using the Reference Material, explain the differences in the spelling of words.

The soup lacks salt. - He doesn’t reach the machine.

Letters not sent by the writer. - Unsent letters from friends.

The meadows are not mowed. - Unmown meadows.

It's not the weather that's to blame, it's your laziness. - Bad weather broke out.

An unrepentant man. - An unrepentant criminal.

He's not old yet. – Buy an old house.

The train is neither fast nor slow. - Come immediately.

He is unable to understand this. – The man was stupid and incapable.

An indispensable employee for this job. - An employee who is not replaceable by anyone.

Least favorite books as a child. – Not a child’s favorite toy.

The work is not interesting. – The work is not interesting to anyone.

An element insoluble in water. – An element that is insoluble in any liquid.

2. Together or separately?

Upset about(Not) expected (Not) amenities, (Not) like (Not) neat little room, stop in front of(Not) friend in (Not) determination, (nor) Who (Not) believes in different (Not) stories, him (Not) enough intelligence(nor) by whom (Not) hanging portrait,(Not) a timely remark,(Not) adversity has shaped(Not) elderly character;(Not) long but wide corridor;(Not) a modest but boastful person; child(Not) gray-haired, (Not) inflected words in Russian,(Not) hope movement,(Not) glad what happened(Not) who to worry about(Not)unsteady ideals, to acquire by no means (Not) cheap thing (Not) complaining about (Not) finishing, through(Not) tears visible to the world,(Not) accurate calculations, take risksin view (not) necessity, looked far away(Not) affectionately, (Not) salted soup, (nor) by whom (Not) noticed person talking(not) in Russian, (Not) discontinuous during half an hour noise, study(Not) worse than others.

Speak the highlighted words syllable by syllable, try to remember their spelling.

3. Not or neither ? Write by inserting the missing letters.

N.. alive n.. dead, n.. when n.. disappears, will do whatever it takes... saw the movie once, n.. read this book n.. once, like n.. what happened; n.. who other than you; n..do you really n..know, the most n.. is experienced, n.. hearing, n.. spirit, n.. has done little, n.. despite .. what, n.. that n .. another, n.. when n.. will comprehend, n.. who is in black, n.. a little n.. embarrassed, n.. why look, n.. in what n.. believing.

4. Write by inserting letters and opening brackets.

(Not) a sedentary but capable child; not without..interesting poem(Not) published (n,nn) O; looks..l (Not) polite; (Not) noticed anyone (Not) wealth; moving along(Not) a long but wide corridor;(Not) cheap and (Not) expensive purchase;(Not) I finished eating for six months;(Not) hearing (n,nn) th scandal; more (Not) more beautiful(n,nn) fence; showed(Not) completed task;(Not) sowing (n,nn) ed herbs; Job (Not) completed; (Not) explainable actions;(n..) by whom (Not) cat meadow; (Not) hang it up ..(n,nn) ed paintings; (Not) flying yellow leaves.

5. Visual dictation.

I looked at the unattainable silver peaks, achieved incomparable results within six months, symmetrical buildings made by an unknown master, a dim, late winter dawn will dawn, in a minute or two a unique ringing of bells will be heard, an unannounced performance by visiting circus performers.

6. Write down phrases from dictation. Check what is written with what is printed.

I didn’t turn to anyone for anything; I didn’t want to depend on anyone for anything throughout my life; it is nothing short of a surprise; no one else interested him; without explaining anything; not at all an entertaining story; a conversation started at the wrong time; an unsown rye field; does not tolerate any objections; unfulfilled amount of work; reproaches not addressed to anyone in particular; unheard requests; I couldn’t help but sympathize; you experience absolutely unbearable pain; not happy to meet; not ready for discussion; the berries are small but tasty; still didn’t find anyone; not at all necessary; No wonder he didn’t want to figure it out; an indispensable employee for this job; waterproof raincoat not hung up; located nearby; insoluble in any liquid; the room is not cold; not strong after illness; looked far from kindly; none of the sketches are completed.

7. Dictation.

Whoever has never been to the top of the inaccessible Ivan the Great, who has never had the opportunity to look around our ancient vast capital from end to end, who has never admired the majestic, unimaginable, incomparable, almost boundless panorama, has no idea what Mother Moscow is like, for Moscow is not a big city, of which there are a thousand. Moscow is not a silent mass of cold stones, composed by an unknown unknown master in a symmetrical order... no! she has her own soul, her own life that depends on no one or anything. Like in an ancient Roman cemetery, every smallest stone contains an inscription once written by time and fate, an inscription incomprehensible to the crowd, but rich, abundant in thoughts, feelings and inspiration for a scientist, patriot and poet! Like the ocean, she has her own language, unlike anything else, a strong, sonorous, holy, prayerful language! As soon as dawn breaks, a unique hymn of bells will be heard from all its golden-domed churches, similar only to Beethoven’s wonderful, fantastic, incomparable overture.

Oh, what bliss, reader, to listen to this earthly music, climbing onto the upper tier of Ivan the Great, leaning on the narrow but high mossy window, to which none other than history itself led you, and think that this whole orchestra is thundering under your feet, and imagine that all this is for no one else, only for you alone, that you are the king of this immaterial world! What a joy it is to embrace with one’s soul the vast, hustle and bustle of life, all the petty worries of humanity, looking at the world from an immeasurable height!

To the north in front of you, in the farthest north on the edge of the blue sky, a little to the right of Peter's Castle, the not at all gloomy, romantic Maryina Grove looms black, and in front of it lies a whole layer of colorful roofs, intersected here and there by the dusty greenery of boulevards built on the city rampart. .

And so the whole of Moscow stretches beneath you, hitherto perhaps unknown to you. (According to Lermontov)

Despite the cold, I left the unheated, stone-built house and slowly went to see a talented friend. I couldn’t help but be friends with him.

His low, gray or black house stood calmly not far away. There were not many passers-by on the street, but most likely few. Without looking at anyone, I followed a route that had not yet been forgotten.

Today there was a difficult conversation ahead; I dreamed of persuading the young artist to prepare the vernissage.

Knocking on the door and without hesitating for a minute, I entered the small but cozy workshop and asked a few minor questions. Ivan answered them without looking at me, and made it clear that he was not ready for the exhibition.

I remarked: “Ivan, I have no right to judge you, but there is no one or anything to advertise your indiscipline. But you promised! Your work, like real estate, today costs not just a little, but a very, very big amount of money!”

He looked at me either dissatisfied or incredulously, and then, without hesitating for a minute, tore off the coverlet from the apparently unfinished picture. Flowers in an off-white, unbreakable vase were displayed on the canvas with carefree ease. The artist, I think, did not realize that, although depicted not so well as on cardboard with oil paints, they did not lose all their unique feature. My friend couldn't do it any other way. Whether he knew about this or not is unknown. He was not at all interested in the dandelions themselves, which did not appear in his mind as eternal oblivion, but only as a bright contrast. Ivan was afraid that there would not be enough time, and he would not finish, would not complete his paintings, but a real artist should not rush.

(248 words / 47 with spelling).

NOT with different parts of speech. Dictation.

Thunderstorm in the forest.

Despite the fact that weather forecasters predicted bad weather, our group, consisting of young, inexperienced travelers, set off to lands that none of our friends had yet explored. Before we had time to leave not a large, but a small village, an almost motionless, in our opinion, cloud hung over the deciduous, inhospitable forest.

Suddenly, a fiery thread flashed, and an unpleasant, deafening thunder sounded, which seemed triumphant, not threatening. And then, far from small drops of rain began to patter on the larches.

We had never encountered a thunderstorm in the forest before, so we didn’t even suspect that it was an unforgettable, unpleasant sight. The rain poured in uncontrollable torrents, unimaginable thunder shook the entire area, and lightning, which never ceased to flash, blinded our eyes, which were not prepared for such a spectacle. Only for a fraction of a second could one see almost impenetrable thickets of juniper, almost flooded with water, and large aspen leaves, hung with completely heavy drops.

Our expedition turned out to be completely unprotected from the rain. The commander suggested waiting without doing anything and not stopping under huge trees that could be struck by life-threatening lightning.

But slowly, leaden clouds crawled across the sky towards the city, and we continued our journey along the little-travelled asphalt highway. And here is the desired goal - the forester’s hut promised to us at the beginning of the hike.

The forester, with uncharacteristic haste, presents us with strange dishes: baked milk, potatoes baked in ash, smoked meats, peppered and pickled baby cucumbers. We give him a recently purchased sheepskin coat that has never been worn, while we ourselves wait for our clothes hanging by the fire to dry.

(242 words / 30 with spelling).

Task 12 Unified State Exam NOT with different parts of speech

1.Identify a sentence in which NOT and the word are written together. Open the brackets and write down this word.

The well-known Pythagoras was (not) a historian, but a mathematician.

The square was surrounded in a tight ring by (un)finished houses.

The telegram (not) received on time forced us to change plans.

Loud speech is not (not) always a sign of intelligence.

It is difficult to live in a foreign country (not) knowing the language.


2. Determine the sentence in which NOT and the word are written together. Open the brackets and write down this word.

No footprints were (not) visible in the fresh snow.

Pavel Ivanovich’s facial features are (not) devoid of pleasantness.

In this (un)thinned forest, young trees grow slowly.

Nearby rustled reeds with tassels that had not yet blossomed.

(Don’t) ask the ford, (don’t) stick your nose into the water


3. Determine the sentence in which NOT and the word are written together. Open the brackets and write down this word.

Our horses were (not) exhausted.

All operational documents, (not) excluding combat journals, were destroyed.

Andrei Andreevich was a simple man who (didn’t) understand anything about thoroughbred horses.

The sailors treated the passengers with (un)usual cordiality.

A soul that has never (never) suffered cannot comprehend happiness.


4. Determine the sentence in which NOT and the word are written together. Open the brackets and write down this word.

Completely alone, he stood for a minute, (not) daring to move on.

We had (no) place to call the city from.

The windows were (un)washed and open wide.

Stepan was (not) accustomed to listening to women's advice.

The boy was dressed (not) like a villager.


5. Determine the sentence in which NOT and the word are written together. Open the brackets and write down this word.

The journalist’s question seemed to him (not) empty, but on the contrary, thoughtful and interesting.

Archaeologists of the Rostov region are concerned about the development of territories (un)explored by scientists.

Contrary to my fears, the suitcase turned out to be not at all heavy.


6. Determine the sentence in which NOT and the word are written together. Open the brackets and write down this word.

The areas across the river were (un)developed.

It was not idle curiosity that brought me to this city.

This time my grandmother spoke to me in a (not) harsh, but quiet and calm voice.

He hated any kind of work.

A new article about the work of this film director has not yet been published.


7. Determine the sentence in which NOT and the word are written together. Open the brackets and write down this word.

The book is still (un)read.

Let it be (not) my way.

They listened to him (without) interrupting.

An epithet is a figurative, (un)usual definition.

The Don at the crossing point is far (not) wide, some thirty to forty meters.


8. Determine the sentence in which NOT and the word are written together. Open the brackets and write down this word.

We wander along paths where the grass is (not) cut.

A salt marsh has formed in the steppe, which does not dry out even in the hottest weather.

It was far from an easy choice.

Only one strip is (not) compressed, it makes me sad.


9. Determine the sentence in which NOT and the word are written together. Open the brackets and write down this word.

An almost (in)noticeable gray bird fluttered out of the bushes.

Toys that were (not) sold on time were discounted.

Dunya is (not) devoid of charm.

The wind shakes a stalk with still (not) dried dew.

There is (not) more than a week until the New Year.


10. Identify a sentence in which NOT and the word are written together. Open the brackets and write down this word.

The Gordeevs lived in a house with log walls that were not yet (not) plastered.

Ivan became convinced that the clinic had a (not) bad team.

Willow vines and oak leaves shine like lips not wiped with a hand.

The hunter Danilo came out from around the corner, gray-haired, wrinkled, but by no means (not) old.

Seryozha, (slowly) turned the page.


11. Identify a sentence in which NOT and the word are written together. Open the brackets and write down this word.

Father ordered, (not) stopping at the hotel, to go to the pier.

The house stood in the middle of the steppe, not fenced in by anything.

The hosts received the guests with (un)usual cordiality.

But fear (did not) squeeze my soul.

The solution to the problem is (not) thought through.


12. Identify a sentence in which NOT and the word are written together. Open the brackets and write down this word.

It was decided to stop for the night in an oak grove - a corner of nature (untouched by civilization).

The poet laughs at his heroes, but (not) evilly, but good-naturedly.

The colonel carefully closed the door to a small, (not) at all like a palace room with telephones.

The (un)familiar lines seemed bright and melodic.

There was (not) a month in the sky, and the stars were shining brightly.


13. Identify a sentence in which NOT and the word are written together. Open the brackets and write down this word.

Such speech, by no means devoid of meaning, puzzled Ivan.

There was no way to postpone the trip.

The artist Savrasov was born in Moscow in 1830 into a (not) rich merchant family.

Dunya (slowly) returned home.

This film is (not) more interesting than yesterday's.


14. Identify a sentence in which NOT and the word are written together. Open the brackets and write down this word.

Behind the watershed began ownerless, still (un)developed lands.

On the new section of the highway, traffic restriction signs have not yet been removed.

It was necessary to move on (without) delay.

The (un)decorated Christmas tree stood in the middle of the living room.

The huntsman’s straight hair, long (un)combed, stuck out from under his hat like straw


15. Identify a sentence in which NOT and the word are written together. Open the brackets and write down this word.

They listened to him (without) interrupting.

More than a third of students gave (in)correct answers to tasks of increased complexity.

Misha was (not) like his brother.

Pakistan has the highest (un)conquered peak in the world.

I knew Pavel for (not) the first year.


16. Identify a sentence in which NOT and the word are written together. Open the brackets and write down this word.

At the first moment it seemed to me that Svetlana was (not) happy to see me.

The sidewalks are (not) cleared, and there is melting snow all around on huge boulders.

This happened (not) often.

(Don't) promise a pie in the sky, give a tit in your hands

(There is) no one to ask the questions that torment Pierre after the duel in Sokolniki.


17. Identify a sentence in which NOT and the word are written together. Open the brackets and write down this word.

The room was (not) lit, so it was difficult to distinguish the faces of the people sitting opposite.

Timofey the cat is (not) less than ten years old.

The still (un)healed wound made itself felt.

An almost (in)noticeable smile flashed across the player’s face.

The computer is (not) connected to the network.


18. Identify a sentence in which NOT and the word are written together. Open the brackets and write down this word.

The lights were (not) visible behind the fog.

For spending the night, geese choose a flat bank (not) overgrown with reeds.

The air, which has not yet become sultry, is pleasantly refreshing.

The gift, although (not) expensive, is very useful.

At the pentathlon competition, Anton showed far (not) the best result.


19. Identify a sentence in which NOT and the word are written together. Open the brackets and write down this word.

The birds are driven south by the (not) coming cold, but by the lack of food.

His brother did not even honor him with a reproach.

The keys have still (not) been found.

A new tenant has arrived to us - (not) who Kuznetsov.

(Un)able to realize himself in life, Bazarov shows his best qualities in the face of death.


20. Identify a sentence in which NOT and the word are written together. Open the brackets and write down this word.

(Un)happiness ensures success in the exam, but good knowledge of the subject.

At first glance, the professor seemed to me to be an unremarkable person.

(Not) grumbling, the cat will (not) eat the piece.

(Not) looking around, he silently walked past us.

At first everyone was silent, thinking about how to start a conversation in such an (un)usual setting.


21. Identify a sentence in which NOT and the word are written together. Open the brackets and write down this word.

Many very (in)expensive hotels in Finland allow guests to take their pets with them.

(Despite) being tired, Alexander continued to work.

(Not) undressing, he lay down on the spring sofa.

In order for talent to manifest itself, a person must make (not) a little, but a lot of effort.

(It’s not) their business to give advice.

In the forest there is a (not) large, but a small lake.


22. Identify a sentence in which NOT and the word are written together. Open the brackets and write down this word.

Building a porch turned out to be by no means an easy task for me.

Only (un)finished works were found in the artist’s studio.

In his youth he was far from a poor man.

It bore the stamp of a different feeling, (not) conveyed by words.

Yegor walked thoughtfully, (not) looking around.


23. Identify a sentence in which NOT and the word are written together. Open the brackets and write down this word.

(Not) heavy rains washed out the road, and the spring flood.

When I approached the house, the gate was (un)locked.

The interior finishing work has not yet been completed.

The river stretched along a (not) high steep bank.

(Not) killing a bear, the skins are not sold.


24. Identify a sentence in which NOT and the word are written together. Open the brackets and write down this word.

The exploits of our great-grandfathers are (not) forgotten by us.

A glass of (not) completely drunk milk stood on the table.

I was determined to (not) succumb to his power and continue on my way.

When Dymov was seated and given tea, he seemed to calm down (somewhat).

(No longer looking at those present), she continued her speech.


25. Identify a sentence in which NOT and the word are written together. Open the brackets and write down this word.

She was far from (not) beautiful.

All the sailors, (not) busy with the watch, went to the upper deck.

Raisky, (not) moving, looked at this entire scene.

The garden is especially nice, (not) large, but dense and pleasantly intricate.

The hero’s actions are by no means (not) simple.


26. Identify a sentence in which NOT and the word are written together. Open the brackets and write down this word.

There is an amazing, undisturbed silence all around.

Thoughts about the (un)finished work yesterday made Mikhail walk faster.

The travelers walked without stopping all day, (not) feeling tired.

He was (not) tall, well built, and had a very attractive face.

The reasons for the migration of these rare birds are not yet (un)studied.


27. Identify a sentence in which NOT and the word are written together. Open the brackets and write down this word.

I didn’t want to think now about the (un)fulfilled promise yesterday.

Today his words sounded (not) warm and affectionate as before, but cold and somehow aloof.

It’s (not) pleasant to walk in such damp weather.

(Without) hesitating for a minute, the guys packed their bags.

If the watchman had not noticed the crack, the train could have gone off the rails.


28. Identify a sentence in which NOT and the word are written together. Open the brackets and write down this word.

The secret is (un)solved.

The audience was (not) perplexed, looking at the preparations of the artists.

He stood there, (not) daring to move on.

The book, half-read, lay on the nightstand.

(In)constant luck, and hard work was the key to his success.


29. Identify a sentence in which NOT and the word are written together. Open the brackets and write down this word.

(Not) fond of speaking lofty words, he nevertheless spoke brightly and convincingly at the meeting.

This story has not yet been written by the author, but everyone knows that it will be a masterpiece.

Ivan was young and had a reputation for being (not) stupid in everyday affairs.

The window in the kitchen was (un)curtained.

This man is (un)imaginative.


30. Identify a sentence in which NOT and the word are written together. Open the brackets and write down this word.

(Despite the bad weather, the competition on the ground was successful.

The rain continued, but (not) heavy like in the morning, but drizzling.

The lamps were (not) lit yet, so the living room was dark and mysterious.

(Not remembering evil, we will reward goodness.

It was (nothing) other than a fire.


Algorithm for spelling particles not with nouns, adjectives and adverbs starting with -o:


The sun - not fiery, not hot, as during a sultry drought, not dull crimson, as before a storm, but bright and welcomingly radiant - peacefully emerges from under a narrow and long cloud (T.). I involuntarily admired Pavlusha (T.). A stormy wind was breathing (P.). A small cauldron hung over one of the lights... (T.) She was far from beautiful (L.). We had a leisurely conversation among ourselves (Paust.). The sun was not cloudy as in the evening, but bright, having rested during the night (Paust.). Tears appeared in her eyes, not timid, not bitter, but proud, angry tears (Ch.). The sun burned like yesterday, the air was still and dull (Ch.). To the right and left of the gazebo stretched uneven clayey banks (Ch.). Davydov walked at a leisurely but wide pace (Shol.). Without hearing the answer, Pechorin took several steps towards the door (L.). To the right, a yellow, unblinking star stood low above the wooded hills (A.N.T.). In extraordinary silence the dawn arises (Paust.). Pechorin was unwell for a long time, lost weight, poor thing (L.). The expression of this gaze was very vague, but not mocking (L.). The stranger, when they saw him, turned out to be a man of about thirty, ugly in appearance and not remarkable in any way (Ch.). The dim light was burning outside the window and the dim light could not go out (Paust.). The hut was worthless (A.T.N.). Memories are not yellowed letters, not old age, not dried flowers and relics, but a living, trembling world full of poetry (Paust.). A whirlwind, not cold, but warm, hit the trees, the walls, the street (T.). The garden is especially good, small but dense and pleasantly intricate (M.G.). She began to sing: her voice is not bad. (L.)… I intend to sneak away immediately (T.).


Someone walked slowly along the alley (Ch.). Blizzard fiercely besieged the stallion right in front of the boy’s nose, almost running him over (Fad.). Yegorushka quickly, not wanting to think about anything, put the bundle under his head and covered himself with his coat (Ch.). Metelitsa looked around with his eyes, listened and, not finding anything suspicious, silently and quickly jumped over the fence (Fad.). Without killing the bear, the skins are not sold (last). Not knowing who was calling us, or where to go, both the old woman and I jumped up and rushed through the smoke after the sailor (T.).


She was indignant and hated Aunt (Ch.). The rice in the pies is undercooked (Ch.). The houses are new, but the prejudices are old. Rejoice - neither years, nor fashion, nor fires will destroy them (Gr.). Not a single white leaf flutters on the birch trees (P.). He lived as if he didn’t notice anyone around him and didn’t need anyone (T.). ... And he didn’t need anything, and nothing bound him (T.). But, not admitting anything, not only was he not a gloomy, bored and resonant young man, but, on the contrary, he was constantly carried away (L.T.). Klim had never spoken to anyone the way he spoke to Marina (M.G.). Kiselev took part in the wars with Napoleon, but was never not only wounded, but even scratched (Paust.). Having somehow said goodbye, without looking at anyone’s face, Volodya left the dining room (Ch.). The goose was not at all offended that an unfamiliar dog was eating his food (Ch.). I will leave Rome forever: I hate slavery (P.).


In general, of all the people who ever met Chekhov, there was, it seems, not a single one who, remembering him, would not note this deeply popular trait: a fierce hatred of self-aggrandizement and arrogance. It was impossible to believe that someone whom the whole country revered could not feel his glory to such an extent.

It was as if he had set a task for himself: to conceal himself, not to stick out his “I” to anyone, not to oppress anyone with his merits. “When they write about me, it bothers me unpleasantly,” said Chekhov.

Do not extract any privileges from your talent, so that it does not become a barrier between him and other people. Never, under any circumstances, allow yourself to be arrogant or swaggering.

Chekhov wrote to the editor of the magazine: “Please do not print me at such length in advertisements. This is not accepted." When the complete collection of his works was published, Chekhov, as a special favor, asked the publisher not to print either his portrait or his biography. In general, it would be nice if young writers, having studied Chekhov’s biography in detail, made it a model of their behavior, because this biography is, above all, a textbook of writerly modesty.

K. Chukovsky “A. P. Chekhov."


Training: spelling Not And neither with different parts of speech

Lesson 1

Spelling particles Not

Exercise 1

Open parenthesis.

A (un)cheerful look, a (un)strict judge, an (un)known author, a completely (un)fun story, a (not)difficult but confusing question, a child (not) afraid of the dark, a student (not) capable of learning, not a (not) correct decision, a (not) good sign, a (not) kind and (not) evil wizard, a (not) built-up site, (not) hired, (not) dictation checked by the teacher, (not) known fact from the life of a writer, a weather vane (not) moving in the calm, a completely (un)healthy person, completely (not) moving air, a (not) wide but deep river, a (not) expensive but practical suit, a (not) big but a convenient bag, a (not) proven path, a (not) stupid but (not) terrible mistake, a (not) loud but pleasant voice, a (not) high but a low bush, the young man is extremely (im) polite, he did (not) )in a comradely way, a very (not) beautiful dress, a very (un)successful step, the path was (not) wide.

Exercise 2

Add Not together or separately, reinforcing the denial with words at all, far, not at all.

Not light service

Chance meeting
_ useless activities
_ real game
_ famous athlete
_ a familiar person
_ noticeable appearance
_ profitable contract
_ curious animal
_ spoiled child

Far from it light service

Accidental miss
_____ _ useless plants
_____ _ a real writer
_____ _ famous poet
_____ _ familiar street
_____ _ noticeable detail
_____ _ good deal
_____ _ curious person
_____ _ spoiled spectators

Exercise 3

Open parenthesis.

(Not)ready, (not)happy, (not)should, (not)guilty, (dis)agree, (not)intend, (not)alien, (not)necessary, (not)like, (not)times, (not) forgettable, (not) wrong, (not) stupid, (not) invincible, (in)comprehensible, (not) messy, (not) brighter, (not) worse, (not) better, (not) easier, (not) stupider.

Exercise 4

Write Not with verbs together or separately.

To be unhappy, to see, to be eager, to be healthy, to love, to understand, to honor, to smile, to rage, to avoid, to get along, to remain silent, to desire. He didn’t finish speaking - you are finishing something; he has enough persistence - the baby reaches the window; _finished all the little things - you _learned the poem to the end; the performance _watched to the end - the nanny _watched the pupil; we finished reading the book, finished cooking and adding salt to the soup; _guess do; _prove the theorem; _finished; _gain points; _admitted to the competition; _question to go to the store; live by eating and getting enough sleep; _get medications; the song is finished.

Exercise 5

Open parenthesis.

A (not) printed letter, a (not) train I met, a puppy (not) understanding anything, a song (not) finished, the floors (not) painted, a (not) blinking glance, a (not) finished sentence, (not) much (not) )finished, a very (un)thought-out decision, visible to the (un)naked eye, flowers (not)picked, due to (un)controlling circumstances, (not)imitable actor, (not)sealed envelope, (not)married lady, (not) )get the required amount, an (un)ripe peach, a (un)tired traveler, never (never)separated spouses, a (not)stamp pasted by a sister, a (not)tactful young man, behave (un)forcedly, question (not) decided on time, (not) listening to anyone, posters (not) posted, (not) looking into the future, lunch (not) ready, (not) despite the (not) weather; read (not) loudly, but expressively; the fire is (not) extinguished, the light is (not) extinguished; (not) expensive, but beautiful thing; very (un)interesting subject, walk (slowly); (not) loud, but quiet sound; A film with (no) weak points.

Lesson 2

Spelling particles neither

Particle neither used:

– to strengthen the negation expressed by a verb with a particle Not:

There was not a word about love in the letter. There is not a sound in the house.

In this sentence the negation is omitted.

Attention! Not in combinations none other than And nothing more than written separately: It was none other than Santa Claus.

And she, imagine, became interested in none other than this strange man. It was nothing more than ball lightning.

Exercise 1

Open parenthesis. Paste e or And.

(N_) why have fun, (n_) who (n_) argue with, (n_) why (n_) stop, (n_) who to rush to, (n_) where (n_) to be, (n_) who to ask, ( n_) why be sad, (n_) why and (n_) what to offend, (n_) where to get it, (n_) how much (n_) worry, (n_) whose land, (n_) how many times to ask, (n_) )what (n_)to agree to, (n_)whom (n_)to count on, (n_)whom to count on, (n_)where to settle down, (n_)what (n_)to intervene in, (n_)could (n_) who to ask, there was (n_)why to pretend, (n_)whom not to despise, (n_)whom to complain to, (n_)whom (n_)to communicate with, he cared (n_)for everything, (n_)to whom (n_) to humiliate himself, to have (n_) to do with, (n_) what (n_) is chasing.

Exercise 2

Open parenthesis. Paste e or And.

1. (N_) in the square, (n_) in the houses, (n_) on the streets nearby (n_) more (n_) light was required. (Y. Olesha) 2. We were deeply convinced that birch sap, packaged in three-liter jars, is nothing more than the same tap water, only sweetened. (T. Tolstaya) 3. What kind of job did he (n_) work in the army. (V. Shukshin) 4. Everywhere I look, there is thick rye everywhere. (A. Maikov) 5. And he is already so far away that they (n_) shout, (n_) help. (A. Tvardovsky) 6. The horse can gain strength from nowhere. (M. Saltykov-Shchedrin) 7. He (n_)saw Ellochka (n_)time during this time. (V. Shukshin) 8. And I was struck (n_) as much by her beauty as by the (n_) ordinary, (n_) never-before-seen loneliness in her eyes! (M. Bulgakov) 9. It became absolutely clear that Nikanor Ivanovich (n_) is suitable for what kind of conversations. (M. Bulgakov) 10. (N_)when (n_)talk to (n_)famous people. (M. Bulgakov) 11. This reasoning (n_) to what extent (n_) satisfied the chairman of the house management. (M. Bulgakov) 12. (N_) to be a crow like a cow, (n_) to fly like frogs under a cloud. (K. Chukovsky) 13. The girls looked at us with fear and seemed to (n_) understand the (n_) words. (T. Tolstaya)
14. In short, I should argue with (n_) with whom and (n_) about what. (T. Tolstaya) 15. (N_)one ray of the sun (n_) penetrated through the woven clouds, which were stuffy. (V. Kataev) 16. To his disappointment, Petya did not see the (n_) widows (n_) crying in the (n_) gray sky. (V. Kataev) 17. The thought of the presence of the plague is very (n_) pleasant from (n_) habit. (A. Pushkin) 18. Having examined the plague-stricken man and promising the unfortunate man a speedy recovery, I drew attention to two Turks who were leading him out by the arms, undressing him, and feeling him, as if the plague was nothing more than a runny nose. (A. Pushkin) 19. In Arzrum (n_) for what money (n_) can you buy what you find in a small shop in the first district town of the Pskov province. (A. Pushkin) 20. I’ll take (n_)what (n_) into my mouth in your buffet! (M. Bulgakov) 21. Now explain to me why the midday shore and Bakhchisarai have an indescribable charm for me. (A. Pushkin) 22. As I (n_) was afraid of tickling, I (n_) jumped out of bed and (n_) answered him. (L. Tolstoy) 23. To people, he was (n_) tainted by (n_) intrigues, (n_) compromises with power. (From newspapers) 24. He was engaged in (n_)artistic fantasies, but in designing the future of architecture. (From newspapers) 25. This is a biography of a Russian genius, born as if (in) the time and as if (in) the place. (From newspapers) 26. Looked under the stove, looked at the stove - (n_) on the stove, (n_) under the stove, (n_) in the closet, (n_) under the table (n_) there was someone (n_) there. (Yu. Koval) 27. (N_)bear, (n_)bear cub was not there. (Yu. Koval) 28. For example, there was a bullfinch. Important, well-fed, round, (n_)give (n_)take a soap bubble if you blow it at sunset, when the sun is red. (V. Dragunsky) 29. Lemon listened to him attentively, looked at him with his brilliant eye and jumped again, as if (n_) something had happened. (V. Dragunsky) 30. He (Alyosha) has no (n_) selfishness, (n_) pride. (A. Chekhov) 31. (N_) driven away from the table and (n_) put to bed - and thanks for that. (A. Chekhov) 32. Now his conscience could remain completely calm: he has (n_) to do with it, such is Gavrik’s will. (V. Kataev)

Lesson 3

Dictation test


Preobrazhensky was in a good mood this morning. Today it is becoming known that Lenochka is a student. On the one hand, it was certainly a pity to part with a qualified secretary. There was (no) where to get another one yet, besides, he knew that he (didn’t) love the new one at first sight. It’s far from easy to find a worthy replacement for Lenochka. With her, he (n_) was (n_) so much (n_) worried about his work schedule; she (didn’t) need to be reminded (several) times about the same thing). Whatever (n_) does - everything is fine. On the other hand, the girl (n_) faced some difficulties: she worked during the day in the evenings, worked almost (n_) where (n_) she was this winter - (n_) had enough time_. The general was sincerely happy about her success. Preobrazhensky saw trays of flowers and scolded himself for (not) agreeing to buy flowers (early). He's leaving for work today. (N_)what (n_)justified action! He crossed the (n_)wide but lively street and began (n_)hurriedly choosing flowers. In some he (n_) had enough colors; others, in his opinion, were (n_) enough triumph.
– Look what a gorgeous bouquet! - the saleswoman intervened and handed Preobrazhensky a whole sheaf of flowers of (n_)imaginable combinations wrapped in shiny corrugated paper. – Or this one, even richer!
“The bouquet should be (not) rich, but beautiful,” Preobrazhensky noted dryly.
He (finally) found what he was looking for: (n_)large bright (scarlet) hidden in the corner behind the backs of their royal neighbors, fresh Moscow region roses. The general picked up the basket of roses and, feeling the pleasant heaviness, shook it lightly. The tight buds, as if rolled up from virgin fabric, lay down in a wanton fan and sprinkled water on the sidewalk.
- It won't cost you very much! - The saleswoman said (in)credulously.
– You girl are extremely (n_) polite! – Preobrazhensky said sternly, withdrawing the money.
Satisfied, he moved on. After waiting out the stream of frantically rushing cars, Preobrazhensky crossed the street again and looked at his watch and gasped. (N_) wasting more than (N_) minutes, he headed towards the old mansion.
Lenochka went at the (n_) dawn to look at the posted lists and is now waiting for him in her _range_re_. She always comes on time. The general looked at the flowers with pleasure and opened the door to the waiting room.

Lesson 4


1. Open the brackets and insert the missing letters where necessary.
2. Add the missing punctuation marks.

As Preobrazhensky expected, Lenochka was already at work. “What news in heaven? What were the s_raphims singing today? – the smiling general greeted her. But Lenochka, usually animated, sat strangely quiet and sad. Her (un)cheerful and sorrowful gaze struck Preobrazhensky. It was obvious to the (un)naked eye that something (un)good had happened. She saw the flowers and her face distorted with (un)bearable pain.
Preobrazhensky's position was (un)enviable. The roses were obviously (n_) (to) something. However, Lenochka (n_) shed a (n_) tear while she was telling him that she (n_) got (half) the ball. She counted on a (semi) pass (this happens in the Faculty of Philology and Mechanics and Mathematics, and in many other faculties), but her calculations did not come true. Preobrazhensky hinted at an appeal, but he had to appeal to (n_)to whom and (n_) about what. The general put the roses in the corner, closed the waiting room door and announced to everyone in the department that there was no reason to have fun, the birthday cake should be removed, and the waiting room should be entered. The girl has (no) place to hide to survive (bad) luck. (In)otherwise, there was (no)one to hide the failure. The department was friendly and everyone sympathized with their junior colleagues. Friends reacted (differently). Ras_tro_ny_y Adulterers (n_)listening and muttering (something (in)coherent) immediately went to console his student. Prilutsky, tapping the toe of his shoe, polished to a shine, suddenly began whistling something angry, and then he turned around and said a word and walked away in an unknown direction. All these days he was running around like crazy, getting the (necessary) information for the next investigation. He (n_) had (n_) minutes left to think about something other than the assigned matter. “A wonderful worker, but what a cracker! So (not) at all (in) a comradely way,” thought Preobrazhensky (in) his heart.

Some kind of eternally gloomy, angry.

(L. Rubinstein)

Sighing, he returned to his room. It was necessary to go to the Adultery and (to) convince the girl that there was (no) reason to be upset because of (bad) luck, (c) she had her whole life ahead of her. (B)by the way, (n_)for whom it is (n_)secret that such advice has helped (n_)whom and (n_)ever else. In the waiting room, Lenochka mechanically shuffled some papers and told Prelyubodeev that she was a complete (n_) thing, a brainless doll, a (n_) capable person. The resignation letter was on the table.
“This is a very (ill) thought out decision, we all love you so much,” Prelyubodeev said dejectedly. – And it doesn’t (at all) matter whether you’re a student or not!
- No no! It is very important! - Helen objected hotly. – Professionally, I’ll soon be (un)fit because I’m marking time. After all, you yourself told me that every person is interesting in development. (Not) why to love me.
Preobrazhensky wanted to intervene, but suddenly he heard Prelyubodeev say in some strange (un)familiar voice:

Sometimes a crazy thought suddenly arises: “Well, should I say something?”

(L. Rubinstein)

- If I were not me, but the most beautiful, smartest and best person in the world, I would be on my knees right now asking for your hand and love...
- Yes Yes! – Helen picked up. - I know: it’s Pierre who says Natasha! I remember almost all the scenes of declaration of love in Russian novels. They are beautiful!
“Of course, of course,” thought Preobrazhensky gloomily. – Odintsova and Bazarov are especially good. “Blow on the dying lamp!” How nice!”
- And Kitty and Levin? - Lenochka continued. - Remember? Their silent conversation on the green baize of the card table? After all, they wrote the initial letters in chalk - and everything was said: that she loved him, that she would tell her parents, that tomorrow he would come to do the next thing...
"Oh my God! - thought Preobrazhensky. “I will (n_) endure the second tragedy this day.” He walked to his room and closed the door tightly.

You may not look anywhere, but still see everything.

(L. Rubinstein)

Lesson 5


1. Open the brackets and insert the missing letters where necessary.

2. Add the missing punctuation marks.

So who else if not the Policeman,
Forgetting about your own wealth,
For troublemakers
Will rise pure and lawful!

(D.A. Prigov)

I still had to call Irina Rodionovna to cancel the festive dinner and save Lenochka from the necessary congratulations.
- This was (n_)enough! - Irina Rodionovna raged. - Whom should I accept then? She (n_)ba_lov (n_) got the required amount! (N_)no other way to explain her failure!
– I’ve known you (n_)few years, Irina. You are (n_) imitable. Where are you calling and who are you talking to? – the general interrupted her, forgetting that it was he who called her.
- All your (n_) corruptible honesty! And all sorts of thoughts during this time (n_) overwhelmed me. And so we waited! I told you Sherlock Holmes (n_) times: “You all fight for the letter of the law, but you know life.” Call Isabella, Bohemian - let's work it out, let him go to the paid department. (The required amount must be collected_a (n_)slowly. For the girls_ (n_)sorry (n_)why, she can’t expect help from (no)where. You and I (n_)finished our food, (n_) got enough sleep, let the young ones wait ( differently.
“Let’s say Holmes fought not for the letter of the law, but for the spirit of good,” Preobrazhensky said absent-mindedly.
He thought that the paid department was a brilliant way out of the situation. (N_)having finished his sentences, he grabbed his suddenly ringing cell phone. Prilutsky called. He had just left the reception office and carefully (n_)hastily, glancing at the details, reported that a (n_)big (n_) misunderstanding had occurred. The long list of applicants (n_) fit on one sheet of paper. The surname Lenochk_ was the last one on the first page_ and ended up in the place where two pieces of paper were glued together. This is such (n_)forgivable (n_)negligence, (n_)more, (n_)less! (In) view of such an incident, Prilutsky was given a duplicate list of those accepted and now he is going to work. “Thunder of victory, unwind!” – Preobrazhensky muttered to himself and looked cheerfully at the raging (until now) receiver, voiced by the voice of Irina Rodionovna.
“Our conversation (n_) long ago still rings in my ears...” he sang tenderly to her.
-Are you crazy? – the receiver finally got angry and after a pause asked in a crying voice:
– Other news Kostya? Tell (n_)soul!
Having quickly finished the conversation, Preobrazhensky opened the office door. (N_)knowing fatigue_ Lenochka had already sorted out all the mail and now, taking flowers out of the basket, peacefully talked with Prelyubodeev about the novel "Kys" by Tatyana Tolstaya. Preobrazhensky was pleased to hear that the main character in the novel is language! Wonderful! Next to the Adultery, Lenochka became especially fragile. She (n_) reached his shoulder and stood on her toes to put the vase on a high shelf. The adulterers nodded his head in agreement, sometimes (something) he commented on, helping her to spread (n_)respecting scarlet roses throughout the reception room and carefully (no_) touching on the sad morning_details, he made plans for admission to the next year. Preobrazhensky hugged them both and reported on the wonderful news that Prilutsky had just told him.


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