Dieffenbachia Feng Shui. Dieffenbachia - what sign accompanies this flower

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Many people, choosing crops for landscaping at home or office, pay attention to the existing signs associated with them. It will be interesting to figure out if it is poisonous, why you can’t keep such a plant at home and how it is useful. There are some interesting superstitions associated with this house flower.

Dieffenbachia - signs and superstitions

Under artificial conditions, the plant began to be cultivated at the end of the 18th century, and people immediately noticed that the juice of this flower is toxic. It is believed that because of this property, signs of dieffenbachia appeared (the meaning of the flower has a more negative color). Energy workers confirm some of the superstition, but they highlight the positive aspects of culture as well.

Dieffenbachia - why you can not keep at home, signs

Most of the negative is associated with the popular names of this plant, for example, "widow's flower" or "celibacy flower". Among the people, dieffenbachia is considered a muzhegon, that is, if it is in the house, then the male energy will be weakened and repel members of the opposite sex. They explain whether it is possible to keep dieffenbachia at home, signs popular among the people:

  1. Men will not only leave home, but they may have problems with potency, which will be constantly aggravated.
  2. It is not recommended to keep her in the bedroom, as conflicts will arise in a couple and there will be difficulties with procreation. There is a superstition among the people that it will be difficult for a woman to get pregnant, and if this happens, then there will be difficulties in bearing the fetus.
  3. Another reason why dieffenbachia is bad, and why you can’t keep this flower at home, is that it negatively affects the peaceful home atmosphere. Because of the flower, conflicts will constantly arise, and the household will be irritated and angry.
  4. According to superstition, you can’t keep dieffenbachia at home, and because it can cause health problems and the nervous system suffers to a greater extent, so a person can suffer from various neuroses, and also feel tired and headaches.
  5. Culture negatively affects the material condition of people who will constantly feel a lack of funds.
  6. It is believed that Dieffenbachia also affects pets that will try to leave home, but small pets can become seriously ill and even die.

Dieffenbachia - why not keep in the office?

In fact, the ban on placing a flower in the office and other public places is a myth, and vice versa, it is recommended to grow them there. If dieffenbachia is in the office, signs indicate that it contributes to the development of business acumen, mental activity, intellectual abilities and efficiency. The energy of this plant helps to properly manage your finances and make the most of your business connections.

Why dieffenbachia is bad, why you can’t keep this flower at home, they found out, but it’s worth noting that it is useful when placed in places where there are a lot of people, and especially if the building is located in polluted areas. Another plus in favor of this flower is that it prevents the spread of influenza and colds by airborne droplets. The pot can be placed in the office, corridor and in the meeting room.

Dieffenbachia bloomed - signs

Not everyone was able to see how dieffenbachia blooms, since the process is extremely rare. Bioenergetics are sure that the plant is an indicator of the accumulation of negative energy. According to the sign, the flowering of dieffenbachia warns that the energy atmosphere in the house is expected to deteriorate soon. She seems to say that something urgently needs to be changed in order to improve the situation. Gardeners try to immediately cut off the flower so that the plant does not lose all the leaves.

Why is dieffenbachia dangerous?

Dangerous is the milky juice, which contains toxins and their effects begin to appear in just seconds, so it is important to act immediately to stop the poisoning. Finding out why the dieffenbachia flower is dangerous, it is worth noting that when swallowing the leaves, swelling of the larynx and pain shock may occur. This is especially dangerous for children and animals, who cannot report the problem, so there is no way to get them quick help. There is a scheme of actions for dieffenbachia poisoning:

  1. The victim should drink plenty of warm water, milk or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. A person must take a sorbent to neutralize and remove hazardous substances from the body.
  3. After that, you should definitely consult a doctor to exclude the development of serious consequences.

Dieffenbachia flower - poisonous or not?

Danger carries milky juice, which can be seen, for example, if you tear off a leaf. Describing whether dieffenbachia is dangerous for a person, it is worth noting that with direct contact of the juice with the skin, an allergic reaction, a rash, and even sores may begin. Interestingly, American planters used this culture as a tool to punish slaves. To avoid this, you need to wear gloves when transplanting and rubbing the leaves.

Dieffenbachia, how does an allergy manifest itself?

Rarely, but cases of an allergic reaction to a shrub are recorded. It has the same symptoms as, for example, on dust, citrus fruits and the like. Allergy to dieffenbachia causes a dry cough and/or runny nose, which can not get rid of for a long time. In addition, itching occurs, and the eyes begin to water. You can cope with it with the help of conventional medicines.

For many flower growers who once heard a popular prejudice, the question arises: why can't you keep dieffenbachia at home? The photo of this plant fully demonstrates how luxurious, beautiful and interesting it fits into the interior of residential premises. It becomes a shame that, due to the usual superstition, you have to throw away a whole “bush”. And the flower looks just like him - it grows just as big, with large leaves-paws. But do not rush to carry the plant in the trash. Perhaps it still brings happiness, not sadness.

plant description

Dieffenbachia is a beautiful indoor flower that has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere in the house. Therefore, from the very beginning of the article it is worth stating: the superstition about why Dieffenbachia should not be kept at home is erroneous. The plant is evergreen, attractive in decorative terms, and therefore loved by many flower growers. It can be grown both at home and in the office. Dieffenbachia is generally unpretentious to living conditions and care. But there are still some nuances in this matter.

The flower appeared at the end of the 18th century and was presented to the world by the gardener of the Austrian Imperial Botanical Garden, Josef Dieffenbach. He, in turn, brought the plant from North America and grew it in artificial conditions. Only after that dieffenbachia began to be grown at home. It grows wild in North and South America. A huge number of varieties grow there, and almost all of them are poisonous. This, by the way, is one of the reasons why you can’t keep Dieffenbachia at home. The photo does not show the poison, but it looks like milk. However, if you are careful, nothing bad will happen.

Dieffenbachia has a thick, juicy stem bearing large, oval-shaped leaves. The growth point is located at the top of the shoot, but dormant points may also be present at the base, which explains the ability of the plant to bush. Since it belongs to the Aroid family, the inflorescences are cob-shaped. At home, it rarely blooms.

Dieffenbachia varieties

Breeders have created a huge number of hybrids and plant varieties with different colors, although it is attractive in itself. There are about 40 species that look great in the interior. They differ in color, shape and growth. For example, it can be bush or stem. The second option is a tree-like dieffenbachia, which looks like a tree, and gives the lower growth extremely rarely. The bush view, on the contrary, gives growth from the ground. And before getting an answer to the question of why it is impossible to keep dieffenbachia at home, in the photo we will consider several of its varieties:

  • Oersted - the crown has a uniform color. The leaves are green in color with a wide vein in the center, slightly elongated, have a pointed shape.
  • Seguina - characterized by oblong leaves. The length of the petioles is equal to the size of the leaves. They are slightly rounded at the base. The stalk is green, has white blotches in the form of strokes of different sizes. Looks like a tree.
  • Bause - has a long tree-like trunk, grows up to a meter. The leaves are wide, with a marble ornament.
  • Spotted - the crown frames the trunk with a chic cascade of leaves. They are motley, have spots of different shades. Faithful to care.
  • Leopolda is a short plant with dark green leaves that may have a purple sheen. In the center is a wide vein. The shape of the leaves is elliptical.
  • Adorable - low, but has large leaves of dark green color with veins and white stripes.
  • Camilla is a tall plant growing up to 2 meters. It has oval elongated green leaves with a darker edging.
  • Green Magic is a small, neat plant with short petioles and compact, white-striped leaves.

Features of flower care

In general, the plant is picky, with the exception of a few of its species. It is necessary to follow only a few recommendations related to watering and transplanting, as well as to provide him with constant heat. After information is received whether it is possible to keep a dieffenbachia flower at home, and a final decision is made, you will have to visit a specialized store to buy a wide pot and a special substrate for it. In general, landing is carried out in the same way as almost any other color. It is only recommended to make drainage at the bottom of the pot. Now about how to care for the plant.

Temperature regime for growth

A comfortable temperature is considered to be 20-22 degrees. If it is over 30, you need to increase the humidity in the room. In winter, it is recommended to organize 16-18 degrees for dieffenbachia. Humidity should be constantly monitored, as she loves such air. There is nothing difficult in this - regularly add water to the pan.

Watering and feeding

The soil must be constantly moist. You need to water often, but in small portions. In summer, every 2 days, and in winter, once a week is enough. It is necessary to feed during the year, as the flower is always in an active state. In summer, it is recommended to give fertilizer every 2 weeks, and in winter - every one and a half months.

Plant transplantation and propagation

It is important to know that dieffenbachia has a large root system, so it needs a pot much wider than itself. In order for the flower to be comfortable, it is necessary to transplant it regularly, avoiding crowding. When transplanting, you need to look at the roots and remove rotten roots. Transplantation is carried out every year in the spring. The process of reproduction is also simple. It is possible with a top and a stem.

Growing problems, as well as possible diseases and pests

Whether it is possible to keep an indoor Dieffenbachia flower at home should worry plant lovers no more than possible problems with its cultivation. The most common is yellowing of the leaves. It occurs with excessive watering, poor lighting, sunburn and hard water. And the leaves can dry due to lack of heat or lack of humidity. Therefore, if one of these problems occurs, predisposing factors should be eliminated, and dieffenbachia will continue to please the eye with its beauty.

If you do not follow the rules of care, even such an unpretentious plant may die. First of all, due to fungal infection. The most common Dieffenbachia diseases are anthracosis and fusarium. They attack the root system of the plant. To save the flower, you need to remove the infected parts and treat the roots with fungicides. The presence of the disease can be indicated by yellowing, drying or “wetting” of the leaves, as well as the appearance of uncharacteristic spots.

Why can't you keep dieffenbachia at home? Photo of a flower and the prejudices associated with it

First, that dieffenbachia is a poisonous plant. If you leave aside prejudice and superstition, this fact alone is enough to get rid of the flower. Especially if there are children and animals in the house. The milky juice that the plant secretes when the leaf breaks or the trunk is damaged is extremely poisonous. It causes severe skin irritation, but is especially dangerous for mucous membranes. If the milky juice gets into the eyes, it threatens a person with loss of vision. Swelling of the tongue and loss of speech are also possible.

By the way, as proof of this, there is one very interesting fact, which, probably, will definitely make you think about whether it is possible to keep dieffenbachia at home - in the photo there is a cute and attractive flower. It says that slaves who have been guilty for a very long time, namely those who talked a lot and not on business, were obliged to bite the stem of the plant. Naturally, there was a strong swelling of the tongue and larynx, and then people could not talk for a long time. Surely after such a punishment, even when the speech returned, they preferred to remain silent for a long time.

There is also a popular superstition associated with this flower. It explains why Dieffenbachia should not be kept at home. In the photo - "husband". But even this prejudice seems to have a logical explanation. It is believed that dieffenbachia has a negative effect on the male potency. And if there is such a flower in the house, then a married couple will not be able to have children for a long time. In this regard, it is often called the flower of "widow", "old maid" and "celibacy". In addition to the fact that dieffenbachia allegedly negatively affects male potency, it also repels the representatives of the stronger sex with its energy. So they leave home.

Knowing the obvious disadvantages of dieffenbachia, is it possible to keep it at home or is it better to throw it away?

It is not worth getting hung up on popular beliefs, but it is important to assess the possible harm received from the plant due to its toxicity. If there are small children in the house, as well as animals, especially cats, it is better not to risk it. Or put the plant in a place where neither the baby nor the kitten will get to it. In general, to completely secure the most defenseless family members.

Useful qualities of dieffenbachia

You can't just talk about the bad. Now about when the question of whether it is possible to keep a dieffenbachia indoor flower at home should be answered - yes!

  • Dieffenbachia is an aesthetically attractive plant that will decorate any interior and make it more "alive".
  • Dieffenbachia helps to filter, purify and humidify the air in the room.
  • Dieffenbachia disinfects the air, reducing the number of pathogenic microorganisms in its composition.
  • Dieffenbachia improves the chemical composition of the air.

These are the positive properties of the plant that every person needs to know. There is so much negativity in the world, so why not learn to see in everything not bad, but good.

I placed dieffenbachia in the kitchen. I did not notice that this flower brought bad luck. A couple of weeks ago I learned that dieffenbachia has a special energy. It portends failure if kept with other crops. In this article I will talk about the magical properties of Dieffenbachia.

Dieffenbachia is a popular houseplant. It is beautiful and easy to care for. There is an opinion that Dieffenbachia has a strong energy. The one who keeps this flower at home is interested in whether it can cause harm.

Since ancient times, people have endowed plants with magical properties. Dieffenbachia is a special indoor culture. Botanists say that it improves health, however, it should be noted that dieffenbachia has advantages and disadvantages.

Features and properties of indoor flower

Let's talk about the energy properties of the plant. Dieffenbachia is placed not only in residential buildings, but also in office premises. The peculiarity of this culture lies in its originality. Attention is drawn to the bright pattern located on the sheet plate.

The advantage of dieffenbachia is that it does not emit a pungent odor. The plant can be kept for allergy sufferers. Dieffenbachia is unpretentious in care, for this flower growers love it. But some argue that the plant impairs health, entails such problems:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • irritability;
  • nervousness.

Dieffenbachia is an energy vampire. It feeds on the energy of people, gradually depleting them. As a result, there are:

  • weakness;
  • malaise;
  • tendency to depression.

The reason for such problems is most likely that people place Dieffenbachia in a cramped room. This culture must be in the light. It is recommended to place it in a spacious room. In this case, dieffenbachia will not have a negative effect.

The positive qualities of Dieffenbachia

Dieffenbachia charges the house with healthy positive energy. The plant gives the household cheerfulness, self-confidence. If you want to attract good luck and prosperity, get this houseplant, but keep it in a spacious room.

If you constantly get into conflicts, place a flower in the kitchen. Esotericists believe that it is there that bad energy accumulates. Another feature of dieffenbachia is that it is a female flower. If a woman wants to be beautiful and young, you need to place dieffenbachia in a spacious room.

It is very important to properly care for the flower. Do not forget to wipe the leaves from dust in time. There is also an opinion that dieffenbachia fills a person with positive energy, promotes mental development. The flower portends a successful completion of affairs.

Omens, superstitions

There is a belief that dieffenbachia drives away men. The second name of this plant is the widow's flower. If a woman wants to be happy in a relationship with her beloved, there is no need to place dieffenbachia in the bedroom, otherwise misunderstandings and conflicts may arise.

If a woman wants to get acquainted, it is better to refrain from this flower. Dieffenbachia is not recommended for couples, as it promises separation. The harm of the plant lies in the fact that it can bring infertility to a man.

If a married couple cannot have a child, it is better not to keep Dieffenbachia at home. A flower can adversely affect the reproductive functions of a man. It can also cause mental disorders, failures at work.

In some cases, people who contain this flower become poor. If you experience problems with sleep, give up Dieffenbachia, otherwise you may experience discomfort, pain in the chest area.

We found out that dieffenbachia has a special energy. But the problems that we have listed can occur for various reasons (not necessarily because of the flower). Dieffenbachia does not contact well with other indoor crops. Perhaps she wants all the attention to go to her.

If you keep other flowers in the room, identify dieffenbachia in a separate room. It is strongly recommended to rearrange it, otherwise there will be misunderstandings in the family. A young girl should also give up the content of this flower. It may portend trouble.

  1. If the plant gradually fades, then the household will start to get sick.
  2. If the Dieffenbachia leaves become dull, there will be difficulties in a love relationship.


Dieffenbachia, of course, requires attention. If you placed it in the south, be sure to shade from direct sunlight. Some people do not believe in signs associated with the plant and place it in the bedroom. I think the best place for him is the kitchen.

In this case, dieffenbachia “smoothes out” conflicts, helps to avoid quarrels, any kind of misunderstanding. In order for dieffenbachia to please with its beauty, do not forget to water it, spray it. Feed the flower from time to time with complex compositions, remove dust from the leaves. In winter, it is better to provide this plant with a dormant period and keep it at a temperature of no more than +15 degrees.

Dieffenbachia is a flower with large green and spotted leaves, it is common in the tropics of South and North America and has been cultivated for almost a century and a half. The genus Dieffenbachia is named after the Austrian chief gardener of the Imperial Botanical Garden at Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna, Josef Dieffenbach.

Dieffenbachia is considered an unpretentious plant. Perhaps this explains the presence of a plant in almost every second home or office. However, among lovers of indoor plants, disputes about the harm and benefits of this flower do not fade away, some are afraid to keep it at home, fearing to suffer from the poisonous juice that it can secrete. There are many good and bad omens associated with dieffenbachia.

Every lover of a home greenhouse who wants to have a green beauty dieffenbachia at home asks the most important question: is it possible to keep this indoor plant at home. It is known that the juice of the leaves of some plants of this genus is toxic, it releases poison. As experts suggest, the presence of needle-sharp crystals of calcium oxalate is to blame for everything.

Poisonous milky juice is released only if the leaves or stem are damaged. When working with the plant, it is better to wear rubber gloves, and then wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water to avoid problems or unpleasant incidents associated with caring for the plant.

Dieffenbachia poison is very dangerous for children, it can cause a protracted illness in a baby. To prevent this, you need to keep the flower out of the reach of fidgets.

Contact of pets with dieffenbachia is very dangerous. Animals, having eaten dieffenbachia juice, may even die. You can protect cats and dogs from trouble if you keep a pot with a houseplant in a separate room or in a planter on the wall. These are the main reasons why Dieffenbachia should not be kept at home.

What is dangerous dieffenbachia flower

  1. Poison from the stem or leaves that has got on the skin or mucous membrane of a person can cause burns.
  2. Poisonous dieffenbachia is also dangerous for people prone to allergies. Sad consequences await people with individual intolerance: unsuccessful contact with dieffenbachia subsequently threatens heart failure.
  3. If the juice gets on the skin, mucous membranes or in the stomach, severe dizziness, nausea may appear, it will become difficult for a person to speak or speech will disappear altogether.
  4. Dieffenbachia will harm people with acute allergic reactions, so it is better not to keep such a flower in an apartment for those suffering from allergies.

The harm and benefits of the plant

  • Causes allergies. May cause anaphylactic shock in allergic people.
  • May cause chronic illness in children. After all, the reaction to dangerous juice in babies causes a more acute reaction.
  • Causes pain in animals, up to death.
  • If the milk of the plant gets into the eyes, it can lead to temporary loss of vision.
  • Dieffenbachia can clean the air of toxic substances in an apartment, office, houses that are located near factories and highways.
  • People note that the presence of a flower in the house helps to fight chronic fatigue and stress. At work, dieffenbachia helps to focus on important issues.
  • Dieffenbachia has a beneficial effect on the fair sex, namely, it slows down the aging process. The plant secretes a substance that helps fight excess weight and skin problems.
  • The plant has a very positive effect on the condition of the human heart and blood vessels.

Is it possible to keep dieffenbachia at home

If you do not want your dieffenbachia to look stunted, sickly and unkempt, then make sure that your flower is cozy and comfortable. The tropical plant loves light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight.

It is desirable that in the summer in the room where it grows, a temperature of 20-26 degrees is maintained, and on winter days a temperature of 18-19 degrees is comfortable for Dieffenbachia. And no drafts at home!

If we turn to the mysterious philosophy of Feng Shui, then dieffenbachia is best located in the northeast sector. This flower is not exactly suitable for apartments, it is much more effective to keep an evergreen plant in the office. This will favorably affect business negotiations and mental activity.

But if a creative person lives in the apartment, then you can safely put a flower next to your desktop. At the same time, remember that withering plants carry negative energy, so dieffenbachia should be constantly looked after.

All plants are also under the influence of the stars, therefore, according to the flower horoscope, dieffenbachia is well suited and gets along well with crayfish and lions.

Signs and superstitions about dieffenbachia

Superstitious people are able to attribute positive and negative properties to literally any object. Dieffenbachia is no exception here. And the reputation of the spotted flower, to put it mildly, is not entirely positive. There is a belief that a flower in the house provokes quarrels, conflicts and scandals.

Here are a few popular sayings:

  1. The presence of Dieffenbachia in the house can threaten with low material prosperity and even poverty.
  2. There will be no guests in the house, because acquaintances, neighbors, friends will feel unpleasant energy from your house and will bypass your home, referring to employment and other problems.
  3. It is generally accepted that parents may have problems with children.
  4. It is better for a woman who wants to get pregnant to throw out dieffenbachia. If you believe the signs, this flower can cause infertility in girls.
  5. To problem number 4, male failure in bed is added.
  6. Dieffenbachia may be to blame for adultery.
  7. Dieffenbachia is popularly called the "vampire". This flower literally drives a man out of the house.
  8. Dieffenbachia will not let a young girl find a groom and marry. A woman in whose apartment this flower grows can only be content with short love meetings that will never lead to the desired marriage.
  9. Dieffenbachia negatively affects the whole family: quarrels become so frequent that everything can end in divorce.
  10. According to signs, the flower will also destroy health: neuroses, poor sleep and fatigue threaten the owner of dieffenbachia.
  11. Due to dieffenbachia, a pet may leave home or die.

In addition to negative signs, there are also positive ones that are attributed to dieffenbachia:

  1. It will undoubtedly help those who wish to move up the career ladder, those who are aimed at success in their professional activities.
  2. For novice businessmen and entrepreneurs, the flower will help develop their business.
  3. And according to the assurances of bioenergetics, the energy of a flower helps to develop intellect, to master a large amount of information, and to influence working capacity in a positive way.
  4. If you keep dieffenbachia in an office, office or enterprise, then it will not only purify the air, but also replenish your wallet, help you make the right decision, expose enemies and make the most of your business connections.

Signs on the state of the flower

There are also superstitions among the people about the unusual states of the plant. If we talk about the same bioenergetics, then this plant is considered a real indicator of the accumulation of negative and destructive emotions in the house.

Signs say that if dieffenbachia has bloomed, it is worth waiting for the emotional aura in the family to worsen. This is a kind of dieffenbachia warning.

It is believed that it begins to bloom only when there is an urgent need to urgently change something in yourself, at home or at work. In a word, improve the status quo.

And dieffenbachia, being a tropical plant, knows how to “cry” - to feel the approach of rains and snowfalls. In this case, the flower seeks to get rid of excess moisture in advance if the soil is heavily waterlogged.

flower care

Remember that dieffenbachia is a tropical plant, which means you need to take into account the location, watering time, light, ambient temperature, soil conditions, and even the size of the pot in which your beauty will grow.

It is better to water the flower only with soft water. For watering dieffenbachia, tap water is suitable, which it is desirable to defend, as well as boiled water, which should be cooled before watering. At the same time, as soon as the top layer of earth in the flowerpot dries up, Dieffenbachia must be watered immediately.

As for lighting, in summer dieffenbachia can be placed at the back of the room so as not to burn the leaves in the sun. Direct sunlight will only harm the plant: Dieffenbachia leaves will turn yellow and wither. In winter, the optimum temperature for a flower is 18 degrees. It is important to prevent drafts at home or in the office, and when airing, move the flower pot to another room.

The soil must contain peat. After all, it is this substance that retains moisture in the best possible way and prevents the appearance of fungus. You can add leafy soil, charcoal, sand and sphagnum to the soil. The soil must be fertilized in spring and summer.

Dieffenbachia grows very quickly, so it is better to choose a spacious pot for a flower. Since dieffenbachia is a powerful plant, the pot must also be stable.

Dieffenbachia is a beautiful houseplant that has become more and more popular in recent years. This is due to the fact that it fits perfectly into absolutely any interior and, in the process of photosynthesis, improves the air in the room.

But there is also a widespread belief that the large bright leaves of this flower can bring significant harm to human health. Very often today the question is asked, is this really so and is it possible to keep dieffenbachia in an apartment?

The birthplace of this beautiful evergreen shrub belonging to the aroid family is the South American continent. In the natural environment, this flower has a fairly high growth rate and can reach a height of about 2 meters, it is almost impossible to achieve such a height with home maintenance.

Dieffenbachia is so fond of housewives because of its spectacular appearance, the plant has large leaves with a peculiar spotted color. Despite the fact that the flower can be found not only in apartments, but also in public organizations, it is quite capricious and demanding to care for.

In order for the plant to feel comfortable, it will be necessary to create favorable lighting in the room and maintain the temperature regime. Only in this case, the shrub will develop normally and grow rapidly.

flower benefits

In nature, there are more than 50 species of this plant, but not every one of them is suitable for home maintenance. If you want to acquire a similar plant, experts recommend giving preference to shrub hybrids, since they are quite unpretentious. Since there is a widespread belief that dieffenbachia should not be kept at home, numerous studies have been conducted that prove that this shrub has a number of useful properties:

  • if you keep dieffenbachia in a room, after a couple of weeks the chemical composition of the air in it will improve several times;
  • this shrub helps to reduce dust, which is especially important for people suffering from allergies;
  • dieffenbachia contains phytoncides, which have bactericidal properties. Accordingly, this plant helps to reduce the total number of microbes in the apartment.
  • Large leaves improve indoor climate and increase air humidity.

Take note! In areas with adverse environmental conditions, experts even advise keeping this flower in homes and offices, as it cleans the air of chemicals.

Plant damage

The main health hazard is the juice of this plant, which contains certain alkaloids. If it comes into contact with the skin, the liquid can provoke severe irritation and even the occurrence of ulcers, but if the juice gets on the mucous membranes, the person will suffer from burns and swelling.

That is why it is necessary to keep this plant at home with special care, observing all safety measures. If mishandled, dieffenbachia can also provoke the following complications:

  • temporary visual impairment. Also in history, there were cases when a person, with illiterate contact with this plant, completely lost his sight;
  • swelling of the tongue and larynx (provoked by an allergic reaction);
  • numbness of the tongue;
  • heart failure and heart failure.

Important! All parts of this plant contain calcium oxalates, which lead to irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, and can also cause complications with the respiratory and digestive tract.

When is it better to refuse this plant in an apartment

Experts confirm that this flower contains a hidden threat to health. That is why, if you want to acquire it, you need to think about how the plant will be kept and whether it will harm one of the family members. It is strongly recommended to refuse to keep the plant in the apartment if:

  • Small children. A child unaware of the dangers of a flower may want to play with it or taste the leaves, which will lead to swelling of the larynx and loss of consciousness. Since the children's body is more vulnerable and unprotected, plant poison will cause much more harm to the baby than to an adult. The consequences of such inattention can be very serious, up to the development of heart failure;
  • Pets. Most cats and dogs also like to taste indoor plants, dieffenbachia in this case is extremely harmful. If the animal is small, getting a large amount of juice can provoke swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx and cause death from lack of air.

Safety measures and first aid for poisoning

In the event that the juice of the flower still gets on the skin or in the eyes, first of all, the affected area should be thoroughly washed with plenty of water. Since the poison begins to act within a few seconds after it hits the tissues, a person will immediately begin to suffer from pain.

Swallowing the leaves of this flower is considered especially dangerous, getting inside its parts threatens not only swelling of the larynx, but also pain shock. If the leaves or part of the stem has penetrated the esophagus, the following algorithm of actions must be followed:

  1. Give the victim plenty of warm water or warm milk to drink. To achieve the maximum effect, the victim can also drink a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. Drink a drug that has the functions of a sorbent. Such a tool will help to collect and neutralize the dangerous compounds of the plant.
  3. If a child has suffered from a flower, he must be taken to the hospital as soon as possible, self-medication in this case is strictly contraindicated.

It must be borne in mind that dieffenbachia, like any other plant, cleans the air and produces oxygen only during the day when sunlight enters. At night, the flower will begin to fill the room with carbon dioxide, so it is strongly not recommended to keep such plants in bedrooms or a nursery.

Given all of the above, it becomes obvious that dieffenbachia is not such a safe plant. Keeping it in the apartment or not depends only on the desire of the person, but it is imperative to take into account the possible harm. If you follow simple safety measures and prevent children from contacting the flower, dieffenbachia will not differ from other plants in any way and will not cause health problems.


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