Wild onions. Edible types of onions

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The most illuminated place is suitable for a garden or hill - preferably near buildings, near a fence. In the middle of a spacious lawn, an alley will look ridiculous. It would be nice if a path made up of uneven, angular slabs leads to it.

The site is dug up, weeds, roots, and plant debris are removed. Then pour a solution of the drug Fitosporin-M autumn according to the instructions - to prevent onion diseases.

Forming a beautiful slide is a task for a designer. At least home-grown. It should be moderately fancy and convenient for caring for plants. Draw a contour on the surface of the earth, lay it with the remains of bricks, expanded clay or slate for drainage. Cover with a layer of sand (15 cm in height), compact, add the same amount of garden soil or nutrient soil.

To do this, take a glass of lime (chalk, dolomite flour), 2 tbsp. onto a bucket of well-rotted compost. spoons of superphosphate granules. Under no circumstances should fresh manure be used. The bows don't like him and get sick. But they cannot live without potassium fertilizers, so add 1.5 tbsp to the same container. spoons of potassium sulfate or 2 cups of wood ash.

To prevent the hill from crumbling and being washed away by rain and watering, it is covered with large stones, which are dug halfway into the ground for stability. On top you can add a couple more “floors” of fertile soil 15 cm high, each with a smaller area than the previous one and having its own configuration. It is also advisable to edge them with stones.
Along the perimeter of the hill, you can make a border 15-17 cm wide, flush with the soil, loosening this “ribbon” of soil to a depth of 5-7 cm with a flat cutter or hoe. This way we will get a picturesque 3-4-story flowerbed.

Planting onions in a garden

Some summer residents begin to plant rhizomatous onions in the spring, so that in the off-season the hill can settle, the earth settles, the stones “strengthen”, and the fertilizers are absorbed. But you can do this in early October.

It is generally better to sow onion seeds before winter in a separate bed, and transplant them onto a hill when the plants are formed. Under the snow, they must undergo stratification - natural preparation and hardening by cold. In this case, germination will be noticeably greater than with spring sowing. True, this is also more troublesome.
After sowing, low-growing onions bloom in the third year, and tall ones in the fifth or sixth year. .

Nowadays, curtains with a clod of earth are transferred to the allaria or bulbs are planted (although it would be more reliable at the end of September). The latter are dug up when all the leaves have dried.

How much to plant

According to the calculations of onion growers, allaria looks most impressive when planting 50 large and about 100 small bulbs per 1 m2.

If the bulb is old, many small babies form around it. They should be planted in a separate plot, where they can then be grown, or stored until spring in peat or sawdust so that they do not dry out.

For mature bulbs, narrow holes are dug to a depth of three times their height at a distance of about 30 cm from each other. Plant in dry soil and sprinkle with rotted compost, and then mulch with peat to a depth of 2-3 cm to prevent the formation of a soil crust.

In autumn, root growth continues until the soil temperature in the area where they occur drops to 2-3°C.

To achieve simultaneous flowering of each type, you need to choose bulbs of the same size. Then all the inflorescences will not only bloom together, but will also be equal in height. And if in the curb, then at the same level with each other.

Planting care

In general, bows are considered unpretentious. However, if you don’t take care of them, don’t expect beauty! Take at least watering. Onions in nature easily tolerate drought, but their cultivated relatives cannot do without water, especially during planting and during budding and flowering. If the weather stays dry for a long time, the plants freeze, stop growing and quickly lose their decorative properties.

Without fertilizing, onions will also not show themselves in all their glory. The flowers will be smaller, and the arrows will be shorter and thicker. To prolong flowering, luxurious onions are fed with the same complex of fertilizers as nondescript onions, only the norms are increased by one and a half times.

In May, dilute 2 tbsp in 10 liters of water. spoons of vegeta and 1 tbsp. spoon of urea. At the end of June - 1 tbsp. spoon of Agri-Cola-2 for onions and garlic. At the end of August-September - 2 tbsp. spoons of effekgon-0 and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of superphosphate. Consumption - 0.2 cups per plant. Adding wood ash is welcome.
As a rule, onions are not covered for the winter. For better flowering, already at the end of March, the bulbs and clumps are additionally fed with superphosphate granules, scattering a little around each plant directly in the snow along the edges of the hole.

And also benefits

There are more than 600 types of onions. About 20 species are not only edible, but also very useful. The greens of chives, wild garlic, slime, uskun and pskem are tasty and tender.

Well, mountainous and wild ones are a special case. There is an opinion that they are close to ginseng in terms of healing properties. For example, mountain onions contain 3-4 times more vitamin C than onions. In terms of the content of nutrients, they are not inferior to traditional edible onions.
But some have an unusual taste and specific smell. That is why the onions are eaten baked, boiled with honey or pickled. You should not overeat; in large quantities they can cause allergies.

All bows are picturesque not only in allaria, but also in a bouquet in a vase, flower arrangement, ikebana. They are cut off as soon as the first flowers bloom. They last a long time in water, about 2 weeks. An unpleasant onion smell can be eliminated, for example, with a pinch of table salt or frequent changes of water.

Dry bouquets with onions also look gorgeous. When drying for winter bouquets, the inflorescences are cut off before the seeds are fully ripened and hung in a dry, ventilated room with their heads down. It is better to dry them separately, since in bunches they can easily lose their shape. Another drying option is to simply place the flowers in a vase without water.
Based on the article Gardening World

In nature there are many useful and at the same time beautiful plants. People began to notice this a long time ago and little by little many herbs and shrubs began to move into our dachas and vegetable gardens. This happened with wild garlic. Today, in many garden plots you can find this beautiful, tasty and healthy plant.

Ramson - what is it? How does it grow, what are the benefits of the plant? What does wild garlic look like?

general description

Ramson has been known for a long time. People call this plant differently. For some it’s bear onion, for others it’s wild garlic. Scientifically speaking, wild garlic is perennial herbaceous plant. It belongs to the onion genus and the onion subfamily. But garlic also belongs there, so wild garlic can be called both bear onion and wild garlic.

Ramson is a bulbous plant. All representatives of the onion family are distinguished by this feature. Of course, its root is different from the same garlic. The bulb is small, only one centimeter in diameter. Roots grow from it deep into the earth.

The plant itself has a height of 15 to 50 centimeters. The stem has a triangular shape. The leaves grow from the very base. They have an elongated wide shape. Ramson is a flowering plant. Flowers of light and white tones begin to appear in early May. The flowering itself ends towards the end of July.

Like any herbaceous plant, bear onion is pet food. But many experts do not recommend adding it to the livestock menu. The fact is that when it is eaten, certain substances enter the body that contribute to the deterioration of the taste of meat. And if a dairy cow eats wild garlic in large quantities, the color of the milk may change from white to yellow. Of course, this will not cause harm to human health or the livestock itself, but the taste of animal products may become unpleasant.

The question of where wild garlic grows is quite easy to answer. Many people have come across this plant while hiking in nature. Wild garlic or bear onion grows throughout Europe, the Caucasus and Turkey. Wild garlic can also be collected in Belarus and some western regions of Russia. Recently, the plant has begun to be grown in gardens, but still most often they go into the wild for it.

If you decide to grow wild garlic on your plot, then It's worth knowing some tricks:

  • The plant loves moist and shady environments. In the wild, it often grows along shady river banks;
  • It is better to propagate wild garlic by seeds rather than by bulbs. This way she will settle in better;
  • Sowing is carried out in winter. In order for the seeds to germinate well, they need to lie for at least one hundred days at a temperature of zero to -3 degrees.

The plant grows quite slowly. Only in the third year after sowing will wild garlic reach normal “adult” sizes, and the first flowering occurs only in the fourth year.

How is it useful?

Wild wild garlic has been used in folk medicine for many centuries. Healers have long noticed the wonderful properties of the plant, which combines the qualities of both onions and garlic. Wild garlic contains a wide range of microelements, vitamins and other beneficial substances.

Among the useful properties the following can be distinguished:

  • The greens of the plant, from which you can make salads, perfectly help with diseases of the digestive system. It also helps improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Since ancient times, greens have been used for colds, fever and various inflammations;
  • Green salads can help cope with stress by supporting the body with vitamins and microelements;
  • A large amount of useful substances makes wild garlic an excellent general tonic. Salads and other foods made from this plant will help you recover from illness.

But, like any medicine, bear onion must be taken with caution. Don't get too carried away with them. Overdose may cause headaches and various disorders. In addition, taking wild garlic is not recommended for people with stomach disease, hepatitis and cholecystitis.

Wild garlic is used both fresh and added to various dishes. The whole plant is used. Greens, onions and stems can be pickled for the winter, fermented and pickled. The only thing that is undesirable to do is dry out the plant. Such preparation will not do any harm, but there will be no benefit from it either.

Wild garlic in any form is a dietary product. Greens, stems and bulbs are low in calories. Therefore, salads and winter wild garlic preparations can become an excellent and healthy component of various diets.


Ramson, photos of which can often be found on the Internet, is a fairly widespread plant. Low bushes of wild garlic or bear's onion can be found along rivers in Europe and several other regions. This plant can be grown in a personal plot, but this is quite a troublesome task. Therefore, in most cases people use wild plants.

Wild garlic can be salted, pickled and fermented. A salad is prepared from fresh leaves. In any form, the plant helps to cope with many ailments, gives strength and saturates the body with useful substances.

Rocambole garlic is a unique variety that simultaneously has the properties of both garlic and onion. In addition, this is the most gigantic type of garlic, the cloves of which are several times larger than the size of even the largest representatives of the species. Like other varieties, rocambole has many beneficial properties and qualities. Another name for this species is elephant garlic, which it received for its gigantic size. This variety is often called Spanish garlic or Egyptian onion.

Rocambole belongs to the onion family and has the following external characteristics:

  • the leaves of this variety resemble the arrows of a leek;
  • leaf height with good care can reach 80 cm;
  • the vegetable heads are very large, their diameter can reach 10 cm;
  • The flower stalk of the plant is very leathery and fleshy, and can grow up to 1 meter in height.

Rocambole garlic is a unique variety that simultaneously has the properties of both garlic and onion.

This variety differs from other varieties of garlic not only in the size of the head, but also in such properties as:

  • the presence of up to six large cloves in one head;
  • a pleasant, slightly specific aroma that simultaneously combines the smells of garlic and onion;
  • lack of a strong taste characteristic of other representatives of the culture;
  • the formation of small “babies” on the lower part of the head, which can also be used to grow new plants;
  • large weight of bulbs, which can exceed 250 grams.

Today, many summer residents and gardeners strive to grow this amazing plant on their plots, which amazes with its size.

This amazing vegetable, combining the properties of onions and garlic, was first grown in Spain. Local residents greatly appreciated the soft and pleasant taste of rocambole, which was strikingly different from the taste typical of other varieties of this crop. This perennial plant was first eaten only raw, and then the Spaniards began to try adding cloves to food. Subsequently, not only the heads, but also the leaves of the vegetable were used for culinary purposes.

Rocambole garlic is a vegetable that combines the properties of onions and garlic.

Several centuries ago, onion garlic rocambole was brought to Central Asian countries, where it became widespread. Today, in most countries of Central Asia, this crop is wild: it can often be found on uncultivated lands, for example, in the steppes and mountains. There are cultivated fields for its cultivation in countries such as China, Thailand, and Korea.

In Europe and, in particular, in Russia, this variety became known relatively recently - in the last century. As in other countries, we also immediately appreciated its excellent taste characteristics and unique properties. At the same time, for several years in a row, disputes among European agronomists did not subside over which species this plant should be classified as: onion or garlic. There is no consensus on this matter even today. However, in some registries, rocambole bears the official name of onion, that is, it is equated specifically to the onion family.

Like other varieties of garlic and onions, this type has a large amount of vitamins and nutrients necessary for the health of the body.

Features of the composition

One clove contains the following vitamins:

  1. C. Ascorbic acid is vital for the normal functioning of the human body, as it takes part in important processes. This vitamin has a positive effect on the immune system, the functioning of the endocrine glands and the heart muscle. This vitamin is indispensable for blood vessels, as it helps strengthen them.
  2. PP. This is an important substance that has an important effect on the human nervous system, strengthens the immune system, and is a powerful antioxidant.
  3. B vitamins. These substances affect metabolism, improve digestion, and stimulate mental activity.
  4. E. Vitamins of this group are necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system and blood vessels. Strengthen the immune system and help remove harmful substances from the body.

As for useful minerals, this variety contains:

  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • selenium;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • sodium;

and many other useful elements that have a positive effect on the body.

Almost all of the above vitamins and beneficial minerals are contained not only in the cloves of onion-garlic, but also in its leaves, which are widely used for culinary and medicinal purposes.

This vegetable is recommended to be eaten raw, without heat treatment. However, you can also use it to add flavor to first and second courses, and also make juice from garlic, which effectively helps with some diseases.

Regular consumption of rocambola has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Here are just a few examples of the benefits of this vegetable:

  1. Positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system. The substances contained in the product stabilize the processes occurring in the intestines, which helps with stomach upsets and diarrhea.
  2. Antiviral effect. The combination of vitamins and beneficial minerals in each clove of garlic increases the body's resistance to viral microbes.
  3. Antifungal action. Regular consumption of rocambola will help prevent various fungal infections.
  4. Help with poisoning. The vegetable contains a large number of substances that have antioxidant effects. That is why some experts recommend using this product as an antidote.
  5. Positive effect on the cardiovascular system. This product has a blood thinning effect, which prevents the formation of blood clots in the body. In addition, it dilates blood vessels and normalizes blood pressure.

Cosmetological benefits

This amazing vegetable is used not only in cooking or medicine, but also in cosmetology. Its juice is used in the production of many beauty care products, including:

  • Restoring shampoos and hair conditioners. Substances that are present in onion-garlic stimulate hair cells, promoting hair growth and strengthening.
  • Remedies for acne and pustules on the face and body. The juice of this vegetable has been proven to have a healing and soothing effect.

Garlic juice-based cosmetics are effective and in demand products.

The unique properties of this garlic onion make it a versatile remedy for medicinal use. Based on this vegetable, a variety of medical ointments for bruises and burns, antibacterial and antiviral drugs, means for restoring intestinal function, and many other medicines are produced.

Elephant garlic rocambole is also widely used in folk medicine. Here are just a few tips for consuming this vegetable for various diseases:

  • If you wipe the warts with the juice of one clove every day, then after a while they will disappear completely;
  • for toothache, it is recommended to cut the clove in half and apply it with the inside to the wrist, where the pulse beats, and tie it for 15-20 minutes;
  • water infused with three cloves of rocambole will help with sore throat and other throat problems;
  • for shortness of breath and insomnia, a daily mixture of lemon juice and chopped garlic cloves will help.

The unique properties of onion-garlic make it a universal remedy for medicinal use.

When applying all the advice of traditional medicine, one should not forget that the methods described above do not replace full treatment. Even if the acute stage of the disease was managed to be removed with the help of a prescription, it is still recommended to consult a doctor for further monitoring and recommendations.

Like all other products, this vegetable has not only beneficial but also harmful properties. This should definitely be taken into account before consuming rocambola.

This garlic is contraindicated for use in diseases such as:

  1. Intestinal or stomach ulcer. The vegetable contains substances that can irritate the walls of the stomach, causing severe pain or even perforation of an ulcer.
  2. Internal bleeding. In this case, garlic onions can cause excess blood loss.
  3. Gallbladder diseases, in particular the presence of stones. The product may cause an exacerbation of the disease.
  4. Chronic kidney diseases and congenital pathologies.

Excessive use of this product, even in the absence of contraindications, can be fraught with negative consequences. Among them:

  • blurred vision;
  • diarrhea, stomach upset;
  • heartburn;
  • migraine;
  • itchy skin
  • spasm of the heart vessels.

At the first sign of such symptoms, it is recommended to immediately stop eating the vegetable.

This versatile vegetable, with its pleasant taste characteristics, is widely consumed in the cuisines of different countries. It is most common in Asia, especially China and Korea. This plant is eaten in a wide variety of ways, including:

  • dressing salads, first and second courses with onion-garlic leaves;
  • using garlic cloves in baked dishes;
  • as a seasoning for meat, fish and other dishes;
  • using cloves when canning vegetables.

In any of these cases, cloves or leaves of onion-garlic give the dish a piquant, unique taste. Today this vegetable is actively used in Russian cuisine, replacing ordinary small garlic with it.

Onion-garlic is a universal vegetable with pleasant taste characteristics and is widely used in the cuisines of different countries.

This product can be stored for several weeks. After purchase, it is recommended to thoroughly dry the heads by hanging them in a ventilated, dry area. You can then keep the vegetable in the sun for several days to increase its shelf life, and then store it in a dry and dark place at room temperature.

Alternative opinions about onion-garlic

Today, there are many sources claiming that rocambole and elephant garlic are completely different crops. The following arguments are put forward in defense of this opinion:

  1. Inconsistency between the descriptions of rocambole and elephant garlic in the scientific literature. In fact, even authoritative sources still find it difficult to determine the presence or absence of a relationship between these two vegetables
  2. Various external data and growth characteristics. Thus, rocambole is characterized as shooting garlic, and its opponent is a type of leek.
  3. Lack of precise data on the origin of these two names.

In any case, in many countries of the world, including Russia, rocambole garlic, in addition to many other names, is also called elephant garlic.

This crop is not grown on an industrial scale in our area, as it requires a lot of effort and expense. But many gardeners are happy to take small cloves or bulbs of onion and garlic and plant them on their plots, trying to harvest these healthy vegetables. When trying to grow this crop yourself in your garden, you should not forget that it belongs to the onion family, and therefore it should be cared for in accordance with the conditions required for growing leeks.

This garlic onion is truly a unique vegetable that has unique characteristics and many beneficial properties. Regular consumption of this product in daily meals will allow you to strengthen your immune system, supply your body with essential vitamins and minerals and diversify your diet.

Decorative onions represent a whole family - alliums. The Latin word “allium” is translated by different sources as “onion” and “garlic”, as if confirming that our garden friends garlic and onions are close relatives. There are also several variants of the origin of the word “allium”: one version goes back to the adjective “burning”, the other to the verb “to smell”. This is what allium is like – spicy and aromatic.

Different types of alliums are similar and dissimilar to each other at the same time. Fans of decorative onions will be able to find short kids (about 5 centimeters) and real giants (one and a half to two meters) for their garden. The coloring of flowers gives a huge scope for imagination; it seems that the lush caps of blooming alliums compete with the rainbow. The palette probably contains all existing colors and their shades - from white to almost black.

What is allary?

Perhaps, after reading this combination of “garden of onions”, you imagined something like this:

It is well-groomed and clean, but this is not an allery, but a garden bed. Allaria flower garden looks something like this:

Sometimes allary is called “onion hill”, hinting at the similarity with rock garden and their relationship. However, not every alpine hill with a couple of planted decorative onions is an allaria. We will be closer to the truth if we call this several types and varieties of onions planted in harmonious groups, preferably large ones. It is clear that not everyone’s dacha space allows them to organize a large onion experiment, but it is still possible to organize a small allery.

Allary is more of a collection garden, and less of an alpine hill. Hence a reasonable question: is it worth adding other plants to the onion flower garden? Yes. But the first place should be occupied by a variety of bows, although they combine perfectly with flowers and decorative foliage.

To preserve the decorative appearance of “pure allaria” for the entire season, you must initially carefully select species with different flowering periods, and then promptly remove yellowed foliage and cut off dried flowers. And if you can still forgive the “dried” appearance of flowers (they are more or less decorative), then it is almost impossible to hide bald spots from outdated greenery. The disadvantages of pure allaria are predictable: the short flowering period of most species and the short life of foliage, so most often the onion garden is supplemented with other plants.

And yet, pure allary is a dream that can come true. Check out our table, which shows the approximate flowering times of various ornamental onions. In some cases, the beauty time for alliums can be slightly adjusted by planting them a little earlier or a little later. You can also plant individual allium bushes in containers and add them to the composition when they are in bloom.

(Allium elatum)
(Allium stipitatum)
(Allium suworowii)
(Allium altissimum)
(Allium rosenbachianum)
(Allium christophii)
(Allium karataviense)
(Allium neapolitanum)
(Allium roseum)
(Allium sphaerocephalon)
(Allium zebdanense)
(Allium narcissiflorum)
(Allium pulchellum)
(Allium flavum)
(Allium moly)
Name Appearance Flowering time
Aflatun onion
(Allium aflatunense)
Color purple in various shades, height 80-100 cm, cm, flower diameter about 7 cm Late May-early June
Giant onion
(Allium giganteum)
The color is purple, height 120-180 cm, flower diameter about 10 cm The end of May
Color purple or pink, height 100-120 cm The end of May
The color is purple, height 100-150 cm, flower diameter up to 8 cm The end of May
Color purple, height 100-150 cm The end of May
Color purple, height 70-170 cm The end of May
Color purple, height 50-70 cm June
The color is purple, height 40-60 cm, flower diameter up to 25 cm June
Schubert bow
(Allium schubertii)
The color is gray-pink, height 40-60 cm, flower diameter from 30 cm June
The color is dark pink, height 20-35 cm, flower diameter about 12 cm June
Blue onion
(Allium caeruleum)
The color is blue, over time the color fades and becomes pink, height 70-100 cm, flower diameter about 5 cm June July
White color, height 50-80 cm, flower diameter up to 15 cm June
The color is dark red, height 50-80 cm, flower diameter about 4 cm June
Color white, height 40-60 cm May June
Dark red color, height 20-30, drooping inflorescences with 5-12 bell-shaped flowers June
Pink color, height 60-80 cm June
Yellow color, height 60-80 cm June
Large onion
(Allium grande)
Color white-pink, height 50-70 cm June
Black and purple onion
(Allium atrovilaceum)
Color dark purple, height 60-80 cm June July
Yellow color, height 20-30 cm June July
Mountain-loving onion\Ostrovsky
(Allium oreophilum\Allium ostrovskianum)
Purple-pink color, height 15-20 cm, fragrant flowers June July

Allaria is a difficult flower garden, but it is edible. The tender feathers of some types of onions (before they bloom) can be eaten, supplying the body with vitamins and other nutrients, which are abundant in fresh greens. Try adding some chopped leaves of a giant onion to the salad; its delicate aroma is slightly reminiscent of garlic, the taste is spicy-hot and slightly hot. We will talk about other edible alliums in this article, but for now let’s talk about care.

Allium care

Despite the different size, color, shape of leaves and flowers, all decorative onions require approximately the same care. There is nothing fundamentally new: the flower garden needs to be weeded, the soil periodically loosened, and mulched as needed.

Alliums love the sun. The illumination of the place chosen for planting affects the color of the onions (both foliage and flowers) - the more light, the brighter the color.

Alliums prefer loose, fertile soil with neutral acidity. Too acidic soil needs liming. For good growth, decorative onions require potassium; with a lack of this element, the bulbs develop poorly and the foliage loses its color saturation. Feed your pets with ash, it will revive them and make them more beautiful. Plants will also be grateful for spring fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers.

Decorative onions easily forgive the mistakes of novice gardeners, who may forget to water the plants, and then overdo it and cause a small flood. Of course, if you practice such violations too often, the plants will not be pleased with their appearance... Alliums should be watered moderately and regularly; sufficient moisture is especially necessary at the beginning of the growing season.

Experts do not recommend immediately removing yellowing allium leaves, since at this time the bulbs continue to accumulate nutrients. In order for the plants to be as strong next season, you need to wait until the foliage dries and only then remove it. Then the bulbs must be dug up and stored in a dry place until autumn, after which they can be planted. However, there are several important points here...

In Central Russia it will not be possible to replicate the climate of Central Asia, but this is the homeland of most alliums. Therefore, when caring for decorative onions, the gardener will have to imitate some features of weather conditions, in particular dry and warm summers. No, your pets will be able to grow under almost any circumstances, but you need to pay great attention to storing the bulbs.

After alliums fade in their hot homeland and their leaves dry out, the bulbs remain in dry soil. The sun warms the soil, there is no rain... These are ideal conditions for storing bulbs!

It is impossible to leave a plant that has completed its cycle in its original place - it will most likely be flooded with rain, and the heat has been very inconsistent lately (+8 in July has happened more than once!). And to prevent allium bulbs from dying, they must be carefully dug up, dried and hidden in a dry place with a comfortable temperature.

In the fall, around mid-September, pets can be planted. The planting depth can be easily determined by the size of the bulbs themselves: three bulbs should fit in each hole. But, of course, we plant one onion at a time! Mulch the planting areas of the bulbs that you left to overwinter in the ground.

If summers in your climate zone are hot and dry, then you don’t need to dig up alliums. But keep in mind that every year they will grow thicker, causing fewer flowers and causing the plants themselves to become shredded.

If you prefer spring planting, then in winter store the bulbs (especially small ones) in sawdust, sand or peat so that they do not dry out.

Allium propagation

The first way to propagate alliums is by seeds. Do not cut dried flowers, but wait until the nigellas ripen and collect them. The seeds of the giant onion, aflatun and stalked onion must be sown before winter so that they are hardened by harsh weather, and only after that they will be able to show themselves with dignity. Other species can be sown in spring.

When planting alliums with seeds, do not expect a quick effect, since some types of decorative onions “gain weight” for several years and take the appearance expected by gardeners in 3 years, or even more.

Alliums can be propagated with the help of children. They are formed on the mother’s bulb, but they themselves do not become “mothers” immediately, but only in the third year. It is necessary to separate the children in the fall, when transplantation is carried out. The correct onion for planting should have small roots and a living shoot (or better yet, two shoots).

Rhizome species of ornamental onions are preferably propagated by division. A good division, like a baby, has living roots and intact shoots.

Bulbs are well suited for propagating onions - small bulbs that form on peduncles during flowering. Their appearance can be accelerated; for this, the buds are cut off and treated with plant growth stimulants.

We protect allium from pests and diseases

Possible pests of alliums are the same as those of the usual garden onions and garlic. For example, onion fly. The insect larvae gnaw into the bulbs and live inside, tormenting the plant until they grow. If the tips of the allium leaves begin to turn white and the bulbs begin to rot, then it is necessary to urgently begin a rescue operation.

To combat the fly, experts recommend foliar application of ammonium carbonate salt, and folk experts suggest mixing half a teaspoon of boric acid, 3 drops of iodine, a little light pink solution of potassium permanganate and a tablespoon of ammonia in a 10-liter bucket of water. Pour a little less than a glass of the mixture under each onion, it should help.

Frankly speaking, it is better to prevent onion fly control. To do this, you can sprinkle the ground near the alliums with a mixture of tobacco dust and ash; instead of tobacco, you can use black pepper or crushed dry wormwood.

Avoid storing bulbs in places with high humidity, and be sure to warm them up before planting. The temperature for warming up should be 40 degrees, the time should be about 12 hours. This simple procedure will protect alliums from many diseases, such as downy mildew. To avoid neck rot, which occurs when storing bulbs, it is necessary to dry them very well in the sun immediately after digging them up.

Before planting, be sure to inspect the bulbs: there should be no mold or plaque on the outside. If in doubt, try keeping the onions in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour. Keep a close eye on your garden pets, feed them on time, and avoid overwatering, then troubles can be avoided.

Types and varieties of alliums

For gardeners and lovers of landscape design, such characteristics of decorative onions as the height of flower stalks (tall, medium and short), flowering time and flower color are important. Although there is another one - the edibility of one species or another! Let's start with the most delicious...

Edible and beautiful

One of the popular and fragrant guests of our gardens is chives.

Its thin, tubular leaves are delicately flavored and its small but lush flowers are pink, lilac or purple. Chives will be an excellent basis for a border along a path, it will decorate a rock garden or become one of the tiers of a “multi-story” flower garden. Dried inflorescences hardly change color, so they can be used to create dry bouquets.

It will not be possible to eat it and admire the flowering at the same time, because the foliage of the chives becomes coarser. But this species is considered frost-resistant: and if, after collecting the seeds, you cut the leaves almost to ground level and feed the plant, then after a couple of weeks you can again feast on the tender greens, and so on until December...

Despite the unappetizing name, it is considered one of the most delicious slime bow. Its leaves are flat, juicy and fragrant, with a light garlic aroma.

This plant is incredibly useful: it contains a lot of different vitamins, microelements, amino acids. Experts have calculated that 10 kilograms of slime onions contain so many useful substances that they will last a person for a year! There is even a recommendation for use - eat 27 grams of leaves per day, then the body will thank you.

In nature, the slime onion grows both in meadows and in rocky places, so it will feel equally comfortable in a flower garden, a rock garden or a rock garden. Lush greenery and lush flowers will decorate borders and mixborders, and just a garden bed will look bright, especially during the flowering period.

AND victory bow often combined with one name - wild garlic. They differ in that the victorious one has coarser leaves, its greenery appears later than that of the bearish one, and the flower umbrellas are denser.

Ramson is another “fount of health”. The garlicky aroma of the leaves will enliven any spring or summer salad, and at the same time cure an unexpected cold and become a source of vitamin C.

Lush greenery and delicate flower caps provide ample scope for using wild garlic for decorative purposes. Just have time to prepare delicious greens before the plant blooms - the foliage becomes coarser.

Sometimes it moves from wild plants to gardens long pointed bow(long-stemmed), it is also called wild garlic.

Incredibly tenacious and reproducing well, it can become a weed in the area, so plantings should be carefully monitored. The feathers and bulbs of long pointed onions have a sharp, spicy taste and can compete with garden garlic.

Greens are distinguished by their tenderness and pleasant taste. blue onion, and the spectacular blue flowers are the envy of any plant! For their noble appearance and exquisite beauty, blue and blue-blue onions are called royal.

In early spring, the first leaves of this species appear, do not spare them - go straight to the table! The delicate garlic taste and delicate aroma will make any dish tastier and complement it with vitamins, of which blue onions contain a huge amount. The bulbs of the plant are also edible.

Blue onion inflorescences reach 7 centimeters in diameter and change color over time: they gradually turn pale and turn pink. Such a “plant chameleon” will be able to add zest to the garden, changing the appearance of the flower garden during the flowering period.

Has amazing healing properties Suvorov's bow. Wide leaves and a large purple ball on a high stem make this allium indispensable for decorating the back row of mixborders, and the complex of substances it contains makes one compare onions with ginseng.

The first greenery emerges in early spring. The tender leaves are rich in vitamins and have a pleasant garlicky taste. Onions have a different taste from greens and may not be to everyone’s taste, but they can also be eaten, although be careful - no more than two cloves, and it is better to first soak them in a salt solution. An overdose of Suvorov onion can cause an allergic reaction or even poisoning, but moderate use will be beneficial. Suvorov's onion contains vitamins C, D and E; the plant strengthens the immune system, has tonic properties, and improves memory.

A lot can be said and written about the edibility of alliums, so it’s better to stop for now. It's time to focus on beauty! Next, we will separately describe tall and short alliums - this will make it easier to figure out which bow and where to place it.

Tall types of decorative onions

The first place in popularity is allium giant. The tall peduncle (about one and a half meters) is topped with a large purple umbrella.

It is better to protect this “Uncle Styopa” from the wind and plant it in sunny places sheltered from bad weather, or tie the peduncle to a support, so it will definitely not break (although in this case the decorativeness of the composition may suffer). The giant onion blooms in early summer, and in July the leaves turn yellow and die. By the way, in the spring the leaves of the giant onion can be cut into a salad or put on a sandwich - tasty and healthy.

Among tall alliums it is known Aflatun onion. The peduncle reaches a height of one and a half meters, the fluffy purple balls of flowers have a diameter of up to 10 centimeters and smell pleasant, which attracts bees.

Aflatun onions are resistant to lack of moisture and cold. The first allium leaves emerge from the ground in early spring, even if the snow has not yet melted. Hurry up to replenish your supply of vitamins - the fleshy leaves with a garlic flavor are rich in useful substances!

When inflorescences appear, the foliage begins to turn yellow, so they must be removed in time to preserve the beauty of the flower garden. Because of this feature, it is better to plant allium in the background or in the center of the flowerbed, so that the lower tier is hidden on all sides by other plants.

(or McLean's onion) looks like a giant allium, but its flower stalks are not so high - from 100 to 120 centimeters. The fluffy white flower gradually changes color to pink or pale purple.

Its name is similar to the previous allium, but it can shine in height - from 70 to 170 centimeters. Purple flowers will delight the owner's eye for 2 weeks after the giant onion has faded - an excellent change for a continuous flower garden.

Dense fluffy flowers onion have a rich purple color, although there are varieties of other colors, for example the white ‘Mount Everest’.

The stalked onion reaches a height of one and a half meters, the flower balls have a diameter of up to 12 centimeters. Allium leaves are very delicate and are easily damaged by spring frosts, so it is advisable to plant this plant in the background of the flower garden.

Medium-sized types of alliums

Not a giant, but a big handsome man - Rosenbach bow. Its spherical inflorescences decorate the garden in June and look like delicate lilac lace.

Rosenbach's onion actively reproduces and can fill the entire area, since it is not picky about the soil and can grow in the shade and in the sun. Openwork allium umbrellas look good in rock gardens, rockeries and in the background in borders.

Allium Star of Persia, which is officially called Christophe's bow. Purple balls grow up to 25 centimeters!

The openwork ball looks even larger in comparison with the fact that the height of the flowering bush does not exceed 60 centimeters. The fluffy star, gradually drying out, does not change its appearance and can decorate a flower garden for more than a month and a half. Christophe's onion combines harmoniously with cereals; it is nice to look at its proximity to ground cover.

It is distinguished by large inflorescences and Schubert bow, but his balls are so delicate and delicate that they look more like fireworks. This effect is created due to the different lengths of the pedicels: from 1 to 20 centimeters.

Probably no other garden plant has a more original appearance. Schubert's bow will make an unusual accent on an alpine hill, it will look good in the foreground of a flower garden, and in itself it is very unusual.

Very winter-hardy and effective Neapolitan onion charms gardeners with delicate white bouquets of bell-shaped flowers. This species is good for group plantings, looks wonderful in borders, and is also great for cutting.

Among the delicate pastel shades of most bows, the rich dark red color is distinguished by round onion(ball-headed). The diameter of the spherical inflorescence is not so large - about 4 centimeters, but its deep color makes it indispensable for creating bright compositions.

The inflorescence of the ball-headed onion seems to be divided into two parts - while the lower part retains an immature green color, the crown of the flower has already managed to gain dark paint.

One hundred percent lives up to its name nice onion– it is really very cute, and its inflorescences look like a firework explosion or a fountain. This plant is planted to decorate borders or rocky gardens. The charming allium loves warmth, so during cold weather it is better to cover the wintering site.

Similar shape, but different color yellow onion– bright, sunny, juicy yellow. Loose lacy inflorescences consist of many bell-shaped flowers on thin threads.

A slightly disheveled umbrella is crowned by a peduncle reaching a height of 80 centimeters. After flowering, the allium foliage dies off, so the resulting void will have to be hidden somehow. By the way, breeders liked the shape of the yellow onion so much that they also bred a white variety, although the name of the parent species remained the same - yellow.

Boasts a pure white color Zebdan onion, and if you spare no effort and time in caring for this allium, it will generously reward you with a lush foam of flowers.

This allium is great in groups! It can grow in the sun and in partial shade, and the pleasant aroma of flowering zebdan onions will delight you and attract bees to the garden.

(aka pink onion) needs the warmth and attention of the gardener, who will have to cover his pet for the winter, loosen the soil and ensure regular, but not too abundant watering. For such care, the allium will thank its owner with beautiful pink flowers, which can be admired not only in flower beds, but also at home - the cut flower stalks will last a long time in the vase.

Fantastic appearance distinguishes the hybrid variety Allium 'Hair'(translated from English this word means “hair”).

Finding a mate for such an upstart is not easy, but in the company of openwork cereals he will remain a soloist and find a worthy background. The onion grows up to 50-70 centimeters, and the diameter of the “hairy head” reaches 15-20 centimeters. ‘Hair’ blooms in June-August; during flowering, the funny “hairs” of the onion change color from green to beige.

Low growing alliums

Among the low decorative bows, one of the most popular is karatavi onion. Its large, spherical flower is typically pink, but white, cream, and red varieties can be found.

It’s hard to believe that the Karatavi onion belongs to alliums - it looks so unusual. Wide leaves, short peduncle... A star spread out straight on the ground! This allium will decorate an alpine hill and add a little originality to the coastal area of ​​a garden pond. The low Karatav onion will fit perfectly into any flower garden and will gladly play the role of the first tier in a flower “high-rise building”. The foliage remains decorative even after the allium has faded, so there is no need to hide the baby from prying eyes.

Another unusual representative of alliums - daffodil onion, its original flowers decorate the garden in June. The graceful drooping inflorescences do not look at all like daffodils, and are also lilac-pink or red in color...

This onion aristocrat is thermophilic. The ideal place for daffodil onions is where they can be easily seen. Such exquisite beauty cannot be hidden, so give allium a prominent corner in the flower garden or decorate the rock garden with it.

Bring a little sunshine to the garden Moli bow. This charming, bright yellow, undemanding allium looks particularly impressive in a group planting.

The mysterious grass “moth” is mentioned in Homer’s poem “The Odyssey”: this plant was given to Odysseus by the god Hermes so that the hero could protect himself from the evil magic of Circe. Despite the fact that the description of the mythical plant does not at all fit the appearance of the Moli onion (“... its root was black, its flowers were milky ...”), allium was given exactly this name and began to be considered a symbol of good luck.

Such a handsome guy would be good company Ostrovsky bow(mountain-loving) - the loose, bright pink umbels of allium appear at the same time as the yellow flowers of the Moli onion, and also emit a very pleasant aroma. Flower beds, borders, rock gardens... There are no forbidden flower beds for Ostrovsky's onions!

Ostrovsky's onion grows slowly. Its bulbs can be planted in the spring, but autumn planting is preferable, so the allium will grow and develop better.

Decorative bows in flower beds

Tall and bright allium can be a wonderful accent in a colorful flower garden. Decorative onions go well with irises, geraniums, peonies, hostas, delphiniums and lupins.

A combination of allium and rose will be a win-win. This couple looks wonderful both in the garden and cut in bouquets.

A flower garden looks great when decorative onions are combined with geraniums.

Flower beds made from alliums of different heights look impressive. As in the photo below: a three-story mixborder made of giant allium, red-yellow flowers of helenium variety ‘Moerheim Beauty’ and ball-headed allium.

Two tiers of alliums and cereals look interesting and very delicate.

Decorative onions do not bloom for long, and this feature can be used to change the appearance of a flower garden in just a couple of weeks.

A flower garden with different shades of the same color always attracts attention. A wide palette of decorative onions allows you to choose the right color for almost any plant. Using alliums with blue colored umbrellas next to forget-me-nots and delphiniums, you will create a fresh and noticeable blue corner. A snow-white garden can easily be created from alliums with white flowers (for example, allium multibulb), adding to it night violet variety ‘Alba’, white lupine, mock orange ‘Variegatus’, olearia and iberis.

White, silver, pink... Monochrome gardens made of alliums and other flowers look incredibly impressive! The number of color combinations and variations is limited only by your imagination and capabilities.

Decorative bows are frequent guests on alpine slides. For planting, choose low-growing types of alliums, such as caratavian onions, slime onions and chives. In rock gardens, most onions feel good, since the abundance of stones and relative dryness are reminiscent of the conditions of mountainous terrain, that is, the distant homeland of alliums. Against the background of stones, these plants are noticeable and very harmonious.

Do not forget to keep an eye on alliums, because they quickly lose their decorative effect. Remove leaves in a timely manner, remove dried inflorescences so that they do not spoil the appearance of your composition.

Decorative flowering onions are very popular abroad. Those who do not have bulbs are ready to decorate their gardens even with artificial alliums.

Plastic or metal imitations of decorative onions are not for everyone. If you know how to care for plants, love your land and want to decorate your area with beautiful flowers, then it will not be difficult for you to grow alliums. Try it just once, perhaps you, like many gardeners, will “get sick” of decorative onions and every year you will replenish your flower and onion collection, making your garden brighter!

" Garlic

From early spring to mid-summer, a wonderful season begins for connoisseurs of healthy and natural nutrition - wild garlic ripens. It is known to everyone, only under different names: Ramson, Bear onion, wild onion, bulb, forest garlic.

A perennial bulbous plant that has the taste and aroma of garlic. In early spring, soft green succulent leaves and stems, and closer to June they become darker and harsher.

Ramson cannot be confused with another plant, because, thanks to volatile essential oils, its aroma spreads with the slightest breath of wind.

It blooms with snow-white small flowers, collected in umbrellas, and then boxes with black and round seeds, like peas, are formed. It reproduces both by seeds and by dividing the root - the bulb, which goes into the ground up to 50 cm.

Where does it grow

Quite common in central Russia, Europe, Ukraine, and Belarus. Can be found in the foothills of the Caucasus, in Turkey.

In April, depending on the speed of snow melting, you can go out to collect this delicacy. In the lowlands, where shrubs predominate and are quite damp, wild garlic takes over entire glades, they are called Bear Meadows, since in early spring, bears replenish their reserves of vitamins precisely in such clearings darkened by bushes.

Types of wild garlic

It is difficult to confuse the existing types, because they look and taste completely different. All are related to onions, have a bulbous, garlicky taste and aroma in varying degrees, with different shades.

Angled Bow

Called Mouse Onion, it is often found in Central Asia, in the floodplains of Siberian rivers, in some European parts, and in Belarus. Reaches half a meter in height, has a dark green color. Both the rhizome - bulb and long leaves are edible.

It is highly valued for its onion-garlic taste, vitamin content, and bactericidal effect. Despite the considerable remoteness of its growth, people collect and store this type of wild plant in large quantities during the season.

They are used not only for cooking, but also for medicinal purposes. Can be dried, frozen, salted.

Victory Bow

It is more widespread than the Bear Bow and Angular. It can be found in North America, China, the mountainous regions of the Urals and Siberia, Sakhalin, and the foothills of the Caucasus.

With a peduncle reaches a height of 120 cm, the leaves are dense, long - up to 30 cm, from the root they fit tightly to the stem, and look like a flask - that’s what they call it in Sbiri.

Thanks to such wide distribution, it is used even more actively in the cultures of peoples. In some places this species is processed on an industrial scale. Used as one of the best antiscorbutic drugs, as is customary in the northern countries. With the arrival of spring, it is collected and used for food and preparation by local residents.

It does not have a bitter aftertaste, so it is eaten throughout the summer, although it becomes harsher.

Beneficial features

This plant contains the maximum amount of vitamins and microelements for a person whose body urgently needs them in the spring. It seems to be a miracle cure for many diseases. In early spring, when not a single plant turns green so rapidly, wild garlic can save the body from vitaminosis.

Already in April it contains:

  • Vitamin C;
  • B vitamins;
  • Vitamins PP;
  • Carotene;
  • Phytoncides;
  • Essential oils;
  • Cellulose;
  • Organic acids.

In addition to the subtle taste that can be used to decorate any sauce, meat or fish dish, connoisseurs of wild garlic use it throughout the season and as a filling for pies, and in the form of blanks.

Its benefits cannot be diminished, since the composition is maximally adapted to ensure that the human body fully absorbs all the properties of garlic.

Besides cooking, wild garlic is used in folk medicine, cosmetology, and there are many known effective home remedies from this amazing plant.

Wild garlic:

  • Promotes increase appetite and easy digestion;
  • Reduces blood pressure due to its diuretic effect;
  • Improves digestion with low acidity;
  • Improves condition for kidney diseases due to its bactericidal effect and diuretic effect;
  • Helps in the treatment of pneumonia, and other lung diseases;
  • Has a pronounced antihistamine effect, when consumed within several days;
  • Improves lipid metabolism, which means – helps with fat burning.

People with high acidity, gastritis, or ulcers should not eat fresh wild garlic.

Use in cooking and home medicine

Wild garlic has been known for many years as a main ingredient in salads, as a filling for pies, and as an aromatic component in sauces.

Its medicinal properties They are also passed on by many cultures to their next generations.

Wild garlic can not only be consumed in season, but also prepared for the family, and enjoy aromatic dishes all winter, and eat a balanced composition of vitamins.

So, wild garlic can be stored in:

  • Frozen. Sliced ​​and frozen, it can be stored for up to 6 months;
  • Dried form. The leaves are cut and dried in a ventilated area without sunlight. Stored for several years;
  • Salty form. Leaves and stems are salted without using marinade. Can be stored for up to 3 months.

Preparation of medicinal products from fresh wild garlic

  1. For wounds that take a long time to heal, fester, as well as herpes– finely enough, until the juice forms, grind the leaves, apply to the wound, bandage, and leave for a couple of hours. After this, remove the bandage with the pulp, and dry it without rinsing.
  2. For arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism– finely ground wild garlic is poured with vodka at the rate of 1/4, and left in a dark place for half a month. Rub the prepared tincture before bed.

  1. For periodontal disease- infuse vodka at the rate of 1/1 with freshly ground wild garlic pulp for 1 week. Before going to bed, rinse your mouth with three tablespoons of tincture.
  2. From vitamin deficiency, for the prevention of colds and pulmonary diseases– during the wild garlic ripening season, you need to eat 150–200 grams of fresh leaves and stems daily without heat treatment. You can eat it daily in the form of a salad, or as a herb for hot dishes.

Wild garlic is not a medicine that will make you stop taking pills prescribed by your doctor. Be sure to consult with him before stopping this or that drug!

Fresh wild garlic salad with egg and ham

  • 200g fresh wild garlic;
  • 3 boiled eggs;
  • 150g ham or boiled meat;
  • 3 tbsp. sour cream;

Cut the ham and eggs into cubes. Finely chop the wild garlic, add salt and mash with your hands. Mix the ingredients, add sour cream, pepper and salt to taste.

Filling for garlic pie or pies

  • 500-700g. fresh wild garlic;
  • 2 fresh eggs;
  • 5 tbsp. high fat sour cream;

Finely chop the wild garlic, add some salt and mash it a little with your hands. Beat the eggs into the mixture. Add sour cream and stir. Use as a filling for pie or pies.

Garlic sauce with meat and wild garlic

  • 300g. any fresh meat for goulash or sauce;
  • 300g. fresh wild garlic;
  • 1 l. Water.

Boil the meat until almost done. Add coarsely chopped wild garlic, the necessary spices and vegetables to the broth. Bring it to readiness and serve meat garlic sauce with sour cream.

Use foods that grow in your region, think about seasonality. Usefulness always goes hand in hand with necessity for the body.

Wild garlic is a wonderful gift from nature at a time when your strength is running low. Eat natural foods as much as possible– even wild garlic can be both a delicious dish and an excellent healer.


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