Dictations - Spelling particles not-ni. Dictations - Particle not with different parts of speech Not with different parts of speech dictation

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Class: 8


1. Educational and developmental:

1.1. Generalization of spelling NOT with different parts of speech.

1.2. Developing the ability to identify parts of speech and apply rules.

2. Educational:

2.1. To develop in students respect for people of science.

Form: practical lesson.

During the classes

I. Introduction

In the last lesson, we repeated the rules of writing not with different parts of speech. And today we have a workshop on the topic “NOT with different parts of speech.”

II. Topic, objectives of the lesson

Write down the date and topic of the lesson. Knowing the theory and being able to apply the rules in practice, what goal do we set for today’s lesson? (Formulation of goals)

III. Comprehensive text analysis

We will develop competencies by performing a comprehensive text analysis. Carefully consider the plan of your activities, main tasks, reminders necessary for work. The result of your activity should be a spelling scheme “NOT with different parts of speech.” 15 minutes to work.

IV. Band performances

Let's listen to performances from the groups. (Students present diagrams, present their work, answer questions)

Which of the proposed schemes is convenient to use?

V. Test work

Familiarize yourself with the contents of paragraph 4. Recording a vocabulary dictation, checking work in pairs using the key. Analyze your activities, fill out assessment sheets.

Refer to lesson objectives.

1. Which of the set goals have been fully realized? What do you need to continue working on?

2. Mark on the self-assessment sheet which group you place yourself in.

VII. Homework (optional)

  1. Write a miniature essay on a free topic, using at least 9 words of the given spelling.
  2. Write an essay using the words of this spelling.

Group activity plan

Lesson stages Content
1. Organizational moment.
2. Preparation for activities in the lesson. 1. Write down the date and topic of the lesson.

2. Determine the objectives of the lesson.

3. Development of competencies using language material. 1. Working with the text (distribute the roles of speakers according to tasks for the text).

2. One representative from the group reads the text expressively, the rest analyze his speech using memo No. 2.

3. On the third question, one representative from the group speaks, the rest complement.

4. On questions 4 and 5.6, two representatives from the group speak (build a coherent monologue), the rest are supplemented, corrected, using

memo No. 3.

5. Two students prepare a presentation according to the created scheme, the rest complement it.

6. Analysis of your activities at this stage of the lesson (fill out the assessment sheet).

4. Test work. 1. Recording a vocabulary dictation.

2. Checking work in pairs using a key.

3. Analysis of your activities at this stage of the lesson (fill out the assessment sheet).

5. Summing up. Refer to the lesson objectives, what worked?

Mark on the self-assessment sheet which group you would classify yourself in?

6. Homework. 1. Write a miniature essay on a free topic, using at least 9 words of the given spelling.

2. Write an essay using the words of this spelling.

Text of group 1

Kliment Arkadyevich Timiryazev

This life was a fiery feat. You stop in amazement at the (in)exhaustible enormity of what Timiryazev did.

An (in)domitable fighter, a citizen scientist, a teacher who trained (several) generations of remarkable researchers, an experimenter who paved new paths in laboratory practice, “the patriarch of Russian agronomy,” a full and honorary member of four dozen academies, universities, scientific societies around the world ...

Work filled this life to the brim.

But those who personally knew Timiryazev preserved for us the image of a (non)pedant, deep in his microscopes, in his books, but a man open to all the living joys of the world. He passionately loved nature, travel, and long excursions. A camera and a lens were (in)separable from him; he was guided most often by the (not) hand of a botanist, but by the hand of a person in love with life.

There was also smartness in him, instilled in his parents’ home and preserved throughout his life, like (dis)hatred of all external and internal promiscuity and (sloppiness), like respect for work and the ability to work.

The passionate burning of this life (did not) stop for a day. But it was an internal boiling, which the strictest discipline of the will did not allow to break out. Timiryazev was remembered by those who knew him as gentlemanly correct, speaking evenly, (slowly), in well-chosen phrases.

There was absolutely nothing of a “scientific eccentric” in Timiryazev. He did not suffer from either absent-mindedness or forgetfulness. On the contrary, he was punctually accurate in everything down to the smallest detail.

In an argument, he never (never) shouted and never (never) said rude things. But he knew how to destroy the enemy so much that until the end of his days he would (not) forget the “reprimand” inflicted on him by Timiryazev.

He portrayed science as an (un)reachable temple in which priests, endowed with miraculous omniscience, perform mysterious rites, opening only the edge of the veil for the (un)initiated. No, Timiryazev (never) tired of repeating: “Science is a workshop, learn to work, you will find a place in it! (V. Safonov.)

Assignments to the text

  1. Read the text carefully.
  2. Explain the spelling Not in this text.
  3. Indicate synonyms for nouns, adjectives and adverbs with which Not write together.

Answer order

Text 2 groups

Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi

Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi is a Russian painter, the initiator of the creation of a society of artists, which later bore his name. Kuindzhi's place in Russian painting is determined by his special vision of nature.

He introduced a (un)repeatable originality into Russian landscape painting, showing the beauty of his native nature from a side that was almost (not) reflected in the works of his contemporaries.

The most famous paintings depict nature in moments that no one (has) depicted before.

Everything became the subject of the master’s artistic interests: (un)fading sunsets, the radiance of moonlit nights, the almost (in)noticeable light of the rainbow against the backdrop of heavy clouds. Although he painted a road washed out by (non-) incessant autumn rains, and a steppe with (un)mown grass, and an (un)usually beautiful birch grove, permeated with the sun’s rays, Kuindzhi will remain in the memory of generations as an (in)imitable singer of enchanting beauty and the mysterious charm of a moonlit night. In the (small) large canvas “Night on the Dnieper” the artist achieves (un)previous lighting effects and wise simplicity of composition. (S. Myasnikova.)

Assignments to the text

  1. Read the text carefully.
  2. Prepare an expressive reading of the text using tip No. 2.
  3. Determine the topic, the main idea of ​​the text. (See memo No. 2, paragraph 3).
  4. Determine what style and type of speech this text belongs to. Explain your point of view (support your answer with examples from the text).
  5. Explain the spelling Not in this text.
  6. Write down phrases with Not, to which one can select a synonymous pair without Not, write down these synonymous pairs.
  7. Make your own spelling chart “Not with different parts of speech.”

Answer order

(distribute who prepares an answer to which question in the group).

  1. Read the text expressively, listen to students’ opinions about reading.
  2. Prepare a complete answer to the third question (2-3 sentences).
  3. Prepare a monologue on questions 4 and 5, using memo No. 3.
  4. Read question 6 and give a clear answer.
  5. Present your diagram. Tell us about its benefits.

Text group 3


For a whole year before Nikolai Nikolaevich’s arrival, the house stood boarded up. It was poured with rain, there was snow on the roof, and no one (not) cleaned, so the roof, and so for a long time (not) painted, in many places it was leaky and rusty.

Nikolai Nikolaevich (not) expected that meeting home would excite him so much. When the abandoned house appeared, his heart began to beat so hard that he was afraid that (not) it will come. He caught his breath, crossed the street with a firm military step, and entered the courtyard.

Nikolai Nikolaevich looked back and saw that behind him, with his arms folded mournfully on his chest, stood (some women. He's with no one (not) spoke(not) because it was like that (not) people, Just ( could not: every vein trembled inside him when he met the home that was for him ( not easy home, and his life and cradle.

(V. Zheleznikov)

Assignments to the text

  1. Read the text carefully.
  2. Prepare an expressive reading of the text using tip No. 2.
  3. Determine the topic, the main idea of ​​the text. (See memo No. 2, paragraph 3).
  4. Determine what style and type of speech this text belongs to. Explain your point of view (support your answer with examples from the text).
  5. Explain the spelling Not in this text.
  6. Indicate what parts of speech the highlighted words are.
  7. Make your own spelling chart “Not with different parts of speech.”

Answer order

(distribute who prepares an answer to which question in the group).

  1. Read the text expressively, listen to students’ opinions about reading.
  2. Prepare a complete answer to the third question (2-3 sentences).
  3. Prepare a monologue on questions 4 and 5, using memo No. 3.
  4. Read question 6 and give a clear answer.
  5. Present your diagram. Tell us about its benefits.

Annex 1

Performance evaluation sheet

Last name, first name of the student Text Scheme Dictation Bottom line

Vocabulary dictation (key for testing)

Without hiding surprise; perplexed; could not meet; harbor hatred; to be indignant with indignation; not a wooden house; not cheap; undisciplined student; the river is not wide, but cold; to be unwell for a long time; not distant, but close; not sixty; unspoken law; unburnt fire; underfulfill the plan; can't reach the shelf; show distrust; nothing to write with; there is no one to run after; not eating enough; shortly before the meeting; a real touch-me-not; not disguised by anyone; unmemorable face; sloppy appearance; show inappropriateness; hater of ignorance; feel awkward; no one came; neither fish nor fowl.

Class: 10

  • systematize the material on the topic “not with different parts of speech” studied in grades 5-9, supplement the amount of material established by the school curriculum;
  • develop a strong and conscious spelling skill NOT with different parts of speech;
  • continue preparing students for the Unified State Exam, practicing the skill of completing test tasks

Lesson type: lesson on systematization, generalization and consolidation of knowledge

Equipment: table “NOT with different parts of speech”, interactive whiteboard, computer, handouts.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Spelling work

(Spelling the endings of verbs and suffixes of present participles and suffixes of past participles - task A16 of the Unified State Exam)

You pronounce, offended, transformed, serve, transfer, relate, sleep, conclude, oily, visible, glued, curling (cranes), see, forget, acceptable, chirp, hold, seeming, get lost, restored, unforgettable, swaying.

To successfully complete this assignment, students must:

  • determine the conjugation of verbs (pronounce - pronunciation it– II reference - we write I; kurlychushchie – kurlyk at– I reference – U)
  • see the vowel of the infinitive: offended - offend
  • remember about the “insidious” prefix you-, which takes over the emphasis (get enough sleep - sleep - II sp.)

III. Setting the topic and goal setting of the lesson

On the slide are the words of Dmitry Likhachev.

(Don’t) miss the opportunity to find something interesting even where you think it’s (un)interesting. There are no (un)interesting places on earth: there are only (un)interested people, people (not) able to find interesting things, internally boring. You must be able to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the place where fate has thrown you...

(D. Likhachev)

Read the text. What are Likhachev’s words about? How do you understand the meaning of this statement? Copy, opening the brackets, explain the spelling, tell the spelling rules that you followed. Formulate the topic of the lesson.

IV. Systematization of material on the lesson topic

Working with a table ( slides and handouts for students)

Together Apart
With nouns, adjectives, adverbs
  • if without NOT not used
  • if you can find a synonym without NOT
  • if there is or is implied a contrast with the conjunction A
  • if there are particles not at all, far from, not at all, not at all, not at all, not yet, not yet

Negative and indefinite pronouns and adverbs

If there is no excuse (no one) If there is an excuse (with no one)

Verbs and gerunds

If without NOT not used Always

Verbal adjectives and participles

  • full forms
  • no dependent words
  • there is no opposition with the union A
  • no particles at all, far from, not at all, etc.
  • short forms
  • there is a dependent word
  • there is a contrast with the union A
  • there are particles not at all, far from, not at all and others

We pay special attention to the following points:

  • the presence of words indicating combined/separate spelling not with adjectives and adverbs.

The most ambiguous of the explanatory words is the word AT ALL. If AT ALL = VERY, then it is NOT written together. If AT ALL = AT ALL, NOT AT ALL, then it is NOT written separately.

  • the adversative conjunction BUT requires continuous writing: an ugly but expensive toy
  • Remember: none other than; nothing more than
  • Despite, despite – prepositions (not gerunds)
  • Do not confuse the particle NOT with the prefix NEDO- on verbs. The prefix “UNDER-” means “deficiency compared to the norm” The prisoners were malnourished (lack of food compared to the norm), didn’t finish the soup (didn’t finish the action), didn’t look after the child, didn’t watch the movie.

V. Training tasks

1. Copy, open the brackets (task on the slide)

(Un)slept children, an old man who had not slept for a long time, a (non-)ceasing struggle, rain that (didn’t) stop during the day, (not) rusting steel, a completely (un)developed area, absolutely (un)explored spaces, almost ( untouched soil, a (not) tanned face, articles (not) published anywhere, a scarf (not) knitted by an old woman, openly (not) expressed dissatisfaction, a novel (not) read, work (not) completed.

2. Establish a correspondence between the highlighted words in the sentences and their characteristics.

1. Volkonskaya had something (un)Russian in her facial features. A. Participle with dependent words, written separately
2. (Not) catching him, I went to Alekseev. B. Short adjective, written together
3. (Despite the severity of the local frosts, he set off on his journey. B. Adverb, not used without NOT, written together
4. In the person of Pushkin’s parents, the offspring of one person merged - Pyotr Petrovich Pushkin, who for many years (did not) have communication and connections with each other. G. Participle, written separately
5. This marriage was (un)happy. D. The adjective with NOT is written together, since you can choose a synonym
6. The birch grove was (not) far from the house. E. It is part of a preposition and is written together.

(Keys: 1-D, 2-G, 3-E, 4-A, 5-B 6-C)

3. Indicate the correct answer

The word is written together

A) Is it possible to live (without) sacrificing anything?
B) He chose to remain (un)recognized.
C) It is difficult for a person (not) confident in his abilities to win.
D) I (don’t) have anyone to turn to for help.

(Answer– B)

A) The bread in the store is not (not) fresh at all.
B) Life in the village is calm and (not) hasty.
C) Errors in operation are still (un)corrected.
D) It was the life of a person who seemed (not) created for happiness.

(The answer is B)

Words are written separately

A) There was (not) anything strange in his words.
B) The message on the mobile phone monitor was dark: “(Un)answered call”
B) (Not) for a while I will live in the village.
D) The man looked at me (un)questioningly.

(The answer is A)

A) This is a (not) made up story, but a story that actually happened.
B) You can’t be so (un)collected.
C) It’s (im)polite to do this.
D) There were (in) indignant screams in the hall.

(The answer is A)

4. In which row(s) should words with NOT be written the same way?

A) (not) deprived, (not) a friend at all, (not) with?, (not) which
B) (not) created, (not) sing, (not) vast, (not) photographer
C) absolutely (un)beautiful, (not) combed, (not) regardless of what, (not) to whom
D) not at all offended, (not) obliged, (not) adapted to the conditions, (not) times.

(Answer: B – together, D – separately)

5. Indicate the incorrect spelling

1. A) some words
B) stupid boy
B) an insecure person
D) tears invisible to the world

2. A) nothing more than
B) shouldn't
B) not feeling well
D) not said

3. A) without telling
B) no where
B) was not
D) more than once

4. A) far from likeable
B) hatred
B) completely sad
D) someone

(Answers: 1-G, 2-B, 3-B, 4-A)

6. Exercise to differentiate between NOT and UNDER-

The descriptions lacked color (a deficiency compared to the norm). He dived, but did not reach the bottom (unfinished action). Well, Peter, you didn’t finish your piece of the pie. I didn’t get enough sleep at night and didn’t have enough to eat. One hundred and sixty-seven people were missing from the Svetlana crew. She didn’t listen to the end and walked away.

7. Commented dictation

It’s (not) good to be considered (not) smart, (not) nice to seem like an upstart. The (un)knownness was no longer there, everything was already clear to me. It (not) drove me crazy though. She (wasn’t) annoyed, (didn’t) hate her aunt. Chistyakov, (despite) his terrible fatigue, (could not) sleep a wink. A completely (un)interesting game was invented. We walked along the (un)lit streets of the town. I made a completely (un)considered decision. The boat was approaching the place where the sea (un)protected from the wind was boiling and rushing in the darkness. Alone in the field (not) a warrior. Still (untouched) by the colors of autumn, the tall stems of grass turn merrily green. We found a (not) destroyed, but completely intact hut.

8. Independent work

The tasks are given on cards or on a slide. Together or separately? Tasks A 18 last years of the Unified State Exam.

  • An (un)identified flying object has been detected.
  • There is only a (un)finished glass of juice on the table.
  • Right next to the road, the windows of still (un)inhabited houses were blackened.
  • (Un)able to realize himself in life, Bazarov shows his best qualities in the face of death.
  • The keys have still (not) been found.
  • The Petrovs’ house is (not) large, but very cozy.
  • The silence was (not) ominous, but somehow soft and calm.
  • Prince Andrei was irritated by Speransky’s (not) cold gaze that allowed him to penetrate into his soul.
  • Marya Gavrilovna, (not) aware of what is hiding under Deforge’s mask, goes on a date.
  • The mistress (did not) like the new servant.
  • An (un)grateful listener disturbs even a good storyteller.
  • There was still (un)fried fish on the table.
  • The facial features are (not) devoid of pleasantness.
  • In this (un)thinned forest, young trees grow slowly.

V. Summing up the lesson


  • §58 p. 175 exercise 321 (Grekov V.F. “Manual for Russian language classes in high school”)
  • Take the test (handout)


Unified State Exam: information technologies for preparation. Russian language. Methodological recommendations./Auth.-comp. Krasheninnikova L.A., Lukina I.V. – Irkutsk: Publishing house of Irkutsk State Pedagogical University, 2011.

Algorithm for spelling particles not with nouns, adjectives and adverbs starting with -o:


The sun - not fiery, not hot, as during a sultry drought, not dull crimson, as before a storm, but bright and welcomingly radiant - peacefully emerges from under a narrow and long cloud (T.). I involuntarily admired Pavlusha (T.). A stormy wind was breathing (P.). A small cauldron hung over one of the lights... (T.) She was far from beautiful (L.). We had a leisurely conversation among ourselves (Paust.). The sun was not cloudy as in the evening, but bright, having rested during the night (Paust.). Tears appeared in her eyes, not timid, not bitter, but proud, angry tears (Ch.). The sun burned like yesterday, the air was still and dull (Ch.). To the right and left of the gazebo stretched uneven clayey banks (Ch.). Davydov walked at a leisurely but wide pace (Shol.). Without hearing the answer, Pechorin took several steps towards the door (L.). To the right, a yellow, unblinking star stood low above the wooded hills (A.N.T.). In extraordinary silence the dawn arises (Paust.). Pechorin was unwell for a long time, lost weight, poor thing (L.). The expression of this gaze was very vague, but not mocking (L.). The stranger, when they saw him, turned out to be a man of about thirty, ugly in appearance and not remarkable in any way (Ch.). The dim light was burning outside the window and the dim light could not go out (Paust.). The hut was worthless (A.T.N.). Memories are not yellowed letters, not old age, not dried flowers and relics, but a living, trembling world full of poetry (Paust.). A whirlwind, not cold, but warm, hit the trees, the walls, the street (T.). The garden is especially good, small but dense and pleasantly intricate (M.G.). She began to sing: her voice is not bad. (L.)… I intend to sneak away immediately (T.).


Someone walked slowly along the alley (Ch.). Blizzard fiercely besieged the stallion right in front of the boy’s nose, almost running him over (Fad.). Yegorushka quickly, not wanting to think about anything, put the bundle under his head and covered himself with his coat (Ch.). Metelitsa looked around with his eyes, listened and, not finding anything suspicious, silently and quickly jumped over the fence (Fad.). Without killing the bear, the skins are not sold (last). Not knowing who was calling us, or where to go, both the old woman and I jumped up and rushed through the smoke after the sailor (T.).


She was indignant and hated Aunt (Ch.). The rice in the pies is undercooked (Ch.). The houses are new, but the prejudices are old. Rejoice - neither years, nor fashion, nor fires will destroy them (Gr.). Not a single white leaf flutters on the birch trees (P.). He lived as if he didn’t notice anyone around him and didn’t need anyone (T.). ... And he didn’t need anything, and nothing bound him (T.). But, not admitting anything, not only was he not a gloomy, bored and resonant young man, but, on the contrary, he was constantly carried away (L.T.). Klim had never spoken to anyone the way he spoke to Marina (M.G.). Kiselev took part in the wars with Napoleon, but was never not only wounded, but even scratched (Paust.). Having somehow said goodbye, without looking at anyone’s face, Volodya left the dining room (Ch.). The goose was not at all offended that an unfamiliar dog was eating his food (Ch.). I will leave Rome forever: I hate slavery (P.).


In general, of all the people who ever met Chekhov, there was, it seems, not a single one who, remembering him, would not note this deeply popular trait: a fierce hatred of self-aggrandizement and arrogance. It was impossible to believe that someone whom the whole country revered could not feel his glory to such an extent.

It was as if he had set a task for himself: to conceal himself, not to stick out his “I” to anyone, not to oppress anyone with his merits. “When they write about me, it bothers me unpleasantly,” said Chekhov.

Do not extract any privileges from your talent, so that it does not become a barrier between him and other people. Never, under any circumstances, allow yourself to be arrogant or swaggering.

Chekhov wrote to the editor of the magazine: “Please do not print me at such length in advertisements. This is not accepted." When the complete collection of his works was published, Chekhov, as a special favor, asked the publisher not to print either his portrait or his biography. In general, it would be nice if young writers, having studied Chekhov’s biography in detail, made it a model of their behavior, because this biography is, above all, a textbook of writerly modesty.

K. Chukovsky “A. P. Chekhov."

"Not" with different parts of speech.
Together or separately?

In order for students to understand and successfully master a new spelling topic, the teacher must first of all show the internal logic of the laws of Russian spelling, make these laws understandable, familiar and simple. The means may vary. This is especially true for the moments of practicing and consolidating new knowledge. Tables (ready-made or thought out by the teacher, “tortured” by him - and therefore the best), algorithms, entertaining and educational tasks, and games are also suitable here.

Visualization and “entertainment” should not be neglected in high school, so that Russian language lessons do not turn into a dreary repetition of what was supposedly studied in the 6th and 7th grades, but is completely forgotten by the majority, and is perceived by many simply as a new revelation .

I. Didactic material from various manuals helps the teacher when studying and repeating the topic « Not with different parts of speech." The main writing principle that schoolchildren must learn here is:

Particle Not , written separately, expresses the negation of a sign or action.

Console Not-, written together, it only says that the object has the opposite quality, sign or effect.

Based on this principle, you can combine numerous rules into simple schemes:

Particle Not written separately:

with verbs(was not),with gerunds(leisurely),with numerals(not once), and with short adjectives with a hint of obligation (he is not needed - not required, not obliged - does not want);

– with all words, if they have or are implied contrast with union A (Not deep, A small river), as well as with intensification denial words far from, not to anyone, not at all, not at all, not at all(not at all happy faces);

with adjectives in comparative degree(not thinner);

in words with prepositions(Not with whom, Not in spirit Not for whom, Not in force).

Not written together:

- in words that are without Not not used (Not vezha, Not conquerable);

in words that give a qualitative description of the subject and which can be replaced with a synonym (Not friend - enemy, very Not healthy look - very sick look, Not healthy – sick);

in verbal adjectives -washed (Not dependent);

V indefinite pronouns (Not Who, Not What, Not which);

V verbs with prefix under-, giving the verb the meaning of incompleteness, lack of action (under do , under evaluate).

The same writing principle applies to participles:

Full participles with a particle Not are written apart, if there

dependent word: Not redeemed nobody lights;

contrast with union but not repaid, A lit lights.

Not with participles -my written separately, if available dependent word in creative case: Not visible(adv.) eye, But invisible(adj.) tears to the world.

If there is no dependent word or contrast with a conjunction A, then the particle Not is written together: Not the extinguished lights glowed dimly in the fog.

WITH short participles particle Not is written always separately: lights Not repaid.

II. You can present these rules in the form of a simple table (7th grade level).

Not with different parts of speech

Part of speech



Noun, adjective, adverb -o, -e

1. Not to be used without Not-:

sissy, ridiculous, ridiculous

2. Can be replaced with a synonym without Not-:

Not modestly (boastfully)

Not stupid (smart)

3. In negative adverbs:

Not Where , Not Where

1. There is a contrast:

Not Truth , A lie

2. Denial is reinforced by words

far, not at all, not at all, never:

far Not silly

3. With adverbs not on -o, -e:

Not comradely


After Not And neither no preposition:

neither whom , Not whom

After Not And neither there is a preposition:

Not who , nor who

Verb, gerund

Not harass (not used without -Not )

Not harassing(not used without -Not )

Not noticed (verb)

Not noticing(gerund)


There is no dependent word or opposition:

Not finished work

1. There is a dependent word:

Not finished during Job

2. There is a contrast:

Not finished, A work started

3. With short participles:

Job Not finished

III. Words that are without Not are not used.

Nouns Adjectives Verbs



ignoramus, ignoramus

absurdity, absurdity


bad weather



stainless steel (steel)

slob, sloppiness


Nesmeyana (princess)





a lack of


tawny owl (grass)







impenetrable (darkness)

unsightly (action)




countless (quantity)



merciless (swearing)

be indignant

be perplexed

lack (something)

overlook (behind the child)

miss (Sveta)



go on a rampage

I'm not feeling well

he's itching

you're in trouble

IV. Simplified version of the rules:

V. We work with algorithms.

VI. Developmental tasks.

1. Reaction speed task(good to do after a long time of writing). The teacher reads the phrases, calling out their serial number, and the students write down only the numbers in two columns: together Not- and separately Not

1) unfulfilled order;

2) the forest is not coniferous;

3) an indignant look;

4) the windows are not washed;

5) not happy about the meeting;

6) there was no;

7) he is not feeling well;

8) the ring is not gold;

9) not easy to decide;

10) is far from an easy matter;

11) very carelessly;

12) unmown meadow;

13) without looking around;

14) despite the circumstances.

Answer is written like this:

together: 1, 3, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14;

separately: 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 13.

2. Attention task which simultaneously develops the ability to distinguish between participles and adjectives.

Write down only the numbers adjectives, who are without Not not used:

1) unfinished novel;

2) leisurely;

3) unsightly;

4) not involved;

5) careless;

6) immature;

7) clumsy;

8) irreversible.

Now remember the rest of the words from the list that Not are always written together (training auditory memory).

3. Determine by ear whether it is Not part of the root of a noun or a prefix without which the word cannot be used:

2) slob;

3) weakness;

4) hatred;

6) nectar.

4. Choose synonyms for the words and write down only them: inattention, illiteracy, mistrust, unhappiness, independence. A Now remember and write down the noun with Not, which was dictated to you.

5. Choose antonyms with Not to the words (by ear) and write down only them: slavery– ..., opponent -..., concentration - ..., dirty - ..., neat– ..., close – ..., lie – ..., low– ....

6. Form participles from verbs (by ear) and write down only those (paired with a verb) that are written with Not together:

not to grab, not to dirty, to be indignant, not to listen,

not to hear, to be perplexed, to be tender, to bask.

How do you write Not with a verb in sentences:

I'm missing 100 rubles

Am I missing 100 thousand?

7. Form participles from verbs (if possible) and write only them in two columns (jointly and separately):

not to see, to hate, not to rush, not to rush,

not to do, not to do, to be indignant, to be perplexed,

not to notice, not to notice, to rage,

don’t ask, don’t ask, (he) isn’t feeling well,

itching, to overlook (someone).

From what verbs is it impossible to form gerunds?

(After completing the last two exercises, the children have in their notebooks a list of almost all verbs and gerunds that, without Not are not used).

VII. Exercise to restore deformed text for consolidation.

Correct any mistakes made in the text.

And since their corner was almost deserted, there was nowhere to get the latest news about what was happening in this world: the transporters with wooden utensils lived only twenty miles away and knew little more than them. There was nothing even to compare their lives with: whether they live well or not; whether they are rich or poor.

Happy people lived thinking that it shouldn’t and couldn’t be any other way, confident that everyone else lived exactly the same way and that living differently was a sin.

In the last five years, out of several hundred souls, not one has died, let alone a violent death, or even a natural death.

And if someone fell into eternal sleep from old age or from some long-standing illness, then for a long time afterward they could not bear such an unusual case.

Once, however, he was found lying behind the outskirts in a ditch, near the bridge, apparently, a man who had lagged behind the passing artel.

The men did not dare to come close. The passerby made a movement to raise his head, but could not: he, apparently, was not healthy or very tired.

And everyone went to the village, telling the old people that the person lying there was not from here and was not saying anything.

“Not from here, don’t touch it!” - said the old people .

(According to I.A. Goncharov)

VIII. Write a dictation.


The boys did not recognize the forest. He seemed to have changed. Wrong trees, wrong swamps, wrong grass. Some strange flowers are visible, they weren’t there before. And instead of a road there is an unknown river. They jumped out to the edge and gasped. Again there was nothing like familiar terrain. Neither mountains nor villages, as if they had fallen through the ground. The sun has set. But they were not at all ready for sunset. The darkness in the forest was pitch-black, but they were walking straight ahead, not making out the road, and it was impossible to make out. They saw no more of each other. Suddenly Kolya became wary and shuddered. A long, subtle sound came from the left side. They rushed to the left. Their legs carried them uncontrollably through stumps, swamps, and bushes. But still nothing was heard except the sound of the wind and the rustling of the rain. Both were trembling and rubbing their hands on their knees as they walked.

(According to N. Timkovsky)
(130 words)


1. Bogdanova G.A."Russian language lessons in 8th grade."

2. Akhremenkova L.A."Towards A, step by step."

3. Konovalova L.F. Russian language. Support diagrams. Exercises. M., 2005.



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