The length of ski poles depending on height. How to choose ski poles according to height

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The height of an athlete is one of the main factors, which must be taken into account when choosing skis. The ideal length of this sports equipment, as well as ski poles, depends on this parameter.

It is important to take into account that modern models, which are made from new materials, are shorter than those used in previous decades.

Therefore, in the case if you want to buy skis for yourself or your child, you should not rely on figures that were previously considered generally accepted.

How to choose the right skis and poles for your height?

Usually, classic skis must exceed the athlete’s height by 20-30 cm. Skate models much shorter, here the excess is no more than 15 cm.

The ideal ski length for two different skiers of the same height can vary significantly- it depends on the weight, stiffness of the material and riding style.

The higher the weight, the longer and stiffer the skis should be.

Ski types

In order for skiing to be successful, it is important not only to choose the right size skis and poles.

The first thing you need to decide is which skis to choose, what type of sports equipment you need, and for this you need to know where and how are you going to ride?.

For a classic move

Classic skis- the best choice for those who often ski. In the middle part of these models there are special notches that provide excellent grip on snow.

For skating

These skis are designed for skating style., when an athlete walks along a wide snowy road, and his movement technique is similar to the movements of a speed skater.

Skating this way is somewhat more difficult than the classic style.


Alpine skis are designed for downhill skiing from the slopes and for alpine skiing. They come in several types, each of which is designed for a specific riding style:

  • carving skis;
  • for freeride;
  • freestyle;
  • ski touring and ski mountaineering.


Cross-country skiing is perfect for country walks and easy hikes over short distances.

It should be borne in mind that they are intended primarily for moving on already trampled snow, while tourist models are better suited for virgin snow.

For a child

If you want to introduce children to skiing, the choice of children's skis and poles needs to be approached even more carefully.

After all, the child doesn’t have much strength, and if the model is chosen incorrectly, he probably won’t like skating.

Choosing ski boots and bindings

For newbies Systems with automatic boot fastening work well. Advanced skiers prefer to use manual fastening.

First you need to find comfortable shoes, and then choose bindings that fit them. In order not to make a mistake with the size, you need to purchase thermal socks for skating in advance and try on your shoes while wearing them.

It should be borne in mind that there are boots for classics, boots for skating and combined shoes that will suit both styles of skating.

Choosing skis is not such an easy task, as it might seem at first glance.

However, if you arm yourself with knowledge in advance and approach the matter with all seriousness, making the right decision will not be difficult.

With skis correctly selected by type and length your ride or the ride of your children will take place with maximum comfort and safety and will definitely bring a lot of positive emotions.

The video explains how to choose the right skis, boots and bindings:

Published: February 4, 2016.

Why do you need to select ski poles by height?

The skiing technique involves performing certain movements. These movements also include pushing off with your hands using ski poles. Moreover, such repulsions must be synchronized with other body movements.

At such moments, the skier’s body is in a certain position. And to work with your hands in such positions you need sticks of a certain length. Since all skiers are of different heights, each person needs their own length of poles. And the only criterion in this case was the person’s height. This is why selecting ski poles according to the height of a particular skier is so important.

Everyone can see this for themselves. All you have to do is ride with poles of different lengths. It is uncomfortable to push with poles that are too long or too short. And in order not to carry out tests when purchasing, they have long been using the experience gained over many years and generations of skiers in selecting ski poles.

This experience will be especially useful for beginner skiers. They are just beginning to get acquainted with the technique of skiing. And it will not be easy for them to determine what length of stick is best. And how do you even use sticks?

How to wear ski poles correctly

For those who decide to try the length of ski poles themselves now, it will be useful to know how to hold them correctly. This knowledge will also be useful for other novice athletes or amateur skiers.

To properly hold a ski pole with your right hand, you need to grab it with your left hand just below the handle. The right hand should be inserted from bottom to top into the loop of the ski pole handle strap. Then wrap your palm around her hand. This will place the handle strap under your palm and around your wrist. See pictures below.

This way of holding the stick is the most optimal. When pushing, your hand will rest on the strap and your fingers will not strain too much. After the push, the stick will remain hanging on your hand and will not get lost. To do this, you just need to adjust the length of the strap according to your wrist.

What are ski poles made of?

Since we’ve already reached the handle with the strap, it will be useful to know what else ski poles are made of. Main parts of ski poles: shaft, handle, lanyard, claw and tip. Where are the strap and rings? A little more about this below.


The shaft or shaft of a ski pole is its main part. Actually, at one time it was precisely this that was limited to the configuration of a ski pole. The main purpose of the shaft is to transmit force from the hand to the surface of the earth. With the help of the shaft, the push by the skier’s hand actually occurs.

The rod can be made of a variety of materials. Once upon a time it was just a wooden stick. Then they began to use stronger and lighter bamboo. Bamboo sticks have been used for a very long time. And only since the middle of the last century, aluminum and its alloys began to be used for its manufacture.

Today, even titanium is used to make shafts. It is a lightweight and durable metal that is used in the aviation industry. Composite materials and chemical industry products are widely used. Poles made of carbon and fiberglass are considered the most comfortable. But they are also the most expensive.

For an amateur skier, poles made of aluminum alloys are quite suitable. They are quite light and durable. What more does a skier need? Yes, one more thing. When there were not enough strong materials for the rod, its shape was in the form of a cylinder. Today the shaft is made cone-shaped. This shifts the center of gravity of the stick towards the handle. The athlete's hand gets less tired when using such a stick.


The handle is needed to make it more convenient to hold the ski pole. Therefore, handles are often made anatomically with grooves for fingers. In addition, a small stop or ledge is sometimes placed at the bottom of the handle, which takes some of the load off the fingers.

Plastic is most often used to make handles. More expensive poles use cork, leather and other materials, and combinations thereof. It is better to use handles with a non-slip surface. It is better to hold them with your hand. And another very important factor needs to be taken into account.

Ski poles are used in winter, when the air temperature can reach fairly low values. And to prevent your hands from freezing, it will be better if the handle is made of a material with low thermal conductivity.


It is also called a strap or loop. When pushing, the hand rests precisely on the lanyard and only partially on the stick. The purpose of the lanyard is also to hold the hand on the handle during the push. Well, don’t lose your ski pole after a push, when it practically hangs on your hand.

Everyone's palm size is different. To regulate the length of the strap, a special adjusting device is made on the handle. Today, a lanyard is made not just as a strap, but is made in the shape of a hand. As a result, it becomes completely different from the strip of skin it originally was. The material for making a lanyard can also be synthetic fabrics.

Once upon a time, rings made of various materials were used to support a stick on the snow. They were fixed at its lower end using leather straps or some other method. Today, rings are used in cases where ski poles are used on soft snow or even on virgin soil.

They are used by tourists during ski trips, hunters and simply those who like to wander through the virgin snow. Due to the large support surface, poles with rings are less likely to fall into the snow. On a prepared ski track, small supports in the form of bird legs are often used. There are enough of them on a compacted ski track.

Various types of plastics are used to make paws. This material is quite durable and weighs little. The shape of the paw can be very diverse.


The tip on modern ski poles is often combined with the foot. But sometimes they are made separately. The only task of the tip is to hold the stick in one place during the push. To do this, the tip is made sharp and metal. After all, a ski pole can also rest on a hard surface. It could also be ice. The task of the tip is to hold it in any conditions.

Since the tip is very sharp, the stick must be used carefully. This will help avoid injury to others.

How to choose cross-country ski poles

Selection of ski poles by height

There are several ways to select ski poles depending on the height of the skier. In addition, their length varies depending on the style the skier uses.

How to choose ski poles for classic skiing

The size of ski poles for the classic move is chosen depending on the height of the skier. A skier in full equipment and boots places his poles next to him. When the poles are the correct length, their top should be level with the skier's shoulder.

Well, or another way. If you hold a ski pole vertically in your hand and at the same time put it to the side, then your hand should take a horizontal position. Another way. If you have skis, then stand on your skis and place your poles next to you. They should fit under the shoulder (in the armpit area) with little effort. It is allowed to raise your shoulder a little without raising your toes.

Length of ski poles for skating

The length of the skate poles should be slightly higher than for the classics. The size of ski poles for skating is also chosen based on the height of the skier. A skier in boots places his poles vertically next to him. Their height should reach the earlobe or the tip of the nose.

If you already have ski poles of the optimal length for the classics, then the task becomes simpler. It is enough to add 10 cm to their length. We get the size of ski poles for skating.

How to choose ski poles according to height according to the table

It’s even easier to choose the length of your ski poles using the data in the table below. It shows the sizes of poles for skating and classic walking, depending on a person’s height.

How much do ski poles cost?

The price of ski poles depends on the manufacturer, the materials from which they are made, and quality. The cost of sticks starts from several hundred rubles and ends in many thousands.

It is not necessary to chase expensive and prestigious poles. The main thing is that they perform the functions assigned to them. Moreover, you should not buy expensive ski poles if you plan to ski only a few times a season. Good amateur sticks can be bought for 500 – 800 rubles. But, if possible, it is better to buy sticks that are more expensive and of better quality.

Where to buy ski poles

Ski poles can be purchased at your local sporting goods store. If there isn’t one nearby or it doesn’t have a very rich assortment, then you can become the happy owner of good ski poles by browsing the online store. If purchased, delivery directly to your home is possible.

  • Purpose of ski poles
  • How to choose the right one
  • Types
  • Details
  • What are they made of?
  • Other Features
  • Where to buy and how much it costs

For experienced riders, ski poles are an important part of equipment, and the requirements for them are appropriate. There are also those who do not attach much importance to them. Usually these are beginners who are notunderstand that properly selected ski poles can seriously improve skiing technique, and therefore bring more joy from your ski holiday.

Ski poles - purpose

Ski poles and the correct placement of hands contribute to the correct execution of turns. And turns are the most important element in skiing technique. Do you feel connected? This is their main purpose.

The poles are also used for pushing off on flat areas in the mountains. Even some experienced snowboarders keep collapsible (telescoping) poles in their backpack. They know what it means for a boarder to hit a flat spot.

For beginners, poles serve as a support (more psychological) at the initial stage of mastering the technique of skiing.

My instructor used poles to correct my stance. He “stabbed” me in the back so that I wouldn’t fall back. What, another way to use sticks!

Ski poles seriously make life easier for freeriders, who often climb to the starting point on foot. They serve as support when walking.

Ski poles: how to choose

The length of ski poles is indicated in increments of 5 centimeters (or 2 inches), for example, 120 cm, 125 cm, 130 cm. These numbers can always be found on the shaft of the pole.

Poles that are too long will force you to ski in a back stance, which can lead to loss of ski control and rapid leg fatigue. Very short poles will force you to lean forward excessively (hunch over), which is also inconvenient.

People with good technique and decent experience choose the length of their poles in accordance with the characteristics of their riding style. For example, my poles are only 120 cm with a height of 185 cm, although I started at 135 cm.

Shorter poles allow me to sit lower over my skis. In this stance, I feel more confident at high speeds and uneven terrain, because the center of gravity of my body is much closer to the ground.

Here is another confirmation of my words - for aggressive skating you need a lower stance and short poles.

However, at the beginning of training it is better to use standard recommendations: Put on your ski boots, bend your knees slightly, keep both shoulders parallel to the floor, and hold the stick, upside down, under the ring.


Select the length of the stick until a right angle is formed at the elbow joint (as in the picture). Once this is achieved, this is your pole length.

There is a way to select poles without trying them on. Multiply your height by 0.7.

At the initial stage, precision down to millimeters is not required. Over time, you will understand your preferences in ski equipment and choose what suits you.

Even large stores recommend different lengths for the same height. So, Sports Marathon for a height of 170 cm offers poles are 115 cm or 120 cm, and the Kant store has the same poles recommends people with a height already 5 cm shorter - 165 cm.

Poles up to 110 cm are considered for children, and over 110 cm for adults.

Ski poles - types

For amateur skiing on the slopes

These are the most common sticks. Made of aluminum - cheaper or carbon (carbon fiber) more expensive. The first ones are strong, but if they are bent in half, then it will no longer be possible to straighten them, they break and fail.

The second ones are more elastic. Where aluminum poles break, carbon poles simply bend and, when the force is released, return to their original position. Although they can also be broken.

Aluminum comes in different qualities and this affects the cost of ski poles - there are aluminum poles that are more expensive than carbon ones.

Ski poles for off-piste skiing

The main difference between off-piste poles is the wider guides. They prevent the stick from sinking into deep snow.

Often, off-piste skiing (freeride) involves walking to the top, and telescopic poles are used for these purposes - their length can be adjusted to the task at hand.

When the slope is steep, the poles are made shorter; if the terrain becomes flatter, the poles are lengthened; when descending, the standard length is set.

Ski poles for park skiing

In the parks, people jump from trampolines, slide across various structures and perform all sorts of tricks.

Here in the hands of skiers we see significantly shortened (sometimes ridiculously) and lightweight poles. They serve mainly for balance when performing tricks, and not for turning or pushing. And with such poles it’s easier to ride in a rear stance (switch).

My friend, who is 192 cm tall, skates with 115 cm poles! So, as you grow up as a skier, you will experience a re-evaluation of your equipment parameters. You will become wiser.

These poles are made from the best materials. Some have a curved shape. So for giant slalom (GS) and super-giant (SG) the poles have a medium bend, and for downhill (DH) the poles have a maximum bend.

This is done to increase the streamlining (aerodynamics) of the skier and to avoid hitting the gate with poles, because in competitions the count is in hundredths of a second.

The shaft (shaft) of some sports ski poles is made of a triangular shape (if you look at the cut of the shaft) - to reduce weight and increase strength. Of course, high technology makes such poles more expensive than regular ones. Below is the cost of ski poles, including sports ones.

Ski poles - what are they made of?


As already mentioned, aluminum is the most common material in the production of ski poles. By the way, when developing the poles, the engineers had another important task - to make poles that, when broken, did not turn into sharp, dangerous objects that could cause harm to health.

Salomon X Race aluminum ski poles

Therefore, when overloaded, the sticks seem to “fold” in half, rather than burst, forming two “blades” with jagged ends.

We must make a reservation: aluminum poles are not made from pure aluminum, there are always other impurities.

But in the ski industry, such poles are called aluminum, and poles without metal impurities (or where there is a minimum of them) are called composite. Further we will adhere to this terminology for simplicity of presentation.

Composite ski poles

This category includes poles made from alloys of fiberglass, carbon (carbon fiber), graphite, resin, bamboo and other materials. The production of such poles, as a rule, is more expensive than aluminum ones, which is reflected in their price in the store.

If previously aluminum poles were generally lighter than composite poles, now the difference in weight is felt less and less.

An example of such poles is the product of the Komperdell company - carbon poles reinforced with bamboo.

Komperdell Carbon Bamboo Composite Ski Poles


There are several companies in the world that produce ski poles from bamboo, however, none of them have reached our country. The most famous of them is Panda Poles.

The company emphasizes that it produces poles by hand and does not pollute the environment. The second reason why poles are made of bamboo is that bamboo is stronger than aluminum. This video shows what that means.

If you know English, you can “assemble” your stick on the brand’s website and then place an order. My stick was not expensive at all (though without shipping), only $89.

Ski poles - components

Handle and lanyards

The handles (handles) of ski poles come in various shapes and are usually made of plastic, cork and rubber. Since manufacturers find it difficult to compete in the production of rods, all their efforts are directed towards the design of handles and lanyards. In the more expensive pole segment, the handle can be made of combined materials, each of which solves one of the following problems - (1) ensuring grip of the hand with the handle without slipping and (2) comfort when riding and (3) maintaining the rigid shape of the handle itself.

If we talk about the shape of the handles, then this is a matter of preference - see which one “fits” your hand better.

The main purpose of a lanyard is to prevent you from losing your stick. They are made from nylon, sometimes leather. The length of the lanyard can be adjusted to suit your hand.

There are also leaders in this business - the Leki company, which about 20 years ago began producing detachable lanyards (Trigger technology). In case of critical load on the hand and the likelihood of injury, the lanyard was disconnected from the stick.

As a result, the skier receives convenience (quick and convenient release of the pole), excellent maneuverability (the pole is attached to the hand in the right place) and safety (the pole can be unfastened in case of danger of injury).

And the already mentioned company Komperdell several years ago released poles for freeriders without a traditional lanyard. The lanyard there is plastic and is an integral part of the handle.

For what? When riding in the forest, a stick can get caught in a tree and, if your hand is not freed in time, you can get injured. It is also vitally important to quickly get rid of sticks in an avalanche - so as not to harm yourself and have time to regroup.

At the Kant store, such poles at the time of writing cost 3,090 rubles.

Rod (shaft)

The main part on which the handle with lanyard, ring and tip are attached. The rod can be either a solid tube or a composite (telescopic) one.

An important characteristic of a rod is its rigidity. It is measured in conventional units. 4 - 5 units - beginners and intermediate levels, 4 - 5 units - experts. Above 6 are athletes.


A part that prevents the ski pole from sinking into the snow when being pricked. There are a large number of shapes, sizes of rings and the materials they are made from on the market.

For skiing on pistes, where the snow is usually hard, rings of smaller diameter are used, and for off-piste skiing, in deep snow, the diameter of the rings is noticeably larger.

If the ring is lost, and this also happens, then, in most cases, the quality of skating drops significantly. A ski pole without a ring becomes practically useless - it falls into the thickness of the snow and it is no longer possible to lean on it.

True, there is a group of skaters who, although they hold poles in their hands, do not use them. You can easily see these at every resort. For them, the loss of the ring will go unnoticed.


Such poles are popular among freeriders, as already written. Here it is important to choose poles from a reputable brand, for example, Black Diamond, since the locks that fix the length of the pole are not reliable from all manufacturers. After some time, they either break or begin to hold poorly.

There are two- or three-knee sticks. It is clear that three-knee ones are more compact and can be carried in a backpack.

The ski poles in this picture are not only telescopic, but also a cable is passed through their rods (tubes), which allows you to assemble the poles into the working position in one movement, in a couple of seconds.


Tips are made of hard alloys, such as steel. In expensive models, there are tips made of tungsten carbide and other durable alloys.

Ski poles - other features

Removable hand protection

Guards are plastic attachments on poles that protect hands from impacts from goals when passing sports tracks.

Such devices protect your hands from impacts from goals or poles that are placed on the track during competitions. They can be sold complete with a stick.

Stick flask

Leki company produces flask sticks Hot Shot S, into which you can pour your favorite drinks. I am sure that everyone thought about alcoholic drinks, because no one would think of pouring kvass or lemonade into sticks, however, drinking in the mountains is a bad idea.

According to the manufacturer, 150 ml is placed in containers hidden under the handles of the sticks, 75 ml in each.

Such poles can be bought in the Sport-Marathon store for 8,990 rubles.

If this volume is not enough for you, then buy Comperdell Schnaps Poles. You can gurgle 200 ml into each stick, and this is already a serious volume.

This is a good offer if you do the math: they are cheaper than the previous ones (6,350 rubles, Kant store), and you can fit more into them.

Ski poles: where to buy

Our usual suspects are well-known stores. By following the links you will be taken to the ski pole sections. The poorest selection of poles is in Sportmaster, the richest is in Sport-Marathon.

Sportmaster - prices start (at the time of writing) from 499 rubles for children and 899 rubles for adults. If you're interested, the most expensive poles in the store are:


So the fascinating dive into the abyss of ski poles has come to an end. We learned a lot of new things, and now we can go to the store and choose what we really need.

Remember that ski poles often break and should be treated as consumables. Few live more than two or three years, especially at the beginning of the ski journey. Buy something simpler for the first time, and then decide what suits you best.

As always, we welcome your comments, clarifications or complaints.

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On snowy winter days, some people prefer to stay at home in front of the TV with a cup of hot tea in their hands. But some people don’t like this kind of pastime. Many children and adults like to go skiing on their days off. To do this, you don’t have to be a professional; the main thing is to choose the right and high-quality equipment. In this article we will talk about how to choose ski poles wisely.

How to decide on the length of ski poles?

The length of ski poles is one of their most important characteristics and the main selection criterion. Select them strictly according to your height, otherwise it will simply be uncomfortable for you to ride. Under no circumstances should you purchase ski poles for children to grow into, as this can create certain inconveniences and completely discourage children from engaging in this exciting winter sport.

Before you make your choice, decide which riding technique is closer to you. For the classic style, the length of ski poles is determined as follows. Just place them next to you. The equipment that suits you will reach armpit level, but the options above and below are not for you. There is another way to choose the length of the poles: measure your own height and subtract 30 cm from it.

For skating skiing, the poles must be longer (a separate section of the article is devoted to this).

What material should the poles be made of?

To ensure that your ski poles last a long time, pay attention to the material from which they are made. In stores you will see products made from carbon fiber, carbon fiber, fiberglass, and aluminum. How to make a choice? There are two main points.

  1. If you have been skiing for a long time, then the best choice is carbon fiber and carbon fiber. These materials are tough, but can bend or break if subjected to a strong impact. But such poles allow you to avoid vibrations when skiing (this is important for professionals).
  2. If you are new to skiing, choose aluminum or fiberglass poles. Fiberglass is a flexible material that will not bend. True, when pushed, it can emit vibrations. But for beginners this is not so important, since their repulsion force is much less than that of professionals. Aluminum ski poles are the most durable. Their only drawback is their heavy weight.

Additional details when choosing ski poles

When choosing ski equipment and poles, pay attention to several important details.

  1. The stick can be straight or tapered towards the bottom. The latter will be easier than the former. The strength of such sticks does not differ.
  2. Paws. If you have been skiing for a long time, then choose models with small paws. For beginners, it is better to purchase ski poles with large, comfortable elements.
  3. Pen. For expensive models, it is made of plastic with the addition of rubber or cork. More budget options are made entirely of plastic. The loops must be made of nylon or be belt. Place your hand in the loop and notice how you feel. It shouldn't rub your hand. The length of the loop should be such that the palm rests on it, and not on the handle of the ski pole.

How to choose ski poles for skating?

When choosing poles for skating, the classic formula for calculating their length does not apply. More precisely, there are certain points.

  1. If you ride at low speeds and for a long time, choose poles 2 cm higher than the ideal formula.
  2. Poles slightly below the ideal formula are suitable for high-speed skiing if the skier actively uses the shoulder girdle, but less actively the abdominal muscles.
  3. When lifting diagonally, consider your height. Tall people will find it comfortable to work with poles slightly lower than the formula. Small people, on the contrary, need longer poles, as they will allow them to push off the ground more comfortably with their hands.

Choose your ski poles slowly, and you will enjoy them for a long time!

Before you start choosing ski poles, you need to decide on the amount you have available for these purposes. It can be stated absolutely unequivocally that the more expensive the ski poles, the better they are. The more pleasure you will get from using them, but...

The choice of ski poles cannot be underestimated. Ski poles, along with skis and ski boots, are the main equipment of a skier. The entire pace of the skier’s movements is set by hand. The legs work as if in pursuit. This is why the weight and balance of ski poles are so important. Progress on the ski track is approximately 50% dependent on pushing with your hands. Therefore, ski poles must be rigid in order to transfer the skier’s efforts as fully as possible. Typically, ski pole manufacturers produce a long line of models for all occasions. The most famous domestic manufacturer is the Sports Technology Center (Balabanovo), the most famous imported ones are Swix (Norway), Fischer (Austria), Start (Finland).

Ski pole shape.

Sports ski poles They have a cone-shaped shape with a noticeable decrease in diameter from the handle to the supporting element (usually up to 9-10 mm). The supporting element is usually small in size, designed for a prepared ski track. In order to speed up and facilitate the removal of the ski pole as much as possible while moving, they try to shift the balance of the ski pole as close to the handle as possible, making the lower part of the ski pole lighter.

Touring ski poles have almost the same thickness at both the handle and the supporting element. This form of stick has a single purpose - maximum strength. The support element, made in the form of a paw or a ring of a sufficiently large size, is designed to be able to be pushed off by a ski pole from uncompacted snow or poorly prepared ski tracks.

Ski pole material.

Your humble servant, in early childhood, I remember, started with bamboo sticks. These were sticks - natural ones. Today bamboo has been replaced by aluminum, fiberglass, carbon composite and their combinations.

Aluminum ski poles, depending on the design, are light in weight, quite rigid and quite reliable. For amateurs, these poles have a huge advantage: if you accidentally sit on a pole or fall unsuccessfully, the ski pole does not break. The stick bends. That is, you can straighten it on your knee and move on. And there can be quite a lot of such cycles of bending and straightening. Then the metal gets tired and the ski pole breaks.

Fiberglass ski poles have the lowest cost. They break down with a bang. When pushing off, they bend strongly (especially if you take a tall size). Weight is about the same as inexpensive aluminum ski poles.

Composite ski poles They contain fiberglass and carbon composite in different proportions. Accordingly, the more of the latter, the stiffer and lighter the sticks. They break in much the same way as fiberglass ski poles.

Carbon composite ski poles This is the ultimate dream of any skier. They are tough and light. Except that they also break quite well, but mainly from a side load or impact. Once you take these sticks in your hands, giving them away is no longer easy. Carbon composite is the main material of ski poles for sports and high sports achievements.

Ski pole details.

In addition to the “poles” themselves, which we discussed above, ski poles consist of a support element (ring or foot), a handle (plastic or plastic in combination with rubber or cork) and a lanyard (a loop of braid or a trap) or strap, as it is commonly called among the people. These elements of ski poles also require careful thought when purchasing ski poles.

Size of ski poles.

The choice of ski poles by size among the common people: classic- under the armpit, skating- up to the earlobe. Scientifically, you can use the recommended company Fischer table, although this table is not a dogma.

Man's height




From my rich life experience, I would like to add that it is quite possible to take ski poles longer than the table ones:

  • for children of primary school age (since they usually do not push with sticks to their full amplitude);
  • when driving mainly on flat areas;
  • with frequent ailments in the lumbar back;
  • when holding the skis unsteadily (recoil), while using the classic move.

However, it is important not to overdo it with long poles, since the higher the ski poles, the higher the arms are raised, and it is more difficult for the heart to supply them with warm blood, which means the hands freeze more.

In addition to the above, I highly advise you to pay attention to ski gloves. Ski gloves are not a small thing, but an interface between your hands and your ski poles. And if you didn’t have special ski gloves, I highly recommend purchasing them. Your hands will not sweat in them, the outer side of the hand will not freeze and be blown by winter winds, and the inner side will tenaciously hold the handle of the ski pole. God is in the details.

P/S When purchasing a complete set of skis in our online store, adjustment to the length of the ski poles is free of charge. In all other cases, ski poles can be adjusted in Ryazan at the following address: st. Gagarina, 78, N2.

The cost of adjusting ski poles with a plastic or rubber handle to the length is 70 rubles. The cost of adjusting ski poles with a cork handle to the length is 120 rubles.


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