For information fii. Meaning and pronunciation of fyi

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All more people in Ukraine conducts business correspondence in in electronic format with foreign partners or employers. But even good knowledge foreign language It is often not enough to understand the abbreviations that have already become common in the West and are used in electronic messages. We invite you to understand these abbreviations with the help of Deutsche Welle. The vast majority of them come from the English language.

Perhaps the most commonly used abbreviation is asap. This stands for as soon as possible, which translates as “as soon as possible,” i.e. urgently.

There is another option for abbreviation that reflects the same wish - t2du(things to do urgently).

Both asap and t2du are often accompanied by two letters in front of them - FB. This is not Facebook at all, as it might seem at first. This is feedback, which means “feedback” or response.

Reduction afaik came into business email correspondence from youth slang. This means as far as I know - as far as I know.

Another common abbreviation is fyi(for your information). It means “for information”, i.e. this message does not require a mandatory response. Although it would be polite to thank the person who shared with you information that was useful from his point of view.

Another abbreviation with approximately the same meaning is nre(no response expected). This is how it is translated: “it is not necessary to answer.”

Letters tba mean to be announced. The translation is simple: “to be announced later.” There are two more abbreviations from the same category - tbc(to be confirmed) and tbd(to be determined). The translation, accordingly, is: “to be approved” and “to be determined.” Although with tbd you should be more careful. This abbreviation has two other meanings, so you can only determine which one was meant from the context. And the meanings are: to be discussed (“submitted for discussion”) and to be done (“must be done”).

It is also useful to know the abbreviations that indicate the positions of those with whom you are in correspondence or who you may be talking about. Here are the main abbreviations included in this group:

- CEO(Chief Executive Officer): chief Executive Director or CEO. This is usually the person on whom the overall strategy of the company depends.

- CFO(Chief Financial Officer): financial director. Monitors expenses and also deals with most financial issues.

- CIO(Chief Information Officer): Director of Information Technology.

- CHRO(Chief Human Resource Officer): HR director, i.e. responsible for personnel issues.

- CMO(Chief Marketing Officer): Marketing Director.

- COB Chairman of the Board: Chairman of the board of directors.

Please note that any position beginning with the letter “C” (Chief) means that you are corresponding with someone from management, or the letter is about someone from management.

Translation and meaning of FYI in English and Russian languages

For your information_n. for your information

English-Russian-English dictionary of general vocabulary, a collection of the best dictionaries. English-Russian-English dictionary of general lexis, the collection of the best dictionaries. 2012

English-Russian-English vocabularies English-Russian-English dictionary of general lexis, the collection of the best dictionaries

More meanings of the word and translation of FYI from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries.
What is the translation of FYI from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for FYI in dictionaries.

  • FYI
    Dictionary English - Merriam Webster
  • FYI - abbreviation for your information
    Webster's New International English Dictionary
  • FYI - for your information.
    Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary
  • FYI - just so you know, for your own knowledge (Internet abbreviation)
    Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language - Editorial bed
  • FYI - for your information
    Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary
  • FYI — ■ abbreviation for your information.
    Concise Oxford English vocab
  • FYI — abbreviation used in writing to mean "for your information"
    Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  • FYI — FYI BrE AmE , fyi (for your information) used especially in short business notes and emails, when you are telling …
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • FYI — - Internet abbreviation for for your information: used when you send someone an announcement or tell them something that you …
    Cambridge English vocab
  • FYI - For Your Information
    FOLDOC Computer English Dictionary
  • FYI — For Your Information I wrote FYI on the information bulletin and sent it to the other members of the staff.
    English Idioms vocab
  • FYI - For Your Information G Giga
    Computer Acronyms English vocab
  • FYI - Acronym for "For Your Information"
    English Dictionary of Automotive Terms
  • FYI — For You Indirectly For Your Information Forget You Idiot (polite form) For more possible definitions for FYI, click here …
    Most Common Acronyms and Abbreviations English vocabulary
  • FYI - for your information
    Sean Woo's Finance, GIS and Real Estate English Glossary
  • FYI - For your information. Used in E-mails
    English Glossary of Internet and PC Terminology
  • FYI - (For Your Information) KTY (Kwa Taarifa Yako)
    Kiswahili IT English Glossary
  • FYI - For Your Information
    Acronyms - Misc English vocab
  • FYI - See: For Your Information
    Internetworking Terms English vocab
  • FYI - For your information.
    English Glossary of Computer and Internet Terms
  • FYI - for your information
    Chatroom Directory English vocabulary
  • FYI - For Your Information
    English Chat Abbreviations
  • FYI - (abbreviated network communication) for your information
    English-Russian dictionary Tiger
  • FYI - abbr. from for your information
    English-Russian Dictionary Tiger
  • FYI - FYI
  • FYI - FYI
    English-Russian-dictionary - Bed release
  • FYI - abbr. from for your information; for information
    English-Russian dictionary of general vocabulary
  • FYI - abbr. from For Your Information "for your information" (a message on the Internet e-mail containing important information and accessible via...
    English-Russian dictionary on computers
  • FYI - abbr. from For Your Information (an email message containing important information and accessible using the command
    English-Russian dictionary computer technology and programming
  • FYI - For Your Information (a message in Internet e-mail containing important information and accessible using the command ...
    English-Russian Dictionary of Computer Terms

In this article I will tell you what it means to use the abbreviation FYI correspondence. About when to use the FYI text label and everything you need to know about the acronym.

What is this FYI? Everyone knows that various abbreviations are very often used in texts. They are used most of all by residents of English-speaking countries, and they do this not only in everyday, but also in business correspondence. The abbreviation FYI is considered quite popular; below you will find out what FYI means. This abbreviation is used mainly by employees in business messages, used by remote employees, or those who are not in the same office.

Basically, FYI is placed in the RE or FW column of an email in order to send information to the employee that he is not familiar with. I was interested in the fact that this means that FYI cannot be used by the boss in a letter that constitutes an assignment. The abbreviation is also popular in private messages, e.g. in social networks.

The abbreviation originates from the English language, so it is pronounced like “ Ef Vai Ai" It can be deciphered as “For your information”, or “For your interest”. Translated FYI as “ for your information”, “you will be interested/curious”, or less modest - “ what would you know”.

This means that in letters using the abbreviation FYI, the sender indicates information that the recipient has not seen before.

I liked the example, which clearly explains the essence of the expression:

  • As I remember, you were born in Dublin. So do you like your native country Iceland? As far as I remember, you were born in Dublin. And you, of course, love your native country?
  • FYI, Reykjavik – is a city in Iceland, but my country is Ireland. For your information, Reykjavik is a city in Iceland and I live in Ireland.

Using FYI in writing

The abbreviation FYI is used to indicate that the letter will be of interest to the recipient. At the same time, it does not require any action from the addressee. The FYI tag is placed in the subject line of the letter, rather to attract attention. This means, if you want to draw the recipient's attention to your email, you can indicate FYI in the subject line.

The whole essence of this FYI phrase is revealed by an example: You receive an email notification that one of your employees has gone on a business trip and his work needs to be completed by another. In order to spread the information, a FYI tag is made and sent to others. Exactly the same principle remains in informal correspondence.

While researching what FYI is, I became interested in finding similar abbreviations and understanding their meanings. All abbreviations discussed below are used in letters according to the same principle: placed in the RE, or FW, column. But different phrases have different semantic load.

  1. ATN(from the English attention, stands for “attention”) and implies that information should not only be noticed while scrolling through new letters, but it is worth devoting time to. It is clear that this abbreviation is similar in meaning to FYI. But a letter with an ATN icon should be answered in order to notify the addressee of familiarization with the information received.
  2. T.Y.(from English thank you). The abbreviation does not require much explanation. A letter with such a mark is sent in response, meaning “thank you”.
  3. YNK(English: You never know), translated as “you never know.” Often used in informal correspondence.
  4. The most commonly used are also LOL– “laughing out loud”, literally translated as “laughing out loud”, and is used to convey laughter.
  5. IMHO – “in my hummble opinion” – in my humble opinion.
  6. BTW – “by the way” – by the way.
  7. OMG! – “oh my god!” - Oh my God!
  8. SY – “see you” – see you, and many others.

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In English colloquial speech Abbreviations or acronyms (phrases abbreviated by their first letters) are often used. They are especially common in online correspondence; this makes it possible to simplify the language, save time and facilitate mutual understanding between people and peoples of different nationalities. What FYI means and what other abbreviations are used for written communication will be discussed later in the article.

The abbreviation FYI, commonly used in emails, is derived from English expression“for your information”, which means “for your information”. There is another decoding of FYI - for your interest, that is, “you will be interested” or “you will be curious.” The abbreviation is also used in exchange programs instant messages as an informational text label.

The appearance of the abbreviation FYI is associated with the frequent use of the full expression in English and the desire to write shorter. These three letters highlight information in the texts that is new to the reader, which he did not know about before. Thus, FYI in a letter has a cognitive and educational function, the essence of which is to present the reader with new, sometimes very important, information.

A simple example will help you understand the essence of using the expression FYI:

Granny, I was born in Moldova. Am I right? (Grandma, I was born in Moldova. Am I right?).

My dear, at that moment it was USSR. FYI. (My dear, at that time it was the USSR, just so you know).

Where and for what purpose is it used?

The main purpose of the FYI acronym in emails is to interest the recipient, draw his attention to the message and force him to open and read it. However, if the letter is from the SPAM category, even the FYI sign will not help, the message will be ignored and deleted.

The FYI mark is used in business correspondence and informal correspondence. This technique is especially convenient when working with large texts overloaded with information, when it is necessary to highlight only the main points, ideas, conclusions, conclusions.

Similar reductions in oral speech are quite rare. If, however, the context requires it, then pronounce this phrase by letter. On English language it sounds like this (Ef Wai Eye).

Most often, the abbreviation is placed in response emails with the mark “RE”, thus wanting to notify a colleague who did not hear certain information or was not included in the mailing list. This implies that the text of the message may be of interest to the recipient, but does not require any action.

Other acronyms in English

ATN - attention, which is translated into Russian as “attention”, it is similar to the acronym FYI. The difference between them is that the ATN icon always implies a mandatory response from the addressee to notify the sender that it has been read.

TBC - to be confirmed, to be considered, translated means “will be clarified” or “will be confirmed”.

So, tbd can be deciphered as to be determined (will be determined) or to be discussed (submitted for discussion).

IMHO - in my humble opinion, (in Russian they write IMHO), the expression is translated as “in my humble opinion.”

RE - resend, that is, “I’m sending again.” This note often implies the sender’s dissatisfaction with the fact that the addressee did not react in any way to the first message.

OMG - oh my God means an exclamation of “oh my God!”, expressing a strong emotion, surprise, contempt or fear.

YNK - you never know, means “you never know.” The expression is used more often in informal communication.

FWIW - for what it’s worth, the phrase translates as “I don’t know how important it is.” The meaning of the abbreviation is very similar to FYI. The only difference is that the acronym, consisting of three letters, provides full confidence that the information is important to the recipient.

TY - thank you, the well-known “thank you”. In business correspondence, it is used at the end of a conversation, when all problems have been resolved and tasks have been completed. In friendly correspondence, the acronym implies simple gratitude.

EOM stands for end of message, that is, “end of a letter.” An abbreviation indicates that the message does not contain important information.

YW - You’re welcome!, which means “you’re always welcome!”

NP - No problem translates as “no problem” or “no problem.”

PLZ and PLS - please, means “please”.

BRB - be right back - “I’ll be there soon.”

AFAIK - As far as I know expresses an opinion and is translated as “as far as I know.”

BTW - By the way means “by the way”, the acronym is very popular in Internet correspondence.

CU is short for see you, which means “see you soon.” Some Internet users believe that it would be more correct to write sy. However, contractions in English are made according to the rules of pronunciation, not spelling.

B4 or L8r is another shortening option that is done by replacing letters with numbers. These acronyms are deciphered as before, that is, “before” and later, “later”.

ROFL - rolling on the floor laughing - rolling on the floor laughing;

IDC - I don’t care - it doesn’t matter to me;

BRB - be right back - I'll be back soon;

MU - I miss you - I miss you;

AML - all my love - with all my love;

ATV - all the best - all the best;

HAND - have a nice day - I wish you a nice day;

KIT - keep in touch - call us, we’ll be in touch;

GTG - got to go - I have to go

HAGN - have a good night - good night;

ASAP - as soon as possible - as soon as possible, as quickly as possible;

PCM - please call me - call me back, please;

F 2 °F - face to face - face to face;

FYI - for your information - for information, for your information;

JK - just kidding - I'm just kidding;

AFC - away from computer - not at the monitor, moved away from the computer;

LMIRL - let’s meet in real life - let’s meet in real life;

BFN - bye for now - okay, bye;

POV - point of view - opinion, point of view;

TTYL - talk to you later - let's talk later;

OT - off topic - off topic, off topic;

WUF - Where are you from? - Where are you from?

WU? - What's up? - What's new? How is it?

WAN2TLK — Want to talk? - Do you want to talk?

B2W - back to work - returning to work;

F2T - free to talk - I can talk.


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