For kitchen. Knitted little things for the home Knitted napkins and other little things for the home

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Somehow it happened that I only show knitted clothes here. Today I noticed that I had accumulated photos of all sorts of little things for the home, and I haven’t boasted about them here yet) so I decided to combine them into one post and show them to mothers in the country))) In fact, there are more things imposed, of course. But such things are often given as gifts, and I don’t always have time to take a photo. In general, I’m bragging about the fact that I managed to take a photo)

This is just an iris napkin, knitted according to the pattern from the old, old “Sandra”. Orange color adds positivity and sunshine)

This is a fur coat for a mug, knitted as a gift for a friend, her birthday is in October, when the longing for the recently passed summer is so acute...

Positive potholders "watermelons". Honestly, the idea is not mine, I saw something similar somewhere on the net, I repeated it to my taste) It’s easy to knit, a red circle with double crochets, then a white row, fold in half and with a green thread we connect the halves with single crochets, the seeds are embroidered in two stitches thread in two layers.

Well, my special love is photo frames:

This frame is knitted. First I made a frame from thick cardboard and rounded the corners. Then I knitted a long strip of pink thread in stockinette stitch with white stripes in garter stitch along the length of the perimeter of the frame. I sewed it directly on the frame, at the same time lightly stuffing it with filler on the front side (you can just use cotton wool, I use synthetic fluff). I made a seam on the short side in the corner where the muzzle is. The muzzle is knitted in the form of a ball using stockinette stitch. Ears - single crochet stitches. The eyes and nose are beaded, the mouth is embroidered. I sewed the muzzle tightly. The tail is knitted in the same way as the frame, but smaller. I sewed it on the side. Next we assemble the frame. We make the back surface from cardboard. You can glue it like that, but I put a piece of transparent plastic in the middle (I cut it out of a transparent file folder) to fit the frame. I glue it on 3 sides to the back cardboard, leaving the 4th side unglued, a photo is inserted there). I’m already sculpting the front, decorative part onto the plastic. On the back there is a leg made of thick cardboard, I cut it out from a ready-made factory frame and glue it firmly. So that the leg does not move away and the frame stands firmly “on its feet,” I glue a ribbon to it on one side, and the other to the back surface of the frame.

This frame is crocheted. Similar to the previous one, I made a cardboard frame. I tied the front side: I knitted a chain of air loops along the length of the inner perimeter. the inner part is the width of the frame. External - 1 row more. In the corners, loops are added according to the raglan principle (2 double crochets, 1 chain crochet, 2 double crochets). We connect the outer and inner parts along the outer perimeter, at the same time lightly stuffing it with synthetic fluff on the front side, and tie it with a crayfish step. We decorate. We assemble and make the leg according to the principle of the previous frame.

From time immemorial, the border has been considered the element of knitting that gives any product true tenderness and sophistication. It can be used to decorate any crocheted items - from clothing to kitchen accessories (napkins, tablecloths, towels, curtains and much more). Moreover, not only finished knitted items are tied with a decorative border. Openwork lace, knitted along the free edge of the fabric, can breathe new life into an old, long-forgotten item from a women's or children's wardrobe.


A skilled craftswoman of crochet needlework will “dress” any little thing in a case – from your favorite smartphone to a cute vase that serves as decor in the corner of the room. Although, in terms of the degree of complexity of knitting, covers are among those items that can be done even by beginners holding a hook in their hands for the first time.


Kitchen hand-made is especially popular these days. Unusual decorative elements created for the kitchen with your own hands are not only an original interior decoration, but also a chance for the needlewoman to fully express her imagination and creativity. The most common handicraft items for the kitchen, which you can easily make with your own hands, are potholders. There are plenty of methods and materials from which kitchen potholders are made, but crocheted products look especially cute and homey.


The flat circle knitting technique is one of the most important fundamentals of crocheting needlework. Mastering the circular method opens up enormous opportunities for novice knitters in knitting their first real projects - napkins, potholders, coasters and even tablecloths. Moreover, most of the patterns from which garments are knitted are based on the circular method or circular motifs, which are subsequently combined into a single piece.


A knitted leaf can act as an important part of a floral arrangement, or become one of the motifs in the knitted fabric of a future item of clothing. In any case, crocheted leaves are a decorative element that will always be in demand among knitters, because they decorate knitted items not only for children’s, but also for adults’ wardrobes. Moreover, in combination with bright flowers or berries, the leaves will become a real highlight in decorating women's accessories (hats, handbags, shawls), as well as all kinds of interior items (voluminous paintings, flower vases, photo frames).


Competition work No. 33 – Openwork tablecloth (Vdovina Elena)

My name is Vdovina Elena! While on maternity leave I became very interested in knitting.

I knitted this lacy napkin for my mother.

Competition work No. 27 - Knitted tablecloth (Alexandra Sherstnyuk)

My name is Alexandra Sherstnyuk. I really love knitting. I knitted this openwork tablecloth for myself and for my soul.

Competition work No. 23 - Knitted potholder (Ksenia Shcherbakova)

Hello, needlewomen! My name is Ksenia. I have been crocheting since childhood. I really like to knit all sorts of little things for the home. I present to your attention a crocheted potholder. Knitted according to the pattern.

Competition work No. 18 - Tack "Star" (Shcherbakova Ksenia)

Hello, dear needlewomen! My name is Ksenia. I have been crocheting since childhood. I really like to knit all sorts of little things for the home. I present to your attention the “Star” potholder. Knitted from leftover yarn. I don't remember the brand of yarn anymore.

Competition entry No. 13 – Knitted tablecloth and curtains “Country chic” (Svetlana Bulgakova)

Good day to all! My name is Svetlana. Spring, good mood, everything is blooming and fragrant.. This spring I got a set for a summer house, I simply called it “Rustic chic”

Napkin or mat "Splendid"

Beautiful and original napkin "Splendid" translated from Italian. (magnificent) - this is a universal model that can be used in the interior as a small napkin for a tea table or a chic carpet in the bedroom.
Size: D - 26 cm
You will need: yarn - "Rose" (Kirov)
Hook - 1.5
NPopcorn - initial popcorn
NKluster - initial cluster
VP - air loop
SP - connecting loop
PSN - half double crochet
RLS - single crochet
Dc - double crochet
СС2Н - double crochet stitch
СС3Н - double crochet stitch
RZSS2N - purl relief stitch with 2 double crochets, located BEHIND the work.
Special loops:
Initial cluster - 2 VP, leave the last loop of each dc on the hook, 2 dc in the indicated arch; Yarn over and knit all 3 loops from the hook together.
Cluster - leave the last loop of each dc on the hook, 3 dc in the indicated arch; Yarn over and knit all 4 loops from the hook together.
Starting popcorn - 3 ch, 4 dc in the indicated arch; remove the hook from the loop and insert it into the 3rd VP of the initial chain of 3 VPs, pull through the remaining loop; 1 VP.
Popcorn - 5 dc in the indicated arch; remove the hook from the loop and insert it into the first dc, pull through the remaining loop; 1 VP.

Getting started - connect 8 VPs in a circle.
1 row. NKcluster in a circle, 4 VP *Cluster in a circle, 4 VP; repeat from * 6 more times. Connect using a connecting loop into Ncluster: (8 arches of 4 B).
2nd row. SP in the next arch of 4 VPs, 1 VP, in the same arch perform (SC, 3 VP, RLS, 3 VP, RLS), in each of the remaining arches of 4 VPs perform (SC, 3 VP, RLS , 3 VP, RLS). Connect using a joint venture into the first sc: (16 arches from 3 VPs).
3rd row. SP in the next arch of 3 VP, 1 VP, 2 RLS in the same arch, 3 VP, (2 RLS in the next arch of 3 VP, 3 VP) - 15 times. Connect using a joint venture into the first sc: (16 arches from 3 VPs).
4 row. SP in the next arch of 3 VP, 1 VP, 3 RLS in the same arch and in each next of the remaining arches of 3 VP. Connect using a joint venture in the first sc: (48 sc).
5 row. 1 VP, RLS in the same RLS, perform in the next RLS (SC, 3 VP, RLS), * RLS in the next 2 RLS, perform in the next RLS (SC, 3 VP, RLS). Repeat from * 14 more times; Sc to next sc. Connect using a joint venture into the first sc: (16 arches from 3 VPs).
6th row. SP in the next RLS and in the next arch of 3 VP, 4 VP (corresponding to the SSN and 1 VP), in the same arch perform (DC, 1 VP, SSN, 1 VP, SSN), *in the next arch of 3- x VP perform (Dc, 1 VP) - 3 times, Dc in the same arch, repeat from * 14 more times. Connect using a joint venture in the 3rd VP of the initial chain of 4 VPs.
7th row. SP in the next arch from the 1st VP, 1 VP, RLS in the same arch, 4 VP, * RLS in the next arch from the 1st VP, 4 VP, RLS in the next 2 arches from the 1st VP, 4 VP; repeat from * 14 more times; RLS in the next arch from the 1st VP, 4 VP, RLS in the next arch from the 1st VP. Connect using a joint venture in the first sc.
8 row. SP into the next arch of 4 VPs, NPopcorn into the same arch, 4 VPs * in the next arch of 4 VPs perform Popcorn, 4 VPs, repeat from * 30 more times. Combine using SP into initial popcorn: (32 popcorns).
9 row. SP in the next 4-ch arch, 1 ch, 4 sc in the same arch and in each of the remaining 4-dg arches. Connect using a joint at the back of the loop of the first sc: (128 sc).
10 row. 1 VP, sc in the same loop, work only for the back segment of the loops, sc in each of the remaining sc. Connect using a joint venture in the first column of sc.

11-12 row. 1 VP, sc in the same sc and in each of the remaining sc. Connect using a joint venture in the first sc.
13 row. 1 VP, RLS, work in the free loops of the 9th row: SS3H in the 4th free loop of the 9th row, *in the loops of the 12th row: RLS in the next 4 RLS; on the stitches of the 9th row: skip the next 3 free loops from the last connected CC3H, CC3H into the next free loop. Repeat from * 30 more times. On the stitches of the 12th row: 3 sc in the next 3 sc. Connect using a joint venture in the first sc: (32 CC3H).
14 row. 1 VP, sc in the same sc, 15 VP, *skip the next 4 sc, sc in the next 6 loops, 15 VP. Repeat from * 14 more times; skip next 4 sc, sc in next 5 sc. Connect using a joint venture into the first sc: (16 arches from 15 VP).
15 row. SP in the next arch of 15 VP, 2 VP (corresponding to 1 hdc), 20 hdc in the same arch, skip the next 2 sc, *[sc in the next 2 sc, skip the next 2 sc], 21 hdc in the next arch from 15 ch, skip next 2 sc. Repeat from * 14 more times; then repeat from [to] once. Connect using a joint venture into the second VP of the initial chain of 2 VPs.
16th row. SP in the next 3 hdc, 1 ch, sc in the same hdc where the last sp was connected, *[sc in the next 2 hdc, (3 ch, skip the next hdc, sc in the next hdc)-5 times, sc in the next 2 hdc], skip next 3 hdc, next 2 hdc and next 3 hdc, sc in next hdc. Rep from * 14 more times, then repeat from [to] 1 time, skip next 8 stitches. Connect using a joint venture in the first sc.

17th row. SP in the next 2 RLS and in the next arch of 3 VPs, NPopcorn in the same arch, *(4 VPs, Popcorn in the next arch of 3 VPs) -4 times, Popcorn in the next arch of 3 VPs, repeat from * 14 more times. (4 VP, Popcorn in the next arch of 3 VP) - 4 times. Connect using SP to NPopcorn: (80 popcorns).
18th row. SP in the next arch of 4 VPs, 1 VP, 4 RLS, in the same arch, 3 RLS in the next arch of 4 VPs, repeat from * in a circle. Connect using a joint venture in the first sc.
19 row. Sp in the next 2 sc, ch 1, sc in the same sc where the last sp was done and in the next 9 sc, ch 5, skip the next 4 sc, *sc in the next 10 sc, ch 5, skip the next 4 sc. Repeat from * 14 more times. Connect using a joint venture into the first sc: (16 arches from 5 VP).

20 row. SP in the next 2 RLS, 1 VP, RLS in the same RLS where the last SP was made and in the next 5 RLS, skip the next 2 RLS, 10 RLS in the next arch of 5 VP, skip the next 2 RLS, * RLS in next 6 sc, skip the next 2 sc, 10 sc in the next arch of 5 VPs, skip the next 2 sc. Repeat from * 14 more times. Connect using a joint venture in the first sc.
21 row. SP in the next 2 RLS, 1 VP, RLS in the same RLS where the last SP was made, *[SC in the next RLS, skip the next 2 RLS, (RZSS2N in the next SSN, 1 VP)-9 times, RZSS2N in the next SSN , skip next 2 sc], sc into next sc. Repeat from * 14 more times, then repeat from [to] once. Connect using a joint venture in the first sc.
22 row. SP in the next RLS, in the next RZSS2N and in the next arch from the 1st VP, 1 VP, RLS in the same arch, *[(3 VP, RLS in the next arch from the 1st VP)-8 times, 2 VP] , RLS in the next arch from the 1st VP. Repeat from * 14 more times, then repeat from [to] 1 time. Connect using a joint venture in the first sc.
23 row. SP in the next arch of 3 VPs, 1 VP, 2 RLS in the same arch, 2 VP, SP in RLS made last, *[(2 RLS in the next arch of 3 VPs, 2 VP, SP in RLS , completed last) - 2 times, 3 RLS in the next arch of 3 VPs, 5 VP, SP in the 5th VP from the hook, 3 RLS in the next arch of 3 VPs, 2 VP, SP in RLS, completed last, (2 RLS in the next arch of 3 VPs, 2 VP, SP in RLS, completed last) - 2 times, 2 RLS in the next arch of 3 VPs, RLS in the next arch of 2 VPs], 2 sc in the next arch of 3 ch, 2 ch, sp in sc, done last. Repeat from * 14 more times, then repeat from [to] 1 time. Connect using a joint venture in the first sc.


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