Home alpine slide in the apartment. Making an alpine slide in the apartment

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Recently, it has become fashionable to create alpine slides not only in the garden, where all the appropriate conditions are provided for this. But not every person can boast of having their own suburban area, which can be arranged in different ways of landscape design. What to do in this case? In fact, there is nothing complicated here, since you can easily and simply set up an alpine slide in your apartment if you approach this matter correctly and use innovative technologies and materials. Moreover, installing this slide will not be difficult on a windowsill or in some corner of the room, thereby creating a truly original atmosphere.

First you need to select a base for creating a slide, which can be a sheet of plywood, cardboard or any other durable material, you will also need two bottles of polyurethane foam, an adhesive mixture based on cement, pebbles and various shells for an original design. You can also use fresh flowers in flowerpots for decoration, which have an attractive appearance and will help emphasize the main features of the structure being created.

The size of the alpine slide directly depends on the size of the base, and you can also cut the base of any shape if you want to emphasize the sophistication and originality of the structure being created.

Remember that you still need to create a hole in which the pot with the plant will be located, thereby ensuring the correct functioning of the structure being created.

After this, you need to fill the entire space of the base with polyurethane foam, from which, after drying, a slide of the desired shape and configuration will be cut out. Also note that after the slide has completely hardened, it needs to be covered with a cement-based adhesive, so that you can subsequently decorate the structure with some shells and pebbles.

Well, after the design of the indoor alpine slide is really ready, you can install any plant in the created hole for the pot to create a full-fledged structure with an attractive and sophisticated appearance, complemented by the corresponding features. But in any case, the production of an alpine slide must be treated with the utmost care.

All that remains is to choose the right plants for your alpine slide. Depending on its location, it is necessary to select either light-loving plants or plants that can easily tolerate shaded areas. If your home alpine slide is supposed to have a fountain, then plants that tolerate moisture well are also needed. Properly selected plants for your alpine hill will not start to hurt, but will delight you with their beauty and add additional relaxation and harmony with nature to your city life.

In cold weather, you want to bring at least a little bit of summer into your home to relax your soul. You can make an alpine slide not only on a summer cottage or in a large country house. In an ordinary, even small apartment, you can create a small alpine slide that will give all family members pleasant emotions and, of course, decorate the interior of any home.

What is an alpine slide? This is a small island of wildlife on a summer cottage or right indoors. This is a compact composition based on stones of different sizes and shapes, other natural materials, as well as living plants.

The most popular types of slides are:

  • rocky cliffs. To create such a composition, you need to select a piece of land so that all the elements of the alpine slide can be freely placed on it, taking into account the large drop (about a meter). This is the most difficult option for creating a rock garden, because making an imitation of a mountain slope is hard work;
  • Well, for those who like to overcome difficulties, they will certainly like the open-air rock garden, reminiscent of a mountain valley. To make such a composition, you will need to place large stone blocks 2/3 into the ground in a chaotic manner, and place rocky plants between the stones;
  • and finally, an acceptable option for most of us is mini-alpine slides that can be created in residential areas.

Before starting work, you need to think through everything from start to finish, in the smallest detail, including drawing up a drawing of an alpine slide. Sketch out a list of materials and tools - things that may be useful in your work.

What plants are suitable for creating an alpine slide in an apartment?

If we consider the choice of plants for a home oasis, then you need to take into account the climate in your room: what is the average temperature in the room, humidity, where the oasis will be located, whether additional lighting is needed.

There can be several ways to plant plants:

  • together with a flower pot, in a pre-designated place;
  • if the plant can do without drainage, then you can think about planting the plants directly in built-in containers (without holes);
  • construction of stationary pallets with drainage and drainage (laid at the initial stage of creating a rock garden) leading to a source of moisture. Not suitable for rock gardens in apartments.

See what beautiful compositions you can make yourself. Photo of alpine slides in the apartment:

How to make an alpine slide in an apartment with your own hands

There are many options for alpine slides, but our task is to create an island of greenery in a small room, so we will not consider massive rock gardens.

The simplest option is a corner rock garden, which can be done in any room. To realize all your ideas, you will need thick plywood, as well as pebbles and even shells. In addition, to connect all the elements, you will need a glue gun (with transparent glue), polyurethane foam and a little imagination.

Work order:

  1. It is necessary to think over the shape of the rock garden and cut out an oval, circle or any other arbitrary shape from plywood or even thick cardboard.
  2. Having cut out the desired base shape from plywood or cardboard, the edges need to be rounded.
  3. We are making a small, compact version of a rock garden, so you can’t just plant flowers in the ground. You will have to choose several pots with beautiful flowering plants and think about how best to arrange them.
  4. If you are using large stones and have allocated enough space, you can arrange the stones so that flower pots fit between them. The composition must be secured using hot glue. And if the pots with plants are massive, then it is best to make a metal frame and then hide all the wire.
  5. Please note that flower pots need to be placed in plastic bags or another air cushion made so that when watering water does not leak through the rock garden onto the floor. Otherwise, mold formation cannot be avoided.
  6. Any decorative elements are welcome: old driftwood, bark from a tree, dry moss - all this can be intelligently adapted into the composition. It is advisable to clean the wooden driftwood with fine-grained sandpaper, cover it with stain, or you can additionally brush the surface with colorless varnish. All elements are glued using hot glue.

This is what your piece of paradise could be like - an alpine hill made of indoor plants:

The first option for creating a rock garden is suitable for owners of large apartments, when it is possible to allocate a decent piece of space to create a large alpine slide. But what should those people do who have small apartments, but really want to create a small green corner at home? You can select a small corner in any part of the apartment to create a small rock garden. Of course, I would like the plants to feel comfortable, so the place should be well lit. You can even create a mini rock garden right on your windowsill!

Just for the second option of creating a mini-corner you will need an old pallet. Some of the work can be considered already completed. This is the base on which we will create a green corner. The good thing about such a mobile alpine slide is that it can be moved from one place to another, moved from one window sill to another or from room to room.

What materials are needed:

  • We repeat - an old metal pallet or any other dense base (sheet of plywood, thick cardboard);
  • pebbles of different sizes, shells can also be used;
  • fine sand;
  • plastic bottles;
  • pots the same size as plastic bottles;
  • construction foam;
  • cement mortar;
  • dense polyethylene film.

Work order:

  1. Place plastic wrap on the plywood or tray.
  2. Plastic bottles need to be filled with sand for stability.
  3. Arrange the bottles on the tray the way you want.
  4. Now you need to fill the free space with foam so that there are holes for flower pots.
  5. While the foam has not set, you can give the composition the desired shape.
  6. Next, we leave everything until it hardens completely for a day, then you need to carefully remove the plastic bottles.
  7. The Alpine slide is almost ready. All that remains is to trim the foam with a sharp knife to give the composition a finished look. The slide can be in the form of a rock or in the form of a castle.
  8. The polyurethane foam must be covered with cement mortar (apply a thin layer with a spatula). Instead of cement, you can use an adhesive mixture to glue tiles.
  9. Immediately, before the solution has set, lay out the pebbles (deepen them halfway so they stick), glue on shells or any other decor.
  10. We are waiting for the entire composition to dry - one more day is allocated for this.
  11. The stand adhered well, resulting in a monolithic composition that can be moved to a permanent place: on a table, on a shelf or on a wide window sill.
  12. And now the most interesting part is the decor of the composition: you need to insert flower pots into the free space (just be sure to wrap them in thick polyethylene so that water does not leak out).

The alpine slide in the apartment is ready, you can admire the small island of wildlife right at home!

Technology for creating an alpine slide in an apartment with a pond

To make a rock garden in an apartment, prepare the following:

  • natural or artificial stone. Quantity and size - depending on the size of the rock garden;
  • a sheet of insulating material (backing for laminate, thick cellophane, thin rubber);
  • bricks;
  • construction mixture;
  • tiles for decorating walls + glue;
  • flashlight, wire, switch, socket;
  • plant tray or flower pots;
  • 2 containers for a pond (a regular plastic bottle with a volume of 6 liters will do);
  • paint (it’s best to take it in cans);
  • construction foam;
  • dropper (check that there is a dispenser);
  • adhesive tape and fasteners;
  • small pebbles, shells and other decor.

How to make a rock garden in an apartment:

  1. First you need to choose a place; a corner in any room will do. When choosing a location, imagine how the rock garden will look in this corner. You also need to take into account that the wall against which the alpine slide will be placed must be internal, since on an external, and especially not insulated, wall, the plants will not feel comfortable.
  2. The small pond should be located at the bottom, and the second water container should be higher. We recommend immediately setting the dropper dispenser to minimum so that the water flows drop by drop. This way you won’t have to frequently add water to the upper tank, and the humidity level in the room won’t increase significantly.
  3. If you use natural stone in your work, it is advisable to wash it thoroughly beforehand.
  4. Now prepare the corner: the wallpaper needs to be removed, the walls need to be cleaned for laying the tiles.
  5. There is no need to dismantle the flooring if it is parquet, linoleum or tiles. If there is carpet, then it is better to free up space in the corner.
  6. We lay an insulating film on the floor, and a regular food film on top of it. For now, you can lay out a frame made of natural stone in any order.
  7. In order to build an alpine slide of different levels, we prepare the mortar and lay out the bricks as intended.
  8. We determine at what height the lantern will be, run the cable, connect the light source to the switch, and check how everything works. You can lay an LED cable along the bottom edge, almost at the base of the rock garden.
  9. Once this job is done, you can paint the water tray. Choose paint that matches the natural material.
  10. Put the pallet aside for now, and now you need to lay out the tiles on the wall.
  11. During the process of laying tiles on the wall, you can add several additional shelves for flowers.
  12. We install a water tray, decide on a place to fit flower pots, and fill the voids with polyurethane foam. And when it dries, we cut off the excess.
  13. We check that the pots fit well before leaving them, because we need to set up the fountain. We select a place for the dropper, install the container (cut a plastic bottle in half), make a hole to insert the dropper, and fix it with glue (“Moment”). We hide the opposite tip of the dropper between the stones. All nuances need to be masked.
  14. When everything is ready, you need to look at your work again, add decor (sea pebbles, shells), put pots with plants and, of course, check how the fountain works.

How to make an alpine slide, watch this video:

In the apartment, as well as on the street, you can make a beautiful alpine slide using beautiful home flowers.

To make an alpine slide in an apartment you will need the very first thing, to find a place for an alpine slide, the place should be comfortable and beautiful, harmoniously suit the interior of the room. The next step is to arrange the selected flowers to see what the alpine slide will look like.

In order to make an alpine slide, you can use wooden beams, foam plastic and other materials.

To make an alpine slide from polystyrene foam you will need unnecessary polystyrene foam, from which you should cut out small squares of the desired shape.

The squares should be fixed with glue, where the flowerpots will stand, you need to put plastic buckets, they can be from mayonnaise or ice cream, they can be large.

You need to pour gravel into plastic buckets, this will prevent deformation. The next step is to apply polyurethane foam to the future slide. After polyurethane foam, the slide should be treated with cement mortar; this will give the alpine slide a more natural look. Decorative pebbles, tracing paper, can be used as a decorative design for a slide.

If you have finished decorating the alpine slide, the cement mortar has dried, you can safely place prepared flowerpots on it.

You can also make an alpine slide thanks to beautiful hanging shelves.

Shelves can be hung along the selected perimeter on the wall, preferably to resemble a small slide.

You can make an alpine slide from small beams, boards, or a large plastic bowl, which will perfectly suit the interior of the room.

If there are large stones, they can be used for a future slide, for example, for a slide you will need small floor shelves, preferably of different sizes, and stones. We beautifully arrange flowers on the shelves and decorate them with stones.

It is desirable that the flowers are shade-loving.

There are many options for making an alpine slide in a room from home flowers, the main thing is to choose the method that best suits the interior of the room.

Do you think the alpine slide is not fun for you? There is, you see, a fairly spacious yard or summer cottage at your disposal. But no! A real alpine slide, which will please the eye every day, can be built simply in a city apartment. And even more so, it will come in handy in a large country house, where there is generally plenty of space for such a sculpture. Some people build fireplaces in the living room or install artificial electric substitutes for them, so who said that an alpine slide with live plants would be a less interesting decoration for your home?

Such a wonderful solution will help to radically change or simply decorate the interior, and at the same time bring order to your many favorite indoor plants. Of course, we won’t say that this is an option for one room, but if you have 2-3 rooms, and flowers no longer decorate the windowsill, but are piled up there in countless numbers, it’s time to think about creating a new piece of furniture - an alpine slide.
In general, the reasons why you would want to build an alpine slide at home can be very different. But if, let’s say, you have space and are guided by the plants already living in the house, then it won’t hurt to figure out whether they like light or coolness (warmth) and then look for a suitable place in the house for a slide. And if you want to decorate the interior and will purchase indoor plants specifically, then buy those that are suitable for lighting and other factors. For example, in the hill I’m talking about there is a “fountain of tears” and a mini-lake - what if your plants cannot tolerate constantly high humidity? When arranging an alpine slide, be sure to agree on the conditions for keeping the plants included in it.
The Alpine slide in his apartment (a standard panel house with 5 floors - so that readers of MirSovetov have an idea of ​​​​the scale) was built by my nephew according to his own ideas about the design and composition of the structure, which I was a living witness. He decided that it was necessary to occupy a completely non-functional corner of his bedroom. How did the metamorphoses take place in a small room in an ordinary city apartment?
Materials For such a small but serious structure, it was necessary to stock up on natural materials, improvised means and buy everything necessary for the electrical part and construction.
Here's what you need to buy to make such an alpine slide with your own hands:

  • tools;
  • the amount of natural stone required depending on the size of the slide;
  • insulating material, which can be simply thick cellophane or rubber;
  • several bricks;
  • dry construction mixture Ceresit;
  • lantern or lamp;
  • Venetian tiles, texture to your taste;
  • PERFIX tile and drywall adhesive;
  • wires, sockets, switches;
  • diode cable and power supply for it;
  • pallets or flower pots for plants;
  • tray for a pond - can be made from a 5-6 liter bottle for drinking water, cutting it in half;
  • spray paint;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • upper water tank;
  • a conventional pharmacy system - a dropper with a dispenser - for a “fountain”;
  • shelves;
  • end adhesive tape;
  • fasteners;
  • Venetian tile paint;
  • soil for plants;
  • the plants themselves that can grow in this artistic disgrace;
  • sea ​​pebbles of different colors and sizes for decoration.

Preparation Since the alpine slide was built in a ready-made, renovated apartment, some preparatory operations had to be done. First, figure out what your creation will look like: where you will place the pond, where there will be flowers and lighting.
For the “fountain of tears,” the mini-lake should be on the lowest tier, and the top one will contain a container for water into which it will have to be poured manually. By adjusting the dropper dispenser, you will make the water drip in “tear drops” and continuously flow down the cascade of natural stones into the reservoir, so the water will last for a very long time. That is, the end of the dropper will be located just below the top container. It itself is covered with a board so that another pot with a flower can be placed on top, which, by the way, will disguise this tank.
Natural stone must be thoroughly washed with a brush so that no dirt or dust remains on it. After bathing, you will notice how beautiful the natural pattern is on it.
We remove the wallpaper and clean the surface of the walls for laying Venetian tiles. We remove part of the plinth in the area of ​​the structure.
Sequence of work We lay the insulating material directly on the linoleum or parquet. To establish different height levels in our building, we lay bricks on Ceresit on top of the insulation.
We level the insulation along the perimeter of the slide. It is advisable to place cling film under the edge of the insulation along the perimeter so that when working with Ceresit you do not smear the floor. When everything is ready, we tear off this film.
We increase the levels of the slide using ordinary building bricks, which everyone probably has at their dacha.
We determine a place for the lantern and make recesses in the wall for the cable wiring.
We cut the tiles in an artistic way.
We lay and route wires, install sockets and switches. We place and connect the diode cable.
We lay out the corners of the tiles in the corners of the alpine slide on PERFIX, then mark the entire wall for the tiles. We cut the tiles with a grinder, and then file all the protrusions to give a neat look. After all the installation work has been carried out and the joints have been sealed, it may seem that the tile has been rubbed dirty and looks sloppy: the way out of this is to paint it with paint, in any way, so that all the roughness, cracks and protrusions on its surface are filled and then it will be clean and glamorous, like candy. And, for example, by adding a special coloring powder to a white water-based emulsion, you can play with color. But this is the last action after the entire slide is completed.
We are preparing pallets for the first level of the alpine slide. We paint the tray for the pond with gold spray paint so that it does not show through the water. When the slide is ready, we will plant plants in the flower gardens.
We distribute the containers to places on the first level. We fill large voids with polystyrene foam and place the main stone above the trough.
We install a double switch, put a second layer of stone, and then glue the tiles. Each work is done as the level rises in parallel: tiles, stones, wiring.
All edges and cutouts on the tiles are filed down. While the tile is wet, it is gray, and then it dries and turns white.
We push the tiles higher and install upper shelves for flowers. We drill it and glue the trim to the edge of the shelf using an iron.
The shelf is clamped with tiles, and so the fasteners will not be visible. There can be 2 or 3 shelves, depending on the height of the ceiling in your apartment.
You can also place pots of flowers on them, for example with climbing ones or cascading ones. Or, as an option, place souvenirs, Feng Shui items, etc. on the shelves.
Next, we cover the wall with tiles to the ceiling and screw on the lantern. To make everything look interesting, it is better to choose a colored light bulb. In our case, it is red, but it gives light like a night light. So, if necessary, you can sleep with such a lamp. The lighting around the pond will turn on separately from the lantern.
Having finished with the wall, we return to the slide itself. We decorate the voids around the pots and pallets with natural stone. We insert containers under the flowers and blow them out (that is, blow them around) with foam. After the dried foam, we cut it off and coat it with ceresite so that it does not collapse during operation.

On the right we insert the jar in the bag. The foam dried - the can came out and it turned out to be a round hole (another place for installing a mobile flower pot).
The second level is ready.
Don’t forget that there is still a “fountain of tears” and you need to lay out a dropper for it and determine where the dispenser will be located. Each alpine slide may have its own number of levels, but with the “fountain of tears” the most difficult thing is to place and secure the bricks under the cascade through which the water will flow. It is necessary that everything looks natural, does not fall apart, and droplets flow from pebble to pebble into the pond. Otherwise, if you do everything carelessly, the water will drain directly into the reservoir and you won’t get a fountain.
We figure out where the dropper will go and place it in the slide structure before the last final level. We make a hole in the top container (in our case, a canister made of dense plastic), insert the end of the dropper and secure the rubber band at the end of the system with “Moment” glue. We fix the lower tail between the stones. We disguise everything.
We lay the diode cable for the second level. It bends very badly, so you will have to suffer.
It was very difficult to place and secure it on the slide, but if the illumination option is less complicated, for example, simply in a spiral or in a circle, then the situation becomes much easier. Thin wires are used here, one end of which is tied to a cable, and the other to a stick or small stone, which are then located between the fixed stones. This design will allow you to replace the backlight if it breaks.
This cable was chosen for greater safety, since water constantly flows nearby. There are other options available here - ready-made lighting for a finished fountain or other strip lights.
A special power supply is attached to the end of the cable, through which the connection is made to the outlet. Another feature of such a diode cable is that it can only be purchased in an even number of meters for technical reasons. Therefore, when deciding to use it, you need to be prepared for 2, 4, 6, etc. meters.
Similarly, we complete the last – third – level.

Now all that remains is to add sea stones to the bottom of the reservoir, pour water into both containers and start a “fountain of tears”. Of course, when my nephew finished, he thought he would cry like that. It took some work, but it was worth it.
This is what happened. Finish! Hooray!

If you have the opportunity and desire, then a homemade fountain can be replaced with a ready-made one, larger in size or in the volume of water flowing. Such a fountain can be purchased at a souvenir or gift shop, and can often be found in flower shops.
The pond can be complicated by the presence of live fish. But here it certainly wouldn’t hurt to consult a specialist so that all your pets feel great next to each other. It is also necessary to take into account that the stones are quite dusty and need to be wiped regularly. And this dust is washed off into the pond with water, which means problems with its cleanliness may arise.
Flowers and plants for an alpine hill The most common mistake in choosing plants did not escape my nephew. Or rather, these are the consultants we have in our stores: they suggested beautiful plants, but they didn’t even remember their living conditions.

After a while, the flowers began to hurt, and the reason lay in insufficient lighting: the corner of the room was too shaded. And every gardener must follow this simple rule, because if there are no necessary conditions, there are no successful results.

When we found out everything, it was already too late and we had to change the flora a lot. Now everything looks like this:

Baby cacti from here:
For a brightly sunny room, it will be very beautiful to arrange in a slide different types of lithops, which love light and the proximity of their relatives. Without a certain “company” they even refuse to bloom. And in general, succulents in an alpine hill are very appropriate.

Also, on the floor above I would add a couple

Relatively recently in landscape design ridges and plaster sculptures have been replaced by new types of site decoration - rock gardens . They are held on rich estates and summer cottages, in city gardens and squares, on lawns near offices and in restaurant areas. Properly and tastefully selected stones and plants will allow you to create a zone of luxury, aesthetics and peace even on the most modest piece of land near.

Being a unique and very labor-intensive decoration of the landscape, rock gardens seem to be complex in execution and hard-to-find decorative elements. However, if you understand the technology of creation, then an alpine slide at the dacha can be built without the involvement of expensive designers .

A piece of the Alps at your dacha

  • When developing the design of an alpine slide, you need to take into account that this is an imitation of rocky natural areas. This means that the basis of the composition should be stones and creeping low plants, characteristic of high-mountain areas. And the definition of “slide” dictates the general shape of the rock garden - a hill with mandatory elements: the base, slopes and top.
There are several options for rock gardens, which repeat their appearance in different areas of the mountainous terrain:
  • rocky cliff – a pile of practically bare large boulders with a minimum of plants in niches and “pockets”;
  • mountain slope – a complex high composition of stones of different sizes and with a wide variety of creeping and low-growing plants;
  • valley in the mountains – large stones, partially protruding from the ground, surrounded by abundantly flowering ornamental plants;
  • gorge- the most difficult to implement, but also the most spectacular type of rock garden, which can be placed in a natural hollow, framing the slopes with stones and planting representatives of rock flora.

A separate species is considered rockery- a garden of stones, which are the main “characters”, in contrast to a rock garden, where stones serve as a background for plants.

How to make an alpine slide in a small area?

If you have firmly decided that a self-made alpine slide will be the decoration of your garden, step-by-step instructions will give you the opportunity to avoid gross mistakes and get the desired result.

Before starting work, sketch out a sketch of the rock garden - this will help you decide how much area it will occupy, what configuration it will have and how many tiers you will make on it.

You can even roughly estimate how much an alpine slide will cost you - a diagram drawn to scale will help you calculate how many and what kind of stones you will need, how much drainage, sand and soil will need to be prepared. You need to make a diagram in relation to the area in order to take advantage of all the advantageous moments.

When deciding on the location for the future rock garden, do not forget that you will need to look at it - choose the most favorable angles. In addition, think about it - you may want to spend your free time near it. Then you will need an adjacent flat area with paths, space for a table and fireplace.

Advice! Planted plants for an alpine hill will need solar heat - this means that the slopes must be oriented to the south and east.

Very interesting visual effects will be obtained by using natural uneven terrain - decorative elements inscribed in the natural landscape will be a great addition to it.

  1. The next step is to transfer your diagram to the site. Make the markings using a string or filling the required lines with a contrasting material - sand, lime. This will allow you to look at the proposed location of the rock garden from the outside. You may decide to slightly change its configuration to suit the terrain.

  2. The largest boulders are placed along the perimeter of the prepared site. If necessary, they can be buried in the soil - then they will have a more natural appearance. The internal space is filled with soil, which will become the basis for the next tier, as well as a habitat for plants.
  3. Having retreated the calculated distance from the first row, insert the next chain of stones, maintaining the desired configuration of the rock garden.

    Advice ! When laying large stones, leave free space between them, which will be filled with soil - the planted plants will need space to develop the root system.

  4. Having completed the required number of tiers, the top is decorated. To do this, you can lay one large stone, or use several small ones stacked in a pyramid. This will prevent erosion of the soil, and will also complete the composition.
  5. Advice! It is better to begin work on laying a rock garden in the fall, then by spring the soil poured between the stones will settle and it will be possible to fill in all the resulting voids. You will also have the opportunity to make final adjustments to rock placement before planting.

    Advice! The main rule is that a rock garden should look decorative and beautiful even without flowers. Stones must be harmonious and balanced to create a stable and extremely natural composition. The less symmetry it has, the more organic it will look.


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