Home security alarm gsm. Home is safe: security systems

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Home security

Every person wants to ensure the safety of their home, property and themselves personally. That is why the decision is so often made to buy a security alarm for a house or cottage.

There are many methods of protection: windows with higher burglary resistance, vandal-proof doors and blinds, private security services, technical means. The Gulfstream company offers a comprehensive approach to protecting cottages. Our specialists will assess the risks and identify vulnerabilities to create a unique country house security project.

Home alarm system: project development

A security alarm for a private home should be adjusted and selected taking into account potential threats. The company's engineers consider each case individually, taking into account certain aspects:

  1. Architectural features - the shape and size of the house. The larger the area of ​​the building, the more vulnerable spots through which an attacker can enter the house. The number and type of sensors should be adjusted based on the number of entrances, which include doors to the terrace and balconies. They act as an “easy target” for a burglar compared to regular entrance doors.
  2. Illumination and surroundings of the object. When developing the project, lighting will be taken into account and how well the building and the surrounding area are visible.
  3. Infrastructure and location. Detached objects located in “out of the way” areas represent objects with a high risk of robbery. With this arrangement, the sound signal will not scare off intruders, and therefore connection to the security panel is a prerequisite for home alarm systems.

Based on these features, the company engineer will select the required set of sensors and create a diagram of their placement.

Home security cost

The price of a home security system kit depends on the number of sensors selected. The basic package includes:

  • Control panel - 1 pc. Security system control element.
  • Wireless keyboard - 1 pc. The device is necessary to activate/deactivate the security system using a contactless key or personal code.
  • Contactless key - 3 pcs. Used to activate/deactivate the security alarm.
  • Door opening sensor - 1 pc. The device reacts to an attempt of unauthorized entry into the facility.
  • Motion sensor with photo confirmation option - 1 pc. The infrared sensor responds to human thermal radiation (the difference between the temperature of the room and objects).
  • Motion sensor - 2 pcs. The security system element reacts to movements inside the object.
  • Warning sign - 1 pc. Notifies others that the object is under protection.

Additional features of the system include:

  • Portable panic button. The device can be carried with you and, if necessary, send an alarm signal to the Central Monitoring Station.
  • Smoke detector. The element detects smoke in the room and, when alarming indicators are detected, activates an audio signal and sends data to the operator at the Central Monitoring Station.
  • Wireless control panel with TC function.
  • SMS notification option. The owner of the security system will receive alerts not only in the Gulfstream mobile application, but also via SMS. Maintenance (monthly).
  • Water leakage sensor. The device allows you to avoid flooding of the house and take timely measures to eliminate emergencies. Monitoring is carried out over the entire pipeline system in the house, heating systems.
  • Temperature sensor. The device is used to monitor room temperature and prevent fires in the house. In addition, when the air temperature in the room drops below the set value, the sensor is triggered and an alarm signal is sent to the operator at the Central Monitoring Station. In addition, a notification about a drop in temperature will be sent to the client’s mobile application.
  • Gas leak sensor. A universal device that determines the level of concentration in the air of various types of gases, such as butane, propane and others.
  • Smart plug. Allows you to control electrical appliances in the enterprise. From his mobile device, the alarm owner can turn on/off the sockets in the room.
  • Safe box. An outdoor safe box is necessary for storing keys to the gates of a country house. When an alarm signal is received, the rapid response team (RRT) will be able to dial a special code, receive the keys and enter the yard to inspect the area around the house.

The cost of installing a security alarm in a private house

The cost of installing a security system is free of charge. A Gulfstream engineer will install the system in 2-3 hours, configure sensors and individual scenarios, and also show how to use the mobile application.

Sometimes there is a need to install a simple and inexpensive security alarm. Without unnecessary bells and whistles that manufacturers add to it in order to expand the functionality of their system and somehow distinguish it from other competitors. A cottage, a garage, a household outbuilding or even a greenhouse; in such places it is not always advisable or profitable to install a full-fledged security system.

In this article we will look at several devices that claim to be simple and accessible to anyone who wants to protect their property from intrusion by uninvited guests.

What should such an alarm be able to do?

  • react to an intrusion (some external influence - movement, the door was opened, hit, etc.);
  • sound a sound signal to scare off the intruder;
  • have the ability to arm and disarm;
  • It is advisable to consume little electricity.

The purpose of this device is not so much to block access to the house, but rather to scare away the thief. Having heard a loud signal, he will not want to take risks and will not climb into the room; in addition to the psychological impact, it may also attract the attention of neighbors.

Security alarm based on motion sensor

The simplest security alarm for a home can be made with your own hands based on a conventional household motion sensor for lighting, which is installed in entrances to save energy. But instead of a lighting lamp, you can install a siren.

What will you need for this?

  • Motion Sensor– you can buy it at any hardware store, for example OBI or Leroy Merlin. It is necessary to pay attention to the operating voltage of the sensor - we need it to operate from a 220V network; the viewing angle depends on the external design of the sensor (wall-mounted or ceiling-mounted) and the lens used (can be wide 180 degrees or corridor type). Average cost from 400 to 800 rubles;
  • Siren operating from a 220V network. For example, PKI-3 “Ivolga-220”, average price 250 rubles. Can be purchased at radio stores;
  • Regular switch, to turn off the alarm. Any will do, from 100 rubles. and higher.

The connection diagram is shown below:

You need to choose a motion sensor that has at least two types of adjustments - time adjustment (TIME) and sensor sensitivity (SENS). Using the first one, it will be possible to set the activation time of our alarm, i.e. siren sounding time. This value is usually set for five minutes. The second adjustment changes the sensitivity of the sensor, for example, if it does not respond to you or to reduce so-called “false alarms”.

A switch will be needed to turn off the device when you are in its field of view and turn it on when you leave the room. It is advisable to install the switch covertly, so that after activating the security alarm you will not fall within its range of action. In addition to the siren, you can also connect a regular light bulb for double impact on the intruder.

The main disadvantages of this implementation will be that some models of motion sensors, after being turned on, require from 1 to 10 seconds to “stabilize” and switch to standby mode. If you come across such a sensor, you need to add a time relay to the overall circuit, which will keep the siren turned off while it is turned on.

There are also miniature motion sensors on sale that operate on 12V, for example, model DD-03. You can also create a simple alarm on them, but you need to connect it to a 12 volt power source or a battery. Thanks to this, the system will be non-volatile and work even if there are power outages.

Security alarm from a ready-made kit

The simplest security device based on an autonomous alarm system can operate wirelessly. In stores for radio amateurs you can find two options - based on an infrared sensor (aka motion) or a magnetic contact sensor that reacts to opening. True, the choice is not large enough and you will often have to go shopping to find the product “in stock”. Therefore, the easiest way to purchase this product is to order it in one of the large online stores.

Kit based on an infrared sensor.

An example is the Chinese alarm system under the loud name “Alarm mini”. Consists of the IR sensor itself, a mounting bracket and one or two key fobs. The kit includes clear instructions for installation and operation. 4 AA batteries are purchased separately, but can also be powered by a 6V power adapter (sold separately). Installing it yourself is not difficult.

After inserting the batteries into the device, you need to install the unit itself in such a place that its lens is directed towards the protected area. The front panel has an infrared receiver window for controlling the alarm from remote controls. A lens that “detects movement” in the controlled area, operation lights and a siren.

We press the button on the remote control - the green LED lights up, which means the exit report has started (15-20 seconds), so that we have time to leave the apartment. Then the green eye goes out - the device has started working. Now, as soon as there is any movement in the room, a person will pass, a dog or cat will run, the red LED will light up and after 15-20 seconds a very loud siren sound will be heard. The device works!

A set based on a magnetic contact sensor.

A security alarm based on an opening sensor is a main unit that contains a sensor with open contacts and a magnet for closing these contacts. You need to set them up against each other so that there is direct contact between them. If a thief breaks into the house, when a door or window is opened, these elements move away from each other and an alarm siren sounds.

Such an alarm can be used mainly to scare off intruders and its main advantage is its low price, about 100 rubles per sensor. And very simple installation, there is adhesive tape on each part, just remove the protective layer and stick the sensor on the front door or window.

Often such kits are used to protect the perimeter of the house while you are inside, for example, sleeping at night. The sound of the siren will wake you up and you can take any action to protect yourself.

Burglar alarm simulator

In urban multi-storey buildings, it is becoming popular to set the apartment on security; in this case, expensive equipment is purchased to protect against intrusion, and the signals are transmitted to the remote control of the security company. But not every owner can afford this, and it’s not always justified.

Remember on cars such a device, under the windshield, usually near the steering wheel, there is a red LED that flashes or is constantly lit? He warns that the car is under guard. Likewise, for an apartment or cottage, there are similar designs or, in other words, burglar alarm simulators. They are designed to scare away unprepared and unprofessional thieves or burglars.

To make such a simulator, you need to buy a red LED (for example, this AL307), a mounting box to house it, a 100 Ohm resistor, a switch and a compartment for two batteries. For the entire set you will need to pay approximately 100 - 200 rubles. Depending on the characteristics of the LED, a current-limiting resistor must be connected to it in series. A radio store will help you choose the right resistor (unless, of course, you have a Soviet AL307 LED, as in our example).

When leaving the house, we turn on the constantly glowing LED, and when we return, we turn it off. Strangers will think that the apartment is on an alarm system.

Every day there are reports in the news about dozens of thefts committed in private apartments and houses.

In fact, there are many more such cases, but not all of them are interesting to the press. If you do not want to be the hero of one of the issues, take care of the safety of your property in advance.

A secure lock and door are not enough to ensure a peaceful holiday away from home. For complete protection, we recommend installing remote control security at home, which will always guard your peace of mind and safety.

Why do you need a burglar alarm in your home?

Thefts, robberies, break-ins of a private home - the daily news is full of similar phrases. In the modern world, property security comes to the fore. No one can be protected from intrusion by an intruder.

Installing a security alarm in a country house is a sure way to secure your home. A strong door and a high fence do not always guarantee reliable protection. Most often, they will only help buy time while the thief removes obstacles. Unlike walls and doors, the Caesar Satellite security system cannot be hacked - it guarantees maximum protection.

Installing a security alarm in a private home will protect your home from burglars, fires, and gas and water leaks. Don’t worry about the safety of your property during your vacation or business trip - Caesar Satellite specialists are always on guard for your peace of mind!

How is the price of a home security alarm determined?

Experts agree that remote security is one of the most reliable ways to protect property during the departure of the owners. And the cost of installing a security alarm in a house is much lower than the cost of possible risks and costs of eliminating negative consequences.

For every budget and cottage of any size, a comprehensive security project is developed. The price consists of the cost of equipment and maintenance. It is influenced by additional customer requirements and special wishes during installation.

Based on extensive experience, we have developed 2 standard options for home security alarms that suit most clients:

The first option is “Profitable”.

It includes all the necessary equipment to keep your home safe. Equipment:

  • main panel and door sensor;
  • 2 wireless sensors with protection against triggering when pets move;
  • wireless smoke sensor;
  • keyboard and key fob for convenient control;
  • door stickers for better protection and to prevent intrusion;
  • wireless water leak sensor;
  • wireless temperature sensor.

The second option is “Premium”.

It includes modern home security alarm devices controlled from a mobile application.

With their help, you can remotely check whether the doors are closed and turn the system on and off. The set is ideal for large apartments with 4-5 rooms, private cottages.

Security alarms in a private home can be controlled remotely through a special smartphone application. Thanks to the remote control function, you will always be aware of what is happening in the cottage, even if you are on the other side of the world!

Order home security at a competitive price!

The cost of the first set is from 19,900 rubles, the price for installing equipment controlled through a mobile application is from 33,900 rubles. The cost of home security and round-the-clock monitoring is 2590 rubles and 2890 rubles per month, respectively.

To learn more about security alarms, fill out a request on the website, call us or request a call back. Our managers will help you select and install home security that is optimal in terms of functionality and price. We use modern wireless equipment and redundant communication channels. In case of danger, the Caesar Satellite response team will be at the site within 5-7 minutes!

Hurry up to order the installation of a security alarm in your home at a competitive price!

If you are not satisfied with any of the proposed packages, the managers will be happy to offer you an alternative individual project. Leave a request on the website, providing your details and asking questions, so that a specialist will call you back with a specific proposal for installing a security alarm in your home.

Security of private houses and country cottages

Every day in the news we learn about dozens of thefts committed in private houses and apartments. In reality, there are several times more such cases; it’s just that the press covers only the most interesting of them. To avoid being the hero of one of the crime news releases, take care of the security of your country house in advance.

A secure door with a good lock will not stop intruders. You can safely go on a business trip or travel only with more serious protection. Caesar Satellite specialists offer to install home security, which ensures the safety of your property and your peace of mind.

Why do you need a security alarm in your home?

A high fence and a strong door will not protect your home from experienced criminals. Such obstacles only temporarily delay attackers, but do not stop them. Unlike doors, a security system cannot be hacked. It guarantees maximum protection for your cottage or country house. Installing security will protect you not only from thieves, but also from troubles associated with water and gas leaks. During a business trip or vacation, you can be completely calm: Caesar Satellite employees will take care of your accommodation.

How is the cost of a security alarm determined?

The price of protecting a private home depends on the equipment chosen and the cost of its maintenance. The cost is also influenced by special installation requests and additional client requirements. Our specialists develop a separate project for each house and coordinate it with the customer. Depending on the client's requirements and budget, we offer several kits to choose from.

"Profitable." This private home security kit includes:

Control panel;
two wireless motion sensors;
wireless door sensor;
special key fob for remote control of the panic button;
wireless keyboard;
stickers on windows and doors to prevent intrusion;
wireless water leak sensor;
wireless smoke and temperature sensors;
the ability to monitor and manage the operation of the system through a mobile application.

The equipment was manufactured in Russia.

"Premium". Best suited for protecting cottages and large houses. In addition to the basic set of security sensors, it includes a motion sensor with a camera that reacts to unauthorized entry and sends photo confirmation to the security center. All equipment is made in Israel.

The choice of a set of equipment for protecting a private home in Moscow and the Moscow region depends solely on your wishes. Leave a request on the website so that Caesar Satellite specialists can advise you on the features of the kits and help you find the optimal solution.

detailed information

One of the options for effective protection is a GSM security alarm for the home, installed indoors and around the perimeter. The principle of operation of such a system is to transmit a signal from the sensor to the telephone of the owner of the residential premises.

Alarm systems of this type, GSM, are often used in companies and private buildings because affordable and has a high level of protection from the actions of intruders. The operation of the alarm system is programmed so that the tracking sensor transmits a signal to the central unit. Subsequently, the home owner receives an alert on his mobile gadget. These devices have the ability to install additional sensors.

Devices for protecting a private home can be either purely security or additionally providing fire protection, giving a telephone signal if an unforeseen situation occurs in or near the facility.

The owner of the house receives alarm messages in one of the ways provided by the system:

  • in the form of SMS;
  • by voice communication, that is, by voice message;
  • via a GPRS channel that provides audio and video information, as well as in the form of MMS.

A standard set of GSM security and fire alarm systems consists of the following elements:

  • sensors;
  • a control unit that receives the signal and transmits it via the GSM module;
  • GSM antenna that enhances reception;
  • a spare power supply consisting of a battery and batteries;
  • autonomous signaling systems: spotlights, sirens and other devices.

If there is an intruder and also a smoke leak, the sensor sends a text message with an alarm signal to the property owner's mobile device. This facilitates a quick response from the owner of the house and contacting law enforcement agencies.

For apartment

Alarms of this type are often installed by apartment owners. Interest in such devices is explained by the absence of a complex technical complex with a lot of unnecessary options.

You can protect it as follows: front door, so balcony with windows. The protection is partial, but functional, especially when it comes to residential premises on the top and first floors.

It is recommended to install as a means of additional protection surveillance camera over the canopy of the house and other areas important for apartment owners. If we are talking about an apartment on the middle floor, then it is enough to limit ourselves to protecting the front door.

Apartment owners can not only protect their housing from penetration by third parties, but also be notified about gas leak or smoke in the room, since the sensor also reacts to temperature conditions.

Wireless package

Wireless security technologies used to protect property in homes are constantly being improved. These residential security systems have a number of features:

However, along with increased reliability, there is also a disadvantage - the high cost of the alarm system. The high price is explained by the complex structure and design of the security system.

Today's popular models require filling out contacts, after which the function of sending alarm messages appears. The same steps must be performed in classic wired models, but the functionality in them is much easier than in wireless systems.

The wireless type of GSM alarm allows for a wireless signal between the sensors and the alarm control system. After it is programmed and armed, in this case an SMS will be sent to the owner of the premises.

A wireless security system has a number of advantages over other types of apartment protection. These include:

  • the ability to place sensors at a considerable distance from the remote control;
  • instant transmission of an alarm signal to the owner’s mobile device;
  • the signal sent by the sensor to the control panel is encrypted and in order to decipher it you need to select a billion combinations;
  • signal jamming is completely eliminated, since the owner of the equipment will immediately know about it;
  • extensive equipment service area;
  • convenience and simplicity of installation work.

Criterias of choice

Modern stores for the purchase of security devices offer products for both apartments and country houses; the functionality of the alarm will depend on its purpose.

There are no identical cases, so the choice must be made in accordance with the parameters of the protected object and the desire of the property owner.

The first thing you need to decide is the type of GSM security system: wired or wireless technology. If the owner of the premises has decided on the type, then you need to pay attention to other details, which are also of increased importance for the protection of the building.

The device type, i.e. wired or wireless, refers only to the communication between the sensor and the module, and this factor does not apply to the signal to a mobile device, since communication with the owner of the house is always wireless.

When choosing a suitable model, you need to pay attention to the following details:

  1. The first thing you need to decide is whether or not the alarm system can be connected to the electrical network.
  2. Next, the issue of the owner’s desire to install smoke control sensors or the possibility of turning on an alarm siren, as well as other additional functions, is decided.
  3. You should decide on the number of sensors that will be installed in the living space and along its perimeter.
  4. It is important to give preference to those models that have simple settings for entering numbers to send an alarm signal.
  5. Type and number of strokes for sensors.

For many home owners, there are parameters that affect the comfortable use of the device. This is the presence of feedback, that is, arming and disarming the house, as well as the ability to control additional devices - this applies to heating appliances and water supply systems. If the first option is relevant for all premises, the second is rarely used and does not attract all owners of residential buildings.

Devices that support plug and play methods include simple security systems. Modern modules require certain skills to enter information. It is preferable to purchase security devices into which information for signal transmission is entered through special computer programs.

Before purchasing security equipment, you should consult what temperature conditions can the device withstand?, which the owner of the premises plans to install in his house and along its perimeter.

Useful video

Watch a detailed video on how to install sensors and configure an inexpensive GSM alarm kit from AliExpress.


Home security should be ensured with the help of security systems. The choice of device depends on the wishes of the homeowner, as well as the type of room and its area. After complying with all the parameters for choosing an alarm system, you can install a reliable security system for peace of mind about the safety of property and the safety of loved ones.


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