Additional paid leave for medical workers. How long is the additional paid leave for medical workers according to the law? Additional vacation for health workers per year

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Basic vacation

Basic leave is granted annually and is paid by the enterprise of which the employee is an employee. Its duration is 28 working days. However, if there are certain features, this vacation can be extended up to 31 calendar days in accordance with Article 267 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This category includes, for example, employees whose age has not reached 18 years or the age of majority at the time of granting leave. Many people are interested in how many days a doctor's vacation lasts.

How many vacation days do healthcare workers have?

  • Doctor, psychologist and medical staff of middle and junior level - 14 days.
  • Clinical laboratory assistants - 14 days.
  • Medical personnel in contact with and directly caring for infected patients - 14 days.
  • Personnel in contact with biologically active fluids and infected media (saliva, blood) - 14 working days.

That's how many vacation days are due to doctors.

Additional paid leave, as well as the main one, is provided in accordance with the approved schedule (priority schedule). This document is formed until mid-December in accordance with the specifics of the medical institution and the interests of employees.

Both holidays can be summed up, but at the same time it is possible to divide them into component parts, and one of these parts must be at least 14 days (2 weeks) in accordance with Article 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

For example, if the total duration of vacation time for rest with a nurse in a psychiatric department is 56 days in total, then if desired, this vacation can be divided into several. But for this, the employee must contact the personnel department before signing the schedule, that is, before it is approved, or within a year and inform about his desire.

The personnel department is obliged to notify this nurse two weeks (14 days) before the start of the vacation, to pay her vacation money 3 days before the first day of vacation, in accordance with Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. How many days the vacation of a psychiatrist lasts, we examined.

In addition to the main vacation, health workers have the right to additional paid vacation. The following categories of employees have the right to rest for more than 28 days with the preservation of the average salary:

  • working in unhealthy or hazardous conditions;
  • having irregular work shifts;
  • workers in the Far North.

Additional leave for doctors is provided for as workers with irregular working hours and unhealthy conditions.

The minimum duration of additional leave for medical workers is three days. All physicians are entitled to this, including:

  • general practitioners, therapists;
  • family doctors;
  • nurse therapists and family doctors.

The main condition for granting additional vacation days is that the specialist has at least three years of experience.

Medical workers of infectious and antifungal medical institutions, nursing staff, etc. are entitled to additional rest for a period of 6 to 12 working days. To determine the specific duration of such a vacation, use the list given in the Decree of the USSR State Labor Committee of October 25, 1994 No. 298.

Decree No. 482 dated June 06, 2013 approved a separate list of medical workers who have the right to leave more than 28 days, as workers in hazardous conditions.

The table shows the number of days of additional leave for a health worker (certain categories of specialists).

Medical field Specialist category Duration of additional leave, number of days
Psychiatry Z5
head nurse 28
Nutritionist, receptionist, housewife 14
Laboratory staff 21
TB care Doctor, nurses and orderlies, psychologist 14
Specialist-phthisiatrician conducting X-ray examinations on an ongoing basis 21
Veterinarians involved in butchering carcasses of animals infected with tuberculosis 14
Diagnosis and treatment of HIV Doctor, nurses and orderlies, psychologist 14
Laboratory staff 14
Persons working with biological preparations containing HIV 14

Registration of such leave is possible after certification of working conditions. It can be carried out by the Federal Health Agency, which makes a conclusion about the presence of harmful or dangerous conditions in the workplace. The certification procedure is carried out once every five years. Untimely certification threatens the employer with a fine.

Additional holidays for doctors and other medical specialists may be provided for by the collective agreement of a particular medical institution. They are both paid and without pay (read more about granting leave without pay under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation here)

Note! If a physician has the right to additional rest for several reasons, for example, as a worker in the Far North, as a psychiatrist, and for irregular working hours, then additional rest days are not added up. The duration of the vacation is determined on the basis of the reason for which the vacation is maximum.

The refusal of the employer to provide leave (additional) threatens with a fine in accordance with Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

The duration of a doctor's vacation may be different. List of medical workers List of types of medical workers who work in hazardous working conditions or in close contact with hazardous substances:

  • Employees of the infectious, fungal and anti-tuberculosis departments of medical institutions (MPIs).
  • Medical workers (doctor, nurses, orderlies) serving patients.
  • Cleaners of industrial premises of medical institutions.

According to this legislative act, the duration of vacation (additional) in these cases is 6-12 days.

How many days of vacation do doctors have lasted since 2016 (q) This question is of interest to many.

There are several reasons for each of which a medical worker should receive leave, so the question arises: how many leaves can an employee of a medical institution get (q) For example, a doctor in a specific field of medicine, due to contact with infected patients and a high risk to his life, has the right, as we have already found out, to grant him additional leave.

Especially if it is legally approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2007 No. 922.

We examined how many days the doctors' vacation lasts.

There is a Government Decree No. 482 dated 06/06/2013, which provides a detailed list of professions and positions that are entitled to additional paid leave. When providing an employee with additional leave, the employer must be guided by Art. 116 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Based on the current Decree No. 482, additional leave in 2018 is provided to some health workers who hold certain positions in healthcare.

Additional leave is granted after a special assessment of the work of medical workers. The results of the assessment must be agreed with the trade union of the institution.

If the profession of some health workers is not in the specified list, then additional leave is granted on a general basis. According to Art. 117 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the minimum duration of additional leave for medical workers who work in harmful and dangerous working conditions is 7 calendar days. This period may be extended by a collective agreement or other local act of a medical institution.

According to Decree No. 482, additional leave is granted:

  • health workers who provide mental health care:
    • doctors in senior positions, housewives and other medical personnel who provide medical care to mentally ill patients - 35 calendar days;
    • laboratory workers - 21 days;
    • receptionists, nurses and dietitians - 14 days.
  • doctors who care for TB patients:
    • all medical staff of tuberculosis dispensaries - 14 days;
    • TB doctors who perform X-ray examinations - 21 days;
  • doctors working with HIV-infected people and in contact with drugs that contain the virus - 14 days.

Junior medical personnel, that is, nurses working in such institutions, are also entitled to an additional leave of 7 to 12 days.

In the event that a medical worker is entitled to additional leave for several reasons, it is granted only for one of them.

If the head of a medical institution does not bother to conduct a special assessment of working conditions that reveals the degree of harmfulness of the working conditions of his employees, he violates labor laws. But he is obliged to provide additional holidays for medical workers.

Due to the fact that there have been changes, and the certification of workplaces has been canceled, and instead of it, a special assessment of labor is now being carried out, it has become an opinion that additional leave for medical workers will be canceled. This is not true!
During a special assessment, the degree of harmful working conditions and the degree of danger are revealed, on the basis of which additional leave is granted.

In medical institutions, a special assessment of working conditions is carried out by the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia. But the FMBA of Russia cannot issue an order to cancel additional leave, since even if dangerous and harmful working conditions of certain medical workers were not identified, in accordance with Art. 117 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, they still have the number of days of additional admission indicated in the article.

Any medical staff works in harmful and dangerous working conditions, so no one can deprive them of the right to at least 7 calendar days of additional leave.
The List approved by Decree No. 482 lists all professions of medical workers. In addition, some positions and specialties were added that are not entitled to 7 calendar days, but to a longer additional vacation. These positions and specialties of medical workers are presented above.

Every year, without exception, the employer grants the right to 28 days of vacation to each officially employed person. However, there are a large number of citizens who receive additional vacation days. Most often, the provision of such a bonus is associated with harmful working conditions.

Some of the most harmful types of work are those associated with the provision of medical care to seriously ill people. As a result, many medical workers, according to the rules of the law, have a longer official rest period than other workers.

Which healthcare workers are entitled to additional leave?

Every year, the government of the Russian Federation evaluates various positions and draws a conclusion about how harmful working conditions are. The latest up-to-date government decree on appropriate vacations for health workers for harmful working conditions determined a number of positions that are assigned additional leave.

These include:

  • Providing anti-tuberculosis care;
  • Working in psychiatric medical institutions;
  • Contact with HIV-infected.

In the government decree, each individual position of a health worker has its own duration.

Law on additional leave for health workers - changes 2018

The main law in order to calculate vacation days on top of annual ones is government decree number 482. However, even in the 116th article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation there is information that the minimum duration of this period is one week. Also, in accordance with the law, it can be concluded that if a doctor works in several positions and they are entitled to compensation in the form of additional leave, then rest is provided only on one of the grounds.

How to calculate additional leave for health workers for harmful working conditions?

The calculation procedure can be divided into 2 main stages:

1. It is necessary to calculate the days worked per year in hazardous production.

2. It is necessary to determine the exact number of months worked.

The list of professions with a specific duration of this period is determined by such a law as Government Decree number 482. Therefore, in order to calculate how many days are added for harmful working conditions in your position, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the text of the law and its changes as of 2018 . The minimum possible added duration is one week.

What determines the duration of additional leave for a health worker?

The harmfulness of a particular job is the main factor that affects the duration. Moreover, both physiological harm and moral harm are taken into account. For example, doctors who fight infectious diseases are at high risk of infection. But those who work in psychiatric hospitals succumb to more moral pressure.

Also, the government calculates the duration of official rest and in accordance with the position itself.

  • Management, doctors and medical staff of psychiatric hospitals add 35;
  • Personnel in the laboratories of these institutions - 21;
  • Registrars and nurses - 14 days.

In anti-tuberculosis institutions, medical staff are provided with an additional 14 days. Phthisiologists can apply for more, whose powers are to work with special dangerous X-ray studies - up to 21 days. As for those whose work is related to HIV-infected people, 14 days are added for their harmful working conditions.

Order on additional leave for health workers for harmful working conditions - sample

In the sample, you only need to enter the name of the medical institution, the specific name of the position and structural unit. And in the places to indicate the type of vacation, enter “additional paid”. The exact duration is also entered below. To issue an order, a special form T-6 is used, although its use is not an obligation for personnel officers of medical institutions.

For the correct filling of the order, it is recommended to use the sample form T-6. Do not forget that if the order is not executed in the proper form, the management may invalidate it.

Cancellation of the order for additional leave for health workers

Now the assessment of the harmfulness of conditions in medical institutions is carried out by a special agency - the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of the Russian Federation. However, they do not have the authority to cancel the order. At least because the 117th article of the Labor Code indicates information on additional leave for employees of the medical industry.

Therefore, we can safely say that the information that went around for a long time and reported that the corresponding day off would be canceled turned out to be false.

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Additional leave for healthcare workers

Additional leave for health workers since 2014

Additional leave healthcare workers provided for in Article 350 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with this norm, not every medical worker is entitled to additional leave, but only employees working in certain conditions.

Additional leave for medical workers is established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 482 dated 06/06/2013, in accordance with it, the duration of the annual additional paid leave for work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions for medical workers is assigned to employees:

Participating in the provision of psychiatric care (14, 21, 28 and 35 calendar days);
- directly involved in the provision of anti-tuberculosis care (14 and 21 calendar days);
- carrying out diagnostics and treatment of HIV-infected (14 calendar days);
- whose work is related to materials containing human immunodeficiency virus (14 calendar days)/

Annual additional paid leave is granted to medical workers whose working conditions at the workplace, according to the results of a special assessment, are classified as harmful (hazard class 3.2, 3.3, 3.4) or dangerous working conditions (hazard class 4) (Article 117 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The minimum duration of the annual additional paid leave for medical workers is 7 calendar days. These rules came into effect on January 1, 2014.

If, according to the results of certification, the workplace was assigned hazard class 3.1, then the employer must provide leave after January 1, 2014 until a special assessment of working conditions is carried out.

Compensation in the form of an additional start-up can be canceled after a special assessment, if, according to its results, the harmfulness remains the same or is reduced.

The employer can use local regulations and acts of a mixed or intersectoral direction, which establish longer vacation periods.

For example, employees directly providing psychiatric, anti-tuberculosis care or working with HIV-infected people are entitled to additional leave of 14 to 35 calendar days.

The number of days of additional start-up of a particular health worker is fixed in the employment contract. At the same time, the results of a special assessment of working conditions are taken into account.

When calculating the duration of the vacation, the employer can use some regulations that were adopted quite a long time ago, but continue to operate in that part that does not contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. These include, for example:

  • Decree of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR, the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of October 25, 1974 No. 298 / P-22 “On approval of the List of industries, workshops, professions and positions with harmful working conditions, work in which gives the right to additional leave and a shorter working day”;
  • order of the Ministry of Health of Russia, the Ministry of Defense of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Ministry of Justice of Russia, the Ministry of Education of Russia, the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia and the FPS of Russia dated May 30, 2003 No. 225/194/363/126/2330/777/292 with the risk of infection with mycobacterium tuberculosis, giving the right to additional paid leave, a 30-hour work week and additional wages due to harmful working conditions.

The combination of professions (positions) can be applied if the class of working conditions is the same in both positions. Otherwise, it is better to register the employee in the second position as a part-time employee: then the recording of working time will be kept separately for each position, which will save the employer from confusion with benefits. At the same time, it is very important that the names of positions and structural divisions clearly correspond to the names indicated in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 29. 2002 No. 7812. Otherwise, your employees will lose their right to early retirement.

Part of the allowance may be replaced by monetary compensation. Here are the conditions under which replacement is possible:

  • only a part of the additional vacation, which exceeds 7 calendar days, is compensated;
  • the branch (interbranch) agreement and the collective agreement provide for the possibility of such a replacement and its procedure;
  • an additional agreement was concluded with the employee to the employment contract, where a separate monetary compensation is established on the terms of the industry agreement and the collective agreement.

It should be noted that the conditions for compensating part of the additional leave for medical workers with money should be prescribed both in the industry agreement and in the collective agreement.

Additional leave can be used by the employee either separately or together with the main one. Its duration depends on how long the health worker has worked in harmful conditions (part 3 of article 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

For example, a nurse works in a psychiatric hospital. She has the right to an additional admission of 28 calendar days. During the billing period, she worked 151 days. To find out how many days of additional allowance she is entitled to, you need to divide the days worked by the average monthly number of days. The resulting decimal number must be rounded according to the rules of mathematics: decimal places less than 5 are discarded, more than 5 or equal to 5 are rounded to an integer: 151: 29.3 = 5.15. We round up and get the result - 5 months.

Now let's calculate how many days of allowance you need to provide a nurse for one month of work. 28:12 = 2.33. Thus, in 5 months, the nurse will receive 5 x 2.33 = 11.65. Rounding up, we get the total - 12 calendar days.

Due to the risk of infection, the need to interact with persons with physical and mental disabilities, exposure to hazardous substances, radiation, the working conditions of health workers may be considered harmful. For harm to a medical worker, guarantees and compensations are due.

Harmful working conditions for medical workers: a list

There is no single list of unfavorable working conditions for medical workers, therefore, depending on what guarantees and compensations the employee claims, different lists are applied, in particular, approved ones:

  • by orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n, dated February 16, 2009 No. 45n, dated May 30, 2003 No. 225;
  • Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2003 No. 101, of June 6, 2013 No. 482.

Harmful factors of the working environment can be recognized based on the results of a special assessment of working conditions (hereinafter - SOUT).

Working condition class Subclass of working conditions Levels of impact of adverse factors established by the regulations Effect on the body
1 - optimal conditions Not exceeded Safely
2 - acceptable conditions Not exceeded The body recovers during rest or by the beginning of the next working day (shift)
3 - harmful conditions 3.1
(1 degree)
Exceeded The body recovers for a long time,
increased risk of health damage
(2nd degree)
The emergence and development of occupational diseases is possible - initial forms or mild degree (without loss of professional ability to work), arising after exposure for 15 years or more
(3rd degree)
Perhaps the emergence and development of occupational diseases of mild and moderate degree (with loss of professional ability to work)
(4 degree)
Possible emergence and development of severe forms of occupational diseases (with loss of general ability to work)
4 - dangerous conditions Exceeded, may endanger the life of the worker High risk of developing an acute occupational disease

Occupational hazards in medicine

The rights of certain groups of health workers to benefits are established by federal laws.

For example, in connection with the risk of infection, reduction of working hours, additional leave, payment are provided:

  • healthcare workers providing anti-tuberculosis care (Article 15 of Law No. 77-FZ);
  • health workers who diagnose and treat HIV-infected people (Article 22 of Law No. 38-FZ).

Due to the increased risk of interacting with persons suffering from a mental disorder, health workers providing mental health care are entitled to a reduction in work shifts, additional leave and pay (Article 22 of Law No. 3185-1).

Milk for harm to health workers: who is supposed to

In order to minimize the adverse effects of chemical, biological, physical factors on the human body in order to prevent the occurrence of diseases, a health worker is recommended to consume milk and other products of equal nutritional value.

Category of workers Food product name Issuance rate Note
Harmful working conditions Milk 500 ml per shift, regardless of its duration 1. milk is issued when work is performed under appropriate conditions for at least half of the work shift;
2. cannot be replaced with sour cream, butter
Workers interacting with inorganic compounds of non-ferrous metals Pectin in drinks, jellies, jams, marmalades, juice products 2 g 1. issued in addition to milk;
2. can be replaced by fruit and (or) vegetable juices with pulp in the amount of 300 ml;
3. issued before starting work
Workers constantly interacting with inorganic compounds of non-ferrous metals Dairy or diet foods Liquid products - 500 ml
Curd - 100 g
Cheese - 60 g
1. issued instead of milk
2. issued during the working day
Workers involved in the production or processing of antibiotics Fermented milk products enriched with probiotics or colibacterin Liquid products - 500 ml Served instead of milk

Products of equal nutritional value to milk are issued with the consent of the workers and taking into account the opinion of the trade union.

Conditions for issuing milk:

  • actual employment on the day of issue under the influence of relevant factors;
  • provision and use in places of food for employees - a buffet, a canteen, a specially equipped room;
  • non-receipt of free special meals by the employee.

Cash compensation instead of milk is made at the written request of the employee, if:

  • such an opportunity is established by a collective and (or) labor agreement;
  • the amount of the payment is equivalent to the retail price of milk at the location of the employer;
  • monthly payment of compensation;
  • timely indexation of compensation payments.

Free distribution of milk is terminated:

  • if the production conditions, according to the results of a special assessment, are recognized as safe or acceptable;
  • with the consent of the union.

Reduction of working hours

Category of medical workers Working week length
(in hours)
Workers conducting gamma therapy and experimental gamma irradiation with gamma preparations in radiomanipulation rooms and laboratories 24
whose work is associated with the risk of infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis;
pathological and anatomical departments;
working with radioactive substances and sources of ionizing radiation
Employees of medical and preventive organizations, including physiotherapy and dental 33
infectious and
skin and venereal departments;
leper colonies;
institutions for the prevention and control of AIDS;
psychiatric, narcological organizations;
physiotherapy organizations;
ambulance stations;
organizations of the state sanitary and epidemiological service;
anti-plague institutions;
blood transfusion stations;
interacting with radioactive substances and sources of ionizing radiation
Other workers 39

Additional leave for health workers for harmful working conditions

Depending on the positions held, once a year paid additional holidays are provided:

  • 14-35 days - for health workers providing mental health care;
  • 14-21 days - to health workers providing anti-tuberculosis care;
  • 14 days - for workers providing assistance to HIV-infected people.

Unless otherwise specifically established, and the work is performed in unfavorable production conditions, when providing a health worker with rest time, the following is taken into account:

  • if the working conditions at the workplace, according to the results of the SOUT, are classified as harmful (grades 2-4) or dangerous, annually, in addition to the main vacation, leave is provided for at least 7 calendar days;
  • the length of service giving the right to additional allowance includes the time actually worked under the relevant conditions;
  • allowance is used annually, transfer to another period is not allowed;
  • allowance is not replaced by monetary compensation. Replacement is allowed if:
  • it is established by agreement and collective agreement;
  • the employee has given written consent;
  • holiday duration exceeds 1 week.

If a medical worker is given additional allowance for work in adverse production conditions for various reasons, leave is granted for one of them.

Increased pay

Increased pay is required for work in adverse working conditions. The amount of the increase is established by a local act of the employer, adopted taking into account the opinion of the trade union, or by a collective labor agreement. The minimum increase is 4 percent.

Medical workers belong to the category of citizens, which, according to labor legislation, is required. This benefit is associated with a special (Article 117 of the Labor Code) for most medical workers. According to this article, such work includes labor activity with a code of 2 and above. Such a code is assigned based on the results of an expert assessment of jobs at a particular enterprise or institution.

In January 2015, the Ministry of Health issued order number 24, according to which the list of jobs subject to certification (testing for harmfulness) was significantly expanded. Now all workplaces of medical workers are subject to inspection. In particular, harmful factors include the impact of pathogenic biological organisms (for example, tuberculosis bacillus or immunodeficiency virus). The same rules apply in 2017.

Moreover, the concentration of these organisms at the place of work is no longer taken into account by the inspectors. The very fact of direct contact of a medical worker carrying out professional activities with infected biological material is important (for example, the work of laboratories that study viruses falls under the harmful category).

Employees of medical institutions, like other working citizens, have the right to issue the following:

  • Basic or provided if available at a particular enterprise for a duration of six months. Pregnant employees are entitled to this type of paid rest from the first month of work, as they belong to a preferential category. The average duration of this period is 28 days. But under certain working conditions, the duration may be longer, for example, as for workers in the North.
  • Special vacation periods are laid down in connection with the birth of a baby (on average 140 days) or in connection with caring for him (up to three years). Also, this type of recreation can be provided for so-called creative reasons. For example, if it is necessary to write and defend a dissertation or scientific work, an employee is given six months.
  • Additional holidays are accrued mainly for special working conditions.

According to Article 350 of the Labor Code, paid days of additional rest are provided:

  1. for life-threatening or unhealthy conditions at the workplace - 7 working days;
  2. for labor activity on an irregular schedule (such employees may be present at work on weekends and holidays) - at least 3 days;
  3. for work in special conditions (for example, as employees of tuberculosis dispensaries and laboratories related to contaminated biological materials) - in accordance with Article 118 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  4. workers in the regions of the Far North or areas equated to them - 24 and 16 days, respectively.

As mentioned above, the harmfulness is determined by a special commission based on an assessment of the conditions at the workplace.

The certification results are valid for the next five years., after which the evaluation is repeated. That is, additional days of rest are now provided not for an existing position or profession, but for the presence of special working conditions.

Also, according to Article 116 of the Labor Code, employers have the right to establish additional vacation periods in accordance with the provisions of local regulations (for example, collective agreements). The duration of such rest is determined according to local documents.


Accordingly, the following rules for granting vacation periods apply:

  • the main vacation period can be received by all, without exception, employees of medical institutions who have a corresponding one in one institution (at least 6 months);
  • a special vacation period is a target period; to receive it, you must have good reasons (for example, expect a baby to appear or prepare a scientific work for defense);
  • an additional vacation period depends entirely on the harmfulness of the work (with a code from 2 to 4 established for jobs, the right to receive additional days of rest with payment arises).

The provision of vacation periods established by the management of a particular institution is carried out in accordance with the procedure adopted in local documents.

Vacation duration

The duration of the additional vacation period is established in accordance with Article 118 of the Labor Code.

This legislative document does not give an exact list of specialists who can qualify for additional rest, but at the same time, a listing of the minimum periods is given:

  1. family-type nurses and doctors with three years of work experience receive at least three additional days of rest;
  2. when working in hazardous conditions, at least seven days are additionally charged (harmfulness is determined in accordance with Article 117 of the Labor Code).

For individual industries, the duration of vacation periods is established by industry acts. For example, for employees of psychiatric institutions, an additional vacation period is accrued in accordance with Federal Law No. 3185-1. Psychiatrists receive an additional thirty-five days of rest, and nurses twenty-eight.

A special preferential status has also been established for employees of the veterinary industry who are forced to come into contact with tuberculosis infection, as well as for medical workers involved in medical laboratories examining biological materials infected with tuberculosis bacillus. For them, an additional 14 to 21 days of additional rest is provided.

And on the basis of Federal Law number 38, fourteen additional vacation days are provided for diagnosticians, laboratory workers and attending physicians in contact with HIV-infected patients or biological materials infected with the virus.

Provision procedure

Employees with less than three years of service cannot count on the provision of an additional vacation period. And the main vacation period is not provided to persons who have worked in the institution for less than six months.

This general rule does not apply to employees who are forced to risk their own health in the performance of their professional duties. The privileged categories include:

  • employees who come into contact with HIV-infected people or biological materials infected with the virus;
  • employees in contact with tuberculosis patients or with biological materials infected with tuberculosis bacillus;
  • livestock workers involved in cutting or storing carcasses infected with tuberculosis;
  • workers in the psychiatric industry (doctors, nurses, orderlies, housewives nurses).


Each medical institution draws up a single vacation schedule for all employees, which is initially prepared by the personnel department, and then approved (signed) by the head.

Any of the employees can familiarize themselves with this document. In addition, it is the responsibility of management to notify employees in writing of the upcoming vacation period.

Making a basic vacation period for medical professionals is no different from the standard procedure in any other industry. The employee submits an application, the employer issues an order, and the accounting department, together with the personnel department, calculates and pays vacation funds.

As for additional days of rest, they are provided at the request of the employee. The institution does not draw up a special vacation period for this type of vacation. That is, the initiator is always the employee himself.

He in a free form sets out in writing a request for additional days of rest and submits this application to the management of the institution. The document consists of the following items:

  1. The heading indicates the full name of the institution and the full name of the person who is the immediate supervisor.
  2. The position he holds is also included. A little lower is the name and position of the employee making the request.
  3. The body of the document summarizes the essence of the request. For example: "I ask you to grant me an additional vacation period without pay for a period of fourteen days from July 25, 2016."
  4. At the bottom is a signature (in brackets is given the transcript of the full name) and the date of this application.
  5. The application is registered in a special accounting journal, which is maintained in the institution by an authorized employee.
  6. After that, the leader imposes a resolution on it.

At the next stage, an appropriate order is prepared and issued, which, in addition to the manager, is signed by the employee himself. Then vacation funds are accrued (the calculations take into account the last working year and the amount, together with bonus payments).

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