Clove styx essential oil. Essential oil STYX "Clove" - ​​"Essential oil STYX "Clove" - ​​enjoy the quality of Austria, grow strong nails, take care of your skin and fight cellulite"

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I learned about the STYX company when I was interested in which oil companies are considered the best and highest quality. The search engine strongly recommended the Austrian company STYX to me, and I was eager to buy their oil.

The prices for oils from this company are quite high, so I managed to buy two oils so far: citronella and cloves.

Oil Styx "Cloves"

Clove oil costs 290 rubles per 10 ml. I ordered it through the Essential Oil website. The oil has a rather specific aroma and creates associations with medical themes.

Oil Styx "Cloves"

Information from the manufacturer about the healing properties is impressive

antibacterial, antiviral, anti-epidemic effect. Eliminates sore throat, runny nose, relieves cough due to bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, smoking. Increases the barrier functions of the immune system. Effective protection against infectious agents transmitted by airborne droplets, household contact and fecal-oral routes. In dentistry it is used as an anesthetic, as well as for inflammation, pulpitis, caries, periodontal disease, and stomatitis. It has an antispasmodic, anti-sclerotic, anticonvulsant effect, quickly relieves vascular crises (dizziness, severe hypotension, fainting), as well as diaphragmatic spasms (hiccups). Strengthens the musculoskeletal system, eliminates arthritis, myositis, muscle contractures, myasthenia. Sports. Normalizes the menstrual cycle, eliminates hypomenorrhea, increases uterine tone, eliminates frigidity. Stimulates libido, eliminates sexual weakness, premature ejaculation. Helps quit smoking habit.

Judging by the list, everyone can find something that interests them. I was interested in this oil cosmetic properties

care for problematic and oily skin, elimination of bacterial dermatitis, pustular skin lesions, acne, furunculosis. Absorbable. Wound healing, bactericidal. Treatment of skin burns. Anti-cellulite, lipolytic, general anti-aging, antioxidant effect.


I add a couple of drops of clove essential oil to the base oil, mix it with night or day cream and nourish the skin. I also like to mix flaxseed oil (20 ml), a couple of drops of clove oil and a couple of drops of grapefruit essential oil and do an anti-cellulite massage or oil film wrap. I like to make nail baths; I add STYX “Clove” essential oil to the base oil and immerse my nails there for 10 minutes. As for my nails, I want to note that they have become noticeably stronger, but before that I had problems with them because they were brittle.

I was completely satisfied with the quality of the oil and now I understand why STYX is so actively praised.

ClovesPreparation: water-steam distillation of the buds of Eugenia caryophyllata (myrtaceae family). Essential oil: light, fluid, volatile, colorless. Major components of the composition: eugenol, aceteugenol, caryophyllene, α-humulene. Major bouquet of cloves: spicy, woody-fresh, with a soft fruity tinkle. Complementary aromas: grapefruit, juniper, rose, ylang-ylang, sage, bergamot, black pepper. Therapeutic class: tonic aroma. Aphrodisiac. Main action: elimination of furunculosis and pustular skin diseases. Painkiller. Hemostatic. Oral care. Anti-cellulite. Historical data & unusual action: “first aid” for sun and heat stroke. Supports the stoic qualities of nature, strengthens the determination “not to give up without a fight.” Used to treat scabies and eliminate bad breath. Since ancient times, it has been used during childbirth to stimulate labor and alleviate the condition of the woman in labor. Psycho-emotional correction: tones, restores strength after nervous and physical stress. Eliminates astheno-depressive conditions, neuralgia. Increases the capacity and volume of active memory. This scent is called “student” because... it helps to remember large amounts of information. Warms, eliminates tremors. Stops attacks of hysteria. Cosmetic indications: care for problematic and oily skin, elimination of bacterial dermatitis, pustular skin lesions, acne, furunculosis. Absorbable. Wound healing, bactericidal. Treatment of skin burns. Anti-cellulite, lipolytic, general anti-aging, antioxidant effect. Healing indications: antibacterial, antiviral, anti-epidemic effect. Eliminates sore throat, runny nose, relieves cough due to bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, smoking. Increases the barrier functions of the immune system. Effective protection against infectious agents transmitted by airborne droplets, household contact and fecal-oral routes. In dentistry it is used as an anesthetic, as well as for inflammation, pulpitis, caries, periodontal disease, and stomatitis. Promotes regeneration. Effective for common intestinal infections, eliminates diarrhea, vomiting, colic, flatulence, optimizes digestive processes. Powerful hemostatic. It has an antispasmodic, anti-sclerotic, anticonvulsant effect, quickly relieves vascular crises (dizziness, severe hypotension, fainting), as well as diaphragmatic spasms (hiccups). A means of rehabilitation after injuries, illnesses and operations. Rehabilitation care for seriously ill patients. Strengthens the musculoskeletal system, eliminates arthritis, myositis, muscle contractures, myasthenia. Anti-traumatic, regenerating effect (hematomas, wounds). Sports. Normalizes the menstrual cycle, eliminates hypomenorrhea, increases uterine tone, eliminates frigidity. Stimulates libido, eliminates sexual weakness, premature ejaculation. Helps give up the habit of smoking. Household use: repellent, expels moths, repels mosquitoes and flies. Eliminates swelling and burning after insect bites. In cooking it is used for preparing mulled wine, meat, fish and game dishes. Application methods and average dosages: NB! Before use, check the aroma for individual tolerance. Aroma pots: 2-5 k per 15 m2; Inhalations: hot (3-5 min) - 1 k; cold: 2-3 minutes; Aroma medallions: 1 k; Rinse: 1 to 0.5 tsp. emulsifier (soda, salt, honey) per glass of warm water; Tamponade: apply 1-2 drops onto a moistened cotton swab and apply to the diseased tooth for 3-5 minutes; Baths: shared – 3-5 rooms; warm sedentary – 2-3 k; Massage, rubbing: 3-5 k per 10 ml of transport base; Compresses: warm oil compresses on the area of ​​injury, pain (5 k per 10 ml of oil); Erotic massage and intimate cosmetics: 10 k per 15 ml of base (macadamia oil, jojoba); Nasal drops: 2 to 2-3 tsp. St. John's wort oil, instill 3-4 drops into each nostril once every 60-90 minutes; Enrichment of cosmetics: 1-3 k per 5 ml of base; Local applications: mix 5 k with 10 k of St. John's wort or black cumin oil, apply with a cotton swab strictly to the element of inflammation; Washing wounds: 2% clove solution (30 drops emulsified with 0.5 tsp soda and diluted in 100 ml of clean water); Cosmetic ice: mix 2 parts with honey or cosmetic cream (1 tsp), dilute in 200 ml of water and freeze in portions. Wipe face, neck, décolleté in the morning and evening; Internal use: additive to honey, jam (4-5 k per 100 ml), use 1 tsp. mixtures 1-4 times a day. Drink with plenty of acidified water, fermented milk products, juices; Repellent: 15 k mix with 50 ml of base oil, body milk or tonic, apply evenly to exposed areas of the body; Aroma combing: apply to comb teeth. Precautionary measures and subjective sensations: do not use in case of increased nervous excitability, in the early stages of pregnancy. Use with caution in patients with hypertension and the elderly. Use caution when applying to sensitive skin areas. When applied to the skin it causes hyperemia, thermoreaction, burning (2-3 minutes). The reaction is natural. Storage: in a cool place protected from direct sunlight. Keep away from children and open flame. The shelf life if the packaging is sealed is more than 5 years.


Water-steam distillation of Eugenia caryophyllata buds (myrtaceae family).

Essential oil

Light, fluid, volatile, colorless.

Therapeutic class

Tonic aroma. Aphrodisiac.

Main action

Elimination of furunculosis and pustular skin diseases. Painkiller. Hemostatic. Oral care. Anti-cellulite.

Historical data unusual action

"First aid" for sunstroke and heatstroke. Supports the stoic qualities of nature, strengthens the determination “not to give up without a fight.” Used to treat scabies and eliminate bad breath. Since ancient times, it has been used during childbirth to stimulate labor and alleviate the condition of the woman in labor.

Psycho-emotional correction

Tones and restores strength after nervous and physical stress. Eliminates astheno-depressive conditions, neuralgia. Increases the capacity and volume of active memory. This scent is called “student” because it helps to remember large amounts of information. Warms, eliminates tremors. Stops attacks of hysteria.

Cosmetic indications

Care for problematic and oily skin, elimination of bacterial dermatitis, pustular skin lesions, acne, furunculosis. Absorbable. Wound healing, bactericidal. Treatment of skin burns. Anti-cellulite, lipolytic, general anti-aging, antioxidant effect.

Healing indications

Antibacterial, antiviral, anti-epidemic effect. Eliminates sore throat, runny nose, relieves cough due to bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, smoking. Increases the barrier functions of the immune system. Effective protection against infectious agents transmitted by airborne droplets, household contact and fecal-oral routes. In dentistry it is used as an anesthetic, as well as for inflammation, pulpitis, caries, periodontal disease, and stomatitis. Promotes regeneration. Effective for common intestinal infections, eliminates diarrhea, vomiting, colic, flatulence, optimizes digestive processes. Powerful hemostatic. It has an antispasmodic, anti-sclerotic, anticonvulsant effect, quickly relieves vascular crises (dizziness, severe hypotension, fainting), as well as diaphragmatic spasms (hiccups). A means of rehabilitation after injuries, illnesses and operations. Rehabilitation care for seriously ill patients. Strengthens the musculoskeletal system, eliminates arthritis, myositis, muscle contractures, myasthenia. Anti-traumatic, regenerating effect (hematomas, wounds). Sports. Normalizes the menstrual cycle, eliminates hypomenorrhea, increases uterine tone, eliminates frigidity. Stimulates libido, eliminates sexual weakness, premature ejaculation. Helps quit smoking habit.

Household use

repellent, expels moths, repels mosquitoes and flies. Eliminates swelling and burning after insect bites. In cooking it is used to prepare mulled wine, meat, fish, and game dishes.

Methods of application and average dosages

NB! Before use, check the aroma for individual tolerance.

  • Aroma pots: 2-5 k per 15 m²;
  • Inhalations: hot (3-5 min) - 1 k; cold: 2-3 minutes;
  • Aroma medallions: 1 k;
  • Rinse: 1 to 0.5 tsp. emulsifier (soda, salt, honey) per glass of warm water;
  • Tamponade: apply 1-2 drops onto a moistened cotton swab and apply to the diseased tooth for 3-5 minutes;
  • Baths: shared - 3-5 rooms; warm sedentary - 2-3 k;
  • Massage, rubbing: 3-5 k per 10 ml of transport base;
  • Compresses: warm oil compresses on the area of ​​injury, pain (5 k per 10 ml of oil);
  • Erotic massage and intimate cosmetics: 10 k per 15 ml of base (macadamia oil, jojoba);
  • Nasal drops: 2 to 2-3 tsp. St. John's wort oil, instill 3-4 drops into each nostril once every 60-90 minutes
  • Enrichment of cosmetics: 1-3 k per 5 ml of base;
  • Local applications: mix 5 k with 10 k of St. John's wort or black cumin oil, apply with a cotton swab strictly to the element of inflammation;
  • Washing wounds: 2% clove solution (30 drops emulsified with 0.5 tsp soda and diluted in 100 ml of clean water);
  • Cosmetic ice: mix 2 parts with honey or cosmetic cream (1 tsp), dilute in 200 ml of water and freeze in portions. Wipe face, neck, décolleté in the morning and evening;
  • Internal use: additive to honey, jam (4-5 k per 100 ml), use 1 tsp. mixtures 1-4 times a day. Drink with plenty of acidified water, fermented milk products, juices;
  • Repellent: 15 k mix with 50 ml of base oil, body milk or tonic, apply evenly to exposed areas of the body;
  • Aroma combing: apply to comb teeth.

Precautions and subjective feelings

Do not use in case of increased nervous excitability or in early pregnancy. Use with caution in patients with hypertension and the elderly. Use caution when applying to sensitive skin areas. When applied to the skin it causes hyperemia, thermoreaction, burning (2-3 minutes). The reaction is natural.

Clove essential oil - the main aroma is spicy, woody-fresh, with a soft fruity tinkle. Belongs to the class of tonics. Aphrodisiac.

An ideal combination with essential oils: grapefruit, juniper, rose, ylang-ylang, sage, bergamot, black pepper.

Main action: elimination of furunculosis and pustular skin diseases. Painkiller. Hemostatic. Oral care. Anti-cellulite.

Psycho-emotional effect: tones, restores strength after nervous and physical stress.

Eliminates astheno-depressive conditions, neuralgia.

Increases the capacity and volume of active memory. This scent is called “student” because... it helps to remember large amounts of information.

Warms, eliminates tremors.

Stops attacks of hysteria.

Cosmetic effect: care for problematic and oily skin, elimination of bacterial dermatitis, pustular skin lesions, acne, furunculosis.

Absorbing, wound healing, bactericidal.

Treatment of skin burns.

Anti-cellulite, lipolytic, general anti-aging, antioxidant effect.

Healing effect: antibacterial, antiviral, anti-epidemic effect.

Eliminates sore throat, runny nose, relieves cough due to bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, smoking. Increases the barrier functions of the immune system. Effective protection against infectious agents transmitted by airborne droplets, household contact and fecal-oral routes.

In dentistry it is used as an anesthetic, as well as for inflammation, pulpitis, caries, periodontal disease, and stomatitis.

Promotes regeneration.

Effective for common intestinal infections, eliminates diarrhea, vomiting, colic, flatulence, optimizes digestive processes.

Powerful hemostatic.

It has an antispasmodic, anti-sclerotic, anticonvulsant effect, quickly relieves vascular crises (dizziness, severe hypotension, fainting), as well as diaphragmatic spasms (hiccups).

A means of rehabilitation after injuries, illnesses and operations. Rehabilitation care for seriously ill patients.

Strengthens the musculoskeletal system, eliminates arthritis, myositis, muscle contractures, myasthenia.

Anti-traumatic, regenerating effect (hematomas, wounds).

Normalizes the menstrual cycle, eliminates hypomenorrhea, increases uterine tone, eliminates frigidity.

Stimulates libido, eliminates sexual weakness, premature ejaculation.

Helps quit smoking habit.

Aroma pots: 2–5 k per 15 m;

Inhalations: hot (3–5 min) - 1 k; cold: 2–3 minutes;

Aroma medallions: 1 k;

Rinse: 1 to 0.5 tsp. emulsifier (soda, salt, honey) per glass of warm water;

Tamponade: apply 1-2 drops onto a moistened cotton swab and apply to the affected tooth for 3-5 minutes;

Baths: shared - 3–5 rooms; warm sedentary - 2–3 k;

Massage, rubbing: 3–5 k per 10 ml of transport base;

Compresses: warm oil compresses on the area of ​​injury, pain (5 k per 10 ml of oil);

Erotic massage and intimate cosmetics: 10 k per 15 ml of base (macadamia oil, jojoba);

Nasal drops: 2 to 2–3 tsp. St. John's wort oil, instill 3-4 drops into each nostril once every 60-90 minutes

Enrichment of cosmetics: 1–3 k per 5 ml of base;

Local applications: mix 5 k with 10 k of St. John's wort or black cumin oil, apply with a cotton swab strictly to the element of inflammation;

Washing wounds: 2% clove solution (30 drops emulsified with 0.5 tsp soda and diluted in 100 ml of clean water);

Cosmetic ice: mix 2 parts with honey or cosmetic cream (1 tsp), dilute in 200 ml of water and freeze in portions. Wipe face, neck, décolleté in the morning and evening;

Internal use: additive to honey, jam (4–5 k per 100 ml), use 1 tsp. mixtures 1–4 times a day. Drink with plenty of acidified water, fermented milk products, juices;

Repellent: 15 k mix with 50 ml of base oil, body milk or tonic, apply evenly to exposed areas of the body;

Aroma combing: apply to comb teeth.

Store in a cool place away from direct sunlight. Keep away from children and open flame.

Release form

Oil in a glass bottle

Expiration date from date of manufacture

The shelf life if the packaging is sealed is more than 5 years.

Product description

Clove essential oil improves the barrier functions of the immune system. Effective protection against infectious agents transmitted by airborne droplets, household contact and fecal-oral routes. In dentistry it is used as an anesthetic, as well as for inflammation, pulpitis, caries, periodontal disease, and stomatitis. Promotes regeneration. Effective for common intestinal infections, eliminates diarrhea, vomiting, colic, flatulence, optimizes digestive processes. Powerful hemostatic. It has an antispasmodic, anti-sclerotic, anticonvulsant effect, quickly relieves vascular crises (dizziness, severe hypotension, fainting), as well as diaphragmatic spasms (hiccups). A means of rehabilitation after injuries, illnesses and operations. Rehabilitation care for seriously ill patients. Strengthens the musculoskeletal system, eliminates arthritis, myositis, muscle contractures, myasthenia. Clove essential oil has anti-traumatic, regenerating effects (hematomas, wounds). Sports. Normalizes the menstrual cycle, eliminates hypomenorrhea, increases uterine tone, eliminates frigidity. Stimulates libido, eliminates sexual weakness, premature ejaculation. Helps quit smoking habit.


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