Open express panel for google chrome. How to add a page to the express panel in Google Chrome

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In fact, it is a lightweight organization of frequently visited sites that does not burden the browser. Chrome generally does not have a full-fledged express panel of visual bookmarks in the format that many are accustomed to when using the Norwegian Opera browser.

Google Chrome is built on a different principle. The start page that appears when you open a new tab opens the same list of previously visited sites with their pitiful thumbnails, but there is also a Chrome application launcher, where widgets for individual sites are collected in the style of shortcuts on the Android mobile platform.

The Google Chrome launcher is nice, neat, and convenient, but, alas, you can attach a widget to it not for every site, but only for the one whose application can be installed in the browser store.

Google Chrome is a constructor that can be “stuffed” with anything, including various express panels of visual bookmarks for easy access to your favorite sites. To organize an express panel of visual bookmarks in Chrome, similar to the one that is preinstalled in the Opera browser, you need to implement a special extension. Fortunately, there are plenty of them in the Google Chrome store. Let's look at the five best of them below.

5 Best Visual Bookmark Express Panels for Google Chrome


Atavi.Com is a free Internet service for storing visual bookmarks of users. To use it, a simple registration is required.

Atavi bookmarks are a universal solution, no matter what browser you use, no matter what computer or mobile device you access the Internet from. In any browser, Atavi.Com can be designated as the start page and you can have access to your bookmarks immediately after logging into the service. After introducing the Atavi extension to Google Chrome, a new browser tab will open with an express panel of cute website thumbnails.

Atavi visual bookmarks can be divided into thematic groups and switched between them.

In the settings of the express panel, you can select the number of visual bookmarks by width in order to adjust the most comfortable page filling. You can also disable the distribution of bookmarks into groups and set up a nice background.

In addition to manually adding favorite sites to the express panel, the Atavi extension embeds a button next to the button for adding regular bookmarks in Google Chrome - it also serves to quickly add sites to the Atavi express panel.

IOS7 New Tab Page

This extension introduces an express panel with bookmark widgets into Google Chrome, simulating the iPhone and iPad operating system - iOS. The browser start page, opening in a new tab, will resemble the screen of Apple gadgets. The developers even drew a Wi-Fi antenna and a battery charge indicator. iOS 7 New Tab Page is installed with its own set of widgets for popular web services, where mostly English-language resources are presented.

To remove a site widget on the express panel, as on an Apple gadget, you need to hold it down for a long time with the left mouse button (instead of your finger) until the icons start shaking funny. At this moment, a cross will appear on them for deletion. In the same shaky state, the widgets of the express panel can be swapped by simply dragging and dropping. To exit the shaky mode of deleting and dragging widgets, you need to double-click the left mouse button.

As in real iOS, the Express panel for Chrome provides several scrolling virtual desktops, where shortcuts to favorite sites can be divided into thematic groups. At the bottom of the express panel there are static widgets that do not move when scrolling. Pinned widgets include the Google Chrome launcher and the most visited Internet resources, the shortcuts of which can be changed.

The extension comes with its own set of themes, and to change the preset one, you need to click the “Setting” widget at the bottom.

A window with a few settings for the express panel will appear, including a small catalog of pretty nice background images.

But, in contrast to the external beauty of the idea, such an express panel is not easy to use. So, in order to add the widget of the desired site to the express panel, you need to open the settings and manually enter the site address. Plus, the extension cannot always select an image for the widget, and if it does, its quality does not leave the best impression. So don’t be surprised if your visual bookmarks look like this.

However, iOS 7 New Tab Page is included in the review of the best express panels for Chrome for reasons of beautiful implementation, the effect of shaking widgets and involvement in the theme of Apple gadgets.

FVDtab speed dial

Another beautiful express panel of visual bookmarks for Google Chrome.

The FVDtab speed dial extension is installed with ready-made visual bookmarks of popular web resources. In addition to visual bookmarks, the panel can be switched to the browser's existing regular bookmarks tab and the Google Chrome apps tab.

In this case, regular bookmarks are converted into visual ones.

And the Google Chrome application bar will be implemented with web service widgets, as in the original.

To add visual bookmarks, traditionally click on the empty cell with the plus sign, then enter the address and name of the site.

The extension has few settings, or rather, practically none. All that can be customized is the ability to disable the tabs of regular Chrome bookmarks and its application bar. But often, defective functionality is forgiven for the beauty of the design.

Visual Bookmarks from Mail.Ru

Even if you don’t have a mailbox on Mail.Ru, you will still be interested in visual bookmarks from the largest mailer on the Runet for their versatility. What the Visual Bookmarks extension from Mail.Ru offers cannot be called a purebred express panel of site thumbnails for quick access to them. Because Mail.Ru tried to throw in as much rubbish as possible, such as weather, exchange rates and news, and, of course, buttons to go to its services.

Mail.Ru even managed to shove the Google Chrome application bar at the very bottom. And, besides, with all this clutter, the express panel from Mail.Ru provides the ability to set a background image of your choice, which will be visible through the passages between the cells of visual bookmarks.

The express panel from Mail.Ru, of course, is far from beautiful, style and taste, and probably the best Parisian designers would be horrified at the sight of it, nevertheless, it is practical. And it is especially suitable for those who, due to the nature of their activities, are forced to constantly monitor exchange rates. When you click on the image of the currencies, a converter from Mail.Ru will open in a separate tab - just as ugly, but clearly performing its technical task.

Visual bookmarks from Yandex

Unlike other options for implementing an express panel with visual bookmarks, Visual Bookmarks from Yandex is not only a separate extension for Chrome that can be found in the store, but also a component of a separate software add-on Visual Elements of the search engine, which requires installation on Windows. You can download the installer for Yandex Visual Elements on the search engine website.

When installing into the system, you can refuse other components by selecting only visual bookmarks.

After installing visual bookmarks from Yandex, Chrome will outwardly resemble Yandex.Browser with its “smart” address and search bar “in one package.” When you open a new tab, you will see nice tiles-labels of your favorite sites, which will be automatically generated from previously visited sites and, of course, Yandex services.

In the settings of the express panel, you can adjust the number of displayed visual bookmarks according to the width of the page, as well as upload your own image as a background or select from those offered by Yandex.

To sum it up...

Of all the possibilities presented for introducing visual bookmarks into Google Chrome, the proposal from Yandex, in the opinion of the author of the article, is perhaps the most worthwhile. This is a simple and at the same time beautiful design, it is easy and flexible to configure, it is easy to use during active web surfing.

The Express panel has become an indispensable tool for quick access to your favorite resources. It is available in all modern browsers, but it is not always implemented in the best way for the user.

Differences between the Quick Access Toolbar in Google Chrome

The search giant was able to create one of the most widespread web browsers, on the engine of which new equally successful projects appear every now and then (Yandek.Browser). But what raises questions is the operating principle of the express panel.

When opening a new tab, the user will see eight cells with thumbnails of the sites he visits most often. You cannot add them manually, which often causes confusion. Such an inappropriate step leads to replacing the panel or improving it through special extensions.

Note! If you clear your Google Chrome history, the express panel will be completely cleared.

Working with the bookmarks bar

As an alternative to website thumbnails, you can use the bookmarks bar. By default, it is active only when switching to a new tab, but this limitation can be easily removed in the browser settings.

  • In the top right corner, open the Google Chrome management tools, they look like three dots.
  • In the panel that opens, select “Settings”.
  • A window will appear with information about the user and immediately below it, the “Appearance” section will be located.
  • Activate the “Show bookmarks bar” toggle switch, after which they will immediately appear under the search bar.
  • To add a new bookmark, you need to go to the site you need and click on the image of the star located at the end of the search line.
  • Specify the name and path to its location “Bookmarks Bar”.

The number of bookmarks is unlimited. When they no longer fit in the browser window, a footnote will appear where you can look at the full list of pages you have saved.

Panel from Yandex.Browser

Users accustomed to Google Chrome make compromises and resort to using third-party extensions in order to correct the controversial decision from the developers. One of the most popular options is using an express access panel similar to Yandex.Browser. To install it, do the following:

  • visit the official Google extension store;
  • refer to the local search bar located at the top left;
  • ask a request - visual bookmarks;
  • select the last option “From the Yandex website” in the list that appears;
  • Click on the “Install” button.

All you have to do is restart your browser and the updated express access panel will appear in front of you. The number and shape of signs can be adjusted to suit your own needs. The maximum number of posted links cannot exceed 48 pieces.

As a nice bonus, you can customize the background using bright images.

Speed ​​Dial 2 solution

If the solution from Yandex seems too cumbersome and tasteless to you, then turn to the alternative extension from Speed ​​Dial 2.

  • Go back to the Google extension store.
  • Create a search query with the name of the extension - Speed ​​Dial 2.
  • Click the “Install” button next to the plugin name.

Immediately after the installation process, a welcome window will appear, where you will be asked to watch the presentation and learn more about the creators of the project. You can skip this formality and click “Continue”. You will be prompted to synchronize existing bookmarks by logging in with your Google account.

To add a new page to the Fast Tab, just click on the big white “+” images. You will be asked to enter a name for the new page and add a link to it. If the result obtained does not meet expectations, you can return the previous appearance of the express panel by disabling the plugin.

  • Visit chrome://extensions/.
  • Opposite the image of black lightning, turn off the active toggle switch.

Original solution - IOS7 New Tab Page

This extension should be called one of the most unusual that you can find as an alternative to the standard express panel. In more understandable terms, this is an imitation of the seventh version of the Apple operating system.

By default, there are links to popular English-language resources that can be easily removed and replaced with your own pages. Deleting existing resources is quite simple - hold down the left mouse button with links to the express panels and wait for small crosses to appear. One click and the extra resource is deleted.

The stylization fully corresponds to its prototype. This refers to the shape of the icons and the given background theme. The downside is the implementation in the form of iOS 7, which has become significantly outdated compared to its modern counterpart.

You can make adjustments to the relative appearance using the “Settings” section in the lower right corner. This is where new pages are added and the home page display background is changed. A nice bonus is the import of bookmarks, which speeds up the synchronization process with the new extension.

There were some unpleasant features. They are the low resolution icons of added sites. Many of them do not fit the given dimensions at all, which is why large pixels or disparate icons are observed.

What to do if the panel goes missing

From time to time, users are faced with such a problem as the disappearance of the express access panel, or, more precisely, of sites located in quick access.

As mentioned above, this is due to clearing history. If you used one of the extensions listed above, then an unexpected failure may have occurred in its operation. To solve it, you will need to restart the plugin via the chrome://extensions/ page.

As a last resort, you will need to find it again through the official store and install a new version of the plugin.


The decision to make the quick access bar in Google Chrome based on site visits is considered one of the most controversial decisions on the part of web browser developers. But even such a problem can be easily solved with the help of third-party extensions, which are abundant in the official Google store.

The popular Opera browser boasts a very convenient feature called the express panel. Essentially, this is the start page in the browser window.

The user can enter any website into it so that they can quickly go to it, without having to type the name of the site you need into the search bar.

The Google Chrome browser has a similar function, but here each site is added automatically, and it all depends on how often a particular site is visited.

Features of the express panel in Google Chrome

There can be a maximum of eight tabs in Chrome (you cannot add more). In this situation, if you delete the history contained in Google Chrome, the entire set of files will simply be erased. However, the Quick Access toolbar in Chrome can be configured to be identical in functionality to the toolbar found in the Opera browser. How can this be accomplished?

Let's go to the bookmarks bar

As a kind of replacement, you can use the bookmarks bar. Each user can add exactly those sites that he needs into it.

To activate this feature you will need:

A line will appear at the top where all your bookmarks will be placed. To create a bookmark, you need to open the site that you need, and then click on the button that resembles a star:

The name of the bookmark can be changed or you can specify the folder where it will be saved.

Almost every bookmark is stored in the panel area directly below the address bar, and it is activated with a single click. All data is removed in the same way as this process occurs in Yandex.

Let's look at extensions

If you managed to create a quick access panel with bookmarks, but you don’t like the functionality and its appearance, you should seek the help of a special type of extension.

The most popular additional tools that make it possible to create a quick access panel in Google Chrome can rightfully be considered the second version of Speed ​​Dial, as well as a set of visual Yandex bookmarks.

After the applications are installed, you will have an excellent opportunity to add forty-eight visual bookmarks to the page field, thanks to which the user can easily get to any site he needs.

To install the extension you will need:

Go to the Google Chrome online store. In addition to the name, it has a huge number of useful add-ons that are distributed absolutely free of charge. In order not to search for the necessary add-ons manually, you should use the search area and enter the name of the Speed ​​Dial 2 application into it. The search will give you the add-on you are looking for, and then you just click on the button and wait for the download.

Click on the button to add this extension.

At the end of the short pause, you will receive a notification indicating the successful completion of the operation. Create a folder that is completely empty, so you will see a window notifying the user that the program is starting. Click on the blue button to continue, and then you can get acquainted with the main functionality that the add-on offers.

You can then go through the registration process on the service itself from the developers. However, this procedure is not mandatory. From the very beginning, the express panel will be completely empty without windows with links to websites. In order to enter data, you need to click on the plus sign, enter the address name of the resource you need in the empty field, and then save all the data.

To delete a bookmark, you will have to right-click on it, and then click on the section to delete.

In the event that you need to completely remove the quick access panel, you need to visit the list that contains all the important extensions, and then deactivate the add-on that is associated with the creation of the panel.

In the era of web technology and the Internet, everyone has access to an amazing amount of content, information and entertainment. Using the Google Chrome bookmarking system, you can organize your favorite sites and get quick access to each of them at any time. The so-called visual bookmarks of Google Chrome are especially loved by users. They are miniature pictures of website pages with a hyperlink that redirects you to the desired resource. This article provides a guide on how to make and configure an express panel in Google Chrome.

Unfortunately, unlike many competitors, Google still has no plans to implement its own express panel. Therefore, the standard Chrome interface does not provide any visual tabs. However, the modular design of modern browsers makes it easy to connect the necessary functions in the form of compact add-ons - plugins. The network offers a huge variety of extensions that allow you to create an express panel for every taste: applications from Yandex, from, original three-dimensional SpeedDial and many other products. Most of them can be downloaded from the Google Store.

Connecting plugins

Any express panel is installed on Google Chrome in the same way as other extensions. Let's look at the process using the example of a product from Yandex:

Thus, you have connected a new express panel in Google Chrome. Other interfaces connect to Chrome in a similar way.

Bookmarks from Yandex

When the express panel from Yandex is installed on Chrome, you need to configure it and make it as convenient as possible:

Using the left mouse button, you can “drag” pictures from place to place, arranging them in an order convenient for you. To open the bookmark management menu, you just need to hover the cursor over it. You can secure an object from accidental dragging, delete it, or call up settings. In them you can edit the address of the resource to which the hyperlink leads, and the image.

To add a new element, right-click anywhere in the Chrome window and bring up the drop-down menu. In it, select “Add to express panel” - and the bookmark will be created. Another way is to delete one of the existing ones and click on the “Plus” sign that appears in the free space. Fill in the hyperlink address and name fields and create a new object.

Many people know the situation with the popular Google Chrome browser, when you need to add a tab of a certain site to the quick access page so that when you start the browser, an express panel with the necessary sites opens, such as in the Opera browser or Yandex browser.

The thing is that immediately after installing Google Chrome, such functionality is missing. Of course, there is something similar to an express panel, but there is no option to add sites to it. Google Chrome itself determines the most visited sites and adds them to the quick access page on its own.

What does it take to be able to add bookmarks to the Quick Access page in Google Chrome?

There is a special extension that adds the ability to work with site bookmarks in the express panel of Google Chrome. It can be installed from the official Google app store in 1 minute and is completely free.

First, launch Chrome and click on the 3 vertical dots in the upper right corner.

Go to the list of installed Google Chrome extensions

After this, a menu will open where you need to select “Additional tools” -> “Extensions”.

A window of installed extensions for the Google Chrome browser will open in front of you. At the top left, click on the three horizontal bars to the left of the word “extensions” and then at the bottom “Open the Chrome Online Store.”

Button with three horizontal stripes

Go to the store for installing new extensions

In the window that opens at the top left, where it says “Search by store,” enter the phrase “Visual bookmarks.” After this, a list of extensions will open. We are interested in “Visual bookmarks” with the caption below “Speed ​​Dial Dev” (Usually located in first place in the search list).

Looking for visual bookmark extensions for Google Chrome

Click on the install button. In the next window, click “Install extension”.

Installing visual extensions in Google Chrome

After a few seconds, the “Visual Bookmarks” extension for Google Chrome will be installed, and a request will appear in the upper right window to save the changes made, in which you need to click “Save Changes”.

Closing training for expansion

We agree with the changes

A new start page of the Google Chrome browser will open in front of you, on which you can add bookmarks to the express quick access panel by clicking on the “+” icon.


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