Electrical stimulation of seeds of ornamental plants. How do plants react to electricity?

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People continue to explore and look for new methods and ways to benefit from electricity, as well as incredible new ways to generate electricity.

This article talks about how electric current can affect plant growth, the size and quality of the crop, as well as how how to get electricity produced by plants.

Electricity and harvest

As we all know, plants use external components for growth: light, heat, moisture and soil. But relatively recently, scientists have discovered the direct and indirect effects of electricity on plant growth and crops.

Scientists, in a fairly large set of practical experiments, with field and vegetable crops (open field and greenhouses), found a sharp decrease (up to 50%) in plant yields when they were isolated from electric field influence atmosphere with metal meshes. It was also found that with a positive charge of the atmosphere, plants increase the absorption of nitrogen and phosphorus, and with a negative charge, potassium, calcium and magnesium. This explains the temporary shortage or overabundance of nutrition in various states of atmospheric electricity.

Electricity(atmospheric or otherwise) affects plants not directly, but through complex physiological processes occurring in them: photosynthesis, respiration, absorption of nutrients.

Electricity and plant photosynthesis

It turns out that it is possible to artificially accelerate photosynthesis (the conversion of light energy into biological energy) of a plant, if through the root system of the plant pass a weak electric current. Good results are obtained by the use of solar panels. The effect is noticeable even when connecting one photocell having an emf. only 0.5 V.

True, the optimal mode of such electrical stimulation (the exact values ​​of voltage and current strength) is still unknown, although experiments on electrical stimulation of the growth of agricultural crops were carried out in the last century.

Electricity and micronutrient uptake by plants

Under the influence of bioelectric potentials, the bioelectric polarity of plants is formed in their axial direction. It is used to help plants in particularly adverse conditions: low temperatures, drought or low light. Exposing plants to very weak currents (several microamperes) helps them cope with various stressful situations and improve their livelihoods.

If a current with a negative pole is connected to the top of a greenhouse tomato or cucumber, and a current with a positive pole is connected to the base, then there is a significant stimulation of growth, the absorption of nutrients and a large increase in yield. The plant in this case will become resistant to adverse environmental factors. It turned out that this is achieved due to the better intake of microelements into the plant: copper, manganese, iron, etc.

Electric current, converted into light of a special spectral composition, makes it possible to obtain vegetable yields in enclosed spaces that are several times higher than those in greenhouses and in a shorter time.

Generating electricity with plants

A group of scientists have come up with a method that allows you to get the electricity created by the roots of plants.

Plants, like any other living organisms, are guaranteed to generate waste, but, fortunately, plants transfer their waste into the soil and into the surrounding water, where their root system is located. Bacteria that feed on this waste leave free electrons, hydrogen ions and carbon dioxide. The scientists intend to use such ions by sending them to the cathode and leaving the electrons in the soil, creating an electrical potential difference - or colloquially, voltage. Trial experiments have shown that it is possible to generate 0.44W of electrical energy per 1 square meter. Perhaps sometime in the future, a way will be found to increase power generation using vast areas of agricultural land.

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Electrical phenomena play an important role in plant life. Even more than two hundred years ago, the French abbot, later an academician, P. Bertalon noticed that the vegetation near the lightning rod was lusher and juicier than at some distance from it. Later, his compatriot, scientist A. Grando, in 1848 grew two completely identical plants, but one was in natural conditions, and the other was covered with a wire mesh that protected it from an external electric field.

The second plant developed slowly and looked worse than the one in a natural electric field, due to which Grando concluded that for normal growth and development, plants need constant contact with an external electric field.

More than a hundred years later, the German scientist S. Lemestre and his compatriot O. Prinsheim conducted a series of experiments, as a result of which they came to the conclusion that an artificially created electrostatic field can compensate for the lack of natural electricity, and if it is more powerful than natural, then plant growth even accelerates thus helping in the cultivation of crops.

Why do plants grow better in an electric field? Scientists of the Institute of Plant Physiology. K. A. Timiryazev of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR established that photosynthesis proceeds the faster, the greater the potential difference between plants and the atmosphere. So, for example, if you hold a negative electrode near the plant and gradually increase the voltage, then the intensity of photosynthesis will increase. If the potentials of the plant and the atmosphere are close, then the plant ceases to absorb carbon dioxide. The electric field affects not only adult plants, but also seeds. If they are placed for some time in an artificially created electric field, then they will quickly give friendly shoots.

Understanding the high efficiency of using electrical stimulation of plants in agriculture and household plots, an autonomous, long-term source of low-potential electricity that does not require recharging was developed to stimulate plant growth.

The device for stimulating plant growth is called "ELECTRIC ROAD", is a product of high technology (has no analogues in the world) and is a self-healing power source that converts free electricity into electric current as a result of the use of electropositive and electronegative materials separated by a permeable membrane and placed in a gas environment without the use of electrolytes in the presence of a catalyst. The specified low-potential electricity is almost identical to the electrical processes occurring under the influence of photosynthesis in plants and can be used to stimulate their growth.

The device "ELECTRIC GARDEN" was invented in the Interregional Association of War Veterans of the State Security Bodies "EFA-VIMPEL", is its intellectual property and is protected by the law of the Russian Federation. The author of the invention V.N. Pocheevsky.

"ELECTRIC GROUND" allows you to significantly increase the yield, accelerate the growth of plants, while they bear fruit more abundantly, as sap flow becomes more active.

"ELECTRIC GROUND" helps plants grow both in open ground and in greenhouses, and indoors. The range of one ELECTRIC ROAD device depends on the length of the wires. If necessary, the range of the device can be increased using a conventional conductive wire.

In case of adverse weather conditions, the plants in the garden with the ELECTRIC ROAD device develop much better than without it, which can be clearly seen in the photographs below, taken from the video " ELECTRIC ROAD 2017 ».

Detailed information about the device "ELECTRIC ROAD" and the principle of its operation is presented on the website of the Interregional People's Program "Revival of Russian Springs".

The ELECTRIC ROAD device is simple and easy to use. Detailed instructions for installing the device are given on the packaging and do not require any special knowledge or training.

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Dissertation abstract on the topic "Stimulation of root formation of cuttings of grapes by electric current"

As a manuscript



Specialty 05.20.02 - electrification of agricultural production

Krasnodar -1999

The work was carried out at the Kuban State Agrarian University.

Scientific advisers: candidate of technical sciences, professor PEREKOTIY G.P. Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor RADCHEVSKY P.P.

Official opponents: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Gaytov B.Kh. candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Eventov S.Z.

Lead Enterprise:

Crimean selection and experimental station.

The defense of the dissertation will take place "/■?" 999 at "hour. on

meeting of the dissertation council K 120.23.07 of the Kuban State Agrarian University at the address 350044, Krasnodar, st. Kalinina, 13, faculty of electrification, council meeting room.

The dissertation can be found in the library of KSAU.

Scientific Secretary of the Dissertation Council, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor * ¿/I.g. Strizhkov

rm -Sh ZL o yaSU-S.^ 0


Relevance of the topic. The prospects for the further development of viticulture in our country require a sharp increase in the production of planting material, as the main factor delaying the development of new areas for vineyards. Despite the use of a number of biological and agrotechnical measures to increase the yield of first-class native root seedlings, to date, their yield in some farms is extremely low, which hinders the expansion of vineyard areas.

The current state of science makes it possible to control these factors by means of various kinds of stimulators, including electrical ones, with the help of which it is possible to actively intervene in the life process of a plant and orient it in the right direction.

The studies of Soviet and foreign scientists, among which the works of V.I. Michurina, A.M. Basova, I.I. Gunara, B.R. Lazarenko, I:F. Borodin, it has been established that electrophysical methods and methods of influencing biological objects, including plant organisms, in some cases give not only quantitative, but also qualitative positive results that are unattainable using other methods.

Despite the great prospects for the use of electrophysical methods for controlling the life processes of plant organisms, the introduction of these methods in crop production is delayed, since the stimulation mechanism and the issues of calculating and designing the corresponding electrical installations have not yet been sufficiently studied.

In connection with the foregoing, the topic being developed is very relevant for grape nursery.

Purpose and objectives of the study. The purpose of the dissertation work is to establish the regime and design parameters of the installation for stimulating the root formation of grape cuttings by electric current.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set and solved in the work:

1. Investigate the conductive properties of grape cuttings.

2. Determine the intensity of stimulation of root formation of grape cuttings from the parameters of the electric current acting on them.

3. Investigate the influence of the regime and design parameters of the electric current supply circuit to the cuttings on the effectiveness and energy indicators of the stimulation process.

4. To substantiate the optimal design and operating parameters of the electrode systems and the power source of the installation for stimulating the rooting of grape cuttings by electric current.

Object of study. Studies were carried out on cuttings of wine-| rlda varieties Perienets Magaracha.

Scientific novelty of the work. The dependence of the current density penetrating through the cuttings of grapes as an object of electrical processing, on the strength of the electric field and exposure has been revealed. The modes of electrical treatment (electric field strength, exposure) were established, corresponding to the minimum energy consumption with the maximum stimulation efficiency. The parameters of electrode systems and power supply for electrical stimulation of grape cuttings are substantiated.

practical value. The practical value of the work lies in substantiating the possibility of improving the root formation of grape cuttings.

by stimulating them with an electric current. The obtained dependences and the developed calculation method allow us to determine the parameters of the installation and the energetically favorable modes of electrical processing of vinsg-grad cuttings.

Implementation of research results. On the basis of the research carried out, recommendations were developed for substantiating the operating modes and parameters of the installation for pre-planting processing of grape cuttings with electric current, which were used in the development of a prototype installation.

The plant for pre-planting processing of grape cuttings was introduced in 1998 in CJSC "Rodina" of the Krymsky district of the Krasnodar Territory. The installation for pre-planting electrical processing of cuttings was manufactured at the Department of "Application of Electric Energy" of the Faculty of Electrification of the Kuban State Agrarian University.

Approbation of work. The main provisions and results of the dissertation work were reported, discussed and approved at:

1. Annual scientific conferences of the Kuban State Agrarian University, Krasnodar, 1992-1999

2. Regional conference on scientific support of agricultural production within the framework of the "Second School-Seminar of Young Scientists", Kuban All-Russian Research Institute of Rice, Krasnodar, 1997

3. International scientific and technical conference "Energy saving in agriculture", VIESH, Moscow, 1998

4. Scientific and practical conference "Resource saving in the agro-industrial complex of Kuban", Kuban State Agrarian University, Krasnodar, 1998

Scope and structure of work. The dissertation is presented on 124 pages of typewritten text, contains 47 figures, 3 tables and consists of an introduction

niya, five chapters, conclusions, a list of used literature of 109 titles, including 7 in foreign languages, applications.

The first chapter discusses ways to stimulate the root formation of grape cuttings; the analysis of the current state of the process of processing plant objects by electrophysical methods was carried out.

The results of the analysis of literary sources show that viticulture and its component - nursery needs to increase the yield and quality of grape planting material. To obtain first-class grape seedlings, preliminary preparation of cuttings before planting is required. Among a number of known methods of preliminary preparation of grape cuttings, which are based on the stimulation of metabolism and the release of auxins, the most promising is their treatment with electric current.

The work of such scientists as I.F. Borodin, V.I. Baeva, B.R. Lazarenko, I.I. Martynenko and others.

The flow of electric current through plant tissues causes various aftereffects, the specificity of which is determined by the dose of treatment. At present, the fundamental possibility of electrical processing of plant objects has been established in order to stimulate the development and growth of plants, stimulate seed germination, intensify drying, destroy unwanted vegetation, thin out seedlings, accelerate the ripening of tobacco and sunflower leaves, and sterilize cotton roots and stems.

However, the results available in known literary sources earlier

The studies carried out are insufficient to substantiate the regime and design parameters of the installation for pre-planting electrical stimulation of grape cuttings for a number of reasons, the main of which are:

The study of grape cuttings, as objects of electrical processing, was carried out without taking into account the specificity of their anatomical structure under conditions that differ from the actual conditions of electrical processing;

The mechanism of the effect of stimulating factors of electric current on plant tissue is not fully disclosed, and there is no information about the optimal processing conditions determined by this mechanism;

Working bodies for which the operating and design parameters have been investigated and justified, or are intended for electrical processing of plant objects that differ significantly from grape cuttings, or have features that preclude their use for preplant electrical processing of grape cuttings.

All this made it possible to determine the tasks to be solved in the dissertation work.

In the second chapter, on the basis of the known dependences of the effect of electric current on plant objects, a theoretical study of the process of treating grape cuttings with electric current was carried out.

Plant tissues have active-capacitive conductivity only at low levels of electric field strength. With an increase in tension to a value necessary for the manifestation of the stimulating effect of an electric current, the polarization properties of the plant tissue disappear and it can be considered as an element of an electrical circuit with active conductivity.

The reduction of energy and material costs in the electrical processing of plant tissues can be achieved by exposing them to both direct and alternating current. With regard to the pre-landing electro-

In the processing of grape cuttings, when choosing the type of current, one should dwell on the processing of cuttings with alternating current of industrial frequency (50 Hz), the implementation of which is achieved by simple technical means.

For pre-planting electrical treatment of grape cuttings, the most acceptable is the supply of electrical energy to the cutting through a current-supplying liquid (Fig. 1), since this method does not require complex

Fig.1. Scheme of supplying electrical energy to the cuttings of grapes.

1 - electrodes; 2 - cutting; 3 - current-carrying liquid.

technological equipment and combines the electrical processing of chsrgnkos with "such an operation as soaking. The container for electrical processing of cuttings is made of non-conductive material.

In this case, the equivalent circuit can be represented as resistors connected in series and in parallel (Fig. 2).

The power absorbed by the handle is spent on stimulating vital activity and is used usefully for the technological process of electrical processing. The power absorbed by the rest of the processing chain elements is not used for a direct purposeful action in the ongoing technological process and is in this case a lost power that reduces the energy efficiency of the process.

In this case, the efficiency of the processing chain m) is determined by the ratio:

2P, + P2 + P3

where R[, Rg, Rz - the amount of power absorbed by the resistors Rb K2,

Fig.2. The equivalent circuit of the electrical processing circuit. Bch - the total resistance of the current-carrying fluid between the electrodes and the sections of the handle; Kg - cutting resistance; Rz is the resistance of the current-carrying fluid shunting the handle; Yap - the sum of the transition resistances of the contacts "electrode - current-carrying liquid" and "current-carrying liquid - handle".

In the case under consideration, we neglect the values ​​of transient resistances.

Converting the power P through the product of the square of the current and the resistance R and making the appropriate transformations, we get

2-11,-Кз-я;,-1*3+ (211,+112)2

The values ​​of the resistors Rb From, 11z are determined by the relations K] = 1^x; K2=L_Rch. (3)

where 1) is the distance between the electrode and the cut of the handle, m; b - cutting length, m; b is the distance between the electrodes, m;

Rzh - specific resistance of the current-carrying liquid, Ohm-m; RF - specific resistance of the handle, Ohm-m;

The area of ​​the electrode covered by the current-carrying liquid, m2; 82 - cutting section, m2.

Substituting (3) into (2), we obtain


21i-Pac-b-S,-Sl + l2-p4-l3-pÄ-S?-S2+4lf-p|c-Sl-(S1-S2) +

41, Rzh h ■ ​​RF "S, S2 (S, - S2) + \\ ■ p2ch Sf ■ (S, - S2)

Let's introduce coefficients A = l2-13-S?-S2; B=21j-13-S1-S2; C = 41?-S2-(S,-S2); D=41rl2-SrS2-(S1-S2); E = ll-S?-(S,-S2).

Assuming that = k and carrying out the appropriate transformations, we obtain Pch

F ■ k + Q k + E

where, F=B+C; Q=D+A. To determine the value of the ratio to the corresponding maximum value d), we differentiate expression (5)

A (E - F k2)

(R-k + ()-k + E)

Finding the critical point

It follows that one of the ways to achieve the maximum efficiency of the installation for the electrical processing of cuttings of grapes is the selection of the optimal ratio between the specific resistances of the current-carrying liquid and the processed cuttings.

In order for electricity to be consumed with the maximum efficiency, it is necessary to calculate the optimal ratio between the volume of the current-carrying liquid and the total volume of processed cuttings.

The formula for calculating the electrical conductivity of a system of two components (liquid-cuttings) is represented as

Usr \u003d 71-X1 + y2-X2, "(8)

where y| - electrical conductivity of cuttings; X] - volumetric concentration of cuttings; y 2 is the electrical conductivity of the liquid; X2 is the volumetric concentration of the liquid.

this implies

¿(Yi-YcpVX^O. .(10)

Let's accept X-f<Х|,тогда

2>1-Usr)-HG*=0 (11)

where Yi is the electrical conductivity of the i-th component of the system; Yep - electrical conductivity of the system; X;-volume concentration of the i-th component of the system;

X?* - effective volumetric concentration of the i-th component of the system. From here

X-f \u003d X ", (12)

where f(y) > 1 and limf(y) = 1. (13)

Representing the function f(y) as a series, we obtain

t(Yi-Vcp)-=0. (14)

Having solved the equation (for our case i=2) and assuming d; = i, we get _(3Xi-l)-Yl+(2-3X,)-Y2

[(ZX,-1)-71+(2-ZX])-y2]2 y,.y2

With a high concentration of liquid, part of the electricity is spent on heating it. It is necessary to optimize the process to increase efficiency.

Day of calculation of energy consumption \U5 we use the Joule-Lenz formula

Usr u2, (16)

where Ws is the energy consumed by the installation. Using the law of conservation of energy, we write

M^TU.-TU, (17)

where \\ "„ - useful energy used for electrical processing of cuttings; Y / - energy spent on electric heating of the liquid.

For optimization, it is necessary to solve the equation eX,

Solving (18), we obtain /

Y X: Z2 ■y2(l-X1)-U2. (nineteen)

Let's set it in the form

X, -y, +(1 -X,) -y2

where X, - the optimal value of the concentration of cuttings. Using (15), (16), (17), (20) from (18) we obtain the equation

X5:+A1-X, + B]=0,

2 2y2 - 7| . 1 ~ -->

(2y2 "Y.) .1 (Y2~Y\)

Wu! "(A-ug + memory!) ^

here A \u003d 4K-3

The solution of this equation determines the optimal value of the concentration of cuttings and has the form

"_ 1 2U2 ~ U1 1 A" U2 + 3U1

s U2-U, 9 72-71 ,9-A2 ZA + 9

I--U 2 + --U 2

In the case y2 >y[, Eq. (25) is simplified 1 3

Thus, the ratio optimal from the energy point of view: liquid-cuttings for the considered case has the form

The third chapter describes the methodology and technique of experimental

study of the process of pre-planting electrical treatment of grape cuttings.

The determination of specific resistances was carried out for each of the three layers of the grape cutting. Freshly cut cuttings were used as objects of study.

In order to identify the boundary conditions for a full-scale experiment to study the effect of electric current on the root formation of grape cuttings, an experiment was conducted on single

Fig.3. The plan of the experiment, grape cuttings according to the plan (Fig. 3).

Based on the results of the experiment on single cuttings, an experiment was planned for processing cuttings in a current-carrying liquid. At the same time, the voltage levels were chosen taking into account the results of the experiment on single cuttings and amounted to 5,10,15,30 volts.

An installation has been developed and the parameters of the electrical circuit for processing grape cuttings have been investigated. The maximum efficiency and the optimal ratio of efficiency are determined.

The determination of the specific resistance of the current-carrying liquid and grape cuttings was carried out according to the standard method.

Observation of the shoot and root formation of grape cuttings and accounting was carried out according to the generally accepted methodology.

The fourth chapter presents the results of experimental studies of the process of pre-planting electrical treatment of grape cuttings and the rationale for the regime and design parameters of the installation for processing cuttings with electric current.

The value of impedance depends on the type of plant tissue. The phloem and xylem impedances are the same, but different, from the pith impedance.

When a handle placed in a current-carrying liquid is exposed to alternating current and direct current (of different connection polarity) over time and at different electric field strengths, the value of the current density does not change.

Experimental studies have confirmed the theoretical calculations about the selection of the optimal ratio between the specific resistances of the current-carrying liquid and the processed cuttings. It has been established that the efficiency will reach its maximum value in the case when the ratio of the specific resistance of the current-carrying liquid to the specific resistance of the cuttings (k) will be in the range of 2...3.

Examining the results of root formation, it can be seen that the number of rooted single cuttings treated with electric current with an electric field strength of 14 to 33 V / m increased by 20 percent compared to the control. The preferred processing mode is alternating current (Fig. 4).

When processing cuttings placed in a current-carrying liquid with alternating current of industrial frequency, the maximum root formation is observed with an exposure of 24 hours and an electric field strength of

Rice. 4. Dependence of root formation of single cuttings of grapes on the electric field strength and the type of current supplied to the cuttings. "

14"m 28"m 43"m 86"m control

Fig.5. Dependence of the degree of root formation of grape cuttings on the electric field strength and treatment exposure. AC treatment (50 Hz).

14 V/m. In this mode, one hundred percent rooting of the cuttings occurred. In the control batch of cuttings, rooting was 47.5% (Fig. 5).

Thus, to stimulate the root formation of grape cuttings, the treatment of cuttings with an alternating current of industrial frequency with an electric field strength of 14 V/m and a treatment exposure of 24 hours is the most acceptable.

In the fifth chapter, the issues of development and testing of the plant for pre-planting treatment of grape cuttings with electric current are considered, the results of production tests are given, an agrotechnical and economic assessment of the results of its use in the economy is given.

Fig.6. Capacity for electrical processing of grape cuttings.

1 - side walls; 2 - stiffeners; 3 - end walls; 4 - yoke; 5 - clamping bar<3; 6 - регулировочный винт; 7 - сливное отверстие.

Based on the requirements formulated based on the results of the research, the design of the electrode system (capacity) was developed for the electro-processing of grape cuttings in a current-carrying liquid (Fig. 6).

A block diagram of a stabilized power supply unit for the electrical processing of grape cuttings has been developed (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7 Structural diagram of a stabilized power supply unit for electrical processing of grape cuttings. "PN - voltage increase device; URN - voltage regulation device; UP „N - voltage reduction device; BU - control unit [ia; N - load.

The UPN increases the voltage of the network, and U ^ N, connected in series with the load, extinguishes the excess voltage. The control unit, which is a feedback loop, generates a signal that carries information about the level of the output voltage.

An electrical circuit diagram has been developed and manufactured (Fig. 8).

Production tests of the installation for electrostimulation of root formation of grape cuttings were carried out. 5,000 cuttings of the Pervenets Magarach variety were processed. After digging, appropriate measurements were made on 30 seedlings of the control and experimental variants.

They showed that the treatment of grape cuttings with alternating electric current had a positive effect on the yield and quality of wine.

Fig.8. Electrical schematic diagram of a stabilized power supply unit for the electrical processing of grape cuttings.

saplings. Thus, the output of standard seedlings in the experimental variant seemed to be 12% higher than in the control one.

Based on the results of production tests, the economic effect of using the installation for electrical stimulation of root formation of grape cuttings was calculated. Calculations show that the seasonal economic effect is 68.5 thousand rubles per 1 ha.


1. It has been established by research and industrial tests that vine-adaptive electrical stimulation of grape cuttings improves the root formation of cuttings, which contributes to a higher yield of standard seedlings from shkolki.

2. For the implementation of electrical stimulation of grape cuttings, it is advisable to apply an alternating current with a frequency of 50 Hz, bringing it to the cuttings through a current-carrying liquid.

3. The optimal operating parameters of the installation for electrical stimulation of grape cuttings are substantiated. The electric field strength in the treatment period is 14 V/m, the treatment exposure is 24 "hours.

4. Production tests carried out at CJSC "Rodina" of the Crimean region showed that the developed installation is operational and drives to increase the yield of standard seedlings by 12%.

5. The economic effect of using the plant for electrical stimulation of root formation of cuttings of grapes is 68.5 thousand rubles from 1 ~a.

1. Perekotiy G.P., Kudryakov A.G., Vinnikov A.V. The stimulating effect of electric current on the root formation of planting material of grapes.//Electrification of agricultural production. - (Tr. / Kub. GAU; Issue 346 (374). - Krasnodar, 1995. p. 153 - 158.

2. Kudryakov A.G., Perekotiy G.P. Electrical stimulation of root formation of grape cuttings.// New in electrical technology and electrical equipment for agricultural production. - (Tr. / Kub. GAU; Issue 354 (382). - Krasnodar, 1996. - p. 18 - 24.

3. Perekotiy G.P., Kudryakov A.G. Vinnikov A.V. Electrified semi-automatic plant for bandaging grape grafts.// New in electrical technology and electrical equipment of agricultural production. - (Tr. / Kub. GAU; Issue 354 (382). - Krasnodar, 1996. - p.68 -75.

4. Perekotiy G.P., Kudryakov A.G. Vinnikov A.V. et al. On the mechanism of the impact of electric current on plant objects.// Scientific support of the AIC of Kuban. - (Tr. / Kub. GAU; Issue 357 (385). - Krasnodar, 1997. - p. 145 - 147.

5. Perekotiy G. P., Kudryakov A. G., Khamula A. A. On the question of the mechanism of the impact of electric current on plant objects.// Questions of electrification of agriculture. - (Tr. / Kub. GAU; Issue 370 (298). - Krasnodar, 1998.

6. Kudryakov A.G., Perekotiy G.P. Search for optimal energy characteristics of the electrical circuit for processing grape cuttings.// Issues of electrification of agriculture. - (Trzhub. GAU; Issue 370 (298). - Krasnodar, 1998.

7. Perekotiy G.P., Kudryakov A.G. Study of the energy characteristics of the electrical processing circuit of cuttings of grapes.// Energy-saving



1.1. Status and prospects for the development of viticulture.

1.2. Technology for the production of own-rooted planting material of grapes.

1.3. Methods for stimulating root and shoot formation of grape cuttings.

1.4. Stimulating effect on plant objects of electrophysical factors.

1.5. Substantiation of the method of stimulation of grape cuttings by electric current.

1.6. State of the art of constructive development of devices for electrical stimulation of plant material.

1.7. Conclusions on the review of literary sources. Research objectives.


2.1. The mechanism of the stimulating effect of electric current on plant objects.

2.2. Grape cutting replacement scheme.

2.3. Study of the energy characteristics of the electrical circuit for processing grape cuttings.

2.4. Theoretical substantiation of the optimal ratio between the volume of current-carrying liquid and the total volume of processed cuttings.


3.1. Study of grape cuttings as a conductor of electric current.

3.2. Methodology for conducting experiments to study the effect of electric current on the root formation of grape cuttings.

3.3 Methodology for conducting an experiment to identify the electrical parameters of the electrical processing circuit.

3.4. Methodology for conducting records and observations of the shoot and root formation of grape cuttings.

Chapter 4

4.1. Study of the electrophysical properties of the vine.

4.2. Stimulation of root formation of cuttings of grapes.

4.3. Research and substantiation of the installation parameters for electrical stimulation of root formation of grape cuttings.

4.4. The results of the study of root formation of cuttings of grapes.

Chapter 5


5.1. Structural development of the installation.

5.2. The results of production tests of the installation for electrical stimulation of root formation of grape cuttings.

5.3. Agrotechnical assessment.

5.4. Economic efficiency of using the installation for electrical stimulation of root formation of grape cuttings.

Introduction 1999, dissertation on processes and machines of agro-engineering systems, Kudryakov, Alexander Georgievich

Currently, 195 specialized viticulture farms are engaged in the cultivation of commercial grapes in the Russian Federation, 97 of which have plants for the primary processing of grapes.

The variety of soil and climatic conditions for growing grapes in Russia makes it possible to produce a wide range of dry, dessert, strong and sparkling wines, high-quality cognacs.

In addition, winemaking should be considered not only as a means of producing alcoholic beverages, but also as the main source of financing for the development of viticulture in Russia, providing the consumer market with table grapes, grape juices, baby food, dry wines and other environmentally friendly products that are vital for the population of the country ( suffice it to recall Chernobyl and the supply of red table wines there - the only product that removes radioactive elements from the human body).

The use of fresh grapes in these years did not exceed 13 thousand tons, that is, its per capita consumption was 0.1 kg instead of 7-12 kg according to medical standards.

In 1996, more than 100 thousand tons of grapes were not harvested due to the death of plantings from pests and diseases, about 8 million decalitres of grape wine were not received for a total of 560-600 billion rubles. (the purchase of crop protection products required only 25-30 billion rubles). It makes no sense for winegrowers to expand plantings of valuable industrial varieties, since with the existing pricing and taxes, all this is simply unprofitable. Winemakers have lost the point in making high-value wines, since the population does not have free money to buy natural grape wines, and countless commercial stalls are littered with dozens of varieties of cheap vodka, it is not known by whom and how it was prepared.

The stabilization of the industry currently depends on the solution of problems at the federal level: its further destruction must not be allowed, it is necessary to strengthen the production base and improve the financial standing of enterprises. Therefore, since 1997, special attention has been paid to measures aimed at preserving existing plantations and their productivity by carrying out all work to care for vineyards at a high agrotechnical level. At the same time, the farms are constantly replacing low-profitable plantations that have lost their economic value, cultivar renewal and improvement of their structure.

The prospects for the further development of viticulture in our country require a sharp increase in the production of planting material, as the main factor delaying the development of new areas for vineyards. Despite the use of a number of biological and agrotechnical measures to increase the yield of first-class native root seedlings, to date, their yield in some farms is extremely low, which hinders the expansion of vineyard areas.

Growing own-rooted seedlings is a complex biological process that depends on both internal and external factors of plant growth.

The current state of science makes it possible to control these factors through various kinds of stimulators, including electrical ones, with the help of which it is possible to actively intervene in the life process of a plant and orient it in the right direction.

The studies of Soviet and foreign scientists, among which the works of V.I. Michurina, A.M. Basova, I.I. Gunara, B.R. Lazarenko, I.F. Borodin, it was found that electrophysical methods and methods of influencing biological objects, including plant organisms, in some cases give not only quantitative, but also qualitative positive results that are not achievable using other methods.

Despite the great prospects for the use of electrophysical methods for controlling the life processes of plant organisms, the introduction of these methods in crop production is delayed, since the stimulation mechanism and the issues of calculating and designing the corresponding electrical installations have not yet been sufficiently studied.

In connection with the foregoing, the topic being developed is very relevant for the grape nursery.

The scientific novelty of the work carried out is as follows: the dependence of the current density flowing through the cuttings of grapes as an object of electrical processing, on the electric field strength and exposure was revealed. The modes of electrical processing (electric field strength, exposure) corresponding to the minimum energy consumption are established. The parameters of electrode systems and power supply for electrical stimulation of grape cuttings are substantiated.

The main provisions that are submitted for defense:

1. Treatment of grape cuttings with electric current stimulates root formation, due to which the yield of standard seedlings from the school increases by 12%.

2. Electrical stimulation of grape cuttings should be carried out with an alternating current of industrial frequency (50 Hz) with the supply of electricity to them through a current-carrying liquid. eight

3. The maximum efficiency during electrical stimulation of grape cuttings with the supply of electricity to them through the current-carrying liquid is achieved when the ratio of the volume of liquid to the total volume of processed cuttings is 1:2; in this case, the ratio between the specific resistances of the current-carrying liquid and the processed cuttings should be in the range from 2 to 3.

4. Electrical stimulation of grape cuttings should be carried out at an electric field strength of 14 V/m and a treatment exposure of 24 hours.

Conclusion thesis on "Stimulation of root formation of cuttings of grapes by electric current"


1. Research and production tests have established that pre-planting electrical stimulation of grape cuttings improves the root formation of cuttings, which contributes to a higher yield of standard seedlings from the school.

2. For the implementation of electrical stimulation of grape cuttings, it is advisable to use an alternating current with a frequency of 50 Hz, bringing it to the cuttings through a current-carrying liquid.

3. The optimal operating parameters of the installation for electrical stimulation of grape cuttings are substantiated. The electric field strength in the treatment area is 14 V/m, treatment exposure is 24 hours.

4. Production tests carried out at CJSC "Rodina" of the Crimean region showed that the developed plant is efficient and allows increasing the yield of standard seedlings by 12%.

5. The economic effect of the installation for electrical stimulation of the root formation of cuttings of grapes is 68.5 thousand rubles per 1 ha.

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Back in 1911, a book was published in Kiev Gustav Magnusovich Ramnek"Effects of Electricity on Soil". It presented the results of the first experiments to stimulate plant growth with electricity.

If a weak electric current is passed through the bed, it turns out that this is good for the plants. This has been established long ago and by many experiments in different countries, under different soils and climatic conditions.

The impact of electricity comes in many directions. The ionization of the soil accelerates the chemical and biochemical reactions taking place in it. Microorganisms are activated, the movement of moisture increases, substances that are poorly absorbed by plants decompose.

At distances of microns and nanometers, electrophoresis and electrolysis take place, as a result, chemicals in the soil turn into easily digestible forms. Weed seeds and all plant residues quickly turn into humins and humates. Which of these processes is the main one, and which are auxiliary ones, will have to be explained to future researchers.

But what is well known is that for the success of the application of electricity, the soil must be moist. The more moisture, the better its electrical conductivity. Sometimes, even to emphasize this, they say "soil solution", that is, soil so moist that it can be considered dissolved in water.

Electrical stimulation is carried out by static electricity, direct and alternating current of different frequencies (up to radio frequencies), which is passed through the soil, as well as through plants, seeds, fertilizers and water for irrigation.

This is done with the accompaniment of artificial lighting, constant and flashing, with the addition of specially designed fertilizers.

First about the results

Electric stimulation of cereals in the field increased the yield by 45–55%; according to other experiments, the yield increase is up to 7 c/ha. The maximum number of experiments was carried out on vegetables.

So, if you create a constant electrostatic field at the roots of tomatoes, the increase in yield will be 52% due to an increase in the size of the fruits and their number on one plant.

Electricity has a particularly beneficial effect on carrots, the yield grows by 125%, and on raspberries, the yield of which almost doubles. Under film cover, under the continuous influence of direct current, the growth of annual seedlings of pine and larch increases by 40–42%.

Under the influence of electricity, the sugar content in sugar beets increases by 15%, however, with abundant moisture and good fertilizer. This is a hint that electricity corrects biochemical reactions.

A particular and related problem is the effect of electricity on soil microbiology. It has been established, for example, that a constant weak electric current increases the number of nitrogen-fixing bacteria living in the soil or compost by 150%. In particular, such an increase in the number of nodule bacteria on the root system of peas gives a yield increase of 34% compared to the control group.

In other similar experiments, peas give a yield increase of 75%. Not only the production of nitrogen, but also carbon dioxide is increasing. But exceeding the allowable amount of electricity leads to a slowdown in the processes of germination and growth.

At the end of the 19th century, a Finnish explorer Selim Laemstrom experimented with electrical stimulation of potatoes, carrots and celery. Within 8 weeks, the yield increased on average up to 40%, and at the maximum - up to 70%. Strawberries grown in a greenhouse ripened twice as fast and their yield doubled. However, cabbage, turnips and flax grew better without electricity.

Of particular importance is the electrical stimulation of plants in the north. Back in the 1960s, experiments were conducted in Canada on the electrical stimulation of barley, and an acceleration of its growth by 37% was observed. Potatoes, carrots, celery yielded 30–70% more than usual.

Electricity from an external source

The most common and most researched method of improving the life of plants with electricity is the use of an electrical source, usually of low power.

It is known that for the well-being of plants, the strength of the electric current in the soil should be in the range from 0.02 to 0.6 mA/cm 2 for direct current and from 0.25 to 0.5 mA/cm 2 for alternating current. Significantly less data on the optimal voltage values.

According to the observations of the outstanding Soviet breeder Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin (1855–1935), need to, " so that the voltage does not exceed two volts. Higher voltage currents, according to my observations, are more likely to do harm in this matter than good.».

For this reason, it is not known how electrical stimulation is related to the power of the device that provides this electrical stimulation. And if so, then it is not clear how to stimulate plants with electricity, according to what criterion.

For the most part, voltage is used in fractions of a volt. For example, at a voltage (potential difference between the electrodes) of 23–35 mV, a direct current with a density of 4 to 6 μA / cm 2 flows through moist soil.

For the purity of the experiment, sometimes researchers switch to hydroponics. So, when using the above voltage, in a nutrient solution with corn sprouts, a current with a density of 5–7 μA/cm 2 is fixed.

A very practical way to increase the yield of potatoes was invented by the inventor Vladimir Yakovlev from the city of Shostka, Sumy region. He puts a rectifier with a transformer that lowers the mains voltage from 220 to 60 volts, and processes potato tubers, sticking electrodes into each tuber from both sides. The inventor stimulates the tomatoes from a 12-volt battery after they grow to 20–30 cm.

A lot of experiments went and goes with different versions of electrodes. In the device, patented by French researchers, the electrodes are two combs. The current between the two combs diverges in arcs, this is enough to accelerate seed germination and plant growth. The soil, of course, must be moist.

In general, plants that are stimulated with electric current require about 10% more water than usual. The reason is that ionized water is absorbed by plants much faster.

Let's make a battery out of a bed

In the 1840s, a tester W. Ross from New York increased the yield of potatoes in this way. He dug a copper plate measuring 15x50 cm 2 into the soil, and at a distance of 6 meters from it he dug a zinc plate of the same size. The plates were connected by a wire above the ground. Thus, a galvanic cell was obtained. Those who repeated his experiments claimed that the potato crop increased by a quarter.

An electric current passing through the soil changes its physical and chemical properties. Both the solubility of trace elements and the evaporation of moisture increase simultaneously. The content of nitrogen, phosphorus and a number of other elements assimilated by plants increases. The acidity of the soil changes, its alkalinity decreases.

Apparently, other phenomena are also connected with this, which scientists have so far fixed, but are not able to explain. Thus, powdery mildew damage to cabbage is reduced by 95%, the sugar content in sugar beets increases sharply, the number of bolls on cotton grows two to three times, and the proportion of female cannabis plants increases by 20–25% next year.

Not only does the tomato crop increase by 10–30%, but the chemical composition of each tomato changes, and its taste improves. Assimilation of nitrogen by cereals is doubled. All these processes are waiting for new researchers.

Relatively recently, the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy developed a method of electrical stimulation without an external energy source.

Stripes are allocated on the field: negatively charged mineral fertilizers (potential anions) are applied to some, positively charged fertilizers (potential cations) are applied to others. The difference in electrical potential between the bands stimulates the growth and development of plants, increases their productivity.

Such stripes are especially effective in greenhouses, although the method can also be applied to large fields. New mineral fertilizers are needed to apply this method.

Sodium and calcium are present mainly in the form of compounds. Magnesium is part of the mineral fertilizer carnallite. Magnesium is needed by plants for photosynthesis.

In another method, developed by the same team, it is proposed to apply plates of copper alloys (150–200 g) and 400 grams of plates of zinc, aluminum, magnesium and iron alloys, as well as granules with sodium and calcium. Plates 3 mm thick, 2 cm wide and 40–50 cm long are dug into the ground 10–30 cm below the arable layer.

In fact, the same method was proposed by one inventor from the Moscow region. Small plates of various metals are placed in the soil at a shallow depth, but below the level of digging or plowing.

Copper, silver, gold, platinum and their alloys will be positively charged, while magnesium, zinc, aluminium, iron and others will be negatively charged. Currents arising between the metals of these two groups will create the effect of electrical stimulation of plants, and the current strength will be within the optimal range.

Plates of one type alternate with plates of another type. If the plates are not affected by the working bodies of agricultural machinery, then they serve for a long time. Moreover, it is allowed to use any metal with a copper coating for some electrodes and zinc for others.

Another option is the introduction of metals and alloys into the soil by powder. Such metal is mixed with the soil with each its processing. The main thing is that in this case powders of different types are not separated. And that usually doesn't happen.

Geomagnetic field to help us

The Earth's magnetic field seems to be as if there is a linear magnet about 2000 km long inside the globe, the axis of which is inclined at an angle of 11.5 ° to the Earth's axis of rotation. One end of the magnet is called the north magnetic pole (coordinates 79°N and 71°W), the other is called the south (75°S and 120°E).

It is known that in a conductor one kilometer long, oriented in the east-west direction, the potential difference at the ends of the wire will be tens of volts. The specific value depends on the geographical latitude at which the conductor is located. In a closed circuit of two conductors 100 km long and with a minimum internal resistance and shielding of one of the conductors, the generated power can be tens of megawatts.

For electrical stimulation of plants, such capacities are not needed. It is only required to orient the beds in the east-west direction and lay a steel wire in the boundary at a shallow depth along the beds. With a bed length of a couple of tens of meters, a potential difference of the same 25–35 mV appears on the electrodes. It is better to lay the steel wire along a line that is not perpendicular to the magnetic needle, but to the direction of the North Star.

The study of the application of geomagnetism for large crops has long, since Soviet times, been carried out at the Kirovograd Technical University (S.I. Shmat, I.P. Ivanko). One method has recently been patented.

Antennas and capacitors. Soil and air ionization

Along with electric currents, static electricity has been actively used in stimulating plants for a very long time. The first news of such experiments came to us from Edinburgh, Scotland, where in 1746 Dr. Maimbray applied the electrodes of an electrostatic machine to indoor myrtle trees, and this accelerated their growth and flowering.

There is also a long history of attempts to collect atmospheric electricity to stimulate crop growth. Back in 1776, the French academician P. Bertalon noticed that plants near lightning rods grow better than others.

And in 1793 in Italy and in 1848 in France experiments were carried out "from the opposite". Crops and fruit trees were covered with light metal mesh. Plants not covered with mesh grew 50–60% better than those with screens.

Another half century passed and the experience was brought to perfection. German explorers S. Lemestre and O. Prinsheim they thought of creating an artificial electrostatic field under the grid more powerful than the natural one. And the growth of plants accelerated.

Outstanding Inventor Alexander Leonidovich Chizhevsky- the great Russian biophysicist, cosmist, founder of heliobiology and inventor, in 1932 in a village near Moscow conducted research on the effect of an electric field on vegetable seeds using the now well-known " chandeliers Chizhevsky”, which served as the upper (negative) electrode. The lower (positive) electrode was placed under the table on which the seeds were scattered. It was found that when cucumber seeds are in an electrostatic field from 5 to 20 minutes, their germination increases by 14–16%. From seeds, A. Chizhevsky moved on to experiments with plants in greenhouses with the same negatively charged "chandelier". The yield of cucumbers has doubled.

In 1964, the USDA conducted experiments in which the negative electrode was placed closer to the top of the tree, and the positive electrode was attached under the bark closer to the root. After a month of stimulation with a current at a voltage of 60 volts, the leaf density became noticeably higher. And the next year, the mass of leaves on the "electrified" branches was three times more than on the neighboring ones.

Scheme of an electro-fluvial chandelier -

From the book of A.L. Chizhevsky "MANUAL ON
1 - ring.
2 - suspension.
3 - stretching.
4 - pin.
5 - clamp for the ring.
6 - collar.
7 - clamp for suspension.
8 - high voltage insulator.
9 - screw.
10 - pin.
11 - screw.
12 - bar.

The same method saves trees from many diseases, in particular, from diseases of the bark. To do this, two electrodes are inserted under the bark of a diseased tree at the boundaries of the affected area of ​​the bark and connected to a battery with a voltage of 9–12 volts.

If a tree reacts in this way to electricity, then there is a suspicion that even without an external source, electrical processes are going on in it. And many people around the world are trying to find practical applications for these processes.

For example, employees of the Moscow All-Russian Research Institute for the Electrification of Agriculture measured the electric potential of trees in the forests of the Moscow and Kaluga regions. We studied birch, linden, oak, larch, pine, spruce. It has been clearly established that a pair of metal electrodes, when placed at the top of a tree and at the roots, forms a galvanic cell. The generation efficiency depends on the intensity of solar radiation. Deciduous trees produce more energy than conifers.

The maximum value (0.7 volts) is given by a birch over 10 years old. This is enough to stimulate the plants in the garden next to her. And who knows, maybe over time trees will be found that give a more significant potential difference. And next to each garden bed, a tree will be grown, stimulating the growth of tomatoes and cucumbers on it with its electricity.

Electric seed charging

This topic has also been known for a long time. From 1918 to 1921 500 British farmers were involved in an experiment in which pre-dried seeds were electrocuted before planting. As a result, the yield growth reached 30% due to an increase in the number of spikelets per plant (sometimes up to five). The height of the plants increased, the stem became more powerful. Wheat became resistant to lodging. Its resistance to rot and other diseases also increased.

But the effect of the current on the seeds was not long. If sowing was delayed for a month after “charging”, then there was no longer any effect. Best of all, the experiment was successful if they acted with electricity immediately before sowing.

The procedure is described as follows. Seeds are placed in a rectangular tank and filled with water, in which table salt, calcium salts or sodium nitrate are dissolved to improve electrical conductivity. Iron electrodes of large area are placed on opposite inner sides of the tank and exposed to a weak electric current for several hours.

The holding time, as well as the optimum temperature and the choice of salt, depend on what seeds are in the tank and in what soil they will be sown. Exact matches are not known so far. The information is only fragmentary.

Thus, barley seeds require twice as much aging than wheat or oat seeds. But what is known for sure is that after testing the seeds with electricity in the tank, they need to be dried well again.

In one of the most recent experiments conducted by students of the Don Agrarian University on sundew seeds, it was found that the effect of electricity on seedlings is optimal when the current does not exceed 4–5 μA, and the duration of exposure is from several days to several weeks. In this case, the negative electrode is attached to the top of the seedling, and the positive electrode is attached to its base.

In the 1970s, on the basis of one patent, Intertec Inc was created, which began to promote the technology of "electrogenic seed germination" (electrogenic seed treatment), which consists in simulating atmospheric electricity.

The seeds are then exposed to infrared radiation to prevent them from falling asleep and to increase the production of amino acids. At the next stage, the seeds are negatively charged (cathodic protection is introduced). This reduces seed death by blocking the flow of electrons from reactions with free radicals. Cathodic protection is commonly used to protect underground metal structures from corrosion. Here the meaning is the same.

When using cathodic protection, the seeds must be moist. Dried seeds may be damaged at this stage, although damaged seeds partially recover if they are then soaked. Cathodic protection doubles seed germination.

The final stage of the electrogenetic process is the impact on the seeds of electricity in the radio frequency range, which, according to the plan, should affect chromosomes and mitochondria and intensify metabolic processes. Such an impact increases the dissolution of trace elements in soil moisture, increases the electrical conductivity and aeration of the soil (its saturation with oxygen). For seed treatment immediately before sowing, frequencies were used in the range from 800 kHz to 1.5 MHz.

For unknown reasons, this direction was curtailed. And here is the time to discuss the question of why, in general, research on electrical stimulation of plant growth was actively developed in past centuries until the 1920s.

I think that the reason is that electrical engineering is very far from agronomy. And only scientists-encyclopedists like A. Chizhevsky or inventors like V. Yakovlev from Shostka are able to do both at the same time. And there are few of them.

Ramnek G.M. Influence of electricity on the soil: Soil ionization and assimilation of atmospheres. nitrogen / Kiev: type. University of St. Vladimir, ed. N.T. Korchak-Novitsky, 1911. - 104 p.
Kravstov P. et al.// Applied electrical phenomena. - 1968. -No 2 (20) / - P. 147-154
Lazarenko B.R., Gorbatovskaya I.B. Electrical protection of plants from diseases // Electronic processing of materials. - 1966. - No. 6. - P. 70-81.
Moore A.D. Electrostatics & Its Applications. – Wiley & Sons, 1972
Kholmansky A.S., Kozhevnikov Yu.M. Dependence of the electric potential of a tree on external conditions // Alternative Energy and Ecology. - 2015. - No. 21 (185). – pp. 183-187
Scientific American. - 1920. - 15.02. - R. 142-143
Voitova A.S., Yukin N.A., Ubirailova V.G. Weak electric current as a factor in stimulating the growth of domestic plants // International Student Scientific Bulletin. - 2016. - No. 4-3.
US Patent 4302670

Yu.P. Ravens, candidate of economic sciences, member of the editorial board of the journal "ECO"

Let's start with the fact that the agricultural industry is destroyed to the ground. What's next? Is it time to collect stones? Isn't it time to unite all creative forces in order to give the villagers and summer residents those novelties that will allow them to dramatically increase productivity, reduce manual labor, find new ways in genetics ... I would suggest that the readers of the magazine be the authors of the column "For the Village and Summer Residents". I'll start with the old work "Electric field and productivity."

In 1954, when I was a student at the Military Communications Academy in Leningrad, I became passionately interested in the process of photosynthesis and carried out an interesting test with growing onions on a windowsill. The windows of the room in which I lived faced the north, and therefore the bulbs could not receive the sun. I planted in two elongated boxes of five bulbs. He took the earth in the same place for both boxes. I didn’t have any fertilizers, i.e. were created, as it were, the same conditions for growing. Above one box from above, at a distance of half a meter (Fig. 1), he placed a metal plate, to which he attached a wire from a high-voltage rectifier +10,000 V, and stuck a nail into the ground of this box, to which he connected the "-" wire from the rectifier.

I did this so that, according to my theory of catalysis, the creation of a high potential in the plant zone will lead to an increase in the dipole moment of the molecules involved in the photosynthesis reaction, and the days of testing dragged on. Already after two weeks, I discovered that in a box with an electric field, plants develop more efficiently than in a box without a "field"! Fifteen years later, this experiment was repeated at the institute, when it was necessary to grow plants in a spacecraft. There, being closed from magnetic and electric fields, plants could not develop. It was necessary to create an artificial electric field, and now plants survive on spaceships. And if you live in a reinforced concrete house, and even on the top floor, don't your plants in the house suffer from the absence of an electric (and magnetic) field? Stick a nail into the ground of a flower pot, and connect the wiring from it to a heating battery that has been cleaned of paint or rust. In this case, your plant will approach the conditions of life in the open space, which is very important for plants and for humans too!

But my trials didn't end there. Living in Kirovograd, I decided to plant tomatoes on the windowsill. However, winter came so quickly that I did not have time to dig up tomato bushes in the garden to transplant them into flower pots. I came across a frozen bush with a small living process. I brought it home, put it in the water and... Oh, joy! After 4 days, white roots grew from the bottom of the process. I transplanted it into a pot, and when it grew with shoots, I began to receive new seedlings in the same way. All winter I ate fresh tomatoes grown on the windowsill. But I was haunted by the question: is such cloning possible in nature? Perhaps, old-timers in this city confirmed to me. Possibly, but...

I moved to Kiev and tried to get tomato seedlings in the same way. I didn't succeed. And I realized that in Kirovograd I succeeded in this method because there, at the time when I lived, water was let into the water supply network from wells, and not from the Dnieper, as in Kiev. Groundwater in Kirovograd has a small amount of radioactivity. This is what played the role of a growth stimulator of the root system! Then I applied +1.5 V from the battery to the top of the tomato sprout, and "-" brought the vessel where the sprout stood to the water (Fig. 2), and after 4 days a thick "beard" grew on the sprout in the water! So I managed to clone the offshoots of a tomato.

Recently, I got tired of watching the watering of plants on the windowsill, I stuck a strip of foil fiberglass and a large nail into the ground. I connected wires from a microammeter to them (Fig. 3). The arrow immediately deviated, because the earth in the pot was damp, and the copper-iron galvanic pair worked. A week later I saw how the current began to fall. So, it was time for watering ... In addition, the plant threw out new leaves! This is how plants respond to electricity.


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