Power supply of multi-apartment residential buildings. Territory of electrical information WEBSOR Power supply scheme of a nine-storey building

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Creating a house electrical project - laborious process requiring the utmost attention to detail and relevant professional skills. Only our company can realize a quality project with all your wishes.

Electricity supply of an apartment building

In order for the power supply project of the village, apartment building, cottage or other site not to drag on for long years entrust this matter to us.

We are happy to provide the following services for you:

  1. Unmistakable determination of the correct location of sockets, switches, lighting fixtures;
  2. Drawing up a plan for the arrangement of equipment;
  3. Carrying out equipment specifications;

Compilation of one-line electrical circuits for a power supply project for an apartment building or a small cottage, only a master with solid experience can do it.

Electrical work price list 2016 Moscow

Price list for electric installation work includes a whole range of works, including project management of any complexity on a turnkey basis. The price list for electrical work in Moscow and other cities includes:

  1. Installation and dismantling of wiring;
  2. Cable routing;
  3. Connection to the general house network;
  4. Laying of television and Internet cables;
  5. Installation of ventilation;
  6. Electrical panel installation;
  7. Connecting lighting fixtures;
  8. Installation of insulated floors, etc.

Our highly qualified craftsmen will come to you in any locality and perform work even with the most complex tasks.

Our advantages in working on a home electrical project:

With us you will forget about the search problem quality materials and responsible contractor. Our range of distinctive features includes the provision of:

  1. Only quality materials
  2. Proven Tools
  3. Highly qualified professional craftsmen
  4. Possibility of prompt departure to the point
  5. Established democratic pricing policy.

Our turnkey services mean a comprehensive approach to the implementation of power supply projects for a village, apartment building, cottage or any other locality.

Electrical work price list 2016

As part of the implementation individual approach, we carefully approach the preparation of a price list for each client individually, within which you will additionally receive:

  1. Preparation of necessary documentation for state bodies;
  2. Connecting complex household appliances;
  3. Electronics setup;
  4. Testing the operation of equipment and electronics;
  5. Several years of quality assurance.

We know better than anyone that each project is strictly individual, each project for the power supply of a village or country house individually, an apartment building or a separate room has its own strengths and weak sides, each design decision in the house is unique.

House electrical project

It is in our power to check, install or dismantle any power supply scheme apartment buildings, including:

  1. Multi-storey building with a transformer substation;
  2. Multi-storey building with two cables transformer substation;
  3. A multi-storey building with two cables of a transformer substation and ATS.

We make an electrical project accurately and quickly, calculating every detail and, if necessary, discussing it with you. Therefore, you should not worry about the cost of the project of electricians at home. After all, you will not only control our work, but you will also be able to clearly define the budget for the electrical wiring project, beyond which we will not go beyond.

As is known, life modern man almost completely "tied" to electricity. That is why the level of our comfort largely depends on how well the system that supplies electricity to our house works.

Today we want to talk about engineering systems that carry out electricity supply residential buildings : about how such systems can differ from each other and about how reliable they are, in principle.

Reliability of power supply systems

Let's begin with that engineering systems supplying electricity to high-rise buildings, differ in their degree of reliability. The most reliable is the system of the first category. Her distinguishing feature is that home power supply connected to such a system is made by means of two independent cables. Each power cable in this case connected to a separate independent transformer. And if one source of electricity fails as a result of an accident, the house will automatically switch to power from a second transformer or backup diesel generator. Industrial facilities are connected to the systems of the first category, where it is not allowed emergency stop production process, as well as consumers whose power interruption can lead to serious consequences and endanger people's lives. Buildings in which more than 2 thousand people work at the same time, as well as: hospitals, maternity hospitals and community centers - all of them are connected to power supply systems belonging to the first category of reliability.

As for the power supply systems of the second category of reliability, they work on the same principle as the systems of the first category. The only difference is that the emergency independent power supply does not turn on automatically, but only with the appropriate actions of the staff on duty. For this reason, emergency interruptions in the supply of electricity to a multi-storey building can take a certain period of time - for the time the ATS (automatic reserve operation) is triggered. The existence of such systems power supply project , designed for facilities where a power outage can lead to the following consequences:

  • a noticeable decrease in production volumes;
  • downtime of critical equipment;
  • violation of the usual cycle of activity and acceptable living conditions for a large number of people.

Power supply systems of the third category of reliability are created according to a more simplified scheme. With their help, power supply of residential buildings, shops, offices and all those consumers who do not fall under the first and second categories. It does not provide for a backup power source, so the localization of the consequences of an accident can last for a whole day (there will be no electricity in the house during this entire period).

Bringing electricity to a multi-storey building

connect multi-storey building to the general energy network is possible at any time of the year. But this should be done only after the corresponding power supply project.

The project is necessary for several reasons:

  • it guarantees the safe operation of the future system;
  • with it, you can quickly perform installation work, without thinking about the choice Supplies and without wasting time on complex electrical calculations;
  • project operating system power supply allows you to quickly eliminate possible malfunctions.

Implementation installation work(even with a finished project) is often associated with certain difficulties. They are connected mainly with the fact that by connecting high-rise building to the power supply system, it is necessary to follow a certain sequence of actions. Here is what the customer should do first:

  1. Contact the network organization for specifications for connection (TU);
  2. Having TU in hand, apply to a licensed company for the development of a project.
  3. Approve the project in the state authorities energy supervision.
  4. Order the development of working documentation for home power supply and coordinate it with the regulatory authorities.

Having a project and working documentation in hand, you can place an order for connecting the house to the power supply network. All other work must be carried out by a specialized electrical installation organization, which has the necessary permits and has a staff of employees with the appropriate qualifications.

Electricity is one of the main energy carriers of all developed countries. It is hard to even imagine what will happen to the residents of a house where several hundred or even thousands of people live at the same time if the power supply is interrupted. Inability to perform simple homework, cook food, spend comfortably free time- the whole habitual way of life will be simply destroyed. That is why the power supply of an apartment building is a very important and responsible matter.

The general scheme of power supply of any objects

To better understand the differences in the power supply schemes of a multi-storey building (both residential and any other), you need to know that power can be supplied different ways significantly different in terms of reliability. The most difficult category of reliability is the first one. With her, residential buildings are powered by two cables. Each of them is connected to a separate transformer.

If one transformer or cable fails, the ATS (automatic transfer switch) device will immediately transfer all power to the working cable. Thanks to this, problems with the supply of electricity will be observed in a matter of seconds. After the departure of a group of electricians and the repair of the failed equipment, the supply of electricity is carried out in the normal mode.

According to the first category of reliability, electricity is supplied to heat points in apartment buildings as well as elevators. Usually, the same category of reliability is chosen when supplying power to buildings where more than two thousand people work at the same time, maternity hospitals and operating rooms in hospitals.

The second category of reliability has a certain similarity with the first. With it, the building is also powered by a pair of cables, each of which has its own transformer. However, in the event of equipment failure, switching is not automatic, but manual. This is done by the staff. Because of this, electricity may not be supplied to consumers for several minutes.

This power supply model is chosen for residential buildings with more than 5 floors, equipped with gas stoves.

In addition, this category includes houses consisting of 9 apartments or more, equipped with electric stoves.

All houses of the second category of power supply can be divided into two groups. The houses of both groups are equipped with two transformers and two power cables. But in one case, in the normal mode, the loads are evenly divided between the two transformers.

In the event of an accident, all consumers of electricity switch to one transformer until specialists fix the breakdown. In another case, in normal mode, power is supplied through one transformer. If an accident occurs, the voltage is immediately transferred to the second transformer - reserve.

And finally, the third category of power supply is the simplest. In it, a residential building is powered by a transformer using a single cable. There is simply no alternative. Because of this, in case of accidents, a disruption in the supply of electricity to the house sometimes lasts up to 24 hours. Therefore, it is always desirable to have a fallback.

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Water pumps for summer cottages

Fire at the transformer

The standards provide that this category of reliability includes houses whose height is less than 5 floors and whose apartments are equipped with gas stoves. In addition, houses with 8 apartments or less should be included here if they have electric stoves. Also, the third category of power supply includes houses gardening associations.

Why power supply projects are needed

Regardless of the chosen category of power supply reliability, installation can only be started after the power supply project has been drawn up and approved. Some people don't really understand why this is necessary. Indeed, it often takes several weeks to draw up a project, and this service itself is very, very expensive. And yet, to start work without finished project it is forbidden.

Firstly, it is a well-designed project that allows you to work quickly and without stopping to clarify some data, select material and carry out complex calculations.

home electrical project

Having a ready-made project in hand, installers will be able to quickly understand the entire system, and engage directly in their work, without being distracted by anything extraneous. Thanks to this, the installation of the power supply system takes a minimum of time.

Secondly, if in the future it is necessary to carry out electrical wiring repairs (and experts recommend doing this at least once every 20-25 years), a detailed one will allow you to easily and quickly complete all the work - the invited specialists, having studied the paper plan, will be able to navigate the building, causing a minimum damage to walls when replacing wiring.

This saves not only time, but also money spent on overhaul premises.

Thirdly, if there is a serious accident associated with damage to the wiring in a residential, office or administrative building, it is enough for an electrician to study the project in order to understand where the key nodes are located from which to begin checking the entire system. Therefore, the repair will take a minimum of time.

Do I need to pay for the project

It has already been mentioned above that the cost of an apartment building power supply project is quite high. And many construction customers are seriously thinking: is it necessary to spend extra money when ordering design? Indeed, today there are dozens of sites on the Internet where you can download suitable projects for the most different houses: from 4-apartment buildings to huge skyscrapers with hundreds of classrooms and offices. Using a ready-made project would save dozens of days of work and tens (or maybe hundreds!) Of thousands of rubles.


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