Exhibition of Russian decorative and applied arts

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Located in a complex of buildings that are architectural monument late 18th century, All-Russian Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts folk art opened its doors in July 1981. The building occupied by the museum has a rich history and is popularly called the “Osterman House”.

Initially, the estate belonged to a family of nobles, and later was inherited for the use of Count Osterman, by whose decree the building was rebuilt into his modern look. After a fire in 1812, the estate was badly damaged and was restored only in 1834, when it was occupied by the Moscow Theological Seminary. Major changes regarding the building's design occurred between 1840 and 1855. During this period, the estate expanded noticeably and even received a two-story extension designed by P.E. Baeva.

Qing Dynasty, 1st half.

The fan was made in the southern Cantonese style, with a masterpiece of openwork details. Curator of the Silesian permanent exhibition of sacred art and many temporary exhibitions, co-author of the script for the film “The Baptism of Fine Arts”. Author of articles in the field of art history and compilation of catalogs of collections and temporary exhibitions.

  • Exhibition curator: Henryk Olszewska-Jarema.
  • Graduate of the Catholic University of Lublin and the Jagiellonian University.
  • She created a collection of contemporary Polish art.
  • He heads the decorative section applied arts.
The collection presents treasures of Silesian culture in the fields of sculpture, painting and arts and crafts from the Gothic period to the present day.

After the Great Patriotic War, the building of the current museum for a long time occupied the Presidium and the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR. In addition, visiting delegates more than once stayed on the territory of the estate, hence the name of the street. The building of the Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art has been visited more than once by famous personalities.

Since 1981, the estate building has been occupied by the All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art. Its exhibition is presented in several separate rooms, each of which is dedicated to its own type of decorative and applied art. Thus, the museum’s holdings include items made of stone, glass, metal, ceramics, as well as a collection of rare books and miniatures made of bone.

Contrary to what its name implies, it includes not only a legacy of sacred art that confirmed Silesian origins, but also cult objects found in Upper Silesia, although they did not necessarily originate there. Some of them were made for special orders such as the installation of Silesian temples, mainly in the workshops of Krakow, Wroclaw and Czech Prague, which testifies to the artistic associations of the region with the leading cultural centers. The creation of a collection of Silesian sacred art is associated with the beginning of the activities of the Silesian Museum.

Operating mode:

  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday - from 10.00 to 18.00;
  • Thursday - from 10.00 to 21.00;
  • Saturday - from 12.00 to 20.00;
  • Tuesday is a day off.

Ticket prices:

  • adults - 250 rubles;
  • students, pensioners - 130 rubles;
  • children under 16 years old are free.

Opening of the exhibition of arts and crafts

We are mainly indebted to Tadeusz Dobrowolski, the first director and co-organizer of this institution. Interacting with the bishop in Katowice, Dobrowski gained insight into the art of church art in Upper Silesia. Thanks to this, he managed to create a valuable collection of medieval and contemporary art.

Regardless of official matters, this collection was intact before the war. The war changed the fate of the collection. This was possible thanks to the decision of Archbishop Victor Skvorec, Metropolitan of Katowice, who collected the collection of the Archdiocesan Museum by giving us a long-term deposit.

(Against the background of the melody of the song “Fair” from the repertoire of V. Leontyev, the words of Skomorokh Thomas are heard in the recording.)
Attention! Attention! Attention!
A fun party is starting!
Make yourself at home, don't be shy
Take a walk through our fair!
Go right - it will be fun!
If you go to the left, there will be a lot of laughter and noise!
You will have time to relax and shop,
While the guests are gathering.
Come in, honest people,
The peddler is calling everyone!
(On the street there is a fair and sale of handicrafts of arts and crafts from the studios of the House of Creativity, students of the vocational school; at the guests' disposal there is a photo studio, an ice cream parlor, car rides, a buffet.)
(The words of the Buffoon are replaced by barkers.)
1.Hey, craftswomen,
Hurry to us as soon as possible.
Disassemble everything you need
Don't be sorry for the little money.
Everything for the kitchen,
Don't look, buy.
Everything you buy will come in handy
And it will last for a long time.
2.Hey, fashionistas - beauties
Here, here quickly...
You'll like it
Buy quickly:
Wallets, caskets,
Beads and earrings,
Rings and bracelets.
We'll like everything here
Put it on now.
3. Honey bagels,
Pood pies,
Swoop in and push
Hurry up and take out your pennies!
4. And here are the sudari balls,
5. Red, blue - choose any!
6. For children's amusement,
For men to laugh!
5.Children's gifts,
Beautiful and bright!
Come on, choose
6.Honey gingerbread! Buy it, buy it!
Afanasy Nikitin also praised!
If you have teeth, gnaw them yourself,
If not, ask your neighbor!
7. Don’t pass us by
Look at the crafts.
All crafts are top class,
They will surprise you today!
Choose, take it!
The fair is closing.
Time for business, time for fun!
I invite you to the exhibition!
(In front of the entrance to the House of Creativity, the children of the folklore ensemble perform a song.)
Dear people!
The exhibition has been waiting for you for a long time.
Everyone follow me
And bring your friends with you.
(Music sounds. The buffoon accompanies the guests to the steps to the foyer, where they are met by Marya the Artisan with her retinue, children with bread and salt.)
Marya the Mistress:
Hello, good people,
Guests are invited and welcome!
I, Marya the Artisan, patroness of all craftsmen, welcome you to the opening of the exhibition “Carousel of Craftsmen”.
We, guests, welcome you all
With a white, fluffy loaf.
It's on a painted platter
With a snow-white towel.
We also bring salt,
Bowing, we ask you to taste.
Our dear guest and friend,
Take the bread from your hands.
(Marya the artist passes the bread from the hands of the children to the hands of the guests. A song is performed by the children of the folklore ensemble.)
Marya the Mistress:
Kind people!
Let me introduce you to the owner of the House of Creativity... (full name of the director). She had the great honor of saying good words to our craftsmen and opening the exhibition.
(Speech by the director of the House of Creativity. Fanfare. Ceremonial cutting of the ribbon.)
Marya the Mistress:
Dear guests!
Now you can view the exhibition of our craftsmen and meet the creators of beautiful drawings. These include landscapes, still lifes, and fairy-tale scenes beloved by the studio members, made by the studio guys visual arts together with the manager... (full name). This year they mastered the new kind work - making homemade books. Each of them is unique. Everything from creating the form and choosing the font is the imagination and creativity of the guys themselves.
The key to success creative activity lies in the stability of this team, in the ability of the guys to work harmoniously in one team.
Yes, I won’t get tired of repeating,
The studio should give it a "five"
For this miracle of miracles,
(to guests)
But here is a question for you.
Let's listen carefully,
We will answer everything diligently.
Who is the youngest participant in the exhibition?
Who can find the answer in the picture?
He will receive a prize from the bag.
(A melody sounds. View the works of the art studio.)
Come on in, kids! It's time to win the prize! Is there anyone brave among you? Who will give me the answer now? (Answers. Rewarding. If there are several correct answers, the buffoon takes out of his bag a strip of paper on which “applause” is written)
Marya the Artisan: Well, the work is a sight for sore eyes, to the surprise of everyone. This is the beginning of the exhibition, because we have a lot of works.
It's time to look at her.
Marya the Mistress:
Well, friends, let's continue on our way.
But I think first
We will delight our guests
Songs that are more fun.
(The song is performed by studio members.)
Thank you for the song,
And we are in a hurry to the exhibition.
(They go up to the 2nd floor, where Kuzya the Little Brownie meets and greets them.)
Hello, Maryushka - girl!

The entrance to the gallery is preceded by two images of St. Barbara, the main patron of the Archdiocese of Katowice and miners. The exhibition was organized in such a way as to bring the viewer closer to the original functions of sacred objects, which today represent treasures of ancient culture, and in past centuries served local communities.

The main axis of the exhibition symbolizes the nave of the temple, which closes the retreat of the altar, and the adjacent areas refer to the chapels. Gothic art, which occupies a dominant position, includes surviving movable monuments - mainly painting and sculpture, reflecting various cultural influences as well as artistic skill. The Marian theme is at the center of this period, primarily images of the Madonna, complemented by Christological and hagiographical images. Collections of contemporary art are more a sign of the region's art.

Marya the Mistress:
Hello, Kuzya the Brownie!
(points to guests)
These guests are all with me!
Come, girl, into the hall,
Look there first.
The creation of our masters:
Dolls, lace, weaving.
(Marya the artist walks into the foyer, followed by Skomorokh. Kuzya blocks his path.)
Kuzya: Are you interrupting again, Foma?
You're getting into the wrong place again!
I've been living here for many years,
But I still don’t understand you:
How do you manage here?
What if there is an owner here?
I know everyone in this house
I often meet guests here,
I hold festivals
I keep order!
Today you are just a guest,
So give up these things!
You guys wait
Stay here, don't walk.
Give me one answer:
“Did you see the safe or not?”
(to Thomas)
And this, Fomka, dear friend,
Isn't it your work?
Kuzya, friend, no need to quarrel,
We will resolve this dispute,
If we get through everything now,
Maybe we can find your safe.
(to guests)
If so, I agree
Come on, friends.
(Music sounds. Guests enter the exhibition.)
Marya the Mistress:
Dear guests!
I am glad to see you all at our exhibition and I hasten to tell you the good news.
Today, for the first time, a sympathy bureau operates here, where you can give your preference to one direction or another. You need to receive a token and place it in a basket with the name of the direction that attracted your attention. The bureau is located on the right side of the exhibition hall.
Dear guests!
Don't forget to leave your wishes in the Guest Book.
(A song is performed by a children's folk ensemble, after which Marya the Artisan introduces the guests to the directions of the House of Creativity. Kuzya and Skomorokh walk around the exhibition with the guests. After Marya the Artisan tells about the directions of the House of Creativity, Kuzya runs onto the stage with a joyful squeal.)
Oh guys, here's my safe
I already completely forgot
That he's standing on stage...
I'll see what's in it.
(Takes out certificates from the safe.)
How many certificates and awards!
I kept them all.
And today is just right
They will read them out for you.
(Marya the artist reads out the certificates received for the year.)
Marya the Mistress:
Let it be open
All years in a row
The door of this safe
For new rewards!
(Applause. Song performed by a soloist of a folk ensemble.)
Marya the Mistress:
Dear guests!
You all visited our exhibition,
You told me your impression of her
And today we would like to know
What can you tell us about this?
I invite to the stage the head of the educational and methodological department of the Ural Center of Folk Arts and Crafts... (full name)
(Speech by the guest of honor.)
Marya the Mistress:
I wonder what the impressions are...
(full name of the guest of honor.)

These include selected examples from various fields of art, inspired by the influence of European movements - the Reformation, Humanism and Counter-Reformation. The monuments of this time are characterized by a variety of thematic, stylistic and artistic values, reflecting the multicultural landscape of the region. Of course, the Baroque works that developed in Silesia are the most important, which brings great blossoming art and culture, mainly in Lower Silesia, where European monuments were created.

The exhibition is complemented by multimedia presentations of selected thematic issues that cannot be demonstrated directly in a museum setting. We show our guests among others. wall paintings, the architecture of Silesian churches and, finally, new discoveries of the Conservatory in Upper Silesia in the area of ​​medieval polychrome walls. The gallery thus created serves as an approximation and perhaps the most complete illustration of the material and spiritual heritage of the region.

(Guest speech. Fanfare sounds.)
Marya the Mistress:
The hour of joy is coming,
Today we congratulate everyone:
Who made the crafts, and who taught them this.
This teacher has limitless talents, and all his works are different from others,
We believe that success will soon await her,
In patchwork creativity he will conquer us all.
Marya the Mistress:
... (full name of the teacher)! We ask you to come up on stage with your students. The director of the House of Creativity (full name) is invited to receive the award.
… (teacher’s name) is a jack of all trades,
With him you never feel bored.
He creates from skin
Something that suits everyone.
Be it earrings, necklace -
Everything is amazing.
So you should go to victory
To the glitter of praise and orchestral brass!
Marya the Artisan: .... (full name of the teacher) and his students!
... (name of teacher) - craftswoman,
Young and old know
Her merits are often talked about.
Stuffed Toys
Drives everyone crazy
Their children sew
And she herself.
Marya the Mistress:
... (full name of the teacher) and her guys!
... (name of teacher)!
Your work girls
They will be elevated to feat,
After all, without costumes.
Blouses, sundresses
They won't live even five minutes
Like without bows, combs and pockets.
They thank you with all their hearts
You, masters, are promised in unison,
That everyone will definitely sew an outfit for themselves,
One that we have been dreaming about for many years.
Marya the Mistress:
... (full name of the teacher) we are waiting for you on stage!
Decent growth
Kind look.
She is a master, they say.
He knows a lot about his business
And he teaches girls
Embroider on machines
And decorate outfits.
Everyone stubbornly repeats about her:
“Here is a second mother for us.”
Marya the Mistress:
... (full name of the teacher) and her girls!
The design is still so new for us,
That even words are not enough.
But even this is a start
We know a lot about teachers.
They create and create comfort,
After all, this is their work.
And we are sure that macrame
And hand embroidery
We deserve all the praise on May 16th.
Marya the Mistress:
... (full name of the teacher) with his students!
Attract to yourself -
... (name of teacher) a rare gift,
I'm not the only fan of her charms,
And like an artist creating a vernissage,
She shows us aerobatics.
Marya the Mistress:
... (full name of the teacher) with his stars!

To exchange a ticket voucher, select one of the following and then enter

Curator: Henryk Olszewska-Jarema. We remind you to print your tickets. Permanent exhibition at the National Museum in Wroclaw. One of the most valuable collections of medieval art in Poland and Europe. Also in the halls are works from local workshops, combining typical late Gothic features with individual styles individual masters: from the workshop of the Wroclaw Master of the Sacred Family, the Master of Lubin Figures, the Master of Polypins from Gojszyszow, the Master of Lubin Altars, the Teacher of the Passion from the Silesian Mountains.

1. Scissors on a tray.
2. Loaf, dish, towel, salt.
3. A strip of paper with the word “Applause” written on it.
4. Prizes,
5. Box designed as a safe.
6. Certificates.
7. Tokens, baskets with names of directions.


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