Autumn craft exhibitions in the dhow. Autumn exhibition in kindergarten

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Exhibition "Golden Autumn"

involving parents in the life of the kindergarten;
education of responsibility.
- give parents and children the opportunity to express their creative fantasies;
- promote the development of talents.
Autumn is a wonderful time. Many works have been written about this time of year. When introducing the kids, we talk about the features of this time of year. His signs. As a result of our work on the theme of autumn, we organize annual exhibitions for autumn.
In our preschool educational institution there was an exhibition of crafts from natural material! Participants in the exhibition were mainly parents, but not without the help of children.
It is our tradition to hold joint exhibitions. By organizing such exhibitions, our goal is to involve parents in the life of the kindergarten. Many parents responded to participate in the exhibition. The materials for the crafts were: pine cones, leaves, rowan berries, moss, vegetables, fruits, seeds and much more. Unfortunately, these crafts quickly lose their appearance. Therefore, we record everything in a photo report. The result is original crafts.

"Yaga's House"


"Our ball"

And this is a small part of our applications and drawings for our exhibition. It’s very nice that we have such responsible parents and children!

Autumn decorates the squares with colorful foliage.
Autumn feeds the harvest of birds, animals and you and me.
And in the gardens, and in the vegetable garden, and in the forest, and by the water
Nature has prepared all kinds of gifts!

With the onset of autumn, traditionally in our kindergarten an exhibition of children's and children's handicrafts is held family creativity from natural materials " Autumn fantasies" The main condition is the use of autumn gifts (vegetables, fruits, dried flowers) in the work. This annual exhibition in cold autumn weather it always pleases us with bright warm colors, gives a charge of vigor and Have a good mood, was held under the motto: Plunge into the world autumn colors and fantasies!

The children and their parents presented their works with great pleasure: a variety of crafts that impressed with the originality of the idea, the technique of execution, the originality and originality.

Compositions of vegetables and fruits, paintings of leaves and dried flowers, cartoon characters - all this aroused lively and genuine interest. Eggplants, zucchini, cucumbers turned into intricate little men, crocodiles, penguins, cars. Pumpkins turned into unusual baskets for autumn gifts and even became a carriage for the fairy-tale Cinderella. Thrifty, businesslike autumn hedgehogs, made from different materials, have been presented in many works. The work looked interesting, where a large hedgehog made from zucchini tried to attach as many different berries, apples and mushrooms to its needles. And the hedgehog made from grapes aroused the admiration and delight of the little visitors to the exhibition. Various houses, animals and birds, floral and natural compositions - there was so much to see at this exhibition!

One could also see many interesting forest clearings with different animals and all kinds of autumn gifts. The ships with sails, made from different fruits, looked original. Everyone was amazed by the zucchini tea set with an invitation to drink hot tea. There were even crafts based on traffic rules.

Many children from different groups gathered in the hall. Everyone looked at the crafts on display with great interest. It seems that all natural and available materials were used for the work, and there were no limits to imagination.

Such events help unite the efforts of the kindergarten and the family in raising and educating children, creating conditions for improving the pedagogical culture of parents, and developing children's and family creativity!

Parents helped their children show their imagination and create unique autumn masterpieces. All the works showed the creativity and imagination of each child.
Thanks to everyone who took part in the exhibition of crafts made from natural materials 2012.


The administration and teachers express their gratitude to the regular participants in the events held in the kindergarten.

Ralina Kurbanova

The wind will spin to the song of the rain,

He will throw leaves at our feet.

So beautiful it's time:

The Miracle came to us again Autumn!

Autumn- a very beautiful time of year, and probably the most best time for creating autumn creative works . Generosity autumn gives us great opportunities to realize our abilities, demonstrate imagination and creativity. Various fruits and vegetables, autumn flowers and leaves, cones, plant seeds and other natural materials help us produce such wonderful works that you can admire and admire them for a long time.

In October of this year, pupils senior group kindergarten "Rucheyok" together with their parents took part in organizing autumn exhibitions crafts made from natural materials. In addition to crafts on exhibition Children's drawings were also accepted autumn theme.

Working together with parents greatly inspires children, brings them closer together and gives them a positive attitude. They are filled with pride! And we, the teachers of the group, thank the parents for their active participation in the organization autumn exhibition!

Many different interesting works brought by preschoolers! I present some of our work.

Family of Makhmudov Ralif.

Family of Asadulaev Linara.

Adelina Maksutova's family.

Family of Akhitova Leila.

Family of Yazmukhamedov Ilyaz.

Sabrina Arnazarova's family.

Amir Sharipov's family.

Family of Amanov Fariz.

Family of Abdulov Fail.

Family of Tuktarova Maryam.

Evelina Arnazarova's family.

Family of Niyazova Naida.

Urazova Gulsem family.

Artem Abdulov's family.

Family of Kurbanov Rifat.

Family of Alina Tulikova.

Family of Dzhanmurzaev Rival.

Thank you for your attention!

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Good evening, dear colleagues and friends! I am very glad to see you on my page. Autumn is a wonderful time! Bright colors of this time of year.


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