Pharmacological group of the substance is atropine. Use of atropine Atropine indications for use in emergency conditions

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"Atropine" is an m-cholinergic receptor blocker.

The pharmacological drug is produced in the form of eye drops, as well as in the form of solutions for injection. It contains the main active element - atropine sulfate. In the form of eye drops, the drug is available in 10 and 5 ml bottles equipped with polyethylene droppers. They are packed in cardboard boxes, one bottle at a time.

Let's consider contraindications to the use of Atropine.

Pharmacological properties of the drug

“Atropine” in the form of solutions for eye drops is a blocker of m-cholinergic receptors and a tertiary natural amine. It is believed that atropine is equally capable of binding to the M1, M2 and M3 types of muscarinic receptors and influencing central m-cholinergic receptors.

This substance reduces the secretion of sweat, gastric, salivary and bronchial glands. Reduces the tone of smooth muscles of organs (digestive, genitourinary, respiratory), reduces motility of the digestive tract. It has virtually no effect on the secretion of the pancreas and bile. Causes mydriasis, reduces the secretion of tear fluid.

In moderate therapeutic dosages, atropine has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system and a delayed but prolonged sedative effect. The main anticholinergic effect explains the ability of this substance to eliminate tremor in Parkinson's disease. In increased dosages, atropine causes agitation, agitation, coma, and hallucinations.

This can be especially pronounced if contraindications to the use of Atropine are not taken into account.

The medication reduces the excitation of the vagus nerve, which contributes to an increase in heart rate (with an insignificant change in blood pressure) and an increase in conductivity in the His bundle.

When used locally in ophthalmology, pupil dilation occurs after approximately 40 minutes and disappears after 8-10 days. Atropine-induced mydriasis cannot be eliminated by instillation of cholinomimetic medications.

Indications and contraindications for Atropine are described in detail in the instructions.


The drug is well absorbed from the digestive tract and through the conjunctival membrane. With regular administration, the drug is distributed throughout the tissues of the body and penetrates the placental barrier. Maximum concentrations in the central nervous system are achieved within 30-60 minutes. Slightly binds to plasma proteins. The half-life of the active element from the body is two hours. The medication is excreted mainly in the urine. In unchanged form - about 60%, the rest - in the form of conjugation products.

Before considering the contraindications of Atropine, let's talk about the cases in which it is prescribed.

Indications for use

For systemic use, Atropine is prescribed in the following cases:

  • Spasms of the smooth muscle organs of the digestive system, bronchi and bile ducts.
  • Ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum, acute pancreatitis.
  • Hypersalivation (heavy metal poisoning, parkinsonism, after dental interventions).
  • Irritable bowel syndrome, intestinal colic.
  • Renal colic.
  • Premedication before surgical procedures.
  • Bronchitis with hypersecretion, laryngospasm, bronchospasm.
  • AV block, slow heart rate.
  • Poisoning with anticholinesterase and m-cholinomimetics substances (irreversible and reversible effects).
  • X-ray examinations of the digestive organs of the gastrointestinal tract (if necessary, reducing their tone).

Local use of this pharmacological agent in ophthalmology:

  • When examining the fundus of the eye and achieving paralysis of accommodation in order to establish the true refraction of the eyes.
  • In the treatment of iritis, choroiditis, iridocyclitis, embolism, keratitis and spasm of the retinal arteries and eye injuries.

There are a lot of contraindications for Atropine drops.

Directions for use and dosage regimen

This medication is used subcutaneously or intramuscularly at a dose of 300-600 mcg one hour before induction of anesthesia or intravenously at the same dosage immediately before induction.

To relieve bradycardia, 0.5-1 mg intravenously; if necessary, the drug can be repeated after a few minutes.

When used locally in ophthalmology, the drug is instilled into the eyes, 1-2 drops - up to 3 times a day with an interval of 6 hours.

In some cases, the medication solution can be administered parabulbarly - 0.3-0.5 ml or subconjunctivally 0.2-0.5 ml. Using electrophoresis, a 0.5% solution is injected from the anode through the eyelids or eye baths.

Below are the contraindications of Atropine and side effects.

Side effects

Digestive tract: thirst, dry mouth, changes in taste, decreased intestinal motility, atony, dysphagia, decreased tone of the gallbladder.

Urinary system: retention and difficulty urinating.

Cardiovascular system: arrhythmia, tachycardia, extrasystole, facial flushing, myocardial ischemia, hot flashes.

Nervous system: cephalalgia, dizziness, insomnia, nervousness.

Visual organs: dilated pupils, photophobia, increased intraocular pressure, changes in vision. Because of these phenomena, Atropine is contraindicated not only for systemic treatment, but also for local treatment.

Respiratory organs and mediastinum: decreased secretory tone and bronchial activity, which leads to the formation of viscous sputum, difficulty in expectoration.

Subcutaneous tissue and skin: skin rashes, urticaria.

Immune system: hypersensitivity reaction, anaphylactic shock, anaphylactic reactions.

Other phenomena: decreased sweating, dysarthria, dry skin, pain at the injection site.

Contraindications for Atropine

This medication should not be used for hypersensitivity, pathologies of the cardiovascular system, characterized by an increase in heart rate: tachycardia, coronary artery disease, atrial fibrillation, mitral stenosis. In addition, the list of contraindications includes hypertension, bleeding, thyrotoxicosis, intestinal atony in elderly and weak patients, paralytic obstruction in the intestine, open-angle or closed-angle glaucoma, renal failure (risk of side effects as a result of reduced excretion), prostate hypertrophy without urinary tract obstruction , predisposition to urinary retention and diseases that are accompanied by their obstruction, exhaustion of the body.

Contraindications for the drug "Atropine" must be strictly observed.

With some caution, this medical product is used for elevated body temperature, reflux esophagitis, hiatal hernias in the diaphragm, diseases of the digestive system accompanied by obstruction - achalasia of the esophagus. The medicine is also prescribed with caution for diseases with high intraocular pressure, ulcerative colitis, dry oral mucosa, chronic lung pathologies, myasthenia gravis, preeclampsia, brain damage in children, cerebral palsy, Down's disease.

It is important to familiarize yourself with the contraindications and instructions for Atropine in advance.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The drug penetrates through Strictly controlled and adequate clinical studies on the safety of this substance during pregnancy have not been conducted. Therefore, it is not prescribed to women during pregnancy. When used intravenously during pregnancy or before childbirth, tachycardia may develop in the fetus. Atropine can be found in trace concentrations in breast milk.

This medication is used with extreme caution in children with chronic lung pathologies, brain damage, Down's disease and cerebral palsy.

special instructions

The medication is used with caution in patients with heart and vascular diseases, in which an increase in heart rate may be undesirable: tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, mitral stenosis, coronary artery disease, etc.

The interval between taking this drug and antacid medications containing calcium carbonate or aluminum should be at least one hour.

When administering the drug “Atropine” via parabulbar or subconjunctival route, the patient should take a validol tablet under the tongue in order to reduce the severity of tachycardia.

During the period of therapy, the patient is advised to exercise some caution when driving vehicles and engaging in other potentially dangerous activities that require high concentration, speed of mental and motor reactions and normal vision.

Not only the contraindications of atropine sulfate must be taken into account, but also its interaction with other substances.

Interaction with other medications

When concomitantly taken orally with antacids that contain calcium carbonate or aluminum, the absorption of atropine from the digestive tract is reduced.

When used simultaneously with anticholinergic drugs and drugs that have anticholinergic activity, the anticholinergic effect is increased.

When treated with atropine, it is possible to inhibit the absorption of mexiletine, zopiclone, nitrofurantoin and the excretion of these substances by the kidneys. There may also be some increase in the side and therapeutic effects of nitrofurantoin.

When the drug is used concomitantly with phenylephrine, an increase in blood pressure may occur. Under the influence of guanethidine, a decrease in the hyposecretory activity of atropine is likely. Nitrates increase the likelihood of increased intraocular pressure. The medicine reduces the plasma concentration of levodopa.

This is confirmed by the instructions for use.

The contraindications for Atropine and its analogues are the same.


Similar means are:

  • "Midriacyl" is a mydriatic that blocks m-cholinergic receptors of the ciliary muscle and the iris sphincter, causing paralysis of accommodation and mydriasis. It acts quickly, but does not last long. The likelihood of an increase in intraocular pressure is less pronounced than when using the drug Atropine. It is used for diagnostic purposes when cycloplegia and mydriasis are necessary during fundus examinations.
  • "Tropicamide" is a medicine absolutely identical to the above.
  • "Cycloptic" is a pharmacological agent that is an M-anticholinergic blocker. Cyclopentolate, as the main element of this medication, blocks m-cholinergic receptors, preventing the effects of mediators. As a result of this effect, the dilation of the eye pupil occurs due to the fact that the tone of the muscle that dilates the pupil begins to predominate, as well as the relaxation of those muscles that narrow it. At the same time, cycloplegia (paralysis of accommodation) occurs.

Atropine is a (alkaloid) toxic substance. It is an anticholinergic drug that blocks M-receptors located in the central nervous system, heart muscles, organs with smooth muscles, and endocrine glands.

pharmachologic effect

  • The production of vital substances in the body (sweat, salivary, gastric) decreases.
  • Reduces the number of damaged cells in the bronchi.
  • The contraction of the heart muscle becomes more frequent.
  • The passage of blood through the ventricles improves.
  • Due to the viscosity of gastric juice, the acidity in the stomach decreases.
  • Breathing quickens. The pupils dilate.
  • Muscles and muscular organs relax (intestines, trachea, urinary)

Release form

The drug is produced:

  1. Tablets, powder – 0.5 mg;
  2. Drinking solution – 10 ml;
  3. Ampoules for intramuscular administration – 1 ml/1 mg of atropine sulfate;
  4. Syringe tube – 1 ml/1 mg;
  5. Eye drops – 5 ml in a bottle (1 ml/10 mg);
  6. Ointments, films with atropine for the organs of vision.

Indications for use

  • Bowel dysfunction - SRCT, sinus rhythm
  • Spasms of the liver, kidneys, bronchi during asthma.
  • Increased excitability of the bladder muscles, leading to incontinence.
  • Involuntary discharge of semen from the urethra (spermatorrhea).
  • Leakage of blood from the lungs.
  • Insufficient pulmonary ventilation.
  • Poisoning with poisonous mushrooms, gases, chemicals.
  • When performing an x-ray of the stomach and intestines.
  • In ophthalmology for injuries, to determine the condition of the fundus.

Side effects

  • Due to decreased saliva secretion, dry mouth and thirst.
  • Small rash all over the body.
  • Difficulty swallowing food and water (dysphagia).
  • Deterioration of vision.
  • Neurological syndrome (nerve paresis).
  • Strengthening mental and motor activity.
  • Urine retention (bladder atony).
  • Photophobia, dilated pupil.
  • Increase in body temperature.
  • Intestinal obstruction (constipation).
  • Swelling of the eyelids, conjunctivitis.


  • Glaucoma, severe forms.
  • Damage to blood vessels and heart muscle.
  • Enlargement of the prostate gland (hypertrophy).
  • Exhaustion of the body, sudden weight loss.
  • Drug intolerance.



  • In tablets – 0.25 mg-1 g (substance) no more than 6t/day.
  • For IV, IM, SC as recommended (0.25 mg-1 g/2 rubles).
  • Drops – 1-2 drops/3 rubles/day.
  • Ointment - put 1-2 rubles behind the eyelids.

The dosage of the medication is prescribed by the doctor, the instructions are for informational purposes only. The drug is toxic, there may be consequences.


  • In case of poisoning, the following symptoms occur:
  • Pupils dilate, dizziness.
  • Increased intracranial pressure.
  • Visions, loss of orientation.
  • Fainting, hypotension, coma.


  1. Administration of the antagonist - proserin 1 ml/0.05% subcutaneously.
  2. Physostigmine – 1 ml/0.1% subcutaneously.
  3. Overexcitation - aminazine 2 ml/2.5% i/m.
  4. Convulsions – (barbiturates) Hexenalum sodium IV 10 ml/IV.
  5. A sharp increase in temperature - cold wraps.
  6. If tachycardia occurs - Inderal.

Eye drops

Used in ophthalmology to dilate the pupil (mydriasis). The drug has a prolonged effect (up to 10 days). It is necessary to drip only under the supervision of a doctor.

The medication is toxic and has many contraindications and side effects. It is not used very often today. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.

During pupil dilation, intracranial pressure increases, so it is not always possible to use them. In addition to the therapeutic effect, vision deteriorates during treatment, you cannot read or drive a car.

The effect of the drug occurs after 30-40 minutes, eye function is restored after 4-5 days. May cause exacerbation of the disease.

Before starting treatment with drops, it is necessary to exclude all contraindications and approach this issue with caution. If side symptoms appear, stop using the drug.

For premedication

Preparing the patient for surgery, for anesthesia, placing him in a state of rest, eliminating negative reflex reactions.

It begins the evening before surgery. In some patients - within a few days. Tranquilizers, sedatives, and antihistamines are prescribed.

In the morning 30-40 minutes. Before surgery, three drugs are administered - diphenhydramine, promedol, atropine. The latter - 1 ml/0.1% subcutaneously to dilate the bronchi, reduce salivation, and reduce the action of the vagus nerve.

After these three medications, anesthesia is administered. Premedication is performed when the patient is resting, his blood pressure is normal, there is no tachycardia, and his breathing is calm.


Today we talked about a drug that has many contraindications, is toxic, and can be fatal. It must be used strictly under the supervision of a doctor. Read on our website about other drugs.

International nonproprietary name (INN) is Atropine. It is a potent remedy, for the preparation of which plant components are used. The medication is characterized by a therapeutic effect that affects peripheral and central M-cholinergic receptors.

Indications for use

Indications for use of the drug are the following pathologies and conditions:

  1. Bronchitis.
  2. Bronchial spasms.
  3. Cholelithiasis is the formation of stones in the gallbladder and ducts.
  4. Bradycardia is a slowing of cardiac activity.
  5. Renal, biliary and intestinal colic.
  6. - contraction of the gastric sphincter.
  7. Bronchial asthma.
  8. Poisoning with salts, anticholinesterase drugs and M-cholinergic receptor stimulants. The medication is prescribed as an antidote.
  9. Hypersalivation - increased salivation.
  10. – an inflammatory process localized in the gallbladder.

In ophthalmology, the drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  1. If it is necessary to create rest for the eye muscles after injuries or during inflammation.
  2. To dilate the pupil and paralyze accommodation, which will allow diagnostics of the fundus.

Pharmacological group

It is an anticholinergic medication that has the ability to block M-cholinergic receptors.

Composition and release form

The product is available in the form of eye drops and a solution used during injections. The composition of the medicine depends on the form of release. The drug is not produced in tablet form.

Eye drops

The product is available in dropper bottles with a volume of 5 ml. The active substance is atropine sulfate, present in an amount of 10 mg. The auxiliary component is sodium hydrochloride.


The powder for preparing the solution is contained in ampoules of 5 or 10 pcs. Active substance - . As an auxiliary component, 200 ml of sodium hydrochloride or purified water are used.

Directions for use and doses

The medicine in ampoules is administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously. Only a doctor prescribes the dosage, because the amount of the drug depends on the existing disease and its course.

In case of exacerbation of pancreatitis, the medicine in the form of injections is used 2-3 times a day.

Side effects

During therapy, the following side symptoms may appear:

  • headache;
  • fever;
  • hallucinations;
  • euphoria;
  • confusion;
  • insomnia;
  • constipation;
  • tachycardia;
  • violation of tactile perception;
  • paralysis of accommodation;
  • dilation of the pupil (mydriasis);
  • urinary retention;
  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • tingling;
  • redness of the eyelids;
  • lack of normal tone of the gastrointestinal tract and bladder;
  • xerostomia – dryness of the oral mucosa due to insufficient salivation;
  • irritation;
  • swelling of the conjunctiva of the eyes;
  • worsening of cardiac ischemia;
  • fear of light;
  • dizziness.

The medicine may affect driving, so during therapy you should refrain from using a car or other complex machinery.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the product is an absolute contraindication. Use the medicine with caution in the presence of the following conditions:

  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • high body temperature;
  • renal or liver failure;
  • diseases and disorders in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • hernias of internal organs;
  • in the chronic form – reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus.

Compatibility with alcohol: it is prohibited to take alcohol-containing drinks during the treatment period.

Atropine during pregnancy and lactation

When breastfeeding, the medicine is not prescribed, because the active substance of the drug penetrates into milk. The drug should not be used during pregnancy due to the ability of the drug to penetrate the placental barrier.

Use in childhood

The medicine is prescribed with caution in children. It is forbidden to use the drug yourself. You need to see a specialist and get a prescription.

Use of Atropine in Elderly Patients

For the treatment of elderly patients, the medicine is used with caution in the following cases:

  • when – there is a high probability of obstruction;
  • at risk of increased heart rate;
  • with urinary retention or the presence of diseases that contribute to this;
  • during prostatic hypertrophy.

You should consult your doctor before starting therapy.

How long does Atropine last?

The medication begins to act quickly, the maximum effect appears after 20-40 minutes and lasts for 3-4 days.

Duration of drug treatment

The duration of taking the medicine varies from 5-7 days to 1-3 weeks. The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the disease, so consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Interaction with other drugs

The drug is characterized by the following features of drug interactions:

  1. Weakening the effectiveness of anticholinesterase medications and cholinomimetics.
  2. An increase in therapeutic effects when using Promethazine, Diphenhydramine and drugs with anticholinergic properties.
  3. Increased intraocular pressure during the use of nitrates.
  4. Changes in the absorption of Mexiletine and Levodopa when taken simultaneously with Atropine.
  5. Increased undesirable effects during the use of Quinidine, Amantadine, tricyclic antidepressants and antihistamines.
  6. Reduced absorption of Atropine components when taking antacids containing aluminum and calcium.

Overdose and drug poisoning

The use of the drug in high doses causes the following symptoms:

  • drowsiness;
  • dry skin;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • high blood pressure;
  • vomiting;
  • tachycardia;
  • skin redness;
  • photophobia;
  • burning;
  • dry mouth;
  • hallucinations;
  • confusion;
  • anxiety;
  • skin rashes;
  • increased body temperature;
  • tremor;
  • excitement.

In severe cases, death may occur due to respiratory or cardiovascular failure. It is necessary to seek medical help if symptoms of overdose occur.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The product is available with a prescription.

Storage conditions

It is necessary to protect the medicine from exposure to sunlight and high temperatures.

Best before date

The drug must be stored for no more than 5 years from the date of release.


The following drugs are analogues of Atropine:

  1. Hyoscyamine. A herbal product that belongs to the group of M-anticholinergics.
  2. Cyclomed. The medication blocks M-cholinergic receptors and has a slight antispasmodic effect.
  3. Bekarball. A drug in the form of tablets related to M-anticholinergic drugs. The medicine has a hyposecretory, antispasmodic and antacid effect.
  4. . The drug has an anticholinergic effect on the organs of the genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract, but does not affect the nervous system.

"Atropine" is an anticholinergic drug and is a cholinergic receptor blocker. What side effects of atropine sulfate can a patient expect when using it?

The main feature of the drug is its ability to block anticholinergic systems in the body, located in the heart muscle, as well as the central nervous system.

Release form "Atropine"

According to the instructions for use, it is known that the drug comes in the following types:

  1. Solution for injection, containing one milliliter of solution of one milligram of atropine sulfate (in ampoules of one milliliter).
  2. Eye drops (1%).


What is the description of the substance (atropinum) atropine? The drug is considered an anticholinergic and antispasmodic drug. Its active component is a poisonous alkaloid found in plants of the nightshade family, for example:

  • henbane;
  • belladonna;
  • dope.

Taking Atropine helps to reduce the secretory function of the glands, widen the hole in the iris of the eye, increase intraocular pressure and the ability of the eye to change the focal length.

According to the instructions for use and reviews of Atropine, it is known that the acceleration and stimulation of cardiac activity after using the drug is explained by its ability to eliminate the inhibitory effect of the vagus nerve. The effect of the medication on the central nervous system is in the form of activation of a nerve formation in the medulla oblongata, and when using excessive dosages, seizures and visual hallucinations may occur.

Usually "Atropine" is prescribed for:

  1. Stomach ulcer (a chronic disease that occurs with the formation of damage in the stomach, as well as a tendency to further development and complications).
  2. Spasms of the muscles of the stomach and intestines.
  3. Hypersalivation (increased salivation as a result of increased activity of the salivary glands).
  4. Bradycardia (slow heart rate).
  5. Acute pancreatitis (damage to a large endocrine and digestive gland located behind the stomach).
  6. Intestinal and renal colic (an acute attack of pain in the lumbar region caused by a sharp disruption of the outflow of urine from the kidney and impaired blood circulation in it).
  7. Spastic colitis (inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the large intestine).
  8. Bronchospasm (a pathological condition that occurs when the smooth muscles of the bronchi contract and their lumen decreases).
  9. Bronchitis with hypersecretion (diffuse inflammatory disease of the bronchi, affecting the mucous membrane or the entire thickness of the bronchial wall).
  10. Laryngospasm (pathological condition characterized by uncontrolled contraction of the larynx).

The drug is also used for X-rays of the stomach and intestines, for preliminary drug preparation of the patient for general anesthesia and surgical intervention in ophthalmology. The drug is also used for:

  • dilation of the pupil during a refractive examination of the eye;
  • fundus examinations;
  • eliminating spasm of the central artery of the inner lining of the eye;
  • eliminating inflammation of the cornea;
  • healing of damage to the iris of the visual organ;
  • elimination of the inflammatory process in the choroid of the eye;
  • restoration of the mucous membrane in case of eye injuries.


The use of "Atropine" is prohibited if you are sensitive to the microelements included in the structure of the drug. This may be either individual intolerance to the components or sensitivity associated with the use of drugs incompatible with Atropine.

Instructions for use

Depending on the doctor’s prescription, the medicine is administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously at a dose of 0.25-1 milligrams, the frequency of use is up to two times a day.

In adult patients, 0.5-1 milligrams are used intravenously to eliminate bradycardia; if necessary, the procedure must be repeated after five minutes. The dosage for children is determined according to the patient’s weight - 0.01 milligrams per kilogram.

For preliminary drug preparation of the patient for general anesthesia and surgery, Atropine is administered intramuscularly forty-sixty minutes before surgery. The drug is administered until the sensitivity of the body or its part decreases until the perception ceases completely:

  1. Adult patients should be administered 0.4-0.6 milligrams.
  2. Children need 0.01 milligrams per kilogram of weight.

It must be remembered that the drug may cause side effects in children.

"Atropine" is used in ophthalmology: one or two drops of a one percent solution are instilled into the affected visual organ, the frequency of use is up to three times a day, maintaining an interval of five to six hours. 0.2-0.5 milliliters of the product must be injected under the conjunctiva.

"Atropine": side effects from taking it

Even with proper use of the medication, the following negative reactions may occur:

  • tachycardia;
  • dry mouth;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • dizziness;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • photophobia.

If the drug is used in the form of drops, then the characteristic side effects of Atropine are:

  • pupil dilation.
  • visual impairment at close range.

The negative consequences that occur with an overdose of the drug are observed an hour after using the medicine. Typical side effects of Atropine are:

  • dryness of all mucous membranes;
  • decreased sweating;
  • increased heart rate;
  • trembling of limbs;
  • hard breath;
  • redness of the skin.


"Atropine" should be used with extreme caution in diseases of the heart and blood vessels, in which it is not recommended to increase heart rate:

  1. Tachycardia.
  2. Atrial fibrillation.
  3. Cardiac ischemia.
  4. Heart disease.
  5. Arterial hypertension.
  6. Valve defect.

"Atropine" should also not be taken if you have the following pathologies:

  1. Increased hormone levels.
  2. Acute bleeding.
  3. Diseases of the esophagus, accompanied by the development of an inflammatory process on its mucosa.
  4. Elevated body temperature.
  5. Increased intraocular pressure.
  6. Diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  7. Gestose.
  8. Dry mouth.
  9. Chronic inflammatory disease of the colon mucosa.
  10. Lung damage.
  11. Liver and kidney failure.
  12. Adenoma.
  13. An autoimmune neuromuscular disease characterized by pathologically rapid fatigue of striated muscles.
  14. Down syndrome.

It is necessary to maintain a gap of at least one hour between taking antacid medications and Atropine. When using drugs subconjunctivally, in order to reduce tachycardia, the patient needs to take a validol capsule under the tongue. During therapy with Atropine, you need to be careful when driving a car and when working in hazardous industries.


If this drug is not suitable for you, you can always use analogues of Atropine. The instructions for using generics will not be much different and will have similar indications and side effects. The medicine can be replaced by:

  1. "Midrimax".
  2. "Cyclomed".
  3. "Mydriacyl."
  4. "Cycloptic"
  5. "Bellacehol".
  6. "Tropicamide".
  7. "Becarbon".


The drug is produced in the form of a one percent solution. The drops have no shade or aroma and are available in five-milliliter bottles equipped with a pipette at the end.

One milliliter of the medicine contains ten milligrams of the active ingredient - cyclopentolate hydrochloride.

"Cyclomed" is prescribed to prepare the patient for operations on the visual organs, to dilate the pupil for extracapsular cataracts. The drug is also used before examining the eyeball. The cost of the drug is 400 rubles."


The drug is produced in the form of 0.5% and 1% solution for instillation into the eyes. The drug is available in bottles equipped with a dropper pipette, with which it is convenient to determine the required dosage of Tropicamide.

For therapeutic purposes, Tropicamide is used as eye drops six times a day.

It is important for people who use contact lenses to note that the structure of the drug contains benzalkonium chloride, a trace element that remains on the surface of the lenses and can cause damage to their structure. Before using the medication, lenses must be removed and put on no earlier than fifteen minutes after the procedure. The cost of the medicine is 70 rubles.


The medicine is produced in the form of eye drops, the drug is dispensed in dropper bottles of five milliliters. Contraindications for use are: constipation, prostatic hyperplasia, retirement age.

When using Cycloptic, it is important to monitor intraocular pressure. To reduce the likelihood of side effects, after using eye drops, you should press your fingers on the inner corners of your eyes for two minutes.

While instilling Cycloptic, people should refrain from driving and work involving hazardous activities that require increased reaction and attention. The price of "Cycloptic" is 200 rubles.


A complex drug for topical use in ophthalmology that dilates the pupil. In addition, it is a cholinergic receptor blocker together with an adrenergic agonist. "Midrimax" is sold in pharmacies in the form of eye drops. It is produced in the form of a clear solution or a light brown liquid. You can purchase the medicine only with a prescription.


The drug belongs to the antispasmodic medications. The medicine is produced in the form of tablets for oral use (six pieces in a contour package, number of blisters in a pack: from two to five).

The medication is taken orally, before meals, one tablet two to three times a day. The maximum daily dosage for adults can be up to five tablets per day.

Long-term treatment with Becarbon is not recommended for patients who have kidney stones. Belladonna, which is part of the drug, enhances the negative effects of cardiac glycosides, as well as clonidine. In addition, Belladonna reduces the effectiveness of anticholinesterase drugs. When carrying out treatment with Becarbon, a sick person must take special care when driving. The price of the medicine is 40 rubles.

Included in the preparations

Included in the list (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2782-r dated December 30, 2014):



A.03.B.A Belladonna alkaloids, tertiary amines

A.03.B.A.01 Atropine


Blocks M-cholinergic receptors.

Has an antispasmodic effect: relaxes the smooth muscles of the bronchi, gastrointestinal and urinary systems.

Causes mydriasis and paralysis of accommodation, increases intraocular pressure, reduces the secretory activity of the salivary, sweat, and bronchial glands, and causes bradycardia.

When administered parenterally, it has an antiarrhythmic effect.

It is an antidote to cholinesterase inhibitors, muscarine.

In large doses, it stimulates the central nervous system.


When administered orally, it lasts for 4-6 hours, when administered parenterally - within 2-4 minutes.

Communication with blood plasma proteins - up to 18%. Penetrates the blood-brain barrier.

Half-life of the drugis 2 hours. Metabolism in the liver. Elimination by the kidneys, about 60% unchanged.


It is used for gastric and duodenal ulcers, intestinal colic, symptomatic bradycardia, as a premedication, for poisoning with anticholesterase drugs and anticholinergic stimulants, as well as organophosphorus compounds. Used to relieve laryngospasm in bronchial asthma; in order to reduce the tone of the intestines and stomach during x-ray studies.

In ophthalmology it is used to dilate the pupil, examine the fundus, and achieve functional rest in case of injuries and inflammatory diseases of the eye.

VII.H15-H22.H16 Keratitis

VII.H15-H22.H20.0 Acute and subacute iridocyclitis

VII.H15-H22.H20.1 Chronic iridocyclitis

VII.H30-H36.H34 Retinal vascular occlusion

IX.I30-I52.I44 Atrioventricular [atrioventricular] block and left bundle branch block [His]

X.J00-J06.J05 Acute obstructive laryngitis [croup] and epiglottitis

X.J40-J47.J42 Chronic bronchitis, unspecified

XI.K20-K31.K26 Duodenal ulcer

XI.K20-K31.K25 Stomach ulcer

XI.K20-K31.K31.3 Pylorospasm, not elsewhere classified

XI.K55-K63.K58 Irritable bowel syndrome

XI.K80-K87.K80 Gallstone disease [cholelithiasis]

XI.K80-K87.K85 Acute pancreatitis

XIX.S00-S09.S05 Trauma to the eye and orbit

XIX.T36-T50.T48 Poisoning with drugs acting primarily on smooth and skeletal muscles and respiratory organs


Keratotonus, synechiae of the iris, closed-angle and open-angle glaucoma.

Individual intolerance.


Age over 40 years is a risk of undiagnosed glaucoma.

Cardiovascular diseases with a tendency to atrial fibrillation (coronary heart disease, arterial hypertension, mitral valve stenosis).

Reflux esophagitis, achalasia of the esophagus, intestinal atony.

Cerebral palsy, Down's disease.

Pregnancy and lactation:

Recommendations from the Food and Drug Administration ( US Food and Drug Administration)- category C. Used in cases where the risk from use is lower than the expected consequences. Penetrates into breast milk and, with prolonged use, suppresses lactation.

Directions for use and dosage:

Use in children.

Used from 3 months of age.

For the purpose of premedication - from the neonatal period: 10-15 mcg/kg - subcutaneously. From 1 month to 12 years: 10-30 mcg/kg. At 12-18 years old - 300-600 mcg/kg.

In ophthalmology - from 3 months of age - eye drops in the form of a 1% solution.

Orally 300 mg every 4-6 hours.

For poisoning with M-cholinomimetics, anticholinesterase drugs and organophosphorus agents - 1.4 ml of a 0.1% solution intravenously.

Premedication: 0.5 mg intramuscularly 45-60 minutes before anesthesia.

X-ray examinations of the gastrointestinal tract: 0.25-1 mg orally half an hour before meals 3 times a day. If dry mouth occurs, reduce the dose of the drug.

Bradycardia: 0.5-1 mg intravenously, repeated after 5 minutes if necessary.

Local application: 1-2 drops of a 1% solution up to 3 times a day with an interval of 5-6 hours. Subconjunctival or parabulbar - 0.3-0.5 ml of 0.1% solution.

Highest daily dose: 3 mg.

Highest single dose: 600 mcg.

Side effects:

Systemic use: dizziness, dry mouth, tachycardia, urinary retention, constipation, photophobia, mydriasis, paralysis of accommodation, impaired tactile perception.

Local application: hyperemia and swelling of the conjunctiva, tachycardia.

Allergic reactions.


Visual impairment, unsteadiness of gait, difficulty breathing, drowsiness, hallucinations, hyperthermia, muscle weakness.

Treatment. Administration of physostigmine: intravenously from 0.5 to 2 mg at a rate of up to 1 mg per minute, no more than 5 mg per day or neostigmine methyl sulfate intramuscularly at 1 mg every 2-3 hours, intravenously - up to 2 mg.


Antacids containing aluminum or calcium carbonate reduce the absorption of atropine in the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended to maintain an interval of at least 1 hour.

When used simultaneously with phenylephrine, the development of arterial hypertension is possible.

Procainamide enhances the effect of atropine.

Atropine reduces the concentration of levodopa in the blood plasma.

Special instructions:

Due to its low effectiveness in distal atrioventricular block, the use of atropine is not recommended.

To avoid getting the drug into the nasopharynx, when installing an atropine solution into the conjunctival sac, it is necessary to press the lower lacrimal punctum.

Pupil dilation in persons with intensely colored irises occurs more slowly - an overdose should be feared.

Mydriasis caused by atropine lasts for 7-10 days and does not go away after installation with cholinomimetics.

Driving a car is permissible no earlier than 2 hours after installing atropine into the conjunctival sac.



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