Finnish houses made of laminated veneer lumber. Three-lamella Finnish timber

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When purchasing a product made in Finland, we have long been accustomed to its famous good quality. The Finnish manufacturer will not allow a situation in which one batch of goods will be of worse quality than another. Defective goods, or goods produced in violation of production technology, will not leave the factory gates. Over time, the production process has been constantly improved. Were selected adhesive compositions, thickness of wood, methods of orienting timber lamellas, thickness of workpieces, etc. The traditional accuracy, hard work and qualifications of Finnish workers remained unchanged. As a result, the result was a fairly perfect material - Finnish laminated veneer lumber.

B) Log cutting technology

In Finland, the approach to cutting wood is special. Raw logs are sawn in a strictly defined manner. Its individual parts are used only for a specifically defined group of products. The best parts of wood - used for wall or shaped products. Middle parts - for the production of floors and panels. The rest are for the production of bars, glazing beads, and efficient small moldings.

Glued laminated timber is made from a board close to the core. The lamellas are glued together with the core facing out to eliminate any possible smallest cracks. Finnish timber can be distinguished from afar by its characteristic “regular” wood pattern.

The blades (boards) from which the timber is made are obtained from the middle of the log. Only these boards have identical properties and it is from them that an array of laminated veneer lumber is made. These properties, common to the three boards, are transferred to the entire structure of the log. (IN technical documentation on English language glued laminated timber translates as " tied fingers"-"finger jointed")

In a word, laminated veneer lumber in Finland is not made from boards that were hastily purchased at favorable price, but only from that which is used for this type of product, in accordance with ISO 9000.

B) Gluing technology

For gluing, prepare a board with a moisture content of 12-13%. Gluing is carried out at a stable temperature in the workshop and, just as important, at a certain humidity. These parameters are constantly regulated by special equipment in automatic mode. At Lameco LHT Oy, adherence to technology is simply the norm.

For the production of timber the following are used: Collanon Purbond HB530 and Dynea Prefere 6000 for finger jointing; - Cascon MUF Cascomin 1240/2540 - for connecting lamellas. Gluing is done on a press with high-frequency heating (high frequency) with constantly changing polarity. The water molecule contained in the glue rotates with high speed, thanks to reversible polarity. Due to this, the diffusion of glue with wood reaches maximum values ​​in a short period.

D) Splicing onto a furniture tenon

To get good aesthetic perception In Finland, it is customary to splice boards joined along the length into a furniture tenon with a “shelf”. From the side, a smooth (inconspicuous) line remains visible. The quality of this line is amazing. Especially Lameco. The explanation is simple - suffice it to say that the company has the most powerful press for merging lamellas in Europe. (

D) Control system.

Lameco Lht Oy is part of the quality certification system Inspecta Sertifioinnti Oy (state standard). Lameco has obtained the right to use the SFS Quality Control Certificate and the “J” Quality Mark for finger jointed building materials.

E) Features.

The main secret of Finnish laminated timber and Finnish wooden house- this is a whole system of know-how, where everything is thought out down to the smallest details. This system is strictly implemented in production. There is no place for “simplifications” and “trifles”. Manufacturing is high-tech and capital-intensive.

Assortment of timber sizes

A wide range of standard sizes of laminated veneer lumber leaves the customer a lot of room for choice. You can settle on a thin beam - for summer houses, medium - for comfortable living in winter, or at a more prestigious - high and wide standard size - in accordance with architectural preferences.

On Russian market wooden house construction long time Finnish laminated timber was extremely popular. It is known that laminated veneer lumber began to be produced in Finland about 25 years ago. Technological process timber production was constantly being improved: new adhesive compositions, methods for orienting timber lamellas, thickness of workpieces, etc. were selected. As a result, the material turned out to be very High Quality- Finnish laminated timber. Glued from sorted and specially selected lamellas, Finnish three-lamella laminated timber combines environmental friendliness with high strength and durability.

Why is Finnish timber so popular?

1. Specially cut wood is used to produce timber.

This is a cut down the center of a log, capturing or removing the core, resulting in radial cut wood that is least prone to warping. As a rule, thin gauge (small diameter trunks) or the top part of the tree is used.

A special feature of laminated veneer lumber using this type of sawing is the orientation of the outer lamellas when gluing with the core side facing out. This technology allows you to avoid significant cracks in outside timber during operation.

2. Thick lumber.

In the production of Finnish timber, thicker lumber is used - 75 mm versus 50 mm from Russian manufacturers. Art Holz purchases thicker lumber from an Austrian company that successfully harvests timber in the Leningrad, Arkhangelsk regions and Karelia.

3. Taking care of your health.

Just like Finnish companies, we were the first in Russia to use Purbond polyurethane adhesive in the production of laminated veneer lumber, which is harmless to health due to the absence of formaldehyde and other components hazardous to humans.

The Art Holz company can offer you a house made of high-quality Finnish timber, which fully complies with Finnish house-building technologies.

Price for Finnish timber cut for the project

The price of a complete house is made up of the cost of those cut for the project external walls, internal partitions, interfloor ceilings from laminated veneer lumber, Mauerlat and load-bearing roof structures.

Contents of delivery

  • assembly documentation;
  • glued profiled timber with corner connections, holes for mounting studs and wooden dowels, grooves for sliding installation windows and doors;
  • floor beams, pillars, racks;
  • factory-ready rafter system;
  • hemming and finishing materials;
  • antiseptic treatment of timber (by agreement);
  • protection of beam ends from cracking (RemmersIndulineSW-910 Germany);
  • drilling holes for hidden electrical wiring (by agreement);
  • packing the transport package in plastic film for protection against pollution and atmospheric influences.

Glued laminated timber- a material that was created as a result of the need to obtain dry material. Dry material as opposed to material natural humidity It does not shrink, it does not “lead”, it has the correct geometry and does not crack. During convective drying of massive timber, moisture evaporates from the surface to the middle and, as a result of internal stress, it cracks and changes shape. At the same time, the middle of the beam remains wet and during the operation of the house processes occur to change the geometry. Due to its smaller cross-section, the board has less internal stress, and its small thickness allows it to dry evenly. Thus, by gluing an already dry calibrated board, you can get a beam the required section, but with a humidity of 10-12% and having higher physical and mechanical properties. In addition, wood after processing high temperature does not contain fungi, wood beetles and microorganisms that contribute to damage.

In the production of laminated veneer lumber, the quality of the glue is very important - the reliability of the adhesive joints, durability and environmental friendliness.

The resulting blank glued together from lamellas is given a certain profile. There are two types of profiles - classic Finnish and German "comb". There are adherents of both types. Let us add on our own that the Finnish profile was originally invented, and the “comb” was created in order to avoid the use of an inter-crown seal when installing a house. And the question here is not so much about the form as about the accuracy of the equipment on which this profile is cut. The material obtained as a result of all these operations is laminated veneer lumber.

In accordance with the working design of a particular house, the timber parts are again cut, grooved and marked using special equipment. This is a wall kit that is already supplied for assembly at the construction site.

Construction of houses from laminated veneer lumber- a process similar to working with a constructor. Provided that the house design is correctly and efficiently developed and the timber manufacturer’s high-precision equipment is used, the human factor during kit assembly is minimized. On the prepared foundation, according to the markings, in the order specified by the project, timber parts are laid using special fasteners and materials. When a complete house made of laminated veneer lumber is assembled, the roof is built, windows and doors are installed, communications and finishing work are carried out.

Wooden houses made of laminated veneer lumber by far the most quality option during construction country house from timber. At the same time, due to the occurrence of a number of technological operations, laminated veneer lumber exceeds the cost of rounded logs and solid timber. However, this only applies to the wall kit. Having added up the price of the plot, foundation, roofing, windows, communications and finishing (and these are for all types wall materials will be the same) the price difference may not seem that big.

Company MAANHONKA produces laminated veneer lumber following sizes:

Laminated Log 113mmx180mm

Laminated Log 134mmx208mm

Laminated Log 180mmx208mm

Laminated Log 202mmx208mm

Laminated Log 240mmx208mm

Laminated Log 180mmx260mm

Laminated Log 202mmx260mm

Laminated Log 240mmx260mm

Glued laminated timber- this is the most durable building material used for walls residential buildings . Designs from laminated wood 50-70% stronger than solid ones wooden structures. Shrinkage wooden houses from laminated veneer lumber is only 1-2%. The use of expensive environmentally friendly German-made adhesives and strict adherence to drying and gluing technologies allowed MAANHONKA company obtain unprecedentedly high strength indicators not only of the wood itself, but also of adhesive joints, which is confirmed by certification tests.

Finnish laminated timber

As a material for the production of high quality Finnish laminated timber our company uses polar pine or spruce winter log house from the central or northern regions of Finland.

Winter cutting time is explained by the fact that with the onset of cold weather the movement of juices inside stops. tree, the pores close and when drying the log is practically not deformed, which has a positive effect on further performance properties timber.

Glued laminated timber consists of several (from two to four) lamellas with a thickness of ~ 65 mm. Lamels are sawn parts of a solid log.

Manufacturing process production of laminated timber consists of the following steps:

  1. Drying of workpieces for production on special equipment;
  2. Carrying out the connection of lamellas using the hot gluing method with parallel pressing;
    (During the joining process, the lamellas are placed in opposite directions from each other in the direction of the “annual rings”. In this case, the adhesive seams are formed that are extremely strong, but allow moisture to pass through).
  3. Profiling and planing of workpieces;
  4. Application of a special protective composition to the surface of the workpieces.

As a result, the surface timber The result is very high quality and does not require further finishing.

Quality of laminated veneer lumber depends on the professionalism of cutting building material.

Finnish houses made of laminated veneer lumber

MAANHONKA is devoid of such risks, since mathematical cutting accuracy is added to the experience of specialists glued blanks under the control of computers equipped production equipment companies.

We build most of these houses from special Finnish timber. This material is made from dense wood obtained in the northern climate zone. The area of ​​such buildings, as a rule, does not exceed 250 square meters. m, but these dimensions are quite enough even for big family with several children.

Other distinctive features house built in Finnish style:

  • Spacious rooms with no space-stealing massive partitions between them.
  • A spacious kitchen that forms a single area with the dining room and living room.
  • Large glass area and, as a result, an abundance of natural light during the day.
  • The presence of two exits, typical for most Finnish projects.
  • Open to view and sometimes artificially aged floor beams.
  • Availability large quantity additional premises - pantries, closets, vestibules.
  • Traditional for such projects are one or two open terraces.

Roof Finnish home traditionally has a gable design.

The advantages of such cottages

We produce special house kits for Finnish houses. They include everything structural elements future structure: from marked wall beams and rafter system, to doors and stairs.

The advantages of these projects:

  • Quick assembly. The turnkey construction period for a Finnish log cottage by Garden House is 2 months.
  • Lightweight foundation. Such houses weigh relatively little, so they do not have a strong foundation.
  • Ideal geometry. The processing of building materials is carried out using high-precision equipment, so the corners in the rooms are even and clear.
  • High thermal insulation. Walls with insulation between tightly fitting crowns of Finnish timber do not allow cold air to pass through from outside and preserve comfortable temperature indoors.

Finns traditionally build houses “to last forever” so that they can be used by several generations of the family. Such cottages are always reliable, strong and durable.

Cost of Finnish projects

The costs of building this type of house are lower if:

  • A powerful, expensive foundation is not built, as is the case with heavier buildings.
  • Relatively new used Finnish technology construction from double insulated timber.
  • Cheaper lightweight partitions are installed between rooms.

On the website you can order a price estimate for your future home. Fill out the fields of the online application and send it to us along with comments and files with additional information.

If you liked one of the Garden House projects or would like to implement own idea, please contact us. We will assemble and arrange for you a reliable and durable Finnish cottage with excellent thermal insulation.

Choose a project and order the construction of the future warm home for your family!


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