Physical activity for pregnant women in the early stages. Physical activity during pregnancy: what is useful, what is allowed and prohibited

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Many women lead an active lifestyle, playing various sports. For them, sport is an integral part of life. But when they carry a new life under their hearts, a question arises in them. Is it possible to continue exercising in this situation? Women who have not previously exercised, but are worried about the health of their unborn baby or how to quickly get in shape after childbirth, may think about starting to exercise. But is it possible to exercise during pregnancy? And even if it is possible, then how? Today we will talk exactly about this.

Why is sport good for pregnant women?

If there are no contraindications, then playing sports during pregnancy will only benefit you. Regular exercise increases the physical stability of a woman’s body, improves the functioning of the nervous system, cardiovascular, respiratory, has a positive effect on the metabolism in the body, and also increases emotional stability. By engaging in regular physical exercise, you reduce the risk of postpartum complications, simplify the course of childbirth and the course of pregnancy itself, and the possible ones are reduced to a minimum. Playing sports while carrying a baby has a beneficial effect not only on the woman’s body, but also on the body of the unborn baby. If a woman leads a very sedentary lifestyle, then stagnant processes may develop in her body. In this case, physical activity is necessary. They improve blood circulation and cell nutrition. A fetus that receives the required amount of nutrients and sufficient oxygen develops correctly. In the morning, many pregnant women feel unwell. Properly planned and carefully selected sports activities can get rid of this unpleasant feeling.

Types of physical activity that are contraindicated for pregnant women

Naturally, not all sports are allowed for pregnant women. Not all of them are beneficial for the woman or the unborn baby; moreover, they can also cause harm. Parachute jumping, boxing, karate, horse riding - all this is prohibited when carrying a child. The reason for the ban is the high degree of injury in these sports. And a woman in this position needs to be very careful about herself and take care of her health. Sports such as: alpine skiing are also subject to a categorical ban; a ride on the bicycle; group sports activities; jumping; dance aerobics; step; sprint running; long distance running; jumping; water skiing; diving; diving. Any exercises that involve stretching the abdominal muscles or any other stretch marks, as well as exercises based on any sudden movements, swings (in swimming), bending the back, are also strictly prohibited for pregnant women.

What physical activities are allowed?

Walking is very beneficial for pregnant women. Doctors advise them to do this several times a day. This is the simplest, most accessible and useful type of physical activity. Every pregnant woman can do it, regardless of her level of training. Exceptions are made only to those women who are at risk of miscarriage. Such women are strictly prescribed bed rest, and, naturally, there can be no talk of any walks. Hiking should be done in very comfortable and durable shoes, dressing well in the cold season.

It is also very useful for pregnant women to walk up the stairs. For women who live on the lower floors, experts recommend going up the stairs a couple of times a day just for fun. When getting up, don't rush. Your breathing should be even, calm, breathe through your nose, do not open your mouth.

Regarding various sports, you should remember this nuance: if you actively engage in sports before pregnancy, you cannot continue in exactly the same spirit once you are pregnant. So the load needs to be reduced. If, on the contrary, you have never played sports before, then do not try to give it your all. Start with simple exercises and gradually increase the load. But not all at once! Yoga, swimming, as well as special physical exercises for pregnant women are very useful during pregnancy.

Swimming has a very effective result. After all, being in the water unloads the spine and helps strengthen the muscles of the back and chest. Swimming improves blood circulation. It has a very positive effect on the health of mother and baby. After just a few swimming sessions, you can feel a very noticeable result. This means a good mood, muscle tone, improved well-being, reduced swelling and much more. Many of the women noticed that after swimming in the pool, their signs of toxicosis dulled or disappeared, and their appetite improved. Swimming is a great way to stay in good shape and quickly get back to normal after the birth of your baby. By swimming, women relieve themselves of the risk of falling, dehydration, overheating, and heavy stress on the joints.

When you go to pool, be careful to ensure that the water in it is clean enough.

. Yoga also has a very beneficial effect on the body during the process of bearing a child. Nowadays there are many types of yoga. You can do any of them, but special yoga for pregnant women is most suitable. There are no poses or exercises in it that need to be performed while lying on your back. When doing yoga, much attention is paid to proper breathing and the ability to relax. This is very useful for the baby. After all, with proper breathing, blood circulation improves and the baby receives the oxygen he needs. Proper breathing also prepares the mother for future childbirth, since controlling breathing eases the pain during contractions and during childbirth itself. During the procedures, you should not greatly stretch the ligaments or strain the abdominal muscles. It is advisable to have something nearby that you can lean on

. It is designed taking into account all the physiologies and needs of pregnant women. The exercises in this complex are aimed at developing the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the muscles that are involved in the process of childbirth, straightening posture, and strengthening the abdominal and pelvic floor. This is a very good training program that is necessary for women carrying a baby. With its help, the muscles become flexible. Basically, complexes for expectant mothers always include Kegel training. These workouts are aimed at developing all the muscles that play a huge part in the process of giving birth to a baby. After all, during childbirth, the load on the perineal muscles is very large. Also, a set of exercises for pregnant women includes training on a large inflatable ball called a fitball. Such exercises are aimed at preparing the cardiovascular system, reducing back pain, reducing blood pressure, developing strength and flexibility, as well as improving overall condition.

Pilates. Pilates classes have very good results. Since Pilates promotes the development of the pelvic floor muscles, and they are so actively involved during childbirth. During training, the blood supply to the fetus improves and this has a very good effect on its development.

Carrying a baby, too you can play tennis. If you haven’t been involved in this sport before, then you shouldn’t get too carried away. And if you played tennis before pregnancy, you can safely continue to play it. Just calmly, without sudden jerks and movements, and also without overheating. This sport is allowed to be practiced during 5 months of pregnancy. Then classes should be stopped and postponed to the postpartum period. You can also go jogging. It should be at a calm pace, clothes and shoes should be comfortable. It is better to switch to sports, fast walking. If you ran regularly before pregnancy, you can continue running until halfway through your pregnancy. If you have not previously engaged in this sport, then do not do too much work. Cycling is only permitted if the roads are level. Beginners should avoid this sport as a lot of falls are possible. You should choose a comfortable bicycle with a wide, soft, comfortable saddle. If you have a lot of experience, skiing is allowed. With the permission of the doctor, you can practice this sport throughout your pregnancy. The skiing area should not be on high slopes, especially skiing is prohibited in mountainous areas. Since there is insufficient oxygen there and there is a high possibility of falling.

Be careful!

For training, a woman should choose the most convenient and comfortable clothes for herself. Nothing should hinder her movements. The same applies to shoes. The best period for playing sports is the second trimester of pregnancy. Since in the first, the fetus is still attached to the walls of the uterus, its systems and organs are just beginning to form, and there may be a threat of miscarriage. Therefore, in order not to take risks, you should not give the body a large load during this period. You usually need to stop training at the end of the 8th month. If, while exercising, you feel unwell, have a headache, dizziness, difficulty in circulation, shortness of breath or severe muscle pain, then you should stop training. And in this case, contact a specialist. He will be able to help you choose a more correct set of activities that suits your body.

Contraindications for sports, cardiovascular system.

When playing sports, do not forget that it should bring you both physical and mental pleasure. Only then will it be beneficial. You should feel comfortable, sleep soundly and have a very positive mood. Only then will your choice be made correctly!

Almost every pregnant woman responds to attempts by loved ones to protect her from various stresses that she is not sick, but is expecting a child. This is the right approach, because in the absence of physical activity, the expectant mother gains excess weight, which negatively affects the fetus and can subsequently complicate childbirth.

That is why physical activity during pregnancy is necessary, but it is important not "overdo" so as not to complicate the course of pregnancy. In addition, you need to exercise before the onset of pregnancy so that pregnancy and childbirth proceed smoothly.


Having decided that you are ready to become a mother, pay attention to sports. If you are a professional athlete, be sure to consult with your doctor about which sports you can participate in and which ones you should avoid. As a rule, women expecting to conceive monitor their condition, listen to themselves, wanting to feel it immediately. As soon as you realize that planning for pregnancy has ended in its occurrence, try to reduce the load.

Often, professional athletes take anabolic steroids and sometimes doping drugs.

These substances must be abandoned after conception, and it is better to do this at the planning stage. If you don’t play sports, you should start doing it while planning. Doctors note that women who do not ignore physical activity have a much easier time carrying a pregnancy, giving birth, and regaining shape after the baby is born.

During exercise, special attention should be paid to the abdominal muscles.

You should not resort to heavy loads. It is enough to do exercises in the morning, do gymnastics or, for example, yoga. You shouldn’t put too much stress on your body, because if you are planning to conceive, this may have already happened, and excessive stress can lead to very negative consequences.

In this regard, exclude the following sports:

  • Calanetics;
  • Dancing;
  • Fitness;
  • Exercise classes.

Avoid exercises that may cause abdominal injuries, falls, jumping or heavy lifting.

What sports should you do when planning to conceive?


In the absence of contraindications or complications, the exercises will be very useful for a woman expecting a baby.

Of course, the load cannot be as serious as before "interesting situation". This is especially true in the early stages, when intense exercise can provoke a miscarriage. If before conception the expectant mother was not into sports, the loads for her should be minimized, and their duration should not be more than 20 minutes. This is necessary so that the mother can provide the baby with oxygen.

By week 20, the mother’s body is already able to do this sufficiently, but the loads need to be made even less intense. During this period of gestation, it is strictly forbidden to pump up your abs or run.

At all stages of pregnancy, it is important to protect yourself from activities that can lead to injury. These include boxing, horse riding, parachute jumping, dancing, step, diving, skiing, cycling.

They must be performed several times a day, choosing comfortable shoes and clothing. Walks should be leisurely and calm. Pay attention to your breathing - it should be even, calm, breathe through your nose, try not to open your mouth.

Walk up the steps. Avoid taking the elevator and go up and down on foot, but do it slowly. As with walking, pay attention to your breathing. If you live on the first or second floor, you can do this type of physical activity, such as walking up the stairs at all stages of pregnancy, including early ones, simply in the entrance of the house in which you live.

You can take any of the walks, even if you have complications during pregnancy. An exception may be cases when a woman is recommended bed rest and a minimum of activity due to the threat of miscarriage.

If you are not an athlete, do not choose difficult sports that you have not encountered before while expecting a baby. For example, during this period you may be interested in tennis. It is not on the list of prohibited activities, but if you haven’t even held a racket in your hands before, it’s better to start playing tennis after giving birth.

The best options when carrying a child are:

Among the sports that can be recommended to women expecting a child, you can pay attention to Pilates and water aerobics.

Multiple pregnancy

When a woman carries several babies at once, the load on all organs increases significantly. This may be due to the fact that it is more difficult for her to do physical exercise, but it must be done unless there are contraindications or a doctor’s prohibition. Physical activity, as with normal pregnancy, during multiple pregnancy should be as gentle as possible.

You can only exercise until the 24th week of gestation, and after that you should take care of yourself. In some cases, bed rest is indicated during such periods, which will reduce the risk of premature birth.

5 minutes to read. Views 1.5k. Published 05/02/2018

Hello, dear expectant mothers!

Your baby has not yet been born, but is already beginning to change his mother’s life. The menu, daily routine, and household habits are adjusted. Attitudes towards sports are also changing significantly. We are sure that many of you are now looking for an answer to the question of whether it is possible to play sports during pregnancy. Definitely necessary! You just need to know which ones and how much.

Benefits of sports during pregnancy

A sedentary lifestyle of a pregnant woman - unless, of course, this is caused by medical indications - can lead to weakened muscle tone, insufficient oxygen supply to the body, weak labor and other complications.

  • increases the supply of oxygen to the body, which is very important for the fetus;
  • promotes the production of endorphins, providing emotional stability and good mood;
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • improves metabolism;
  • trains muscles, including those necessary for successful childbirth;
  • increases endurance;
  • alleviates the manifestations of toxicosis;
  • reduces the likelihood of complications.

Regular physical activity facilitates labor, shortens the duration of labor, and improves the physical condition of the mother and newborn. And regaining a slim figure after childbirth is much easier for those women who did not give up moderate exercise.

There are several rules that, if followed, will increase the effectiveness of sports during pregnancy:

  1. Consult your doctor! Even if you are sure that everything is fine, let the doctor confirm this.
  2. The room should be cool (overheating is harmful to the fetus), and a flow of fresh air should be provided.
  3. Classes should be moderate in load, but regular. Exercise – daily, half-hour training (swimming, fitness, etc.) – 3-4 times a week.
  4. Monitor your health. The pulse should not exceed 120-130 beats per minute. If discomfort occurs, the activity should be interrupted.

What sports are prohibited for pregnant women?

Even for trained expectant mothers, the following types of exercise are prohibited:

  • traumatic (sports games, parachute jumping, diving, martial arts, skating);
  • lifting weights more than 4-5 kg ​​(weightlifting, weight training, rowing);
  • sudden shocks and vibration effects (horse riding, cycling on a bumpy track, alpine skiing, jumping);
  • intense exercises (squats, swings, fast running, active dancing);
  • stretching (abs pumping, intense bending, somersaults).

It is better to check with your doctor about what sports you can do during pregnancy before starting training.

  1. Breathing exercises. The need for oxygen increases as the fetus grows. Correct breathing skills will also help during childbirth.
  2. Hiking. Double benefits - exercise and fresh air.
  3. Walking up the steps. On 2-3 floors, at a comfortable pace.
  4. Run. On a flat track, at a slow pace, with deep and even breathing.
  5. Gymnastics for pregnant women. A special complex prepares the body for childbirth, strengthens the pelvic and abdominal muscles, and teaches breathing exercises. Fitball - exercises on a ball - is very effective.
  6. Swimming. The spine is unloaded, muscles are strengthened, breathing is trained. Water aerobics is suitable for those who cannot swim. Important - the pool must meet all hygiene requirements.
  7. Yoga. Relaxation is beneficial for pregnant women. But some asanas are prohibited, consult a trainer.
  8. Pilates. Relieving the back, strengthening the pelvic muscles and breathing exercises are beneficial for a woman in labor.
  9. Fitness. This is permissible only if restrictions are observed; it is better to find a special group for pregnant women.
  10. Cycling. Only permissible on a safe route. The best option is an exercise bike at a moderate pace.
  11. Dancing. Helpful both physically and emotionally. But in a moderate rhythm and without sharp steps.

Training in different trimesters

When selecting exercises, the duration of pregnancy should be taken into account.

I trimester

Sports require special care in the first trimester of pregnancy. Toxicosis and other manifestations of pregnancy require time to adapt. The embryo has just begun to form, its attachment to the walls of the uterus is not reliable enough, and excessive loads can damage it, even leading to miscarriage. Physical activity should be gentle - breathing exercises, light warm-up, walking, special yoga for pregnant women.

II trimester

The baby is already protected by the amniotic sac and placenta. The woman’s toxicosis, as a rule, went away and her health improved. Therefore, activity can and should be increased. It is better to support an already noticeable tummy with a bandage during exercise.

III trimester

The large size of the abdomen and the overall increased load on the mother’s body dictate a decrease in sports activity, but not a complete abandonment of it. It is necessary to focus on preparing for childbirth: breathing exercises, muscle training, relaxation. Walking is very useful.

Medical contraindications

Pregnancy is a serious test even for a healthy body. And it requires special attention if a woman has health problems. In such a situation, constant medical supervision is necessary.

Sports during pregnancy are contraindicated in the following situations:

  • a history of miscarriage, frozen pregnancy, premature birth;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • threat of interruption;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • abnormal development of the uterus;
  • threat of placental abruption;
  • fetal pathology.

A doctor may prohibit physical activity if a pregnant woman has diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, etc. Solve any questions and problems only after consulting a specialist whose qualifications you trust.


Exercising during pregnancy will help the expectant mother prepare for childbirth. A healthy body, trained muscles, correct breathing, a normally developing fetus - all these factors will help mother and baby pass the test of childbirth with minimal stress.

How do you train? Maybe you can recommend some exercises? Write, we are waiting.

Health to you and your baby!

Small workouts during pregnancy are not easy recommendations from specialists, but sometimes they are a vital necessity. Sport saves the expectant mother from extra pounds, helps her better cope with the period of restructuring of the body and allows her to spend time pleasantly and usefully.

The benefits of playing sports for pregnant women

Pregnancy is a very anxious period of life for any woman. Expectant mothers are ready to do anything to ensure that the baby is born healthy and happy. But the health of the unborn child and the mother are closely related, and a lot depends on the physical form of the mother during this period.

Often women during pregnancy indulge their weaknesses, pampering themselves with sweet, spicy and salty foods. Pregnancy is often accompanied by a general loss of strength and drowsiness, which are difficult to overcome. Often, mothers prefer to relax, lying on the sofa with their favorite book, although a walk in the fresh air, simple gymnastics or swimming is much more effective in restoring strength.

A sedentary lifestyle leads to rapid weight gain and stagnation. In the case of pregnancy, this is a direct threat to the health of the baby, who suffers from a lack of oxygen and nutrients.

Sport during pregnancy will, in a sense, become medicine for mother and baby. Moreover, you can start classes from the first week of pregnancy. Sports activities have a lot of advantages.

Sports activities:

  • increase overall muscle tone;
  • improve the functioning of the nervous system;
  • help the coordinated functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • reduce the risk of complications after childbirth;
  • improve the general course of pregnancy and subsequently labor;
  • reduce the risk of ruptures at birth.

The main thing is to choose feasible loads for yourself and systematically engage in them during the entire period of waiting for the baby. Of course, if there are no contraindications from the obstetrician-gynecologist leading the pregnancy. It is necessary that activities are planned and well chosen for each trimester of pregnancy.

What kind of sport should you do while expecting a baby?

Of course, one cannot assume that pregnant women in the first and last months will do exercises with the same enthusiasm and strength.

At the first stage, toxicosis torments, and at the last, any movement is difficult. So that sport does not become a burden, it is better distribute the load evenly, depending on the waiting period and periodically change directions in sports : Variety is the beauty of any activity.

Is it possible to play sports during pregnancy on video

First trimester

Until the 16th week, you need to make allowances for the fact that the woman’s body is being rebuilt in a completely new way and hormonal changes occur.

The fetus is being formed at this time, and the connection with the mother’s body is not strong enough: any sudden movement or lifting of a heavy load can play a fatal role and contribute to the threat of a successful pregnancy.

In addition, the woman is accompanied by:

  • nausea;
  • constipation;
  • flatulence;
  • accumulation of adipose tissue.

All these factors need to be kept in mind when choosing the type of activity.

Second trimester

The second trimester is marked by the formation of a close bond, the establishment of blood circulation and the exchange of nutrients between mother and fetus.

Blood volume increases sharply, and along with it, the load on the cardiovascular system also increases. This is fraught with pressure surges, swelling, the appearance of varicose veins, strong growth of the breasts, uterus and abdomen. Posture deteriorates, the foot becomes denser.

It is very useful during this period to breathe oxygen and relieve stress on the body, for example, by swimming.

Third trimester

In the last trimester, the mother has difficulty walking (especially when the fetus is large), and her legs and back may hurt. It is more important than ever to relax, but not by lying on the couch, but through feasible physical activity.

Massaging the legs, neck, and back, even at home, will definitely improve the health of the expectant mother. And if you exercise, childbirth and recovery will be faster and easier.

What sports are beneficial at each stage of pregnancy?

Trimester of pregnancy Workout How to do it correctly and what to avoid? Who is it contraindicated for?
First trimester (1-16 weeks of pregnancy) Walking, water aerobics, gymnastics, yoga, swimming. The mother's body, which is preparing for a long gestation of the fetus, needs an influx of oxygen more than ever. You cannot perform the exercises too quickly, sharply, or bending your body too much. You cannot pump your abs and, in principle, raise your legs when you are lying on your back. You should not play sports if doctors diagnose increased uterine tone, and also periodically increased blood pressure. Severe toxicosis is also a reason to temporarily abandon sports activities.
Second (16 – 32 weeks of pregnancy). Especially It’s good to swim during this period: this type of load relieves the stress on the musculoskeletal system of the expectant mother. Walking tours shown in the fresh air. Pilates classes are great. Very praised yoga classes. This sport also helps you learn ways to relax, which will definitely come in handy in the last months of waiting. You can do wumbling – a fashionable sport today for training the vaginal muscles. Do everything smoothly, without excessive zeal. It is advisable to always have the opportunity to sit down and rest. Avoid exercising if it is too hot or cold outside. During this period, you cannot pump up your abs, lift heavy weights and dumbbells. Multiple pregnancies, the threat of miscarriage, and a predisposition to colds can lead to refusal to exercise. In any case, before consulting with an obstetrician-gynecologist.
Third trimester (from 32 to 40 weeks) Swimming and special yoga will be an excellent exercise for pregnant women in their last stages and water aerobics. Swimming will relieve stress from the musculoskeletal system, which is especially high during this period. If it’s hard to swim, just “hang” in the water, holding on to a lifebuoy or other support. All exercises must be performed with an instructor who will monitor the load, preventing the pregnant woman from overworking, and also recommend the correct technique for performing the exercises. During this period, it is strictly forbidden to engage in strength training in the gym, to pump your legs, abs or arm muscles. You should immediately give up sports exercises if there is a danger of gestosis or severe varicose veins have developed.

When should you stop playing sports?

Pregnancy is a condition that is difficult to predict for a long time in advance. Constant nausea, dizziness, vomiting, and severe toxicosis can ruin the plans of even the most physically resilient and active expectant mother. There are a number of objective reasons why you should try to minimize active physical activity.

You should avoid sports during pregnancy if:

  1. There was a threat of miscarriage.
  2. The pregnancy turned out to be multiple.
  3. Doctors have discovered a tendency to systematically increase blood pressure: gestosis is often the cause of premature termination of pregnancy.
  4. The expectant mother's immunity turned out to be weak and unable to resist viruses and colds.
  5. In the early stages, the tone of the uterus is constantly increased.

Do not forget that the correct course of pregnancy is ensured not only by sports, but also by constant consultations with an obstetrician-gynecologist, proper and healthy nutrition, a smooth emotional background in the family and a positive attitude. Try to please yourself with useful activities. Have an easy pregnancy and childbirth!


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