Fly is an abbreviation in writing. As a preface: colloquial abbreviations in English

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Those users who have to communicate or correspond with an interlocutor from abroad, in particular from the USA or Canada, may notice that the abbreviation FYI may appear in the text of the message or in the subject line during correspondence, which can be quite puzzling, since not everyone knows what it is what it means and how it is translated. The most interesting thing is that this abbreviation was first used in email headers, along with “Re” or “Fwd”, and later migrated to IM messengers such as ICQ, Viber and WhatsApp. And not so long ago I began to notice that the abbreviation fyi began to appear in in social networks: first on Facebook, and then even on Russian-language VKontakte.
A little Personally, having received such a message, I wondered for a long time what kind of decoding it had. And the casket just opened!!!

Transcript FYI

In the very the usual version The abbreviation FYI in English stands for For You Information.
IN explanatory dictionary The English language has a longer and more ornate version: just so you know, for your own knowledge.
Somewhat later, another option for deciphering the abbreviation appeared: For You Interest. In terms of their semantic meaning, these options practically do not differ from each other and have the same meaning.

The correct transcription of the word unknown is usually pronounced "Ef Yu Ai". I make it easier for Russian-speaking users - they pronounce the word in transliteration, that is, as “fui” or “fui”. Of course it’s wrong, but it’s funny!

An example of using abbreviations in correspondence:

A.: - The sea is Blue
B.: - FYI, it’s green

Note: I would like to note that on the Internet you can find several more alternative meanings for the abbreviation FYI. Here are the most popular ones:

For You Inspiration - For You Innovation - For You Imagination - For You Improvement - Frozen Yogurt Inspirations

There are even obscene versions of the transcript: “Fuck You, Idiot” “Fuck Yourself Internally.”

Translation of FYI into Russian

The literal translation of the meaning of the word FYI in Russian means “For Information”. There are also more literary options - “For your information”, “Just so you know”.
In any case, the meaning is the same: this is information, it is not urgent, but it is unknown to the addressee and he should take it into account. At the same time, the message is purely informative and does not carry any directives or instructions.
In the case where fyi is an acronym for “For You Interest”, it translates as: “This is interesting!”, “This is curious” or “You will be interested!”. Then the data in the letter is recommended to the addressee for familiarization in order to expand his awareness of a specific issue or his horizons in general.

P.S.: The use of the abbreviation Fui has become so popular abroad that this fact is even reflected in folklore. A striking example is the song Troyboi - Fyi.

In the 21st century, brevity has become the closest sister not only to talent, but also a close friend to most Internet users. Brevity is sometimes a close relative of saving time and money. If Pushkin were alive, he would go broke sending sms, write every time “I remember wonderful moment, you appeared before me...” instead of the modern “ILY” (I Love You).

Be sure when sending the next “SY” (see you) that the interlocutor will understand you correctly. We also advise you not to write such messages to older people and do not forget that in oral speech Such words sound, at the very least, strange, and even frightening for your grandmother.

How not to get lost in the world of abbreviations and acronyms, read below and right now!

The most common and short ones do not need a long introduction. For those whose eyes are bothered by “many letters,” Anglomaniacs have adapted the following spellings of common words:

asap- as soon as possible
bout- about
C- see
day- they
idk- I don't know
gr8- great
str8- straight
ttyl- talk to you later
wht- what
w8 - wait
U,Y- you
u2- you too
gd- good
luv- love
n- and
r- are
1t- want
2 - too, to
2day- today
4 - for

Do you still think that IMHO is a brutal “I have an opinion, you can’t argue with it”? Then we come to you with clarifications. The Russian “IMHO” has become an echo of the English “IMHO”, which is not at all distinguished by pretentious insolence, but politely reminds that it is only “in my humble opinion” - “In My Hummble Opinion”. The abbreviation "FYI" (For Your Information) means "for your information."

This is not a clothing or car brand. There is no brand of anything here at all: the familiar expression of gratitude “thank you” from childhood is reduced by Russian-speaking abbreviation lovers to “SPS”, while English-speaking “thanks” is most often converted to “tnx”, “thx” or “thanx”. “Thank you” is often written with the acronym “ty”, which has nothing in common with the Russian “you”.

“LOL” has nothing in common with the similar-sounding Russian word. This is just an acronym for “laughing out loud” or “lots of laughs,” which literally translates as “laughing out loud.” Be careful, because some may interpret an innocent “LOL” as a stupid laugh like “gee-gee-gee” or a skeptical “ha-ha, how funny.”

NP and YW
Polite people respond to “thank you” with “please.” In the whirlpool of events, the solemn “You"re welcome” is shortened to “yw” - “you’re always welcome” or “contact.” “NP” has nothing to do with what you had time to think about in Russian - just a light and carefree “no problem" - "you're welcome", "no problem".

Let's continue the lesson of English computer-sms politeness: “PLZ” and “PLS” stand for “please” / “please”.

What does XOXO mean?
“XOXO” is not the laughter of good Santa. Use as much imagination as you need to understand Malevich’s “Black Square”. “XOXO” is a symbolic image of the action “hugs and kisses,” which in Russian sounds like “kiss and hug.” Where is the logic? The letter “X” resembles lips folded in a bow and means a kiss. Some people consider the “X” to be a symbol of two people kissing, then the left and right halves are represented as separate lips. The letter "O" symbolizes an embrace between kissers.

Do you know what it's like to laugh until your abdominal muscles hurt? Figuratively speaking, rolling on the floor laughing. In English "ROFL" means the same thing: Rolling On the Floor Laughing.

You don’t understand what’s happening, you’re taken aback by what you see, you’re sincerely perplexed? "WTF" to help you! The phrase “What the fuck?” translates as “what the hell? ” or even “what the hell?”, having compact version"wtf"

This phrase can accommodate a huge range of emotions from joy to disgust. "OMG" stands for "Oh, my God!" or “Oh my God!” in Russian.

Your lively conversation is interrupted phone call? And “no time to explain, I’ll be there soon” is packaged in three letters “brb” - short for the phrase “be right back”. Thus, the interlocutor reports that he left, but promised to return. Usually after “brb” they write the reason for absence, for example: “brb, mom's calling” or “brb, someone at the door.”

The already short word “Really”, meaning “truth”, “really”, began to be shortened in messages to “RLY”. Perhaps, so as not to once again make a mistake in the number of letters “l” in a given word?

By the way, the acronym “BTW” stands for “By The Way” or “by the way” :)

AFK or g2g
Are you facing a temporary separation from your favorite computer? Need to look up from your keyboard? Hurry up to communicate this in 3 characters "AFK" (Away From Keyboard) or "g2g"/"GTG" (Got To Go) - it's time to go.

Do you want to express your opinion with some uncertainty? Then feel free to use the tactful acronym “AFAIK” (As Far As I Know), which in Russian sounds like “as far as I know.”

The hard rock band AC/DC and the official physics abbreviation “alternating current/direct current” can go rest for now. In slang the expression " AC/DC" means bisexual. The reduction added scandalous rumors about the members of the famous group. If you're interested in another slang expression for the word "bisexual" in America, here it is - "each way."

Is there an incomprehensible “BYOB” at the bottom of the party invitation? The owners politely warn: the appetizer is at their expense, but take care of the drink yourself. "Bring Your Own Bottle" means "bring your own bottle."

Do you see a friend with his trousers unzipped? Tell him "XYZ" and he will understand. "XYZ" - instead of a thousand words. Translated as “Examine Your Zipper” or “check the zipper on your fly.”

“SY” is not “si” or “su”, but a farewell phrase “See you!” or in English “See You”. Why bother with the whole 6 characters? “SY” or “CYA” or even “CU” is just right!

We hope the article clarified for you what you have long wanted to ask the all-knowing Google, but did not dare to spend a couple of minutes. Abbreviations and acronyms, like everything in this world, are good in moderation. THX, GTG, SY!

IN English language, and especially in Internet correspondence, abbreviations are much more popular than in ours. A few “sps”, “pzhl” and a couple of others are covered by hundreds of English speakers who are little by little creeping even into the Russian language. "lol" perfect example such an abbreviation of internationalism, many RuNet users do not know its decoding.

“FYI” is less known among us, because it is more often used in business correspondence between employees working remotely or in different offices. At the same time, for example, in the field of programmers, many people use it.

How to pronounce the abbreviation FYI?

All abbreviations are pronounced by pronouncing each letter separately, and this one is no exception. In conversation it is correctly called Ef Vai Ai, but in spoken language it is rarely used, so you are unlikely to have to say it. To understand this abbreviation you need to know its meaning. In English it can have two meanings:

    For your information.

  • For Your Interest (You will be interested).

Both are essentially identical.

Where is FYI used?

The abbreviation is most often placed in the “RE” of emails when they want to notify a colleague about something who did not hear the information or was not included in the mailing list. This implies that although the text of the letter may be interesting to him or her, it does not require any action.

An abbreviation cannot appear in a letter of instruction from a boss, etc. What is inconvenient for users is that some use an abbreviation as a synonym for the word “send.”

In the case of sending a letter to someone alone, this is convenient, but if you need to forward 10 letters, a long and inconvenient chain of 10 FYI appears, which you need to scroll through to see the text itself.

Two methods of dealing with this are recommended:

  1. When forwarding, highlight the main ideas in bold or color so that they are immediately noticeable.
  2. When sending a letter to another person, still briefly explain why he needs it, so that subsequent recipients also understand this.

The abbreviation is also popular in exchange programs instant messages and denotes text that any visitor will be curious to read.

Usage examples

Frequently used abbreviations in online correspondence

Business. Let's say a friend wrote to you that tomorrow his boss will not be there, he was hospitalized, and you know that another colleague must submit an assignment to this particular boss tomorrow.

Then you forward the received letter with the mark FYI because the information may be useful to the recipient, but it is up to him to decide whether to do something about it or not.

When communicating. You're talking to friends on a Volkswagen fan forum, and suddenly you come across news that they've announced a new car.

You send the text of the news with the mark FYI, because your friends will be interested in this information, but it does not imply any actions like urgently pre-ordering a car.

Other popular abbreviations in English

In business email correspondence

  • FWIW stands for “for what it’s worth” and translates as “I don’t know how important it is.”
  • Essentially, the abbreviation is very similar to “FYI” with one single difference- the abbreviation to which this article is devoted implies complete confidence in the importance of the information for the recipient.
  • ATN stands for “attention”, meaning “attention!” The abbreviation emphasizes the extreme importance of the information in the letter and requires immediate action.
  • RESEND translates as “sending again” and implies the sender’s strong dissatisfaction with the fact that the recipient did not respond to the first letter.
  • T.Y. stands for “thank you”, which means “thank you”. In business correspondence, it means the end of a conversation thread because all problems have been resolved or a task has been completed. It is also used in correspondence between friends, but then it means simple gratitude.
  • EOM, stands for “end of message” (end of the letter) and indicates that the letter does not contain important information.

In friendly correspondence on social media. networks, forums


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