Various cool tricks. Simple and interesting magic tricks for children at home

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Learn some secrets simple tricks. To perform simple tricks, you need minimal props. Most tricks can be performed for holidays. These simple and fun tricks will amuse the company and lift their spirits.

Simple trick - a bucket that doesn't rise

For the trick you will need: a bucket, an assistant.

Invite any spectator to pick up a bucket filled with water standing against the wall. In this case, the person should stand at a distance of about half a step from this bucket. He needs to lift the bucket and straighten up, but no one will be able to do this.

The secret of focus.

To lift the bucket, you need to lean on it, but according to the conditions of the task, this cannot be done.

Simple trick - Fill the glasses

You will need: 2 glasses, 2 assistants.

You ask two spectators to kneel opposite each other. With one hand everyone holds their leg, in the other hand they each have glasses half filled with water. Invite them to have one of them, without changing position, pour water from their glass into their partner’s glass.

The secret of a simple trick.

None of them will succeed, since their position will become unstable as soon as someone tries to bend over to pour water.

Simple trick - Get up out of your chair

You will need: chair, assistant.

It's a fun trick. Invite any member of the audience to sit on a chair and stand up from a sitting position. You need to sit straight, slightly touching the back, your legs should also be straight, you can’t slide them under the seat, and you can’t bend over either. Everyone will see that the assistant will not succeed.

The secret of a simple trick.

You can only get up from this position if you bend forward or move your legs under the seat.

Simple trick - Try breaking a bottle

For the trick you will need: a stick, a bottle, a rope wall, an assistant.

Invite anyone to use a stick to break a bottle standing behind a rope wall. You need to make a rope wall like this: take a stick, tie the ends of the ropes to it, hanging down to the floor and almost touching it. This stick must be firmly attached to doorway. Give a long stick to anyone who volunteers to try. Everyone will see that he will not succeed.

The secret of focus.

The rope wall turns out to be an insurmountable obstacle.

Simple trick - Jump over the stick

For the trick you will need: a stick.

Offer a fun competition for everyone. Place an ordinary stick on the floor and ask those who want to jump over it, but on the condition: you cannot bend your body or bend your knees. No one can complete this seemingly easy task.

The secret of focus.

The limiting condition is precisely what is needed to make this leap.

Simple trick - Light a candle

For this simple trick you will need: a bottle, a candle, an assistant.

Invite anyone to try, sitting on a bottle, to light one candle from another. To do this, a person must sit on an empty bottle and take a lit candle in one hand and an unlit candle in the other. You need to sit with both legs extended forward. This seems like a very easy task, but no one can do it.

Simple trick - Take off your shirt without taking off your jacket

You will need: shirt, jacket, tie, assistant.

Invite an assistant from among the audience, with whom you agree in advance. Tell the audience that you can take off his shirt without taking off his jacket. Demonstrate that you first remove the tie, undo the buttons on the cuffs and on the collar of the shirt and, by slightly pulling the collar, pull out the shirt without removing the assistant's jacket.

The secret is a simple trick.

For this trick, the spectator-assistant must be dressed in advance. Place the shirt over his shoulders and fasten only the buttons on the collar and cuffs. After that, put a tie and jacket on him.

After you have learned how to do these simple tricks, try

Every child has dreamed of becoming a real magician at least once in their life. And even more, he wanted to learn how to solve mysterious tricks. We will look at some of the most popular tricks and reveal the secrets of their performance.

Magic wand

To perform the trick you need to glue together paper sheet stick that will need to be decorated. Fill it with confetti on one side and streamers on the other. The child in front of the audience wraps the stick in a sheet of newspaper and shakes it. As a result, confetti will spill out of the paper. Then you should turn the sheet over and take out the serpentine. At the end, the newspaper crumples together with the stick.

Guess the number

The kid should ask a friend to think of a number from 1 to 5. Then he needs to inquire about the hidden number. A friend will say that, for example, he is planning a threesome. The wizard must approach the cabinet, in the doors of which there is a piece of paper with the inscription three.

The secret is simple: pre-prepared cards with written numbers should be hidden in different subjects furniture.

Depending on what number the friends call, the magician will take out the corresponding card from the piano or bedside table. The only important thing here is to remember what will be hidden and where. This trick will perfectly develop the child’s memory and make his friends believe that the baby can read minds.

Apple and orange

The child needs to show the audience an orange and cover it with a colored handkerchief. Having said "crex-fex-pex" (“crible-crable-boom” should also work), you need to pull off the scarf. There will already be an apple in the palm of your hand.

The secret of the trick is to remove the peel from the orange and place the apple in its peel. When the trick is in full swing, the baby will need to squeeze tightly and show it to everyone around him.

The handkerchief is pulled off along with the skin, and an apple lies on the palm. It's simple. All you need is sleight of hand.

This trick will have a great impact on the development of motor skills in your young wizard.

Tennis ball

The child must show everyone the tennis ball and hold it in his hand. Then, a handkerchief is also pushed into the fist. When the fingers unclench, only the ball remains and there is no scarf.

The secret of the trick is simple: a hole is made in the tennis ball in advance. When demonstrating a ball, it must be shown to the audience in such a way that no one will guess that there is a hole in it. When the ball is clamped in the handle, the hole should be on top. As you understand, when you push the scarf into your hand, the cloth is placed into the ball itself. By the way, the baby can show everyone the ball without a scarf, and then deftly remove a cloth from the clasped hand with the ball.

Vertical egg

This is a fairly simple trick in which a child can bet with his friends that he can stand an egg upright.

To solve this problem, you will need to make a hole in the egg and remove the white and yolk through it.

Then the baby just needs to spin the egg, it will start spinning and stand upright: this will be fun and surprise for your friends!

Where does the water come from?

The sorcerer must show everyone an empty vase and equally empty hands. When he inserts the handle into the vase, he will be able to splash out the water.

For the trick you will need:

  • rubber bulb;
  • vase;
  • a tube.

You need to fill a rubber bulb with a tube and hide it "nipple system" under the jacket into the sleeve. Then the baby only needs to press his hand to the barrel and lightly press on the pear, the water will pour into the container.

As you can see, there is a very simple secret in this seemingly impossible miracle. Such simple tricks are, of course, intended for older children, because very young children, perhaps, will not be able to press the pear unnoticed. In conclusion, let's say: any tricks are a little bit of magic. A child always dreams of feeling like a wizard. Now retail outlets offer a lot of various devices that a young sorcerer may need. Buy or make such things yourself - decide for yourself. A trick can really captivate a child, or it may only be of interest to him for a couple of weeks.

Amazing tricks sometimes don't even require props

Do you want to be able to surprise people? Do you dream of becoming a magician? But this requires props, considerable skills, and many devices. In fact, there are many tricks for which you will need absolutely nothing .

At the same time, they are very easy to learn, and their secrets can be unraveled only by a very attentive person who himself deals with such things, and even then only if he hurries up and begins to demonstrate his skill without properly training.

So, the most amazing tricks without props . Perhaps you have already seen some of it yourself. It's time to find out the secret.

Focus "Closed hands"

Clasped hands can be released. there is one little trick

An incredibly interesting trick that requires absolutely nothing. It is done very simply, even children can learn.

More likely, the one performing the trick will ask you to repeat all the movements after him .

  • Pull your arms forward, place them crosswise, right over left
  • Turn your palms towards each other so that your little fingers are at the top and clasp your hands.
  • The thumbs are extended downwards.
  • And then, maintaining your grip, you turn your hands with your thumbs up.
  • Have you tried it? Most likely, you didn't succeed. But the illusionist opposite you freely unfolded his clasped hands.

Surprised? How did he do it? Very easy.

The main trick of many, the thing on which the whole secret rests, is a red herring. And here it is too. The trick will work best on a large audience. This way you will be watched less closely.

So, you asked the audience to clasp their hands crosswise with their little fingers up:

  • And then attention needs to be naturally diverted somehow. For example, you can turn to one of the audience, ask them to raise their hands a little higher, and advise another person to lower them a little.
  • And at the same time, you yourself unclasp your hands, and then clasp them again, quickly, so that no one notices that your grip has become different.

The secret of the clasped hands trick is revealed in this video:

And you make the capture very simple:

  • Interlock your fingers in advance so that your thumbs are at the top, and then turn your palms one hundred and eighty degrees.
  • The big ones look down, you pretend to be witchcraft, and then turn the lock with your little fingers down.

You succeeded, but the audience did not. If you practice, stretch your arm muscles a little, no one will notice anything, no matter where they are: in front of you, to the side or slightly behind. This is one of the few tricks when performing which you don’t have to make sure that the entire audience is in front of your eyes.

Focus "Hands in the lock"

Viewers are easily deceived. The main thing is to distract their attention

Another interesting trick when your hands are clasped together. It too can be shown to a large audience standing around you without worrying about exposure.

The magician clasps his palms, one palm is on top, its fingers are clenched, the other is below, the fingers are extended.

He turns the lock one hundred and eighty degrees, and the hand that turned out to be the lower one unclenches, and the upper hand squeezes, covering the lower one.

And so again, and then again. Then the “magician” shakes the lock, and the upper hand suddenly disappears, and five more fingers appear below, grasping the clutch.

Learn hand tricks in this video:

How it's done?

  1. Apply right palm to the left and grab it.
  2. Turn it over, turn it back over.
  3. And then you need to very sharply bend the fingers of the lower hand and straighten the upper ones.
  4. The main thing is to do it sharply and very quickly. Then it will cause surprise.

But this trick is very easy. It's good to show it to children. Attentive adults will quickly expose you.

This is just a small example of how many different things you can show using only your hands. Learn and surprise, and in any company you will be admired.

How to do magic tricks?

Surely anyone has ever been amazed by the performance of an illusionist who can make an object disappear, appear out of nowhere, or even fly. Almost every child associates a magician with a rabbit from an empty top hat. Everyone who watched the magician's deft tricks wanted to know their secret and learn at least simple tricks. In this article we will try to tell you how to learn how to do simple tricks with cards and coins.

Basic rules of a good magician

  • Never reveal the secret of your trick. This way the viewer’s interest in your tricks will quickly fade away. Allow the observer to make suggestions regarding the technique of the trick, but do not argue with him.
  • Each trick must be carefully rehearsed. To do this, choose a mirror to help you. Try the trick a few times. If you never make a mistake, then the trick is ready to be performed in public. Remember to think carefully about your gestures and speech.
  • When performing a trick, you should not tell the viewer what is going to happen next. A quick-witted viewer will immediately recognize the technique of the trick. This is why it is not recommended to perform a trick twice.

Card tricks

Let's look at several methods of tricks with cards. You can surprise your children or friends with such tricks by mastering them without leaving home.

Guessing the spectator's card

To begin, the spectator must select any card from the deck, remember it and put it back. And the magician, after performing some manipulations, needs to find it. The whole secret of the trick lies in the key card located next to the card chosen by the spectator. The magician has the opportunity to peep this card at the moment while the spectator returns his card back to the middle of the deck. The card should face up.

Then the deck is ostentatiously shuffled and after shuffling the magician, looking through the backs, looks for the key card and accordingly finds the one that the spectator pulled out.

A map appears out of thin air

This trick requires maximum dexterity. It consists in the fact that the magician shows the audience a completely empty palm, and then makes a wave and a card appears in his hand.

The main secret of the trick is good finger training. After all, the corners of the smaller edge of the card are pinched between the index and middle fingers, the little finger and the ring finger. This way, with your palm straightened, the card will not be noticeable.

We demonstrate a clean palm so that the card pinched from behind is not visible. Then, with a sharp movement, we bend four fingers towards the palm, and with our thumb we fix the card on top. We straighten our fingers and see that the card remains in the palm of our hand.

Using this technique, you can do the opposite trick with the card disappearing. True, you will have to train harder for such a trick.

Coin tricks

A coin is an item that is found in almost every person’s pocket. Learning various tricks with coins is not difficult if you devote enough time to practice.

Coin in a glass

For this trick you need a glass, a coin and a 50x50 cm scarf. The coin should be glued to the bottom of the glass. Pour water into a glass and show it to the audience. After this, cover the glass with a handkerchief and then quickly remove the handkerchief. Invite someone in the audience to look into the glass. This way the viewer will be able to see the coin underwater, which was not visible from the side.

Bouncing coin

For the trick, you will need a two-liter bottle and a coin that matches the diameter of the bottle neck. Leave the bottle in for five minutes freezer. After the bottle is removed, place a coin soaked in water on the opening of its neck. When it comes into contact with frozen plastic, the coin will bounce.

Working with an assistant

Place the coin on the table, covering it on top with a 30x30 cm scarf. Then you need to ask the audience to come up to you and check for the coin under the scarf. After this, transfer the handkerchief from one hand to the other so that the coin disappears and the audience, convinced of its presence, should be surprised. Take the coin from the pocket of the spectator, who should actually be your assistant. It is the assistant, who came last to check the presence of the coin, who quietly takes it away.

Coin in the center of the scarf

Sew two identical scarves together, sewing a coin into the center. Allow the spectator to select a large coin from the handful offered. Place the coin in the center of the scarf spread on the table. Then turn the scarf over and put an elastic band on it, squeezing the area under the coin. Start stretching the scarf at the corners so that the elastic eventually comes off. The coin should not fall, because when you turn the scarf over, it ends up in your hand. The pre-sewn coin should remain in the scarf.

We have given several fairly simple tricks that will not be difficult to perform even for children. If you have a desire to learn how to do more complex tricks that require increased dexterity and attention, video lessons can help you with this. Training videos can be found on; you need to enter a query in the search box, for example, “learning to do magic tricks.”

Absolutely everyone admires magicians - both adults and children. Because focus is a small miracle. The advantage of the following tricks is that anyone can perform them: they do not involve complex tricks that require expensive props. They can be used at birthdays, children's parties, with friends, using ordinary items.

Card tricks

Playing cards are the most common item among magicians. A huge number of tricks have been invented with them. Here are some of them.

Trick - guessing four cards

This trick requires four volunteers, since four cards will be guessed at once. You can surprise a large audience with a magic trick.

  1. First you need to shuffle the cards well.
  2. Then choose any four of them and show them to the first volunteer. Let him think of one of them, without telling which one.
  3. Place these four cards separately on the table.
  4. Take four more cards from the common deck and ask the second participant to think of his card.
  5. Place the second four in a stack on top of the first four.
  6. Repeat the same procedure with two more participants. There will be a stack of sixteen cards on the table.
  7. Then you need to arrange them into four piles of four cards.
  8. The first participant should be shown cards in all piles and asked to indicate which pile his card is in. In the pile that he indicates, his card will be the first, it can be safely called to the surprise of the guests.
  9. Then do the same with the second participant, his card will always be the second in the pile indicated by him.
  10. Likewise, the third member's intended card will be the third in the pile he chooses, and the fourth assistant's card will be the fourth.
  11. If several people name the same pile, the first person’s card will be first, the second person’s card will be second in the pile, and so on.

Bottom Card Trick

  1. It's good to shuffle the deck in front of an audience.
  2. After this, sneak a look at the bottom card and remember it.
  3. Holding the deck in your left hand, use your index finger to move the bottom card back slightly.
  4. Holding it, lay out the remaining cards on the table, reaching from the bottom of the deck front side up. This needs to be done as quickly as possible.
  5. Ask the audience to shout “Stop!” Anytime.
  6. As soon as the command is given, take out the bottom card you are holding, place it face down on the table and call it. The reversed card will live up to its name.

Handkerchief trick

For this competition you will need an orange, an apple, sharp knife and a scarf. You need to prepare for it in advance. You need to very carefully remove the peel from the orange using a knife, making thin cuts. It must be peeled in such a way that the peel remains intact at the top when placed neatly on the table. This peel should be placed on the apple so that spectators from a distance can see an absolutely whole orange.

Next, the orange is covered with a handkerchief, the magician says that he would like an apple instead of an orange. Then he grabs the orange peel through the handkerchief, with a magical movement of his hand, removes the handkerchief with the peel from the apple and hides it in his pocket. Only an apple remains on the table in front of an astonished audience.

Coin trick

For the trick you will need two coins and a glass with a stem. You can try this trick among your friends.

  1. Two coins are placed opposite each other on the rim of the glass.
  2. The challenge is to remove coins at the same time using only the thumb and index finger of one hand. Friends will abandon this idea after unsuccessful attempts.
  3. Here's how it's done. You should place your thumb on one of the coins, and forefinger the same hand - to the other.
  4. Moving your fingers at the same time, slide both coins down the sides of the glass and around its base.
  5. Then move your fingers together until the coins connect and in one motion tear them off the glass. Although this trick seems simple, it requires a steady hand and some skill.

Paper trick

For the trick you will need a piece of thick paper and 3 glasses.

  1. Two empty glasses of equal height are placed on the table and covered with a piece of thick paper.
  2. The magician declares that he can place a third empty glass on this paper bridge. None of those present will succeed in this procedure, since the paper cannot stand it and the glass falls.
  3. To make the trick work, you need to take a piece of paper and bend it several times along its length to form a series of folds. Place the resulting sheet on two glasses and then place the third glass on top. Corrugated paper will easily hold the glass.

Dancing matches

For the trick you will need a bowl of water, matches, a lump of sugar and a small piece of soap.

  1. Pour into a wide bowl clean water and carefully place 12 matches in a circle on its surface in the shape of a watch dial. The matches should be at the same distance and leave a free circle in the center.
  2. If you immerse a piece of sugar in the center circle, the matches will immediately begin to move towards the sugar. If you remove the sugar and replace it with a bar of soap, the matches will immediately return to their original position.

The reason for this behavior of matches is as follows. When sugar is immersed in water, it absorbs some water. The imperceptible current of water rushing towards the sugar carries the matches along with it. And soap weakens surface tension in the immediate vicinity around itself. In this case, stronger tension occurs at the edges of the bowl, which causes reverse movement matches.

Water trick

A very simple trick that even children can do. You will need a glass with smooth edges and an ordinary smooth postcard.

  1. Fill the glass to the top with water and lightly moisten the rim.
  2. Then place the card on the glass.
  3. Holding the card firmly in place, invert the glass and remove your hand from the card. According to the laws of physics, the water will remain in the glass, since the force of air pressure on the card is greater than the buoyant force of the water. But even science has exceptions, so to be safe, it is better to perform the trick over a bathtub.

In magic tricks and practical jokes, the main task is to surprise the audience and amuse them. The most curious, of course, will figure out the essence of the trick, slightly racking their brains, and the rest, at least a little, will plunge into the atmosphere of magic and fairy tales. The main thing is that the pranks are good and make even the most serious guest smile.


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