Do-it-yourself forms of floor vases. DIY vase decor using a variety of materials

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Vases are a great home decor item. Connoisseurs know that beautiful vases are an expensive pleasure, so many try to create the design of this accessory on their own. To decorate vases, you can use a variety of materials: it all depends on your desire.

You will need:

  1. Glue gun;
  2. glass vase;
  3. Paints;
  4. Brushes.


  • To decorate a vase with a glue gun, take a regular glass vase of any shape. Apply the pattern you like best on it with a gun.
  • Wait for it to dry, then paint with different colors.
  • You can also completely paint the surface: the pattern will be embossed, and the vase will be colored.

You will need:

  1. glass vase;
  2. PVA glue;
  3. brushes;
  4. Newspapers or sheet music;
  5. Clear nail polish.


  • Cut newspapers or sheet music into small pieces. Lubricate each piece of paper with glue and paste over the vase in random order (do not forget to step back 0.5 - 1 cm from the edge so that the paper does not get wet during the process of pouring water).
  • Using a brush, even out wrinkles and wrinkles. Make sure there are no gaps.
  • When the glue dries and the paper sticks tightly, cover the vase with clear varnish.

Mastering the quilling technique

You will need:

  1. Old vase;
  2. Newspapers, craft or parchment paper;
  3. PVA glue;
  4. Glue "Moment";
  5. Acrylic lacquer;
  6. Water-based stain.


  • Cut out long strips of paper and twist them into tubes (there should be enough tubes). Take the first one and use Moment glue to glue it to the very bottom of the vase.
  • Increasing the tubes, wrap the vase in a circle, press them tightly against each other. Thus, decorate the entire surface. After a thick layer, apply PVA glue and let it dry.
  • When the glue dries, cover the vase with stain, wait again until it dries, fix the work with varnish.

You will need:

  1. Plain vase;
  2. Artificial flowers (preferably small);
  3. PVA glue or "Moment".


  • Decorating a vase with flowers is quite simple. Imagine in your mind an approximate drawing that should turn out. For convenience, you can mark it on a vase and glue artificial flowers on this canvas.
  • To make the vase beautiful, you need to do everything carefully. This is a rather difficult and long process, but the result is worth it. As a result, you will receive an elegant vase that will decorate any room in the house.

Decorate a vase with glass stones

You will need:

  1. Multi-colored glass pebbles;
  2. Glue gun;
  3. Transparent vase.


  • Rinse the vase thoroughly using detergent. Glue the glass pebbles to the vase as tightly as possible to each other. You can create some kind of pattern or just stick the stones in random order.
  • By the way, in addition to transparent stones, you can take ordinary pebbles or shells.

Striped vase - simple and tasteful!

You will need:

  1. Thin ribbons or elastic bands;
  2. glass vase;
  3. Spray for staining glass.


  • Randomly wrap the vessel with rubber bands or ribbons. Place the vase upside down and spray paint.
  • When the paint is dry, remove the ribbons.
  • You will get a spectacular striped vase.
  • Best of all, such strips look on transparent or very dark glass.

You will need:

  1. Old vase;
  2. Light brown twine;
  3. PVA glue.


  • Degrease the vase with detergent or alcohol. Lubricate the outside of the vessel liberally with PVA glue. Wrap the vase starting from the neck. Thus, wrap the entire vessel to the bottom.
  • In such a vase, decorated with twine, dried or artificial flowers look beautiful.

You will need:

  1. Transparent vase of unusual shape;
  2. Acrylic paints in two colors;
  3. Fine and dense brush.


  • Thoroughly clean the vessel from dust, grease and other contaminants. Pour paint of the same color into it. Twist the vase until the paint is evenly distributed inside the bottle over the entire surface.
  • Paint the outer part of the vessel with paint of another color. You can draw chaotic patterns or elaborate designs.
  • Let the paint dry. If desired, you can cover the vase with a colorless varnish to fix the result.

Vases can be a wonderful interior decoration. Some of them can even be made by hand. Vases can be decorated and transformed very quickly, even with your own hands. This will allow you to create more and more distinctive features in the interior.

1. Original vase filling

A great way to fill a vase with wine corks, with the help of which the vase is immediately transformed.

2. Lemon vase

A simple, but at the same time very bright option for decorating a vase with a lemon decor, which will be just a godsend.

3. Small bottle vases

A beautiful option to create many mini-vases with your own hands from ordinary bottles.

4. The vase is decorated with beads

It is possible to transform and decorate a vase with the help of beads, which will create a truly beautiful vase in a minimum of time and money.

5. Wooden vase decor

Nice design of the vase with the help of branches, which will give lightness and unobtrusiveness in the interior of any of the rooms.

6. Stylish and simple vases

Beautiful design of small vases that will decorate any home.

7. Vases decorated with cord

With the help of a thread or a cord, it is possible to create unforgettable vases that will become just an excellent solution for decoration.

8. Making a regular bottle

An excellent option to decorate an ordinary bottle in the form of a beautiful vase, which you will definitely like.
9. Bottle makeover

A cute solution to create beautiful vases from ordinary bottles that will be a godsend.

10. Decoration of vases with sparkles

An original solution for decorating vases with gold sequins.

11. Pretty sparkly vase

A great option to create an original and pretty shiny vase that will decorate any interior.

12. Vase decorated as a candlestick

One of the fastest and simple options, so this is the creation of a candlestick from a vase.

13. The perfect combination

If you combine several bottles of the same shape, then it is possible to get such a non-standard vase with cells.

14. Vase of tree branches

Cute and very interesting option create a vase from tree branches that will transform the interior of any room.

15. Bright painting of a bottle decorated as a vase

An excellent and very interesting option for painting a bottle, which became a vase very quickly and simply.

16. Original tied bottles

Decorating bottles is a very interesting and difficult moment that should be taken into account and used to the maximum in practice.

17. Vase decor with pencils

The original option to decorate a vase with ordinary colored pencils, which will be a godsend for any interior.

18. Making bottles with thread

Nice idea to decorate ordinary bottles with the help of a thread, which will be just a discovery and will allow you to create original vases.

19. Decoration of an ordinary transparent vase

Quick and easy decoration of an ordinary vase, which will transform the interior in the shortest possible time.

20. Painting wine bottles

decoration wine bottles with the help of hand painting, which can be even more attractive than that.

21. Vase decor with wood

The original decoration of the flower vase with the help of wood, which looks charming and delicate.

22. Custom wire vases

Excellent and perhaps very original version create a wire vase that looks very interesting.

23. Excellent table decor

One of the best and easiest table decoration options is with a pretty vase that you will love.

24. Cute DIY vases

With your own hands, it is possible to decorate any of the vases in the most diverse way, which will definitely please and inspire.

25. Successful vase decor

A cute solution to ennoble an ordinary transparent vase with burlap and accessories.

26. Christmas vases

An interesting decoration of vases in the New Year's style, which will be just a highlight of any interior.

27. Original vase with transparent bottom

Cute and very interesting example decoration of a vase with a transparent bottom, which will become a feature of the interior.

Everyone knows that a bouquet of flowers in a beautiful vase is a wonderful decoration of the table or the space of the house as a whole. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to buy a vase that suits your interior. At the same time, it is not difficult to find a very simple inexpensive glass container or even a bottle and decorate it as you like.

The process is creative and exciting, because modern decorative and Decoration Materials allow you to make a masterpiece out of any most nondescript vessel. Special paints, glass contours, and decoupage napkins come to the aid of craftswomen. Needleworkers do not limit themselves special materials, but use the most unexpected things for decoration, such as plaster bandages, cereals, pasta, jute twine, dry fruits and skeletonized leaves.

More interesting tutorials

So the craftswoman Ann got excited about the idea of ​​decorating a vase in an unusual way, this is what she writes on her blog: “I chased this idea in my head for a long time, some time passed and I still decided to do it. 3D image on a vase, jar, box or even canvas. I didn’t like the options associated with cutting out figures from foam and sticking them on the base, I also didn’t like the option of buying bulky stickers. All this, in my opinion, required a lot of effort or investment Money I knew there was an easier way. And here is what I came up with…”

So to decorate a vase you will need:

  • suitable glass vessel,
  • glue gun,
  • drawing for transfer to a vase,
  • tissue paper or thin cloth,
  • alcoholic liquid
  • acrylic paint,
  • acrylic lacquer.

Step 1. To implement her idea, the author found this container at a sale that cost her fifty cents. Take your glass vase and treat it with alcohol.

Step 2. Find a pattern or ornament that fits your vase. The craftswoman used the pattern on her favorite cap as a template.

Step 3. Transfer the pattern to the paper and fold the paper to make sure it is symmetrical and find the center of the pattern as shown in the photo. Attach the picture in the right place.

Step 4. Fill the pattern with hot glue. If in the process of work you accidentally went beyond the boundaries of the pattern, it's okay to clean up the hot glue with a knife when it cools down.

Step 5. Take tissue paper, remember it and tear it into squares no more than 6 * 6 cm. You can also use a thin fabric for these purposes.

Step 6. Lay scraps of fabric or scraps of paper on the vase and glue them with PVA glue. Do this very carefully, try not to rip the paper. Paste the entire vase over, smoothing out the extra wrinkles with your fingers. Dry the resulting relief.

Step 7. To smooth the relief and give it integrity, cover the vessel with PVA glue one more time.

Step 7. After this layer of glue has dried, use a foam sponge to tint the vase with light acrylic paint. At this stage, the craftswoman is interested in whether you see the laughing face of a guy with a small mustache on the vase? Lush eyebrows, mustache twisted? A beard on your chin? She wants you to see this laughing Frenchman, she will be very pleased if you have the same rich imagination as hers.

Step 8 After the light paint layer is dry, use a soft brush and paint in a contrasting color. Make sure your brush is practically dry before applying paint. It's better to put too little paint on the brush than too much. But even if it happens that you applied too much dark paint, do not be discouraged, let the paint dry and paint over the dark spot with the light paint that was used earlier.

Step 9. After the paint has dried, cover the entire surface acrylic varnish. Ann really likes the result, she thinks it turned out very rustic. As the father of the craftswoman, an engineer by profession, says: “If you can’t make it look perfect, emphasize its imperfection.”

Decorating glass vases with your own hands

The next master class, already in video format from Natasha Fokhtina. In it, she will talk about how to make such pretty vases from glass bottles.

To decorate them, the craftswoman used the decoupage technique.

This vase was made from a jar using a glue gun, metallic paint and decorative glass pebbles.

But this beauty was obtained with the help of acrylic paints, decoys and contour and on glass.

Watch the video tutorial, choose the right containers and create with inspiration!

Translation Korshunova Oksana specifically for the site:

Modern interior style is rich in ideas. Even with a small investment, you can quickly add original accents and decorative solutions. This issue is about one of these very budget, but very original ideas. Transparent glass vases, their benefits and 33 ideas for inspiration.

Transparent glass is perhaps the leader among inexpensive ultra-fashionable materials. More recently, multi-colored stained glass in the Tiffany style was at the peak of popularity, and today transparency and conciseness are in fashion. This is, of course, the influence of minimalism. Nevertheless, transparent glass vases organically fit into almost any style of interior.

Their advantages:
+ transmit light and therefore do not clutter up space visually,
+ look beautiful both alone and in company with each other,
+ can be filled with flowers, decorative material or become an independent art object,
+ and, which is especially nice, they are quite inexpensive and are sold in almost any city.

In a word, transparent glass vases are an excellent field for experiments. See ideas from trademark Pottery Barn and learn the designer's secrets to using this decorative item.

for every taste

Transparent glass vases are very diverse in shape and size. But the most fashionable of them:
absolutely even cylinders - high and low,
wide rectangles and narrow - for one flower,
narrow-necked cones and balls,
on legs: reminiscent of glasses or aquariums.
what to fill

In clear glass vases look great as one graceful flower or even big beautiful leaf plants and combination various elements decor (especially spectacular “layers” of different materials):
flowers, stems and leaves,
small indoor plants,
fruits and spices
sea ​​pebbles and shells,
wood shavings and colorful sand,
acrylic crystals and stones,
any natural materials by season.
design secrets

Transparent glass vases are a very malleable decor material. It is only important to emphasize its advantages: lightness and transparency. We will work with this:

The background (most often - the surface of a table or chest of drawers, less often - the plane of the wall) is an important element. If you want to draw attention to such a vase in a rather bright interior, the background must be made dark or bright enough. If the interior is designed in soothing colors and is devoid of strong contrasts, then the glass vase will be in plain sight anyway.

balance and composition. Here we are talking about the fact that the size of the glass decor should be proportional to the horizontal on which it is placed.
on the big table one rather large vase or a composition of several small ones looks beautiful;
if it's rectangular dinner table- a row of identical vases with different filling looks spectacular;
coffee table or a bedside table will be perfectly decorated with a free composition of vases different heights and forms;
if such vases are placed on console table, dresser or shelf - consider the design of the wall that serves as a background;
transparent glass vases are an element of a laconic style, so do not burden the space closest to them with objects with fine and bright detail, as well as richly decorated classic decor;
such vases perfectly support the eco-style about which we had a mini-series, links at the end of this post.

Check out 33 ideas for inspiration from professional decorators!

Nothing will decorate the table like a bouquet of flowers in a beautiful vase, and high floor vases will also fit perfectly into any interior. But connoisseurs of beauty and frequenters of decor and gift shops know that beautiful vases are quite an expensive pleasure, and not everyone can afford to buy one. However, such beauty can be made available thanks to your hands, improvised means and a few tips that we will give you in this article. We will tell you how to decorate a vase with your own hands.

Decorating a vase with your own hands is very exciting and creative process which will be a real entertainment for you and your family. There are many ways to decorate a vase with your own hands, from glass painting to popular in recent times decoupage.

Painting a vase with your own hands is certainly beautiful, each vase will look expensive and unique, however, not all people can boast of artistic talent. Without one, you run the risk of simply spoiling the vase.

The same situation is with decoupage. Decoupage is a design and decoration technique that has its own nuances and features. That is why we advise you to start “training on cats”, or rather on bottles or cans, and only then, having some practical experience, move on to decoupage vases.

In this article we will tell you about the most simple and fast ways decorating vases with their own hands.

Decorate a vase with a glue gun

To do this, we need a special glue gun that “shoots” with hot glue.

Do-it-yourself vase design using quilling technique

Quilling is the art of decorating with paper. This technique is often used to create vintage shabby chic pieces. To do this, we need the actual vase, craft or parchment paper, PVA glue.

Making a vase with your own hands using music or old newspapers

We need an ordinary glass vase, PVA glue, old notes or newspapers, brushes and varnish.

Vase decorated with artificial flowers

As you can see, making decorative vases with your own hands is not as difficult as it seems. At the same time, there are a huge number of design methods - it all depends on your imagination. We have only told you about some of them. Also, vases can be decorated with lace, threads, buttons, beads and beads, just pasting them over a vase. One of the most simple ways vase decorations are also decoration with gift or colored paper, self-adhesive wallpaper and rag or knitted covers.

Below in the gallery we have presented you some more beautiful and simple ideas decorating a vase with your own hands. Get inspired and create with us!


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