L-shaped extension to the house. Expanding the space: how to make a frame extension to your house with your own hands

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When, for various reasons, there is a need to expand the living space of a private house, the most economical and technologically simple option is a frame extension. Its advantage is the speed of construction with your own hands with minimal skill in working with carpentry tools. Step-by-step instructions for the construction stages with photographs will help you make a useful and beautiful extension, like in the video, that will last for many years.

To ensure that the extension does not subsequently have to be transformed, the design nuances should be considered even at the planning stage. First, decide on the purpose of the new premises.

By adding an extension you can expand the area of ​​the house
  1. Additional room. Building an additional room is equivalent to building a small house. All structures of a new building must be thoroughly insulated, otherwise heating such a room will be ineffective due to large heat loss. You should not skimp on waterproofing and insulating the foundation, otherwise dampness and mold on the walls will make it impossible to live in such a room.
  2. Kitchen or bathroom. Take care of the installation of utilities before you start building the foundation. Places where water or sewer pipes pass through the foundation must be well insulated. This is easier and cheaper to do during the construction phase.
  3. A veranda is a lightweight extension to an open or glazed house. Used for summer holidays. The building is not heated, so the design is extremely simple: the flooring, walls and roof are on supports. Do not forget about harmony; the veranda must be combined with the house in scale, style and materials of construction.

Selecting the base

The veranda can be attached or built-in. If the second is planned at the stage of building a house, then a separate foundation will need to be built for the first. With a gap from the wall of about 40 mm. Otherwise, during shrinkage, the monolithic base will collapse due to the different weights of the veranda and the house. The seismicity of the soil and the weight of the future building are taken into account. A lightweight foundation built on soil prone to heaving will “lead” and the extension will move away from the house. Such a base is designed for light walls; shrinkage is inevitable under the weight of the brickwork.

Brick columnar foundation

Different materials are used for construction: concrete, brick, stone, piles made of wood, metal or concrete. It is important to choose the right depth and type of foundation for the extension:

  • tape;
  • slab;
  • columnar;
  • pile;
  • pile-grillage.

In private construction, when constructing a base for a veranda, a columnar or strip structure is most often used. Let's take a closer look at the step-by-step instructions for arranging foundations.

Strip foundation

For large and heavy buildings, a strip type of base is chosen. It is advisable to make it from concrete in this sequence.

Important. Before erecting walls, waterproofing must be applied to the foundation. Use rolled materials or mastic.

Columnar foundation

For a light frame veranda, it is appropriate to construct a columnar base, which is made of brick, rubble stone or concrete. Or combine these materials. The holes for the pillars are dug to a depth below freezing of the soil. The step between the pillars is about 60 cm. Sequence of work:

  • dig square holes 50 x 50 cm. Sand is poured onto the bottom and compacted thoroughly;
  • lay a layer of concrete mortar, and after complete setting, begin the construction of brick supports. Use a level to ensure that the masonry is strictly vertical;
  • a concrete support is made in the same way as a strip foundation: the inside of the formwork is wrapped with waterproofing and a reinforced frame is inserted. The form is filled with concrete, and the top is leveled. Wet the concrete a couple of times a day to avoid cracking;

A columnar foundation is sufficient for a veranda.
  • after complete drying, the formwork is removed, waterproofing is applied to the pillar, and the top is covered with several layers of roofing material - the material will protect the wooden floor beam from getting wet;
  • the remaining voids are filled with backfill: soil mixed with crushed stone is filled in, compacted every 15 cm of the layer.

Important. The height of the foundation pillars is calculated so that the distance to the finished floor of the extension is 30 cm.

Floor: wood or concrete

A concrete or wooden floor is installed on a strip foundation. The base on pillars is obviously designed for arranging a wooden floor. Let's look at both technologies.

Construction of frame and walls

Wall structures are erected from timber, attached to previously assembled crown beams. The wall elements are assembled on a flat area in a horizontal position, and then the finished wall panel is mounted in a vertical position or each beam is connected to a beam in series. Step-by-step instruction:

  • On the lower beams of the harness, make a cut for vertical posts every 50 cm.
  • Mount the racks, securing them with corners and self-tapping screws.
  • Assemble the top harness.

Construction of the frame
  • The veranda is connected to the house by attaching a vertical beam to the wall.
  • Secure all posts adjacent to the house with anchor bolts.
  • It is better to immediately sheathe the finished “skeleton” of the veranda on the outside with plywood, boards or OSB. This will give the structure rigidity.
  • After constructing and insulating the roof, install windows and doors.

Ceiling and roofing

The shed type of roofing can be combined with almost any roof of the house, therefore it is the most common configuration. Let's consider it.

Insulation of walls and floors

Mineral wool is used as insulation material for walls. The mats are easily and quickly laid between the frame bars, as can be seen in the photo. When laying insulation in several layers, the mats are shifted relative to each other to prevent heat loss through the joining seams. The insulation is covered on both sides with steam and wind insulation material, which will protect the material from moisture accumulation, and the top is sheathed with finishing material. Internal walls can be sheathed with chipboard, plasterboard and covered with wallpaper or lined with clapboard. For the exterior wall, use wood, siding, or materials that match the finish of the house.

Floors on wooden joists are insulated in the same way as walls: mineral wool is laid on the subfloor between the joists, after covering the boards with a waterproofing membrane. A second layer of waterproofing is laid on top of the insulation and then leveled with plywood. After this, the finished floor covering is installed.

A concrete floor can be insulated in the same way as a wooden floor, using a dry screed, making a concrete screed and installing water or electric heating.

Do-it-yourselfers often overlook the need to comply with safety regulations. Use personal protective equipment and well-functioning, reliable tools, and then you will have only the warmest memories from the construction of the extension.

Frame extension on stilts: video

Over time, owners of private wooden houses sometimes plan to increase the area of ​​their own home. The fastest and most reasonable way to implement this plan would be to build a frame extension to the house with your own hands. The frame is easy to construct and does not require special construction skills. If this is not a complex project, then it can be erected in a fairly short period of time. How to choose the type of frame extension to the house, what materials and what recommendations exist for each stage of construction.

Frame extension to a wooden house

When a frame extension to a house is being built, the step-by-step instructions include not only the work of drawing up an estimate and coordinating the design of the future structure. There are also a number of nuances that need to be taken into account.

DIY frame extension.

Before agreeing on the project and building a frame extension, you need to choose what it will be like and what purpose is pursued by the new construction work:

  1. The easiest do-it-yourself frame extension to a house in terms of implementation and cost is a summer veranda or terrace for relaxing in the summer. Due to seasonal operation, the premises will not require large investments. Minus high-quality insulation, moisture-proofing and heat-insulating membranes. You will also need to use high-quality terrace tiles when installing a summer kitchen. If the summer veranda will not be used as a summer kitchen, then there will be no need to lay utilities at the initial stage of construction.
  2. A frame extension to a wooden house can be an additional full-fledged living space in an existing home - with one or several rooms. In this case, the structure will require additional insulation to reduce the cost of heating the room, choosing a more solid type of foundation and carrying out moisture insulation work.
  3. An extension to the old house of additional utility rooms, which will require timely and competent installation of utilities during the construction phase. All pipes must be carefully insulated for their further year-round use.

On a note

The choice of the type of frame extension to the house is also important in order to ensure the best connection with the already built walls, foundation and roof of the old house. If you do not attach importance to the similarity of the structures of both buildings, distortion or shrinkage of the house, cracks and further destruction of the structure may occur.

Choosing a foundation

The type of foundation that is being built also depends on the further intended use of the frame extension. Ideally, the foundation of the main part of the house should match the extension.

Pile foundation.

The choice of foundation for a frame extension with your own hands depends largely not only on the characteristics of the already erected wooden house, but also on the natural conditions and quality of the soil at the construction site. The main list of materials used is as follows:

  • Concrete.
  • Brick.
  • Stone.
  • Wooden beams and piles.
  • Metal rods.

On a note

When choosing the type of foundation, it is necessary to take into account the depth of the main structures. When constructing a multi-storey or massive extension, the depth must be more than 700 mm.

The main types of foundation that are chosen when building a frame extension with your own hands are:

  1. Tape.
  2. Slab.
  3. Pile.
  4. Columnar.
  5. Pile-grillage.

Strip foundation.

If the construction is planned to be two-story or massive, it is necessary to make a choice in favor of a strip foundation. When using it during the construction of a frame extension with your own hands, the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. It is necessary to mark the territory. This is done using wooden pegs and a rope stretched between them. The markings will indicate the place for the trench for the future strip foundation.
  2. The soil is excavated to the depth of the already installed foundation for the house itself, or to the depth necessary for the construction of an extension. The bottom of the trench must be covered with a layer of crushed stone. Each layer must be thoroughly compacted.
  3. Formwork for pouring concrete mortar is prepared from wooden boards. Its height should be equal to the height of the future foundation. An important point is that it is necessary to carry out waterproofing work along the entire perimeter of the future foundation, as well as lay metal reinforcement to give strength.
  4. A third of the installed formwork is filled with prepared concrete mortar until it hardens completely. Subsequently, the remaining part of the cement is poured and air bubbles are removed using a special vibrator or by tapping the formwork walls with a hammer.

On a note

The upper part of the fill should not only be leveled at the same level, but also covered with film for more thorough drying. To prevent cracks, it is recommended to lightly wet the surface.

Flooring installation

We have found out how to attach a frame extension to a house with a high-quality foundation, now we will figure out how to install the floor. There are two ways to install the floor:

Installation of wooden floor.

Concrete, most suitable for an extension with a strip foundation - which will ensure the greatest stability of the structure. The soil inside the already installed foundation is excavated to a depth of about 350 mm. The bottom of the resulting niche, as well as the foundation trench, is filled with sand and crushed stone, or a 20-centimeter layer of expanded clay is filled in for better insulation.

If the extension to the house is framed, then using a level, beacons are installed for further pouring of the cement floor screed, on which tiles, wooden flooring, or flooring corresponding to the purpose of the room are already laid. It is easier to install a floor heating system in a cement screed, if one is planned.

Installing a wooden floor will be more economical and environmentally friendly. According to it, beam floors are laid, installed on top of the waterproofing membrane. The wooden beams are fastened to the foundation using special anchor bolts.

Corner connections of floor beams installed along the perimeter of the foundation of a frame extension to a wooden house are made using the type of lock connections. Next, the transverse floor beams are installed, layers of insulation and the finishing coating of the extension floor are laid.

Installation of extension

Video and photo reports from real objects will tell you more accurately how to install a frame extension to a house.

In short, a do-it-yourself frame extension to a wooden house and the most important part - its base - are mounted as follows:

  • Using dowels and a hammer drill, wooden beams are mounted to the floor and the first wooden crowns;
  • Vertical frame beams are installed along the perimeter of the foundation of the extension and the places where future doors will be installed, in increments of no more than 70-100 cm;
  • To give strength to the frame extension, transverse floor beams are installed;
  • If installation of the second floor of the extension is necessary, it is necessary to additionally strengthen the ceilings of the first floor.

Attaching to a wooden structure

One of the important points in the construction of a frame extension to a wooden house is its connection with an already built structure.

If the selected materials, foundation depth or other technical characteristics do not match, then it is necessary to make an expansion joint at the junction of the foundations of the old house and the extension.

Extension using frame technology.

Work can be performed in two ways:

  1. Laying roofing material between parts of the foundation, if their parts are smooth and vertical.
  2. Laying foamed polyethylene and expanded polystyrene at the joints, filling the upper part with sealant and a special closing lining.


If you choose the simplest type of roofing - a pitched one - then installation of the floors occurs quite quickly:

  • The beams are mounted at an angle - from the slope to the vertical beams of the extension with a protrusion of at least 300 mm;
  • Sheets of OSB, plywood or frequent rows of sheathing are laid for the final installation of the roofing;
  • Actually, the final touch will be the installation of the selected roof - slate, iron sheets, tiles or other options;
  • sheets of mineral wool placed between the rafters;
  • The insulation is masked by sheathing with OSB sheets and decorative elements.


One of the final stages of construction - the process of insulating the extension to the house - also depends on the intended purpose of the future structure. If the building is not intended for year-round use, then the most economical type of insulation is selected, or work to preserve heat indoors is not carried out at all - when choosing a summer type of construction.

Do-it-yourself insulation.

In other cases, layers of insulation are laid not only during the installation of the floor and roof, but also at the stage of covering the frame racks with sheets of OSB boards. comprises:

  1. Internal lining.
  2. Vapor barrier membrane.
  3. A layer of insulation.
  4. Windproofing material.
  5. External cladding.

Insulation of a frame extension to a house can be done using mineral wool from the middle price category, or more expensive ecowool, but environmentally friendly and treated against fire and.


The final stage of construction is finishing work inside the frame extension. They depend not only on the purpose of the premises, but also on the costs that the owner of the house is willing to bear. However, when choosing installation, you should also take into account the type of foundation laid and the reliability of the supporting beams - heavy coatings will significantly reduce them.

Having built or purchased a private house, owners may be faced with a poorly thought-out layout, which is why there is not enough free space inside. An excellent solution to this problem is a turnkey extension to a house made of timber - the price of which depends on the type and configuration, but in any case less than remodeling the house. Such a structure can be used as a summer kitchen, hallway, place for outdoor recreation, storage space, garage.

Despite the apparent simplicity of the design, building an extension will require certain knowledge, construction skills and a certain set of tools. In addition, in order for the object to be safe and stable, it is necessary to build a reliable foundation and frame. For closed extensions, it is necessary to provide wall decoration and an entrance door. Considering that the extension is often adjacent to the house, which means the foundations may be skewed, it is better to entrust the design of such a room to a specialist. This is a guarantee of a well-designed project and high-quality work performed.

Closed, bright extension to the house, used as a living room Source houzz.es

What options for extensions can be

There are several most common options for using attached premises.

Porch. Structures can have any number of steps, be rotary and high. Railings are installed for safe use. Blocks and wood are used as building materials.

Canopy is the simplest design that can be easily dismantled. It is intended to protect against precipitation and sunlight. It’s nice to have family dinners under the open canopy and relax in the midday heat. The construction of a foundation is not necessary; it is enough to provide support pillars made of metal, concrete, or treated wood. The frame of the structure is fixed on supports. If desired, the walls are covered with polycarbonate.

Room for relaxation in summer. This extension increases the living space of the house. The type of foundation chosen is strip or columnar. The walls are erected from warm, durable materials: blocks, timber, slabs. To make the room bright, double-glazed windows are installed. No heating is required for summer living.

Garage as an extension to a country house allows you to save significantly compared to the construction of a separate facility. It is built on a strip foundation, the walls must be made of non-combustible material. Economical slate, corrugated sheeting, and metal tiles are chosen as roofing. To prevent the smell of gasoline in your house, be sure to install a good garage ventilation system.

Capital residential premises with the possibility of living all year round. Construction requires a block or monolithic foundation, brick or block walls. The roof and walls are insulated, and a heating system is provided.

Kitchen-dining room. When installing a kitchen, it is necessary to install communications and install ventilation, so the facility requires careful design. Such extensions are often built on old houses, where there was originally no room for cooking.

Large bright kitchen attached to the house Source stroilef.ru

To make the building look harmonious, the extension is made in the same style as the main house.

An extension made from the same material as the house Source bark.com

What materials are suitable for building extensions

For the construction of an extension to a country house, plans are drawn up by architects taking into account your wishes. Materials are selected depending on financial capabilities and the purpose of the extension. The most commonly chosen are the following:

Timber of any kind: rounded, planed, glued. Glued material has higher thermal insulation properties, while rounded material has the most attractive appearance. The advantages of timber include affordable cost and high environmental performance. It is suitable for construction for any purpose. The wood is treated with special compounds to protect against pests, mold, and mildew. Objects made of timber are built quickly and easily.

Moisture-resistant chipboard or OSB boards used in frame buildings. The material has high sound insulation properties and retains heat well. In residential extensions, additional insulation is performed with mineral wool. The cost of the material is affordable. Experienced builders will quickly cope with the task of covering walls with chipboard or OSB.

Brick. The material has high strength, durability, and a wide range of colors. But at the same time, they will demand the highest price for working with bricks. In combination with double-glazed windows, the material is suitable for the construction of a winter garden and greenhouse. Bricks have significant weight, so a reliable foundation is needed for an extension to the house. The most difficult stage in the construction of such a structure is the docking with the main object.

Foam blocks and aerated concrete blocks. The advantages of the material include affordable cost, high thermal insulation due to the porous structure, short construction period from large blocks. The structure is lighter than a brick one and does not require a reinforced foundation. The disadvantages of block objects are the need for cladding, since their surface is destroyed under the influence of precipitation and other negative factors.

Extension made of foam blocks to a wooden house Source celinrmo.ru

Regardless of the material chosen, the safety and reliability of the constructed object correlates with the quality of its connection to the main structure. The simplest option is to build an independent closed foundation. The space between the walls of the extension and the house is filled with insulating materials.

Video description

Watch the video for an example of constructing one type of foundation for an extension:

When introducing a new building into the main structure, the frame of the extension is connected by reinforcement to the base of the foundation of the house. To connect the walls, some of the elements of the house frame are dismantled. To make a single roof, the outer rows of the covering are removed and the rafters for the extension are attached to the main beams. When an extension to a wooden house is being built, the price of the work will be higher than for an independent structure.

Frame of an extension to a wooden house connected to the main roof Source yandex.ru

Frame extension to the house

The frame option is a budget option; it does not require large investments. The structures can have modest dimensions of 2x2 m, 2x3 m or be spacious structures with dimensions of 5x2 m, 6x3 m.

For the base of the object, a frame is mounted from a metal profile or treated wooden beam. The frame is erected around the perimeter of the building and for each wall separately. Such objects are lightweight and can be built on a columnar or pile foundation.

The created structure is sheathed on the inside and outside with moisture-resistant chipboard or OSB boards. To increase thermal insulation, a layer of insulation is laid between the plates: mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, sawdust. The thickness of the thermal insulation is usually 50 mm. To prevent the insulation from getting wet, it is waterproofed with a special membrane on the outside and inside.

The roof of an extension to a frame house can be single-pitched, gable or complex in shape. Ondulin, metal tiles, and ceramic plastic are chosen as roofing coverings. The external finishing of the slabs is done with clapboard, block house, and siding.

Construction of a frame extension to a house Source rl-remodeling.com

If you decide to attach a terrace to your house, options, prices and designs need to be studied in advance. In this case, all the pros and cons of materials and construction technologies will be taken into account.
On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer house extension services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Selecting materials for an extension to a wooden house

Even if a wooden house has a significant area, many owners decide to increase it. In the extension you can equip a children's room, a workshop or a storage room for sports equipment.

The most affordable and simplest method of construction would be a frame structure. It is not inferior in reliability to capital facilities, but is built in a short time. In a wooden building, the frame can be logs or beams; chipboard panels with clapboard or block house are used for cladding.

A more expensive option is to build from timber or logs. But externally, the extension will be in maximum harmony with the main wooden house. Such an object has an optimal microclimate inside.

A log extension to a wooden house looks harmonious Source assz.ru

It is not recommended to use brick for attached extensions to wooden houses; a heavy structure can cause the foundation of the main house to skew.

Video description

Watch the video for the nuances of building an extension to a wooden house:

Extension of a veranda or terrace

Most often, terraces or verandas are added to houses; these structures have some differences. A terrace is an open structure with fencing around the perimeter. It may have a roof combined with the house. The structure is erected on its own foundation or tied to the main object. It is recommended to place terraces on one side of the house or encircle it around the perimeter. It is convenient to relax on such an extension in the summer; it can be used for a barbecue.

Video description

An example of how to attach a terrace to a house in the video:

A veranda is considered a closed building, which is a continuation of the house with a common roof. The structure can be with solid walls or partial glazing. A veranda is usually added to a finished house to increase its usable area.

Covered terrace attached to the house Source obustroeno.com

What elements does an open terrace consist of?

If you order the construction of an open terrace from a construction organization, the kit will include the following elements:

  • Terrace posts made of wood with a diameter of 10x10 cm. They are installed at a distance of 1.3–2 m.
  • Elements for constructing a foundation: pillars, piles.
  • Wooden railings, balusters with carved trim.
  • Roofing material of the selected color: corrugated sheet, metal tile, ondulin
  • The floorboard is tongue-and-groove or planed.

At your request, any additional elements can be included in the package, for example, balusters are replaced with a continuous clapboard fencing.

Outdoor wooden terrace attached to a brick house Source pinterest.com

What elements does a closed veranda consist of?

Unlike open structures, closed verandas have walls. When ordering the construction of a closed veranda, the kit includes the following elements:

  • Posts for mounting a frame made of boards 4x10 cm, jibs 4x10 cm.
  • Thermal insulating material KNAUF, layer thickness 5 cm.
  • Grooved floorboards 3.6–5 cm thick.
  • Lining for external finishing.
  • Entrance door with a set of fittings.
  • Roofing material.

The kit for buildings with glazing is complemented by wooden or plastic windows with fittings.

Closed veranda Source stroyvsadu.ru

Photos of extensions to the house

A frame extension on a pile-screw foundation is a simple and relatively inexpensive option. A building with a pitched roof.

Construction of a frame extension to a brick house Source lawofbank.ru

The glazed veranda with a white gable roof harmonizes perfectly with the house. The frame structure is erected on a pile foundation, finished with decorative elements. It will be comfortable to relax on the veranda at any time of the year.

Closed extension to a house with a gable roof Source photonshouse.com

Brick veranda with glazing - you can spend time in it even in winter. The structures were erected on a strip foundation. The interior space is used for relaxation.

Closed warm veranda Source gomfer.com

A residential built-in attic extension to a wooden house is a good option for increasing square meters of living space while saving space in the yard. The building is made of timber, erected partially on the foundation of the main building with additional columns.

Extension to a wooden house made of timber with an attic Source postila.ru

Attached summer kitchen of frame type with glazing. Made on a wooden frame, covered with sip panels. The roof is pitched with a slight slope.

A simple and relatively inexpensive option for a frame extension to a wooden house is a glazed veranda Source pingru.ru

A garage attached to a wooden house is a great way to save both money and space in the yard. The structure is made of timber with a built-in roof.

Garage attached to a residential building Source stroy-dom.net

The residential extensions to the house are made of timber. Strip type block foundation. Extensions can significantly increase the internal area of ​​the house.

Two extensions to one timber house Source ro.decorexpro.com

Extensions to wooden houses can be used to increase living space or household needs. Such objects are constructed from timber, logs, blocks, bricks or using frame technology.

The process of constructing a wooden extension to a house Source prakard.com


If you decide to build an extension to your house, architects and designers will help you draw up a project, calculate the amount of materials needed and the cost of the work. Our specialists will do everything possible to ensure that the extension costs you as little as possible, while meeting all your wishes.

One of the advantages of living in the private sector is the opportunity to independently build according to your own design - you can build a house of any size (naturally, within the available area of ​​the land) and then, if necessary, increase it in size. If the strength of the foundation allows, the house can be increased in height or, conversely, increased in length or width - so to speak, make an extension to it, which will be discussed in this article. Together with the site, we will look at the materials and technologies that will allow us to independently solve the question of how to make an extension to the house? And we’ll start by studying materials, where we’ll figure out which materials are best used and under what circumstances.

How to make an extension to a house with your own hands photo

How to make an extension to a house: choosing materials

In general, there is one iron rule that is better not to break. It sounds like this: what the house is built from is what you need to make an extension to it from. At least, this was the case in the past, when the choice of building materials and technologies was limited to brick, other blocks and clay. Today, during advanced technological progress, things are a little different - there are technologies that make it possible to violate this rule, and rudely. Nowadays you can easily attach a brick building to a wooden house, cover it with the same material and get a solid-looking structure. In general, it is not at all necessary to become attached to the old building in terms of material.

Now, in more detail about the most popular materials, with which you can quite simply solve the question of how to make an extension to the house with your own hands?

  1. Blocks of various formats and bricks. There is no point in dividing them into separate subgroups, since the technology for using them is, in general, the same type - a foundation is erected, on which the walls of the extension are laid block by block, brick by brick. The only point that distinguishes this whole matter is the properties and qualities of the materials - this is important, and it is imperative to take them into account when choosing materials. Let's start with the classics - . Strong, durable material - considering it is quite expensive. Moreover, brick is a fairly cold material, which will additionally have to be insulated, and this will add to the cost of the extension. In addition, this material requires a solid foundation. In this regard, it looks much more attractive - its price is a couple of times lower, the blocks are larger and the material itself is much warmer. Where the brick will need to be laid out in three rows, it is enough to lay the cinder block in two rows. Aerated concrete looks even more attractive - it is lightweight, and the question of how to properly build an extension to a house can be solved even on a shallow (0.5 meter) foundation. Moreover, it is a very warm and porous material, which, with a thickness of 200 mm, is capable of effectively retaining heat in rooms. After plastering, it acquires very decent strength, which makes the structure reliable. In principle, you can consider other block materials - for example, shell rock is often used; it has shown good results in terms of preserving heat in rooms (popularly called sawdust concrete).

    How to make an extension to a house photo

  2. . Today, this is the most optimal option not only for extensions, but also for the construction of private houses in general - the essence of this technology is the manufacture of a wooden and metal frame and its subsequent covering with sheet material such as. Insulation is placed inside the frame, which makes the structure very warm. By and large, this is now the cheapest technology, which, among other things, boasts simplicity and a very fast pace of construction. The only thing that a frame extension cannot boast of is its durability. Although, who knows - with proper technology and proper care, it can last for about a century. We’ll talk a little further about how to make a frame extension to a house.

In addition to the options described above, you can consider the technology of building an extension using the monolithic concreting method. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to use real heavy concrete for these purposes - the best option in this matter may be the so-called slag concrete. Slag-cast houses are very warm in winter and cool in summer - they are durable and can last for a very long time.

How to properly make the foundation of an extension to a house: features

The main problem in making the foundation of an extension is connecting the new and old foundations. If it is done incorrectly or not done at all, then no matter how you join the walls of two separate buildings, a crack will still appear at the place where they join. Moreover, end-to-end, with all the ensuing consequences - heat loss, condensation formation and, as a consequence, the appearance of fungus and mold in this place. In general, it’s not very pleasant. That is why special attention must be paid to the following points.

In principle, these three nuances will be quite enough to reliably connect two foundations together. Alternatively, if, of course, you can get to the bottom of the foundation of the existing house, extensions can be added a little under it.

How to make an extension to a brick house: nuances of joining walls

Attaching a frame structure to a brick or any other block house is not a problem at all - the vertical beam of a wooden frame or the profile of the metal frame of the building is simply attached to the wall of the building using anchors and that’s it! There are practically no nuances here - except perhaps maintaining the vertical level of this beam and sealing the joint. The last operation is carried out either using polyurethane foam or using the so-called PSUL tape (pre-compressed sealing tape).

How to make an extension to a brick house photo

Another thing is joining a brick or block building with a similar house. Here things are somewhat more complicated, and you cannot do without special embedded parts or ligaments. It is possible to ensure a reliable connection of the walls without ligating the blocks only by driving iron embedded parts every 4-5 rows of blocks. Holes are drilled in the wall of the existing building (two, one on each side of the block at a distance of 3 cm from the edge) - reinforcement is driven into them, which should protrude from the wall of the house by at least 30 cm. When a new block is laid on it, the cement will securely connect the two walls into a single whole product. As an option, again, you can use a hammer drill to make potholes, which, when paired with reinforcement, will ensure a reliable connection between the two block walls.

How to make an extension to a wooden house photo

And in conclusion to the topic of how to make an extension to a house, a few words about connecting walls with a block or brick extension. This combination of buildings is also common, and it would be useful to know how they are connected. In fact, you will have to make a metal girth for the blocks - it is attached to the wall of a wooden house using powerful self-tapping screws and is some kind of channel, into which a block or brick wall fits neatly. By and large, this is the same option that is used to attach a wooden extension to a brick house, only exactly the opposite.

Most projects of individual houses provide only a residential part without additional outbuildings. Over time, residents, if they have free space near the house, often need to expand the structure with their own hands or with the involvement of qualified specialists. This may be due to a variety of reasons, for example, an increase in the number of residents, the purchase of a car that will require a garage, and other circumstances. An extension is an auxiliary part of a building that is adjacent to its main walls on one or more sides.

Types of attached buildings

The structure can be:

  1. Open, in the form of a canopy, summer veranda, porch or terrace adjacent to the main wall.
  2. Closed:
    • living room with panoramic windows;
    • several additional living rooms;
    • kitchen with barbecue and dining room;
    • a separate recreation area, a children's play complex or a sports gym;
    • insulated garage;
    • workshop with storage rooms;
    • sanitary facilities with a swimming pool or bath;
    • Russian bath or sauna, made mainly from wooden logs or beams as an extension to wooden houses;
    • greenhouses for year-round cultivation of vegetables, a greenhouse or a winter garden;
    • for placement of boiler equipment for heating.
  3. A superstructure in the form of an attic, provided that the load-bearing capacity of the existing foundation allows such an increase in load.

Depending on the purpose, a heated warm extension or without heating is installed.

Necessary approvals

A project for an extension to a private house can be ordered from specialized design organizations or developed independently. To change the structure of a building, it is necessary to obtain a building permit from the local administrative authorities, which is necessary, as is the case for the construction of the main house. The project must be coordinated with the Sanitary authorities. and fire supervision, utility department. If the distances from the border with neighboring areas, regulated by building codes, are not observed, written consent from the neighbors is required, preferably notarized. The illegality of the construction of an extension is also recognized in the absence of written consent of all co-owners of the building to carry out the work.

It should be borne in mind that a permit to carry out work is issued only if the rights to own a land plot and a house are registered in Rosreestr and taken into account in the state cadastre. In the absence of the necessary approvals, the structure may be declared illegal and subject to demolition. It is not necessary to obtain permission to build simple sheds or porches.

Structures and materials for the construction of the superstructure of buildings

The added part should fit harmoniously into the overall interior of the house. A two-story extension to a one-story building will look ridiculous, which will also significantly complicate construction. It is recommended to use the same materials from which the main structure is constructed for the construction of walls. For an extension to a wooden house, use wood, and for a brick house, use brick. You can use foam or aerated concrete blocks, and for a harmonious combination with the structure of the house, they can be faced with wood or brick. A high or turning porch, as well as open verandas and terraces, must be framed with railings.

It is advisable to build the foundation of a major extension to an old house of the same type as the one existing under the main building. Of course, to build a simple shed, porch or open veranda there is no need for a strong foundation. In most cases, a columnar foundation with a shallow depth or screw piles is sufficient.

For permanent buildings and garages, reliable and durable foundation structures are needed. Mainly prefabricated and monolithic strips or monolithic slab. When using pillars and screw piles, it is necessary to tie it with a grillage, and to protect the space under the floor, cover it with basement siding with insulation made of basalt mineral wool or other similar insulation materials. Along the top of the foundation, horizontal waterproofing from roll waterproofing materials (glass insulation, waterproofing, rubemast or roofing felt) is required.

A good option is a frame extension to the house. The frame is constructed from wooden blocks filled with insulation (for example, mineral wool boards) and lined with thick moisture-resistant plywood, OSB boards or other materials. The attached building can be constructed with window openings. The doorway is more conveniently internal, which allows passage into the attached part without going outside. But an entry device directly from the street is also acceptable.

The roof is most often constructed with a pitched roof. It is important to ensure that snow does not accumulate at the junction, so the roof is made with a slope angle of ≥ 25 degrees. The canopy is most often covered with sheets of monolithic polycarbonate or ondulin.

The floor, depending on the purpose of the room, can be concrete (mainly in garages, workshops and storerooms), wood, lined with porcelain stoneware or tiles. “Warm floors” are often installed.

It is recommended to construct garage walls from non-combustible products (brick, concrete or lightweight concrete blocks) covered with reinforced concrete slabs or corrugated sheets. It is imperative to provide a number of ventilation holes.

How to connect an extension to a house

Connecting an existing building with an extension is one of the most critical moments of construction. If construction technologies are not followed, cracks will inevitably form in the junctions, opening to large gaps. This is caused by the difference in operating loads and the complete absence or slowdown of settlement of the foundation of the old house.

Connection of the attached part is carried out in the following two options:

  1. With an expansion joint without direct contact between foundations, walls and roof. Recommended for problem soils (peat or clay). A gap is provided between the structures, which is later filled with elastic heat and waterproofing materials. It is permissible to lay a board treated with several layers of bitumen mastic. The resulting seam is covered with decorative inserts. It is imperative to eliminate the possibility of the formation of “snow bags” on the roof at the junction points.
  2. Inclusion of all constructs in joint work. The new foundation is laid at the same depth as the existing one. It is used on bases made of soils that are not subject to heaving. The contacting surface of the old one is cleared of soil and waterproofing layer and a notch is made using a hammer drill. Reinforcing bars are driven tightly into the drilled holes to seal the holes. The resulting embeds are connected by welding to the reinforcement frame of the foundation of the extension, and concreting is carried out with thorough compaction of the mixture using an internal vibrator. Brick walls are connected in the same way. The rods are placed every two rows in the seams of the new masonry. Wooden structures are fastened with steel bolts or studs with double-sided threads, complete with wide washers, nuts and locknuts. To match the roof, it will be necessary to remove part of the roofing and jointly fasten the rafters and beams of the house and the extension with the addition of new additional nodes and racks. In some cases, it may be necessary to construct a common rafter system or replace it with longer elements.

The second option is more complex, labor-intensive and costly, although it cannot be guaranteed that the joints will not come apart over time.

Depending on the design, materials of the existing house and the purpose of the attached premises, the foundation type, material and thickness of the walls, rafter system and roofing materials for the new building are selected.

Before deciding how to build an extension, you need to provide for all possible nuances of future construction and guarantee to protect yourself from possible administrative sanctions.

Advantages of an extension compared to a free-standing building

  • Reducing the amount of work required to install utilities (electricity, water supply, heating, sewerage, ventilation).
  • Less material consumption and cost of construction, since at least one already existing wall is used.
  • Rational use of the territory without cluttering with additional buildings.
  • Additional insulation that prevents cold air from penetrating directly into the house and reducing heat losses.


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