Fortune telling on tea: the usual ways. When fortune telling on tea leaves, you can not do without the meaning of signs

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We have included in the list the signs of the zodiac, which may be unfamiliar to some people. If your zodiac sign appears among the images, then this good omen, - in the near future you will have the opportunity to take advantage of your advantages and achieve significant success.
For ease of reference, along with other specific characters, the most ambiguous characters, such as the dot or the vertical, are included. As for the numbers, we have given them the most general characteristics: For example, "1" indicates a new beginning or a solo fight. Individual letters may refer to a particular person. If it is not clear who it is, other images from the same area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cup will help you clarify your identity. Signs can match certain people, circumstances and properties in themselves. All this will become clear from the completed interpretation.

In this article, we looked at the first 100 characters:
1. STORK. Pregnancy, childbirth, addition to the family; good luck in the house.
2. ICEBERG. A person or circumstance fraught with danger.
3. SHARK. You will repel a surprise attack if you are strong enough.
4. ARCH, BRIDGE. Marriage or long-term relationship; reconciliation after a quarrel.
5. BUTTERFLY. Renaissance; a chance to take on a new role or take on a new position.
6. DRUM. Call to action; gossip and disagreement.
7. TOWER. A tower with steps means climbing the corporate ladder or profit; feeling of connectedness; a half-built tower is a sign of plans that have not yet been realized.
8. PROTEIN. Reserve for the future; accumulation instinct.
9. GEMINI. You will need the ability to communicate and adapt in order to cope with current or upcoming affairs.
10. DIAMONDS. The focus is on financial affairs and practical activities; slowness guarantees success.
11. BOTTLE. If the bottle is full, you should direct your energy in a certain direction; if the bottle is empty, then you are probably exhausted and should take care of your health.
12. FANS. Do not trust flattery and sweet talk, as they may mask malicious intent.
13. GIANT. A sign foretelling big step forward; perhaps a person with a very strong character will enter your life.
14. OARS. The need to find a way out yourself, and not wait for outside help; further progress.
15. SCALES. Peaceful nature; harmony; indecision.

16. GRAPES. Perfect health; time to indulge your desires (sometimes this is not bad at all).
17. GOWN. You feel bound and must break out of a situation that is detrimental to you; an auspicious sign indicating improved health.
18. AQUARIUS. Independence, idealism, alienation.
19. WOLF. patronage, protection; mother's love; loyalty to group interests.
20. CROW, CROW. A wise caution taken with a heavy heart; don't be too quick to expose other people's arrogance.
21. GATE. Open gates symbolize a new field of activity, closed - the need to protect property and money.
22. EIGHT. Caution, material well-being; following traditions.
23. RIDER. Will appear in the house positive influence some new face. If the rider is heading towards the handle of the cup, you will have new colleague or a friend at work. The rider moving away from the handle indicates the need for cooperation to achieve success.
24. VOLCANO. Barely contained anger or passion that needs to be vented; irritated person hiding his feelings.
25. Hammock. The desire to get out of the game and ignore the conventions.
26. GEOGRAPHICAL MAP. Travel or desire to travel; You have found a way out after a period of doubt; carefully thought out plans that will allow you to take a new place in life.
27. GARLAND. Recognition or promotion
28. GUITAR, VIOLIN. Harmony; enthusiasm; in some circumstances - vanity and irritability surrounded by less talented people.
29. EYE. Believe your eyes, not the words of people; check out the notes.
30. NEST. Setting up a house and taking care of the housework, or the desire to leave your native nest and gain greater independence.

31. DOVE. A trustworthy messenger or judge from afar.
32. LOAD. Vacation; as well as a sign of an extra load of feelings or a burdensome burden.
33. GOOSE, GESE. A warning, heeding which you will save yourself and your business.
34. LADY. A woman invested with power, a mother or a too caring person.
35. DOOR. Opened door symbolizes a step into the unknown and, perhaps, something pleasant for you; closed door- while the path is closed to you.
36. TWO. Duality; two sides of life or two people who may be in conflict. Engagement; unification of two opposing sides.
37. PALACE, CASTLE. The situation is improving; desire to settle down with more luxury; your house is your fortress, but extraneous affairs or uninvited visitors deprive you of peace and home.
38. NINE. The number of completeness and perfection; also a sign of selfishness.
39. WOOD. Health; power; protection; consistent advancement in the area of ​​life that matters most to you.
40. DINOSAUR. Outdated ideas that need revision.
41. HOUSE. In the foreground - household duties and reliability. Perhaps you need to devote more time to home and loved ones.
42. ROAD. A new path may open before you;
if the road forks, this is a sign that you have to make a choice.
43. DRAGON. In a fierce argument, you must find the enemy's weak spot. Traditionally, this is a sign indicating an imminent change of residence.
44. SMOKE PIPE. A chimney with smoke rising from it means home comfort. A column of smoke indicates success; creeping smoke - some kind of disguise, a smoke screen; the absence of smoke signals the need to pay attention to the house.
45. UNIT. The number of creation, pure energy and enterprise; symbol of a new beginning.
46. ​​UNICORN. Rare opportunity or unusual experience; magical illumination.

47. ACORN. Health and longevity.
48. JUGLER. Time to try to reconcile divergent interests and reconcile extremes; if the juggler's balls are thrown up, then your attempts will be successful.
49. FENCE. high fence symbolizes protection; a broken fence indicates the need to end the quarrel.
50. CASTLE. open lock means the ability to avoid an unwanted meeting or get out of a difficult situation; a closed lock is a sign of a secret alarm for property or a workplace.
51. STAR. Wishes and dreams; hope; the opportunity to achieve a brilliant position; perseverance in pursuit of the chosen goal. The five-pointed star symbolizes magic and the development of supersensible abilities.
52. MIRROR. Vanity; feeling that life is passing by; prophetic dreams.
53. SNAKE. Renaissance; you will throw off the burden of former duties.
54. QUESTION SIGN. A question that needs to be answered before you turn to a decision or commitment.
55. Igloo (Eskimo Ice Hut). Temporary shelter in an unfavorable situation, which should not be considered too reliable.
56. NEEDLE. Reconciliation after a quarrel; jealousy-based teasing and criticism that should not be given importance: you will do little in the hope that things will get better, but do not give up.
57. DICE. Time to get into the game.
58. SWING. The instability of the situation and the changeability of views dictate the need to find a balance; you have a hard time predicting mood swings in people.
59. SQUARE. More protection than limitation; preparation time; material well-being.
60. KANGAROO. Happy events in the family, especially concerning children and youth; the habit of smacking a fever.

61. PICKAXE, AX. The determination to break through the obstacles of bureaucrats or do away with empty conventions; powerful throw.
62. KIT. A grand undertaking that can be successfully carried out; usually - a sign of financial or organizational success; caring for others.
63. CAGE, PRISON. The real limits are holding you back. Wait for the right moment when you are free and able to move forward.
64. CLOWN. Someone close may hide the fact that he is unhappy; chance of making a fool of yourself.
65. KEY. The riddle will soon be solved; growing independence.
66. BOOK. The closed book says that there are secrets that you need to know. Open book points to new opportunity, implying doctrine or legal matters.
67. CAPRICORN Caution, foresight; efforts that will be rewarded.
68. WHEEL. Travel and change; the wheel of fortune can symbolize new opportunities and attempts; end of the period of stagnation.
69. BELL. Celebrations, marriage or unexpected news from someone close.
70. COMET. An unexpected and probably short-term opportunity to shine, which, therefore, should not be missed.

71. ENVELOPE, LETTER. You will soon receive good news; write back immediately, especially if you need to give an official answer.
72. BASKET. A full basket means a gift or a welcome addition to the family, an expansion of the circle of close people. An empty basket means that the person is giving away too much.
73. COW. Serenity; gradual improvement in well-being.
74. KING. A man invested with power, a father or a person in years who can show self-will; powerful ally.
75. CROWN. More high position, a lot of money or recognition.
76. WALLET. Unexpected expenses; also an indication of a too frugal person.
77. CAT. Indifference; cunning; a sign of someone's betrayal, especially if the cat makes a sudden jump.
78. FORTRESS. A seemingly impregnable institution or person invested with power will surrender if you resort to logic and perseverance; personal protection.
79. CROSS. Limitations and obstacles to be overcome.
80. CROSS. Bright ideas, creativity, curiosity and a sense of adventure.
81. RABBIT. Everything is decided by speed; happy easter; you have to look the enemy in the face.
82. MOLE. Secrets that will soon be revealed; a false friend who brings a mine under you.
83. CIRCLE, WOVEN CIRCLES OR RINGS. A single circle or ring symbolizes the strengthening of a bond or partnership, as well as the near successful completion of a project. Woven rings are a sign of harmonious relationships.
84. RAT. Beware of lies or vengeful man; also, in a more positive sense, the advice to try cunning where force or persuasion fails.
85. JUG. Full jug - sign good health; an empty jar indicates that the money is melting.
86. CHICKEN. The appearance and growing influence of a person who is distinguished by maternal care; fussy person.
87. LAMP. You will find the missing item; unexpected clarification in a difficult question; light at the end of the tunnel.
88. Lev. Courage, loyalty, leadership; desire to conquer
universal recognition.

89. LADDER. Promotion, progress or spiritual growth; time to raise the bar.
90. LINES, WAVY LINES OR DOTS. Variable success; the need to move around the goal.
91. LINES, STRAIGHT LINES. Straight way; a trip without secret goals or an honest enterprise.
92. FOX. Insinuation and cunning will help you where persuasion does not help; beware of people who lie.
93. LEAVES. A sign of happiness, prosperity, success; fallen leaves herald a moment of natural change or late happiness.
94. FACE. A pleased face means a new friendship, an angry face means a clash.
95. HORSE. You will meet disinterestedness and reliability; rides are waiting for you - especially if the horse rushes at full speed.
96. A HORSE HARNESSED TO A CARRIAGE. Relocation, a change of place of work or residence, a loaded wagon is a sign of a profitable movement.
97. MOON (see also CRESCENT). Full moon means a month of time before the expected event; magical actions and growth of intuitive abilities; love or love without reciprocity.
98. FROG. conversion; House on wheels; the ability to be in different places. Money always comes in abundance if you keep a small amount in the house ...

Divination floating tea leaves are known to almost all Chinese, wherever they live. They usually guess in the morning, having brewed morning tea “in Chinese”, that is, right in a cup covered with a saucer. While the drink is infused, it is important to calm down, focus internally and think about your problems. Then the saucer is removed and the surface of the tea is looked at.

If there is not a single tea leaf here, then the next period of time does not promise any special events.

If the tea leaves float on the surface, then there are several possible interpretations:

1. One tea leaf remained on the surface on the left, two on the right. A happy omen - success in love, work and money matters awaits you. This is a very favorable sign in all respects. Relations with a loved one will not be overshadowed by anything, mutual trust will remain complete, everything will work out without problems. In business, you will receive the support of your superiors, and you will have a chance for career growth. If you are a businessman, then your entrepreneurial activity will go without interference. Next year you will have cash. However, you should be careful not to lend money.

2. Two tea leaves have surfaced from two different sides, and on the right, almost at the bottom of the cup, another, smaller one is oscillating. This is a bad sign. It promises the dissatisfaction of a loved one with insufficient attention on your part, tension in a relationship, perhaps even a quarrel. In work, a streak of success will be replaced by troubles, which is also associated with a confusion of feelings, family turmoil; you are able to lose the former initiative. You need to restrain yourself in order to avoid an emotional breakdown in the coming days, which can occur both in the family and at work. The deterioration of affairs awaits you also in economic terms: you may have to borrow quite a lot from acquaintances, which will undermine your friendly relations with them.

3. Two elongated tea leaves that floated up on the right closed their ends, and on the left two more wide particles do not sink. This position means that your affairs are comparatively bad. Only in love does it promise in the near future a meeting that is desirable for you, promising joy. In work, a chain of failures is possible, leading to a loss of faith in own forces, to stagnation. In addition, there is a possibility of losing perspective good income and, since your affairs are far from perfect, you may be tempted to resort to gambling in the hope of improving your financial situation in this way.

4. Tea lies at the bottom, only two tea leaves rise slightly to the left. In this case, prepare for everything - both good and bad are possible here. This is a good sign in the sense that it promises the successful elimination of misunderstandings in relations with a loved one - the former cooling will be replaced by a deep feeling to mutual pleasure. But at work, a turn for the worse will begin, you will not be able to take advantage of any of the opportunities that have appeared, which will plunge you into confusion. This is a bad sign in money matters, since difficulties are possible with material receipts, all that remains is to try your luck through random income. If you go on a long journey, beware of losses.

5. Almost all the tea leaves were on the surface. This happened because the water did not boil properly, and, therefore, you will not be happy. In love, this is a bad sign. Already by how badly you brew tea, it is clear that you are an impatient person - you pour over the tea leaves with water that has not boiled, which is no good. If you strive for an ideal in love, then you should be more thorough and conscientious. The situation at work will also worsen. Of course, there will be some chance, but because of your excessive haste, the opportunity that appeared once again will become unattainable. This is also very sad in terms of money, since you will not increase wealth, and if you start playing for money, you can completely lose everything.

6. If the only tea leaf has floated about half, two or three more slightly rise above the rest of the tea leaves that have sunk to the very bottom of the cup, you know - this is a very good sign. Good luck will accompany you in everything. Passion in love will flare up again, everything will go smoothly here, like clockwork - the best time to settle all family conflicts. A new take-off awaits you in your work, it is even possible that your merits will be awarded. Everything will be safe financially: you will suddenly hit a good jackpot, and besides, you will make a profit in the usual way. However, you should not overspend money, otherwise you will find yourself in a crisis situation by the end of the year.

Divination by tea brewing

In the Middle Ages, there were many ways to predict the future. There was also this: they poured molten lead, wax or other melting materials, which, when solidified, took on the most diverse forms, and then interpreted the resulting figures. This divination was extremely popular. By the 15th century, tea had appeared in Europe. And soon people noticed that the figures that form tea leaves in a cup resemble figures from ancient divination. Then they began to be interpreted in the same way, and another method of divination was born, which has not lost its popularity to this day.

For fortune-telling on tea leaves you need to use a wide white cup like a bowl. Tea, if possible, should be brewed with large leaves. The method of brewing tea does not play a special role. However, it is important that there are enough tea leaves. good tea and good fortune-telling tea leaves are obtained if you put two full teaspoons of tea into a heated small teapot, pour boiling water over it and cover tightly with a lid. Or tea is brewed right in the cup, not finished drinking completely, leaving a certain amount of liquid at the bottom. Then the cup with the tea leaves and the rest of the liquid should be taken with the left hand and made three rotational movement, distributing tea leaves along the walls. Then it is turned over from itself on a saucer, allowing the liquid to drain. All these operations must be done by the person for whom tea divination is performed.

The process of interpreting tea leaves is carried out in the same order as when divining on coffee grounds. However, the symbols here are somewhat different - if only because the very nature of the "drawings" is different. In addition, the bottom of the cup is usually considered a "negative zone" that enhances the meaning of dangerous signs. In interpreting, the following general principles should be borne in mind:

    1. The larger the sign, the more significant the event predicted by it. Volumetric figures, made up of a heap of tea leaves, should be considered first of all, since they speak of the most important events.
    2. Three- and six-petal figures, similar to a flower or a star, portend good luck, four- and eight-petal ones - failure, an accident, five-petal ones - something in between: a belated success, an unexpected benefit from an unpleasant event. "Crooked" (curved) petals mean that many more people will be involved in these events besides you.
    3. Signs resembling letters, numbers and astrological symbols can be interpreted literally - as an indication of specific names and numbers, as well as the date of birth.
    4. The fewer figures and tea leaves in general in the cup, the less problems a person has, the calmer and more harmonious his situation. And vice versa: a dense, dense drawing speaks of a multitude of worries and questions occupying his thoughts.

The interpretation of symbols depends mainly on the imagination of the interpreter. Different guides give different, often even directly opposite, interpretations of the same signs. Therefore, on the page of the interpretation of tea figures, only the most important combinations of tea leaves are given, the opinions of which in most sources of information on this topic agree.

In addition to deciphering the symbols of the formed tea figures, one should also take into account some of the initial concepts that underlie fortune-telling on tea: the handle of the cup symbolizes the person who is being divined, his environment, occupation, home; the time of the upcoming action is determined by the location of the figure in the cup.

The present tense is if it is on the edge of the cup or near the edge. The closer to the bottom, the further removed the upcoming event in time. At the very bottom are symbols related to the distant future. The closer the symbol is to the pen, the sooner the prediction will come true.

Divination rules for brewing

A cup with tea leaves should be held at some distance from you in order to clearly see the location of the formed figures. Take a closer look at the clusters of tea leaves, individual dots, dots that form a line. Circles, squares, triangles, letters and numbers can be expressed with varying degrees of clarity. Note for yourself their location relative to other symbols, more clear. Try to find clouds, trees, flowers, animals, birds, house, ship - any shapes.
The handle of the cup is the basis from which we start. In other words, the starting point. During divination, it should be on the left side.
The lines of tea leaves that start to the left of the handle promise a journey. Located on the right, they portend the appearance of an unexpected guest. If the tea leaves form a path around the entire inner circumference of the cup, this means that the one who is guessed will go on a long journey and then return home. Thus, if the figure is located to the left of the handle, the person who is guessing or who is being guessed is an active person in the development of events.
If the signs are located to the right of the handle, the action is directed at this person, happens to him or in his "house", which in turn can be interpreted as a house, environment or occupation.
If you see nothing in the cup but a senseless heap of tea leaves, consider that this is the answer, because this corresponds to the state of uncertainty and confusion in which you are.

Do not guess a second time, as it is believed that you can not do it for yourself or for others more than once a week.

Interpretation of tea figures

It is very important to interpret tea leaves figures correctly. Therefore, we give here an interpretation of the main tea figures.

Butterfly - frivolous behavior, erotic fun, adultery.
Drum - rumors, gossip, scandal.
The bottle is a possible disease.
Paddle is an important, but very difficult task that must be continued, no matter what.
Nail - vicious attacks that threaten injustice towards you.
Mountains are big ambitions that can lead to success if the tops of the mountains are clearly defined.
Rake, scallop, harrow and other jagged objects - the need to put things in order in your affairs, perhaps establishing a daily routine, revising your lifestyle.
Mushroom - growth, expansion, acquisition.
Pear - comfort and financial well-being.
Tree - plans will come true, ambitions are justified.
Home is a safe environment, especially for business, good time start some new business. If the symbol is not far from the handle and is not clear, a quarrel in the house or an illness may threaten one of the family members.
Arc - threatened by deterioration in health, or difficulties at work, or a change in your plans. You may have to abandon your plan, accidents are not ruled out.
Christmas tree - success, especially in art; the taller the tree, the better.
Hare - excessive modesty.
Snake - hatred and hostility, evil conspiracies against you.
Kalach (a figure resembling a lying letter "B") - an unforeseen delay or movement along the wrong path.
Cabbage - jealousy.
Dagger - haste, swiftness, attack.
Key - analysis of the received information will help you find and use new opportunities. A key with two beards or located at the bottom means the danger of robbery.
Bell - expect news. Not far from the bottom - sad news; two bells - great joy.
Ring - independence, satisfaction of desires, calmness and long life. If not far from the edge of the cup - an indication of the upcoming marriage; in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe middle part of the wall - a marriage proposal. Two rings - plans will come true, projects will work. Broken ring - failure, disappointment, breakup.
The basket is a very good sign. You should pay attention to its location: near the handle - a child will appear soon; in the upper part - your well-being will increase.
The crown is a great success or legacy.
A cat is treachery, betrayal on the part of those from whom it was least expected. It is unlikely to be avoided, it is better to take measures to reduce the possible consequences.
Crab - someone's interference in your personal affairs; friends or family trying to force their opinion on you. Need to believe in yourself more decisions taken and not be influenced by others.
Cross - suffering, self-sacrifice, trouble. Two crosses indicate a serious illness or other troubles.
The circle is a happy ending.
Wings - expect news.
Bat- beware of a conspiracy from people claiming your friendship.
Leaf - news; if a bunch of leaves - happiness and a bright future.
Clover leaf - good luck.
The boat is a complication of circumstances, in this regard, a possible escape.
A shovel is hard work, most likely to help others out, and not for your own benefit.
Horse - if galloping - good news, if only the horse's head is a lover.
The moon is growing - things are going up, waning - things are going down.
Broom - liberation from small troubles, a new direction of action.
Hammer - overcoming difficulties.
Insects - chores, worries, but short-term.
Knife - parting, unfulfilled contract, end of friendship; near the handle - a divorce, crossed knives - a fierce dispute.
Scissors - parting, quarrel, near the handle - a domestic quarrel.
Vegetables (carrots, cabbage, turnips, etc.) - trouble due to someone else's envy or jealousy, perhaps because of your own. Just in case, moderate your temperament.
Deer - fast road.
A wand is a process, the beginning of some business. Many sticks - many things going on at the same time. Here it is important to determine where the stick is turned, counting from the handle: to the bottom of the cup or to the edge. If to the bottom, the case is unlikely to end successfully, if to the edge - success is guaranteed. A stick located parallel to the bottom and edges (“neither up nor down”) means a smooth course of business and a smooth ending.
Fern - a possible infidelity of a lover.
Feather - instability.
Saw - one of the outsiders will threaten family happiness.
Pistol - danger, possibly mortal, threats from someone else.
Horseshoe - good luck.
Crockery (jug, cup, spoon, etc.): near the handle - peace, order in the house, far from the handle or on the bottom - a family quarrel.
Birds are good news; sitting birds - a successful journey.
Forking line - decisions must be made (whether they will be successful or not depends on the surrounding symbols).
Horn - abundance, profit, stability.
Shotgun - see Pistol.
Fish - one of the best omens, indicates good luck in everything.
Airplane - a sudden journey, unexpected and not without risk, or reaching new heights in a career. If it seems that the plane is broken, it is in danger, physical or your career.
Heart is love.
Elephant - wisdom, strength and slow but lasting success.
Table - lunch, party, holiday, meeting friends. If there are dots nearby - a meeting on issues related to money.
Arrow - expect bad news.
Chair - improvement in position: if surrounded by dots - improvement financial position.
Ax - the danger of conflict due to someone else's harshness, perhaps yours; can also mean the threat of physical attack. So, be careful!
Dots are money. One single dot can mean news, a letter or a parcel. The value of the message is directly proportional to the size of the point.
Triangle - if the top is up - success; if the top is down, the plans will not come true.
Smoking pipe - well-being, long life. Stick to your chosen course and you'll be fine.
Flag - military affairs: marriage with the military, a call to the military enlistment office, a trip to the combat area; for the military - participation in hostilities, transfer to another place, another rank. On the bottom can mean injury.
Fruits (banana, pear, apple) - profit, gain, fee, increase in income.
Church, bell tower, tower or other elevation marks different cases, namely: to the sick means death; lover - marriage; absent - a slow return.
Quadrilateral (square) - peace, security, stability. Your situation does not require changes - leave everything as it is.
Hat - new opportunities and possible success. If the hat at the bottom of the cup is a rival.
Egg - prosperity, success, fertility.
Anchor - expect success.

Is China. Therefore, it would be logical to assume that fortune telling on tea was invented by the Chinese. However, it is not. The original on tea thick, called tasseography, was invented by the British. This good old tradition is still preserved in

Why, after all, fortune-telling on tea thick arose in England? Apparently, this was somehow connected with the method of brewing this drink, which in China, for example, was made to drink from small cups without handles, and in Europe, on the contrary, from large ones. And the Europeans poured tea leaves directly into the cups. Now it is steamed in special teapots or in bags. With this method of brewing on tea thick, fortune-telling does not work.

They guess on tea in the same way as on interpreting the figures and patterns remaining on the bottom and walls of the cup. Presumably, both types of divination arose simultaneously. And it happened at the end of the eighteenth century, when tea and coffee became available not only to aristocrats, but also to ordinary people. But for the reason that with any method of brewing coffee, sediment always remained at the bottom of the mug, it became more popular than fortune telling on tea.

This popular drink for divination is brewed in two ways: it can be a mug or with a wide spout through which the tea passes without difficulty. It doesn’t matter what kind of tea is taken for fortune-telling, it is important that it be coarsely ground, and not finely ground from bags, since then it will not settle well on the walls. Sugar will not affect fortune telling in any way, and lemon can interfere.

Any cups are suitable for divination. The main thing is that they are not transparent and with handles. You don't have to drink the tea all the way. And here it is important to observe the ratio of thick and liquid. If there is too much water, the tea leaves will pour out on a saucer, and if there is not enough, they will stick together into a lump. Fortune telling on tea has its own rules. First, you need to make three rotational movements with your left hand and distribute the tea leaves along the walls of the mug. After that, they think of a question and repeating it to themselves several times, turn the cup away from themselves. You can also guess at another person. In this case, he should make a question and turn the cup over. Turning the mug upside down, you need to let it stand for about ten minutes, and then open it, holding the handle up and read the pattern.

Tea divination has the same rules as divination on coffee grounds.
From the cups intended for divination, this drink can no longer be drunk just like that. Therefore, it is necessary that they somehow differ from others, for example, have a noticeable color or picture.

To know the future, you need to read the pattern, moving from the handle to the right, and moving counterclockwise, you can find out the past. A cup can tell about events that are happening or will happen to the person himself. Other people may be indicated by tea leaves located on the very edge. All the negativity is at the bottom. If there are few figures in the cup, then this means that the person is doing well. The presence of a dense, thick pattern indicates that a person has a lot of some kind of worries and problems.

Fortune telling on tea should begin with the interpretation of the most simple figures- sticks and dots. The dots represent money. That is, the more points you can see, the more money there will be. If the dot is alone or aside, then it means some kind of news or letter. A wand denotes a matter, but many sticks mean, respectively, many different deeds. If the stick is turned from the handle to the edge of the mug - the business will be successful, to the bottom - the business will end in failure. Tea leaves can form letters, numbers and other signs, such as planets. In this case, they are interpreted according to their meaning. Animal figurines indicate time, that is, they are interpreted in the sense of the signs of the Zodiac, for example, the year of the Dragon or, for example,

Noble plants and animals mean love, health, friendship and other auspicious things or events. In general, when guessing on tea thick, you need to trust your intuition.

The desire to predict danger, to look into the future is characteristic of a person. That's why ancient art divination does not die off to this day. And you can guess in different ways. One of the ways is described in the brochure "Fortune telling on tea" published in China. The brochure suggests 60 options for the position of tea leaves in a cup and gives its own interpretation for each of them. Today we bring to your attention only a few positions.

1. One tea leaf remained on the surface on the left, two on the right. This is a happy omen: success in love, work and money matters awaits you. True, your financial affairs will improve only next year. However, we warn you: do not risk lending money.

2. Two tea leaves have surfaced from two different sides, and on the right, almost at the bottom of the cup, a smaller tea leaf is oscillating. Bad sign. The dissatisfaction of a loved one with insufficient attention on your part is supposed, perhaps everything will even come to a quarrel. A streak of success will be replaced by trouble at work. In the next two days, try to be emotionally restrained both in the family and at work. You will borrow money.

3. On the right, two elongated tea leaves that have floated up have closed their ends, and on the left, two broad tea leaves do not sink. This means that your affairs are comparatively bad. Only in love is a desirable meeting expected in the near future. At work - a chain of failures, loss of faith in one's own strengths, stagnation. Beware of the temptation to get involved in gambling.

4. Tea lies at the bottom, only two tea leaves rise slightly. Get ready for everything - both good and bad. A good sign in your love affairs, but at work - a turn for the worse: the inability to realize yourself will lead you into confusion. material receipts is not expected, except that it remains to try yourself in card game. Going on a long journey, beware of ruin.

5. Almost all the tea leaves were on the surface. This happened because the water did not boil properly, and you are an impatient person. This is a bad sign, and you have nothing to count on for happiness. Certainly in love. The situation at work will also worsen: you do not realize the opportunities that have appeared to improve your affairs due to excessive haste. It will also be bad with money, and if you start gambling, lower the last one.

tea patterns

For fortune-telling on tea leaves, you need to use a cup that will be convenient to use: it should be without a pattern, not with vertical walls. Tea should be used whenever possible, the best, with large leaves.

To ensure accuracy, the person being divined must stir the tea with a spoon with his left hand in 3-7 circular motions.

Then you should turn the cup on the saucer. When the last drop of the drink drains, turn the cup back and start divination. Don't rush, let your imagination run wild. Turn the cup, tilt it, look at it from different angles. The clearer the symbol that appears, the greater its significance.

Determining the meaning of various symbols is the most important part of divination. Below is a list of values ​​that are commonly used, but with your imagination, with time and experience, you can add your own to this list. eigenvalues Both the size and position of the characters are very important.

The handle of the cup represents the riddle. If the symbol is near the handle, it means that the event will take place near the rider's house. The directions of the symbols that depict movement are also important. Those that are directed towards the handle mean arrival, and those that are from the handle - departure.

There is a point of view that if you hold the cup with the handle towards you, the symbols on the left refer to events in the past, and on the right - in the future.

The walls of the cup from edge to bottom are taken as the time scale. Thus, the location of the symbols means: at the edge - events will occur in the near future; at the bottom - events distant in time; at the bottom - trouble at any time.

The size of the characters is also important. For example, the size of the symbol may give some idea of ​​the size of the house the riddle may move into or the inheritance he may receive.

First, you should look at which symbols are the most and make a general conclusion about the good or bad course of events. This will give some logic to your further reasoning. You will be able to understand that the information about bad news that has appeared is nothing more than individual events against the background of a generally happy period, or vice versa, good moments only slightly brighten up the upcoming difficult period in the life of your interlocutor. Remember that any information is made up of a combination of characters. Only when you add all the meanings together will you understand them. common sense.

Each combination of signs has a unique meaning, making tea divination an exciting experience.


B butterfly! - innocent pleasure; if surrounded by dots - material losses.

B araban - scandals and gossip threaten you, a quarrel is brewing.

B okal - the integrity of nature.

B duck - take care of your health.

V esy - a court case is possible: scales in balance - the case will be decided fairly; balance is disturbed - the decision will be unfair.

V orota means the return of the expected or the arrival of a guest. If a crowd of people is visible near the gate, then this indicates a large company.

G vozd - vicious attacks that threaten injustice towards you.

G irland - success and great honor.

G laz - be careful, especially in business.

G ora - great ambitions, leading to success if the tops

mountains are clearly defined.

G rib - growth, expansion; near the handle - a house in the village or the purchase of a summer house.

G rusha - comfort and financial well-being.

D tree - plans will come true, ambitions are justified.

D om - a safe environment, especially for business, hence a good time to start a new business. If the symbol is close to the handle and is unclear, a quarrel in the house or illness can threaten the family.

D ugh - worsening health threatens, or difficulties at work, or a change in your plans. You may have to abandon your plan, accidents are possible.

E l - success, especially in art; the taller the tree, the better.

F Elud is an excellent sign. The meaning of the happy future he predicts depends on the position in the cup: not far from the edge - to the money; in the middle of the wall - good health; near the bottom - improving health or financial situation.

F woman - happiness and pleasure. If several women - scandal and gossip.

W small town - restrictions are imposed on plans and actions. W amok - an obstacle to the fulfillment of desires.

W ayatz - excessive modesty.

W six-pointed everywhere - a happy future, eight-pointed - bad sign, accidents and return failures.

W meya - hatred and hostility, evil conspiracies against you

TO apusta - jealousy.

TO inzhal - haste, swiftness; option - a dangerous conspiracy of enemies.

TO key - analysis of the information received will help you find and use new opportunities; double key or located at the bottom means the danger of robbery.

TO niga - if the book is open, expect litigation (court case) if closed, difficult search.

TO around - expect news, good or bad, depending on the meaning of the surrounding symbols: not far from the edge - an increase; not far from the bottom - sad news; two bells - great joy.

TO olonna - success, also means danger due to arrogance.

TO ring - independence, satisfaction of desires, peace and long life. If not far from the edge of the cup - an indication of the upcoming marriage; in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe middle part of the wall - a marriage proposal; on the bottom - a long betrothal (but if there is a cross nearby, it will be torn); two rings - plans will come true, projects will work.

TO ship - good luck and good news on the way to you.

TO orzinka is a very good sign. Pay attention to its location: near the handle - a child will appear soon; in the upper part - your well-being will increase; if there are flowers in the basket - very good, happiness, success in society, interesting meetings, holidays await you; if the basket is surrounded by dots, your financial situation will improve, perhaps in connection with the receipt of an inheritance.

TO orona - great success; if the crown is clearly marked - inheritance.

TO sharp - avoid hasty decisions, especially in anger.

TO a wallet - a benefit, possibly material, at the bottom of a cup means an unexpected loss.

TO oshka - someone is plotting against you, possibly fake

TO rest - suffering, self-sacrifice, trouble. Two crosses indicate a serious illness or other troubles.

TO circle - a happy outcome.

TO wing - expect news.

L fuck - restful life in agreement.

L ev - influential friends and success with their help.

L eu means unexpected and unforeseen blows from neighbors, from lovers. If the forest is divided by a river or it is nearby, then in this case, despite the insidious intentions, they will not be successful.

L ladder - promotion, perhaps after hard work.

L bat mouse - beware of conspiracies and people claiming your friendship.

L ist - news; if a bunch of leaves is happiness, a bright future.

L odka - flight in difficult circumstances.

L walk - if jumping, good news, especially from a loved one; unless the horse's head is a lover.

L una full - love story; moon in the first quarter - new projects; the moon in the last quarter - a recession in the future; vaguely expressed - depression; surrounded by dots - marriage of convenience.

L uga with herds grazing on them mean fun, joy and fulfillment of desires; trees in the meadows are barriers that will later turn into good if you only act prudently.

L frog - do not overestimate yourself, this can lead to trouble.

M edved - unreasonable decisions will entail difficulties or even danger; if the bear turned away from the handle, it means a long journey.

M fir tree - success will accompany hard and hard work. The implication is that abilities alone won't help.

M etla - liberation from small troubles.

M Olotok - the ability to overcome difficulties, a tendency to cruelty is possible.

M ost - do not miss the opportunity to achieve quick success.

M uravei - your perseverance will be rewarded.

M ear - anxiety, especially in home life; the more

flies, the more and more varied the troubles will be.

H ozh - parting, unfulfilled contract, end of friendship;

near the handle - a divorce; crossed knives - a fierce argument.

H scissors - parting, quarrel, near the handle - a domestic quarrel.

O bezyan - flattery, threatening danger, they are trying to deceive you O blaka - doubts, unresolved problems, if very difficult, misfortune can be.

O necklace - if the whole - a lot of fans and admirers if torn - a wedding or love may not take place

O laziness portends a fast road, the same means a straight wide line.

P avlin with a loose tail - the acquisition of property (houses, apartments, cottages); surrounded by dots - a luxurious carefree life; near the edge of the cup - a rich marriage.

P fern - a possible infidelity of a lover.

P auk - an indication of the decisive, persistent nature of the riddle (but with a certain amount of deceit and cunning).

P ero - instability, lack of necessary concentration.

P silt - one of the outsiders will threaten family happiness

P istolet - danger, possibly mortal, threats from someone else.

P ostel - if explicit - means a cloudless state; if it is not clearly indicated - the confusion of the soul, leading to problems.

P bird - especially good if there are two or more birds; flying birds are good news; sitting birds - a successful journey.

P chela - success in society, as well as money, good news if not far from the handle - to meet friends.

P yatigon - peace of mind and soul.

R bifurcating line - decisions must be made (whether they will be successful or not depends on the surrounding symbols).

R baby - a lot of minor troubles; Option - perhaps an addition to the family.

R oh bees - success in front of an audience (successful performance).

R snake - if near the handle, expect attacks on family happiness at the bottom of the cup - there will be health troubles.

R weasel - be careful, they are trying to seduce you.

R fish - one of the best omens, indicates good luck in everything.

WITH amolet - a sudden journey, unexpected and not without risk: alternative - it is possible to reach new heights; if the plane seems to be broken, there is a physical danger or a threat to your career.

WITH apog - getting rid of pain; if directed away from the handle - sudden departure, possibly dismissal.

WITH vecha - help from outside, diligence in studies.

WITH vinya - clouded happiness (material success can bring moral or physical dissatisfaction).

WITH et - beware of traps.

WITH kelet - poor health, poverty.

WITH womb - wisdom, strength and slow but lasting success.

WITH obaka - rely on friends. Pay attention to the position and posture of the dog: running - good news and happy meetings; calm - you may be slandering a friend; if at the bottom of the cup - your friend is in trouble.

WITH ova - this ominous sign predicts the failure of your new endeavors; near the bottom - illness and loss of money; near the handle - infidelity will disturb home peace.

WITH around - the threat of sudden danger.

WITH tol - dinner, party, holiday, meeting of friends. If there are dots nearby - a conference on issues related to money.

WITH trill - expect bad news.

WITH tul - improvement of position; if surrounded by dots - an improvement in the financial situation.

WITH umka - a trap awaits you; the case will end successfully if the bag is closed.

WITH chest - a journey and justified hopes.

T supports - difficulties await you, especially if

only the top of the axe.

T points - one dot enhances the value of the nearest character; a group of dots portends the receipt of money.

T rectangle - if the top is up - success; if the top is down, the plans will not come true.

F lag - in danger, especially if the flag is black.

F rukt is a symbol of good luck, especially if it is the time of this fruit.

X olm - there are obstacles to achieving the goal.

Flower - fulfillment of desires.

C a church, a bell tower, a tower or other elevation marks different cases, namely: to the patient means death; lover - marriage; absent - a slow return.

H aces - avoid delays and hesitation; option - recovery; if at the bottom of the cup - death.

H a man - not far from the handle - a visitor; with outstretched hands - bringing gifts.

tea patterns

H monster - in any form and in any place - something terrible will happen.

W blooper - new opportunities and possible success. If the hat is bent and has holes - a major failure; if the hat at the bottom of the cup is a rival.

I AM yotso - prosperity, success, fertility; the more eggs the better.

I AM measles - expect success. Again, the position of the symbol in the cup is important: in the upper part - success in business, reinforced by the support of true love; in the middle part - the journey that will end financial success(success will be even greater if the sign is surrounded by dots); at the bottom - good luck in public life. If the pattern is clearly defined, you may have difficulty.

I AM shrimp - you are threatened with betrayal and revenge of one of the people who claim friendship.

A modern way of divination on coffee grounds

You can guess on coffee grounds any day. It is extremely important to brew coffee properly. Well ground, it is mixed with sugar, poured cold water and bring to a boil over low heat, but do not boil. In this case, a layer of thick foam forms on top.

After drinking coffee, you slowly turn the cup away from you so that a trickle of glass thickens to the edge opposite to the one from which you drank. Then again turn towards you and put it upside down on a saucer. After a few minutes, when the water drains and only semi-dry thickets remain on the walls, fortune-telling can begin.

Patterns "to yourself" - this is what it was; at the bottom of the cup - today; "on my own" - what will happen. If you look closely at the pattern of abstract lines, you will see images. But keep in mind that the symbolic interpretation of the drawings is an extremely individual matter, and each adviser, fortune-telling for another, may have his own interpretation of the patterns.

As an interpreter, it is quite possible to use the same as for tea patterns.

For ancient fortune-telling on tea leaves, you need to use a cup that will be convenient to use: it should be without a pattern, not with vertical walls. Tea should be used whenever possible, the best, with large leaves.

How to do fortune telling on tea leaves

To ensure accuracy, the person being divined must stir the tea with a spoon with his left hand in 3-7 circular motions. Then you should turn the cup on the saucer. When the last drop of the drink drains, turn the cup back and start divination.

Don't rush, let your imagination run wild. Turn the cup, tilt it, look at it from different angles. The clearer the symbol that appears, the greater its significance.

Determining the meaning of various symbols is the most important part of divination. Below is a list of commonly used values, but with your imagination, with time and experience, you can add your own values ​​to this list. Both the size and position of the characters are very important.

The handle of the cup represents the riddle. If the symbol, when fortune-telling on tea leaves, is not far from the handle, this means that the event will take place near the rider's house. The directions of the symbols that depict movement are also important. Those that are directed towards the handle mean arrival, and those that are from the handle - departure.

There is a point of view that if you hold the cup with the handle towards you, the symbols on the left refer to events in the past, and on the right - in the future. The walls of the cup from edge to bottom are taken as the time scale.

Thus, the location of the symbols means: at the edge - events will occur in the near future; at the bottom - events distant in time; at the bottom - trouble at any time. The size of the characters is also important.

For example, the size of the symbol may give some idea of ​​the size of the house the riddle may move into or the inheritance he may receive.

First, you should look at which symbols are the most and make a general conclusion about the good or bad course of events. This will give some logic to your further reasoning.

You will be able to understand that the information about bad news that has appeared is nothing more than individual events against the background of a generally happy period, or vice versa, good moments will only slightly brighten up the upcoming difficult period in the life of your interlocutor.

Remember that any information is made up of a combination of characters. It is only when you add all the meanings together that their general meaning will become clear to you. Each combination of signs has a unique meaning, making tea divination an exciting experience.

Divination on tea leaves. Interpreter of what he saw

Butterfly! - innocent pleasure; if surrounded by dots - material losses.

Drum - scandals and gossip threaten you, a quarrel is brewing.

A glass is the integrity of nature.

Bottle - take care of your health.

Libra - a court case is possible: scales in balance - the case will be decided fairly; balance is disturbed - the decision will be unfair.

The gate, according to divination on tea leaves, means the return of the expected or the arrival of a guest. If a crowd of people is visible near the gate, then this indicates a large company.

Nail - vicious attacks that threaten injustice towards you.

Garland - success and great honor.

Eye - be careful, especially in business.

Mountains - great ambitions, leading to success if the tops of the mountains are clearly expressed.

Mushroom - growth, expansion; near the handle - a house in the village or the purchase of a summer house.

Pear - comfort and financial well-being.

Tree - plans will come true, ambitions are justified.

Home is a safe environment, especially for business, and it's a good time to start something new. If the symbol is close to the handle and is unclear, a quarrel in the house or illness can threaten the family.

Arc - threatened by deterioration in health, or difficulties at work, or a change in your plans. You may have to abandon your plan, accidents are possible.

Spruce - according to divination on tea leaves, means success, especially in art; the taller the tree, the better.

The acorn is an excellent sign. The meaning of the happy future he predicts depends on the position in the cup: not far from the edge - to the money; in the middle of the wall - good health; near the bottom - improving health or financial situation.

A woman is happiness and pleasure. If several women - scandal and gossip.

Fence - restrictions are imposed on plans and actions. The castle is an obstacle to the fulfillment of desires.

Hare - excessive modesty, according to fortune-telling on tea leaves.

The six-pointed star is a happy future, the eight-pointed is a bad sign, accidents and the return of bad luck.

Snake - hatred and hostility, evil conspiracies against you

Cabbage - jealousy.

Dagger - haste, swiftness; option - a dangerous conspiracy of enemies.

Key - analysis of the information received will help you find and use new opportunities; a double key or located at the bottom means the danger of robbery.

Book - if the book is open, expect litigation (court case) if closed, difficult search.

Bell - expect news, good or bad, depending on the meaning of the surrounding symbols: not far from the edge - an increase; not far from the bottom - sad news; two bells - great joy.

Column - success, also means danger due to arrogance, according to divination on tea leaves.

Ring - independence, satisfaction of desires, peace and long life. If not far from the edge of the cup - an indication of the upcoming marriage; in the area of ​​​​the middle part of the wall - a marriage proposal; on the bottom - a long betrothal (but if there is a cross nearby, it will be torn); two rings - plans will come true, projects will work.

The ship is good luck and good news on the way to you.

The basket is a very good sign. Pay attention to its location: near the handle - a child will appear soon; the upper part - your well-being will increase; if there are flowers in the basket - very good, happiness, success in society, interesting meetings, holidays await you; if the basket is surrounded by dots, your financial situation will improve, perhaps in connection with the receipt of an inheritance.

The crown is a great success; if the crown is clearly marked - inheritance.

Bonfire - avoid hasty decisions, especially in anger.

Purse - according to fortune-telling on tea leaves, a benefit, possibly material, at the bottom of a cup means an unexpected loss.

Cat - someone is plotting against you, possibly fake

Cross - suffering, self-sacrifice, trouble. Two crosses indicate a serious illness or other troubles.

The circle is a happy ending.

Wings - expect news.

Swan - a calm life in harmony.

Leo - influential friends and success with their help.

The forest means unexpected and unforeseen blows from neighbors, from lovers. If the forest is divided by a river or it is nearby, then in this case, despite the insidious intentions, they will not be successful.

Ladder - promotion, perhaps after hard work.

Bat - beware of conspiracies and people claiming your friendship.

Sheet - news; if a bunch of leaves is happiness, a bright future.

Boat - flight in complicated circumstances, according to divination on tea leaves.

Horse - if galloping, good news, especially from a loved one; unless the horse's head is a lover.

The moon is full - a love story; moon in the first quarter - new projects; the moon in the last quarter - a recession in the future; vaguely expressed - depression; surrounded by dots - marriage of convenience.

Meadows with flocks grazing on them mean fun, joy and fulfillment of desires; trees in the meadows are barriers that will later turn into good if you only act prudently.

Frog - do not overestimate yourself, this can lead to trouble.

Bear - unreasonable decisions will entail difficulties or even danger; if the bear turned away from the handle, it means a long journey.

Mill - according to fortune-telling on tea leaves, success will accompany the condition of hard and hard work. The implication is that abilities alone won't help.

Broom - liberation from small troubles.

Hammer - the ability to overcome difficulties, a tendency to cruelty is possible.

Bridge - do not miss the opportunity to achieve quick success.

Ant - your perseverance will be rewarded.

Fly - anxiety, especially in home life; the more

flies, the more and more varied the troubles will be.

Knife - parting, unfulfilled contract, the end of friendship, according to fortune-telling on tea leaves.

near the handle - a divorce; crossed knives - a fierce argument.

Scissors - parting, quarrel, near the handle - a domestic quarrel.

Monkey - flattery, threatening danger, Clouds are trying to deceive you - doubts, unresolved problems, if misfortune can be very difficult.

Necklace - if whole - a lot of fans and admirers if torn - a wedding or love may not take place

The deer portends a fast road, the same means a straight wide line.

Peacock with a loose tail - the acquisition of property (houses, apartments, cottages); surrounded by dots - a luxurious carefree life; near the edge of the cup - a rich marriage.

Fern - according to fortune-telling on tea leaves, the possible infidelity of a lover.

Spider - an indication of the decisive, persistent character of the riddle (but with a certain amount of deceit and cunning).

Feather - instability, lack of necessary concentration.

Saw - one of the outsiders will threaten family happiness

A gun is a danger, possibly mortal, threats from someone else.

Bed - if explicit - means a cloudless state; if it is not clearly indicated - the confusion of the soul, leading to problems.

Bird - especially good if there are two or more birds; flying birds are good news; sitting birds - a successful journey.

Bee - success in society, as well as money, good news if not far from the handle - to meet friends.

Pentagon - peace of mind and soul, according to divination on tea leaves.

Forking line - decisions must be made (whether they will be successful or not depends on the surrounding symbols).

Child - a lot of small troubles; Option - perhaps an addition to the family.

Swarm of bees - success in front of an audience (successful performance).

A gun - if near the handle, expect attacks on family happiness at the bottom of the cup - there will be health troubles.

Mermaid - according to fortune-telling on tea leaves, this is a warning: be careful, they are trying to seduce you.

Fish - one of the best omens, indicates good luck in everything.

Airplane - a sudden journey, unexpected and not without risk: an alternative - it is possible to reach new heights; if the plane seems to be broken, there is a physical danger or a threat to your career.

Boot - getting rid of pain; if directed away from the handle - sudden departure, possibly dismissal.

Candle - help from outside, diligence in studies.

Pig - clouded happiness (material success can bring moral or physical dissatisfaction).

Network - beware of traps.

Skeleton - poor health, poverty.

Elephant - wisdom, strength and slow but lasting success, according to divination on tea leaves.

Dog - rely on friends. Pay attention to the position and posture of the dog: running - good news and happy meetings; calm - you may be slandering a friend; if at the bottom of the cup - your friend is in trouble.

Owl - this ominous sign predicts the failure of your new endeavors; near the bottom - illness and loss of money; near the handle - infidelity will disturb home peace.

The falcon is a threat of sudden danger.

Table - according to fortune-telling on tea leaves, lunch, party, holiday, meeting of friends. If there are dots nearby - a conference on issues related to money.

Arrow - expect bad news.

Chair - improvement; if surrounded by dots - an improvement in the financial situation.

Bag - a trap awaits you; the case will end successfully if the bag is closed.

Chest - a journey and justified hopes.

Ax - difficulties await you, especially if it appears

only the top of the axe.

Dots - one dot enhances the value of the nearest symbol; a group of dots portends the receipt of money.

Triangle - if the top is up - success; if the top is down, the plans will not come true.

Flag - in danger, especially if the flag is black.

Fruit is a symbol of good luck, according to divination on tea leaves, especially if this is the time of this fruit.

Hill - there are obstacles to achieving the goal.

Flower - fulfillment of desires.

A church, a bell tower, a tower or other elevation marks different cases, namely: death means to the sick; lover - marriage; absent - a slow return.

Hours - avoid delays and hesitation; option - recovery; if at the bottom of the cup - death.

A person - not far from the handle - a visitor; with outstretched hands - bringing gifts.

A monster - in any form and in any place - something terrible will happen.

Hat - new opportunities and possible success. If the hat is bent and has holes - a major failure; if the hat at the bottom of the cup is a rival.

Egg - according to divination on tea leaves, prosperity, success, fertility; the more eggs the better.

Anchor - expect success. Again, the position of the symbol in the cup is important: in the upper part - success in business, reinforced by the support of true love; in the middle part - a journey that will end in financial success (success will be even greater if the sign is surrounded by dots); at the bottom - good luck in social life. If the pattern is clearly expressed, according to divination by tea leaves, you may have difficulty.

Lizard - you are threatened by betrayal and revenge of one of the people who claim friendship.


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