Fortune telling about an opponent love triangle. Fortune telling using Tarot cards for the situation “Triangles”

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Life brings good and bad surprises. Any turn of events affects one of the areas of a person’s life: love, finances, health, family. Sometimes hard times come when you have no one to talk to, but you want to know the answer. For such cases, fortune telling is used.

« Love triangle" - a layout on Tarot cards that allows you to understand personal relationships when the fortuneteller has a rival or rival. This fortune telling has a high percentage of coincidences, so if the cards say “no”, you should believe them.

Tarot reading for love

Tarot “Love Triangle” helps to find out future events, as well as to clarify the relationship between its “peaks”. For a person who is caught in a love triangle, fortune telling will explain the desires of the other half, the prospects for the relationship, and whether to be wary of a rival or rival.

If we are talking about relationships with a married man, then the location of the cards will not change. The fortuneteller is always placed in first place, and in 2nd and 4th place are a young man/girl and a rival/rival.

The meaning of each card:

The cards must be laid out according to the number.

Interpretation of cards in the layout

In love scenarios, it is necessary to correctly and accurately decipher the meaning. There are many varieties of Tarot cards, each of them is used for a specific fortune telling.

There are 78 cards in the deck. There are Major and Minor Arcana, which have four suits: Rod, Cups, Coins, Swords. If the card lies straight, then it often has positive value. Reversed cards indicate bad news.

Major Arcana

There are 22 Major Arcana in total. Some tarot readers recommend using only them in fortune telling “love triangle”. It is believed that it is easier to read the situation by their meanings:

Minor Arcana

The Minor Arcana helps to understand the situation in more detail. Each of the four suits has 14 cards, the values ​​of which range from two to king.

The suit of Wands has meanings:

The bowls are deciphered:

Swords are interpreted as follows:

A love triangle is an online fortune telling that helps you find out the future of your relationship with your partner, your opponent’s intentions, ways to overcome obstacles and a way out of the current situation.

  • Before fortune telling, focus on the request.

  • It is important to be in a calm environment.

  • You can take a couple of deep breaths and breaths.

  • It is useful to think about the time of the fortune telling in advance.

  • You should not often guess at the same situation.

  • See the answers as an opportunity for personal growth.

  • You decide how wonderful your future will be.

Have a nice session!

  • Your partner's plans and feelings for you
  • Plans and feelings of the Partner towards the rival (rival)
  • Plans and feelings of the rival (rival) regarding the Partner
  • What happens if you fight for a relationship?
  • What happens if you let go?
  • Will you stay with your Partner in the end?
  • Will the rival (rival) remain with the Partner?
  • Postscript: Your personal love prospects.

  • Your Partner's plans and feelings for you.
  • Plans and feelings of the Partner towards the rival (rival).
  • Plans and feelings of the rival (rival) about the Partner.
  • What happens if you fight for a relationship?
  • What happens if you let go?
  • Will you stay with your Partner in the end?
  • Will the rival (rival) remain with the Partner?
  • Postscript: Your personal love prospects.

Click on the cards to fill out the layout

Click on the cards to find out the meaning


Interpretation of the layout

Pay attention to the first three cards of the layout. They can fill in the missing information about the feelings and plans of the Partner or the rival party.

Points 4 and 5 show the results of two different elections: in the case when you let the situation take its course and will not interfere in events, or take the most active part and fight for your feelings and the person. Positions 4, 5 – probable consequences of the steps taken. If the answer suits you, then the very meaning of the arcana will suggest the method of action in the intended question.

Election cards can be turned upside down, with a negative connotation, which does not mean a lack of prospects, but more often indicates that the way out of the situation will take time and may be accompanied by pain and sacrifices. An inverted Tarot lasso sometimes indicates the end of suffering (or those events that the negative upright card symbolizes).

We pay most attention to positions 6 and 7, which describe the future of all participants in the triangle in the form of an answer to the question: yes or no. Sometimes the answer to both questions is “yes” as a sign that the Partner has not yet decided or does not want to make a choice, everything suits him. Or one of the rival parties is interested in maintaining the relationship.

Often in layouts like the Love Triangle, Return of a Beloved, or Test of Fidelity, many inverted cards appear. They should be regarded as signals for change. They suggest where conflicts, restrictions, suppressed feelings, strong negative emotions, including fear, unfinished situations, unmet important needs of you or your Partner.

Point 8 shows your prospects not only in the current situation, but also in general. The Aces and friendly Major Arcana dropped here (their names in English) are often associated with favorable opportunities, relief, forgiveness. And figured cards can be recommendations to develop specific qualities, be it the stability of pentacles, the ardor of wands, the unpredictability of swords or the tenderness of cups.

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Questions of love and relationships are the most frequently asked questions to a tarot reader. And this is not surprising, because if there is love in your life, then you don’t care about any troubles. And if there is no love, then no achievements are fully pleasing. The situation becomes especially acute when a rival appears in your life, in which case you cannot do without Tarot fortune telling.

It is often difficult for a person to understand even own feelings, not to mention the other person's feelings. In such cases, Tarot cards and a whole range of romantic layouts come to the rescue. Today we will analyze with you the Love Triangle Tarot layout and talk with you about the fundamental points of tarot fortune telling for a rival.

Choosing a deck for fortune telling for relationships

The main advice that can be given when in doubt is to take the universal classics. Regardless of what question you ask the cards: about love, marriage, betrayal, a rival, fortune telling on a classic Tarot deck will always be accurate and understandable. Decks given to the world allow you to work with both business and romantic issues with equal precision. With special decks, things are more complicated. They are worth contacting if you really understand how they work.

One of these decks is the Tarot Manara, the images and interpretations of which make it possible to analyze all the details of a relationship. But here it is worth considering that this deck is erotic, so all interpretations are biased towards physical intimacy and passion, rather than spiritual intimacy and romantic love.

It is worth choosing such a deck if your question lies precisely in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe relationship. You can guess about a love triangle using erotic Tarot cards, but in this case you will receive answers mainly about the sexual side of the question, and you will be able to understand whether there was betrayal. You can say that you will get into your pants, but not into your soul.

Based on my practice, I would strongly recommend that in most cases you use the classic Tarot deck to analyze the situation from different sides, both earthly and spiritual. And only in special situations, when details and details are needed in certain areas, use narrowly focused decks.

Choosing a layout for fortune telling

When choosing a layout, we first of all proceed from the questions to which we want to receive answers. Indeed, why do we need a layout (or positions in it) that answer something that doesn’t bother us at all or something that we already know? The choice of layout needs to be approached very practically, so that there is nothing superfluous and at the same time there is enough of everything.

Sometimes I hear the following phrases: “this layout is too big”, “and this one is too small, there will be little information.” So, there is no big or small layout for a tarot reader, there are only layouts that answer your questions more than necessary or less than necessary. You need to strive for the ideal so that the layout answers all your questions and does not overload unnecessary information. It all depends on your situation. Sometimes a layout of 4 Tarot cards - the Pyramid of Lovers - can give everything necessary information. Let's get to know him.

There are only 4 cards in this layout, they are arranged in the shape of a triangle or a pyramid and describe the relationship of lovers. The order and arrangement of the cards may vary, which is not a particularly significant point.

The first card speaks about you. It's you in the relationship, your summation and attitude, aspirations and feelings.

The second card will describe your partner, show his condition and desires.

The third card of the layout will tell you about your relationship, what unites you or, on the contrary, hinders you. Helps to draw certain conclusions, especially when comparing it with the first two Tarot cards.

The fourth card speaks about the future between you for a specified period, or answers a specific question posed, if there was one.

As we see, the layout is very simple and clear, it answers the most basic points in the relationship. For determining current state situation, what is called fortune telling for today, the Pyramid of Love Tarot layout is best suited. And although I would not recommend using the layout every day, nevertheless, you can refer to it quite often. Let's move on to a more complex layout, which is suitable for situations involving an opponent.

Scheme of the Tarot "Love Triangle" layout

Scheme of the “Love Triangle” layout

How to read the layout

This layout is clearly divided into two halves: the left side corresponds to the questioner, the one for whom the layout is being made, and the right side to her rival.

  1. Gives general information about a man in the context of romantic fortune telling.
  2. A man's feelings and emotions towards the questioner.
  3. Feelings and emotions towards another woman.
  4. How attractive are you to this man?
  5. How attractive the other woman is to him.
  6. What doesn't he like about you?
  7. What he doesn't like about another woman.
  8. Thoughts about serious relationship with you.
  9. Similar thoughts about my opponent.
  10. The future of the relationship with you (the querent).
  11. The future of a relationship with another woman.

It is worth noting that the layout can be done for both women and men. You will not encounter any difficulty in rethinking positions here.

As you can see, all positions of the layout come in pairs (except for the first), so they should be read in the same way. In this case, you can compare yourself and your opponent. View her strengths and yours, her weaknesses and yours. Correct the negativity in yourself and use the information received. Of course, you can interpret the sides of the pyramid separately. In this case, you will first learn everything about yourself, and then everything about her. From a narrative point of view, this is more convenient, but from the point of view comparative analysis, paired card reading is more suitable.

Watch a video about fortune telling and readings using the Love Triangle Tarot cards

A few words about the wording of the question

All further interpretation depends on how it was before the start of the alignment. Such clearly structured Tarot layouts as the “Love Triangle” allow you not to think too much about the question asked, since here each position is spelled out more than specifically, and the map has a strict framework for interpretation. But not all arrangements are like this. Also, the Pyramid of Lovers, despite its simplicity, has great variability in execution and interpretation.

You can reformulate the final position or even lay out several cards for each position to more fully disclose your questions. That is why, before starting fortune telling, you need to listen carefully to the questioner, understand what questions he wants answered, formulate the final version of the question and choose the appropriate layout.

A small life hack for a tarot reader. If you want to consider in detail the relationship between people, but we are not talking about a rival, then you can use the same “Pyramid of Lovers” layout, only you need to look at only one of its sides.

Card fortune telling for a love triangle is one of the most common layouts.

To perform it, a variety of decks are used: Tarot, of course, is best suited, but you can also guess on ordinary playing cards(not played yet).

You can even find online fortune telling on the Internet - on most sites it is free. However, online layouts should be classified as solitaire games that do not so much actually predict the future as serve as entertainment.

If you really want to clear up the situation in a real or perceived love triangle, you should choose the real process rather than online. So, in what cases do they make a love triangle arrangement?

When is it worth guessing?

Fortune telling for a love triangle is carried out in the following cases:

  • The questioner wants to know whether the wife (husband) has been unfaithful.
  • He rushes between two partners, not knowing who to choose.
  • The questioner wants to find out about the attitude of two people towards him, analyze the result and act further based on it.

There is also this option: the client wants to learn not about his relationship, but about the situation concerning third parties. Not a single predictive system recommends resorting to this version of fortune-telling, since it is not customary to look into other people’s destinies that are not directly related to the fate of the questioner.

It is better not to use the “Triangle” layout without compelling reasons in relation to a permanent partner or husband. Because in this way you can “miscalculate your happiness”: the relationship will worsen, and this can lead to a complete break.

Therefore, you should only guess about a love triangle if you have good reasons to suspect your husband or boyfriend of cheating.

How to prepare for fortune telling?

Regardless of which cards the love triangle will be laid out on, you need to properly prepare for fortune telling. First of all, choose the right day.

The best days for fortune telling, for example, on Tarot, are Thursday and Friday. The most accurate layouts are obtained on the full moon or new moon, on the first day of the month and year, as well as on the querent’s birthday.

When not to do this:

  • It is believed that you cannot tell fortunes on Sunday and Monday.
  • During the “critical days” of a woman (regardless of whether she is a questioner or a fortune teller).
  • They do not tell fortunes to pregnant women and minors, so as not to “cross out” their fate.
  • You also cannot carry out fortune telling in upset feelings, experiencing anxiety or severe sadness.

Fortune telling must be done in a clean, cozy room. It is recommended that the person who will perform the reading take a shower first. There should be no strangers in the room, especially children or pets (an exception may be a cat).

To create a suitable atmosphere, you can light candles and incense, turn on soft music - ethnic or meditative. Immediately before the session (in the two hours preceding it), it is better for both participants not to eat or drink anything other than clean water.

The client should be as calm and relaxed as the fortuneteller. He should focus on the problem that the layout is devoted to, but perceive it detachedly, without strong emotions.

If you decide to resort to online fortune telling, then it is not necessary to follow all the described rules. However, it won’t hurt to relax, calm down and focus on the problem that has arisen - if only because any fortune telling is not so much a prediction of the future, but a way to comprehensively analyze the question being asked.

Fortune telling with playing cards

Fortune telling "Triangle" on playing cards is performed on a standard deck of 36 sheets. It is thoroughly mixed and eight cards are pulled out one by one, laying them face down on the table. The cards are then turned over and interpreted as follows:

  1. What plans does the partner make in relation to the questioner?
  2. What are the partner’s intentions regarding the rival (rival).
  3. What are the intentions of the rival (rival) herself?
  4. Is it necessary to enter into a struggle for relationships and try to preserve them?
  5. What will be the consequences if you do not try to change the situation, but leave it as it is?
  6. Is a happy union between a client and his partner possible?
  7. How will the partner’s relationship with his rival (rival) develop?
  8. The result of fortune telling, analysis of probable prospects.

Fortune telling with Tarot cards

The simplest fortune telling about a love triangle on Tarot cards consists of 21 cards, which include both the Major and Minor Arcana. Cards are selected one at a time from a well-shuffled deck and laid out in a triangle - seven cards on each side. After this, the Tarot layout is interpreted.

The seven cards that make up the right side of the triangle characterize the attitude to the situation and the behavior of the questioner. The cards on the left contain encrypted information about the feelings and actions of his potential opponent.

Finally, the base of the triangle is a description of the object of the love dispute itself - the husband or lover. For a more accurate result, you can pull out two more cards from the Tarot deck: one of them will mean the outcome of the situation for the questioner, the other - for the opponent.

Fortune telling with Lenormand cards

Madame Lenormand's fortune-telling cards bear little resemblance to the Tarot. They are more like a classic playing deck, complemented by symbolic designs - a cross, a ring, a sun, a clover, etc.

The layout on Lenormand cards is made in the shape of a square; it uses 12 cards, 3 on each side. The interpretation goes like this:

  • Cards 1, 2, 3 symbolize the relationship of the hidden partner to the questioner.
  • 4, 5, 6 describe the relationship between the partner and the opponent.
  • 7, 8, 9 reveal the true feelings of the questioner towards his partner.
  • 10, 11, 12 talk about how the opponent treats his partner.

Of all the described scenarios, this one is most suitable for checking suspicions about the husband’s infidelity.

All described types of fortune telling, including the love triangle layout using the Lenormand deck, can be found on the Internet and carried out online. However, if there are serious concerns about the infidelity of your husband or fiancé, it is better to turn to a real deck. Author: Ekaterina Volkova

We have all probably been inside such a triangle, perhaps different roles, but nevertheless, it rarely brought happiness to anyone.

Of course, most often the fate of a mistress is not enviable, but you can try your luck. If you don't value yourself.

Are you ready to spend years of your life on this and wait, dwelling in dreams and sweet promises?! Deceiving yourself that you are loved. One of my friends spent 8 years in such a relationship, at first she was in love, then he hooked her on money and they began an affair called “domestic prostitution.” However, she does not admit it to herself.

He has a wife, two children and several more mistresses, which, by the way, my friend guessed about... and now she is 40 years old, and she is still dreaming of her own family, to celebrate holidays together and not hide, and her lover is still I began to spend time more often with younger passions.

And if you find yourself on the other side of the barricade and every time your husband goes to the left, you painfully experience it, crying into your pillow and hoping that this last time or at least you won’t be abandoned, spending your only life in such a depressed state.

In such cases, I remind the girls of the ancient wisdom “let go, and if this is your man, he will come back.” What's the point of wasting your energy on keeping someone? You need to thank the person for being in your life and move on. Whoever truly lets go of a person and lives on with a light heart, the universe gives incredibly happy relationships. I’m not just saying this, but from my own experience and the experience of my friends.

Both of them are most often blinded and intoxicated by the promises and emotions that overwhelm them, losing precious time of their lives and wasting it on expectations.

Using the “love triangle” layout, you can see what feelings a man (woman) experiences for both parties, what plans the rival has for your man, how each individual relationship will develop in the future. Ask the Tarot for advice. What is the best thing to do and is there any point in maintaining the relationship? After all, you can save it, it doesn’t matter at what cost...

Case from practice. A girl came to me, whose husband had taken a mistress, they had Small child, and she just didn’t know what to do and what to expect from the relationship. Having made a “love triangle” layout, the cards showed that there would be neither one nor the other, a sort of trophy collector. As far as I know, she tried to save the family for some time, but she couldn’t stand it during her husband’s next spree and left.

This online fortune telling will help you understand the love triangle

Before fortune telling, focus on the person you are interested in and the questions you want answered. And start guessing.

But remember that accurate and detailed information can only be obtained through an individual consultation. You can order fortune telling or write whatsapp, viber 8 919 922 2050


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