Continuous action weed killers for the garden: a review of the most effective preparations. Features and purpose of continuous action herbicides Sturm, a drug for killing weeds

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The main problem of many agronomists and summer residents is weeds - no matter how you weed them, they cannot be completely removed. Therefore, people often wonder what herbicides to use and whether they are as effective and safe as the manufacturer claims.

What are herbicides

Herbicides are chemical compounds that help agronomists and gardeners fight the active growth of weeds. The process of controlling weeds using chemicals is not so complicated - the main thing is to know the basic conditions for their use and safety rules by choosing the composition you need.


Taking into account their effect on weeds, the preparations are divided into:

  • On continuous action herbicides- they kill all types of green spaces and therefore they are used to treat areas around railways and airfields, near industrial enterprises.
  • On selective herbicides— they destroy certain types of plants without negatively affecting neighboring plantings.

Taking into account movement throughout the plant, compositions can be divided into the following groups:

  • Contact- they act on the surface of the green space without penetrating into the plant.
  • System- will act only after they penetrate inside the plants, affecting the root system, leaves and stem.

List of popular herbicides

Among the most common herbicides, the following types are especially popular.

  1. Hurricane Forte- a drug with surface-active compounds quickly penetrates green space, suppressing its growth and leading to death. Its active ingredient is glyphosate.
  2. Cowboy Super- a systemic composition, marketed in the form of water-soluble granules, used for processing grain and lawn treatment.
  3. Titus is a selective herbicide, available either dry in the form of granules or in a flowable suspension, used to treat weeds in corn fields, tomatoes and potatoes.
  4. Dual Gold— herbicide, produced in the form of a concentrated emulsion, classified as a systemic composition with a selective principle of action. Most often it is used when treating fields of corn and beets, rapeseed from annual and 2-lobed weeds.
  5. Gesagard- a composition with a selective principle of action, capable of combating both adult weeds and young shoots.

Which herbicides are best for weeds?

  1. Tornado- a universal composition in the fight against many types of weeds and is ideal for soil treatment before sowing.
  2. Tornado bau. This is a continuous action herbicide, ready for use and is marketed already in a spray bottle. Convenient for small processing areas, for example, around decorative paths or along a fence.
  3. Agrokiller. The highly concentrated composition is a continuous herbicide that allows you to remove particularly “malicious” weeds, such as horsetail, wheatgrass, and bindweed.
  4. Lontrel-zood- a selective herbicide suitable for treating lawns and strawberry plantings. Excellent for controlling dandelions.
  5. Lapis lazuli- a selective herbicide used for potatoes and in areas with other tuber plantings. Helps suppress weed growth, but does not accumulate in tubers, providing protection for the next 1-2 months.

Are herbicides harmful?

The chemicals do an excellent job of controlling weeds in agricultural fields and garden plots, however, their use raises particular concerns about how safe the herbicides are for humans

Modern drugs for the most part have a low or medium level of danger to humans and do not have an excessive harmful effect on humans and animals. But there are also very dangerous ones - when choosing, the main thing is to read the instructions and choose the safest composition.

Also, when treating a site with herbicides against weeds, it is necessary to take into account the correct concentration of the substance, in accordance with the instructions. If we talk about how long they last in the ground - no more than 2-4 weeks, after which they completely disintegrate. If the instructions are not followed and more is added, the decay period will be longer.

Instructions for use

When using medications, be sure to take into account the rules prescribed in the instructions.

  1. When working with chemicals, wear gloves and a respirator to protect your skin and respiratory system.
  2. After work, you should definitely wash exposed areas of your body with soap and change clothes.
  3. Before and after working with herbicides, you should not drink or eat for 2-3 hours, as during treatment.
  4. Also carry out work in calm weather, and the soil itself should be moist.

Pros and cons of using herbicides

Regarding the strengths of using chemicals to kill weeds, many users highlight the following advantages:

  • affordable price and high efficiency;
  • the ability to choose a product for treating large fields and small summer cottages;
  • the ability to use herbicides to destroy grass, shrubs and trees;
  • Many chemicals have a wide spectrum of action and at the same time get rid of not only weeds, but also harmful insects, beetles and mice.

Among the disadvantages are the following points:

  • burn of greenery of agricultural crops and fruit trees, shrubs;
  • healthy soil microflora is disrupted;
  • One should not exclude the possibility of poisoning of animals and humans due to improper processing or non-compliance with protection rules. This is why it is so important to strictly follow the instructions.

How much do herbicides cost?

Many modern chemicals in the fight against weeds are not only highly effective, but also at reasonable prices. If we talk in detail, then on the domestic market the prices for herbicides of continuous and selective action are as follows:

  • Glyphosate - 375 and Napalm - 271 rubles;
  • Typhoon - 220, and Octopus - 672 rubles;
  • Roundup - 520, and Tornado - 630 rubles;
  • Hurricane - 650, and Torch - 310 rubles;
  • Grader - 356, and Helios - 450 rubles.

Prices may vary depending on the manufacturer, as well as the region of sale, which may have its own markup and trade markup. Although the products presented can be found at a lower price on the Internet.

Perhaps nothing spoils a gardener’s life more than the ubiquitous weeds. They grow in cultivated areas cheerfully and amicably, sometimes many times faster than the growth of lovingly planted crops. Not to mention that it's just unsightly, weeds eat them, shade them and attract pests. If you don’t fight the “freeloaders,” you may be left without a harvest. For this, there are both general and individual methods, depending on the type, and folk recipes, and modern developments in the agricultural industry.

First of all, it should be understood that in order to solve the weed problem once and for all, it is necessary that weed seeds are not carried by the wind, and that the soil is completely unsuitable for their growth. It is quite obvious that these are impossible conditions. However, it is possible to radically remove weeds from a site, which will practically eliminate such a labor-intensive and unenviably regular process as weeding.

Herbicide treatment

This is the fastest and most effective method, which gives excellent results, but has contraindications and requires great caution. The choice of drug depends on the type of uncontrolled growing plants.

The agricultural market offers different types of pesticides, which are divided into several groups according to various characteristics.

Ability to move through plant tissues


When it gets on any part of the plant, the destructive substance quickly spreads both throughout its entire above-ground part and into the root system, which causes its complete death, including every leaf and every root.


In this case, the effect of the drug occurs only at the point of direct contact.

According to the spectrum of action

Continuous action

In this case, the drug destroys everything that is within the radius of its impact, including cultivated plantings and weeds. The use of such preparations is justified in the case when it is necessary to obtain an area completely cleared of vegetation, in which there will not be a single blade of grass.

Example - “Tornado”, “Antiburyan”. They can be useful when laying paths, laying paving slabs on a site, laying a reservoir, preparing land for a lawn.

Selective action

They are able to get rid of unwanted plants without causing harm to the planted ones. Effective for maintaining a smooth, well-groomed lawn. The product and its concentration can be selected individually depending on the type of weed, their strength and quantity.

The most popular are “Hurricane”, “Roundup”, “Agrokiller”, “Fusilade”, “Lapis Lazuli”, “Lintur”. The drug "Tornado" can also be used as a selective agent, but it should be remembered that it, along with the drug "Antikiller", is more powerful than others. They are recommended for use in the fight against the most stubborn and powerful weeds, such as horsetail, wheatgrass, all types of weeds, hogweed, plantain, and dandelion.

With the help of the drug "Agrokiller" you can even cope with thickets of bushes and trees to clear a neglected area.

The mechanism of action can also be different (including complex) - destruction of cell membranes, inhibition of fat synthesis, photosynthesis, formation of amino acids, etc. Herbicide preparations are produced in the form of emulsions, diluents, suspensions, powders, and granules.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this method are obvious:

  • saving effort and time;
  • effective control of even the most difficult to remove weeds;
  • the ability to quickly process large areas;
  • availability of choice of a specific drug depending on the type of weed, neglect of the site, environmental conditions;
  • after 2 weeks there is nothing left of them in the soil, the substances do not accumulate.

Disadvantages of chemical control:

  • Continuous action drugs, which are the most effective, destroy not only unnecessary things, but also cultivated crops, and therefore require special care.
  • These agents are useless against seeds, so plants that are not destroyed before maturation and reproduction have time to become a source of new problems in the future. You should also know that seeds can lie in the ground for several years and then sprout.
  • Toxicity. It is necessary to work with these products in protective equipment and in compliance with all prescribed safety rules.

If it is necessary to repeat the treatment, it is better to alternate the drugs.

What do the experts say?

Regarding this group of chemicals, the opinion of experts is as follows. They acknowledge their effectiveness, but warn against getting too carried away with these remedies. They consider the use of large areas justified (for example, potato or corn fields).

But for small plots, especially with fruit-bearing trees and berry bushes present on them, in this case it is better to look for an alternative in the form of other agricultural methods.

Do not dig up the soil before applying herbicides! Dense soil prevents the poison from spreading deep into the roots of fruit trees, berry bushes and other crops with a well-developed root system.

Mechanical struggle for purity

Mechanical work with weeds means manual or mechanized weeding. The method is long, very labor-intensive and familiar to all gardeners. The success of such a fight depends on the type of grass. If, for example, garden purslane with its poorly developed roots can be pulled out easily and without residue, then thistle or wheatgrass cannot be completely destroyed by hand, no matter how hard you try.

Resorting to mowing the above-ground part without rhizomes can only be effective if the procedure is carried out at least three times in a short period of time. Then the root will dry out and stop trying to sprout, but this does not apply to all weeds.

Rules for successful hand weeding:


Mulching is the covering of the fertile soil layer with any materials that do not transmit light. This can be cardboard, sawdust, agrofibre, boards and much more that can stop the process of photosynthesis, and therefore life activity in general, in unnecessary plants. This method is detrimental not only to the above-ground part, but also to the roots.

Additional advantages include the neat appearance of the beds, especially if industrial special materials are used. Its disadvantage, however, is the length of the process. Having covered the bed with film in the spring, it can only be removed in the fall.
For gardening crops, slits are made in the material.

Under roofing felt and film, the soil can overheat, so the best mulch is considered organic - sawdust, tree bark, cardboard, pine needles, mown grass, etc.

Folk methods and remedies

Before the invention of chemical compounds and the advent of black film, beloved by summer residents, weeds were fought not only with hands and hoes, but also with the help of improvised means. Many of these methods are still used successfully today.


Available, cheap and very effective. You can use a saline solution or sprinkle the ground with regular coarse salt at the rate of 1.5 kg per 1 sq.m. - natural precipitation will do its job on its own. The disadvantage of the method is the unsuitability of the cultivated land for further farming, but, for example, to combat overgrowing of paths or prepare an area for artificial turf, this is a very simple and effective method.


The strong alkaline reaction of strong soda solution works well against plant growth. To enhance the effect, you can add grated laundry soap. But it should be remembered that even in this case it will not be possible to grow anything useful on this soil for a long time.


The method attributed to the Americans. It is quite expensive (it requires a dilution of medical alcohol in a ratio of 1:10), but it has an important advantage - it does not kill crops.

Only row spacing is subject to treatment; 2-2.5 acres will require 11 liters. The effect continues for the current year.

This is interesting! The use of strong alcohol against weeds has a long history in America. A month before sowing, the land here was treated with ethyl alcohol. This caused rapid growth of weeds, which were easily weeded out even before sowing. The method was also mastered in Russia, where 1 liter of vodka was simply poured into a bucket of water!


Homemade herbicide soap

You will need:

  • 1 liter of vinegar (best strength - 15-20%)
  • 150g coarse salt;
  • 1 piece of laundry soap (100g), grated.

Mix everything, dilute and shake until smooth. Treat problem areas; for a sustainable effect, repeated procedures are required with a break of a week.

Burn the grass with fire!

A rather exotic method is when the planted seeds are attacked by pest plants with a sliding flame of a blowtorch even before the seeds germinate. It is important to comply with two conditions - do this before the first shoots and do not stay in one place for a long time. After the procedure, abundant watering is carried out.

Avoid voids

A holy place, as the saying goes, is never empty. This fully applies to the vegetable garden. If the bed is free of onions, plant greens, radishes or any green manure. Permanently empty spaces are well saved by ground covers. Both beautiful and reliable.

It is better to cut off the top of the weed than to dig deeper and cut the rhizome. In the first case it will weaken, in the second it will have the opposite effect. If you touch the root, then remove it entirely.

Planting compaction

To avoid leaving room for weeds, some crops can be planted more densely. An option for experienced people, since thickened plantings can destroy not only weeds, but also everything planted. Such seedlings are often affected by rot.


If you managed to clear a certain area of ​​weeds, you can isolate it with a dug ditch or old slate dug 20-25 cm into the ground.

Paying attention to row spacing

After weeding the garden bed, many people often ignore the spaces between the rows where the grass gets trampled underfoot. However, this does not prevent them from developing in the ground and from time to time “raising their heads” to sow seeds. These places can be covered with mulch, covered with gravel, and treated using the methods described above.


Dig the beds deeper than usual in winter and do not level the ground. Freezing before snow falls will destroy more weed seeds than usual.

It’s still not worth hoping that weeds will leave your garden and your work alone once and for all. There are especially persistent plants, for which it is almost impossible to order the way to your site (quinoa, wheatgrass, hogweed, plantain, sow thistle, etc.). But a combination of mechanical and chemical methods of dealing with them can give an excellent effect, and you will be able to put your plot in order with much less time and physical effort.

With the beginning of growing the first garden crops, humanity was also faced with weeds, which, to the detriment of the entire surrounding world, developed much more successfully than their cultivated brothers. With the emergence of the problem, the first methods of combating harmful plants appeared, differing in their purpose and implementation.

Method #1 – regular mechanical weeding

This is perhaps the simplest and most common method, despite its complexity. The main property of weeding is regularity, which means constant connection to the garden. Vigorously waving a hoe and even working with a walk-behind mower will not produce results if you forget about weeding for at least two weeks, and besides, the effectiveness of the action is minimal. Garden regulars such as wild oats and wheatgrass tenaciously hold on to the soil with their rhizomes, which spread around and form a real carpet. Removing part of the rhizomes does not deprive the plant of life, but only promotes their rapid reproduction.

Using a small fork instead of a hoe or spade for weeding, you can not only free the soil from weeds, but also loosen it at the same time

Along with traditional tools, a weed extractor is used to weed beds. To remove a plant, simply immerse the extractor in the soil and turn it 180 degrees.

Method #2 - using covering material

  • linoleum;
  • black film;
  • cardboard;
  • roofing felt

The method for clearing the soil of weeds is simple: cover the desired area of ​​land with an opaque, airtight material for 3 or 4 weeks, after which it can be removed. Not a single plant will withstand such conditions, and the roots, stem buds and leaves will naturally die, after which they can be easily removed with an ordinary rake.

Some weeds have tap roots that go deep. Sometimes the length of rhizomes and their shoots reaches 1 m or more

The peculiarity of this method is that weed control must occur before sowing or planting vegetable and berry crops, that is, the procedure must be carried out as early as possible. In the middle zone, March is recognized as the optimal time for covering work. A pleasant exception is strawberries, which can coexist quite happily with black film. The beds are completely covered, leaving nests for berry bushes. As a result, the film simultaneously performs a number of functions:

  • attracts sun rays;
  • helps retain moisture in the soil;
  • prevents rotting of berries;
  • stops the growth of weeds.

The use of black weed film dramatically increases the yield of garden strawberries. Sweet and juicy berries do not touch the ground, so they remain whole and healthy

Method #3 – drip irrigation device

A rather interesting system of targeted spot irrigation not only remarkably saves water, but also feeds only the necessary vegetable crops. Water flowing from a water supply or a large tank raised above the ground moves through pipes and hoses, and then seeps through small holes punctured in the places where vegetables are planted. The essence of watering is to saturate only useful plants with moisture, without giving weeds a chance to grow.

With drip irrigation, all the moisture goes to the plant for which it is intended. Dry soil around the crop is a guarantee of protection from weeds and the proliferation of harmful insects

Method #4 - protection with mulching

Mulching has been used for quite a long time, and to create mulch - crushed mass - quite different natural and artificial materials are used:

  • fallen leaves;
  • dry grass;
  • compost;
  • straw;
  • crushed film;
  • landscape fabric.

A layer of carefully crushed material 6-7 cm thick is placed in a dense carpet around the vegetable crops. It allows air to pass through, retains moisture, maintains the necessary temperature for optimal root growth, and at the same time serves as an effective barrier to weeds in the garden.

Biological or artificial mulching mixture is evenly distributed throughout the entire bed, leaving random nests for plants, taking into account their size and growth rate

When laying mulch on the ground, you must adhere to a number of rules. If plants are planted in autumn, then the protective mass must be added immediately after planting. In early spring, before using mulch, you should check whether the ground has warmed up well. If the weeds have already begun to grow, it is necessary to thoroughly weed the soil, and then lay a thick layer of crushed mass - up to 18 cm.

Chemical attack on weeds

The weed army has many warriors: wild oats and chamomile, creeping wheatgrass and horse sorrel, tansy and jasmine, St. John's wort and string. But none of these plants can withstand aggressive chemical action - spraying with herbicides.

There are a number of means of so-called systemic action. These include “Tornado”, “Roundup”, “Growd Bio”. They are applied to the visible surfaces of plants - leaves, stems, inflorescences. The toxic composition is absorbed by the pores of grasses and gradually accumulates in their roots. A big plus of these products is their absolute safety for the surrounding soil. The land is not polluted, so after herbicide treatment, cultivated plants can be safely planted. The duration of exposure to pesticides depends on their composition and the degree of resistance of the weeds; most often, 2 weeks are enough to completely clear the area.

“Agrokiller” equally well destroys not only annuals and perennials, but also shrub and woody shoots. With its help, you can effectively fight the dangerous and tenacious hogweed, which can cause extensive burns.

In order not to damage vegetable crops or berry bushes, a simple tool is used to apply herbicides to weeds - an ordinary paint brush

The main rule when using herbicides is to carefully and accurately apply them only to harmful flowers and herbs, since the toxic substance kills any plants equally effectively, including berry bushes and vegetable crops. Due to the total destruction of all living things, the optimal use for herbicides is their spraying in areas far from the beds, but also in need of cleaning: thickets along the fence, grass nests in furrows, burdock and thistle bushes along the sides of garden paths.

Let's take a closer look at the two tools. Roundup is a universal herbicide that is used to get rid of absolutely any plant. It does not have soil activity, so it is used before sowing vegetable crops. If you act according to the instructions, the product is completely safe for people, animals and the environment. A 1-liter container, which is enough for 20 m², costs 1,250 rubles.

Often large containers of continuous herbicides (such as Roundup) are equipped with a small pump and hose, which add convenience and speed to the process.

The second popular remedy is “Tornado”. In the garden it is recommended to use it against weeds such as cattail, wheatgrass, bindweed, thistle, pigweed, and reed. After applying the composition, after about 8-10 days, the plants begin to turn yellow, wither, and after 2.5-3 weeks they finally die. After about 3-4 days, you can plant vegetables and berries on the treated soil. A 1 liter container costs 900 rubles.

Herbicide "Tornado" is safe for animals and bees, but is poisonous for fish. When using it, avoid contact of the solution with the mucous membrane of the eyes

Having learned how to fight weeds using various methods and means, you can increase productivity and turn semi-wild garden thickets into an exemplary plot.

There is an opinion that if you cover the ground with black film and preserve it in this form for a year, then all the weeds on the site will disappear. The annual weeds will disappear, but the method may not work on malicious rhizomes - dandelion, horseradish, sow thistle, wheatgrass, and sowweed. Perennial weeds can only be destroyedcontinuous action herbicidesand this will save 2 - 3 mechanical treatments. To get rid of weeds for a long time, you need to use a general herbicide based onglyphosate. The chemicals gradually penetrate through the leaf blade into the root system and burn out all the buds that could awaken. The product is dissolved in water and sprayed over the plantings. The main thing is not to miss the mark on time. The best period is spring, when the leaves have already reached a height of 10-15 cm. If all work is carried out in a timely manner, you can get by with economical, gentle dosages, but if you are late, the weeds increase in mass, so you have to increase the rate of use of the preparations.

The ideal time for the operation is after rain and in clear, sunny weather, without the threat of subsequent precipitation. The necessary conditions are moist soil, new leaves and a slightly higher concentration of the product than indicated on the package. After treatment, you should not weed the soil or pull out weeds for two weeks.

Description of the weed control drug Roundup

Roundup weed killer- a universal preparation for the destruction of any weeds. Roundup is one of the most commonly used herbicides worldwide. The drug is used as a continuous systemic herbicide, treatment is carried out before sowing or before emergence. Roundup weed killer only affects leaves or young shoots and has no soil activity!

Features of Roundup weed killer

  • Roundup is one of the safest herbicides in the world. When used in accordance with the instructions, it is not dangerous for humans and the environment
  • Completely devoid of soil activity (does not accumulate in the soil). Sowing can be done immediately after treatment with Roundup
  • Provides complete destruction of annual and perennial, cereal and dicotyledonous weeds, affects both above-ground and underground parts
  • Active ingredient: glyphosate

Mechanism of action of the herbicide "Roundup"

Roundup herbicide is completely absorbed by the plant within 4-6 hours after application to the surface of leaves or shoots. Then, within 5-7 days, it spreads to the roots and other parts of the plant. The weed killer Roundup disrupts the synthesis of amino acids, causing the plant to die. The first signs of the effect of the drug are noticeable within 5-10 days after application, yellowing appears and the plants wither. Complete disappearance of weeds appears 2-3 weeks after treatment.
The drug does not affect the plant through the soil and does not prevent seed germination; it can only penetrate through leaves or young shoots. In soil, Roundup quickly loses activity and breaks down into natural substances.

Benefits of Roundup Weed Killer

  • The product destroys weeds before they have time to damage the crop.
  • Due to the use of herbicide, the number of mechanical treatments of the area is reduced. Thanks to this, soil moisture is preserved and sowing takes place at the optimal time.
  • Field germination of crops increases noticeably

Composition: Roundup contains 360 g/l glyphosate and 180 g/l surfactant.

Using Roundup

Spraying with Roundup should be carried out on green weeds during the period of their intensive growth, in dry, windless weather. Rain falling less than 6 hours after application can wash the drug off the leaves and significantly reduce the effect. Spraying is not recommended in strong winds or using fine sprayers (spray guns, vacuum cleaners). When working near cultivated plants, in order to avoid their death, they should be covered with a screen made of film or other material. The drug easily copes with difficult-to-eradicate weeds, such as: hogweed, sow thistle, wheatgrass, horse sorrel, dandelion, nettle, burdock and others. For 5 - 7 days after spraying, no loosening of the soil or mechanical removal of weeds should be carried out, because During this period, the drug penetrates into the roots. Shrubs are more sensitive to Roundup weed killer in the second half of summer.

Consumption rates for Roundup weed killer

Culture Weeds Working solution Method and timing of application Solution consumption
Fruits, citrus,
80 ml/10 l water 5 l/100 m 2
Fruits, citrus,
120 ml/10 l water Targeted spraying of vegetative weeds in spring and summer (subject to crop protection) 5 l/100 m 2
Potato 40-60 ml/10 l water Spraying vegetative weeds 2 - 5 days before crop emergence 5 l per 100 m 2
Annual cereals and dicotyledons 80 ml/10 l water 5l per 100 m2
Fields intended for sowing various crops (vegetables, potatoes, industrial oilseeds, melons), as well as annual flowers (seed crops) Perennial cereals and dicotyledons 120 ml/10 l water Spraying vegetative weeds in the fall during the post-harvest period 5l per 100 m2
Areas not intended for sowing or planting cultivated plants (roadsides, fences, etc.) Annual and perennial cereals and dicotyledons 80-120 ml/10 l water Spraying vegetative weeds 5l per 100 m2
  • Roundup hazard class - 3
  • Roundup is not compatible with other drugs
  • Shelf life - 5 years!


Weed control product Tornado- one of the most common and widely used herbicides. The drug Tornado is used as a systemic herbicide of continuous action, used in gardens and vineyards, on personal plots to control annual and perennial weeds. It penetrates the plant through leaves and stems, passes into the root system and destroys the entire plant. Recommended for controlling weeds such as creeping wheatgrass, pigweed, cattail, bindweed, reed, and thistle.

The mechanism of action of the drug "Tornado from weeds"

The drug Tornado penetrates the plant in 2 - 3 hours, visible signs of damage appear after 7-10 days (yellowing, wilting occurs), and after 2 - 3 weeks (depending on weather conditions) complete death of the weeds is observed. In the soil, the Tornado herbicide completely decomposes within a month, but in the soil it does not pose any threat to plants, so cultivated plants can be planted in treated areas after 2 - 4 days.

Safety Weed Control Tornado

Tornado is completely harmless to bees and warm-blooded animals, but is toxic to fish. Weed tornado is a low-toxic drug (hazard class 3), but it is necessary to prevent it from coming into contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes.

Advantages of the drug Tornado

  • High penetration ability
  • Ideal for tilling the soil before sowing
  • Complete destruction of almost all types of weeds, including malicious ones, as well as unwanted trees and shrubs. Destroys more than 155 species of weeds
  • Use as a desiccant (drying agent) for grains, sunflowers and other crops
  • Tornado does not lose activity over the entire temperature range at which plants remain viable
  • The drug does not have soil activity; after using Tornado, crops can be sown within 2 hours
  • The weed killer is safe for humans and the environment

Composition: BP, 360g/l glyphosate acid.


The product is used in orchards and vineyards - spraying between rows during the growing season. In autumn, weeds are sprayed in areas intended for sowing various crops. The drug is also used throughout the season to kill weeds along the sides of paths and ditches. Treatment should be carried out in the evening or morning, in dry and windless weather.

Consumption rates for weed killer Tornado

Culture, processed object Harmful object Consumption rate of the drug Method, processing time, application features
Fruit, citrus, vineyards Annual and perennial cereals and dicotyledons, incl. malicious perennials (pigweed, ragweed, creeping wheatgrass, field bindweed, field thistle, etc.) 25 ml/3 l water Targeted spraying of annual and perennial weeds in the early stages of their growth (from 5 to 10-15 cm in height). Labor consumption solution - 3l/100m2
50 ml/3 l water Directed spraying of vegetating annual and perennial weeds (10-15 cm in height and above). Labor consumption solution - 3l/100m2
75 ml/3 l water Targeted spraying of persistent perennial vegetative weeds. Labor consumption solution - 3l/100m2
Areas intended for sowing (planting) various crops, incl. flower crops and lawns Annual cereals and dicotyledons 50 ml/3 l water Autumn spraying of vegetative annual and perennial weeds after harvesting for planting (sowing) the next year. Labor consumption solution - 3l/100m2
Perennial cereals and dicotyledons 75 ml/3 l water Autumn spraying of malicious perennial vegetative weeds after harvesting for sowing (planting) the next year. Labor consumption solution - 3l/100m2
Areas not intended for sowing (planting) cultivated plants (roadsides, protective strips) Undesirable herbaceous and tree-shrub vegetation 25-50 ml/3 l water Spraying of vegetating perennial and annual weeds, incl. malicious. Labor consumption solution - 3l/100m2
50-75 ml/3 l water Spraying of unwanted herbaceous and tree and shrub vegetation during the growing season. Labor consumption solution - 3l/100m2
  • Hazard class - 3
  • Maximum number of treatments - 1
  • The drug is not compatible with other drugs
  • Shelf life - 5 years!

Weed killer Hurricane Forte

Hurricane Forte- non-selective, post-emergence herbicide. Designed for the complete destruction of annual and perennial weeds, as well as trees and shrubs. The drug is used when developing plots, to prepare plots for sowing next year, under lawns, as well as along paths, fences, and greenhouses. The special formula ensures the best performance of glyphosate in a variety of situations.

The principle of action of the product "Hurricane Forte weeds"

Herbicide Hurricane Forte is absorbed into the plant through the above-ground parts: leaves and stems. The drug penetrates the plants within 2-3 hours and easily moves throughout the plant, stopping its growth. Visible symptoms appear after 7-10 days, and after 2-3 weeks (depending on weather conditions and the physiological state of the plants), the weeds completely die. Cereal weed is more sensitive to the drug than broadleaf weed.

Advantages of the herbicide Hurricane Forte

  • a new generation drug, one of the most effective among various forms of glyphosate
  • does not enter plants through the soil, does not interfere with seed germination
  • the product decomposes into natural substances: carbon dioxide, water, phosphates, ammonium
  • weeds treated with herbicide do not grow back
  • Hurricane Forte is the only glyphosate in the form of a potassium salt that has high water solubility, thereby increasing the effectiveness and speed of action
  • the product is very effective for pre-harvest desiccation of grain crops
  • allows you to get rid of weeds on: railway tracks, power lines, roadsides, industrial buildings, areas around warehouses, storage facilities, etc.
  • treated fields are less susceptible to erosion and have greater moisture availability

Composition: BP, 500 g/l glyphosate acid.

Application of weed killer Hurricane Forte

The product is used from spring to late autumn on green weeds. Do not mow or weed before processing. Spraying must be carried out in dry, windless weather, at least 3 hours before rain! For 5-7 days after treatment with Hurricane Forte, do not apply mechanical pressure to the weeds.

Preparation of working solution Hurricane Forte against weeds

Description of weed killer Rap, VR

The drug Rap has a continuous effect. It is used to destroy all types of weeds and trees and shrubs, including weeds such as bindweed and thistle, creeping wheatgrass, pigweed and others.

The concentration of the active substance glyphosate acid in the form of isopropylamine salt is 360 g/l. The drug is available in the form of an aqueous solution.

Benefits of Weed Rape

It has unique advantages, ensuring the destruction of all forms of weeds along with the root system, suitable for use on the territory of all agricultural crops, does not have the ability to penetrate plants from the soil, can be used before planting/sowing and germination of agricultural plants without limiting crop rotation . In terms of phytotoxicity, it has no resistant crops.

Application of weed rape

Its effect is ensured by the absorption of the drug by weeds for 4-6 hours. Next, the herbicide blocks the synthesis of aromatic amino acids in the plant. The drug penetrates the weeds by spraying, through leaves, shoots and the green form of stems, moving towards the root system. It is not absorbed from the soil, allowing you to cultivate the area near useful crops, seeds, until planting/sowing.

Visually, the effect of the drug Rap is observed:

Features of using the continuous herbicide Rap

The period of protection of the drug Rap, BP lasts until the dispersal of a new wave of weeds - for one month or more. It can be used at air temperatures above zero degrees, until the soil freezes. To obtain the maximum effect, you should not spray weeds during heavy dew, before or after waiting for 6 hours of rain, moderate air humidity and average temperature, wind speed no more than 5 m/sec. Not allowed for processing cultivated plants, prohibited for use in sanitary zones, near economic reservoirs. Storage conditions are specified in the instructions for the drug.

Description of the drug Glyphos

Glyphos is a special aqueous solution, the main purpose of which is to combat most weeds, both annual and perennial. A substance that directly prevents the appearance of weeds is glyphosate. Its concentration is 360 grams per liter. In addition to weeds, it has a neutralizing effect on unwanted bush and tree vegetation.

How Glyphos works

The substance blocks the synthesis of aromatic amino acids in plants, thereby affecting those weeds that were at the site of use at the time of spraying. The drug does not affect those plants that appeared after spraying.

Glyphos consumption rates

Environmental regulations for use

Substance hazard class - IV. It is practically safe for bees, but causes a limitation of their flight from 6 to 12 hours. Processing of plants should be carried out at a wind speed of no more than 6 meters per second. For bees it is necessary to leave a border zone of 1-2 km. All beekeepers in the area must be notified of the planned treatment of plants with Glyphos in advance - about 4-5 days in advance.


Glyphos should be stored at temperatures from -15 to +40 degrees. If the temperature is below the specified minimum, the quality of the substance will not deteriorate, but it will need to be stirred well before use. The warranty period is at least 5 years. The shelf life of the drug is also the same.

Composition: BP, 360 g/l glyphosate acid.

  • Hazard class - 3
  • The maximum number of treatments is 1!
  • Shelf life - 3 years!

      Part 11 -
      Part 12 -
      Part 13 -

A weed killer (herbicide) is a chemical used to kill weeds. Modern products are highly effective against a large number of weeds and are safe for humans and animals.

Why you need to get rid of weeds

  • Weeds, like any other plants, need sun, free space and nutrients from the soil. They deprive garden crops of all this, which develop much worse if such “pests” are near them.
  • Overgrown soil produces a much smaller harvest and, even with constant fertilization, cannot boast of strong and beautiful plants.
  • Where weeds grow, pests and diseases are much more likely to appear. For example, weeds from the cruciferous family are a factor in the appearance of cabbage aphids and garden fleas.
  • Why not with your own hands?

    Many people weed their beds with their own hands, but this process takes a lot of time and effort. In addition, with this method it is very difficult to completely get rid of the roots of the plants, so they will soon grow back in the beds. This leads to the fact that weeding has to be repeated many times a year. Therefore, weed killers are the best option.

    Types of herbicides

    Selective action. They destroy certain types of plants and do not affect others. For example, “Lazurit” is harmless to potatoes, and “Lontrel-300D” is harmless to lawns. What causes the selective effect? Herbicides are harmless to beneficial plants because they cannot penetrate thick skin or their chemical compounds are not strong enough. Other factors may also play a role.

    Continuous action. Such herbicides are used to destroy all vegetation on the site (for example, the preparations “Tornado”, “Tornado BAU”, “Agrokiller”). They can be used to clean virgin areas, paths, areas along fences and other areas.

    The benefits of modern weed killers

  • Operate over a wide temperature range.
  • They are capable of destroying even hard-to-eradicate weeds, such as Sosnovsky's hogweed.
  • Completely destroy unwanted plants and their roots.
  • They have high speed of action and resistance to rain.
  • They completely decompose in the soil during the growing season.
  • Capable of destroying not only vegetative weeds, but also their seedlings.
  • You can find approximate prices of our products on the website. To purchase products, please contact one of our offices or partner stores.


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